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( first artificial satellite)
America Explorer 1 31.January 1958
France Astérix
26.November 1965
Japan Osumi
11.February 1970
China DongfanghongⅠ 4.April 1970
America has eighteen probe
just send pictures 1996火星全球探勘者号(Mars Global
Surveyor ) 1997 Mars Pathfinder(火星拓荒者)
achieve soft landing(软着陆)on the surface of Mars 2001 2001火星奥德赛号(2001 Mars Odyssey) 2003 火星探测漫游者(Mars Exploration Rover) 2007凤凰号(Phoenix)take back rocks and soil of Mars 2011 Yingguang 1萤光一号 China
The European Space Agency
launched a small, low-cost lunar
orbital probe called SMART 1
on September 27, 2003
First phase lunar program (嫦娥-1 工程) — launched in 2007 : two uncrewed lunar orbital probes
Leabharlann Baidu 追求人生的美好!
U.S first launched a person into space(Alan Shepard艾 伦·B·谢泼德 )in 1965
China Shenzhou 5 (15.October 2003)
Yang Liwei Shenzhou 6(12.October 2005)
Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng Shenzhou 7 (25.September 2008)
Space Station
Russia DOS (礼炮号航天 站)(1971—1984)
America Skylab(天空实验 室) 1973
Russia Mir(和平号空间站 )
America,Russia and ESA International Space Station 国际空间 站) (November 1998 —)
Prospero X-3
28.October 1971
European Space Agency (ESA)欧洲空间局
24.December 1979
India Rohini 1
18.July 1980
Human Get into Space
Russia the first human space flight (Yuri Gagarin 加加林 ) in 12.April 1961
Fourth phase lunar program (嫦娥-4 工程) — to be launched in 2024 : crewed mission and permanent bases (月面驻留)
Exploration of Mars
1960—1979 Russia has sixteen probes (探测器)
Zai Zhigang ,Liu Boming and Ying Haipeng
Exploration of Moon
Luna 1 —Luna24月球探测器(1959 —1976)by Russia
The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the unmanned Soviet probe Luna 2
the crew of Apollo 8, Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders, became the first human beings to enter lunar orbit and see the far side of the Moon in 1968
Moon rock samples were brought back to Earth by three Luna missions (Luna 16, 20, and 24) On December 24, 1968
The first robot lunar rover to land on the Moon was the Soviet vessel Lunokhod 1 (无人驾驶自动探测车)
the first Moon landing by the American Apollo 11 craft on July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong
Automatic lunar rover 1 and lunokhod 2自动月球车 1970—1973
In 1990 Japan visited the Moon with the Hiten spacecraft, becoming the third country to place an object in orbit around the Moon.
China Tiangong1 (天宫1号 太空实验舱) 29.september 2011

Space Shuttle(航天飞机)
Enterprise(开拓者号航天飞机 ) only use for test Columbia(哥伦比亚号航天飞机)
4.December 1981 —1.February 2003 Challenger(挑战者号航天飞机)
Space Exploration
Human get into space and Deep space exploration(深空探测)
Space station (空间站) Space shuttle(航天飞机)
Soviet Union Sputnik 1 4.October 1957
The far side of the Moon was first photographed on October 7, 1959 by the Soviet probe Luna 3.
Luna 9 was the first probe to soft land on the Moon,
The first artificial satellite of the Moon was the Soviet probe Luna 10
4.April 1883—28.January 1986 Discovery (发现号航天飞机)30.August 1984 Atlantis(亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机)3.October 1985 Endeavour(奋进号航天飞机)instead of Challenger
7.May 1992
Second phase lunar program (嫦娥-2 工程)— to be launched in 2012 :first Moon landing of a couple of rovers
Third phase lunar program (嫦娥-3 工程) — to be launched in 2017 : automated Moon landing and return sample