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备课日期:2018 、1 月10 日第课时审核:学案达人:班、:

V.阅读理解标记答案(标记2分,答案1分)10分( A )

Johnson is a young soldier in a big camp. On weekdays he and the other soldiers are always very busy. They can only have a good rest休息on weekends. It is Sunday. All the young soldiers are free,and their officer 军官says to them,“You can go to the town this afternoon,but first I want to check(检查)all o f you.”

When Johnson comes to the officer,the officer says to him,“Your hair is too long. Go to the barber's shop(理发店)and then come back to let me have a look.”

Johnson runs to the barber's shop,but it isn't open. Then he remembers it's Sunday. Johnson is very sad,but a minute later he gets happy and goes back to the officer.

“3______ ”Johnson asks when he comes in front of the officer.

The officer doesn't look at John's hair. He looks at his shoes and says,“Yes,they are better now. You can go out. Remember,nex t week clean your shoes before coming to me.”

( ) 1. Before the soldiers go to the town,the officer ______.

A.asks them to have their hair cut(修剪) B.asks them to clean their shoes C.wants to check them ( ) 2. Why isn't the barber's shop open?

A.Because it's too early. B.Because it's too lat e. C.Because it's Sunday.

( ) 3. We can put “______ ”in the blank(空白处)of the passage.

A. Is my hair clean now,sir?

B. Is my hair short now,sir?

C. Are my shoes clean now,sir?[来源网( ) 4. From the passage,we know Johnson_____.

A. doesn't like the officer

B. is very fun

C. is very clever(聪明的)

D. doesn't work hard

( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Johnson and the other soldiers are busy from Monday to Friday.

B Johnson cleans his shoes before he comes back to the office.

C The officer thinks Johnson's h air is too dirty.

( B ) 15分标记1分答案2分

Bobby was six years old,and he went to school. There were nineteen other little boys and girls in his class. They were all friends,so they often went to parties together.

When one of the children had a birthday,he or she invited all the other children to come to a party. And at Christmas(在圣诞节) all the mothers gave parties for all the children. Bobby liked parties very much. He liked the games they played there—but he liked the nice food more. His favorites were cakes.

Before a party,Bobby‘s mother always asked him not to eat too many cakes,and Bobby always answered,“I won’t,Mom.”But he always ate a lot and sometimes he got ill(生病的).Christmas came again,and again there were a lot of parties,Bobby went to all of them. The last one was on January 6th.

One evening before this party,Bobby's mother called the lady(女士) who had the party,“Bobby always eats too many cakes at parties.” “Don't worry,”answered the lady.“ At my party,a child can only have three cakes—and the cakes are small!” “Oh,good!”Bobby's mother answered happily. On January 6th,she took Bobby to the party. When it was time to eat,Bobby took four cakes and began to eat them. “You can only have three cakes,Bobby!”said the lady.She asked him to put the fourth one back on the plate. “I can't,”answered Bobby.“ I ate that one first.

11.How many children were there in Bobby's class? .

12.When did the children have parties?

13.What did Bobby like more at parties,the games or the food? . 14.What happened sometimes when Bobby ate a lot of cakes at parties?


15.Where did the lady ask Bobby to put the fourth cake back? __________________

Dear Jane and Bob,( C ) 10分标记1分答案1分

I’m writing to invite both of you to my 15th birthday party on Saturday,November 16th.We’re having dinner at a restaurant and then having a party at my house.I would like both of you to come if you can.If you need a place to stay for the night,you can sleep on the floor (地板)in our living room,but bring a sleeping bag,please!Ha!Ha!It’s only a joke. If you want to stay at my home for a night,please tell me.

The dinner is at Mama Mia’s,a good Italian restaurant. It begins at 7:30 p.m. You can take the train which leaves London,at 5:00 p.m.and arrives here at 6:45 p.m. Then we will have the birthday party at my house at about 8:30 p.m. My mother will make a birthday cake and some snacks for us. I think they must be very delicious.I heard that you have some nice CDs,could you please bring them to my party and enjoy the music with us? I believe we will have a good time.

Hope you can come! Yours,Debbie

20.()When is Dabbie’s birthday?

A.On Saturday. B.On Sunday. C.On November 12th. D.On November 14th.

21.()How long does it take Jane to take the train?

A.One hour and fifteen minutes. B. One hour and forty- five minutes. C.Two hours and a half. 22.()What may Jane and Bob take to the party?

A.A sleeping bag. B.A birthday cake. C.Some snacks. D.Nice CDs.

23.()Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Debbie is 13 years old. B.They’ll sleep on the floor that night.

C.They’ll have the party in the park. D.Maybe th ey’ll enjoy a good time.

24. ()What does the word “snacks” probably mean ?

A. 野餐野炊 B 小吃零食 C. 照相机 D. 日历挂历
