英语初级听力 Lesson 20

第20课 教案
See a doctor 用汉语怎么说
◆“好些了”和“好点儿了吗?” 意思一样吗?

新概念英语第一册第20课课文及详解Lesson 20 A pretty carpetIt is something of an ordeal to choose a carpet. It is almost more difficult to choose one now than it used to be, because we have so much more choice than our grandparents had. They make lovely carpets these days, but I have never seen so many designs, or so many colours. A carpet seller has an immense stock of carpets, and he may have two or three ofeach design.I went to buy a carpet three days ago, when I arrived in the city. I had no idea which carpet to choose, so I decided not to buy any. The temptation, however, was too great. I began to look at one or two and ended up by buying a carpet which I saw by chance as I was going out. The carpet seller described the carpet as 'a pretty little Persian' when infact it was not a Persian at all. It was one that had beenmade in a factory an hour's drive away. The carpet seller would have called any carpet 'a pretty little Persian', but I was not deceived. I did not care what it was called; I was simply attracted by its design and colour. Nevertheless, the carpet seller had a habit of making everyone feel he had got something really special. On the way out, he put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'You've made a good choice, Sir!' I was still wondering whether I had, when I got it back to the hotel. As I was admiring it in my room, a friend of mine came in and admired it too. He asked me how much I had paid for it and I told him the price. 'I am the carpet seller in the city,' he said, laughing, 'but when I sell a carpet, I never tell people the price I paid for it!'【课文讲解】1. It is something of an ordeal to choose a carpet.【译文】挑选一张地毯,真是一场折磨。

Lesson TwentySection One:Tapescript.Dialogue 1:-Excuse me,but could you tell me the way to the cinema,please?-打扰一下,请问您能告诉我去电影院的路吗?-No,I'm sorry I can't. I'm a stranger in these parts. But why don't you ask that man with a beard?He'll be able to tell you, I'm sure.-不,对不起我不知道。
-Which one do you mean?-您指的是哪位?-Look,the one over there,by the lamp-post.-看,那边在灯杆旁的那位。
-Ah,yes.I can see him now. Thank you very much.-好的。
-Not at all.-不用谢!Dialogue2:-You are not eating your breakfast.-你没有在吃你的早餐。
-I don't feel very well.-我感觉不太好。
-Oh,dear,what's the matter?-亲爱的,怎么了?-I got a terrible headache.-我头疼的厉害。
-You must go back to bed. You look quite ill.-你必须回床上去。
-I don't want to cause any bother. I'd rather work it off.-我不想引起任何麻烦。
冀教版初中英语课件:20. Lesson 20 No Stopping!

Language Points
3. We will go past some of my favourite shops. go past“经过”,相当于walk past或pass。其中 pass作动词,past作介词 。 She saw a nice dress when she went __p_a_s_t__ the
The teacher p_o_i_n_t_e_d_t_othe blackboard and said: “you must look carefully.” The teacher _p_o_in_t_e_d_o_u__t many mistakes in my homework.
Language Points
New Words
New Words
Look at the pictures. What places do Jenny and Brian pass on their way to school?
Read and fill in the form.
2. Then cross the street. 然后穿过大街。 cross 动词,意为“横穿” 。 cross=go across,across为介词,不单独作谓语, 常和动词搭配使用。
B You must be careful when you __c_r_o_ss_ the road.
过马路时,你一定要小心。 Go _a_c_r_o_s_s_the bridge and you can see the hospital on your left. 过了桥,你就能在左边看到医院。

内容目录Preparatory Lesson One (2)Ⅰ. Numbers, Dates, Addresses (2)Preparatory Lesson Two (3)Ⅰ. Numbers, Letters, Times (3)Preparatory Lesson Three (5)Ⅰ.A. Numbers (5)Preparatory Lesson Four (6)Ⅰ. Numbers (6)Preparatory Lesson Five (7)Ⅰ. Money (7)Lesson One (8)Lesson Two (9)Lesson Three (10)Lesson Four (11)Lesson Five (12)Lesson Six (13)Lesson Seven (14)Lesson Eight (16)Lesson Nine (18)Lesson Ten (19)Lesson Eleven (20)Lesson Twelve (22)LessonThirteen (24)Lesson Fourteen (25)Lesson Fifteen (27)Sixteen (28)Lesson Seventeen (30)Lesson Eighteen (31)Lesson Nineteen (33)Lesson Twenty (35)Lesson Twenty-One (37)Lesson Twenty-Two (39)Lesson Twenty-Three (42)Lesson Twenty-Four (44)Lesson Twenty-Five (46)Lesson Twenty-Six (48)Lesson Twenty-Seven (50)Lesson Twenty-Eight (51)Lesson Twenty-Nine (53)Lesson Thirty (55)Lesson Thirty-One (58)Lesson Thirty-Two (61)Lesson Thirty-Three (63)Lesson Thirty-Four (65)Lesson Thirty-Five (68)Lesson Thirty-Six (72)1/75Preparatory Lesson OneⅠ. Numbers, Dates, Addresses1. forty2. fifteen3. a hundred and fifteen4. three hundred and eighty5. three thousand four hundred and eighty6. twenty a7. thirty b8. fourteen d---Page 2---1. four eight two six three four2. seven two one five o six3. six nine seven double two four4. five six four three eight o---Page 3---1. nineteen eighty-two2. nineteen eighty-seven4. fourteen ninety-two5. ten sixty-six6. eighteen thirty-two---Page 4---1. the fourteenth of July2. the second of October3. the twenty-third of March4. April the tenth5. the thirty-first of January---Page 5---1. thirty-two High Street2. a hundred and fifty-two Piccadilly3. forty-eight Sutton Road4. eighteen Bristol Square---Page 6---1. nine thirty2. ten forty-five3. eleven ten4. three fifteen5. six forty-five---Page 7---1. Doctor Smith2. Saint Thomas3. Bond Street4. Mrs. Archer5. Eton Avenue6. Eden Square---Page 8---1. C-H-E-S-T2. D-I-Z-Z-Y3. F-L-O-W-E-R4. J-O-K-I-N-G5. L-E-M-O-N6. Q-U-I-E-T7. W-A-V-E8. G-R-E-A-T---Page 9---1. Don't go.2. I can't see.3. It isn't true.4. I'll tell you.---Page 10---a. Dr. Blake wasn't born until 1934.b. I'll see you at nine forty-five.c. She doesn't live in Oxford Street.e. I'd like to phone Eastleigh, that's E-A-S-T-L-E-I-G-H.Six eight two double four eight.f. Mrs. Jones has an appointment at eight am.g. A northeast wind will bring rain to the London areatomorrow.---Page 11---Now listen carefully.Look at Practice 1. Put number 3 in box A. Put number6 in box B. Put number7 in box C. Now addthe numbers.Look at Practice 2. Put number 8 in box A. Put number2 in box C. Put number 1 in box B. Add thenumbers.Look at Practice 3. Put number 7 in box B. Put number2 in box C. Put number 4 in box A. Add thenumbers.---Page 12---1. Does she work in a supermarket?2. Does she work in a bank?3. Does he work in a chemist?4. Does he work in a big shop?5. Does she work in a hotel?6. Does she work in a shoe shop?7. Does he work in a shoe shop?---Page 13---My name's King.How do you spell that?K-I-N-G. I live in Hampstead.How's that spelt?H-A-M-P-S-T-E-A-D.---Page 14---What do you do for a living?I'm a journalist.Really? Do you like it?Yes, I do. It's very interesting.2/75---Page 15---Woman: This is John, Mother.Mother: How do you do?John: How do you do?Woman: John's a journalist.Mother: Are you? Do you like it?John: Well, it's alright.---Page 16---Hello, where are you from?Really? Which part do you come from?Well, I live in London, but I was born in Manchester.Oh!---Page 17---Can you speak French?A little.Where did you learn it?At school.Can you speak any other languages?I'm afraid not.---Page 18---1. shirt2. skirt3. socks4. shirt and tie5. blouse and skirt6. pants and shirt7. shoes and socks8. shoes, socks and pants9. pants, shirt and socks10. skirt, blouse and sweater---Page 19---1. key2. toothbrush3. comb4. key and door5. table and chair6. toothbrush and comb7. bicycle and tire8. comb, toothbrush and key9. bed, table and chair---Page 20---1. letter2. show3. something4. read5. cigarettes6. taxi7. bookcase8. none9. magazine10. any11. policeman12. policewoman---Page 21---4. lamp5. bottle6. refrigerator7. newspaper8. purse9. clothes10. bed11. plate12. stove13. radio14. first15. second16. third17. fourth18. fifth---Page 22---1. talking2. another3. listening4. worrying5. glasses6. holding7. walking8. pointing to9. looking atPreparatory Lesson Two Ⅰ. Numbers, Letters, Times1. eighteen2. ninety3. seventeen4. seven hundred and eight5. seventy-eight6. a hundred and eighty7. fourteen8. seventy-six9. fifty10. sixty-five11. a hundred and twelve12. twenty-three13. forty-five percent---Page 24---1. twenty-five5. six hundred and fifty6. a hundred and eighteen3/757. five and a half8. four five three double one nine---Page 25---J-K-X-E-Y-A-I-G-H-V-W-R---Page 26---1. S-A-D2. J-A-M3. F-R-Y4. R-E-D5. B-R-E-N-T---Page 27---1. twelve fifteen2. twenty-five past two3. a quarter to five4. half past ten5. a quarter to nine6. It's about twenty past one.7. It's almost a quarter to two.8. It's almost eleven.9. It's exactly four.10. It's nine thirty.---Page 28---Robert: Hello, I'm Robert. What's your name?Sylvia: My name's Sylvia.Robert: Are you French?Sylvia: No, I'm not. I'm Swiss.---Page 29---Ronnie: Where do you come from?Susie: From Switzerland.Ronnie: What do you do?Susie: I work in a travel agency.Ronnie: Do you? I work in a bank.---Page 30---Tony: Who's that girl over there?George: Which one?Tony: The tall one with fair hair.George: That's Lisa.Tony: She's nice, isn't she?---Page 31---Frank wants a new jacket. He and Sally see some in aFrank: I like that brown one.Sally: They're cheaper in the other shop.Frank: Yes, these are more expensive, but they're betterquality.Sally: Let's go in and look at some.---Page 32---Kurt: Georgina ...Georgina: Yes?Kurt: Would you like to come to the cinema this evening?Georgina: Oh, that would be lovely.Kurt: Fine. ... I'll call for you at about six o'clock.---Page 33---Peter and Anne are at a party.Anne: Who's that man over there?Peter: That's Tim Johnson.Anne: What does he do?Peter: He's an airline pilot.Anne: That's an interesting job.Peter: Yes, but airline pilots spend a lot of time away from home.Anne: They see a lot of interesting p1aces.Peter: Yes, but they have a lot of responsibility.Anne: Well, they earn a good salary, don't they?Peter: That's true. But they have to retire when they arequite young.---Page 34---1. kitchen2. sink3. under4. over5. beside6. tea kettle7. chair8. curtain9. plant10. above11. left12. right---Page 35---1. lying down2. reading3. drinking4. milk5. typing letter6. turning on8. turning off9. light10. making11. eating12. bone13. cooking14. someone15. finished ---Page 36---1. son2. friend3. wife4. husband ---Page 37---4/751. want2. hungry3. tired4. bedroom5. thirsty6. dinner---Page 38---1. living room2. wall3. above4. behind5. TV6. rug7. floor8. under9. door10. corner11. between ---Page 39---1. wait for2. bus3. sleep4. hot5. cold6. dirty7. look8. happy---Page 40---1. to be about2. weather4. garden5. automobile6. mechanic7. show8. outdoors9. winter10. summer11. indoors12. spring13. flowersPreparatory Lesson ThreeⅠ.A. Numbers1. seventeen2. seventy3. a hundred and forty-eight4. two thousand and seventy5. three thousand four hundred and ninety-two6. twenty-one7. thirty-nine8. four hundred and twenty-two thousand9. three hundred and six10. nineteen thousand11. ninety thousand12. two hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-nine13. a hundred and forty-six thousand14. thirty-eight thousand15. two thousand six hundred and sixty16. five hundred and four thousand17. a hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and sixty18. twenty-three percent---Page 42---(A television advertisement)Do you want a new dress, a coat, a pair of shoes? See what you can order from your Easyway Catalogue. Now fill in your Easyway shopping list. You can find women's sweaters on Page 4. You can find women's shoes on Page 7. You can find men's suits on Page 13. Now women's coats, Page 5. Men's coats, Page 15. Children's coats, Page 55. Men's trousers, Page 14. Baby clothes, Page 40. Children's dresses, Page 44, Men's sweaters, Page 16. Children's shoes, Page 60. Look at the Catalogue. You can find clothes for all the family. Welcome to EasywayJoanna: Where did you go yesterday?Frank: I went to Croydon.Joanna: Did you go shopping?Frank: No, I went for an interview.Joanna: Oh, did you get a job?Frank: Yes, I got a job as a Management Trainee. Joanna: Fantastic.---Page 44---Angela: How did you get on in your exam?Bob: I failed.Angela: Oh, I am sorry. What are you going to do now? Bob: I'm going to take it again, of course.Angela: When are you going to take it?Bob: I'm definitely not going to take it until next year.---Page 45---Assistant: Good morning.Tim: Good morning. Would you have a look at this watch, please? It doesn't keep good time.Assistant: Yes, of course.---Page 46---Gaby: Let's have a party.Edward: What a good idea. When shall we have it? Gaby: What about Saturday evening?Edward: Fine, and where shall we have it?Gaby: In your flat.Edward: Oh, you know what my landlady's like. She won't let us have a party there.Gaby: Let's ask Doris. Perhaps we can have it in her flat. 5/75---Page 47---My husband and I don't like the schools in our area. We don't think the teachers are very good, and the children don't learn very much. Some children at these schools can't read, it's terrible. Go to the schools and look: the children fight; some of them even smoke and drink. No, our children can have a better education at home with us. After all, we are both teachers.---Page 48---1. object2. get dark3. music4. grow5. sunshine6. bright7. place9. coffee10. evening11. relax12. expensive13. cheap14. repair---Page 49---1. someone2. chase3. brush4. teeth5. throw out6. sharpen7. homework8. bathroom9. run10. warm11. trash12. go to bed---Page 50---1. more2. below3. on the left4. egg5. next to the last6. shelf7. pillow8. pair of---Page 51---1. put2. sheet3. lying down4. eye5. using6. smiling7. older8. couch---Page 52---1. family2. father3. mother4. husband5. pair of shorts6. tree7. backyard8. son9. daughter10. sister11. flowers12. sun13. cloud14. children15. call16. supper17. time---Page 53---Preparatory Lesson FourⅠ. Numbers1. Los Angeles to Chicago: two thousand and fifty-four2. Houston to Miami: one thousand one hundred and ninety3. Detroit to New York: six hundred thirty-seven4. Miami to Los Angeles: two thousand six hundred and eighty-seven5. Detroit to Houston: one thousand two hundred and sixty-five6. New York to Los Angeles: two thousand seven hundred and eighty-six7. Houston to New York: one thousand six hundred and eight8. Chicago to Miami: one thousand three hundred and twenty-nine9. Detroit to Chicago: two hundred and sixty-six10. Chicago to Houston: one thousand sixty-seven---Page 54---1. Cairo: five million four hundred thousand2. London: six million nine hundred thousand3. New York: seven million4. Tokyo: eight million five hundred thousand5. Sao Paulo: twelve million six hundred thousand6. Peking: nine million7. Bombay: eight million two hundred thousand8. Moscow: eight million eleven thousand---Page 55---1. one dime2. one nickel and one penny3. one quarter and one dime4. two nickels6/755. two quarters and a penny6. two dimes and a penny7. two dimes and two nickels8. two pennies, two nickels and two dimes9. one penny, one nickel and two dimes10. two quarters, two nickels and two dimes---Page 56---Do you like my new shoes?Oh, yes. Aren't they smart?Thank you.---Page 57---Did you remember to get the bread?Well, I remember walking past the Baker's shop.But you forgot to get the bread.I'm afraid so. I don't remember you telling me to get it.Well, I certainly did. In fact, I reminded you to get it atlunch time.---Page 58---I've run out of money.How much money do you need?Oh, about ten pounds.Can't you make do with five pounds?No. That's not enough.---Page 59---Speaker: Welcome to our conference, ladies andgentlemen. Can you tell me where you come from?First, the girl over there with the fair hair. Your name'sLisa, isn't it?Lisa: That's right. I'm Lisa. I come from Germany. I'mGerman.Speaker: Thank you, Lisa. Now the tall man with the black hair. Is your name Tony?Tony: That's right. I'm Tony. I come from Italy. I'mItalian.Speaker: Welcome, Tony. And now, the small girl on theleft. What's your name?Francoise: Francoise.Speaker: And where do you come from?Francoise: I'm French. I come from France.Speaker: Welcome to the conference, Francoise. And now it's time for coffee. Can you please come backin half an hour?Speaker: Now the coffee break is over. We have peoplefrom ten different countries here. Please writetheir countries and nationalities. You know Lisa and Tony and Francoise.1. Lisa comes from Germany. She's German.2. Tony comes from Italy. He's Italian.3. Francoise comes from France. She's French.4. Carmen comes from Spain. She's Spanish.5. Hans comes from Holland. He's Dutch.6. George comes from Brazil, He's Brazilian.7. Ingrid comes from Sweden. She's Swedish.8. Maria comes from Venezuela. She's Venezuelan.9. Skouros comes from Greece. He's Greek.10. Ahmad comes from Egypt. He's Egyptian.---Page 60---1. dictionary2. to clean house3. cleaning lady4. housewife5. different6. younger7. older8. sheet9. blanket10. easy chair---Page 61---1. to drink with2. to eat with3. youngest4. oldest5. busiest6. heaviest7. sharpest8. to the left9. to the right---Page 62---1. sell2. ice cream3. ice cream cone4. cents5. lady6. park7. bench8. typist9. office10. story11. next---Page 63---1. little2. student3. teacher4. draw5. beautiful6. adult7. childrenPreparatory Lesson FiveⅠ. Money1. a nickel2. two nickels3. a dime4. two dimes5. a quarter6. two quarters7/757. three nickels8. three dimes9. three quarters10. five dimes11. a dime and a nickel12. two pennies and a nickel13. two dimes and a nickel14. two dimes and two nickels15. two pennies and a quarter16. two dimes and two quarters17. two nickels and two quarters18. three dimes and two quarters19. two nickels and three quarters20. a dime, a nickel and a quarter---Page 65---Assistant: Good afternoon. Can I help you?George: Have you got any envelopes, please? Assistant: Yes, here you are.George: Thank you. How much is that?Assistant: Fifty pence, please.George: Thank you.---Page 66---George: How much is that?Assistant: Fifty pence, please.Instructor: George gives the assistant a pound. How muchchange does he get?---Page 67---George wants a bottle of aspirins, a tube of toothpaste, anda film for his camera. He can buy all of themat his local chemist's. He's talking to the shop assistant.Listen.George: I'd like a bottle of aspirins, please.Assistant: A large one or a small one?George: A large one, please.Assistant: That's eighty-seven pence.George: And a tube of toothpaste. A large one.Assistant: That's fifty-six pence.George: Oh, yes. And a film for this camera. Twentyexposures.Assistant: Hmmmm. Twenty exposures. That's one pound seventy-two.George: Right. Here you are. Five pounds. Thank youvery much.Assistant: Don't forget your change, sir.---Page 68---What kind of money do you have in England?Oh, we have pounds and pennies.What coins do you have?The fifty-pence's the biggest, and the halfpenny is thesmallest.Really? In America, the biggest is the fifty-cents, and the smallest is the cent. When do you startschool?Five.Really? How interesting! What sports are popular?Well, lots of people play tennis and football.---Page 69---1. Something's cooking on the stove.2. Something's chasing a cat.3. Someone's brushing his teeth.4. Someone's throwing out something.5. Someone's watching a dog and a cat.6. Someone's sharpening a pencil.7. Someone's shutting a door.8. Someone's cleaning her house.9. Someone's cooking some food.10. Someone's opening a window.11. Someone wants to do his homework.12. Someone's looking out of a window.13. Someone's wearing glasses.14. The stove's hot.15. Two people are outside.16. Someone's in the bathroom.17. The door's closing.18. The cat's running fast.19. Someone's in the kitchen.20. Someone's too warm and is opening a window.21. Someone's too cold and is doing something.22. Someone's throwing out the trash.23. A man is watching someone who's outside the house.24. We don't want these animals in the house.25. Someone wants clean teeth.26. Someone wants a clean house.27. Someone wants a sharp pencil.28. Someone wants hot food.29. Someone's sitting down outdoors.30. Someone's brushing his teeth before going to bed.Lesson OneHello, I want a cab.OK. What address is it?1120 East 32nd Street.Right. The cab will be there in a few minutes.---Page 71---What's your job?I'm an accountant.Oh! Do you enjoy it?No. I don't really like it. It's boring.---Page 72---Where do you come from?Indonesia.Oh! Which part?Jakarta.Really?---Page 73---Can you speak German?8/75Yes, I can. I speak it very well.Where did you learn it?I lived in Germany when I was a child.What else can you speak?Well, I know a little Italian.---Page 74---I think a businessman should be good-looking.No, I don't agree.---Page 75---Would you like a drink?No, thank you. I don't drink.Are you sure?Yes. I'm quite sure. Thank you very much.What about a soft drink then?Oh, alright. Lemonade would be fine.---Page 76---Thank you very much for the meal.Not at all. I'm glad you could come.You must come and have a meal with me some time.Yes. That would be nice.---Page 77---Have you heard about the Prime Minister?No.She's gone to China!Really!---Page 78---How do you spell interesting?I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G.Thank you very much.---Page 79---Would you mind passing the salt, please?Certainly.---Page 80---Tim talked to Harry about the lecture.Harry: What did you think of the lecture?Tim: I thought it was very interesting.Harry: Did you really?Tim: Yes, didn't you?Harry: Certainly not. I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.Tim: So you think you know more than he does.Harry: Well, take coal for instance.Tim: What about it?Harry: Coal won't become important again.Tim: Why not?Harry: It's too dirty. They won't be able to find people to work down coal mines in the future.Tim: They'll invent new kinds of machinery.Harry: Nonsense. The only sort of power they'll use in the future is atomic power.---Page 81---A reporter from a local newspaper is interviewing somestudents on the subject of students and money.Reporter: Excuse me. Are you a student?Student 1: Yes, I am.Reporter: Forgive my asking you, but do you have to takea part-time job in the ho1idays?Student 1: Not really. My parents are fairly well off so Iget an allowance from my father.Reporter: You're lucky, aren't you?Student 1: I suppose so.Reporter: What about you? Are your parents wealthy? Student 2: No, certainly not.Reporter: Do you work during the holidays?Student 2: Well, last Christmas I did two weeks astemporary postman, then in the summer I spent four weeks fruit picking, and I do a bit of baby-sitting, so I manage.Reporter: Thank you.---Page 82---My name is Robert. I am eighteen years old and I am French. I am not married. Sylvia is small andfair. She is seventeen and she is a student.---Page 83---The tall boy with fair hair is eighteen years old and he comes from Sweden. He works in a recordshop. The small boy with dark hair is seventeen. He is Spanish, but he does not live in Spain. He lives inFrance. He works in a hotel.Lesson TwoI think a doctor should be a friendly person.Yes. I agree.---Page 85---Would you like something to drink?Just coffee, please.Are you sure?Quite certain. Thank you.---Page 86---What are you doing in New York?I'm writing a story for YES magazine.I see.---Page 87---What are you doing in Cairo?I'm visiting my parents.Really!---Page 88---Why are you visiting HongKong?I'm just on holiday.---Page 89---9/75Why are you in London?I'm here on business.Oh.---Page 90---Thanks a lot for putting me up.That's OK.Do come and see me when you're in New York.Sure. That'll be great.---Page 91---Have you heard the news?No.There's been a terrible air crash.Oh dear! Where was it?A town called Banford.---Page 92---Excuse me, how do you say that word, C-U-S-T-O-M-S? Customs.I see. Thank you.---Page 93---Would you like some more potatoes?I'm sorry I can't manage any more. Thank you.---Page 94---Male: Pubs? You must have good people. If the people are good, the pub will be good.Male: You must have a good landlord, and people with a sense of humor behind the bar. If the landlord is bad, the pub will be bad.Female: I love old pubs. If it's one of those modern places, I won't go in.Male: And a good pub must have good beer. If the beer's no good, people will look for another place.Female: I won't go if there isn't a garden. I have children, and if the pub doesn't have a garden or family room, we can't go in.---Page 95---My grandfather used to have a beautiful gold pocket watch. He wore it on a fine gold chain across the front of his waistcoat, and when I was small he promised to leave it to me in his will."When I'm gone," he said, "this is going to be yours." Unfortunately that will never happen now. About three months ago, my grandfather came up to London to visit us. The first Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park."We'll do better than that," said my grandfather, "we'll go and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square."So off they went. They got home about tea-time and my grandfather was looking very upset."My watch," he said, "it's gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding the pigeons."---Page 96---My name is Daniel. I am French. I live in a small town.I work in a hotel, but I do not live in the hotel.I live with my parents. My home is near the hotel, so I walk to work every day.---Page 97---There is some sugar, there is some coffee and there is alot of tea, but there is not much jam. There are sometomatoes, but there are not any eggs or biscuits and there is not much milk. So we want jam, eggs, biscuits andmilk.---Page 98---Lesson ThreeJurg: Mrs. Scott ...Mrs. Scott: Yes?Jurg: I'm afraid I've had an accident.Mrs. Scott: Oh, dear, what's happened?Jurg: I've spilt my coffee.Mrs. Scott: Never mind. Here's a cloth.---Page 99---Klaus is using the launderette for the first time.Klaus: Excuse me, do you know how this works?Housewife: Yes. Put the washing inside ... shut the door ...the money goes in here, then when the machine starts you have to put the soap powder in through here.Klaus: Is that all?Housewife: Yes, you don't have to do anything else untilthe machine stops.Klaus: Thank you.---Page 100---Terry: Frank's getting married.James: Is he really?Terry: Yes he is.James: I don't believe it.Terry: It's true.James: Who's he marrying?Terry: A girl he met on holiday in Spain, I think.James: Good heavens ... where are they going to live?---Page 101---A: Do you love me?B: I'm very fond of you.A: Yes, but do you love me?B: Uh ... You mean a lot to me.A: Why won't you answer my question?B: What question?A: Do you love me? Come on! I want to know.B: I care for you very deeply. You know that.A: That isn't the same thing!B: What kind of answer do you expect?A: The truth! I want the truth!B: How can I possibly answer such a question?10/75---Page 102---Do you remember Sally Green, the swimming star? She was the girl who broke all the records at the last Olympics. Where is she now? Last week our reporter, Tom Parker, went to see Sally in her Californian home. Tom: Is it true that you don't swim at all now?Sally: I'm afraid so. I'm too old.Tom: But you are only twenty!Sally: That's too old for a swimmer. If I swam in an international competition now, I wouldn't win. SoI'd rather not swim at all.Tom: But don't you enjoy swimming?Sally: I used to, when I was small. But if you enter for big competitions you have to work very hard. I used to get up at 6 am to go to the pool. I had to train before school, after school and at weekends. I swam thirty-five miles every week!Tom: But you were famous at fifteen. And look at all those cups.Sally: Would you like to polish them? It's true that I have some wonderful memories. I enjoyed visiting other countries, and the Olympics were very exciting. But I missed more important things. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming. What can I do now?---Page 103---There is a small shop at the end of our road. I buy my newspaper there every Sunday. This is the only shop that is open on a Sunday, so it is always very busy. They sell milk, eggs, biscuits, tea and coffee. You can get aspirins, toothpaste or a writing pad there. It is a nice little shop.---Page 104---This evening I am going to the cinema. I sometimes go with Beatriz, but this evening I am going alone. Beatriz is nice, but she talks a lot and when I go to the cinema I like to watch the film. The film I am going to is an old one, but it is very good. It is a Hitchcock film.---Page 105---Lesson FourSophie: Here's some coffee.George: Oh, fantastic ... er ... is there any sugar? Sophie: Sugar ... yes, of course ... here you are. George: Thanks ... er ...Sophie: What's the matter now?。
新概念英语第四册Lesson 20课文音标版讲义

20How it came about that snakes manufactured poison is a mystery. haʊɪt keɪm əˈbaʊt ðæt sneɪks ˌmænjʊˈfækʧəd ˈpɔɪzn ɪz əˈmɪstəri.蛇是怎样产生毒液的,这是一个谜。
Over the periods their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, ˈəʊvə ðəˈpɪərɪədz ðeə səˈlaɪvə, ə maɪld, dɪˈʤestɪv ʤuːs laɪk ˈaʊər əʊn,蛇的唾液本来和我们人的消化液一样柔和,但经过漫长的时间,蛇的唾液本来和我们人的消化液一样柔和,但经过漫长的时间,was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today. wɒz kənˈvɜːtɪd ˈɪntuːəˈpɔɪzn ðæt dɪˈfaɪz əˈn æləsɪs ˈiːvən təˈdeɪ.演变成了今天仍无法分析清楚的毒液。
It was not forced upon them by the survival competition; ɪt wɒz nɒt fɔːstəˈpɒn ðem baɪ ðə səˈvaɪvəl ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃᵊn;毒液不是生存竞争强加给它们的,毒液不是生存竞争强加给它们的,they could have caught and lived on prey without using poison, ðeɪ kʊd hæv kɔːt ænd lɪvd ɒn preɪ wɪˈðaʊt ˈj uːzɪŋˈpɔɪzn,它们也可以不用毒液捕捉动物而生存,它们也可以不用毒液捕捉动物而生存,just as the thousands of non-poisonous snakes still do. ʤʌst æz ðəˈθaʊzəndz ɒv nɒn-ˈpɔɪznəs sneɪk s stɪl duː.就像今天成千上万的无毒蛇那样。
新概念英语第一册第20课lesson20课件——one man in a boat

catch sight of:看见=see
catch up with :赶上,跟上
eg. Go ahead please.I’ll soon catch up with you
★fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 fish→ fisherman (pl.fishermen) [注]不要忘了er 1)fish 鱼 (pl.) 单复数同形
even 甚至 more/less lucky less+原级 (消极比较级) : A is less ... than B A比B更不...
I am less happy than before. This story is less interesting than that one.
练习题: 用括号内动词的适当形式填空:
work. 14.A lot of men have given up _w__e_ar_i_n_g__(wear) hats. 15.She is very interested in _d_a_n_c_in_g__ (dance). 16.On _e_n_te_r_i_n_g (enter) the room, he turned on the light.
I oftenห้องสมุดไป่ตู้fish for hours without catching anything.
without prep. 没有 (可放句首,句尾) prep + n./v.-ing/pron.
He went out without saying anything. =He went out and he didn’t say anything. I can not live without you. 我离开你不能活。 But this does not worry me. worry v. 使…担心 worry sb.使…担心 困扰某人

Lesson 131.Three gin and tonics.2.Because drinks are not served before 12 o’clock midday.1.The table-cloth is very dirty.2. Soup stains.3. Yes. He is going to change it immediately.1. He can’t understand how 10 marks plus 12 marks plus 65 marks 50 pennies can add up to 177 marks 50 pennies.2. He admits the mistake and apologizes for it.1. left school2.wrote his first book, Rag Doll.3. went to Indonesia4. met his wife5. bought a farm6. started making documentaries for TV7. published his 2nd novel, The Cold Earth.8. made the film Eastern Moon1. A new fridge2. not more than 140 cm high.3. 50cm wide and 130 cm high.4. 129 pounds.5. Yes.20-25, medium good-looking long mid-20s tall dark handsome1. Perfect Partner’s Ltd2. Both of them want a friend of the opposite sex.3. Yes. They are husband and wife.5. 25 pounds47 Riverside Road, London SE1 4LP.10th May, 1989Dear Chris,Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t answered it sooner but writing is difficult at the moment. I fell off my bike last week and broke my arm. It isn’t anything serious and I’ll be OK in a few weeks.Your holiday sounds fantastic. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Some one at work went to Jamaica last year and had a wonderful time. When are you going exactly? I hope you’ll have good weather.There isn’t really much more news from here. I’ll write a longer letter in a few weeks. Send me a postcard and give my regards to everyone.YoursKim.Lesson 141.Geneva2. By air3. Because he prefers morning flights.4. 9:205. 8:151.To have some more chicken.2. She wants to be slimming.3. A very small piece.1.A cup of tea2. Coffee3. He wants milky coffee without sugar.1.Black coffee2. Yes. A portion of strawberry tart.3. Because they need her service.Steak and ice-creambank office, ground floor, International, 9:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m , he was late for breakfast, make it hurries Browning, 5:30 tomorrow,12:00 noon, one’s departure, keep the room 3:00 p.m.Henderson’s car will be ready by 6 p.m. Thursday.Mr. Adam’s mother-in-law is arriving on ThursdayThe ad will be in Friday’s paper, 13th of the month.baked bean, 100 tinsAll her food is to be delivered to her house.This afternoon. Forty-eight tinsBecause she wants to save the food for war.Because she can’t stand fish.enquire. inquire, acquire, require, request, get down on one’s kneessailor, a pub, Liverpool, very drunk, around 11 p.m., midnight, on his hands and knees, there, my wallet, down there, in that street, here, demanded, the light85, millionaire, an American university, a long, healthy life, very rich at the same time, secret, simple, save every, the audience, all those things, , 39, explain that, for a moment, long enoughLesson 15Dialogue1: Vienna,first class, BE 502 9:25 Heathrow F T FDialogues2-4: meat pie, tea, cheese cake, c a c F T F F, hardly eatendelicious, I ought to, a nice cup of tea, I’d love one. tempting, wouldn’t mindDialogue 5: b a bDialogue 6 F T F F owe… to, one from, OK, have one of mineDialogue 7: c a c cDialogue 8:b c, eleven, ten to one tomorrowDialogue 9: F T F F in particular, appeals, that kind of, might be, I’d need referencesTidy upinterfere with, interpret: explain the likely meaning, interruptIn a restaurant. Three. A waiter and two customers—a man and a woman.house wine, half of bitter, soup, steak,.come this way, do for you, order, starters, your steak done, the wine listJames 22bus conductress winner of this year’s Lon don to Brighton cycle race.the age of 5 self-taughtbought by herself by working overtimeto have a long hot bath and relaxmake remarks/comments onThe girl interrupts when he is talking.The girls’ clothesThe girl is wearing make-up.The girl’s wa y of doing homework.The girl’s friends and favorite records.Dictation: Philip is a very interesting boy. He is clever but he doesn’t like school. He hates studying but he is very keen on learning new practical skills. In his spare time he often repairs motorbikes. He likes helping the neighbours in their vegetable gardens, too.Lesson 16Dialogue1: c c; Dialogue 2:a c c bDialogue 3: 1. In a post office2.She wants to send a greetings telegram to Germany and buy a book of stamps and half a dozen air mail labels.3.75 pence (pound) dollar-centinfluenzaDialogue 4: b a b c cDialogue 5: F F F TDialogue 6: b c Dialogue 7: F T F TDialogue 8: 1. They are roommates.2. His radio is terribly loud and he often uses the first speaker’s s oap.3. To turn down his radio in a fraction and to buy his own soap.disturbing, felt so stronglysoup, dress, the day after tomorrow, on earthdry cleaning, tomorrow morning, the same day, arrange it, madam,really, wonderfulan early call, fix that for, waking device, at the head of, set it toa Maxi Quarterpounder a banana long boat cold milkcheeseburger green salad cola\(2)—(a+e+c); (1+6+4)—(b+d+f); (5+3)portablecatching the same train in the morning; sitting in the same office all daywatching the same television programs,they hunted for their food, they grew their own vegetables, they did things for themselves.The same sort of job, no various--variety, he needs a holidayanxious, anxietyportable,c, c, b, a’T, FFTFencyclopediaDictation1.What was the worst problem you encountered in your present job?2.How did you handle it?3.Why do you want to leave your present job?4.What are you most proud of having done in your present job?5.Why do you think you are qualified for this job?6.What sort of boss would you most like to work for?7.Supposing a member of your staff was frequently away from work, claiming to be ill, what action would youtake?8.If you were working as a part of the team, what unspoken rules of behavior would you observe?9.How long do you plan to stay in this job?shake, tremble, quiver, shiverseasick, airsick, be bound to do sthLesson 173 pence 82 pencepostage, Thailand, check, need, else,1.Because the other person has the TV so loud.2. Because the other one took it away without permissionhave, so loud, trying to sleepI really ought to have known better.have, so loud, trying sleep3. Sam. He still feels homesick. In England. think, life in England, feeling, homesick, bound, strange, first4. b, were off, soon, stay a little longer, late already, shame5. a, quite catch, out of your way, on my way home6. a, shivery, pain, stomach, had it, best part, a weekfairy tale, folk story, science fictionIt’s time that you got up/left.I would rather that you painted the door grey.ascend/go up, descend/go down, decrease/increase, switch on/off/toguts:couragehave/get a crush on:be in love withget down on one’s kneesleave out1. a, c, b, b, sort of start withWould you prefer2. b, a, c, b,a r eserve, for five, I’m afraid, serve lunch, 3 p.m., 2 o’clock, by a window3. c, c, a, c, ba table for two, At what time, Kryzkoviak, look forward toB. a, c, c, c, F T T FC. F, F, T, Fccbcba,descended, through, landed in the middle, a green, put on, opened, climbed, down, stepped onto, took off, helmets, breathed, stuck, take offDictationThere were angry scenes yesterday outside No. 10 Downing Street as London school teachers protestedabout their salaries and conditions. London teachers are now in the second week of their strike for better pay. Tim Burston, BBC correspondent for education was there.correspondence,keep correspondence with , correspondence courseLesson 181. c, Not lunch, have, new brand.2. a, Believe, take in, Nine, per week, heating Friday3. a, wonder, fit me in, tomorrow,4: b, needed, part-timers, hotel, some sort, look back in,5. b, How like, like, washed, leave as it is6. In a department store, A brown suede jacketBecause it is sold out, but the promises to ring him if any more gets in.Served, in the way brown suede forty-two, sold right out, likely, getting in7. 54655, To tell Mary that John rang herthe line, out8. No. Yes. have a word with/have words with, June, Rightresidentresidentboard, broad,ccbac1.Malinen, Finnish, waitress, Hotel Scandinavia, 1976-1980, brushing up her English2.five, bringing in the dishes, serving, looking after the bills. 40 pounds a week, a freeevening meal, the manF, F, T, Fccabbccbtone, tune, melody, pitch, rhythmCome in. Oh, it’s you again, Tom. What have you done this time?I’ve cut my finger and it’s bleeding a lot.Let me see, Tom…Hmmm, that is a bad cut. I can clean it and put a plaster on it, but you’ll have to see the doctor.yellowish, longishillegal1. c, b, a, expecting, This way,2. c, b, do for a living, give legal advice, I see, a solicitor, you mean, was looking for, vocabulary, I’m afraid. Never mind.3. T, F, T, F4. c, c, b, b, a,4-(3+7+10)-8-29- (1+6)-5It’s not nearly as cold as yesterday.6. T, T, F, T7. Excuse me, the James Bond film, Do you happen to, how to find out, local paper, which page it is on, Here it is, which performance8. b, a, c, b,9. 1)The way to the swimming pool.2) No, she cannot because she is a stranger there.3) The man over there.4) On the other side of the road.b, c, c, a, c, b, b, bT: 2, 6, 8C, b, b, F, F, Frunning, sheepdog, started barking at, kick it out of the way, jumped up, bit him, the leg, go to the doctor, it wasn’t infected (with the virus)mildcatch one’s breath, take a breath, out of breathLesson 19Doctor Sowanso is the Secreta ry General of the United Nations. He’s one of the busiest men in the world. He’s just arrived at New Delhi Airport now. The Indian Prime Minister is meeting him. Later they’ll talk aboutAsian problems.Yesterday he was in Moscow. He visited the Kremlin and had lunch with Soviet leaders. During lunch they discussed international politics.Tomorrow he’ll fly to Nairobi. He’ll meet the President of Kenya and other African leaders. He’ll be there for twelve hours.The day after tomorrow he’ll be in London. He’ll meet the British Prime Minister and they’ll talk about European economic problems.Next week he’ll be back at the United Nations in New York. Next Monday he’ll speak to the General Assembly about his world tour. Then he’ll need a short holiday.bcab, cbaccbcab, cbacc3.War and Peace, The Empire Cinema, In the Entertainment’s Guide.4.got—are; have been, a, will be able to, what the weather’s like, nearly, goodness God bless you!5. acbc, bb(7+4)-8—(2+10)--6(1+5+9)—11—34,6 ,Ta little longer, miss, hurry, Good gracious, again soon, most kind ofon empty long roads; in traffic jams, for lights to change; in a good driver’s car, to being a passengerenjoy, be fond of, don’t mind, preferccbbhappened, sitting, into a conversation, a date, the same evening, a lot in common, same interests, the same thingshave much/little/a little/a lot…in commonBecause his boss has come into the office.Blackmail, burglary, fraud, hijacking, kidnapping, mugging, shoplifter, smuggler, appeal, caution, cell, death penalty, defense, imprisonment, innocent/guilty, probation prosecution, corporal punishment, solicitor/barrister/lawyerB a c b Cover charge, beer, Starter ,main course, vegetables, Beer, Dessert cigarettes5. 6. 7. Beer8. Dessert9. Cigarettescharged me twice, the figure of 5.50, here and then againcheck it for youdo too loud, want one,2. a spider on the bread, catch it3. doing the backstroke the hot liquid kills meat rations, extra chargeLesson 20: Dictation:Every color has a meaning. And as you choose a color, you might like to remember that it’s saying something. We’ve said that red is lovable. Green, on the other hand, stands for hope; it is tranquil. Pink is romantic, while brown is serious. White is an easy one—white is pure. Orange is generous. Violet is mysterious, turquoise is strong and blue is definitely feminine.compound word, warm-hearted, hard-working…blend smog; smoke+fog, motel, motor+hotelNBA, borrowing,.a good holiday abroad travelling around Europe.to get a job in advertising of some kinda temporary job for a year or soto save as much money as possibleas a waiter in a restaurantto open my own restaurant1. In the evening;2. Victoria Hall;3. The annual presentation of the Nurse of the Year Award.4.The first Nurse of the Year.5. More than forty years6. Thirty years ago.7. Miss Helen Taylor; 8. Her senior officers, her colleagues and the parents of the children she nurses.9. “Efficient but patient”, “helpful and happy”, “strict and caring”, “human and interested”10. Dame Alice Thorntonaward sb. sth., reward sb. for sth. salary,Lesson 21Dictation: Ours/Our perfume is a very expensive perfume. When people see it or hear the name we want them tothink of luxury. There are many ways to do this. You show a woman in a fur coat, in a silk evening dress, maybe covered in diamonds. You can show an expensive car, an expensive restaurant, or a man in a tuxedo. We decided to do something different. We show a beautiful woman, simply but elegantly dressed, beside a series of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, and it works. Because she is wearing the perfume, and because she is next to expensive and beautiful paintings, our perfume must be beautiful and expensive too. It does work.adjust oneself to; adapt oneself to;luxuriousmake profitsLesson 22you see, something of a special, guest star, the tickets do cost 250 marks each, you would like one, a few back for the residents, Good Lord, 35 pounds, on second thoughts, a bottle of scotch to, entertain myselfScotch Whiskya bit of celebrationextraextremely, attend to it right away, housekeeper, have been, with;not the(no), sort of thing, a well-run hotel199 pounds, 372 pounds 400 pounds, 103; 343; 311; 243;Holiday planning timeSomething interesting, something less expensiveTime and moneyabccacLondon, Kathmandu, London, ten weeks, 4th April, 1,100 pounds, specially adapted, sleeping, cooking, a shower system, six or eight months,controlDictation: I have always been interested in making things. When I was a child I used to enjoy painting, but I also liked makings things out of clay. I managed to win a prize for one of my paintings when I was fourteen. That is probably the reason that I managed to get into art college four years later. But I studied painting at first, not pottery.I like being a potter because I like to work with my hands and feel the clay, I enjoy working on a potter’s wheel. I’m happy working by myself and being near my home. I don’t like mass-produced things. I think crafts and craftspeople are very important. When I left college I managed to get a grant from the Council, and I hope tobecome a full-time craftswoman. This workshop is small, but I hope to move to a larger one next year.Trouble, charged me twice the figureOf 5.50, here andslip down, slide, slither, be hooked by, be addicted to, be indulged in,Lesson 23 BACB1. Cover charge,2. Beer3. Starter4. Main course(Please serve the main/next course.)5. Vegetables6.7. Beer 8. Dessert 9. Cigarettesbring me the bill, a mistake, the trouble, charged me twice, the figure of 5.50, here and then again, check it for you.feel at ease1. do too loud, want one,2. a spider on the bread, catch it,3. doing the backstroke,4. impossible, A dead fly,5. the hot liquid, kills,6. meat rations,7. extra charge.strange thing, yesterday, on a bus, get off, stood up and rang the bell, he rang it twice, didn’t stop, shouted at himBecause the truck was always empty.Draper told Sam that he was a smuggler.Because what Draper was smuggling was trucks.fishing-rod, hookDictation: Are you a morning person or an evening person? That’s the question. When do you work best? For me the answer is easy. I work best in the morning. All my creative work is done before lunchtime. I get up at about eight, and then have breakfast. I listen to the radio a bit, and read the papers. And then I start. Usually I work from nine or nine-thirty until twelve but after that I’m useless. On a good day I write fifteen hundred words or more, sometimes two thousand words, in the morning. Then after lunch I go for a walk, or read. In the evening I like to relax, go to the pub or go out and meet people. If you are a writer you need self-discipline,self-confidence, commitment. But if you’re tired, it shows: the mind and body must be fresh.refreshadd, and; subtract/substract, from; multiply, by; divide, bystumbleLesson 24:6 18 21;127 14;16 15 24;2 4 410%; 23%; 3/8; 1/16; 9/2=4.5;2.46%BBAACAAgrill salmontrillion-billion-million-thousand-hundred1. She was going up to bed.2. do his little jobs.3.She was sitting up in bed reading a book and eating chocolates.4. A gate banging downstairs.5. He must shut the gate.B b a a c a aWell, I think that this problem of teenagers getting into trouble with the law is mainly caused by unemployment. You see, because of the high level of unemployment, so many teenagers nowadays leave school and find that they have no chance of getting a job, and this obviously makes them feel bored and frustrated. And as a result of this, they’re much more likely to get drunk and so on. Another thing of course is that you get groups of unemployed teenagers wandering around the streets with nothing to do, which can easily lead to trouble of one sort or another.As a result,As a result ofresult from,result inthought group1)12:01:50;2)05938, 3)325, 4)3.45 5)2,800 pounds6)3:0; 2:1;7) 0.4, 2064.8, 8 points, 1794.3 8)68p 9)78,956 pounds 10)3,250,00011)5.68% 12)1/8 13)11.45 pounds, 14 15.99 14)2,398; 2,489; 2,4631. 3.05 pounds, 4.30 pounds 55p, 7.90 pounds10 pounds, 6.35 pounds 3.65 poundsan eighthpound-pence;stroke, on the stroke, sun stroke/heat stroke,ccaaa cabbabacbbccDow Jones Index fell by point fournilfishery, descend fromstumbleLesson 25: It was early afternoon, and the beach was almost empty. It was getting hot now. Most of the tourists were still finishing their lunch back at the hotel, or taking their afternoon siesta in the air—conditioned comfort of their rooms. One or two Englishmen were still lying stretched out on the sand, determined to go home with a good suntan, and a few local children were splashing around in the clear shallow water. There was a large yacht moving slowly across the bay. The girl was on board. She was standing at the back of the boat, getting ready to dive. Jason put on his sunglasses and casually wandered down towards the sandy beach.1. (4/9/77), or (4th September, 1977)2.(24/8/63), 0r(24th August, 1963)3. (7/7/43), or( 7th July, 1943)1066, 1776, 1801, 1918, 2000, 55 B.C.0202-27414, 014832911, 030423877, 014414466, 0473589051.RSVP:Respondez sil vous plait),2. etc(et cetera)3. c/o(care of )4. approx(approximately)5. pp6. ie7. eg8. PTO(Patent and Trademark Office)9. Ltd 10. Co 11. v(versus) 12. P.S.(Postscript) 13. VIP14. Gt(Great) 15.Ave(Avenue) 16. Rd 17. St 18. Gdns 19. Sq 20. Pk21. Cres(Crescent) 22. A.D. 23. B.C. 24. am 25. pm 26. MP(Member of Parliament) 27. BBC28. V A T(Value Added Tax) 29. TUC(Trades Union Congress) 30. AA(Automobile Association 31. RAC(Royal Aero Club) 32. PC 33. EECa women’s liberation group, yesterday, talked rubbish, unfemine to protest, be seen heard, a woman’s place in the home, feeding supporting, inferiority/superiority tojunior/senior/prior to;cbaac, ccaLesson 26:Jacqueling got out of the bus and looked around her. It was typical of the small villages of that part of the country. The houses stood in two long lines on either side of the dusty road which led to the capital. In the square, the paint was peeling off the Town Hall, and some small children were running up and down its steps, laughing. On the other side, there were a few old men sitting outside a café playing backgammon and smoking their pipes. A lonely donkey was quietly munching the long dry grass at the foot of the statue that stood in the center of the square. Jacqueling sighed.relive the scene, relieve the pain/pressure, release the energy/the news。
七年级英语上册冀教版--Lesson 20

II. 句型转换。 1. I’d like some fish.(变成一般疑问句, 并作否定回答)
__W__o_u_ld__ you __l_ik_e__ __so_m__e_ fish? No, __t_h_a_n_k_s _. 2. Li Ling comes for supper.(变成一般疑问句)
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.I want to buy some _c_o_o_k_ie_s(饼干) for my sister at the store. 2. Lynn likes __c_h_o_c_o_la_t_e_ (巧克力) very much. 3. __E_v_e_ry_t_h_in_g_ (一切事物) is fine. Don’t worry (担心). 4. —What’s for lunch, Dad?
课文呈现 (Mrs. Dinosaur and Danny shop at the supermarket.) Mrs. Dinosaur: OK, Danny. Do we have _e_v_e_ry_t_h_i_n_g_on the list? Let me
_s_e_e_. We have eggs, milk, bread, chicken, fish,_m__e_a_t , apples, and bananas …And we have the donuts, _c_o_o_k_i_es__, and chocolate. Danny:_G__o_o_d_j_o_b_, Mum. You have everything on your list. Mrs. Dinosaur: No, Danny. We have everything on our list.

Lesson 2
Leபைடு நூலகம்son 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 3
Provide a variety of audio materials, including podcasts, songs, and dialogues
Listen to a short story and answer the following questions: "What was the main character's name?" "Where did the story take place?" "What was the moral of the story?" The student wrote their answers in their notebook or on a worksheet provided
Predicting Content
Learners should be able to listen to an audio clip and predict what will happen next based on the information they have heard so far This investment has an understanding of storytelling conventions and using context includes to attract future events or ideas
中级英语听力教程:Lesson 20 Tell Us About Your Hobbies

Tell Us About Your HobbiesText AJOHN: What I like most, I suppose, is the fact that it's so unusual. I mean, when Itell people what I do,they just look at me usually as if I'm mad.Maybe I am, anyway what I do is this. I get up about a quarter past six every morning.I leave my wife in bed because she's not as mad as me - and I put my trunks on under under tracksuit and drive down tothe park with my clothes in a case. It only takes about fiveminutes .becausethere's no traffic of course at that time in the morning. So, when I get there I leave the car in the car park and run round a bit.I usually run for about ten minutes till I'm nice and warm, then comes the interesting bit. I run over to the car,get my case and then over to the pool. I take my tracksuit off and -in I jump. It's pretty cold I can tell you especially in the middle of winter-but I do a coupte of quick lengths and then I climb out, get changed and drive home, I just get back in time for breakfast - and I normally feel I've earned it too.JACK: Well, it's very detailed work you see, but I find it very relaxing. It's strange I suppose that something like this where you have to concentrate a lot can be relaxinging, but you see in my job I'm always making decisions and telling people whatto do but I never actuplly see what I've done. This is completely different. You see, here I'm actually making something myself. I start with a kite, usually it's got all the basic materials in it. Then you have to cut out allthe shapes from the wood and stick them together. When you've made the frame,the wings and the fuselage, that is, you cover them with special paper and paint. Of course if it's goingto fly properly, everything has to be properly balanced, you know.. I must say really though. I think I enjoy actaually making them more than flying them.JANE: Well in a sense I suppose I do it to save money. I mean things are so incredibly .expensive in the shops nowadays days, aren't they? But that's not the only reason reallyNo, the beautiful thing is that you can make what you want when youwant-and inmaterial you've chosen. I mean you don't have to depend on some paris designerto say what is fashionable. If you like an idea you see then of course you can copy it , but it gives you much more independence to do it yourself.I mean obviously it takes time , but I enjoy it , and with a sewing machine it doesn't take all that long to make even quite complicated things. And thenfinally you know that you've got something really unique. Especially if it's something you've designed yourself.HARRY: Well, it gives me the chance to be alone-and for me that's really the most Itimportant thing I suppose,after being with crowds of people all week.gives you time to think, you know. And another thing is that it gets meout of doors. I suppose it isn't very energetic really after all. I mean you don't do very much except just sit there, but at least it's in the fresh air. And that's more than you can say for things like darts, isn't it? No,that's really what I like about it.I like having time to think in the open air. I'm not terribly keen on the man against animal bit, you know manthe hunter against nature. No, actually I don t usually catch very many you know. And if I do, I always throw them straight back.Text BJEFF: What's on the telly this evening? I feel like relaxing.MARY: Why ask me that? You know I never watch it.JEFE: Too busy with the latest hobby, are you? What is it thistime, knitting socksfor your nephews? Or collecting buttons? I wish I had as much free time as you do.MARY: Men! As a matter of fact, you probably have more than I do. But you waste itall watching your telly.JEFF: That's not a waste of time. I've got to rest sometimes.MARY: Sometimes , maybe , but not all the time. And anyway ,I relax with my hobbies.A change is as good as a rest.JEFF: Well, the telly's my hobby, and I learn a lot from it.MARY: But it doesn't teach you to do anything, does it? You ust sit there and stareat it. That's not lerning.JEFF: But I do learn. There are lots of educational programmes.MARY: But you don't watch them, do you? Whenever an educational programme comes on, you eithes switch ove to the other channel or go to sleep.JEFF: When I come home from work. I need to put my feet up, at least for a while.Life's not all work, you know.MARY: Hobbies aren't work, Jeff. I like putting my feet up, too, at the end of theday,but I like doing things while I rest. Life's too short for us to waste time. JEFF: Mary dear, as I've said many times, we're different. There are two kinds ofpeople in the world. . .MARY: I know, I know. Those who are never happy unless they're running about doingthings. . .JEFF: That's right, and those who are never happy unless they're doing nothing. I'mone of the latter and you. . .MARY: I know, dear. I'm one of the former. And proud of it.JEFF: So now we agree. Live, and let live. You can go peacefully back to your -buttoncollection, and I can watch TV.MARY: If only you organised yourself better, there's so much you could do, really.You're wasting your talents. And one last thing I'm not collecting buttons. JEFF: What are you doing then? Making sculptures from potatoes?MARY: No, I'm learning how to make Turkish cakes, and the first ones came out very well.Of course, if you're too tired, I won't insist on you trying them.Additional lnformationA hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, weave baskets, or carve soap figures.They watch birds, hunt animals, climb mountains, raise flowers, fish, ski, skate, and swim. Hobbyists also paint pictures, attend concerts and plays, and perform on musical instruments. They collect everything from books to butterflies, and from shells to stamps.People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation. Sometimes they even yield financial profit. Hobbies help people relax after periods of hard work, and provide a balance between work and play. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a satisfying hobby, regardless of his age, position, or income.Hobbies can help a person's mental and physical health. Doctors have found that hobbies are valuable in helping patients recover from physical or mental illness. Hobbies give bedridden or wheel-chair patients something to do, and provide interests that keep them from thinking about themselves. Many hospitals treat patients by having them take up interesting hobbiesor pastimes.In early times, most people were too busy making a living to have many hobbies. But some persons who had leisure did enjoy hobbies. The ancient Egyptians played games with balls made of wood, pottery, and papyrus. some Greeks and Romans collected miniature soldiers.People today have more time than ever before for hobbies. Machinesand automation have reduced the amount of time they must spend on their jobs. Hobbies provide variety for workers who do the same monotonous tasks all day long. More people are retiring than ever before, and at an earlier age. Those who have developed hobbies never need to worry about what to do with their newly-found leisure hours.Sir William Osler, a famous Canadian doctor, expressed the value of hobbies by saying, "No man is really happy or safe without a hobb.y, and it makes precious little difference what the outsidc interest may be-botany, bcetles, orbutterflies; roses, tulips, or irises: fishing, mountaimeering, or antiques - anything1normallyadv.正常地,通常地参考例句:I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays.我通常在星期六买东西。

3. A: Are your bags empty or full? B: They aren't full. They're empty.
4. A: Are your bags full or empty? B: Our bags are empty.
Unit Ten Lesson 20
4. A: Is his teacher young or old? B: His teacher is young.
1. (With pictures 67, 69, 71 and 73) A: Is his teacher old? B: No, his teacher isn't. His teacher is young.
The school buses are all full.
4. Are their bags full of books or pens? Are the cars or the buses full of people? (Use..., and) Their bags are full of books, and the school buses are full of people, too.
4. our shirts / red? / white 4. Are our shirts red? No, they aren't. They're white.
Unit Ten Lesson 20
书面练习。 仿照例子做练习。Part b
1. your cameras / old or new? / new
4. A: Are their cars dirty or clean? B: Their cars are dirty.

• catch a cold:染上感冒 • I’ve caught a bad cold. • be caught in (the rain, a trap)遇雨,陷
• I was caught in a heavy rain last night. 1
• catch a bus:赶车
• Eating vegetables is good for your health.
• Smoking is bad for you heath.
• Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.
• Fishing is very important for Canadians.
• spend 花费, 消磨,度过
• I spend a lot of time with my friends on the weekend.
• spend time/money on sth.
• I spend $5 on that story book.
• = I paid $5 for that story book.
favorite moving heroes and eating
• 6.You must give up fishing. • We must obey the orders. • give up • give up doing/stop doing:放弃
做某事 • My father has given up
• It you study harder , you will be able to catch up with your classmates.

英语初级听力北外lesson18答案1、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] *A.come outB.get awayC.come true(正确答案)D.get out2、The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform and we can wear _____ we like. [单选题] *A. anyB. thatC. asD. what(正确答案)3、He can’t meet his friends tonight because he _______ do homework. [单选题] *A. has to(正确答案)B. needC. have toD. don’t have to4、____ wants to see you. [单选题] *A. Somebody(正确答案)B. AnybodyC. All the peopleD. No people5、A brown bear escaped from the zoo, which was a()to everyone in the town. [单选题] *A. HarmB. violenceC. hurtD. threat(正确答案)6、Mary _______ a phone call with her mother now. [单选题] *A. will makeB. madeC. is making(正确答案)D. makes7、A little learning is a dangerous thing, _____ the saying goes. [单选题] *A. likeB. as(正确答案)C. withD. if8、I _____ of her since she left school three years ago. [单选题] *A. didn’t hearB. haven’t heard(正确答案)C. was not hearingD. shall not heard9、If you had told me earlier, I _____ to meet you at the hotel. [单选题] *A. had comeB. will have comeC. would comeD. would have come(正确答案)10、How I wish I()to repair the watch! I only made it worse. [单选题] *A. had triedB. hadn't tried(正确答案)C. have triedD.didn't try11、Yesterday I _______ a book.It was very interesting. [单选题] *A. lookedB. read(正确答案)C. watchedD. saw12、—______ do you pay for it? —Over the Internet. ()[单选题] *A. WhatB. How muchC. How(正确答案)D. When13、At nine yesterday morning, I ______ an English class while they ______ a PE class.()[单选题] *A. was having; were having(正确答案)B. had; hadC. was having; hadD. had; were having14、Customers see location as the first factor when_____a decision about buying a house. [单选题] *A.makeB.to makeC.making(正确答案)D.made15、The children are playing wildly and making a lot of?_______. [单选题] *A. cryB. voicesC. noises(正确答案)D. music16、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about17、I passed the test, I _____ it without your help. [单选题] *A.would not passB. wouldn't have passed(正确答案)C. didn't passD.had not passed18、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] *A. if they expect to learnB. if they are expected to learn(正确答案)C. if they learn to expectD. if they are learned to expect19、The book is _______. You’d better buy it. [单选题] *A. useful(正确答案)B. uselessC. useD. careful20、—_____ are the Olympic Games held? —Every four years [单选题] *A. How longB. How often(正确答案)C. How soonD. How far21、92.China is a big country ________ a long history. [单选题] *A.hasB.haveC.with(正确答案)D.there is22、11.________ big furniture shop it is! [单选题] *A.HowB.WhatC.What a (正确答案)D.What an23、The hall in our school is _____ to hold 500 people. [单选题] *A. big enough(正确答案)B. enough bigC. very smallD. very big24、Patrick bought her two handbags as gifts,but _____ of them was her style. [单选题] *A. eitherB. noneC. neither(正确答案)D. all25、( )Keep quiet, please. It’s ________ noisy here. [单选题] *A. many tooB. too manyC. too muchD. much too(正确答案)26、75.As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard.(), I should take exercise to strengthen my body.[单选题] *A.OtherwiseB.Meanwhile(正确答案)C.ThereforeD.Thus27、When Max rushed to the classroom, his classmates _____ exercises attentively. [单选题] *A. didB. have doneC. were doing(正确答案)D. do28、I always get ______ grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.()[单选题] *A. bestB. better(正确答案)C. goodD. well29、Mary, together with her children ,_____ some video show when I went into the sitting room. [单选题] *A. were watchingB. was watching(正确答案)C. is watchingD. are watching30、—______ is the concert ticket?—It’s only 160 yuan.()[单选题] *A. How manyB How much(正确答案)C. How oftenD. How long。

新概念英语第一册第二十课习题答案Lesson 20A1 Those children are tired.2 Their mother is tired, too.3 That ice cream man is very busy.4 His ice creams are very nice.5 What’s the matter, children? We are thirsty.6 What’s the matter, Tim? I am tired.B1 Are the children tired or thirsty? They’re not tired. They’re thirsty.2 Are the postmen cold or hot? They’re not cold.They’re hot.3 Are the hairdressers thin or fat? They’re not thin. They’re fat.4 Are the shoes small or big? They’re not small.They’re big.5 Are the shops shut or open? They’re not shut. They’re open.6 Are his cases heavy or light? They’re not heavy. They’re light.7 Are grandmother and grandfather young or old? They’r e not young. They’re old.8 Are their hats old or new? They’re not old. They’re new.9 Are the policemen short or tall? They’re not short. They’re tall.10 Are his trousers short or long? They’re not short. They’re long.。
英语初级听力(listen to this 1)Lesson 20

Section 2
A. Preferences.
Woman: Which do you prefer: driving a car yourself or being a passenger?
Man: Well—that depends. I enjoy driving, especially on long empty roads where I can go
—Fine. How about you?
—Good. And how's Bob feeling after his holiday?
—I see. I've got quite a lot to tell you.
—I've just got engaged!
—Would you ask Bob to ring me?
—Oh, I must go now. My boss has just come into the office. Bye.
—Oh, thanks. Bye.
C. Old Arthur.
Everyone knows him as Old Arthur. He lives in a little hut in the middle of a small
—When does your bus go?
—At ten o'clock. Good gracious, it's already 10:15. I'll have to ask you to drive me home.
listen to this 1. lesson 20

• Dialogue 5: Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions. 1. When does the conversation take place? a. In the morning. b. In the afternoon. c. In the evening. 2. Who is the visitor? a. Mr. Baker. b. Mrs. Jones. c. Andrew Jones. 3. When is the appointment? a. 7:00 am. b. 10:00 am. c. 1:00 pm. 4. Where is Mr. Baker's room? a. On the next floor. b. Next door. c. Along the corridor.
语音模仿,磨磨嘴皮子•ຫໍສະໝຸດ 名人演讲语音模仿,磨磨嘴皮子
• 新闻广播
• 获奖演讲、朗诵视频
Useful Resources
• • • • / 可可英语 /普特英语听力 英语学习频道 / 旺旺英语
• Dialogue 7: Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements. 1. The speakers will __________ this weekend. a. go for a walk b. visit a friend c. go swimming 2. The speakers went to Long Beach ____________. a. yesterday b. last weekend c. a long time ago 3. They will go to Long Beach ____________. a. by train b. by car c. on foot 4. They will set out from the woman's home at ____________. a. seven tomorrow b. eleven tomorrow c. seven the day after tomorrow
Listen to This 2 英语听力Lesson 20文本

Lesson 20Principal: Well it looks to me as if we shall have to fit him in somewhere. What does Monday morning look like?Secretary: Well, Monday morning is extremely busy. You've got all the short list interviews.Principal: Oh goodness. And how long do they go on for?Secretary: Well, the last one is due at ... to come at 10 o'clock and will probably go on through until 10:30.Principal: And then?Secretary: Then you've got your Japanese agent and you did tell him you'd probably take him out to lunch.Principal: Yes, well can't pass that up ... erm ... what's Tuesday morning look like?Secretary: Tuesday morning is also very full. You've got a committee meeting, starts at 9:30 probably won't finish until 12:30.Principal: Huh-Huh. And lunch?Secretary: Lunch is with your publisher.Principal: Oh yes. And I do remember that I've got something in the afternoon ... erm ... from the examining board, haven't I? I've got...Secretary: Yes. At 2:30. You're expecting the chief examiner (Oh) regarding the review report.Principal: Oh yes. And I've got ... I've got somebody's parents coming.Secretary: Yes, at 4 o'clock Johan Blun's parents are coming.Principal: And there ... isn't there a meeting, a principal's meeting after ... anyway he didn't want to be that late ... erm ... well, let's have a look at Monday afternoon. What have we got then?Secretary: Well the lunch with the Japanese agent is probably likely to last until 2:30. (Mm-Mm) At 2:30 you've got the lawyer regarding the planning permission.Principal: Oh, I've ... yes ... and?Secretary: Well at 3:30 there's a tutorial with Maria Rosa ...Principal: Oh well hang on ... erm ... look what we can do ... you ... if you could give the lawyer a ring and ask him if he can fix it, the appointment, for Wednesday and if he can't make Wednesday, later in the week. It's not absolutely vital that I should do it then. And give Maria Rosa a ring also if you can contact her, otherwise you can tell her when she arrives and ... erm ... I can give I can definitely give her ... I've got Wednesday clear, haven't I? So ... erm ... (Yes) I can give her a tutorial on Wednesday morning (Yes) and that gives us two hours so you could ring the Cultural Council and fix it for then. His name's Mr. Dennis I think, isn't it?Secretary: Yes. So I'll ring him and tell him you're expecting him at 2:30 on Monday afternoon.Principal: OK then.Secretary: Fine. Thank you.At 7:20 pm on May 6th 1937, the world's largest airship, the Hindenburg, floated majestically over Lakehurst airport, New Jersey, after an uneventful crossing from Frankfurt, Germany. There were 97people on board for the first Atlantic crossing of the season. There were a number of journalists waiting to greet it. Suddenly radio listeners heard the commentator screaming 'Oh, my God! It's broken into flames. It's flashing ... flashing. It's flashing terribly.' 32 seconds later the airship had disintegrated and 35 people were dead. The Age of the Airship was over.The Hindenburg was the last in a series of airships which had been developed over 40 years in both Europe and the United States. They were designed to carry passengers and cargo over long distances. The Hindenburg could carry 50 passengers accommodated in 25 luxury cabins with all the amenities of a first class hotel. All the cabins had hot and cold water and electric heating. There was a dining-room, a bar and a lounge with a dance floor and a baby grand piano. The Hindenburg had been built to compete with the great luxury transatlantic liners. It was 245 metres long with a diameter of 41 metres. It could cruise at a speed of 125 km/h, and was able to cross the Atlantic in less than half the time of a liner. By 1937 it had carried 1,000 passengers safely and had even transported circus animals and cars. Its sister ship, the Graf Zeppelin, had flown one and a half million kilometres and it had carried 13,100 passengers without incident.The Hindenburg was filled with hydrogen, which is a highly flammable gas, and every safety precaution had been taken to prevent accidents. It had a smoking room which was pressurized in order to prevent gas from ever entering it. The cigarette lighters were chained to the tables and both passengers and crew were searched for matches before entering the ship. Special materials, which were used in the construction of the airship, had been chosen to minimize the possibility of accidental sparks, which might cause an explosion.Nobody knows the exact cause of the Hindenburg disaster. Sabotage has been suggested, but experts at the time believed that it was caused by leaking gas which was ignited by static electricity. It had been waiting to land for three hours because of heavy thunderstorms. The explosion happened just as the first mooring rope, which was wet, touched the ground. Observers saw the first flames appear near the tail, and they began to spread quickly along the hull. There were a number of flashes as the hydrogen-filled compartments exploded. The airship sank to the ground. The most surprising thing is that 62 people managed to escape. The fatalities were highest among the crew, many of whom were working deep inside the airship. After the Hindenburg disaster, all airships were grounded and, until recently, they have never been seriously considered as a commercial proposition.David: Hello Peggy. What are you doing going through all those newspapers?Peggy: Oh hallo David. I'm trying to find a flat and I've got to go through all these advertisements.I just can't find anything good.David: Are you wanting to share or do you want a flat on your own?Peggy: Well, you know Sara and Mary? I'd really like to share with them.David: Well, I know of an empty flat. I don't know if you'd like it though. It's on the number ten bus route in Woodside Road. Number 10 I think it is.Peggy: Oh, I know Woodside Road and the ten bus is the one that brings me to work. Would be a marvellous place. How many rooms has it got?David: Well, it's got a kitchen and a bathroom. Um, apart from that I think it's got two bedrooms and a sitting-room.Peggy: Two bedrooms. Mm. Well, I suppose two of us could share, or one of us could sleep in the sitting-room. How much is the rent?David: I think they want £21 a week for it.Peggy: Twenty-one. Oh, that's fine, that would be £7 each. I don't really want to spend more than £7.David: No, but you see the trouble is it might be a bit noisy. Woodside Road is really quite busy. It's on the bus route after all. With all that traffic going past I don't know if you'd really like it.Peggy: Oh, that doesn't matter. We'd be out all day. It'd be marvellous to be on the ten bus route, we wouldn't have to walk at all and we'd get to work so quickly. Oh thanks so much David. I must go and tell Sara and Mary.David: Well, I hope it's what you want.Peggy: Oh yes, thanks a lot.David: That's all right.Rod: Mm, it's not a bad size room, is it?Liz: Oh, it's great! It's lovely. Oh, and look at that fireplace! Oh, we can have the two chairs right in front of the fireplace there in the middle of the room and toast our feet.Rod: The first thing we ought to do is just decide where the bed's going.Liz: Oh, well ... (So) what about right here next to the door (yes) sort of behind the door as you come in?Rod: Yes, that's a good idea—just as you come in, just in that corner there.Liz: Yes. Well now, let's think. What else?Rod: What else is there? Erm ... well there's that huge wardrobe of yours ... (Mm) that's got to go somewhere.Liz: What about over here—you know—across from the fireplace there, because then, in that little corner where it ... where the wall goes back ... look, over there. (Mm) That'd do, wouldn't it? Rod: Ok, well we'll put the wardrobe there then. (Yes) OK? So the wardrobe's opposite the fireplace.Liz: Er ... (OK) what about your desk? (Er) Where are you going to put that?Rod: Er ... I need lots of light, so I think in that far corner in between the two windows, OK?Liz: Oh, I see in the corner there, (Yes) yes. (Erm) Yes, that'd be good.Rod: So the desk goes there.Liz: So you'd have your chair with your back to the fireplace? (Yes) Yes, that'll be all right.Rod: Yes. And there's (yes) the chest of drawers.Liz: Oh, that'd be nice in between the two windows there, right in the middle. (Yes) It really ... come on, I know you're going to like it. (OK) Come on, let's shove it over there. (I mean) I bet (I)er ...Rod: I knew you'd ask me to move it.Liz: Come on. Let's go.Rod: OK. Let's go then. All right.Liz: Nearly there! That's got it.Rod: God, what on earth have you got in there?Liz: Well, there's nothing much in there. I emptied it ... most of it out.Rod: Oh God, my back hurts!Liz: There! Wait a minute. Let me stand back and have a look.Rod: Yes, it's not bad ... sticks out a bit.Liz: No, it's fine. (OK) What about the TV? Where are we going to put that?Rod: Er ... it's really got to go in the opposite corner, hasn't it? (Mm) Opposite the desk, that is. Liz: Oh, you mean in the corner between the windows and the fireplace? (Yes) Yes.Rod: And then the stereo, er ... the amplifier underneath the television and then the two speakers one on either side of the fireplace.Liz: Yes, that'd be good. (Erm) Well lovely! So it'll all fit in beautifully! (Yes) What else ... what else have we got?Rod: It's the er ... there's the bookcase, isn't there? Erm ...Liz: Oh Lord ... where'll we put that?Rod: Well, as you come in the door, er ... immediately on the er ... left-hand side ...Liz: Oh along that wall there you mean?Rod: Because that's ... there's just about enough space there. There's about two feet, so it shouldn't stick out too much, no.Liz: Yes, it's not very wide is it? So you come in the door (Yes) and then the bookcase is right there on the left. (Yes) There's a long way from your desk, though.Rod: Well, exercise'll do me good, won't it? Er ... table lamp. Well, we can just put that er ...Liz: On the chest of drawers. (Yes) When it's ... (Mm) Yes. That'd be nice.Rod: And no matter who wants to use it, you know.Liz: Yes. Oh this is going to be lovely. When are we going to get it all in? Now?Rod: Er ... no, not now. Let's just go to the kitchen and er ... sort that out and have a cup of tea, eh. Liz: Oh, ha ha, good. (Right) Yes, I haven't seen the kitchen. Come on.Rod: Come on then. Let's go.1. Another use for Landsats is to find fresh water. In dry areas such as deserts, Landsat photos may show black areas that indicate water or they may show red areas that indicate healthy plants.People who are trying to find water in these dry areas can save time by looking in the places that are black or red on the Landsat pictures.2. The fifth use is to warn us of natural disasters, such as the damage done by large forest fires, melting ice near the North and South Poles, and lines in the earth where earthquakes might happen.3. Many experts believe that we must turn to the sun to solve our energy needs. Solar energy is clean and unlimited. It is estimated that the amount of solar energy falling on the continental United States is 700 times our total energy consumption. It's possible to convert, or change, this energy for our use, but the cost is the major problem. The federal government is spending millions of dollars to find ways to convert, or change, sunshine into economical energy. By the year 2000, solar technology could be supplying about 25 percent of the United States' energy needs.4. The major expense involved in a solar heating system is the purchase cost of all the parts of the system and the cost of their installation. The approximate cost to buy and put a solar heating system into a three-bedroom house at present varies from $7,000 to $12,000. This is a one-time cost that can be financed over many years. This finance charge may be more expensive than heating with oil at the present prices.。
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Dialogue 9 A. 1. F I must say goodbye now. B. 2. F I shall miss the bus if I don’t hurry. C. 3. F 4. T D. 5. F at 10 o’clock E. 6. T I’ll have to ask you to drive me home. B. 1. Can you stay a little longer?
2 ) in a little hut / a small wood 3 ) get up / the birds 4 ) the winter / break the ice
D. The Man Who Missed the Plane immigrant 移民 company 公司 due 到期的 mini-cab 出租车 Alarm 闹钟 kettle 水壶 pip 报时信号
( 2 ) he loved very deeply / didn’t share his religious
2. ( 1 ) She should agree with him on some basic things.
( 2 ) He prefers to live alone rather than to marry someone who isn’t really what he is looking for and what he really wants.
Dialogue 1
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b
Dialogue 2.
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c
Dialogue 3
1. War and Peace.
2. The Empire Cinema.
3. In the Entertainment’s Guide.
Dialogue 4
2. happened / sitting / into a conversation; a date / the same evening / a lot in common / same interests / the same things
3. ( 1 ) No. ( 2 ) No. ( 3 ) Because his boss has come into the office.
A. got ( are ); went / some ( have been; a ); can / whether there is any news today ( will be able to; what the weather’s like ); ___ ( nearly ); God ( goodness )
to come and pick him up 7.30: when he should be at the airport 8.30: when his plane was due to leave 8.50: when he woke up 9.00: when the news started 12.10: when his clock stopped
Dialogue 5 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c
Dialogue 6 1. T My vocabulary is rather poor, I’m afraid. 2. F She is a nurse. 3. F She is a nurse. 4. F It’s the woman who has a poor vocabulary. Dialogue 7
Section Three
lovable 可爱的 stand for 代表,象征 pink 粉红色
tranquil 安静的 romantic 浪漫的 generous 慷慨的
violet 紫色 mysterious 神秘的 turquoise 青绿色
feminine 女性的,女性化的
1. 1 ) Red is lovable. 2 ) Green stands for hope. 3 ) Pink is romantic. 4 ) Brown is serious. 5 ) White is pure. 6 ) Orange is generous. 7 ) Violet is mysterious. 8 ) Turquoise is strong. 9 ) Blue is feminine.
Lesson Twenty
Listen to This: 1
Section One
beard 胡须 guide 指南 Baker
lamp-post 路灯柱 appointment 约会;任命
empirntertainment 娱乐 Good gracious: My god!
E. Dangerous Illusions
religious 宗教的 requirement 要求
Drift into relationship 形成一种关系
1. ( 1 ) an intelligent and beautiful / the right social background / a liar
traffic jam 交通堵塞 passenger 乘客
properly 适当的
scenery 风景
a. likes: Driving on empty long roads
b. dislikes: Sitting in traffic jams
Waiting for lights to change
c. Sitting in a good driver’s car
d. Preferences:
Driving to being a passenger
B. Telephone Call.
make a date 约会
have sth. In common 有共同之处,有相似点
1. ( 1 ) c ( 2 ) c ( 3 ) b ( 4 ) b
C. Old Arthur. Paraffin 石蜡 pension 养老金 stew 炖肉/菜 1. 1 ) b 2 ) a 3 ) c 4 ) c 5 ) b
6 ) a 7 ) c 8 ) c 9 ) a 10 ) b 2. 1 ) T 2 ) F 3 ) T 4 ) F 5 ) F 6 ) T 3. 1 ) as old Arthor
1. 1 ) b 2 ) c 3 ) c 4 ) b
1 ) An immigrant family from Pakistan to England and their problems in setting down in England. ( 2 ) The play was surprisingly successful. ( 3 ) An American TV company. ( 4 ) Dulwich. ( 5 ) An hour’s drive. ( 6 ) He forgot to wind it. ( 7 ) He had to work very late the previous night. ( 8 ) Awful. ( 9 ) From the radio. ( 10 ) He wore quietly and switched on the electric
2. I shall miss my bus if you don’t hurry. 3. Good gracious, it’s already 10:1. 4. I hope to see you again soon. 5. That’s most kind of.
Section Two
A. Preferences.
kettle. ( 11) A crash near Heathrow Airport. ( 12 ) New York. ( 13 ) Shortly after taking off. ( 14 ) 2234.
3. 5.45: when Jame set his alarm clock for 6.30: when the mini-cab was supposed
2. Dictation.
Every color has a meaning. And as you choose a color, you might like to remember that it’s saying something. We’ve said tat red is lovable. Green, on the other hand, stands for hope; it is tranquil. Pink is romantic, while brown is serious. White is an easy one- white is pure. Orange is generous. Violet is mysterious, turquoise is strong and blue is definitely feminine.