


区域显示器(又名火灾显示盘或层显) 作用:当一个系统中不安装区域报警控制器时,应在各报警区域安装区域显示器,其作用是显示来自消防中心报警器的火警信息,适用于各防火监视分区或楼层。 外观 :
接线端子 其接线端子如下图所示: 其连接使用方法为: 注意: 其最多能带接15个探测器!
作用: 总线隔离器用在传输总线上,对各分支线作短路时的隔离作用。它能自动使短路部分两端呈高阻态或开路状态,使之不损坏控制器,也不影响总线上其他部件的正常工作,当这部分短路故障消除时,能自动恢复这部分回路的正常工作。 总线隔离器的外观同单输入模块,在使用中无须编写地址码。 外观: 由图可知总线隔离器的外观同模块的外观相同,其上有一个动作指示灯,后接的线路短路时继电器动作,指示灯被点亮。
4.接线端子 其接线端子如下所示:
作用:多线制控制盘为标准插盘结构,可与JB-QG-GST5000. JB-QG-GST9000等火灾报警控制器组装在同一柜中,完成对消防泵、排烟机、送风机等重要设备的控制,其可以采用自动控制方式,也可以采用手动控制方式。 外观:

fire protection中文翻译

fire protection中文翻译

fire protection中文翻译基本解释●fire protection:防火,消防●音标:/faɪər prəˈtɛkʃən/●词性:名词短语具体用法●名词短语:o意思: 防火,消防o同义词: fire prevention, fire safety, fire defense, fire security, fire safeguardingo反义词: fire hazard, fire risk, fire danger, fire threat, fire perilo例句:●The new building is equipped with a state-of-the-art fireprotection system to ensure the safety of its occupants. (新建筑配备了最先进的防火系统,以确保住户的安全。

)●Fire protection measures are essential in any public buildingto prevent potential disasters. (在任何公共建筑中,防火措施都是防止潜在灾难的必要措施。

)●The company invested heavily in fire protection to complywith the latest safety regulations. (公司在防火方面投入了大量资金,以符合最新的安全法规。

)●Effective fire protection requires regular maintenance andtesting of all equipment. (有效的防火需要对所有设备进行定期维护和测试。

)●Fire protection services include the installation of alarms,sprinklers, and fire extinguishers. (消防服务包括安装警报器、洒水器和灭火器。



维修企业防火,防爆管理制度范本英文回答:Fire and Explosion Prevention and Control Management System for Maintenance Enterprises.1. Objectives.To establish a comprehensive fire and explosion prevention and control system for maintenance enterprises.To prevent and minimize the risk of fires and explosions.To protect the safety of employees, property, and the environment.2. Scope.This system applies to all maintenance enterprises andtheir employees. It covers all aspects of fire and explosion prevention and control, including:Fire prevention.Explosion prevention.Emergency preparedness and response.3. Responsibilities.3.1 Management.Establish a fire and explosion prevention and control committee.Appoint a fire safety manager.Develop and implement fire and explosion prevention and control policies and procedures.Provide training to employees on fire and explosionprevention and control.Conduct regular fire and explosion risk assessments.Implement preventive maintenance programs for fire and explosion prevention equipment.3.2 Employees.Follow fire and explosion prevention and control policies and procedures.Report any potential fire or explosion hazards to management.Participate in fire and explosion prevention training.Familiarize themselves with emergency evacuation procedures.Cooperate with management in implementing fire and explosion prevention and control measures.4. Fire Prevention.4.1 Ignition Sources.Control and eliminate potential ignition sources, such as:Open flames.Smoking.Electrical equipment.Hot surfaces.4.2 Flammable and Combustible Materials.Store and handle flammable and combustible materials in accordance with applicable regulations.Keep work areas clean and free of debris.Use appropriate containers and dispensers for flammable and combustible liquids.4.3 Housekeeping.Maintain good housekeeping practices to prevent the accumulation of hazardous materials.Regularly clean and maintain work areas and equipment.Remove waste and debris promptly.4.4 Fire Detection and Suppression Systems.Install and maintain fire detection and suppression systems in accordance with applicable regulations.Test fire detection and suppression systems regularly to ensure proper operation.5. Explosion Prevention.5.1 Explosion Hazards.Identify and control potential explosion hazards, such as:Flammable gases and vapors.Explosive materials.Pressure vessels.5.2 Ventilation.Provide adequate ventilation to prevent the accumulation of flammable gases and vapors.Use explosion-proof ventilation equipment in hazardous areas.5.3 Electrical Equipment.Use explosion-proof electrical equipment in hazardous areas.Inspect and maintain electrical equipment regularly to prevent sparks and overheating.5.4 Static Electricity.Ground and bond equipment and materials to prevent the accumulation of static electricity.Use anti-static materials and clothing.6. Emergency Preparedness and Response.6.1 Emergency Plan.Develop and implement an emergency plan for fire and explosion incidents.Train employees on the emergency plan.Conduct regular drills to test the emergency plan.6.2 Emergency Equipment.Provide and maintain adequate emergency equipment, such as:Fire extinguishers.Fire hoses.Fire blankets.Emergency lighting.Personal protective equipment.6.3 Emergency Procedures.Establish clear and concise emergency procedures for fire and explosion incidents.Train employees on the emergency procedures.Post emergency procedures in prominent locations.7. Monitoring and Evaluation.Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the fire and explosion prevention and control system regularly.Conduct regular fire and explosion risk assessments.Conduct employee safety audits to assess compliance with fire and explosion prevention and control policies and procedures.8. Training.Provide regular fire and explosion prevention and control training to employees.The training should cover topics such as:Fire chemistry.Fire prevention and suppression.Explosion prevention.Emergency evacuation procedures.Use of fire extinguishers.9. Documentation.Maintain documentation of all fire and explosion prevention and control activities, including:Fire and explosion risk assessments.Fire and explosion prevention and control policies and procedures.Employee training records.Emergency plan.Fire and explosion incident reports.中文回答:维修企业防火防爆管理制度范本。



消防系统中断申请表Fire Protection Impairment Application FormLocation地点:Site Impairment Coordinator消防系统中断负责人:The Following Impairment此项消防系统中断:□ Planned 已计划□ Emergency 紧急was initiated at 中断工程开始于:Date(年/月/日) Time(时/分)expected corrected by预计结束于: Date(年/月/日) Time(时/分)Type of Impairment中断种类:□ Sprinkler Systerm喷淋系统□ Fire Pump 消防泵□ Water Supply 供水系统□ Special Extinguishing Systerm 其他特设消防系统□ Smoke or Heat Detection Systerm 火警探测系统□ Alarm Systerm 警报系统□ Underground Piping 地下喉管□ Other 其他消防装置:Describe详细描述:The Following Precaution have been taken to minimize the potential for loss during the impairment 为了减少火警危害,当修补防火装置时,已执行如下措施:□ Fire Protection Impairment Tag on systerm 使用消防系统中断许可证□ Department Supervisons Notified 通知受影响范围的部门主管:□ Fire Doors in Area Have Been closed or verified as operable 测试防火门,确保有效□ Hazardous Operation Discontinued 停止危险作业□ Combusibles Removed form Area 移除可燃物品□ Hot Work Operation Discontinued 停止高温作业□ Safety Department Notified通知公司安全部门:□ Fire Station Notified 通知公司消防队:□ Fire Department Notified 通知当地消防机构□ Fire Watch Established(Hourly/Continuous) 安排每小时/长期火警巡查Impairment Application Form Completed by(申请人):Reviewed by(审核人):Approved by(核准人):。



UNIVERSITY SAFETY OFFICESUBJECT: Fire Protection System Impairment ProcedureI. PURPOSEThere are times when it is necessary to disable sprinkler, fire suppression and or fire alarm systems on campus. The probability of a fire or explosion causing major damage is increased whenever a system, alarm or device is impaired. The longer the protection is impaired the greater the probability becomes. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the duration and scope of any impairment or provide for an alternate protection system. The purpose of the procedure is to provide guidance on when and how these systems and their components are to be disabled and re-enabled.II. SCOPEThis procedure applies to all sprinkler systems, fire suppression systems and fire alarm systems and their components. This includes planned or emergency outages of the system or devices. III. EXCEPTIONSA Fire Protection System Impairment permit will not be required for routine maintenance and system inspections.IV. DEFINITIONSFire Protection System – includes sprinkler system, standpipe systems, fire pumps, fire alarm systems, and fire suppression systems.Impairment - An impairment of any fire protection system or equipment occurs when that protection system, alarm or detection device is removed from service either partially or completelyV. RESPONSIBILITIESA. THE UNIVERSITY SAFETY OFFICEIt is the responsibility of the Safety Coordinator to develop and maintain this procedure and to train the appropriate personnel on how to use this procedure. All Fire Protection Impairment permits must be approved and signed by the Safety Coordinator before the system is disabled. In the absence of the Safety Coordinator the Director of Physical Plant shall sign the permit. The permit shall be kept for two years. The Safety Coordinator shall notify the local fire department when necessary.B. SUPERVISORSSupervisors are responsible for ensuring the employees they supervise follow this procedure. C. EMPLOYEESEmployees shall follow this procedure whenever it is necessary to disable a fire protection system. The employee shall fill out the permit completely and have a permit signed by the Safety Coordinator before work begins.VI. REQUIREMENTSThe Hot Work Permit System must be followed whenever there is welding, cutting, brazing or other spark producing work done inside a building. When hot work must be done inside a building with a fire alarm system, steps must be taken to ensure the fire alarm system is not activated by the hot work. If it is necessary to impair a fire protection system to prevent accidental activation, a Fire Protection Impairment tag must be completed. The Fire Protection Impairment tag shall be initiated by a craftsperson or project coordinator and signed by the Safety Coordinator before work begins.The craftsman performing the hot work or the project coordinator shall make arrangements with the fire alarm technicians and to ensure the system is not activated.Before the building’s fire protection system is disabled, Work Control must be notified.The Fire Protection System shall be enabled immediately upon completion of the work or before the end of the work day or before the craftsman leaves the jobsite.Once the Fire Protection System is placed in service it shall be tested to ensure proper operation. Fire alarm systems shall not be left disabled over night with out the written consent of the Safety Coordinator.A protection system may become impaired for a number of reasons, such as maintenance, renovation, construction, equipment failure or just forgetting to activate the system or device. To assure that the impairment is properly handled the precautions shall be taken when possible: ∗Limit the number, scope and duration of impairments(s).∗Notify public fire department at start and finish.∗Shut down any hazardous processes.∗Relocate combustibles away from the area.∗Stop any hot work if possible to decrease the probability of a fire.∗Supplement manual fire protection with extra extinguishers.∗Provide a continuous fire watch.∗Complete impairment work in a timely manner.∗Restore protection system upon completion of work.∗Verify, by testing, that the protection system is operational.∗Start repairs on the impaired system as soon as the area is secured.∗Isolate the area where the situation or condition is causing the impairment. If possible, keep the remaining protection system in service. This may requiretemporary connections (e.g., cross-feed of sprinkler systems by using 2 ½ inch hoseand coupling) or bypassing the system.∗All necessary parts and materials are available before work is started.V. RESTORATIONAfter completing the work, it is important to assure that the fire protection has been properly restored. Eight steps are required to assure the protection has been restored. Each step shall be verified. Those steps are:1.Open all valves that were secured during the impairment. Remove Fire ProtectionEquipment Out of Service Tags once valves are confirmed to be open. Verify that thesystem is properly lined up and valves are open by conducting a drain test. (Note: Ifduring the test the pressure drops below normal, the system may have a restriction or apartially closed valve.)2.Lock valves in their proper position.3.Place all alarms or detection devices back into service.4.Restore any fire protection equipment to “automatic” that was secured or placed in“manual.”5.Verify that portable extinguishers are in place and are fully charged.6.Notify the Work Control that the fire protection has been restored and that the alarms areback in service.7.Return top portion of tag to the Safety Coordinator.。


partial oxidation reaction 不完全氧化系统
partial partition 不完全隔墙
partial pressure 分压力
partial slash disposal 部分残留树桠处理
partial smoke detection system 部分感烟探测系统
passive fire protection system 被动消防系统
passive fire protection 被动消防
passive fire safety equipment 被动消防安全设备
passive learning 被动学习
passive smoke control system 被动式烟气控制系统
patrol desk 通讯值班台
patrol man 外勤员
patrol person 巡夜人
patrol route 巡逻路线
patrol time 巡查时间
patrol unit 巡逻车<一种轻型泵浦车
patrol 防火巡逻
patrolman 巡逻员
PATSIM= Retardant Pattern Simulation Model 按地面图阻滞的模拟方法
p-benzoquinone monoxide 亚硝基苯酚
P.E.O.=Plant Emergency Organization 工厂防险队
pacemaker 起博器
pack set 便携式对讲无线电话机
package-type sprinkler system 组件式喷水灭火系统
packaged fuel 包装燃料
paid fire department 职业消防局



Foxconn-CNSBG-仓库安全指引一、目的本指引提供电子仓库/成品仓与包材仓仓库安全之设计、操作、与维修保养之最低限度之财产安全与人身安全之要求;二、适用范围这份指引适用於电子仓库/成品仓与包材仓仓库设备与其他附属设备之设计、操作与维修保养之相关标准,本指引目标在火灾之防止,并间接考虑人员伤亡之预防;适用於新建成品、不良品及半成品仓、包材仓库规划,不包含化学品仓库及高架仓库;这份指引为初步之安全指引,本安全指引之内容不足之处以FM8-9或NFPA13为基准,未来可依实际状况予以增减与修订;三、名词定义与说明安全出口:供人员安全疏散用的楼梯间、室外楼梯的出入口或直通室内外安全区域的出口;防火分区:在建筑物内部采用防火墙、耐火楼板及其它防火分割设施分隔而成,能在一定时间内防止火灾向同一建筑的其余部分蔓延的局部空间;防火间距:防止着火建筑的辐射热在一定时间内引燃相邻建筑,且便於消防扑救的间隔距离;耐火极限:在标准耐火试验条件下,建筑构件、配件或结构从受到火的作用时起,到失去稳定性、完整性或隔热性时止的这段时间,用小时表示;包材仓库:专门储存包装材料的场所,包装材料可分:各类内外纸箱、彩盒、塑胶托盘、考贝纸、胶带、PE膜、栈板、纸护角、瓦楞纸、泡棉珍珠棉等发泡型缓冲材料;高架仓库:货架高度超过7M且机械化操作或自动化控制的货架仓库;四、仓库设备设计规范电气设施仓库内禁止乱拉电线,禁止使用不合规格的保险装置,敷设的配电线路须穿金属管或用非燃硬塑胶管保护,严禁电源线沿货架敷设;严禁在仓库内地面或靠墙下方敷设电气线路,电缆线槽及其它穿墙孔洞处必须用非燃材料进行封堵;充分考虑电线及控制开关的承受荷载,严禁排插串联,插座及排插安装必须固定,安装位置距地面高度不得小於20cm,且插座及排插周围范围内严禁堆放任何物品;库房内严禁使用电炉、电烙铁、电熨斗、烤箱等电热器具和电视机、电冰箱、空调、电风扇等家用电器;仓库内不准使用碘钨灯和超过六十瓦以上的白炽灯等高温照明灯具,当使用日光灯等低温照明灯具和其他防燃型照明灯具时,应当对镇流器采取隔热、散热等防火保护措施,照明灯具下方严禁堆放物品,且垂直下方与储存物品水准间距不得小於,为确保安全宜安装防爆型灯具;库房内不准设置移动式照明灯具,包材仓及其它包材料放置区必须安装防爆灯具或包材上方无普通照明灯具,禁止使用碘钨灯和超过六十瓦以上的白炽灯等高温照明灯具;低温照明灯具和其他防燃型照明灯具时,应当对镇流器采取隔热、散热等防火保护措施,照明灯具下方严禁堆放物品,且垂直下方与储存物品水准间距不得小於,为确保安全宜安装防爆型灯具;电子物料仓内安装除湿机,必须做区域标识,电源线应沿墙或柱敷设,严禁悬空吊挂;单独建立仓库必须按照国家有关防雷设计安装规范的规定,设置防雷装置,并定期检测,保证有效;贵重物料仓应安装智能监控镜头与防盗警铃,随时监控仓库状况,且监控记录保存6个月以上;五、操作安全规范货架设计摆放要求﹕采用货架的储存方式时,应采用以下的开放式open-frame储存方式;货架开放面积大於70%,方便火势垂直发展和喷淋水达到储存物表面;采用搁板时应确保搁板面积不大於2m2,且四周烟道不应小於80mm.采用架子的储存方式时, 应确保每排间距不小於, 且单排每应预留不少於80mm的烟道;货架之间操作间距不得小於;货架横边每隔处必须用铁皮隔开;货架二层及以上各层货物堆放平台必须采用铁丝网,其开口面积不得小於总面积的70%,若因物料或其他特别要求必须用木质等实心材料时,且每2㎡四周必须预留不小於75mm的间距;为降低火灾荷载和货物承重需求,货架必须用铁质/钢质等硬质不然材料;高架仓库货架设计摆放严格按照相应标准执行;物料储存物料入库前应有专人负责检查,确定无火种等隐患後,方准入库;物料应当分类、分垛储存,每垛占地面积不宜大於100m2,垛与垛间距不小於1M,垛与墙间距不小於,垛与梁、柱间距不小於,主要通道的宽度不小於2M;物料与上方屋顶、灯的距离不小於,与喷淋头距离不小於1M;货架上层每垛货物占据面积小於2m2,且货物垛与垛之间距离应大於75mm;货架不同层间摆放物料时一般上小下大,物料分放之原则﹕重量大、体积大、不易搬动的物料放置在下层,重量轻、体积小、易搬动的放在上层,重量轻、使用频率小的放置在顶层;板料或栈板堆放不得超过三层可以摆放三层且不得有歪斜;栈板表面有损坏、潮湿、发霉或支脚损坏的不得使用;货架变形、扭曲、支脚损坏、锈蚀的不得使用;为降低产线火灾风险,产线区域应减少包材、不良品、半成品及成品的存放量以降低火灾风险及可能受到的损失;产线区域各类物料存放,需划线分隔,临时存放的物料必须做明确标示,各类物料堆放不得占用消防及人行通道,同一区域堆放面积不得大於20m2,全包装纸箱/塑胶箱,堆放高度不得大於,宜单层栈板堆放,半包装纸箱/塑胶箱类物料为上端开口箱,因其支撑结构不完整,其上端不宜再堆放物料,此类物料实行单层堆放;过道旁且又无货架堆放之物料,为防止倾倒或撞倒伤人及物料损毁,宜单层栈板堆放;产线包材存放区应建立独立防火分区,产线周转区包材存放量不得大於2小时用量,站地堆放面积不得大於2㎡,堆放高度不得超过3M,栈板限层不得超过2层;栈板储存Proper protection regarding the use and storage of wood and plastic pallets is essential. Based on fire tests, pallets are divided into two groups for determining the level of protection needed for their storage.适当的保护对于使用储存木栈板和塑胶栈板是必不可少的;基於火灾试验,栈板分为两组,测定其存储所需的保护级别;Group I 第一组1. Wood pallets with slatted and/or solid top and/or bottom1.带有板条和或实心顶部和或底部的木栈板2. Pallets made of combinations of solid sheets of corrugated paperboard, separated by either polystyrene blocks of short rolls of corrugated paperboard edge2;由瓦楞纸板组合成的栈板与由聚苯乙烯块短卷纸,瓦楞纸栈板区分3. Non-expanded, high-density polyethylene pallets with solid deck3.不延伸,固体实心的高密度聚乙烯栈板4. Approved plastic pallets4.塑胶成型栈板Since pallets in Group I are a lesser fire hazard than those in Group II, their storage is permitted in the following areas:由於第一组栈板比第二组栈板的火灾危害性较小,其允许存储在以下区域:1. A cut-off room located anywhere in the building1.建筑室内的任何一个隔间2. Any storage area with no cut-offs between pallet storage and other storages storage in such areas should be limited to a maximum height of 20 ft 2.非隔间的储存区域﹐使用栈板储存或其他储存方式在这些区域储存应限制在最大高度20英尺Group II Pallets: All other plastic pallets.第二组:所有其他的塑胶栈板;The locations, in order of preference, for idle plastic pallet storage are:闲置的塑胶栈板存储应按以下优先顺序:1. Outdoors, a safe distance from important buildings1.在户外,与重要建筑物保持一个安全距离2. A detached low value building at least 20 ft. from important buildings 2.低价值的建筑物与重要建筑物保持至少20英尺的距离3. A cut-off room located along the exterior wall and outside of the building 3.沿着建筑物外墙并处于建筑物外面的隔间4. A cut-off room located along the exterior wall and inside of the building 4.沿着建筑物外墙并处于建筑物内部的隔间5. A non-cut-off area 4 ft. maximum storage height5.非隔间区域最大存储高度4英尺米For indoor pallet storage, specific sprinkler design and storage requirements are needed in order to provide adequate protection. 室内栈板存储,喷淋头的设计和存储的要求是为了提供足够的保护;If pallets must be stored indoors, they should be kept no higher than 6 ft., stored in piles not exceeding four stacks and in piles separated by a distance of 8 ft. from one another or by 25 ft. of commodity. Idle pallet height also depends on the sprinkler design.如果栈板必须存放在室内,高度应该不超过6英尺,一个区域存储堆栈数量不超过四个且堆与堆之间在距离须至少保持8英尺﹐或与货物的距离不小于25英尺;闲置栈板的高度也取决於喷头的设计高度;六、运行和管理规范Fire Assessment火灾风险评估Appoint a manager to take charge and undertake a risk assessment. The manager comply with the law to keep records of all fire safety activity and implement improvements in fire prevention and to prevent fire and smoke spread in case of fire detection and fire suppression.任命一个负责人负责进行火灾的风险评估;负责人须依法保留所有关于火灾预防所进行的消防安全行动及改善记录﹐以及火灾报警和灭火行动时执行防止火灾及烟气蔓延的记录;负责人应负有以下责任建立消防安全行动计画安排员工进行消防演练计划演练消防设备维护;与地方消防队保持联络火灾扩大的情况下制定财产抢救和损失控制计画记录保存消防设施及器材管理﹕消防器材应当设置在明显和便於取用的地点,周围1M范围内不准堆放物品和杂物;仓库的消防设施、器材,应当由专人管理,负责检查、维修、保养、更换和添置,保证完好有效,严禁圈占、埋压和挪用;消火栓、灭火器等消防设施、器材,应当定期进行检查,确保完好有效;仓库周围的消防车道和仓库内部的安全出口、疏散楼梯等消防通道,严禁被阻塞;厂房内设置丙类仓库时必须采用防火墙和耐火极限不低於的楼板与厂房隔开;仓库内严禁设置办公室、休息室,包材仓严禁设置仓管员工作间,因特殊情况必须设置时,必须采用耐火极限不低於的不燃烧体隔墙和的楼板与库房隔开,并应设置独立的安全出口,若需在隔墙上开设相互连通的门时,应采用乙级放火门;仓库的安全出口应分散布置,每个防火分区、一个防火分区的每个楼层,其相邻2个安全出口最近边缘之间的水准距离不应小於5M;每座仓库的安全出口不应少於2个,当一座仓库的占地面积不大於300㎡时,可设置1个安全出口,仓库内每个防火分区通向疏散走道、楼梯或室外的出口不宜少於2个,当防火分区的建筑面积不大於100㎡时,可设置1个,通向疏散走道或楼梯的门应为乙级防火门;火源管理仓库应当设置醒目的严禁烟火与防火标志,进入库内人员必须遵守仓库规定并於门岗警卫处交出携带的火种如打火机;物品入库前应当有专人负责检查,确定无火种等隐患後,方准入库;仓库内原则上严禁动用明火作业,特殊情况下必须按照相关流程办理动火作业许可证,并采取严格有效的安全措施控制火源措施、配备灭火器、清理作业现场、监视动火现场等;入包材仓的叉车必须安装防止火花溅出的熄火装置;必须在仓库显目位置张贴安全管理资讯标识卡;消防系统失效期间严禁在仓库内进行动火作业电器安全管理禁止在仓内使用任何加热设备;真空包装机等发热设备禁止放置在包材区,当放置在电子物料仓内,其周围范围内禁止摆放物料;包材存放应与电器线路保持及插座保持以上距离Contractor control program承揽商控制程式Contractors should be closely supervised when they are on site. Some common procedures and precautions should include: 承揽商施工作业时须有人员进行现场监督;应包括一些常见的程式和预防措施:Required orientation program定点作业程式要求Sign-in and sign-out 签到和签出Escorts to provide monitoring at all times安排员工进行现场监督Enforcing all hot work procedures对所有的动火作业进行管控Enforcing fire protection impairment procedures执行火灾预防程式Inspection and approval of work by on site personnel定期检查和巡视在公司范围内作业的员工工作检查与许可应经过现场人员Management of change变更管理A process of managing change in storage occupancies should require a thorough analysis of any planned change that will impact the fire potential in the warehouse. For example, the process should include changes to: 仓库存储的变更管理作业程式需包括仓库用途改变时的火灾影响分析;例如,该程式应包括以下方面:Materials in products产品的原材料Packaging material protecting products产品的包装保护材料New products新产品Pallets holding products产品存放的栈板Equipment that moves products产品的装卸设备Pile configurations or racking systems storing products产品的存储方式货架存储系统Introduction of airflow due to circulation or exhaust fans 送风系统或排气风机Any of these actions can increase the potential or severity of a fire in a warehouse. Careful consideration should be given prior to implementing any changes.任何这些变动可以增加一个仓库的火灾隐患或严重程度;在实施任何更改之前应给予认真考虑;The following unintended actions occur outside of the management of change process, and require management vigilance and periodic warehouse inspection to allow prompt identification and correction. Unintended change can include actions such as: 下列无意识的行为发生在变更管理之外,并要求管理警惕和定期仓库检查达成及时识别并采取纠正措施;无意识的行为包括:Concentrating idle pallets beyond allowable limits集中存放的空闲栈板超出允许范围Storage in aisles物品存储在过道中Storage of unauthorized hazardous materials in the warehouse在仓库内储存未经授权的有害物质Placing stock into racks in a manner that obstructs vertical flues密封的货架在某种程度上阻碍上方烟感的探测货架上货物的存放在某种程度上阻碍烟气垂直方向上的流动Exceeding allowable stock storage heights栈板上的货物超过允许的储藏高度Routine inspections of storage arrangement and conditions should be conducted by management at more than one level of the organization.仓库存储状况的日常管理检查应由多个部门联合执行七、维修保养规范仓库电器设备的安装、检查和维修保养,应严格遵守相关电器操作规程与Foxconn-CNSBG-电气设备安全指引,作业人员必须持有电工证;仓库消防设备的安装、检查和维修保养,应严格遵守相关消防操作规程;八、相关消防规范各种仓库除设置自动喷淋灭火系统与火灾自动侦测系统外,还应根据仓库面积及储存物料的火灾危险性配置一定数量的灭火器材;自动喷淋灭火系统自动喷淋灭火系统应依NFPA 13或FM8-9来设计,应收集附录A要求之参数,根据NFPA 13或FM8-9表格设计仓库所须之自动喷淋灭火系统;现有自动喷淋灭火系统无法满足NFPA 13或FM8-9表格设计仓库之要求,以限制货物堆垛面积与高度,以满足现有自动喷淋灭火系统之能力;火灾自动侦测系统防火分区厂房内设置丙类仓库时必须采用防火墙和耐火极限不低於的楼板与厂房隔开;仓库内严禁设置办公室、休息室,包材仓严禁设置仓管员工作间,因特殊情况必须设置时,必须采用耐火极限不低於的不燃烧体隔墙和的楼板与库房隔开,并应设置独立的安全出口,若需在隔墙上开设相互连通的门时,应采用乙级放火门;安全出口仓库的安全出口应分散布置,相邻2个安全出口最近边缘之间的水准距离不应小於5M;每座仓库的安全出口不应少於2个,当一座仓库的占地面积不大於300㎡时,可设置1个安全出口,仓库内每一防火分区通向疏散走道、楼梯或室外的出口不宜少於2个安全出口,当防火分区的建筑面积不大於100㎡时,可设置1个,通向疏散走道或楼梯的门应为乙级防火门;九、参考文件NFPA 标准最新版A.NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 自动喷淋系统B.Fire Protection Handbook, Twentieth EditionA. NFPA 13自动喷水灭火系统安装的标准自动喷淋系统B消防手册,第二十版Factory Mutual Data Sheet工厂共同资料表最新版A.FM 8-9 Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic CommoditiesB.FM 8-24 Idle Pallet StorageA. FM 8-9存储1,2,3,4类物品和塑胶产品B. FM 8-24空闲栈板存储十、附录附录AFire Protection Design Challenges消防设计规范When designing the fire protection systems for warehouse-type occupancy, in addition to commodity classification and storage configuration, there are many other variables to consider, such as storage height versus building height, aisle width, and specific design features of automatic sprinkler systems including temperature rating, orifice size, response time and in-rack sprinklers.设计仓库消防系统时,除了考虑商品的分类和存储结构之外,还有许多其他因素需要考虑,如存储高度与建筑高度,通道宽度,和自动喷淋灭火系统的具体设计包括温度等级,管径大小,响应时间和货架喷头;Commodity Classes and Classification of Plastics, Elastomers and Rubber 商品类别和塑胶的分类,弹性体和橡胶Class I I类Noncombustible product that meets one of the following criteria:不燃的产品应符合下列条件之一1. Placed directly on wooden pallets. 直接放在木栈板上2. Placed in single-layer corrugated cartons, with or without single-thickness cardboard dividers, with or without pallets. 放置在带或不带栈板﹐有或没有单一的厚纸单层瓦楞纸箱里3. Shrink-wrapped or paper wrapped as a unit load with or without pallets. 放置在带或不带栈板以收缩包装或纸包为单位负载的货物Class II II类Noncombustible product that is in slatted wooden crates, solid wood boxes, multiple layered corrugated cartons, or equivalent combustible packaging material, with or without pallets.在板条箱,实木盒,多层瓦楞纸箱,或等效可燃包装材料,带或不带栈板的不燃性产品;Class III III类Product fashioned from wood, paper, natural fibers, or Group C plastics withor without cartons, boxes or crates and with or without pallets. A Class III commodity shall be permitted to contain a limited amount 5% by weight or volume or less of Group A or Group B plastics.产品的包装方式有木头﹑纸﹑天然纤维﹑带或不带纸箱的C组塑料﹔带或不带栈板的箱子或柳条箱;第Ⅲ类商品允许含有少量5%以内的重量或体积A组或B组塑胶;Class IV IV级Product, with or without pallets, that meets one of the following criteria:有或没有栈板产品,符合下列条件之一1. Constructed partially or totally of Group B plastics由部分或全部B组塑胶组成2. Consists of free-flowing Group A plastic materials具有自由流动特性的A 组塑胶组成3. Contains within itself or its packaging an appreciable amount 5% to 15% by weight or 5% to 25% by volume of Group A plastics. 包装材料包含A组塑胶的含量不超过5%至15%重量或5%至25%体积;Group A A组ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Butyl Rubber, EPDM, FRP, Natural Rubber Nitrile Rubber, PET, Polybutadiene, Polycarbonate, Polyester Elastomer, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polystyrene, Polyurethane, PVC, SAN, SBR.ABS,缩醛,丙烯酸,丁基橡胶,三元乙丙橡胶,玻璃,天然橡胶,丁腈橡胶,聚丁二烯,聚酯,聚碳酸酯,聚酯弹性体,聚乙烯,聚丙烯,聚苯乙烯,聚氨酯,PVC,SAN,SBRGroup B B组Cellulosics, Chloroprene Rubber, Fluoroplastics ECTFE, ETFE, FEP, Natural Rubber, Nylon, Silicone Rubber Group B and Class IV are considered equivalent.纤维质﹐丁二烯橡胶,氟塑料ECTFE,ETFE,FEP,天然橡胶,尼龙,矽橡胶B组和IV类被认为是等价的;Group C C组Fluoroplastics PCTFE, PTFE, Melamine, Phenolic, PVC, PVDC, PVDF, PVF, Urea Group C and Class III are considered equivalent.氟塑料PCTFE, PTFE,三聚氰胺,酚醛树脂,PVC, PVDC, PVDF, PVF,尿素C组和第三类被认为是等价的;Encapsulation. A method of packaging consisting of a plastic sheet completely enclosing the sides and top of a pallet load containing a combustible commodity or a combustible package or a group of commodities or combustible packages.包装;一种由包括可燃栈板及四周及顶部由含有易燃或可燃包装商品塑胶片完全密封的包装方法;Storage Height v. s. Building Height储存高度与建筑高度Other than the fire properties of the commodities themselves, probably no other condition has amore profound influence on the progress of fire in a storage occupancy and on the difficulty of fire control than storage height.除了商品本身的防火性能,大概没有其他情况比存储高度在存储占用和火灾控制难度具有更深远的影响;Aisle Width过道宽度Aisle width is determined by the horizontal distance between the faces of the storage in the racks. Aisles are usually four to eight feet wide, and the aisles allow for water from the ceiling sprinklers to reach a fire, help keep a fire from jumping from rack to rack and provide egress for firefightersand their equipment.过道的宽度是货架的存储面之间的水准距离的确定;过道通常是四到八英尺宽,并允许天花板上消防喷淋头覆盖货架上在货物,避免火火势从一个货架串至另一个货架﹐并为消防队员们的装备留出足够在宽度;Styles of Automatic Sprinklers自动喷淋装置的种类Sprinklers are divided into two categories based on the mechanisms by which they are designed to attack a fire.依灭火需求﹐根据机械结构﹐喷淋装置可分为两大类;Control Mode控制模式Control mode sprinklers rely on cooling and pre-wetting, allowing the fire to continue to burn in the area of ignition while controlling roof and ceiling temperatures and preventing fire spread until firefighters arrive or the fuel is consumed and the fire goes out. These types of sprinklers are characterized by a relatively large area of operation ., 15-50 sprinklers.喷淋装置的控制方式依靠冷却和预湿,让火在该区域继续燃烧,屋顶和天花板上的温度控制和防止火灾蔓延到其他区域﹐直到消防队员到达或燃料消耗尽;这些类型喷淋头的特点是涉及一个比较大的面积例如,15-50个喷淋头;Suppression Mode or Early Suppression Fast Response ESFR 抑制模式或快速响应早期抑制模式ESFRSuppression mode or Early Suppression Fast Response ESFR sprinklers rely on penetration to stop fire growth quickly and drastically reduce heat release. Usually six or fewer of this type of sprinkler is required.抑制模式或快速响应早期抑制ESFR喷淋装置依靠渗透能迅速阻止火灾发展和减少火灾热释放;通常只需要六个或更少的这种类型的喷淋头注:新版FM8-9是依此观念设计;Characteristics of a Sprinkler喷淋头的特性Section in NFPA 13 outlines the characteristics of a sprinkler that define its ability to control or extinguish a fire. 在NFPA 13 部分概述了喷淋头的特性是由其控制或灭火能力的特点决定的;a. Thermal Sensitivity 热灵敏度A measure of the speed with which the thermal element operates as installed in a specific sprinkler or sprinkler assembly. One measure of thermal sensitivity is the response time index RTI as measured under standardized test conditions.测量安装在一个特定的喷淋头或喷淋头元件的热元件响应速度;衡量热灵敏度的响应时间指数RTI是在标准测试条件下测得的;b. Temperature Rating 温度额定范围Usually ranges from165° F to 286° F.温度的范围值通常在165°F 286°F之间.c. Orifice Size 溅水盘尺寸The opening through which the water flows depending on the amount of water density needed to protect the occupancy. They can range from one-half-inch to as much as one inch in diameter.水的流量密度取决於喷淋装置所需要保护面积范围;它们尺寸可以从达直径半英寸至一英寸;d. Installation Orientation安装方式Sidewall, pendent and upright. 边墙式,下垂式和上垂式;e. Water Distribution Characteristics水流的分布特徵Application rate, discharge pattern. 使用率,放空模式;f. Special Service Conditions特殊使用条件Dry sprinklers, corrosion resistant, rack storage sprinklers. 干式喷淋头,耐腐蚀喷淋头,储存货架喷淋头;g. Water Supply供水As with any sprinkler system, it is imperative that an adequate and reliable water supply is in place to ensure that design requirements are met for ceiling sprinklers, in-rack sprinklers, hydrants, standpipes and hose systems.正如任何自动喷淋灭火系统一样,足够的和可靠的供水,是确保满足设计要求在天花板上的喷淋头,货架喷淋头,消防栓,立管和软管系统正常运作的必要条件;。



p-benzoquinone monoxide 亚硝基苯酚P.E.O.=Plant Emergency Organization 工厂防险队pacemaker 起博器pack set 便携式对讲无线电话机package-type sprinkler system 组件式喷水灭火系统packaged fuel 包装燃料packed cargo 件货packing gland 填密函盖packing material 填料padlock remover 撬锁器pager 无线电寻呼机paging system 音响播叫系统paid absence allowance 假期补贴paid fire brigade= professional fire brigade 支取薪金的消防队paid fire department 职业消防局paid firefighter 职业消防战斗员paid man 职业消防战斗员pain 疼痛paint film 漆膜paint spray booth 喷漆房paint spraying 喷漆操作paint thinner 油漆稀释剂paint 涂料pall 烟幕palladium chloride 氯化钯pallet 平板架palletized storage 托盘化贮藏palliative treatment 舒减疗法palpitation 心悸pancake collapse 平倒塌panel board 配电板panel wall 幕墙panel 护墙板panelled ceiling 格子式平顶panelling 镶板panic behavior 恐慌行为panic equipment 应急设备panic hardware 太平门闩panic relief installation 紧急脱机装置panic 恐慌pants 裤子Para rubber 帕拉胶parabola 抛物线parabolic reflector 抛物形反射器paracargo 空降物资parachute 降落伞paraffin series 石蜡系paraffin wax 石蜡paraffin 烷烃parallax 视差parallel attack= parallel method=parallel fire suppression 平行建立火灾控制线parallel burning= strip burning 平行烧除parallel circuit 并联线路parallel method 平行建立火灾控制线parallel operation 并联工作parallel 并联paralysis 瘫痪paramedic 医士parameter 参数paranoia 妄想狂parapet wall 女儿墙parapet 护墙parathion 对硫磷parbuckle 单绳做的双折吊索parcelling 用油浸帆布条包扎绳索park light 停车灯parking area 停车区parking brake 停车制动器parking deck 停车场parking garage 停车库parking lot lane 停车段车道parking space 停车所占空间parking tender 停泊管理员parking 停车part time fire brigade =part-time fire brigade 非全日工作消防队part-paid firefighter (临时替班part-time firemen 非全日性工作消防人员partial combustion 不完全燃烧partial evacuation 局部疏散partial oxidation reaction 不完全氧化系统partial partition 不完全隔墙partial pressure 分压力partial slash disposal 部分残留树桠处理partial smoke detection system 部分感烟探测系统partial sprinkler system 局部安装的喷水灭火系统partial system failure 部分系统故障partially sprinklered space 部分有洒水的地区particle size 粒度particleboard 木屑板particular 详细资料particulate mass concentration 颗粒物质浓度particulate matter 悬浮微粒particulate 粒子particulate-filter respirator 颗粒partition nozzle 隔墙水枪<带弯曲喷嘴的水枪partition 隔板parts of a fire 火灾的各部分<蔓延最快的部分称为火头parts per million 百万分之party line 合用线party wall 共用隔墙pascal 帕斯卡<压力单位Pascal's law 帕斯卡定律pass alert safety system 通道安全报警系统passageway 走廊passenger elevator 客梯passenger escape 旅客紧急撤离passenger lift 客梯passenger terminal 客运码头passenger vessel 客轮passive circuit 无源电路passive component 无源元件passive fire protection system 被动消防系统passive fire protection 被动消防passive fire safety equipment 被动消防安全设备passive learning 被动学习passive smoke control system 被动式烟气控制系统passive transducer 无源换能器PASS=personal alert safety system 个人安全报警系统patch burning 小块烧除patch kettle 修补用小锅炉<用来修补屋面patchy continuity 可燃物的杂凑连续性patent 专利path of travel 走道pathology 病理学patient care area 病员护理区patient emergency measuring device 病员危急测量仪器patient lead 接在病员身上的多种仪器的导线patient vicinity 可以接近病号的区域patrol desk 通讯值班台patrol man 外勤员patrol person 巡夜人patrol route 巡逻路线patrol time 巡查时间patrol unit 巡逻车<一种轻型泵浦车patrol 防火巡逻patrolman 巡逻员PATSIM= Retardant Pattern Simulation Model 按地面图阻滞的模拟方法pattern 射流形式pawl 止动器pay out 放出payload 有效载重量Payne's process 潘恩木材防火法PCBs= Polychlorinated biphenyls 多氯代联苯PC=polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯peak current 峰值电流peak fire season 火险高峰季节peak load 峰值负荷peak over pressure 最大剩余压力peak rate of flow 最大流量peak roof 尖顶屋peak tank 尖舱peak temperature 峰值温度peak torque 最大转矩peak value 峰值peak 前帽沿peak-to- peak value 峰对peat log fire 泥煤沼泽火灾peat 泥煤peavy 钩棍Peclet number 丕雷数pedestal tank 支座水箱pedestal 操纵台pedestrian bridge 过街桥pedestrian traffic 行人交通pedestrian tunnel 行人隧道pedestrian walk 人行道pedestrian-way 人行道peel strength 剥离强度peep hole 观察孔pellet powder 球状炸药PEL=permissible exposure limit 容许暴露极限penal action 刑事诉讼pendant sprinkler 下垂形洒水喷头penetrant 渗透剂penetrating concentration 透过浓度penetrating item 贯穿件penetrating material 穿透物质penetrating power 穿透力penetration opening (墙身penetration resistance 抗穿刺性penetration 针入度<具有一定填充密度的干粉灭火剂经规定的方法处理后Pensky-Martens closed tester 彭斯克-马丁密闭式试验器Pensky-Martens tester 彭斯克-马丁测定仪pentadiene 戊二烯pentaerythrite tetranitrate 季戊四烯四硝酸酯pentane 戊烷pentene 戊烯penthouse 阁楼penthrite 猛烈炸药people at fire scene 在火灾现场的人people flow rate 人流速率percent explosiveness 爆炸性百分数percent explosivity 爆炸性百分数percent of slope 斜率perception 感觉perchlorate explosive 过氯酸盐炸药perchlorate 过氯酸盐perchloric acid 高氯酸percolating hose 渗透水带percolation extractor 渗透式浸出器percolation 渗过percolised hose 衬里渗透水带<具有特殊的衬里和覆盖层percussion powder 冲击起爆炸药percussion 撞〔打perfect combustion 完全燃烧perfect gas law 理想气体定律perforated pipe sprinkler 多孔管喷水灭火装置perforated pipe 穿孔管道performance checking 性能检查performance criteria 性能指标performance curve 工况曲线performance index 性能指标performance measurement 性能测定performance parameter 性能参数performance test 性能试验perimeter 林野火灾的边沿period of flaming 火焰期period 周期periodic inspection 定期检查periodic law 周期律periodic review 定期检查periodic sample 周期性取样periodic vibration 周期性震动peripheral blood 周边血peripheral vision 周围视觉peripheral 外围设备perishable item 易腐品perlite 珍珠岩perm-selective membrane 选择性渗透膜permanent disability 永久伤残permanent fire protection system 固定消防装置permanent firefighter 正式消防战斗员permanent impairment 终身丧失工作能力的损伤permanent partial disability 永久性局部伤残permanent radio station 固定无线电台permanent total disability 终身丧失工作能力的伤残permanent 固定消防员permanent-water-supply standpipe system 固定供水竖管系统permanently ventilated lobby 永久通风的大厅permanganate 高锰酸盐permeability coefficient 渗透系数permeability to heat 热导性permeability 渗透性permissible blasting unit 安全起爆器permissible cartridge 安全药桶permissible coal cutter 防爆截煤机permissible concentration 容许浓度permissible criteria 许可标准permissible current 允许电流permissible degree 允许程度permissible dose 容许剂量permissible dustiness 允许含尘量permissible dynamite 安全硝甘炸药permissible electrical equipment 防爆电器设备permissible explosive 安全炸药permissible exposure limit 允许暴露极限permissible flame lamp 火焰安全灯permissible lamp 安全灯permissible level 容许水平permissible light 安全灯permissible limit 容许极限permissible load 允许荷载permissible mine equipment 许用矿山设备permissible mine locomotive 防爆式矿用机车permissible motor 防爆电动机permissible safety lamp 安全灯permissible temperature 容许温度permit 许可证permitted dynamite 安全黄色炸药permitted explosive 安全炸药permitted exposure time 允许暴露时间permitted light 安全灯permitted point 许可的水准peroxide 过氧化合物perpends 砖石砌体的垂直缝persistent fire 耗时长的火灾persistent violator 经常违章者person machine system 人-机系统person 法人personal alarm device 个人报警装置personal alarm locator 个人报警定位器personal alarm monitor 个人报警监测器personal alert safety system 个人安全报警系统personal breathing apparatus safety line 个人呼吸器安全绳personal distress device 个人求救装置personal distress locator 个人求救定位器personal distress signal unit 佩带者不适信号装置personal equipment 个人装备personal factor 人为因素personal liability insurance 个人责任保险personal locator beacon 人员示位信标personal protective equipment 个人防护装备personal safety equipment 个人安全装备personnel appliance 人员输送车personnel carrier 人员输送车personnel location system 人员测位系统personnel management 人员管理personnel monitoring 人体辐射剂量检查personnel protection 人身保护personnel safety guard 人员安全防护personnel safety 人身安全personnel vehicle 人员输送车perspex 防风玻璃persuader 铁铤pesticide 农药petrochemical extinguishing system 石油灭火系统petrochemical industry 石油化学工业petrochemical plant 石油化学工厂petrochemical 石油化工产品petrol barge 汽油驳船petrol barrel 石油桶petrol bomb 汽油弹petrol bowser 油槽车petrol bulk lorry 油槽车petrol burner 汽油喷灯petrol can 汽油壶petrol carrier 油船petrol depot 汽油库petrol 汽油petrol-air mixture 汽油-空气混合气petroleum coke 石油焦petroleum ether 石油醚petroleum fire 石油火灾petroleum fuel 石油燃料petroleum gas oil 瓦斯油petroleum gas 石油气petroleum oil 石油petroleum product fire 石油产品火灾petroleum spirit 汽油petroleum tank wagon 铁路油槽车petroleum tank 原油罐petroleum 石油PF=protein foam 蛋白泡沫pH value PH 值pH PH 值phantom box number 火灾报警分区编号phantom box 无火灾报警场所的火灾报警编号phase 1= first phase 第1阶段<即阴燃阶段phase 2= second phase 第2阶段<即产生火焰阶段phase 3= third phase 第3阶段<即危险阴燃阶段phase fault 相间短路phase of fire 火灾的阶段<在有限空间里phase-to-phase voltage 相间电压phased evacuation 分段疏散PHA= preliminary hazard analysis 初步危害分析phen 苯酚的phenol formaldehyde foam 酚醛泡沫phenol group 苯基phenol 苯酚phenylamine 苯胺phon 方phone operator 电话接线员phone page 电话传呼phone receiver 电话机phone traffic 电话传达phosgene 光气phosphate ester 磷酸酯phosphate powder 磷酸盐干粉phosphine 磷化氢phosphor 黄磷phosphorescence 磷光现象phosphorescent sign 发磷光的标志phosphorus penta sulfide 五硫化二磷phosphorus sesquisulfide 三硫化二磷phosphorus trisulfide 三硫化二磷phosphorus 磷phot combustion 光燃烧phot 辐透<照度单位photo electronic smoke detector 光电感烟探测器photo-electric device 光电装置photo-electric type smoke detector 光电式感烟探测器photochemical process 光化过程photochemistry 光化学photoconductive cell 光电导管photoelectric effect 光电效应photoelectric flame detector 光电火焰探测器photoelectric obscuration smoke detector 减光型光电感烟探测器photoelectric obscuration-type smoke detector 减光型光电感烟探测器photoelectric scattering smoke detector 散射型光电感烟探测器photoelectric smoke detector 光电感烟探测器photoelectrical 光电的photographic film 照相软片photoluminescent exit marking system 荧光安全出口标志系统photometer 光度计photometric requirement 光度要求photomultiplier 光电倍增器photon 光子photosensitive device 光敏装置phototransistor 光电晶体管physical ability 体能physical analog 物理模拟physical change 物理变化physical chemistry 物理化学physical damage 物理性损坏physical evidence 物质证据physical explosion 物理爆炸physical factor 自然因素physical fire model 物理火灾模型physical fire 物理火灾physical fitness test 身体健康检查physical foam= mechanical foam 机械泡沫physical form 外形physical hazard 物质危险physical property 物理性质physical protection 人体防护physical science 自然科学physically disabled person 残疾人员physics 物理学physiological effect of radiation 辐射的生理作用physiological effect 生理影响physiological warning property 生理警告性能physiology 生理学PIAT=Public Information Assist Team 公共信息援助队pick up=pickup 收拾消防设备pick-head axe 光头斧pick-up tube 吸液管pickaroon 十字镐picker room 清棉室picker trunk sprinkler 导管型喷头pickling 酸洗pickup firefighter 临时消防战斗员pickup 吸液pico- 微微picric acid 三硝基苯酚piece 水带Pieler's lamp 皮勒尔型沼气检验灯piercing pole 尖型杆pig 装运容器pigment 颜料pigtail 未卷起的一小段水带pilaster 壁柱pile 核反应堆piling and burning 堆聚烧除pill test 小球测定法pillar burst 矿柱爆裂pillar hydrant 地上消火栓<阀pillar 墩pilot burner 常燃的小火pilot flame 引燃火焰pilot light 指示灯pilot relief valve 导向排泄阀pilot test 小规模试验pilot valve 导阀pilot 火场向导pilot's post 火场向导岗位pin lug coupling 销耳式接口pipe burst 管子爆裂pipe explosion 管子爆裂pipe fitting 管接头pipe flow 管道流动pipe hanger 吊管钩pipe holder 水轮支托pipe laying 管道铺设pipe shaft 管道竖井pipe 水轮piped water supply 管道供水pipeless heating and ventilation 无管式供暖与通风pipeless system of heating 无管式供暖系统pipeline 管路pipeman 水枪手piperidine 哌啶pipework 管道工程piping filter 管道过滤器piping system 管道系统piping 管道pistol grip 枪柄式手柄pistol-type branch 手枪式水枪piston deluge valve 活塞型雨淋阀piston pump 活塞泵piston tool 活塞打钉器piston valve 活塞式滑阀pit fire 矿中火灾pit frame fire 井架火灾pit 阴井pitch nitrate 硝化沥青pitched roof 坡屋顶pitometer 流速计pitot gage 皮托计pitot pressure 皮托管压力pitot tube method of measuring flow 皮托管测定流量法pitot tube 皮托管placard 区域火灾报警装置的标牌placarding 危险告示place of assembly 公共场所place of safety 安全区placid out-flow gas 瓦斯平稳泄出placid out-flow methane 瓦斯平稳泄出plain conductor 普通导线plain denotation 简单标志plain indicator 平面图显示器plain nozzle 普通喷嘴plain water extinguisher 清水灭火器plain weave 平纹plan of attack 灭火作战计划plank and beam framing 板梁式框架plank 木板Plank's constant 普兰克常数planned cooperator 森林消防战斗员planning section chief 计划部门长官planograph 仓库堆放示意图plans chief 灭火计划负责人plant fire protection organization 工厂消防组织plant protection 工厂保护plant 安放纵火物plasma arc cutting 等离子火焰切割plasma arc welding 等离子弧焊plaster base ceiling 抹灰天花板plaster board 灰胶纸柏板plaster ceiling 灰泥吊顶plaster hook 消防钩plaster 灰泥plastic board 塑料板plastic bonded explosive 高聚物粘结炸药plastic deformation 塑性变形plastic duct system 塑料管道系统plastic explosive 塑性炸药plastic hose 塑料水带plastic media 塑料介体plastic pipe 塑料管plastic 塑料plastic-type explosive 塑性炸药platform ladder 平台梯架platform lift truck 举高平台车platform 载人平台platoon commander 小队长platoon 小队play water 射水play water 射水play with fire 玩火play 对准火射水playpipe 水枪枪身PLC= power line carrier 输电线载波plenum chamber 送气室plenum system 压力通风系统plenum ventilation 压力送风plenum 稳压室plot 标图plotted curve 曲线图plowline 防火生土带plug fuse 插式熔断器plug pressure 消火栓压力plug socket 插座plug wire 插线plug 消火栓plug-in board 插体plug-in card 插入卡plugging 封堵plumbago 石墨粉plumbing system 管道系统plume trap 排烟罩plume 烟柱plunger pump 柱塞泵plunger-type portable extinguisher 柱塞式手提灭火器plutonium fire 钚火灾pluviograph 雨量计plywood board 胶合板plywood flooring 胶合板地板plywood 胶合板PMMA=polymethyl methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯pneumatic barrier 气动隔板pneumatic chute system 气动溜槽系统pneumatic chute 气动溜槽pneumatic conveyor 气动输送机pneumatic drill 风钻pneumatic dust removal system 气动除尘装置pneumatic lifting bag 气力提升袋pneumatic line type heat detector 线型气动感温探测器pneumatic pump 气压泵pneumatic rate-of-rise tubing 气动差温式探测管pneumatic robot 气动机器人pneumatic structure 气压结构pneumatic system 气动系统pneumatic tool 气动工具pneumatic trash system 风力输送废物装置pneumatic tube fire alarm system 气压管式火灾报警系统pneumatogen 急救氧气设备pocket alerter charger 袖珍报警器充电器pocket alerter system 袖珍报警系统pocket alerter transmitter 袖珍报警器发送器pocket alerter 袖珍报警器pocket bell 袖珍铃<消防人员携带的pocket corridor 袋形走道pocket lamp 小型灯pocket line 袋绳<一种放在消防战斗服口袋里的细绳pocket rot 袋腐pocket torch 手电筒pocket 小块地POC=products of combustion 燃烧产物pod 吊舱podium building 裙楼podium 墩座墙point detector 点型探测器point discharge 尖端放电point heat detector 点型感温探测器point of attack 扑救处point of burst 爆裂点point of detonation 爆震点point of ignition 着火点point of lowest burning 燃烧最低点point of no return 不能返回临界点point of origin 起火点point of perception 发觉危险的时间地点point of possible perception 可知觉点point of safety 安全地点point operation 机械动作点point source 点源point type fire detector 点型火灾探测器point type heat fire detector 点型感温火灾探测器point 点<反应火灾报警探测器等部件的地理位置point-to- point communication 点对点通讯poise 泊poison atmosphere 含毒空气poison gas 毒气poison of catalyst 催化毒物poison 毒物poisoning substance 有毒物质poisoning 中毒poisonous gas 有毒气体poisonous 毒的Poisson distribution 泊松分布Poisson's ratio 泊松比poke-through construction 公用事业穿墙洞结构pokethrough 公用事业穿墙洞polar compound 极性化合物polar explosive 防冻炸药polar solvent 极性溶剂polar 极性的Polar-Ajax explosive 阿贾克斯耐冻硝甘安全炸药pole ladder 单杠梯pole man 云梯操纵手pole shutoff 关闭杆pole top transformer 杆顶变压器pole 滑杆police department 警察局police force 警察部队police station 警察局派出所policy holder 投保人policy 保险单poling board 挡土板political commissar 政治委员polling period 巡检周期polling rate 巡检速度polling 巡检pollution control 污染控制pollution criterion 污染标准pollution prevention 防污染pollution threat 污染威胁pollution 污染poly chloroprene 聚氯丁烯poly ether 聚醚poly 聚乙烯-三氯氧化乙烯polyacrylamide 聚丙烯酰胺polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯睛纤维polyamide 聚酰胺polybutadiene 聚丁二烯polybutylene 聚丁烯polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯polychlorinated biphenyl 多氯联二苯polychlorotrifluoroethylene 聚三氟氯乙烯polyester 聚酯polyethylene oxide 聚氧化乙烯polyethylene 聚乙烯polyfluoroethylene-propylene 聚氟乙烯-丙烯polyisoprene 聚异戊二烯polymer film detector of fire smoke 聚合物薄膜感烟火灾探测器polymer film smoke fire detector 聚合物薄膜感烟火灾探测器polymer quenching 聚合物淬火polymer 聚合物polymeric membrane 聚合隔膜<在极性溶剂燃料表面形成一层耐久的、有粘聚性的薄膜polymerism 多晶形现象polymerization inhibitor 阻聚剂polymerization 聚合polymethyl methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯polymorphism 多态现象polyolefin 聚烯烃Polyox 聚氧化乙烯的商品名polyphenylene oxide 聚苯醚polyphenylene sulfide 聚亚苯基硫醚polypropylene 聚丙烯polystyrene 聚苯乙烯polysulfonate 聚砜类polysulfone 聚砜polytetrafluoroethylene 特氟隆polythene =polyethylene聚乙烯polytropic atmosphere 多变大气polyurethane foam 聚氨酯泡沫塑料polyurethane 聚氨基甲酸酯polyurethane 聚氨酯polyvinyl butyral 聚乙烯缩丁醛polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯polyvinyl dichloride 聚二氯乙烯polyvinyl fluoride 聚氟乙烯polyvinyl formal 聚乙烯缩甲醛polyvinyl plastics 聚乙烯塑料pompier belt 带钩安全带pompier chain 挂钩梯链<在楼房的窗口挂数架挂钩梯pompier ladder 挂钩梯pompier 消防战斗员pond 蓄水池pontoon 浮桥pony 小型灭火器pool fire 油池水poor combustion 不良燃烧poor gas 贫煤气poor visibility 不良能见度poppet valve 提升阀population density 人口密度porch 门廊pore 毛细孔porosity 空隙率porphyrin 卟啉port 入口portable aspirating equipment 便携式吸气装备portable collection system 移动式收集系统portable cutting tool 便携式切割工具portable dam 便携式工具portable director 有定向支架的移动式消防炮portable diving air compressor 便携式潜水空气压缩机portable drop tank 可搬运可卸式水箱portable duct 移动式抽风管portable extinguishing equipment 轻便灭火设备portable fan 移动式风机portable fire extinguisher 手提式灭火器portable fire pump 手抬消防泵portable foam applicator 手提式炮沫喷口portable foam cannon 移动式泡沫炮portable foam device 手提式泡沫发生器portable foam generating device 手提式泡沫发生器portable foam monitor 移动式泡沫炮portable gas monitoring instrument 便携式气体监测仪portable generator 车载发电机portable hand lamp 手提灯portable hose reel 便携式胶管卷盘portable indicator 便携式指示器portable ladder 便携梯portable lamp 手提式灯portable manhole cover 便携式人孔盖portable metal ladder 便携式金属梯portable monitor 移动式消防炮portable pump 车载小泵portable radio 便携式无线电台portable station 便携式电台portable suction basin 便携式帆布水槽portable tank 移动式罐portable toolbox 手提工具箱portable ultra-high-speed water spray system 手提式超高速喷水系统portable vapor monitoring instrument 便携式蒸汽监测仪portable water storage dam 便携式贮水坝portable-pump trailer 手抬泵拖车porte cochere 车辆门道portland cement 普通〔硅酸盐Porto Power 液压救援设备position 战斗段positive catalyst 正催化剂positive pawl 正棘爪positive pressure air system 正压空气系统positive pressure breathing apparatus 正压式呼吸器具positive pressure fan 正压风扇positive pressure ventilation 正压通风positive pulse 正脉冲positive zone pressurization 分区正压通风positive-displacement pump 正排量泵possible cause 可能原因post burn 伤后时间post earthquake fire 震后火灾post extinguishment atmosphere 灭火后气氛post fire inspection 火灾后检查post flashover fire 轰燃后火灾post hydrant 邮筒式消火栓post indicator valve 示位阀post responsibility 岗位责任post tension concrete 后张法预应力混凝土post 柱post-accident fire 事故后火灾post-disaster damage survey 灾后损害调查post-fire critique 着火后的评论post-ignition fire risk model 起火后火灾危险模型post-ignition model 起火后模型postcrash fire 摔毁后起火postcrash 撞击引起的火灾potable water 饮用水potassium amalgam 钾汞齐potassium base agent 钾基灭火剂potassium bicarbonate powder 碳酸氢钾干粉potassium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钾potassium borohydride 硼氢化钾potassium carbamate 氨基甲酸钾potassium chlorate 氯酸钾potassium chloride 氯化钾potassium fire 钾火灾potassium hydride 氢化钾potassium nitrate 硝酸钾potassium nitrite 亚硝酸钾potassium perchlorate 高氯酸钾potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾potassium peroxide 过氧化钾potassium sulfide 硫化钾potassium 钾potassium-sodium alloy 钾合金potato roll 卷成线球状的水带potent ozone-depletion substance 强力的臭氧消耗物质potential hazard 潜在危险potential head 潜水头potential heat value 潜热值potential heat 潜热potential risk 潜在危险potential 电势pouch line 团绳<绕成团状pound 磅poundal 磅达<英制力的单位pour point 倾注点<泡沫呈液态和易于倾倒的最低温度pour-type explosive=powder-type explosive 粉状炸药powder coating 粉末涂料powder explosion suppressant 干粉抑爆剂powder extinguishing agent 干粉灭火剂<干燥的powder extinguishing system 干粉灭火系统powder fire branch 干粉枪powder fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器powder fire monitor 干粉炮powder fire truck 干粉消防车powder gun 干粉炮powder handgun 干粉炮powder hose and handgun 干粉软管和干粉枪powder installation 干粉灭火剂装置powder magazine 火药库powder mixture 火药混合物powder monitor 干粉炮powder nozzle 干粉喷嘴powder release station 干粉施放站powder suppressant 干粉抑爆剂powder technology 粉末技术powder 粉末powder-actuated tool 由起爆火药驱动的工具powder-type explosive 粉状炸药powder-type fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器powdered fuel 固体粉末燃料powderman 爆破员power board 配电板power cable 电力电缆power cell 蓄电池power company 电力公司power cut 切断电源power cutter 机动切割工具power demand 功率需量power distribution unit 配电装置power distribution 配电power divider 功率分配器power factor 功率因数power failure 断电power fuel 动力燃料power generating equipment 发电设备power grid detector 高压电力网探测器power house 发电间power input 功率输入power jet 干粉枪power line 电源线power loss 功率损失power network 电力网power operated door 动力操纵的门power operation 功率操作power outage 功率输出power plant 发电厂power rating 功率定额power saw 机动锯power source 电源power station 动力厂power substation 供电所power supply circuit 供电线路power supply reliability 电源可靠性power supply unit 供电设备power supply 电源power system 动力系统power take-off 动力输出轴power tool 动力工具power train 传动系power transformer 变压器power transmission 动力传输装置power turn-off 断电power turn-on 供电power valve 增力阀power-off protection 断电保护powered industrial truck 工业用机动车辆powerful explosive 烈性炸药powersaw boss 锯工班班长PPBS= planning-programming-budgeting system 规划PPM= parts per million 百万分之PPO= polyphenylene oxide 聚苯醚practical rate of application 实用供给强度<灭火时单位时间practice 训练期prairie fire 草原火灾Prandtl number 普朗特数Pratt truss 普拉特桁架pre-alarm state 预报警状态pre-arranged planning 预案pre-determined assembly point 预定集合点pre-determined attendance 预定的第一出动pre-determined fire plan 灭火作战计划pre-disaster planning 防灾规划pre-emergency planning 事故前预案pre-employment examination 雇佣前的体格检查pre-engineered suppression system 预制标准间的灭火系统pre-engineered system 预先设计的系统pre-flashover temperature estimation 轰燃前温度估算pre-flashover temperature 轰燃前温度pre-incident plan 事前计划pre-incident survey 事前检查pre-mix 预混pre-record voice message broadcast 预先录下的话音信息广播preaction sprinkler system 预作用喷水灭火系统preaction system 预作用灭火系统preaction valve 预作用阀preadolescent firesetter 青春前期放火犯preattack planning 灭火战斗预案preburn time 预燃时间preburning time 预燃时间preburning 预燃precast concrete plank 预制混凝土板precautionary 预防的precipitate 沉淀物<除去沉降物的泡沫液precipitation duration 降水持续期间precipitation 沉淀precombustion 预燃烧preconnect handline 预先连接的小口径水带preconnected line 预先与泵连接的水带prediction of flashover 轰燃预测prefabricated building 装配式房屋prefire information 灾前资料prefire planning 灭火作战计划prefire situation inspection 灭火前环境状况的调查prefire survey 制定灭火作战计划前的调查preflashover period 轰燃前的阶段preheat fire region 预热区preheat zone 预热区preheating 预热preignition phase 提前点火阶段preliminary combustion 预燃preliminary design 初步设计premarking burn 作标记前的烧除<在出售林产品前烧除下层灌木premature burning 炮眼内炸药的过早起爆premature combustion 早燃premature explosion 早爆premature ignition 先期点火premium rate 保险费率premixed flame 预调混合火焰premixed foam solution 预混泡沫溶液premixed solution 预混溶液premixture 预混合物prepared roof covering 预制屋面覆盖层preschool children 学龄前儿童prescribed burning 规定火烧prescription 规定prescriptive code 指令性规范prescriptive nature 指令性preservative 防腐剂preserved tree 保护树Presidential Commission on Fire Prevention and Control 总统授权的火灾预防与控制委员会presignal delay 报警延迟press button 按钮press pump 压力泵pressboard 压制板pressed brick 压制砖pressed fuel 压制燃料pressing plate 压板pressure pick-up 压力感受器pressure actuated alarm switch 压力驱动的报警开关pressure altitude 气压高度pressure atomization 加压喷雾pressure balancing 压力均衡法pressure build-up 压力增大pressure burst= rock burst 岩爆pressure cabin 增压舱pressure capsule 压力传感器pressure combustion 加压燃烧pressure contact 压力接触pressure control device 压力控制装置pressure control 压力控制pressure deluge valve 加压式雨淋阀pressure detector 感压式爆炸探测器pressure difference 压力差pressure drop 压力下降pressure effect 压力效应pressure fluctuation 压力波动pressure gage 压力表pressure gas 压缩气体pressure governor 压力调节器pressure gradient 压力梯度pressure head 压头pressure hole 测压孔pressure hose 压力水带pressure impregnation 加压浸渗pressure jet burner 压力喷嘴燃烧器pressure jet nozzle 压力式射流喷嘴pressure level 承压水位pressure limitation valve 限压阀pressure line 压力水带线pressure loss 压力损失pressure measurement pump 压力测量泵pressure measurement 压力测量pressure medium 液压介质pressure operation 串联工作pressure piping 耐压管线pressure port 压力孔pressure proportioner 压力式比例混合器pressure protection valve 压力保护阀pressure pump 压力泵pressure reducing valve 减压阀pressure regulator service 调节压力的燃料气供给pressure regulator valve 压力调节阀pressure regulator 压力调节器pressure release coupling 释压接口pressure relief device 泄压装置pressure relief opening 泄压口pressure relief valve 减压阀pressure resistance 加压阻力pressure rise 升压pressure seal 加压密封pressure sensing line 压力传感管线pressure setting spring 压力可调节弹簧pressure setting 压力调定pressure side proportioner 压力式比例混合器pressure suit 增压服pressure surge 压力波动pressure switch 压力开关pressure tank car 增压油槽车pressure tank container 压力箱容器pressure tank 压力水箱pressure tap 测压孔pressure test 压力试验pressure transducer 压力变换器pressure type system 气压式系统pressure valve 压力阀pressure vessel code 压力容器规范pressure vessel 压力容器pressure welding 压焊pressure 压力pressure-and-vacuum release valve 压力和真空释放阀pressure-loss operated deluge valve 压力损失动作的雨淋阀pressure-operated switch waterflow alarm 压力动作开关水流报警器pressure-operated switch waterflow initiating device 压力动作开关水流启动装置pressure-operated 压力操纵的pressure-regulating device 调压机构pressure-sensitive adhesive 压敏胶粘剂pressure-treated wood 经加压处理的木材pressure-vacuum gauge 真空压力计pressurevaccuum valve 真空压力阀pressurising 增压pressurization supply fan 增压供气风机pressurization system 增压系统pressurization 增压<将楼梯pressurized air 增压空气pressurized chamber 加压室pressurized container 压力容器pressurized escape route= pressurized evacuation route 正压疏散路线pressurized evacuation route 正压疏散路线<为防止火灾向疏散路线蔓延pressurized flammable liquid 加压的易燃液体pressurized gas cylinder 增压气瓶pressurized gas fire 加压气体火灾pressurized oil system 油压系统pressurized smoke control system 加压送风烟气控制系统pressurized stairway 加压楼梯pressurized stored water unit 加压的储水容器pressurized-type water supply unit 气压给水装置prestressed concrete member 预应力混凝土构件prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土presuppression activity 防火措施prevailing wind 盛行风preventable accident 可防止的事故preventative measure 预防法preventing 预防prevention measure 预防措施prevention patrolman 防火员prevention 预防preventive maintenance 预防性维修preventive measure 预防措施preventive patrolman 护林员primary power supply 主电源primary air 初级空气<供给炉子的所有气体primary alarm circuit 主报警电路primary battery 原电池primary blasting 一次爆破primary combustion air 初级燃烧空气primary combustion 初级燃烧primary damage 财产直接损失primary explosive 起爆药primary filter 初级滤清器。







一、基本概念1. Firefighting:消防2. Fire protection:火灾防护3. Fire prevention:火灾预防4. Fire alarm system:火灾报警系统5. Fire suppression system:灭火系统6. Fire sprinkler system:自动喷水灭火系统7. Fire hydrant system:消防栓系统8. Fire extinguisher:灭火器9. Fire hose:消防水带10. Fire door:防火门11. Fire-resistant:耐火的12. Smoke detector:烟雾探测器13. Fire drill:火灾演习二、常用词汇1. Fire alarm:火灾警报2. Fire brigade:消防队3. Fire chief:消防队长4. Fire engine:消防车5. Fire hydrant:消防栓6. Fire lane:消防通道7. Fire marshal:消防检查员8. Fireproof:防火的9. Flame:火焰10. Smoke:烟雾11. Evacuation:疏散12. Emergency exit:紧急出口三、表达方式1. In case of fire, please use the nearest exit:如遇火灾,请使用最近的出口。

2. Fire extinguishers are located on every floor:每层楼都设有灭火器。

3. The fire alarm will sound in case of emergency:在紧急情况下,火灾警报会响起。

CORE Fire Protection System 灭火保护系统说明书

CORE Fire Protection System 灭火保护系统说明书
The new CORE Fire Protection system features a superior water-based fire suppression system for all critical areas including cooking appliances, hood plenum and exhaust duct.
CORE Protection includes:
Duct and Plenum Spray Bar
Total Flood Protection Nozzles and Spray Bar
Electric Battery Backup System
CORE Circuit Board
Electric Duct Firestat Supervised Loop Surfactant Tank and Pump Spray Manifold Remote Pull Station
Product Application:
The prevention and defense of fire in commercial kitchens is critical. CORE Protection is a water-based fire suppression system designed to provide primary coverage for hood plenum, grease ductwork and cooking appliances.
The system is capable of automatic detection and actuation and/or remote manual actuation. The detection portion of the fire suppression system allows for automatic detection by means of an electric thermal detector(s) located in the hood duct connection. The Fenwal Firestat is a device installed in the hood’s duct connection that measures temperature. The standard temperature setting is 360°F. If a temperature higher then the set point is sensed, the Firestat contacts will close and energize the fire system. The pull station is provided to allow for manual activation of the fire system.

SM Fire Protection - Element Six 火警保护系统说明书

SM Fire Protection - Element Six 火警保护系统说明书

Risk MatrixSeverity ofanOccurrence1 2 3 4 5LikelihoodofanOccurrence Event Trivial MinorInjurieseg.CutsandbruisesMediumInjuriese.g Burns,CutsrequiringstitchesMajorBreakageoflimb/SeriousbackinjuryDeathLossofoneormorelimbs1 VeryUnlikely 1 2 3 4 5 2 Unlikely2 4 6 8 103 Likely3 6 9 12 154 VeryLikely4 8 12 16 205 Certain5 10 15 20 251Task – Installing Fire Protection/Acoustic Works in S&P Global ProjectRisk MatrixLikelihood of accident (L) Severity of injury(S) Risk = LXSVery Unlikely 1 Firstaid 1 LOW = 1 - 4Unlikely 2 Minor 2 MED = 5 - 14Likely 3 3 day+ 3 HIGH = 15 - 25Very Likely 4 Major 4Certain 5 Fatality/Disability 5Hazard: Work at height – Ladders Risk: Fall from height 3 5 15 ●Inspect the ladder for any defects.●At no time are two persons to be on the same ladder.●Ladders must be set up on a level footing at all times●Ladders should be wheeled in preference to manually liftingthe ladder.●It is vital that you do not over reach while using a ladder as itmay cause it to overturn, get down and move to a moresuitable location. They are easy to overturn whenoverreaching.●Always make sure the safety bar or chain is closed whilestanding on the working platform.●Do not stand on the low level braces or they will bend andbreak.●Ladders must be the suitable height for the task, i.e. theworking platform at the correct level.●Chin Straps to be worn2 5 10All PersonnelHazard: Use of Power Tools Risk: Cuts and abrasions 3 3 9 ●Tools are only used for the job in which they are intended andused safely●Tools will be inspected at regular intervals to ensure they are ingood and safe working order (P.A.T)●Keep cables and hoses away from heat, sharp edges andchemicals●Before commencing work check for sufficient area to worksafely and that the floor / roof is firm/non-slip●Never carry plugged in equipment or tools with your finger onthe switch●Keep electric supply cables out of areas where debris is beingdropped and ensure they are not dragged, buried or driven over●Route cables and hoses to eliminate tripping hazards and therisk of the tool being wrenched from the operator if the cable orhose is dragged●Only use 110V system, which are centre tapped to earth so themaximum electric shock they can give is 55 volts2 3 6 All Personnel2●Keep power cords away from the path of drills, saws grindersetc.●Only use properly earthed or double insulated tools.●Never disconnect the tool from the outlet by pulling the cord,always pull the plug●Electric tools are not to be used when the operator is wet orstanding on wet ground or flooring●All employees must be competent to use the power toolsrequired for the task●The correct PPE must be worn at all times●All safety guards and handles to be in place at all times.●Ensure that drilling and grinding is controlledHazard: Use of Hand Tools Risk: Cuts & abrasions 3 3 9 ●Use of correct tool for job●Tools in good condition●Regular inspections/checks●Tools are only used for the job in which they are intended andused safely●Before commencing work check for sufficient area to worksafely and that the floor is firm/non-slip, and try and securematerial that you have to work on, where possible●Tools will not be left on ladders or roofs or other places wherethey may be dislodged or fall●Tools will be inspected at regular intervals to ensure they are ingood and safe working order●Hold all hand tools by the plastic handgrips or other non-conductive areas designed for gripping purposes●Always wear correct PPE when using hand tools particularly cutresistant gloves and safety glasses2 3 6 All PersonnelHazard: Lack of awareness Risk: Injury’s, cuts, grazes.3 4 12 ●Full PPE●Kevlar gloves (4543 min rated) to be worn at all times●Check where First Aid is available●Good awareness●Buddy system to be in place●No mobile phones●Chin straps for all work at height activity2 3 6 All PersonnelHazard: Manual HandlingRisk: Back Injuries , muscle strains, Crush injuries 3 5 15 ●Gloves to be worn at all times●Mechanical means to be used where possible●One voice will control all movements●Certified panel jacks will be used for all panel movements●Supervisor to ensure he has adequate numbers involved●Personnel to exercise extreme caution at all times●Under no circumstances should any person stand in thedirection of movement of the panel●All movements to be controlled by one voice2 5 10 All personnel3Activity –Cutting Fire Batt Hazard – Dust 4 3 12 ●Areas where dust is created by specific work activity should bekept well ventilated●Where dust exposures are high / materials hazardous suitableventilation / extraction to be provided●Working in a confined space, an extractor should be used toremove dust particles●Pre-dampening the working area will minimise the dust levels.●Reduce number of personnel exposed to high dust areas wherepracticable.●MSDS precautions procedures to be followed where applicable●Good washing facilities provided, and high standard of personalhygiene encouraged.2 3 6All personnel4。



The safety of our guests and staff is an integral part of the hospitality industry. This manual has been developed for Starwood Hotels' staff to establish an effective Fire Protection Preventative Maintenance Programme.
It is the responsibility of each Hotel Engineer to review their local codes, and to add to this manual, any requirements that are more stringent than those set out. In addition, please refer to the NFPA guidelines for more detailed instructions on maintenance function requirements. This can be found in Chapter 7 – Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of the NFPA Standards.
Introduction …………………………………………………. 1
Requirement …………………………………………………. 2






3.2当消防系统受到影响(如维修,停用)时,参照Site Fire Fighting SystemImpairment Procedure的要求,审核并批准相关的安全作业许可证和操作程序。



5EHS 部门5.1确保**********工厂内的消防设施符合相关的要求。





















8.7 紧急维修必须做到随叫随到,对关键消防设备做到24小时内修复。

8.8 详细要求参照合同约定。




1945年5月,广州剧院发生火灾,死亡1670人。 1949 年 9 月 2 日,重庆市中心发生火灾,烧死 l700 人, l 万多幢房屋被烧毁,10万人无家可归,直接财产损失2300万 美元。 1977 年 2 月 18 日,新疆生产建设兵团 61 团俱乐部放电影 时发生火灾,死亡699人。火灾系小孩燃放爆竹所致。 1994年11月27日,辽宁省阜新市艺苑歌舞厅发生火灾, 死亡233 人。火灾系舞客将燃着的报纸 ( 用来点烟 ) 塞人沙发 破损的洞里所致,肇事者当场死亡。 1994 年 12 月 8 日,新疆自治区克拉玛依市友谊馆发生火 灾,烧死325人(中小学生288人)。火灾系舞台上方电灯烤着 可燃的幕布所致。
火灾自动报警系统诞生至今已有160多年的 历史,其发展可概述为以下五代:
第一代 第二代 第三代
19世纪40年代— 20世纪40年代
20世纪50年代— 70年代 20世纪80年代初至今
感温探测器占主导地位 感烟探测器占主导地位 总线制火灾报警系统 模拟量的智能化时代
第四代 20世纪80年代后期至今
烟气垂 直上升的 速度是每 秒钟 2-4 米, 水平蔓延 的速度是 每 秒 钟 0.5-0.84 米 。
Байду номын сангаас
夜 晚 逃 生 更 加 困 难
2010 年 11 月 5 日 , 吉 林 省 吉林市船营区商业大厦发生 重大火灾,造成 19 人死亡、 24人受伤 。
2010 年 11 月 15 日 14 时 15 分许, 上海市静安区一幢 28 层的教师公寓 发生特大火灾,已造成 58 人死亡。 初步了解为工人无证焊接,引燃易 燃物所致。









火灾自动报警系统构成拓扑图火灾报警过程火灾报警系统的基本形式•区域火灾报警系统 :由区域火灾报警控制器和火灾探测器、手动报警按钮、输入输出模块等部件组成,功能简单,适用于较小范围保护,一般安装在值班室或楼层服务台。



建议在未来的培训中增加实操演 练环节,让参训人员更好地掌握防技术的不断发展,应将最 新的消防技术和设备纳入培训内容 ,以提升参训人员的专业水平。
建议在培训中加强对安全意识的教 育,让参训人员充分认识到消防安 全的重要性,并能够在日常生活中 积极践行。
联动防护系统具有自动化程度高、响 应速度快、可靠性高等特点。同时, 根据不同的使用场所和需求,可以选 择不同类型的联动防护系统以满足实 际需要。
火灾报警与联动防护系统 的安装与维护
根据建筑物的结构和用途 ,选择合适的火灾报警与 联动防护系统安装位置。
火灾报警系统是一种用于探测火 灾、发出警报并通知相关人员采 取行动的自动化系统。
及时发现火灾,保障人员安全, 减少财产损失。
探测器监测环境中的烟雾、温度等参数,当达到预设阈值时,向报警控制器发 送信号,报警控制器发出警报并显示火警位置,同时联动控制器启动相关消防 设备。
确保安装符合国家和地方 的相关法规标准,确保系 统的合法性和有效性。
根据建筑物的实际情况, 制定详细的安装计划,包 括设备布局、线路走向等 。
在安装过程中,遵循国家 和地方的安全规范,确保 施工安全。
确保线路连接正确,防止 出现短路、断路等现象, 以免影响系统的正常运行 。



随着人们对家庭安全的重视程度不断提高,独立火警报警系 统将在家庭中得到更广泛的应用,提高家庭火灾的预防和应 对能力。
公共场所如商场、酒店、学校等对火警报警系统的需求也将 不断增长,独立火警报警系统将逐渐成为公共场所的必备安 全设施。


在安装完成后,需要对独 立火警报警系统进行功能 测试,确保各个部件正常 工作。
按照验收标准,对独立火 警报警系统进行检查,确 保系统符合设计要求和相 关标准。
在测试和验收完成后,需 要编写详细的记录和报告 ,以便后续维护和管理。
对相关人员进行培训和教育,提高其安全意识和操作技能 。
建立科学的评估指标,对独立火警报警系统的安全防护效果进行评 估。
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Fire-Protection-Impairment-Program消防系统中断管理程序————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Fire Protection Impairment Program消防系统中断管理程序1.Purpose目的To follow the procedure when a fire protection system is out of service so as to ensure the risks are minimized and the duration of the impairment is limited as well as the damage of the personnel and facility.通过严格控制消防系统中断过程中各环节来减少以至于最终杜绝消防系统的失效时间,保证消防中断期间潜在的风险对受影响区域的人员和设施的损坏降低到最小。

2.Scope范围This policy applies to all factory employees, contractors and their representatives to provide service when the fire system is impaired partially or totally.本程序适用于在工厂里工作的雇员,承包商或者他们的代表在工作过程中将要对当前使用的消防系统造成部分或全部功能中断时。

3.Definition定义Fire Protection System: Sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire hose system, underground fire service mains, fire pumps, water storage tanks, foam-water system, special extinguishing system, fire service control valves, fire alarms, and emergency lights.消防系统:指喷淋系统,消防软管,地下消防水管,消防泵,消防水罐,泡沫灭火系统,消防控制阀,火灾报警系统以及应急灯等与消防有关的设备设施。

Fire watch: A person designated to physically patrol the area where the fire protection system is impaired.看火员:当一个区域的消防系统处于中断状态之后,被指派到该区域专门巡视该区域的专业人员。

Fire system impairment: A shut down, in whole or part of a fire protection system. According to the situation, the impairment can be divided into the following:消防系统中断:消防系统中断系指消防系统部分或者全部丧失其设计的消防功能的状态,根据现场实际,消防系统中断主要分以下几种:●Emergency impairment: when a fire protection system is out of service due to an unexpectedincident such as a ruptured pipe or unexpected power-off.●应急中断:消防系统由于不可预知的事件发生时而导致的系统消防功能丧失,此种情况比如管线意外破裂或者意外的系统断电时。

●Planned impairment: When a fire system is out of service in whole or part due to a plan inadvance such as revisions to the water supply or sprinkler piping system.●计划中断:消防系统由于提前计划规定在某段时间内功能部分或者全部丧失,比如消防管网或者雨林系统的升级改造等。

●Level 1 impairment: when a limited number of a component of a fire protection system arefound detective or removed from performance. Level 1 impairment means a minimal impact to the overall life safety of the occupants.●1级中断:当少量的重要设备及其组成部分有故障或者从系统拆除之后该消防系统所处的状态,一般对系统的整体功能的影响最小。

●Level 2 impairment: A shutdown of the entire fire protection system or major portion,significantly affecting occupant life safety.●2级中断:整个消防系统完全关停,或者中断对消防系统的主题功能造成了实质性影响。

Impairment Coordinato r: The person designated by SE manages the impairment while system service is being performed. The director of the Healthy and Safety or the manager of the Department of the Environment will be the Impairment Coordinator.中断协调员:为了保证在消防系统中断整个过程中严格执行中断程序,SE特别设置此协调员,一般为工厂的健康,安全,环境的经理担当此任务。

4.Responsibility 责任SE employees:All the employees who impair a fire protection system, in whole or part, must first notify the Impairment Coordinator at the Department of the Environmental Health and Safety. If the impairment permit is required, the employees will attach the Fire & Life Safety System Permit or Impairment Tag (schedule A) to fire department connection for the sprinklers system impairment or the control panel for the fire alarm systems, and then issue the Permit to Work License of Fire Control Facility based on the “Management Procedure of Safety Work Permit”.SE 雇员:任何一个雇员在工作过程中有可能全部或者部分中断一个系统的消防功能时,必须第一时间报告环保健康安全部门的中断协调员,经研究如果确实需要消防系统中断,则从中断协调员那里申请一个防火逃生许可/中断标牌(见计划A),并将此防火逃生许可/中断标牌挂在消防中断区域的喷淋系统阀组或者是火灾报警盘上, 然后再按照《安全工作许可证管理程序》开具在消防设施上开展施工的作业许可证。

Contractor or Outside Company Representatives:Any contractor or the Outside Company Representatives who impair a fire protection system, in whole or part, must first notify the Impairment Coordinator at the Department of the Environmental Health and Safety. If the impairment permit is required, any contractor or the Outside Company Representatives will attach the Fire & Life Safety System Permit or Impairment Tag (schedule A), which would be a precondition to apply for work permit before starting the operation, to fire department connection for the sprinklers system impairment or the control panel for the fire alarm systems.合同商或者外部公司代表:任何合同商或者外公司代表在工作过程中有可能全部或者部分中断一个系统的消防功能时,必须第一时间报告环保健康安全部门的中断协调员,如果确实需要消防系统中断,需要从中断协调员那里申请一个防火逃生许可/中断标牌(见计划A),并且将是否开具此标牌作为能否申请作业许可的前置条件,在开始作业施工前,并将此防火逃生许可/中断标牌挂在需要中断区域的喷淋系统阀组或者是火灾报警盘上。

Impairment Coordinator(IC):1. IC will determine the level of the impairment due to a shutdown, in whole or part, of a fireprotection system;2. The IC will be responsible for the completion of the Impairment Worksheet (Schedule B)when authorizing Level 2 impairment.3. The IC will be responsible for issuing and verifying removal of fire &life safety systempermit /impairment tags when authorizing Level 2 impairment.4. The IC will be responsible for coordination of the fire watch, if it has been determined thata fire watch is necessary. The IC will document the fire watch activities’ preparation orcompletion on Schedule C, the Fire watch Log Sheet.5. The IC will be responsible for providing training to SE employees中断协调员:●中断协调员判断决定此次消防中断的级别以及是部分或者全部的消防功能中断●授权可以2级中断时负责完成消防中断表格的填写(见计划B)●授权可以2级中断时负责签发防火逃生许可/中断标牌●当决定有必要设置看火员时协调看火员,并负责准备看火员值班记录的准备和完成之后额留存(见计划C)●负责为SE公司内部有可能被指定为看火员的人员提供培训5. Impairment Coordination Procedure-Level 1●All Level 1 impairment, both planned and emergency, must be report to theimpairment coordinator.●SE Dep. of the Public Safety will be notified of the preplanned impairment of a firealarm system.●SE Security Dep. and the FFCC will be notified of the preplanned impairment of a firealarm system.●The impairment Coordinator will be ensure Level 1 impairments are satisfactorilyremediated5.中断协调程序——1级●所有的1级消防中断,无论是计划的或者是紧急的,都必须报告给中断协调员●每次有计划的消防系统中断前,SE负责公共安全的部门应提前被告知●SE的安保部门或者FFCC,也需要在一个有计划的消防中断之前得到此次中断的确切消息●中断协调员要确保1级消防中断以及充分的提醒给所有相关的人员6. Impairment Coordination Procedure-Level 2Preplanned Impairments:●The SE Dept. of the Public Safety will be notified of a preplanned impairment of a firealarm system.●SE Security Dep. and the FFCC will be notified of the preplanned impairment of a firealarm system.●The maintenance Supervisor for affected building will be notified of the preplannedimpairment of a fire alarm system.●The impairment Coordinator will complete the Impairment Worksheet (Schedule B).●The impairment Coordinator will complete the fire&life safety system permit/impairment tag (Schedule A).●The impairment Coordinator will approve the applications tag of fire&life safetysystem permit /impairment whether the applicants complete or not.●The IC will authorize the preplanned impairment and verify that the followingprocedures have been implemented.1. The extent and expected scope of the impairment have been determined;2. The areas or building involved have been considered and increased risks determined;3. When a required automatic sprinkler system is out of service for an extended duration, the impairment coordinator will arrange for one of the following:a. Evacuation of the people in the building or portion of the building affected by the system out of serviceb. A fire watch for all portions of the building left unprotected by the shutdown until the fire alarm or the sprinkler system has been returned back to service. Fire watch personnel used for the automatic sprinkler system shutdown must be specially trained in the fire prevention and the fire watch is responsible to take notes of the impairment effect.4. When a required fire alarm system is out of service for an extended duration, the impairment coordinator will arrange for one as the following:a. Evacuation of the people in the building or portion of the building affected by the system out of serviceb. Implementation of mitigating measures for the period that the system is impaired. This considers the building occupancy type, nature and duration of impairment, building occupancy level during the impairment period, active work being conducted on the fire alarm system during the impairment, condition of the other fire protection systems and features, and hazards and assets at risk.5. Sprinkler system: the impairment coordinator will complete or authorize a Fire& Life Safety System Permit/ Impairment Tag (Schedule A), making sure it is located at the fire department connection, indicating which system, or part thereof, have been removed from service.6. Fire alarm system: the impairment coordinator will complete or authorize a Fire& Life Safety System Permit/ Impairment Tag (Schedule A), making sure it is located at fire alarm annunciator or the fire alarm control panel.6.中断协调程序——2级●每次有计划的消防中断都应当通知SE负责公共安全的部门●每次有计划的消防中断都应当通知SE安保部门或者FFCC●每次有计划的消防中断都应当通知受影响建筑物的维修负责人●中断协调员应当填写消防中断表格(见计划B)●中断协调员应当签发防火逃生许可/中断标牌(见计划A)●中断协调员在批准同意之前审核作业许可证申请者是否按照此程序规定完成防火/逃生许可中断标签的申请。
