以及隶属关系的需求。人是社会的一员, 需要友谊和群体的归属感,人际交往需要 彼此同情、互助和赞许。
我价值的个人感觉,也包括他人对自己的 认可与尊重。尊重需要,包括要求受到别 人的尊重和自己具有内在的自尊心。
自我实现,或是发挥潜能。自我实现需要, 指通过自己的努力,实现自己对生活的期 望,从而对生活和工作真正感到很有意义。
1、人要生存,他的需要能够影响他的行为。只有 未满足的需要能够影响行为,满足了的需要不能 充当激励工具。 2、人的需要按重要性和层次性排成一定的次序, 从基本的(如食物和住房)到复杂的(如自我实 现)。 3、当人的某一级的需要得到最低限度满足后,才 会追求高一级的需要,如此逐级上升,成为推动 继续努力的内在动力。
马斯洛(Abraham H. Maslow 1908-1970), 美国社会心理学家、人格理论家和比较心理学家。 人本主义心理学的主要发起者和理论家。1933 年在威斯康星大学获博士学位,第二次世界大战 后转到布兰代斯大学任心理学系教授兼主任,开 始对健康人格获自我实现者的心理特征进行研究。 曾任美国人格与社会心理学会主席和美国心理学 会主席(1967)
According to Maslow’s theory, the first level includes basic physiological needs for food, shelter, clothing, and so on.
• Once these needs have been met, the actualization(实现) process creates a momentum(动力)for the next level
•. The self-esteem which is the result from competence or mastery of a task.
• The attention and recognition that comes from others.
• We want to be loved and accepted by others. • • Performing artists are appreciating applause. • • We need to be needed.
Sense of accomplishment
•We need the sense of safety from our families.
Group membership
Love and Affection
• Humans have a desire to belong to groups: clubs, work groups, religious groups, family, gangs, etc.
Maslow′s hierarchy of needs马斯洛需求分析理论的PPT
(1934年)学位。 1935年在哥伦比亚大学任桑代克学习心理研究工作助理。1937年任纽
(4)尊重需求(Esteem needs),属于较高层次的需求, 即对认可、尊敬和自我价值等的需要。
(3)社交需求(Love needs), 属于较高层次的需求 ,
(2)安全需求(Safety needs),
Love needs
After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third layer of human needs is social. This psychological aspect of Maslow's hierarchy involves emotionally-based relationships in general, such as:
1.The needs of human beings can be devided into five parts. 人的需要可以分为五个层次
(1)生理需求 (physiological needs) 也称级别最低、 最具优势的需求, 即对食物、水、住所、 性等的生 理需求。
(5)自我实现需求(Self-actualization), 是最高层次的需求,
Maslow′s hierarchy of needs马斯洛需求分析理论的PPT
The motivation to realize one's own maximum potential and possibilities is considered to be the master motive or the only real motive, all other motives being its various forms. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for self-actualization is the final need that manifests when lower level needs have been satisfied. Classical Adlerian psychotherapy promotes this level of psychological development, utilizing the foundation of a 12-stage therapeutic model to realistically satisfy the basic needs, leading to an advanced stage of "meta-therapy," creative living, and self/other/task-actualization. Maslow's writings are used as inspirational resources.
马斯洛理论 PPT
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
求得到满足后,社交需求就会突出出来,进而产生激励作用。在马斯诺需求层次 中,这一层次是与前两层次截然不同的另一层次。这些需要如果得不到满足,就 会影响员工的精神,导致高缺勤率、低生产率、对工作不满及情绪低落。管理者 必须意识到,当社求需求成为主要的激励源时,工作被人们视为寻找和建立温馨 和谐人际关系的机会,能够提供同事间社交往的机会的职业会受到重视。管理者 感到下属努力追求满足这类需求时,通常会采取支持与赞许的态度,十分强调能 为共事的人所接受,开展有组织的体育比赛和集体聚会等业务活动,并且遵从集 体行为规范。
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
对食物、水、空气和住房等需求都是生理需求,这类需求的级别最 低。人们在转向较高层次的需求之前,总是尽力满足这类需求。一个人在饥饿
时不会对其它任何事物感兴趣,他的主要动力是食物。即使在今天,还有许多人 不能满足这些基本的生理需求。管理人员应该明白,如果员工还在为生理需求而 忙碌时,他们所真正关心的问题就与他们所做的工作无关。当努力用满足这类需 求来激励下属时,我们是基于这种假设,即人们为报酬而工作,主要关于收入、 舒适等等,所以激励时试图利用增加工资、改善劳动条件、给予更多的业余时间 和空间休息、提高福利待遇等来激励员工。
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
生产指挥系统的管理人员在安全、社交、尊重和自我实现方面 比科室人员感到更大的满足,双方在尊重和自我实现需求上的差 距最大。
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Self-actualization needs
The request of reaching one's full potential as a person. Never fully satisfied.
Realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth, peak experiences, etc.
How are you motivated to satisfy these unmet needs in your life today?
Esteem needs Do a good job in team cooperation.
Self-actualization needs Take something I like and get really good at it.
When you start your first job, what kinds of motivation will you seek?
Physiological needs Meet my basic needs.
Safety needs Financial reserves, safety workplace.
Esteem needs Be respected.
What will motivate you to succeed in life?
Esteem needs Self-esteem and personal worth.
Self-actualization needs Curiosity about my potential.
自我实现需要实际上是不容易满足的。在实际的 管理工作中,要想尽各种办法使员工有充分发挥 其潜能和满足内心真实愿望的机会(如让其做自 己感兴趣的工作、承担挑战性的任务、参与决策 、实行提案制度、支持员工任何好的设想),以 尽量满足他们这方面的需要。
自我实现 尊重需要 归属需要 安全需要
生理需要 马洛斯的需要层次论
• 人本主义心理学兴起于20世纪50年代的美国。它 的形成受当时人道主义和存在主义哲学的影响, 在批判和继承行为主义心理学、精神分析心理学 等学派的基础上形成了自身的理论体系。与其它 心理学派不同,它主要研究人的本性、潜能、经 验、价值、创造力和自我实现。人本心理学的形 成,为人类了解自己树立了新的里程碑,为心理 学的发展开辟了新的方向,所以又被西方称为心 理学的“第三势力”。
这一层次包含两个方面的内容。一是友爱的需要 ,即人人都需要伙伴之间、同事之间的关系融洽 或者保持友谊和忠诚;人人都渴望得到爱情,希 望爱别人,也渴望接受别人的爱。二是归属的需 要,即人都有一种归属于一个群体的情感,希望 成为群体中的一员,并互相关心和照顾。感情上 的需要比生理上的需要来的细致,它和一个人的 生理特性、经历、教育、宗教信仰等都有关系。
人人都希望自己有稳定的社会地位,要求个人的 能力和成就得到社会的承认。尊重的需要又可以 分为内部尊重和外部尊重,内部尊重就是我们说 的自尊,外部尊重是指一个人希望有地位,有威 信,受到别人的尊重、信赖和高度评价。马斯洛 认为,尊重需要得到满足,能使人对自己充满信 心,对社会满腔热情,体验到自己活着的用处和 价值。这类心理需要可以通过设置各种工作头衔 和职位、鼓励员工参与、听取员工意见、给有贡 献的员工物质和精神奖励以及其他尊重员工个人 特点的形式来满足。
人类最基本的需求,包括食物 、水、睡眠、呼吸等,这些需 求是生存所必需的。
对与他人建立关系和归属感的 需求,包括友谊、爱情和社会 认同等。
追求个人成长、发挥潜能和实 现个人理想的需求。
生理需求是人类最基本的需求, 包括对食物、水、睡眠、呼吸等 基本生活条件的需求。
人们需要保障自己的身体健康 ,避免受到伤害和疾病。
人们需要感到自己的心理状态 是安全的,包括情感上的安全
人们需要感到自己在社会中有 地位、有归属感,受到尊重和
在工作中,员工需要使用 安全的工作设备和防护措 施,以避免工伤事故。
尊重需求是指个体希望在社会中获得他人的尊重、认可和赞赏,从而获得自我价值的肯 定。
尊重需求通常表现为对成就、地位、权力和自尊的追求,以及对他人评价和认同的渴望 。
一位教师在工作中追求学生的认可和尊 重,努力提高教学质量和效果,以满足 学生的需求。
满足员工的自我实现需求,有助于 形成积极向上的组织文化,增强组 织的凝聚力和竞争力。
一位艺术家希望通过自己的作品获得社会 的认可和赞赏,从而获得自尊心的满足。
当员工感到被尊重和认可时,他们的 工作积极性和工作满意度会提高,从 而提高整体士气。
马斯洛主要生平 一位智商高达195的罕见的天才
1926就读纽约市立学院法律系 1928与其表妹贝莎结婚 1930获心理学学士学位 1931获心理学硕士 1934获心理学哲学博士 1935于哥伦比亚大学任桑代克
学习心理研究工作助理 1937任纽约市布鲁克林学院心
理学副教授 1951任布兰代斯大学心理学系
精神 需求
物质 需求
➢ 第一,需要层次理论强调了人的价值和尊严,对于 促进管理中对人的重视具有积极意义。
➢ 第二,需要层次理论概括了一般人在不同层次上的 需要,在一定程度上反映了人类行为和心理活动的 共同规律,因而获得了广泛认同。
➢ 第三,需要层次理论肯定了高层次需要的重要性, 有助于发挥精神利益的作用。
主任和心理学教授 1954首次提出人本主义心理学 1961创办人本主义心理学期刊 1962成立美国人本主义心理学
IELTS新东方试讲课件马斯洛需要理论 Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsBy 莫凡MOMO1目录 content010203Maslow and his hierarchy of needs PyramidDefining each needPros and consHierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review.Born Abraham Harold Maslow, 1908Brooklyn, New YorkDied , 1970 (aged 62), CaliforniaNationality AmericanFields PsychologyMaslow's hierarchy of needs belongs to motivational theory in psychology. Maslow said human has needs that need to be fulfill in a specific order.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs PyramidPhysiological 生理需要Safety 安全需要Love/belonging 社交需要Esteem 尊重需要 Self-actualization 自我实现Basic needsPsychological needsSelf-fulfillment needsPhysiological needs are the very basic needs such as air, water, food, sleep, sex, etc. When these are not satisfied we may feel sickness, irritation, pain, discomfort, etc.Safety needs have to do with establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world including Security, Order, and Stability. People want control and order in their lives, so this need for safety and security contributes largely to behaviors at this level.Some of the basic security and safety needs include: Financial securityHeath and wellnessSafety against accidents and injuryThe third level of need is "Love and Belonging", which are psychological needs; when individuals have taken care of themselves physically, they are ready to share themselves with others, such as with family and friends.Some of the things that satisfy this need include: ●Friendships●Romantic attachments●Family●Social groups●Community groups●Churches and religious organizationsThe fourth level is achieved when individuals feel comfortable with what they have accomplished. This is the "Esteem" level, the need to be competent and recognized, such as through status and level of success.At the top of the pyramid, "Need for Self-actualization“.Basically our need for wanting morality, a need for acceptance and also creativity. So we can realize our full potential. Those who reach this level can seek knowledge, peace, esthetic experiences, self-fulfillment, etc.Ie: someone takes up environmental causes, join the Peace Corps,go off to a monastery, etc.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramidproperty,employment,resourcesConfidence,achivement,respect byothersMorality,creativity,achiving one’sfull potentialBreathing,food,water,sex,sleep Family,friendship,intimaterelationshipPhysiological 生理需要Safety 安全需要 Love/belonging 社交需要 Esteem 尊重需要 Self-actualization 自我实现IF there is one thing you can do to satisfy all five needs once and for all, what is it?Advantages•Offer perceptive insight into human nature•it can be easily grasped and applied.•There's an approximate correlation with stages of individual human development. Disadvantages•not empirically supported.;. Based on clinical observation, not on scientific research using large population samples.•fail to account for cultural or social differences between individuals.•Validity?See MORE for:●Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theoryhttps://.au/toolbox/Tourism/tourismtoolbox /reslib/09/09_maslows_hierarchy_of_needs_theory.html●Maslow‘s hierarchy of needs from Wikipediahttps:///wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs#R esearch●The Five Levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needshttps:///hierarchy-of-needs-2795947THANKS。
❖ 安全需求包括对人身安全、生活稳定以及免 遭痛苦、威胁或疾病等的需求。和生理需求 一样,在安全需求没有得到满足之前,人们 唯一关心的就是这种需求。对许多员工而言, 安全需求表现为安全而稳定以及有医疗保险、 失业保险和退休福利等。主要受安全需求激 励的人,在评估职业时,主要把它看作不致 失去基本需求满足的保障。如果管理人员认 为对员工来说安全需求最重要,他们就在管 理中着重利用这种需要,强调规章制度、职 业保障、福利待遇,并保护员工不致失业。 如果员工对安全需求非常强烈时,管理者在
自我实现需求的目标是自我实现,或是发挥潜能。达到自我实现境 界的人,接受自己也接受他人。解决问题能力增强,自觉性提高, 善于独立处事,要求不受打扰地独处。要满足这种尽量发挥自己才 能的需求,他应该已在某个时刻部份地满足了其它的需求。当然自 我实现的人可能过分关注这种最高层次的需求的满足,以致于自觉 或不自觉地放弃满足较低层次的需求。自我实现需求点支配地位的 人,会受到激励在工作中运用最富于创造性和建设性的技巧。重视 这种需求的管理者会认识到,无论那种工作都可以进行创新,创造 性 并非管理人员独有,而是每个人都期望拥有的。为了使工作有意 义,强调自我实现的管理者,会在设计工作时考虑运用适应复杂情 况的策略,会给身怀绝技的人委派特别任务以施展才华,或者在设 计工作程序和制定执行计划时为员工群体留有余地。
自我实现需要 尊重需要
社交(归属)需要 安全需要 生理需要
挑战性项目, 创新与 创造机会, 培训
重要项目, 赏识, 显赫的办公位置
朋友, 权贵, 上级, 顾客
工作保证; 医疗人寿保险; 安全规则 基本工资, 工作机会, 温暖, 饮水, 工作餐
马斯诺需求理论Maslow's hierarchy of needsMaslow's hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the largest and most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom, and the need forself-actualization at the top.The most fundamental and basic four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called "deficiency needs": esteem, friendship and love, security, and physical needs. With the exception of the most fundamental physiological needs, if these "deficiency needs" are not met, the body gives no physical indication but the individual feels anxious and tense. Maslow's theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs. Maslow also coined the term Metamotivation to describe the motivation of people who go beyond the scope of the basic needs and strive for constant betterment.1. The physiological needs. For the most part, physiological needs are obvious —they are the literal requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body simply cannot continue to function.2. The safety and security needs. When the physiological needs are largely taken care of, this second layer of needs comes into play. You will become increasingly interested in finding safe circumstances, stability, protection.3. The love and belonging needs. When physiological needs and safety needs are, by and large, taken care of, a third layer starts to show up. You begin to feel the need for friends, a sweetheart, children, affectionate relationships in general, even a sense of community. It is also a part of what we look for in a career.4. The esteem needs. Next, we begin to look for a little self-esteem. Maslow noted two versions of esteem needs, a lower one and a higher one. The lower one is the need for the respect of others, the need for status, fame, glory, recognition, attention, reputation, appreciation, dignity, even dominance. The higher form involves the need for self-respect, including such feelings as confidence, competence, achievement, mastery, independence, and freedom. Note that this is the “higher” form because, unlike the respect of others, once you have self-respect, it’s a lot harder to lose.5. The Self-actualization This level of need pertains to what a person's full potential is and realizing that potential. Maslow describes this desire as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming. This is a broad definition of the need for self-actualization, but when applied to individuals the need is specific. As mentioned before, in order to reach aclear understanding of this level of need one must first not only achieve the previous needs, physiological, safety, love, and esteem, but master these needs。
马斯洛需求层次理论在社会工作中的应用(英文版) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
Is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory applicable in today’ssocial work? And why?Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology that argues that while people aim to meet basic needs, they seek to meet successively higher needs in the form of a hierarchy. It is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid. The lowest levels of the pyramid are made up of the most basic needs, while the more complex needs are located at the top of the pyramid. Maslow's theory suggests that the need for self-actualization, that is, the need that human beings have to realize their full potential, can only be fulfilled once other needs have been met. Self-actualization describes an inborn tendency for human beings to grow and to maximize innate talents and potentialities.According to Maslow, the first level includes basic physiological needs for food, shelter, clothing, and so on. Once these needs have been met, the actualization process creates a momentum for the next level of needs to be realized, namely, for security and safety and to feel free from danger. Again, once these have been met, there is an innate motivation to move on to the next stage, and so forth.Although Maslow’s concept is meaningful to our social work, there are still some criticisms. Some have noted vagueness in what is a “deficiency”; what is a deficiency for o ne is not necessarily a deficiency for another. Secondly, there seem to be various exceptions that frequentlyoccur. For example, some people often risk their own safety to rescue others from danger. In their extensive review of research based on Maslow's theory, Wahba and Brudwell found little evidence for the ranking of needs Maslow described or even for the existence of a definite hierarchy at all. Chilean economist and philosopher Manfred Max-Neef has also argued fundamental human needs are non-hierarchical and invariant in nature—part of the condition of being human; poverty, he argues, may result from any one of these needs being frustrated, denied or unfulfilledThe order in which the hierarchy is arranged has been criticized as being ethnocentric by Geert Hofstede. Hofstede's criticism of Maslow's pyramid as ethnocentric may stem from the fact that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs neglects to illustrate and expand upon the difference between the social and intellectual needs of those raised in individualistic societies and those raised in collectivist societies. Maslow created his hierarchy of needs from an individualistic perspective, being that he was from the United States, a highly individualistic nation. The needs and drives of those in individualistic societies tend to be more self-centered than those in collectivist societies, focusing on improvement of the self, with self actualization being the apex of self improvement. Since the hierarchy was written from the perspective of an individualist, the order of needs in the hierarchy with self actualization at the top is not representative of theneeds of those in collectivist cultures. In collectivist societies, the needs of acceptance and community will outweigh the needs for freedom and individuality.Maslow’s hierarchy has also been criticized as being individualistic because of the position and value of sex on the pyramid. Maslow’s pyramid puts sex on the bottom rung of physiological needs, along with breathing and food. It views sex from an individualistic and not collectivist perspective. This view of sex neglects the emotional, familial and evolutionary implications of sex within the community.As Hayes said, Maslow’s model may provide a rough w orking generalization about most people in most situations, but it is not really adequate as an explanation of human motivation.It seems that a lot of social work principles are based on this pyramid; I would argue that most of the other helping professions only work at the top three rungs of the pyramid. Social workers often find themselves starting at the bottom two.While Maslow’s theory is useful, it is of course an oversimplification of real life, especially when you consider that a lot of human beings would rearrange this pyramid in one way or another. For example, a lot of people may feel that this pyramid should be arranged with self-esteem as the bottom rung. They may feel that once a person has achieved a modicum of self esteem, that everything else will fall intoplace, including the ability to take care of basic needs. I agree with that in principle.But a large percentage of social work stops at the bottom two rungs, with the remainder being taken care of by a referral to a professional who handles those parts of the pyramid.The question is what we can do as social workers to encourage a client to move up the pyramid. For example, a lot of people at the shelter do indeed stop at the first two rungs; they get stuck in a cycle in which they do leave the shelter either by being kicked out or getting assisted with housing, but somehow end up back at the bottom of the pyramid again. For whatever reason, is it trauma, poor life skills in general, or a bad example while growing up, they never can seem to get out of this cycle. And ethically, we can’t force them to.Is it a dependency issue, that is, do they prefer to be in this cycle? Or are their mental health issues so severe that they just can’t get out of the cycle? If so, why are there not better resources for handling these issues? It seems to not make any sense to provide for just the basic needs and stop there. The goal should be to allow clients to move farther up the pyramid, and to have the resources to do that. If not, our society is just perpetuating the problem by creating dependency when it comes to a person’s basic needs.So in social work we often encounter situations where if appearsvery difficult for some individuals to move their lives forward beyond the first two levels. The energy spent on trying to survive in the face of adversity necessarily means that emotional resources or energy are not free to be used on other courses of action, such as finding a job, sorting out school problems or meeting other needs. This has important implications for our work because it could mean that providing the right kind of practical or material assistance, or emotional support for service users, could release the momentum and motivation towards self-sufficiency and independence. Without this understanding, we run the risk of providing resources and services into a bottomless pit, where fundamental change does not happen.To conclude, although this theory has serious limitations, there is no doubt that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory is still applicable in today’s social work. I think what our social worker should do is to understanding this theory well and try our best to adapt it into our daily work. There must be a wide gap between theory and practical operation, which need us to consummate and find the balance through our experience.。
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Safetห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ needs Financial reserves, safety workplace.
Esteem needs Be respected.
What will motivate you to succeed in life?
External esteem needs Social status and recognition.
Self-actualization needs
The request of reaching one's full potential as a person.
Esteem needs Self-esteem and personal worth.
Self-actualization needs Curiosity about my potential.
Thank you!
Friendship, intimacy, family, romantic attachments, etc.
Esteem needs
Recognition and acknowledgment from others. Internal esteem needs Self-respect and achievement.
Esteem needs Do a good job in team cooperation.
Self-actualization needs Take something I like and get really good at it.
When you start your first job, what kinds of motivation will you seek?
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Physiological needs
Physical requirements for human survival. Air, water, nourishment, sleep, etc.
Safety needs
The need to feel secure at work and at home.
Living in a safe area, medical insurance, job security, financial reserves, etc.
Social needs (Love and belonging needs)
Interpersonal and feelings of belongingness.
Never fully satisfied.
Realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth, peak experiences, etc.
How are you motivated to satisfy these unmet needs in your life today?