











主要技术指标1.检测方式:图像识别2.数据输出:LAN3.数据接口:RJ45以太网/USB4.检测参数:车型/流量/车速等各种交通参数5.数据处理能力:日交通流量30万辆6.数据存储:不小于1G,可存储数据1年、可扩展7.协议支持:标准IP地址和TCP/IP协议支持,标准串行通讯协议8.联网能力:支持有线和无线各种联网方式,支持TCP/IP协议9.数据格式:交通部标准10.检测范围:2/4/8/16/32车道,可按需定制11.远程管理:B/S架构,直接用IE浏览器集中管理12.电子地图:支持13.数据传输:实时14.工作电源:支持市电和太阳能两种方式市电: AC 220V±15%太阳能:DC 12V后备UPS15.主机功耗:<30瓦16.工作温度:-55~+85摄氏度17.相对湿度:0~98%,无冷凝18.精度:车型部标〉95%,小时流量〉98%23.防护:电磁干扰保护等级IEC801Ⅱ,机箱外壳防护等级IP55,线圈变压器、线圈变压器、输入端的稳压二极管和立体放电管保护,光电隔离电源防雷Ⅲ级;24.平均无故障间隔时间:MTBF≥50000小时25.通讯或服务器故障:数据正常存储,数据恢复后存储的数据自动传输,数据实时或定时传输,数据的传输周期可调;26.升级可扩展:预留升级准备,根据用户单位的需求扩展及丰富系统功能。



GSI集团激光事业部开始在华制造旗舰产品—JK激光器I1栏目编辑ll李健NS:同步降压稳压器新品强调高能效,高可靠性11月6日,NS(美国国家半导体公司,简称"国半")宣布推出高可靠性高功率密度同步降压稳压器系列10款新产品.它们是国半PowerWise高能效系列的新产品,支持多种不同的输入电压和输出电流,并具备顺序供电,可调整开关频率及时钟同步等功能.10款全功能的同步降压稳压器可支持高效率的直流/直流电源转换,适用于通信设备,数据储存系统,工业设备及汽车电子系统的负载点电源供应系统.在此次推出的产品中,LM201XX及LM202xx系列同步降压稳压器内置两个开关M0SFFT,设有2A,3A,4A及5A等不同输出电流可供选择,还可以利用外置补偿的峰值电流模式控制环路,为低输出电压的应用提供负载瞬态响应.其中9款高可靠性低电压降压稳压器LM201xx采用增强散热能力的16引脚TSSOP封装,适用于2.95V至5.5V的输入电压范围,可连续输出高达5A的电流.高电压的LM20242降压稳压器采用带散热焊盘的20引脚TSSOP封装,适用于4.5V至36V的输入电压范围,可以连续输出高达2A的电流,操作频率可在250kHz至1MHz范围内调整,使系统设计更具灵活性.国半Tucson设计中心电源管理产品部的产品开发总监MikeHenry先生特别介绍说,"此次推出的同步降压稳压器产品的主要优点是系统的高可靠性.这些芯片都可监控输出电压的过压及欠压事件,在没有白锁或过放电的前提下对系统负载提供最大限度的保护.各款降压稳压器都可在摄氏一40至125度的温度范围内操作,而且内部电压准确,精度为1.5%,同时线路和负载调整率出色."国半中国区电源管理产品应用工程师程文涛先生对公司为上述各款同步降压稳压器提供的全套设计工具进行了演示.他介绍说,"国半提供的设计工具可以让工程师下载使用,无需手工进行繁复的计算.这套设计工具采用微软的Excel电子数据表格式,可以根据用户指定的设计参数计算元件数值,迅速确定电源供应系统的设计.工程师可以利用这套设计工具迅速分析供电系统的控制环路响应,散热能力及效率."W(Amy)GSI集团激光事业部开始在华制造旗舰产品一JK激光器10月30日,GSI集团公司在京宣布其激光事业部设于苏州工业园的制造厂将生产旗舰系列JK脉冲Nd:Y AG激光器,进一步促进JK系列125w和300W输出功率级激光器在华市场的发展. GSI集团公司激光事业部制造的工业激光器产品可用于对各种材料的加工.公司30多年来一直致力于向医疗设备,航空航天,汽车,电子及半导体行业提供精密技术.GSI集团拥有一系列具有国际声誉的品牌,其中包括JK, Lumonics和Spectron等激光器产品系列.激光事业部的总部位于英国,在中国上海,北京,深圳设有办事处并在苏州设有工厂.GSI集团激光事业部中国区经理赵英戈先生介绍说,中国市场对GSI的重要性日益提高.中国汽车和电子产业的发展需要非常出色的制造技术,就关键的高性能组件生产所需的精密材料工艺而言,JK脉冲激光器是市场中的理想选择.JK系列激光器的本地化制造是GSI的一项重大投资,同时也标志着GSI致力于中国市场. GSI希望更高效地为中国客户提供服务,通过经验的积累优化产品和服务,更好地满足中国客户的独特需求.醴(Amy)。


















PROfLINE 2100 谐振与闪烁测试系统用户手册说明书

PROfLINE 2100 谐振与闪烁测试系统用户手册说明书

PROfLINE 2100HArMonICS & FLICKEr, CondUCTEd IMMUnITy TEST SySTEMS1981HArMonICS & FLICKEr, CondUCTEd IMMUnITy TEST SySTEMS3PROfLINE 2100 OvERvIEwThe ProfLine 2100 system is a complete and cost effective harmonics and flicker measurement test system to the latest IEC/EN standards. The programmable power generation capability of up to 45 kVA (90 kVA and 145 kVA sources comprise multiple 45 kVA units) provides more than ample power to cater for a wide range of Equipment Under Test (EUT). In addition to harmonics and flicker testing capability the AC/DC power source used in the system is capable of testing to a wide range of power quality immunity tests. In short, this system is a one stop power quality testing station that will help you meet your EMC responsibilities for compliance testing.Harmonics standard:IEC 61000-3-2 < 16 A per phaseIEC 61000-3-12 > 16 to 75 A per phaseFlicker standard:IEC 61000-3-3 < 16 A per phaseIEC 61000-3-11 < 75 A per phaseVoltage dip, interruption & variation:IEC 61000-4-11 < 16 A per phaseIEC 61000-4-34 > 16 A per phaseother immunity tests:IEC 61000-4-8 Power line magnetic fieldIEC 61000-4-13 Immunity to harmonics & inter-harmonicsIEC 61000-4-14 Repetitive voltage variationsIEC 61000-4-17 Ripple on DC input power portsIEC 61000-4-27 Voltage & Phase unbalance immunityIEC 61000-4-28 Frequency variationsIEC 61000-4-29 DC dips, variation and short interruptionALL ThE POwER LEvELS YOU NEED designed and widely used for compliance testing of equipment up to 45 kVA (90kVA and 145 kVA sources comprise multiple 45 kVA units), Teseq’s ProfLine 2100system is ideal for:Test houses requiring high precision tools for compliance and pre-compliance testing Manufacturers requiring AC & DC test tools for both in-house/self certification and product developmentRental companies requiring precise, reliable, portable harmonics & flicker systems for on-site customer testingProfLine 2100: highly modular compliance test power capability Programmable IEC compliant AC power sources accommodate wide range of 1- and 3-phase power levelsUltra-fast digital power analyzer provides high resolution acquisition for accuratemeasurementIEC 60725-compliant reference impedance ensures accurate flicker measurementAll electrical data is stored for complete evaluation and test replay analysisWindows-based operation speeds set-up, analysis, display and reportingContinuous pass/fail status monitoring4The high repetitive peak current. AC power source is designed for demanding non-linear load applications such as white goods, air-conditioners and other products with inductive or capacitive loads. The 45 kVA (90 kVA and 145 kVA sources comprise multiple 45 kVA units) source is specially designed with regenerative load withstand capability. It can handle power generated back to the source which is common in AC motor and motor control applications.3 kVA test system. Ideal for manufacturer not requiring the full 16 amps of the standard require-ments.5 kVA to 15 kVA test systems. Cater for manufacturers, test houses and rental companies requiring the full 16 amp range.1- and 3-phase configuration up to 45 kVA. This power house is ideal for the manufacturerand test houses that require the full range of low and high current testing such as required forcompressors, air conditioners and machine tools. ArrayFully featured 3x5 kVA harmonics and flickersystem including 3 phase power quality testingAC switch for compliant IEC 61000-4-11 testingdC to 500 Hz fundamental frequencyLow output impedanceSupports power magnetics applicationsIEC 61000-4-13 testing5hIGh ACCURACYMEASUREMENT vERIfIEDAt the heart of the ProfLine 2100 system is a fully compliant harmonics analyzer and flickermeter. DSP-based 1 M sample per second, no-gap/no overlap 200 mS data acquisition and powerful FFT analysis ensures full compliance harmonics testing based on IEC 61000-4-7. Direct PC bus access ensures higher data throughput than is found on most single box IEEE-488-based test system. Streaming real-time data display and storage allows measured data to be replayed and analyzed in complete confidence, speeding up fault detection.All EUT electrical parameters are monitored and stored continuously. Distortion, current har-monics and power consumption are checked against relevant IEC class test limits for pass/fail detection and dynamic class C and D test limit calculation.Independent verification has confirmed the following is correctly implemented: Measurement accuracy for electrical parameters such as voltage, current, harmonics and flickermeter is as per IEC requirementSoftware applies relaxation as and when the situation warrants it for pass/fail decision Compliance to all test equipment requirements as per IEC 61000-4-7 and IEC 61000-4-15A true measure of class. The unique concept for the ProfLine 2100 system measurement section is a cutting edge PC based analyzer. The measurement section is split into two parts, one being the advanced coupling unit CCN 1000 whilst the PC provides the digitization of the analogue signals, data processing and analysis. This approach has been extremely successful in keeping up with changes to the standards that demanded major increase in data processing and analysis capability.CCn 1000. This advanced coupling unit provides quick and easy single cable connection between the AC power source output and the EUT, plus the required isolation and signal con-ditioning. Precision, no-burden, active hall-effect current transformers ensure accurate current sensing over 4 A, 16 A and 40 A ranges simultaneously with 200 A peak capability for maximum resolution.6data Acquisition Unit Input ChannelsAll harmonics tests can be accessed from the ProfLine 2100’s single control and data display window on the PC. With a few mouse clicks the test can be set up and run quickly and easily.The operator is presented with a simple screen that shows the type of test to be run and the test duration, with clearly labelled buttons for the test to start or stop. Voltage and current time domain waveform displays are updated in real time during the test. All power analyzer parameters such as Vrms, Irms, Ifundemental, Ipeak, crest factor, real power, apparent power and power factor are clearly displayed throughout the test and updated in real time.The harmonics window displays instantaneous current harmonics and a line marking the appli-cable test limits. AC source voltage and EUT power are also monitored continuously throughout the entire test. Voltage distortion and current harmonics are checked against the IEC class limits for preliminary pass/fail detection. The continuous monitoring of EUT power consumption allows class C and D limits to be calculated dynamically.Harmonics analysis is implemented using the high performance DSP based plug-in A/D card connected directly to the CCN 1000 signal conditioning unit through a shielded cable. Each Power phase has four dedicated measurement channels- a total of 12 in 3-phase systems – ensuring accurate full compliance to the harmonics standard.The software will also automatically apply any relaxation of limits (e.g. POHC) should the situation warrant it and will indicate this in the test report.78All IEC harmonics tests can be accessed from ProfLine 2100’s single control and data display window on the PC. Steady state harmonic, transitory harmonic and inter-harmonic tests can be set up and run quickly and easily.Simple buttons start and stop automated testKey EUT electrical parameters updated continuouslyUser selectable test limitsTest progress clearly indicated, with preliminary pass/fail indication throughout AC voltage distortion continuously monitoredComplete test documentation including Word™ and Excel™ compatible data files Voltage and current waveform shown together in real timeUser-selectable real time display of individual current harmonicsEUT description and operator identification can be added to the test reportUser selectable measurement of inter-harmonics per IEC 61000-4-7Harmonics AnalysishARMONICS TEST SOfTwARE wIN 21009Seven simple steps to configure a harmonic test, configurationcan be saved for single step test start.Parameters required:1 Select harmonic test2 Select class A, B, C, D3 Select frequency 50/60 Hz4 Select test voltage5 Select limit, European or Japanese6 Select single or three phase7 Select test durationAll test parameters are displayed in real time, includingharmonic spectrum viewed against limit, test progress, voltage andcurrent can be viewed in Word™ format using inbuilt standardtemplate. Data files can be viewed with Excel™.fLICkER TEST MADE EASYFlicker tests are run from the same user interface as the harmonics module, making it familiar to the user. Set up is minimal and tests run can be started quickly.during each test run two graphical windows are displayed and updated continuously. One window will display the Vrms whilst the other can be user selected to display absolute voltage deviation or percentage, dt, dmax, dc, instantaneous Pst or Plt against their respective limits. At the end of the test sequence, both short-term flicker (Pst) and long-term (Plt) are calculated and a clear pass/fail indication is provided.Embedded in the ProfLine 2100 software is an IEC 61000-4-15 compliant single/three-channel flickermeter for 1- and 3-phase application. Single phase output configuration can use both the programmable and real IEC 60725-compliant output impedance to perform flicker measurement. Lumped reference impedance for 1- and 3-phase system impedances with varying current carrying capacity are available as an option.Power Source Reference Impendance Analyzer/Flickermeter EUTFlicker Test SoftwareStart and stop flicker tests with a single mouse clickTest progress clearly indicated with pass/fail indication throughoutPeak values displayed and updated in real timeUser-selectable test timeUser selectable parameters and data display optionCustomizable test limits for pre-compliance applicationReal time display of Vrms and one user selectable parameterEUT description and operator identification can be entered for inclusion in the test report24 dmax and inrush current test10Flicker Analysisreference impedance. For single phase systems the impedance is programmed into the source, therefore no physical impedance is required thus making the system more simple and lower costs. This approach is not possible in the three phase systems as it is not possible to separate the line and neutral impedances. Therefore the appropriate three phase impedance unit is supplied as part of the system.Test reports and data Logging. Reports can be printed at the end of each test report or retrospectively to support CE approval or for inclusion in a Technical Report File. The results file includes voltage and current waveform graphs, current harmonics spectrum and class limits and a complete flicker test analysis. The graph can be printed or stored in ASCII format on disc along with timing waveform data for use in detailed reporting or for further analysis using applications such as Excel.1112nSG 2200 AC Switch unit for complaint -4-11 and -4-34 testing. Available as either singleor three phase, these units use solid state IGBTs to rapidly switch between two sources of ACsupply. Typically this will be between the mains supply and a programmable AC source. TheAC source will be set at the lower voltage required for the test with the mains supplying thehigher.Controlled by Teseq WIN 2120 software and able to switch within the required 5 μs this deviceenables the standard to be fully met. Since the higher voltage level is supplied by the usersmains system, the inrush current is limited only by the mains supply and not by the equipment.The NSG 2200 is able to handle 50 amps rms current continuously and up to 500 amps inrush current.AC fast switching unit for standards specifiedin the IEC 61000-4-11Unit has two inputs, AC source and AC MainsAllows for single- or three-phase mode testingAC SwitchAC SwITChING UNIT13Magnetic field immunity testing. The power sources in the ProfLine 2100 systems makean ideal source for mains frequency magnetic field testing. Used in conjunction with the TeseqINA 2170 test coil and interface unit the supplies can be controlled by the WIN 2120 software togenerate the required fields and frequencies.Use of the clean sinusoidal programmable supply ensures that tests can be performed witheither 50 Hz or 60 Hz for different regions. Both the continuous and short duration tests can beeasily programmed at levels up to 100 A/m continuous and 300 A/m short duration dependingon the selection of source.Magnetic coilsIEC 61000-4-8 power frequency fieldAutomated test softwareAdjustable single loop antenna in 3 positionsNote: maximum and continuous coil field strengths can only be achieved using the correctlyspecified NSG 1007 AC/DC Power Source. INA 2170 coils can also be used for IEC 61000-4-9testing in conjunction with Teseq’s nSG 3060 generators.MAGNETIC fIELDIMMUNITY TEST COILSPROfLINE 2100: MORE ThANjUST hARMONICS & fLICkERProfLine 2100 has the hardware and software flexibility to test to beyond harmon-ics and flicker emission. The fully programmable AC power source with arbitrary waveform generation capability can be used in standalone mode in various applications for IEC 61000-4-X testing at pre or full-compliance. The ProfLine system has built in IEC 61000-4-13 immunity testing to harmonics and inter-harmonics standard which sets this system apart as a fully equipped test station for power quality.IEC 61000-4-8: Power frequency magnetic field immunity. Using the power source built into the ProfLine 2100 system the frequency and test level can be accurately controlled. This is ideal if your target market uses a different mains system to your local supply.Loop antenna, interface unit and control software (WIN 2120) are available as options.IEC 61000-4-11: AC Voltage dips, short interruptions and variations. The 1–5 µs rise and fall time and the 500 amp inrush current requirements of the standard for voltage dips and interruptions mean that a power source alone cannot meet the standard.The NSG 2200 AC switch can switch between a power source and the mains supply within the required time enabling the user to meet both requirements.IEC 61000-4-13: Immunity to harmonics and inter-harmonics. ProfLine 2100’s built in sweep generator provides full compliance testing to IEC 61000-4-13. Simple pre-programmed test levels at various test classes makes testing simple. At a click of the start button the two digitally controlled generators superimpose harmonics and inter-harmonics up to the 40th harmonics order (2 kHz for 50 Hz and 2.4 kHz for 60 Hz). The programmable AC power source generates combination waveforms better known as the flat top, overswing and meister curve, tests individual harmonics, and does a sweep to check for resonance points. The user can then go back to those resonance frequencies and test again. The operator can record any unusual behaviour at the observation section which will be included in the report. Pass/fail decision will be determined by the user based on the evaluation of the EUT during the test.1415IEC 61000-4-14: Voltage Fluctuation. A simple screen allows the operator to select the levelof severity of test to be run and the desired nominal test voltage and frequency. All voltagefluctuation test parameters can be customized by the user as required, ensuring the ProfLine2100 fully meets the standard. During testing, the EUT load current is measured continuously tohelp the operator observe and diagnose potential unit failures.IEC 61000-4-17: Ripple on DC input power ports. The test sequence implemented by thistest consists of the application of an AC ripple of specified peak to peak value as a percentageof the DC voltage and at a frequency determined as a multiple of the AC Line frequency. Theripple waveform consists of a sinusoidal linear waveshape. The user selectable severity levelscan easily meet the multiple of the power frequency of 1, 2, 3, 6 and at the user specified levelup to a staggering 20 times the power frequency at 25% Vdc-peak-peak.IEC 61000-4-27: Voltage and phase unbalance. This test is only for three-phase systemsas it involves voltage and phase unbalance between phases of a three phase supply network.Voltage unbalances are applied at different levels depending on product categories. The usermust determine the product class and select the appropriate test level. During the test run,voltage and phase changes are applied. The voltage levels and phase shifts are determined bythe values set in the data entry grid. Predefined test level are also provided to help the operatorwith the settings.Note: The ProfLine 2100 does not fully meet the IEC 61000-4-27 in respect of this particular test,1–5 µs rise fall rate not achievable and maximum output voltage is 300 V. So whilst it can meetthe 110% of U nom required by the product standards (110% of 230 V is 253 V) it does not reachthe 150% of U nom mentioned in the equipment standard (150% of 230 V is 345 V). 45 kVA unitshave a 400 Volt option.16IEC 61000-4-28: Frequency variation. The system provides an open field for the operator toenter the amount of frequency variation or simply load and amend the predefined tests levelprovided. Test parameters for the duration and frequency deviation can be easily customized,enabling ProfLine 2100 to meet this standard should there be changes to it in the future.IEC 61000-4-29: dC dips, variations and short interruptions. Pre-compliance test for DCvoltage dips can be set up quickly using the software. The test sequence implemented by this testconsists of a series of DC voltage dips (to less than DC nominal) or interruptions (dip to 0 V). It isalso possible to select voltage variations which cause the DC voltage to change at a programmedrate to a specified level and then return at the same or a different rate to the nominal DC level.These dips and variations can be applied at different levels and durations for different productcategories. The user must determine the product class and select the appropriate test file. Theselected levels and durations are visible on screen and can be edited and saved to a new setup fileif needed. This allows a library of test files for specific product categories to be created. Accordingto the standard, the use of a test generator with higher or lower voltage or current capability isallowed provided that the other specifications are preserved. The test generator steady statepower/current capability shall be at least 20% greater than the EUT power/current ratings.This means that for many EUT’s a 25 A capable generator is not needed. However, since the riseand fall time requirements may not be met under all circumstances, this is a pre-compliancetest only.IEC 61000-4-34: AC Voltage dips, short interruptions and variations. Similar to IEC61000-4-11 but applying to equipment requiring greater than 16 amps per phase, this standardcan be met by the higher power models in the range. Teseq is ready to advise you on the idealconfiguration and to discuss the limitations on the maximum current due to the selection of thevarious units in the system.SYSTEM SELECTION ChART1Requires option 2/32Current limited by source to 37 amps at 230 volts3Current limited by source to 62 amps at 230 volts4Requires option 8 (100 A/m continuous field)5Requires option 8 (100 A/m continuous field and 300 a/m for 3 seconds)6Requires option 117Pre-Compliance only, generator is not fully compliant with all aspects of the standard 816 to 37 amps at 230 volts916 to 62 amps at 230 volts PL 2115 plus option 11-3* Figures quoted are the maximum current available from the system. The current limit is in some cases due to the source and in some cases due to other equipment in the system. For information on the maximum power available from the sources please contact your local Teseq office.PL 2103/PL 210517Specifications subject to change without notice.All trademarks recognized.Teseq is an ISO-registered company. Its products are designed and manufactured under the strict quality and environmental requirements of the ISO 9001. This document has been carefully checked. However, Teseq does not assume any liability for errors, inaccuracies or changes due to technical developments.。





1.1 设备概述2100是一种先进的电子设备,用于处理和分析各种数据。


1.2 准备事项在开始使用2100设备之前,请确保您已经完成以下准备工作:- 熟悉2100设备的基本技术规格和功能特点;- 确保设备已正确连接电源,并处于正常工作状态;- 准备好必要的操作手册和相关文档,以便随时查询和参考。


2.1 启动设备要启动2100设备,请按以下步骤进行操作:1. 确保设备已正确连接电源,并处于待机状态;2. 按下电源按钮,等待设备启动,直到出现欢迎界面;3. 输入登录凭证,例如用户名和密码,以登录设备。

2.2 设备界面2100设备的界面是用户与设备进行交互的主要方式。

在使用设备时,请注意以下几点:- 界面显示清晰、简洁,可通过设置调整亮度和对比度;- 支持多语言显示,可以根据需要进行切换;- 了解主要功能按钮和菜单的布局和用途,以便快速进行操作。

2.3 数据处理2100设备具有强大的数据处理功能,可对各种数据进行处理和分析。

以下是一些常用的数据处理操作:1. 数据输入:通过设备界面或外部设备将数据输入到2100设备中;2. 数据清洗:对输入数据进行处理,去除冗余信息和错误数据;3. 数据分析:使用设备提供的分析工具对数据进行深入分析和挖掘;4. 结果输出:将处理和分析结果以适当的方式输出,例如打印、导出或展示。

2.4 故障排除在使用2100设备过程中,可能会遇到一些故障或问题。

以下是一些建议的故障排除步骤:1. 检查设备连接:确保设备的所有连接已经正确插入;2. 重启设备:尝试重新启动设备,有时候简单的重启可以解决问题;3. 查询文档:参考相关的操作手册和技术文档,找到解决方法或答案;4. 寻求帮助:如果问题无法解决,请联系技术支持或相关人员进行进一步的帮助。






1.光学/光纤调整架和位移台 [J],
2.光学/光纤调整架和位移台 [J],
3.光学/光纤调整架和位移台 [J],
4.光学/光纤调整架和位移台 [J],
5.光学/光纤调整架和位移台 [J],


1、简介 ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 2、仪器主要技术指标 ..................................................................................................................................... 2 3、仪器外形与结构 ......................................................................................................................................... 3 4、仪器的安装和使用 ..................................................................................................................................... 3
DH-2100 型电化学微量氧分析仪设计为在线连续工作或间断工作方式,采用高亮度 LED 数字显示氧含量,清晰直观,可视距离远。仪器可按现场工艺要求,可任意设定待 测气体氧量的上、下限报警控制点。当氧量超限时,仪器发出声光报警和输出开关信号, 为闭环控制提供方便。仪器设有 4~20mA 电流信号输出及 RS-232 通讯口,可与计算机 连接,进行数据的传-2100 型 电化学微量氧分析仪 使用说明书

激光调阻机 标准

激光调阻机 标准



1.ISO 17025:这是一种实验室认可标准,规定了实验室应遵循的

2.IEC 60051-2:这是国际电工委员会(IEC)发布的标准,规定了

3.ASTM E177:这是美国材料和试验协会(ASTM)发布的标准,

4.ANSI C63.20:这是美国国家标准协会(ANSI)发布的标准,规






iTN2100 智能专线接入平台iTN2100-12产品概述随着业务多元化发展,不同客户、不同业务之间差异化服务指标显现差异,而基于传统接入网的接入设备,无法实现基于业务感知的端到端性能监控维护,不能满足网络智能时代对网络行为的统计,业务精细化管理,故障准确定位,多业务差异化需求,以及用户所需的报表需求。


iTN2100智能专线接入平台定位于PTN/IP/MPLS/SDH城域网边缘接入层,接入PTN/IP/MPLS网络时,可提供上行GE光口电口,并且可实现网络双归属、环网等灵活组网方式;接入SDH网络时,线路侧可提供SDH 155M/622M上行,满足和传统SDH设备的无缝对接,在业务需要实现多网络同时承载时,可使用不同交叉模块实现业务灵活选择接入到不同网络。



iTN2100智能专线接入平台融合SDH完善的OAM管理功能和以太网OAM IEEE802.3ah、IEEE802.1ag、ITU-T Y.1731,结合瑞斯康达独特的远端网管协议RC.LINK技术,不仅可以实现基于现网设备的管理,而且实现了基于业务的管理维护,进而提高运营商对接入层网络的管理控制能力。




地址:青岛市城阳区仙山东路 36 号
2) 各种收发天线系统的探测深度随土壤环境的不同而不同; 3) 所有天线均可在连续、人工点测或测距轮控制方式下工作。 3、LTD 探地雷达软件功能介绍 采集软件 LTDSample2100 的功能 1) 在 WindowsCE 界面下工作,中文菜单,操作简单易懂; 2) 可动态调试雷达波形参数:如时变放大曲线、时窗、信号位置、扫描速度、采样 点数等; 3) 连续探测,数据实时显示(伪彩色或灰度电平图) ,实时滤波,实时叠加去噪声 (1~8 次,可任选) ; 4) 逐点测量,叠加次数 1~32768 次,可任选; 5) 数据实时存储和事后回放或打印输出; 数据处理分析软件 IDSP5.0 的功能 1) 在 windows 界面下工作, 中文菜单, 符合国内相关行业规范要求, 操作简单易懂; 2) 文件头修改;数据处理功能 3) 文件合并与切分; 4) 垂直和水平方向上的任意道编辑; 5) 振幅增益处理; 6) 滤波去噪; 7) 奇异性分析(小波分析) ; 8) 反褶积(提高垂向分辨率) ; 9) 希尔伯特变换(相位和幅度估计) ; 10) 层位追踪和层厚自动计算; 11) 自动生成工程评价报表; 12) 剖面修饰(包括添加标记、说明、标题等) 13) 处理后剖面的输出和打印。 四、应用范围 随时域电磁场理论和相关电子技术的不断发展,探地雷达的应用从最初的对冰层 (弱衰减介质)厚度的探测,应用领域现已遍及城市建设、交通、考古、农田、水利、 环保、公安和国防等部门。LTD-2100 型探地雷达的多项关键技术处于国内领先水平, 已广泛应用于: (1)军事部门:构筑工事前的地质勘察和地下工事探测、地下未爆弹药和埋藏军械的 查找金属或非金属埋设物(例如地下管道、电缆线等) ; (2)交通部门:公路施工质量(包括面基层厚度和存在隐患)和运营情况,铁路路基 隐患等目标的连续无损检测; (3)地质勘探部门:岩层、空洞、断层、地质结构、地下水以及地下矿藏等目标的查 找和描述;



L TD-2100探地雷达用户手册中国电波传播研究所二○○九年五月本手册的信息受到版权保护,本手册的任何部分未经中国电波传播研究所的事先书面许可,不得以任何方式影印或复印。




我们随时为您提供周到地服务:登陆网站进行实时交流或留言;服务热线:4008-110511;联系电话:*************;发邮件至:********************目录前言第一部分LTD-2100探地雷达仪器操作手册第一章初识LTD-2100探地雷达§1.1 LTD-2100型探地雷达简介 (01)§1.2 LTD-2100探地雷达挂接天线 (02)§1.3 LTD-2100探地雷达的性能指标 (04)§1.4 LTD-2100探地雷达的应用范围 (05)第二章使用LTD-2100前的准备工作§2.1 现场探测计划的制订 (06)§2.2 完成常规探测所需的基本设备 (06)§2.3 相关资料收集 (07)第三章数据采集过程§3.1 探地雷达主机面板的功能键说明 (08)§3.2 探地雷达仪器的联接和启动 (09)§3.3 LTD-2100探地雷达采集软件的启动 (11)§3.4 雷达采集参数的动态调试 (12)§3.5 探地雷达数据采集过程 (17)§3.6 LTD探地雷达探测数据回放 (20)第二部分LTD数据处理软件IDSP5.0用户手册第四章初识事后处理软件IDSP5.0§4.1 LTD雷达数据处理软件IDSP5.0 (21)§4.2 LTD雷达数据处理软件IDSP5.0的工具栏说明 (22)§4.3 LTD雷达数据处理软件IDSP5.0的状态栏说明 (22)第五章软件IDSP5.0的安装和执行§5.1 IDSP5.0软件系统的组成和安装 (23)§5.2 IDSP5.0软件的执行 (23)第六章LTD探地雷达数据预处理过程 (24)第七章LTD探地雷达数据处理过程 (27)第八章LTD用于公路检测时的工程评价 (29)第九章LTD雷达剖面的编辑和打印输出 (32)附录A 新型配套低频天线使用操作说明 (34)附录B LTD雷达使用中的常见问题解答 (37)附录C LTD产品的售后服务条款 (48)前言随着世界经济建设和材料科学的发展,对地下非金属类目标探测技术的需求变得愈来愈迫切,国内外兴起了利用探地雷达进行地下目标无损探测的研究和应用热潮,探地雷达在城建、交通、地质、考古、国防、公安等部门扮演着越来越重要的角色。




1.智能型BYJ—D硬度测试仪的研制 [J], 姚电;白雄昂
2.智能型无损检测里氏硬度仪 [J], 季顺利
3.YD—1智能硬度分选仪 [J], 张镜清;周子年
4.肌肉硬度检测仪评估健康男性小腿三头肌肌肉硬度及其信度研究 [J], 黄佳鹏; 宿建; 秦鹍; 朱毅; 张志杰; 唐纯志; 刘春龙
5.智能一体化蒸馏仪蒸馏—全自动流动注射分析仪测定底泥中挥发酚 [J], 刘璐;朱永晓;葛敏;李龙飞;张墨;刘泽念

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TrimSmart®LT2100Thick Film Laser Trim SystemAn advanced new platform ideal for trimand test of thick film components andcircuits, including PCBs, SMT components,and hybrids.●Versatility to address our widest range of trimand micro-machining applications●Fully integrated test functions for fast andaccurate measurement●Patented beam calibration and powerfulvision system for precise, efficientbeam positioning●VersiTrim™ Software for easy applicationprogramming and automation integration●VXI architecture with GPIB and otherinterfaces for custom instrumentation●Advanced diode-pumped laser processingin IR or green wavelengths fordemanding applications© March 2005, GSI Lumonics Inc.GSI Lumonics and VersiTrim are trademarks. TrimSmart is a registered trademark. Windows 2000 is a registeredtrademark of Microsof t Corporation. Printed in Canada. Item #451Specifications are subject to change.Please consult Product Center for complete details.The Ultimate in Laser Trim The TrimSmart®LT2100is the next-generation thick film laser trim system from GSI Lumonics. Built on a stiffer frame for maximum process stability and fea-turing a larger work area for devices up to 10 x 12 inches in size, the LT2100’s modular system design helps you process devices more ef ectively, more quickly, and more easily.With the LT2100, GSI Lumonics has expanded your access to cutting lenses, lasers, and laser wavelengths, resulting in an unprecedented level of flexibility for addressing more applications.VXI Measurement System The LT2100's current nulling bridge provides excep-tional measurement speed and accuracy. For precision resistor or voltage trims, the LT2100’s measure and matrix instrumentation conforms to VXI orm and f unction standards. The instruments are specifically designed for high-speed and high-volume operation while providing benchmark CpK process capability. The VXI architecture easily accommo-dates hundreds of VXI instruments and the LT2100’s controller also supports IEEE and RS-232 extensions.High-Speed PrecisionBeam PositioningBeam positioning is accomplished via a high-speedgalvanometer. A patented calibrated beam ieldproduces absolute coordinates or increased beampositioning ef iciency. The LT2100’s vision systemprovides clear viewing of substrates, even under lowcontrast conditions. Its non-destructive edge sensingautomates the alignment process and eliminates theneed f or operator intervention. GSI Lumonics alsooffers the latest in video pattern recognition technolo-gy and software for fast and precise target alignmentor applications such as printed circuits, wherecomponent placement is not precisely repeatable.Advanced Optical SystemThe LT2100’s laser spot size is adjustable to providea flexible depth of focus, allowing users to optimizebeam characteristics to match substrate heightvariations and resistor size without changing orrealigning optics. A rotary polarizer laser controltechnique provides precision laser power controland stability.VersiTrim™ Software forFast, Automated Setuphe LT2100's VersiTrim so tware runs under anenhanced Windows 2000 environment and providessystem control through a highly flexible, fully data-driven spreadsheet with full graphical interface. Thespreadsheet editor greatly minimizes the level ofexperience required to quickly set the system up toprocess new applications. Users simply enter theirspecification into data fields and the program exe-cutes the logic according to the trim and measure-ment parameters f rom the spreadsheet. To makechanges or additions to an application, only thespreadsheet needs to be edited.Flexible, AdvancedMechanical DesignThe LT2100includes a new air-bearing stagefor positioning in X, Y, and theta, and a motorizedZ-axis probe frame for greater probing precision. Itsmodular design can easily be recon igured toaccommodate custom production automation.Optical SystemBeam positioner type:Precision high-speedgalvanometerField size:100 x 100mm(30μm Standard IR)65 x 65mm (Optional 20μm IR)100 x 100mm (Optional 25μm 532nm) Positioning accuracy:±25μmResolution:1.52μmRepeatability:≤12.6μmSpot size:30μm (standard 1064nm)20μm (optional 1064nm)25μm (optional 532nm)Depth of focus:380μm@ 30μm spot170μm@ 20μm spot750μm@ 25μm spotLaser SystemLaser type:Diode pumped Q-switched YAG laser, wavelength 1064nm or 532nmOutput power:6W (standard 1064nm)3W (optional 532nm)6W (optional 532nm) Wavelength:Standard1064nm (6W IR)Optional 532nm (3W Green)Optional 532nm (6W Green) Pulse width:<100ns @ 10kHzPhysicalPower:100/120/230/240VAC ±10%, 50/60Hz, single phaseAir:90 psi filtered to 5μm and free of contaminantsX/Y Part PositioningType:Dual axis air bearing linear motor- XY Travel:12" x 17"- XY Resolution:< 0.0005"- XY Repeatability:<0.0002"Z-Theta StageType:High speed pnuematic with adjustabledownstroke and motorized theta- Z travel:0.125 to 0.500" adjustable- Z repeatability:0.0005"- Can handle up to 25 lbs of probe force- Theta travel:+/- 5 degrees- Theta resolution 0.05 degrees resolution- Optional motorized Z-stage available with0.0005" Z step resolutionProbing AssemblyMotorized probe card holder adjustable with threeindependent motor controls to adjust Z, roll andpitch (0.5"total travel range)Manual X and Y adjustment (0.5"total travel range)Operator control panel for simple convenientoperationMeasurement SystemType:High-speed, Force V, current nulling bridgeRange:0.1Ω– 1000MΩResistance measurement accuracy (full Kelvin):- Low range (<50Ω):±0.02% ±(1.0%/R)- Mid range:±0.02% of value- High range (>160K):±0.02% ±0.02%per MegaOhmVoltage source:Range Resolution Accuracy (%FSR)±4V31μV±0.005%±16V125μV±0.005%±32V250μV±0.005%DC voltage (range 100mV – 160V):Range Accuracy%FSR100mV–400mV±0.1%±1mV1V–16V±0.05%±1mV10V–160V±0.05%±5mVSoftwareVersiTrim system software includes resistorprogramming using spreadsheet format,Microsoft®C++ compiler, GSI Lumonics lasertrim language library, and on-line data statisticsOptionsLow-ohm option (5mΩto 0.5Ω)Additional matrixChoice of analog cablesPattern recognition vision optionPower meterStored data bit PIO cardPC/AT IEEE interface cardArc lamp-pumped laser (1.064μm)Programmable Z stageSpecifications20.15(511.71)73.30(1861.88)41.90(1064.35)69.60(1766.95)32.00 (812.80)61.03(1550.07)Dimensions in inches (mm)Product Center60 Fordham Road Wilmington, MA 01887, USA TEL: +1 (978) 661-4300 FAX: +1 (978) 988-8798w w w.g s i l u m o n i c s.c o m For sales information, visit our web siteor contact your local distributor.The classification of the TrimSmart®LT2100 is Class 1/I.。
