



第二节 产品碳足迹的计算
绘制一张过程图 检查边界并确定优先序 收集数据 计算碳足迹
检查不确定性(可选):确定某个输入或计算的准确度或 精确度。
第二节 产品碳足迹的计算
原材料 制造 分销/零 售 消费者 使用 处置/再 生利用
第三节 后续步骤
国际公认的认可机构认证:对外发布碳足迹结果推荐进行 第三方认证;
其他方核查:非认可的第三方应按照认证机构公认的标准 进行论证,并按要求支持外部核查。 自我核查
如果不使用相同的数据源、边界条件和其它假 设,不同产品的碳足迹不具有真正的可比性
碳阻迹(北京)科技有限公司 7
第一节 启动阶段
发现和节约碳/节能成本的机遇; 宣布他们正在合作开展碳管理; 设立联合排放目标; 改善与商业客户等的关系/信誉。
第二节 产品碳足迹的计算
第二节 产品碳足迹的计算
用质量好的初级活动水平数据替代次级数据,如:用一个 输电线路电表的实际测量数据替代某个估算的电力消耗系 数等。 采用质量更好的次级数据,即:更有具体针对性的、更近 的和/或更完整的数据;
改进用于计算碳足迹的模型,使之对实施更具有代表性, 如:对每个分布阶段逐一进行估算,而不是对总分布进行 一揽子估算; 另外还需要同行专家对碳足迹进行一次评审和/或认证。


通过执行ISO 14064标准,将有利于企业:
管理温室气体风险并找出减量机会,编撰一份全面性的温室气体排放清单可以让 企业了解本身的温室气体排放状况,以及可能的责任与风险;
提升能源与物料使用效率,降低营运成本; 树立良好社会责任形象,公开披露企业的温室气体排放信息可以强化与利害相关 者间的良好关系,来建立企业在顾客和一般大众间的“社会责任,环境经营"声望 ; 加入温室气体排放权交易市场; 规避未来温室气体总量超标限额风险。
Why Low carbon

元 ︵




外部形势 Situations Profile
京都京机都制议- 定书 Kyoto Protocol
PAS2050:指某个产品在其整个生命周期内的各种GHG排放。 即从原材料一直到生产(或提供服务)、分销、使用和处置 /再生利用等所有阶段的GHG排放。其范畴包括了CO2、CH4、 N2O、HFC、PFC等温室气体的排放。
低碳趋势 Low carbon Situations
Carbon Footprint?
International Situation
哥本哈根会议虽然结束,但余波未了 The meeting of Copenhagen is over. After waves will continue. 各国政府法规和控制: ¾ 对破坏臭氧层物质的立法 ¾ 能源立法: • 能源法 • 能效标签法 ¾ 温室气体立法: • 加州的全球暖化解决方案法 California Global Warming Solutions Act (“AB-32") • 气候变化风险管理法 The climate Change Risk • 美国清洁能源和安全法 American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act of 2009 ¾ 税法 今后可能面临的碳壁垒: ¾ 碳关税Carbon Tariffs ¾ 碳“着陆费" Carbon Landing Rights ¾ 强制性产品碳披露Mandatory Product Carbon Disclosure










图1 各国的碳标识(Carbon Labeling)计算碳足迹的五个步骤过程图的绘制电冰箱案例分析1.研究目的和功能单位确定2.系统边界分析3.生产工艺分析4.数据清单收集5.数据清单分析6.总结本研究中评价对象为上述规格参数的冰箱一台本案例根据ISO14041标准,结合了研究目标,确定了研究范围主要包括图2 电冰箱生产过程图3 冰箱的爆炸图表2 冰箱零部件分类图4 电冰箱箱体生产过程•对于外壳类零件、ABS件、以及PUF类零件的生产,我们通过对电冰箱箱体的生产过程(图6)的分析来进行讨论,因为电冰箱箱体的生产过程涵盖了上述三种不同类型零件的生产过程:•外壳类零件生产过程如图7所示,外壳类零件一般是由0.6-1.0mm的冷轧钢板经剪切,冲压,折边,再经磷化和喷塑处理(图8)而制成的。

图5外壳类零件生产工艺•图6 冰箱磷化和喷塑生产线ABS件一般采用丙烯晴-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)板通过真空吸塑成型工艺制成(如图7)。


图7 ABS件生产工艺PUF、门封类、包装附件类、以及压缩机工艺•电冰箱的绝热性能对冰箱保温性能有至关重要的作用,冰箱的绝热是靠外壳与内胆之间的绝热材料起作用的。



文|北京印刷学院 黄少云 李东立 许文才PAS 2050规范让产品碳足迹无所遁形编者按:目前在我国包装印刷行业中,“碳足迹”早已不是什么新鲜词汇了,但具体如何计算、评价一款产品的碳足迹,对于国内绝大多数包装印刷企业而言还是一个难解的谜题。





目前碳足迹评价方法主要有3种:一是由ISO(国际标准化组织)制定的ISO 14060标准以及将于2012年发布的ISO 14067标准,二是由WRI(世界资源研究所)和WBCSD(世界可持续发展工商理事会)联合制定的温室气体议定书GHG Protocol,三是由BSI(英国标准协会)制定的PAS 2050产品碳足迹评价规范(以下简称“PAS 2050规范”)。

其中,PAS 2050规范是最常被采用和参考的碳足迹评价体系。

本文就PAS 2050规范做一些简单介绍。

PAS 2050规范简介PAS 2050规范全称为《商品和服务在生命周期内的温室气体排放评价规范》,由BSI,碳基金,英国环境、食品与乡村事务部共同支持和完成,并于2008年10月正式发布,是世界首部评价产品碳足迹的体系。

其并不是一种严格意义上的标准,而只是一种具有协商性质的公共可碳足迹标签专题报道Special Report17综述篇2011/03用规范。

PAS 2050规范是基于产品层面而不是组织层面的碳足迹评价方法,它提供了一种计算产品(包括商品和服务)从原材料采购到生产、分销、使用和废弃物处理整个生命周期内GHG排放量的基本流程。



可能是初级数据(即直接测最得到的数据),当 无法获得初级数据时,采用次级数据进行产品碳 足连评价也是可行的。对于次级数据的来源以 肢可参考的数据库,PAS 2050规范中做出了详 细的规定。另外.PAS 2050,W,范中对消赀者使用 阶段的数据也有详细的说明。 4计算产品碳足迹 产品碳足迹是恢产品每士命周堆内所有话动 的碳足迹之和,苴中某-活动的碳足迹=活动水平 我国包装印刷企业.尤其是出口包装印刷食 业应该束币绸缪.自主开展相戈产品的碳足迹评 价和队汪I作.为顺利出口提供有力支持。往加 快乜装印刷行业硪足迹评价上作的同时.也应采 取其他行之有效的碳醯排方法.如在欧洲瞄家盛 行的碳足迹标签、碳减排标簦以及碳计算器等, 相信这些【作的积极开屉会给整个包装f1]B咐J:业 带米革命性的变化。●
协会)制定的PAS 2050产品碳足迹评价 规范(“下简称9PAS 2050规范“)。 煎中,PA¥2050规范是最常键采用和参 考的碳足迹评价体系。本文就PAS 规范做一些简单介绍。
行动.并将碳足迹评价结果和减排量 公布于焱,切实达刊减少GI【G排放对
PA¥2050规范中计算产品碳足 进的基本流程包括5个步骤。绘制 流程图。@棱查系统边界井确定优先 序;@收靠数据t④计算产品碳足 述;@检查不确定性。 1绘制流程圉 绘制流程罔是产品碳足迹弹价 的第一步,流程图包含r产品垒生命
最平衡”为基本原则,吼确保物料的输入、输山 和废弃物等过程均披计人,不至于造成遗漏。 而对于延时排放和生物磺存储.即以非气体形 式保留在产品内部,在产品形成1年后或晟终处




本公用规范于2008年9月生效BSI2008.10ISBN 978 0 580 50978 0目录序言 .................................................................................................................................................. i i0 引言 (iv)1 适用范围 (1)2 规范参考文献 (1)3 条款和定义 (1)4 原则和实施 (5)5排放源、补偿和分析单位 (6)6 系统范围 (11)7 数据 (15)8排放量的分配 (19)9 产品温室气体排放量的计算 (21)10一致性要求 (21)附录A (23)附录B (25)附录C (26)附录D (27)附录E (28)参考文献 (30)进一步阅读 (30)0 序言本公用规范(PAS)已由英国标准协会编制出,为评价商品和服务在生命周期内的温室气体排放(GHG)明确提出其必要条件。



鸣谢以下曾协助本规范的编制的组织和个人:Technical autherGraham Sinden博士机构碳信托有限公司(Carbon Trust)英国环境、食品与农村事务部(Defra)BSI标准解决方案(Standards Solutions)E4tech咨询公司LEK咨询公司博思艾伦咨询公司(Booz Allen Hamilton)Orion InnovationsPAS指导小组Jim Skea 教授(主任)英国能源研究中心Paul Jefferiss博士独立专家(兼碳信托有限公司主管)Roland Clift教授萨里大学Tim Jackson教授萨里大学Terence Ilott英国环境、食品与农村事物部Mark Kenber气候组织Michael Roberts/Rhian Kelly英国工业联合会Stephen Reeson英国食品和饮料联合会Nick Monger‐Godfrey约翰刘易斯百货公司Nigel Dickie亨利 英国及爱尔兰(Heinz UK & Ireland)Ken Double/Dan Staniaszek节能信托基金会本公用规范由英国BSI编写完成并出版,BSI保留其所有权和版权。

PAS 2050规范 使用指南 如何评价商品和服务的碳足迹-中文

PAS 2050规范 使用指南 如何评价商品和服务的碳足迹-中文

《 P AS 2050规范》使用指南如何评价商品和服务的碳足迹《PAS 2050规范》使用指南如何评价商品和服务的碳足迹鸣谢感谢以下组织协助制定本指南。

碳基金英国环境、食品及农村事务部英国标准协会(BSI)PE国际公司食品和饮料协会曼切斯特商学院EuGeos有限公司英国ADAS公司2008年在英国第一次印刷出版单位:英国标准协会389Chiswick High R oad伦敦W44AL©皇家版权 2008 和碳信托基金会版权2008无论任何一种格式,您可免费重复使用本出版物(但不包括任何政府部门或机构的标志),用于研究、个人学习或某个组织的内部传阅。




至于本材料的任何其它用途,请通过“点击使用PS许可证”提出申请或以信函方式寄给以下单位:公共信息办公室信息政策组邱园里士满萨里郡邮编:TW9 4DU电子邮件:licensing@排版:Helius公司,布莱顿和罗切斯特,英国。

印刷:由查尔斯沃斯集团公司在英国印刷,英国,西约克郡,韦克菲尔德大英图书馆出版数据编目可从大英图书馆索取本书目录的记录ISBN978-0-580-64636-2目录引言. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1第一节:启动阶段. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5设定目标. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5选择产品. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6与供应商接触. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7第二节:产品碳足迹的计算. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9步骤1:绘制一张过程图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10步骤2:核查边界并确定优先重点. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12步骤3:收集数据. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15步骤4:计算碳足迹. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . 20步骤5:检查不确定性(任选项) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 34第三节:后续步骤. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37检验各项结果. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37减排. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37通报碳足迹并宣布减排量. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39附件一:《PAS 2050规范》在各类不同产品中的应用. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41附件二:服务示例. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43附件三:产品碳足迹的计算——工作示例. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47附件四:不确定性分析. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55术语表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57引言气候变化与产品的碳足迹‘碳足迹’是一个用于描述某个特定活动或实体产生温室气体(GHG)排放量的术语,因而它是供各组织和个体评价温室气体排放对气候变化贡献的一种方式。









常见的认证标准和方法1. ISO 14064ISO 14064是国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的一套碳足迹认证标准,包括三个部分:ISO 14064-1、ISO 14064-2和ISO 14064-3。

ISO 14064-1涵盖了温室气体排放量的量化和报告要求,ISO 14064-2是用于温室气体项目验证和核查的指南,而ISO 14064-3则是用于温室气体项目验证和核查的规范。

2. PAS 2050PAS 2050是一种由英国标准协会(BSI)发布的认证标准,主要适用于产品的碳足迹认证。


3. GHG ProtocolGHG Protocol是由世界资源研究所(WRI)和世界自然基金会(WWF)联合开发的一套碳足迹计量和报告准则。


GHG Protocol被广泛应用于企业和组织的碳足迹认证。

认证的步骤和流程碳足迹认证通常包括以下步骤和流程:1. 确定边界和范围:确定要评估的碳足迹的范围,包括时间范围、地理范围和碳排放的来源等。

2. 数据收集和分析:收集与碳排放相关的数据,包括能源消耗、交通运输、废弃物处理等方面的数据。




1. 什么是产品碳足迹?产品碳足迹可以理解为某一产品在其整个生命周期内所排放的温室气体的总量。



2. 为什么重视产品碳足迹?近年来,全球气候变化日益严重,温室气体排放成为不可忽视的环境问题。



3. 如何评估产品碳足迹?评估产品碳足迹通常需要遵循一系列标准和指南,以确保评估结果的准确性和可比性。


4. ISO 14040:2006《环境管理——生命周期评价——原理和框架》该标准规定了生命周期评价的原则和框架,可作为评估产品碳足迹的基础。

5. ISO 14044:2006《环境管理——生命周期评价——要求和指南》该标准为ISO 14040的补充,规定了生命周期评价的具体要求和指南,包括数据收集、分析、解释等方面的详细规定。

6. ISO/TS 14067:2013《温室气体排放量——产品碳足迹评估的准则》该技术规范规定了产品碳足迹评估的具体方法和程序,可作为评估产品碳足迹的参考文件。

7. PAS 2050:2011《产品碳足迹评估规定》PAS 2050是英国标准协会发布的产品碳足迹评估规定,包括了评估方法、数据采集和计算等方面的详细要求。

8. GHG Protocol Product Standard《温室气体协议产品标准》该标准制定了一套全球通用的产品碳足迹评估方法和程序,为产品碳足迹的评估提供了参考框架。

9. ISO 14067《温室气体排放量——产品碳足迹评估和声明》该标准规定了产品碳足迹的评估方法和声明要求,为企业和组织进行产品碳足迹评估提供了国际统一的标准。



迹 的折算不仅仅是生产产品或提供 服务企业需 要做 的 故该过程 图没有列 出物流业务外包 ( 转包 ) 情况 。 表 1 各 个 过 程产 生 的 材 料 流 , 能耗流 , 废 物流 事情 , 而是需要 整个供 应链 上 , 甚 至 消费者 的配 合 ; 另 个特征认为碳排放总量包含完成 这个产 品或服务 全 过程 中所有主体 产生 的直 接 和间接 的碳 排放 量总 和 , 这个特点显示 了产 品( 服务 ) 碳 足迹可 以是指 狭义地 看 做是产 品产 生过 程 或者 服 务 提供 过程 中碳 足迹 的痕
个可选项作业 , 即第一步过 程图绘制 ; 第二 步边界 核 查及优先 序 确定 ; 第 三部 数 据 收集 ; 第 四步碳 足 迹 计 算; 可选项作 业第 五步 是不 确定检 查 。我 们也 构建 了

四 步走 的过 程 。 2 . 1 界 定 物 流 服 务
3 P L企业提供仓储 , 运输 , 国际货运 , 分拣 , 包 装等 业务, 要 想降低 服务过 程中的碳排放 , 企业 应该重 视低 碳化 的物 流服务 设计 。考虑 到普适 性 , 这里 我们假 定 3 P I 公 司提供运 输 , 仓储, 配送 , 装 卸搬 运 , 分拣, 流通 加工等物流服务 业务 , 并且拥 有物流 中心 , 配送 中心等 中转节点 。以货 物周转 量作 为核算物 流作业 的主要依
的活动作业 分为两 大类 : 固定 碳排 放作 业和不 固定碳
排放 ( 可见表 2 ) 。
表 2 物 流 服 务 中 作 业 的 碳 排 放 分 析
2 物流 服务 碳 足 迹 分 解
借用 P AS 2 0 5 0的规 范 方法 对 物 流服 务 进行 碳 足 迹分 解 构 建 碳 足 迹 测 算 模 型 。 根 据 规 范 要 求 , P As 2 0 5 0 对产 品碳足迹计算提 出四个 必须有 的步骤 和



低碳产品:产品碳足迹计算PAS2050-2008什么是碳足迹?碳足迹(carbon footprint ),它标示一个人或者团体的“碳耗用量”。



什么是“碳足迹”?“碳足迹”来源于一个英语单词“Carbon Footprint”。

维基百科关于这个词的解释是:Acarbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 and othergreenhouse gases emitted over the full life cycle of aproduct or service.打个比方,一个人开着车子在马路上转一圈就留下了一个碳足迹。



作为英国国家标准机构,英国标准协会于2009年发布的能量管理体系标准,能够有效帮助企业提高能源效率,减少温室气体(GHG )排放,降低能源成本。

2008年10月,英国标准协会就发布了全球首个产品碳足迹方法标准—— 《PAS 2050:2008 商品和服务在生命周期内的温室气体排放评价规范》 。

目前,PAS 2050在全球被企业广泛用来评价其商品和服务的温室气体排放到目前为止,至少有15种不同的计划/方案来评价产品的碳足迹,如ISO 、世界资源研究所(WRI) 、法国ADEME 、英国的PAS2050(《商品和服务生命周期温室气体排放评估规范》)等;此外,瑞士、新西兰、日本、韩国、泰国等国家也都有自己的碳足迹计划。


它是建立生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment )方法(由ISO 14040& 14044确立)之上的评价物品和服务(统称为产品)生命周期内温室气体排放的规范。

pas 2050 解读

pas 2050 解读

pas 2050 解读【PAS 2050 解读】——推动可持续发展的碳足迹评估方法引言:随着气候变化和可持续发展的重要性日益凸显,各行各业都开始关注和采取措施来减少其碳足迹。


为了解决这一问题,许多国家和机构制定了不同的方法和标准,其中最为重要的就是PAS 2050标准。

一、PAS 2050 简介1.1 PAS 2050的背景和目的PAS 2050是由英国标准协会(BSI)制定的一种碳足迹评估标准。


1.2 PAS 2050的适用范围PAS 2050适用于任何产品和服务的碳足迹评估,包括物质产品、电力和能源供应等。


二、PAS 2050的核心内容2.1 系统边界的确立PAS 2050要求评估者确定碳足迹评估的系统边界。



2.2 温室气体排放因子的确定PAS 2050要求使用全球温室气体计划(GHG Protocol)提供的排放因子来计算碳足迹。


2.3 数据收集与计算根据PAS 2050,数据收集是评估过程中的一个关键步骤。



2.4 评估结果的报告与沟通PAS 2050强调评估结果的报告与沟通,要求评估者将评估结果以透明和全面的方式向相关利益相关方进行沟通。


三、PAS 2050 的意义与影响3.1 促进可持续发展通过PAS 2050的应用,产品和服务供应商可以更好地了解其碳足迹,并采取相应的减排措施。

PAS 2050 LVC

PAS 2050 LVC

产品碳足迹核查主任核查员课程PAS 2050 Lead Verifier Course(5天)培训时间:8月16-20日地点:深圳课程目标气候变化已被确定为未来几十年内各国家、政府、商业界和人类所面临的最大挑战之一。



BSI为能协助国内企业了解PAS 2050:2008及生命周期评估相关标准的要求,满足国际客户与利益相关者的需求,以揭露产品生命周期过程的碳排放量来提升公司形象及竞争力;本课程针对国内各企业推动碳足迹核查工作的部门人员,讲解国际上最新碳相关议题的发展趋势、PAS 2050标准、生命周期评估碳核查的方法与介绍、以及国际相关标准及外部核查程序等。


对企业的益处z找出节能及降低成本的机会及降低温室气体排放z将来自供应商、原料、产品设计及制程的排放影响整合到公司减量决策中z展示企业环保及企业责任的领导力z利于公司应对供应链的审核和评价z实现可持续发展,并为低碳经济做准备z满足客户对于产品碳足迹的信息需求、市场区域化并满足绿色消费者需求课程对象z已有ISO 14064-1核查基础者为佳。

主要适用对象如下:z企业规划及推动产品碳足迹相关部门的主管与同事z组织内部负责推动、执行碳产品足迹核查的人员z辅导组织内部建立产品碳足迹核查的专业顾问人员z欲了解标准、国际趋势与知识应用及取得个人专业资格的人员课程大纲产品碳足迹核查、标示与国际趋势发展z产品碳足迹的定义z产品碳足迹核查、标示与国际趋势发展z PAS 2050标准解释碳足迹的核查与方法z开始阶段-设定目标、产品选择及供应商的参与z产品碳足迹的计算z审定结果、减量、碳足迹的沟通与减量声明生命周期评估主要概念z生命周期评估概念简介z ISO 14040:2006/ISO 14044:2006条文简介z生命周期评估资料库简介产品碳足迹核查第三方外部核查流程与重点z文件审核的执行方式及核查内容z第一阶段核查的执行方式及核查内容z第二阶段的核查的执行方式及核查内容实例分析与演练采取互动地训练方式,让学员分成数组,每组3~4人,除讲师授课外,亦搭配各组的案例讨论、分析、小组报告、作业及测验,以增进学员对产品碳足迹核查的推动、执行及寻求外部核查的能力。

碳足迹标准PAS 2050

碳足迹标准PAS 2050

PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SPECIFICATIONPAS 2050:2008Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and servicesICS code: 13.020.40NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWPAS 2050:2008Publishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the documentwas last issued.This Publicly Available Specification comes into effect on 29 October 2008.© BSI October 2008ISBN 978 0 580 50978 0© BSI October 2008PAS 2050:2008ContentsPage Foreword (ii)0 Introduction (iv)1 Scope (1)2 Normative references (1)3 Terms and definitions (2)4 Principles and implementation (6)5 Emission sources, offsetting and unit of analysis (7)6 System boundary (12)7 Data (17)8 Allocation of emissions (22)9 Calculation of the GHG emissions of products (24)10 Claims of conformity (25)AnnexesAnnex A Global warming potential (normative) (26)Annex B Calculation of the weighted average impact of emissionsarising from the use phase and final disposal phase of products (normative) (29)Annex C Calculation of the weighted average impact ofcarbon storage in products (normative) (30)Annex D Calculation of emissions arising from recyclable materialinputs (normative) (31)Annex E Default land use change values for selected countries (normative) (32)Bibliography (34)Further reading (34)© BSI October 2008iPAS 2050:2008© BSI October 2008iiIt has been assumed in the preparation of this PAS that the execution of its provisions will be entrusted to a competent person or persons for whose use it has been produced.Acknowledgement is given to the followingorganizations and individuals who assisted with the development of this specification:Technical author Dr Graham Sinden Organizations •Carbon Trust •Defra•BSI Standards Solutions •E4tech •LEK Consulting •Booz Allen Hamilton •Orion Innovations PAS Steering Group Professor Jim Skea (Chair)UK Energy Research CentreForewordThis Publicly Available Specification (PAS) has been prepared by BSI to specifyrequirements for assessing the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of goods and services. The development of this PAS was co-sponsored by the Carbon Trust and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).Dr Paul JefferissIndependent expert (and Carbon Trust Director)Professor Roland Clift University of Surrey Professor Tim Jackson University of SurreyTerence IlottUK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mark KenberThe Climate GroupMichael Roberts/Rhian KellyConfederation of British Industry Stephen ReesonUK Food and Drink Federation Nick Monger-GodfreyJohn Lewis plc.; Park Royal plc.Nigel DickieHeinz UK & IrelandKen Double/Dan StaniaszekEnergy Saving TrustPAS 2050:2008© BSIOctober 2008iiiThis PAS has been prepared and published by BSI which retains its ownership and copyright. BSI reserves the right to withdraw or amend this PAS on receipt ofauthoritative advice that it is appropriate to do so. This PAS will be reviewed at intervals not exceeding two years, and any amendments arising from the review will be published as an amended Publicly Available Specification and publicized in Update Standards. This PAS is not to be regarded as a British Standard,European Standard or International Standard. In the event that this PAS is put forward to form the basis of a full British Standard, European Standard or International Standard, it will be withdrawn.Presentational conventionsThe provisions of this PAS are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Its requirements are expressed insentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is “shall”.Its recommendations are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is “should”.Commentary, explanation and general informative material, e.g. Notes, is presented in italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.Contractual and legal considerationsThis publication does not purport to include all thenecessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with this PAS does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.PAS 2050:2008© BSI October 2008iv0Introduction0.1 General informationClimate change has been identified as one of the greatest challenges facing nations, governments,business and citizens over future decades (IPCC 2007[1]). Past and current actions, including the release of carbon dioxide (CO 2) and other greenhouse gases through human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, emissions from chemical processes, and other sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, will have an effect on future global climate.While greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are oftenviewed at global, national, corporate or organizational levels, emissions within these groupings can arise from supply chains within business, between businesses, and between nations. The GHG emissions associated with goods and services reflect the impact of processes,materials and decisions occurring throughout the life cycle of the goods and services.PAS 2050 has been developed in response to broadcommunity and industry desire for a consistent method for assessing the life cycle GHG emissions of goods and services. Life cycle GHG emissions are the emissions that are released as part of the processes of creating,modifying, transporting, storing, using, providing,recycling or disposing of goods and services. PAS 2050recognizes the potential for organizations to use this method to deliver improved understanding of the GHG emissions arising from their supply chains, and to provide a common basis for the comparison and communication of results arising from the use of PAS 2050. Although there is no requirement forcommunication or standardization of communication techniques in this specification, this PAS supports the assessment of life cycle GHG emissions of goods and services that can be later reported and communicated to stakeholders, including consumers. Where an organization implementing this PAS chooses to communicate specific result of the assessment of GHG emissions, it is required to make other information available as specified in this PAS.0.2 Background and benefitsPAS 2050 builds on existing life cycle assessment methods established through BS EN ISO 14040 and BS EN ISO 14044 by specifying requirements for the assessment of the life cycle GHG emissions of goods and services. These requirements further clarify the implementation of the above standards in relation to the assessment of GHG emissions of goods and services,and establish additional principles and techniques thataddress essential aspects of GHG assessment, including:a)business-to-business and business-to-consumer use of partial GHG assessment data in full GHG assessments of goods and services;b)scope of greenhouse gases to be included;c)criteria for global warming potential data;d)treatment of emissions from land use change, and biogenic and fossil carbon sources; e)treatment of the impact of carbon storage in products, and offsetting;f)requirements for the treatment of GHG emissions arising from specific processes;g)data requirements and accounting for emissions from renewable energy generation; and h)claims of conformity.This PAS is intended to benefit organizations,businesses and other stakeholders by providing a clear and consistent method for the assessment of the life cycle GHG emissions associated with goods and services. Specifically, this PAS provides the following benefits:a)For organizations that supply goods and services,this PAS:•allows internal assessment of the existing life cycle GHG emissions of goods and services;•facilitates the evaluation of alternative product configurations, sourcing and manufacturing methods, raw material choices and supplier selection on the basis of the life cycle GHG emissions associated with goods and services;•provides a benchmark for ongoing programmes aimed at reducing GHG emissions;•allows for a comparison of goods or services using a common, recognized and standardized approach to life cycle GHG emissions assessment; and •supports reporting on corporate responsibility.b)For consumers of goods and services, this PAS:•provides a common basis for reporting and communicating the results of life cycle GHG emissions assessments that supports comparison and uniformity of understanding; and•provides an opportunity for greater consumer understanding of life cycle GHG emissions when making purchasing decisions and using goods and services.PAS 2050:2008© BSI October 20081This PAS specifies requirements for the assessment of the life cycle GHG emissions of goods and services (collectively referred to as “products”) based on key life cycle assessment techniques and principles. This PAS is applicable to organizations assessing the GHG emissions of products across their life cycle, and to organizations assessing the cradle-to-gate GHG emissions of products.Requirements are specified for identifying the system boundary, the sources of GHG emissions associated with products that fall inside the system boundary, the data requirements for carrying out the analysis,and the calculation of the results.This PAS addresses the single impact category of global warming, and does not assess other potential social,economic and environmental impacts arising from the provision of products, such as non-greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, eutrophication, toxicity,biodiversity, labour standards or other social, economic and environmental impacts that may be associated with the life cycle of products. The life cycle GHG emissions of products, calculated using this PAS, do not provide an indicator of the overall environmental impact of these products, such as may result from other types of life cycle assessment.This PAS does not include product category-specific rules for goods and services; however, it is intended that selected product category-specific rules for goods and services, developed in accordance with BS ISO 14025, will be adopted where available, as specified in this PAS.It is one of the intentions of this PAS to allow for the comparison of GHG emissions between products, and to enable the communication of this information.However, this PAS does not specify requirements for communication.The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this PAS. For dated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references,the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.BS EN ISO 14021,Environmental labels anddeclarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)BS EN ISO 14044:2006, Environmental management –Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines,Clause EN ISO/IEC 17050-1,Conformity assessment –Supplier’s declaration of conformity – Part 1: General requirementsISO/TS 14048:2002,Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Data documentation format,Clause 5.2.2IPCC 2006,Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeNote Subsequent amendments to IPCC 2006 also apply.IPCC 2007,Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis.Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z.Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and ler (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,United Kingdom and New York, NY , USA, 996 pp.,Chapter 2, Table 2.14Note Subsequent amendments to IPCC 2007 also apply.1Scope2Normative referencesFor the purposes of this PAS the following terms and definitions apply.3.1 allocationpartitioning the input or output flows of a process or a product system between the product system under study and one or more other product systems [BS EN ISO 14044:2006, 3.17]3.2 anticipated life cycle greenhouse gas emissionsinitial estimate of greenhouse gas (see 3.26for adefinition of greenhouse gases) emissions for a product (see 3.37for a definition of product) that is calculated using secondary data (see 3.43for a definition ofsecondary data) or a combination of primary (see 3.36for a definition of primary activity data) and secondary data, for all processes used in the life cycle of the product3.3 biogenicderived from biomass, but not fossilized or from fossil sources (see 3.22for a definition of fossil)3.4 biomassmaterial of biological origin, excluding materialembedded in geological formations or transformed to fossil[Adapted from CEN/TR 14980:2004, 4.3]3.5 business-to-businessprovision of inputs, including products, to another party that is not the end user3.6 business-to-consumerprovision of inputs, including products, to the end user3.7 capital goodsgoods, such as machinery, equipment and buildings,used in the life cycle of products3.8 carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2e)unit for comparing the radiative forcing of a GHG to carbon dioxide[BS ISO 14064-1:2006, 2.19]Note 1The carbon dioxide equivalent value is calculated by multiplying the mass of a given GHG by its global warming potential (see 3.25for a definition of global warming potential).Note 2 Greenhouse gases, other than CO 2, are converted to their carbon dioxide equivalent value on the basis of their per unit radiative forcing using 100-year global warming potentials defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).3.9 carbon sequestrationremoval of carbon from the atmosphere3.10 carbon storageretaining carbon of biogenic or atmospheric origin in a form other than as an atmospheric gas3.11 combined heat and power (CHP)simultaneous generation in one process of useable thermal, electrical and/or mechanical energy3.12 competent personperson with training, experience or knowledge and other qualities, and with access to the required tools,equipment and information, sufficient to enable them to carry out a defined task3.13 consumableancillary input that is necessary for a process to occur but that does not form a tangible part of the product or co-products arising from the processNote 1Consumables include lubricating oil, tools and other rapidly wearing inputs to a process. Consumables differ from capital goods in that they have an expected life of one year or less, or a need to replenish on a one year or less basis.Note 2Fuel and energy inputs to the life cycle of a product are not considered consumables.3.14 consumeruser of goods or services3.15 co-productany of two or more products from the same unit process or product system [BS EN ISO14044:2006, 3.10]Note Where two or more products can be produced from a unit process, they are considered co-products only where one cannot be produced without the other being produced.3.16 data qualitycharacteristics of data that relate to their ability to satisfy stated requirements [BS EN ISO14044:2006, 3.19]PAS 2050:2008© BSI October 200823Terms and definitionsPAS 2050:2008© BSI October 200833.17 downstream emissionsGHG emissions associated with processes that occur in the life cycle of a product subsequent to the processes owned or operated by the organization implementing this PAS3.18 economic valuemarket value of a product, co-product or waste (see 3.50for a definition of waste) at the point of production3.19 emission factoramount of greenhouse gases emitted, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent and relative to a unit of activityNote For example, kgCO 2e per unit input. Emission factor data would be obtained from secondary data sources.3.20 emissionsrelease to air and discharges to water and land that result in GHGs entering the atmosphere3.21 environmentally extended input–output (EEIO) analysismethod of estimating the GHG emissions (and other environmental impacts) arising from sectors within an economy through the analysis of economic flows Note Alternative terms, such as economic input-output life cycle assessment (EIO-LCA), input output based life cycle assessment (IOLCA) and hybrid life cycle assessment (HLCA)refer to different approaches to implementing EEIO analysis.3.22 fossilderived from fossil fuel or another fossil source,including peat[Adapted from IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Glossary , see Clause 2]3.23 functional unitquantified performance of a product system for use as a reference unit[BS EN ISO 14044:2006, 3.20]3.24 GHG emissionsrelease of GHGs to the atmosphere3.25 global warming potential (GWP)factor describing the radiative forcing impact of one mass-based unit of a given greenhouse gas relative to an equivalent unit of carbon dioxide over a given period of time[BS ISO 14064-1:2006, 2.18]Note Carbon dioxide is assigned a GWP of 1, while the GWP of other gases is expressed relative to the GWP of carbon dioxide from fossil carbon sources. Annex A contains global warming potentials for a 100-year time period produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Carbon dioxide arising from biogenic sources of carbon is assigned a GWP of zero in specific circumstances specified in this PAS.3.26 greenhouse gases (GHGs)gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface, the atmosphere, and cloudsNote The GHGs included in this PAS are specified inAnnex A.3.27 inputproduct, material or energy flow that enters a unit process[BS EN ISO 14040:2006, 3.21]3.28 intermediate productoutput from a unit process that is an input to other unit processes involving further transformation within the system3.29 International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD)series of technical guidance documents with quality, method, nomenclature, documentation and review requirements for quality ensured life cycle data and studies, coordinated for Europe by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre [2]3.30 life cycleconsecutive and interlinked stages of a product system, from raw material acquisition or generation of natural resources to end of life, inclusive of any recycling or recovery activity[Adapted from BS EN ISO 14040:2006, 3.1]3.31 life cycle assessment (LCA)compilation and evaluation of inputs, outputs and potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life cycle[BS EN ISO 14040:2006, 3.2]3.32 life cycle GHG emissionssum of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from all stages of the life cycle of a product and within the specified system boundaries of the productNote This includes all emissions that are released as partof the processes within the boundary of the life cycle of the product, including obtaining, creating, modifying, transporting, storing, operating, using and end of life disposal of the product.3.33 material contributioncontribution from any one source of GHG emissions of more than 1% of the anticipated life cycle GHG emissions associated with a productNote A materiality threshold of 1% has been establishedto ensure that very minor sources of life cycle GHG emissions do not require the same treatment as more significant sources.3.34 offsettingmechanism for claiming a reduction in GHG emissions associated with a process or product through the removal of, or preventing the release of, GHG emissions in a process unrelated to the life cycle ofthe product being assessedNote An example is the purchase of Certified Emission Reductions generated by Clean Development Mechanism projects under the Kyoto Protocol [3].3.35 outputproduct, material or energy that leaves a unit process [Adapted from BS EN ISO 14044:2006, 3.25]Note Materials may include raw materials, intermediate products, co-products, products and emissions.3.36 primary activity dataquantitative measurement of activity from a product’s life cycle that, when multiplied by an emission factor, determines the GHG emissions arising from a process Note 1Examples of primary activity data include the amount of energy used, material produced, service provided or area of land affected.Note 2Primary activity data sources are typically preferable to secondary data sources as the data will reflect the specific nature/efficiency of the process, and the GHG emissions associated with the process.Note 3Primary activity data does not include emission factors.3.37 productany good or serviceNote Services have tangible and intangible elements.The provision of a service can involve, for example, the following:a)an activity performed on a consumer-supplied tangibleproduct (e.g. automobile to be repaired);b)an activity performed on a consumer-supplied intangibleproduct (e.g. the income statement needed to preparea tax return);c)the delivery of an intangible product (e.g. the delivery ofinformation in the context of knowledge transmission); d)the creation of ambience for the consumer (e.g. in hotelsand restaurants);PAS 2050:2008© BSI October 2008 4e)software consists of information and is generallyintangible and can be in the form of approaches,transactions or procedures.[Adapted from BS ISO 14040:2006, 3.9]3.38 product categorygroup of products that can fulfil equivalent functions [BS ISO 14025:2006, 3.12]3.39 product category rules (PCRs)set of specific rules, requirements and guidelines for developing Type III environmental declarations for one or more product categories[BS ISO 14025:2006, 3.5]3.40 product systemcollection of unit processes with elementary and product flows, performing one or more defined functions, that models the life cycle of a product [BS EN ISO 14040:2006, 3.28]3.41 raw materialprimary or secondary material that is used to produce a productNote Secondary material includes recycled material.[BS EN ISO 14040:2006, 3.15]3.42 renewable energyenergy from non-fossil energy sources: wind, solar, geothermal, wave, tidal, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases [Adapted from Directive 2001/77/EC, Article 2[4]]3.43 secondary datadata obtained from sources other than direct measurement of the processes included in the life cycle of the productNote Secondary data is used when primary activity datais not available or it is impractical to obtain primary activity data.3.44 system boundaryset of criteria specifying which unit processes are part of a product system[BS EN ISO 14040:2006, 3.32]3.45 unit processsmallest portion of a life cycle for which data are analysed when performing a life cycle assessment 3.46 upstream emissionsGHG emissions associated with processes that occurin the life cycle of a product prior to the processes owned, operated or controlled by the organization implementing this PAS3.47 use phasethat part of the life cycle of a product that occurs between the transfer of the product to the consumer and the end of life of the productNote For services, the use phase includes the provision of the service.3.48 use profilecriteria against which the GHG emissions arising from the use phase are determined3.49 useful energyenergy that meets a demand by displacing another source of energyNote For example, where heat production from a CHP unit is utilized to meet a demand for heat that was previously met by another form of energy, or meets a new demand for heat that would have required additional energy input, then the heat from the CHP is providing useful energy. Had the heat from the CHP not met a demand, but instead been dissipated (e.g. vented to the atmosphere), the heat would not be considered useful energy (in which case no emissions from the CHP would be assigned to the heat production). 3.50 wastematerials, co-products, products or emissions which the holder discards or intends, or is required to, discard4.1 General requirementsAssessment of the GHG emissions of products shall be carried out using LCA techniques. Unless otherwise indicated, the assessment of the life cycle GHG emissions of products shall be made using the attributional approach, i.e. by describing the inputs and their associated emissions attributed to the delivery of a specified amount of the product functional unit.Note LCA techniques are specified in BS EN ISO 14040 and BS EN ISO 14044. Where the approach described in these standards is incompatible with the requirements of this PAS, the requirements of this PAS take precedence.4.2 PrinciplesOrganizations claiming conformity with this PAS shall ensure that the assessment of the life cycle GHG emissions of a product is complete, and shall be able to demonstrate that the following principles have been taken into consideration when carrying outthe assessment:a)Relevance:select GHG sources, carbon storage,data and methods appropriate to the assessment of the GHG emissions arising from products;b)Completeness:include all specified GHG emissionsand storage that provide a material contributionto the assessment of GHG emissions arising fromproducts;c)Consistency:enable meaningful comparisons inGHG-related information;d)Accuracy:reduce bias and uncertainties as far asis practical;e)Transparency:where the results of life cycle GHGemissions assessment carried out in accordancewith this PAS are communicated to a third party,the organization communicating these resultsshall disclose GHG emissions-related informationsufficient to allow such third parties to makeassociated decisions with confidence.Note The above principles are adapted fromBS ISO14064-1:2006,Clause 3.4.3 Product differentiationThe GHG emissions assessment specified in this PAS shall apply to the product for which the assessment is conducted. Where similar products are being assessed, a separate assessment shall be carried out for each product that is provided to a third party, unless the similar products are provided in such a manner as to make them indistinguishable from each other by the third party.4.4 Supporting dataData supporting the assessment of life cycle GHG emissions, including but not limited to, product and process boundaries, materials, emission factors and emissions, and other data as required in this PAS, shall be documented and a record maintained in a format suitable for analysis and verification for the greater of either five years or the life expectancy of the product. Note Data records should be made available to support claims of conformity no matter what form of verificationis chosen. The basis of support for self verification of conformity is no different from that required for other party verification or independent third party certification (see Clause 10).4.5 Implementation of this PASThe assessment of life cycle GHG emissions for products shall be carried out as either:a)a business-to-consumer assessment, which includesthe emissions arising from the full life cycle of the product; orb)a business-to-business assessment, which includesthe GHG emissions released up to and including the point where the input arrives at a new organization (including all upstream emissions).Note 1The above two approaches are respectively referred to as “cradle-to-grave” approach (see BS EN ISO 14044) and “cradle-to-gate” approach (see BS EN ISO 14040).Note 2See 6.2for the assessment of the emissions arising from part of the life cycle of the product for business-to-business assessment purposes.4Principles and implementation。



基于PAS2050标准的产品碳足迹 测量方法及其具体实践
——以汉麻纤维产品碳足迹为例 杨自平张晓霞张建春张华
摘要:随着全球气候环境的日趋恶化,人们已经认识到传统的高耗能、高污染、高排放、低 附加值的经济发展模式已经不可持续了,必须通过新的技术革命,培育新兴产业,淘汰落后产能, 使经济发展向低碳或零碳模式方向转变,实现经济、社会、人文的和谐发展。然而,在发展低碳经 济、研发低碳产品、倡导低碳生活的同时,产品低碳标准如何衡量界定,产品(服务)生产消费过 程的碳排放计量及其对气候变化的影响如何,世界各国尚未形成统一规范。文章对世界上第一个衡 量产品碳足迹的标准PAS2050进行了分析,并就其在产品碳足迹测量中的实践应用作了详细阐述。
木半吨,此间共生品为麻泥、麻屑、麻灰。所以,精干麻的固碳量为料吨,折合吸收二氧化碳量为 宰事吨。每顿精于麻固碳量为宰宰吨,折合吸收二氧化碳量为1.83吨。



Bureau Veritas Certification 气候变化相关服务及业绩
Bureau Veritas Certification Bureau Veritas Certification 在 140 个国家拥有 80000 家通过认证的公司,在全球范围内处于领先地位。 Bureau Veritas Certification 是 EU ETS 验证的市场领导者之一,在计划执行的第一年进行的验证就已经超过 1200 天。 此外,Bureau Veritas Certification 同时也是联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)
1. 带领供应商做碳盘查辅导, 并将碳盘查 列入供应商管理 2. 通过供应链管理的方式, 带动整个产业 的低碳排放,减少产品的碳足迹 在产品及服务生命周期温室气体排放量的 基础上,促进产品的配置、来源及制造方 法、原料挑选和供应商选择的评估
1. 由产品和服务生命周期温室气体排放评估规范可以了解组织、服务及产品各个阶段 的碳排放量; 2. 可提升公司的整体产品形象,提升产品竞争力; 3. 剖析产品和服务各个生命周期温室气体排放量,寻求减量机会,并建立相关替代产 品的配置、采购和生产方法、原材料和供应商选择; 4. 推进企业社会责任,相应利益相关方关注的碳排放议题,展现企业环保责任和决心; 5. 支持国家环保政策,为未来碳税进行准备; 6. 有助于企业制造低碳产品,开发出低碳足迹的新产品。
1. 使用有代表性的组织活动数据(一般可以是典型年的数据,或多年平均值或移动平 均值) ,对排放源的 GHG 排放和清除进行量化; 2. 选择具有可核查的 GHG 排放和清除数据的排放源; 3. 根据标准的要求编制特定产品的 GHG 清单; 4. 当碳足迹计算产品生产制程或采购商发生变化;GHG 排放源有变更(进入或移出 组织边界)或 GHG 量化方法变更,从而使已量化的 GHG 排放或清除产生重大变 化时能够应用 GHG 清单重新计算程序并形成文件。 5. 按照程序文件进行 GHG 排放和清除的量化, 并形成 GHG 排放清单和碳足迹报告。 6. 对 GHG 排放和清除的不确定性,包括与排放因子和清除因子有关的不确定性,进 行评估并形成文件。 7. 了解 GHG 管理事务; 8. 编写企业选定碳足迹产品的编写的案例分析,正确填写采购商的 GHG 盘查清单并 能够为供应商设计相应的碳足迹盘查清单。 PAS 2050 碳足迹文件制定: 1. 产品碳足迹报告 2. 产品碳足迹盘查情况,包括: 1) 流程图:确定系统边界 2) 产品碳足迹盘查情况,包括: 流程图:确定系统边界 能源分配表 3. 标的产品分配表 4. 生命周期评估软件分析结果

了解《PAS 2050》标准应对“碳足迹”

了解《PAS 2050》标准应对“碳足迹”

了解《PAS 2050》标准应对“碳足迹”



1.PAS2050规范让产品碳足迹无所遁形 [J], 黄少云;李东立;许文才
2.PAS2050规范下物流服务碳足迹研究 [J], 史祎馨
3.基于PAS2050规范的物流服务碳足迹研究 [J], 史袆馨
4.基于PAS2050规范的大麻纤维产品碳足迹测量分析 [J], 杨自平;张建春;张华;张晓霞;高志强
5.关注低碳标准发展新动向——英国PAS2050碳足迹标准 [J], 冯相昭;赖晓涛;田春秀























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图1 各国的碳标识(Carbon Labeling)
图2 电冰箱生产过程
图3 冰箱的爆炸图
表2 冰箱零部件分类
图4 电冰箱箱体生产过程

•图6 冰箱磷化和喷塑生产线


图7 ABS件生产工艺



表4 磷化工艺清单。
