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目录 (1)

摘要 (3)

第一章设计任务书 (5)

1.1 设计题目 300MW汽轮发电机组亚临界自然循环锅炉设计 (5)

1.2 原始资料 (5)

第二章煤的元素分析数据校核和煤种判别 (6)

2.1 煤的元素各成分之和为100%的校核 (6)

2.2 元素分析数据校核 (6)

2.2.1 可燃基元素成分的计算 (6)

2.2.2 干燥基灰分的计算 (6)

2.2.4 可燃基低位发热量的计算 (6)

2.3 煤种判别 (6)

第三章锅炉整体布置的确定 (8)

3.1 锅炉整体的外型——选 形布置 (8)

3.2 受热面的布置 (8)

3.3 锅炉汽水系统 (8)

第四章燃烧产物和锅炉热平衡计算 (11)

4.1 燃烧产物计算 (11)

4.2 热平衡及燃料消耗量计算 (15)

第五章炉膛设计和热力计算 (17)

5.1 炉膛结构设计(带前屏过热器) (17)

5.2 燃烧器的设计 (19)

5.3 炉膛和前屏过热器结构尺寸计算 (21)

5.4 炉膛热力计算(分隔屏过热器) (26)

第六章后屏过热器热力计算 (30)

6.1 后屏过热器结构尺寸计算 (30)

6.2 后屏过热器热力计算 (32)

第七章对流过热器设计和热力计算 (35)

7.1 对流过热器结构设计 (35)

7.2 对流过热器结构尺寸计算 (37)

7.3 对流过热器热力计算 (38)

第八章高温再热器设计和热力计算 (41)

8.1 高温再热器结构设计 (41)

8.2 高温再热器结构尺寸计算 (43)

8.3 高温再热器热力计算 (44)

第九章第一、二、三转向室及低温再热器引出管的热力计算 (47)

9.1 第一、二、三转向室及低温再热器引出管结构尺寸 (47)

9.2 第一、二、三转向室及低温再热器引出管热力计算 (49)

第十章低温再热器热力计算 (55)

10.1 低温再热器结构尺寸计算 (55)

10.2 低温再热器热力计算 (57)

第十一章旁路省煤器热力计算 (59)

11.1 旁路省煤器结构尺寸计算 (59)

11.2 旁路省煤器热力计算 (60)

第十二章减温水量校核 (63)

12.1 减温水量校核结果列于下表。 (63)

第十三章主省煤器设计和热力计算 (64)

13.1 主省煤器结构设计 (64)

13.2 主省煤器结构尺寸计算 (66)

13.3 主省煤器热力计算 (66)

第十四章空气预热器热力计算 (69)

14.1 空气预热器结构尺寸 (69)

14.2 空气预热器热力计算 (70)

第十五章热力计算数据的修正和计算结果汇总 (74)

15.1 热力计算数据的修正 (74)

15.2 排烟温度较核 (74)

15.3 热空气温度较核 (75)

15.4 热平衡计算误差较核 (75)

15.5 热力计算结果汇总 (76)

总结 (78)

感谢 (79)

参考文献 (80)







Compared with developed countries, China's power industry started late. After half a century of study, learn and develop, and now, China has the ability to manufacture 1000MW supercritical, ultra-supercritical power plant boiler. Although China has a large number of sub-critical and more self-sufficient large boiler manufacturing and operation experience, but the world still lags far behind the advanced units, should be transformed as soon as possible to shorten the gap.

This design is sub-critical 300MW natural circulation boiler furnace design, design process, the process can be coal-fired boiler in question might encounter some analysis and reflection, to further reduce the equipment investment per kilowatt, metal consumption, and improve unit operation and security of the economy, high-parameter, large capacity, high automatic control technology in the operation of large boiler superheater and there Reheater temperature burst pipes, water wall,high-temperature corrosion and burst pipes, rear heating surface wear, corrosion and other phenomena, these phenomena not only reduces the thermal efficiency of the boiler, but also affect the safety and reliability of the boiler. Through the design itself, to understand the boiler structure knowledge for future work that may be encountered in the boiler problem,can provide some theoretical support.

Design of boiler furnace needs to understand the layout of the boiler heating surface details, fully understand the structural design of the furnace and the furnace volume; the total area of the furnace wall furnace; active radiation heating furnace area; effective radiation thickness of the furnace flame; furnace water level and other factors, checked by multiple values, so that furnace exit gas temperature and the valuation can 53.63 ℃, so that their design is more suitable for the requirements of coal combustion.

Key words: coal analysis furnace thermal calculation ,check.
