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pig 猪金属锭块
dog 狗挡块,止动爪
cat 猫吊锚,履带拖拉机
cock 公鸡旋塞,吊车
horse 马支架,铁杆
fish 鱼接合板,夹板
snake 蛇斑点
monkey 猴子活动板手,起重机小车
fox 狐狸绳索
bird 鸟飞机,火箭
coat 外衣镀层
cap 帽子轴承盖,罩壳
shoe 鞋子闸瓦,履带片
cup 杯子皮碗,轴套
bed 床底座,机床身
bench 长凳拉床,钳工台
house 房子箱体,罩
disk 唱片硬磨盘
desk 书桌控制屏
table 桌子放料盘
eye 眼孔环
ear 耳吊钩
mouth 口开度
nose 鼻喷嘴
hand 手手柄,指针
finger 手指厚薄规
foot 脚支座
head 头冒口,刀架
neck 颈座
body 身体机身
hair 头发游丝
tooth 牙齿粗糙面
flashlight 手电筒
fluorescent lamp 日光灯
electric calculator 计算器
tube 真空管
electric fan 电风扇
dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机
tape recorder 磁带
television 电视机
electric iron 电熨斗
electric foot warmer 暖脚器
electric shaver 电动剃须刀
electric cooker 电饭锅
electric heater 电暖气
electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器
bulb 电灯泡
electronic oven 电烤箱
radio 收音机
microphone 麦克风
loud-speaker 扩音机
refrigerator 冰箱
air conditioning 空调
microwave oven 微波炉
dry cell 干电池
tap 电线搭接处
vector displacement gravitational potential energy
efficiency nucleus proton neutron
repulsion molecule evaporation conduction
convection insulation infrared diode
electromotive force potential different generator
amplitude photon apectrum urtraviolet
dimension equilibrium fulcrum neutral
collision centriprtal impulse momentum
A plank with a bucket on it is supported by two trestles.With force does each trestle exert on the plank?
1、 In the early 1600's, German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler mathematically analyzed(分析) known astronomical data in order to develop three laws to describe the motion of planets about the sun. Kepler's three laws emerged from the analysis of data carefully collected over a span of several years by his
Danish predecessor(前辈) and teacher, Tycho Brahe. Kepler's three laws of planetary motion can be briefly described as follows:
The path of the planets about the sun are elliptical(椭圆的) in shape, with * the center of the sun being located at one focus. (The Law of Ellipses)
* An imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time. (The Law of Equal Areas) * The ratio(比例) of the squares of the periods of any two planets is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their average distances from the sun. (The Law of Harmonies) 2、 According to this law: If an induced current flows, its direction is always such that it will oppose the change in flux which produced it. Lenz’s law follows from the law of conservation of energy. Energy must be transferred to produce an induced current. So work must be done to make the change which causes it. When the aluminium disc is spun between the magnetic poles, eddy currents are induced in it. These set up a magnetic field which pulls on the poles and opposes the motion. So the disc quickly comes to a halt. Electromagnetic braking systems use this effect.
law limit
elastic limit
yield point
permanent deformation
Unlike the glass, most metals do
not experience brittle fracture when stretched because dislocations tend to stop cracks growing and spreading. The following descriptions refer to the graph for a ste al wire on the left.
O to B: The deformation of the wire is elastic.
B: This is the elastic limit. Beyond it, the deformation becomes plastic as layers of particles slide over each other. If the stress were removed at, point O, say, point D, the wire would be left with a permanent deformation (strain x on the axis).
C: This is the yield point. Beyond it, little extra force is needed to produced a large extra extension. If a material can be stretched like this, it is said to be ductile.
E: The wire develops a thin ‘neck’, then a ductile fracture occurs. The highest stress just before the wire breaks is called the ultimate tensile stress. Fatigue: If a metal is taken through many cycles of changing stress, a fatigue fracture may occur before the ultimate tensile stress is reached. Fatigue fractures are caused by the slow spread of small cracks.
Creep: This is the deformation which goes on happening in some materials if stress is maintained. For example, unsupported lead slowly sags under its own weight. 4、 When a liquid evaporates, molecules escape from its surface and move about freely as a gas. In a liquid, the vibrating molecules keep colliding with each other, some gaining kinetic energy and others losing it. At the surface, some of the faster, upward-moving molecules have enough kinetic energy to overcome the attraction from other molecules and escape from the liquid. With these faster molecules gone, the average KE of those left behind is reduced i.e. the temperature of the liquid falls. That is why evaporation has a cooling effect.
5、 Vibrating and spinning molecules in one object give off electromagnetic radiation whose energy can be absorbed by molecules in another object so that they speed up. This radiation is called thermal radiation. From most warm or hot objects, it is mainly infrared. Some surfaces are better absorbers of thermal radiation than others.
A preface absorber is called black body. It is also the best possible emitter of thermal radiation. The Sun, odd though it may sound, is effectively a black body radiator.
6、 When some substances are illuminated by light, electrons are emitted from their surface. This is called the photoelectric effect. The electrons are emitted with a range of kinetic energies, up to a maximum. Experiments shows that:
l Increasing the intensity of light increases the number of electrons emitted per second.
l For light beneath a certain threshold frequency, f0, no electrons are emitted, even in very intense light.
l Above f0, the maximum KE of the electrons increases with frequency, but is not affected by intensity. Even in very dim light gives some electrons with high KE.
7、 Most types of particle have a corresponding antiparticle. This has the same rest mass, but at least one property which is opposite to that of the particle. When a particle and its antiparticle meet, in most cases, they annihilate each other and their mass is converted into energy as given by E=mc2. For example, the annihilation of an electron and positron may produce a pair of gamma photons.
8、 In the 17th century, it was pointed out that, if the stars continued out to infinity, the night sky should be white, not dark—because light must be coming from every possible directio n in the sky. This because known as Olber’s paradox. Two reasons for the dark night sky have been suggested:
i. In the expanding Universe, red-shifted wavelengths mean reduced photo energies, so the intensity of the light from distance stars is reduced.
ii. There is a limit to our observable Universe. If, say, the Universe is 15 billion years from stars more than 15 billion light-years away. So everything beyond that distance looks dark.
9、 If a wave source is receding(moving away) from a detector, the waves reaching the detector are more spaced out, so their measured wavelength is increased and their frequency reduced. This is an example of Doppler effect. It causes the change of pitch which you hear when an ambulance rushes past with its siren sounding. Star motion can be fast enough to cause a detectable Doppler shift in light waves. If a star is moving away from the Earth, its spectral lines are shifted towards the red end of the spectrum.
11、 17世纪对光的本质提出了两种假说:一种假说认为光是由许多微粒组成的;另一种假说认为光是一种波动。