



Tomb-sweeping day is coming,today let’s commemorate a person together. He is the soul of beyond band, and he has countless fans in the worldwide, but the gods are always envious of the talented, he is just a music fairy with just a short life.

Here I have found a representative song in each period of his musical experience. I just want to show you How he realized his dream,why he was so popular?

《永远等待》《大地》《真的爱你》Honestly love you 《光辉岁月》《海阔天空》seasky 《永远等待》:Wait forever

An early song before he became famous, it is also the name of beyond’s first concert. Before huangjiaju built beyond, he played his guitar just so-so, many bands despised him and did not want to cooperate with him. He back to home and practice day and night,after his hand became swollenbecause of Wear and shock of the guitar,he just put his finger into a pot of hot water which was mixed with salt,

and then he will practice continue。After he play guitar very well,he built beyond with his friends。In order to make more people know them,they had their first concert,but the prepare process was painful,huangjiaju had to do many Part-time job at the same time to make money。Then they also Had to sell ticket,paste posters,and distribute leaflets,at last the concert was successful。

After this concert,some record company begin to like them and signed them,then they created their first classical song《the earth大地》,which expressed most young people’s wishes, and it became popular quickly ,huangjiaju started a new period, in which the pop song was not about love。But about Fighting for dream)。

After he became famous,he created 《真的爱你》for his mother,because at first his father did not permit him to play band but his mother saved some money under the table to Support his choice. huangjiaju was a caring person, he Founded the third world foundation, and go to Africa, visit the poor and adopt orphans. Glory years was written to show his respect to Mandela.

曼德拉,who is the first black President of South Africa. The song also express beyond’s desire to against racial discrimination and hope for world peace。 I think this is one of reasons why so many people like beyond. After they became famous, they did not satisfied with their present situation, so they shift the focus of their work to japan, they still work very hard, and created 《海阔天空》.which described beyond ‘s 10 years‘s bitter experience,tell us how to insist on our own ideal in the materialistic society。Just as he sangs :“No matter how many times face with ridicule嘲笑,never give up the ideal”Huangjiaju has passed away,just left so many classical inspirational songs,which continue warming countless Frustrated heart。






2005年Beyond举行了“Beyond The Story Live005”世界巡回告别演唱会并宣布解散,三人继续以个人的姿态发展自己的音乐事业。















d,个人努力,练吉他,兼职。种种的冷嘲热讽并没有减退BEYOND对音乐的热诚,相反,他们更加努力的去做去唱。They work and sing moer hard。


f,励志歌曲,有自己的的风格Have their own style 《真的爱你》

























when the breeze gently hold when liuxu savoury, when the sun put it golden glorious quietly around the cherry blossom trees on appered handsome; when the beautiful petals in the air to reach several

commonly roll long, then gently landed, we are enjoying a brilliant happineof campus life.

early morning, happy bird singing, accompany us go strollw floral path and watched the we walked into the campus, eye is full of

happiness. sunshine shop in writing has "e, nanjing normal university affiliated yangzi dickers" e, the bronze medal and put downy light reflection to our body, we cheerfully accepted this light, vigorous entered in campus. on the way to the classroom, and every day that we can all see beautiful fountain and pool, and forceful huaihe books and rather ?

the most successful person may not be the smartest ones.according to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same university ten years ago , those whose grade-point average was in the

middle fifty percent , all become rich or managers of different fields , while not a single young man of the upper ten percent

becomes an executive or boss. why the smartest kids in the classwill not end up the richest? why those who are not excellent in studies tend to be managers or own their own enterprise in their later life? and what factors lead to succein career and life if brains are not the only answer? according to my observation , academic brightneis only part of the story , the other factors are very important. one ingredient , among other things , is good interpersonal skills. there is stong evidence that friendship can help to tide you over a period of difficulty. with a wide circle of friends who can be trusted yo

provide information and resources, your chances of succeare much higher. on the contrary , if you are competent in profession , but have difficulty in getting along with your colleagues and even your boss, you can hardly survive the corporation. another component is the ability to expreoneself . in today s world , what really counts is the ability to

expreoneself rather than technical competence or professional knowledge . the larger the orgnization of which you are an employee , and th fiercer the competition , the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts and convince others of your ideas. personality is also an important factor. whatever difficulty or situation , those who appear relaxed and confident are nearer to success. obviously , among the ingredients for succe, intelligence counts for the half , the rest depends on your personality , and other abilities.

My dream

Today,I'm very glad to stand here to share my dream with you.

Everyone has dream. Some people wan to be rich,dreaming of millionaires overnight,other want to be famous,dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.Different people have different dream. Of course,I've no exception. I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me .

I never thought of my dream when I was a kid.

Later,my dream always changed. At that time I don't know what dream is. I haven't studied English at all when I was in primary school. So you can imagine how awful my English is. I think it is impossible for me to study English well. Because I never read English words and English articles. I don't like English ,either. And I can't read the English well. But one day something changed , I have

already changed my mind . I fall in love with English. I never give up ,although I'm not good at it. Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day. I know we needed to build confidence in the process of learning English. We must know "Confidence can be gained with daily progress."

I want to stand on the top of the world. Now I can't requirement and it's not easy for me, but I'll study hard in the next two years. There is an old saying "where is a will,there is a way." I think my dream can come ture. I believe "Nothing is impossible" from beginning to end. It's very important to success.

At last ,I want to say to everybody"Hole on your dreams firmly, no matter how big or small they are. The

path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed. But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happiness than making your dream come ture"


when the breeze gently hold when liuxu savoury, when the sun put it golden glorious quietly around the cherry blossom trees on appered handsome; when the beautiful petals in the air to reach several

commonly roll long, then gently landed, we are enjoying a brilliant happineof campus life.

early morning, happy bird singing, accompany us go strollw floral path and watched the we walked into the campus, eye is full of

happiness. sunshine shop in writing has "e, nanjing normal university affiliated yangzi dickers" e, the bronze medal and put downy light reflection to our body, we cheerfully accepted this light, vigorous entered in campus. on the way to the classroom, and every day that we can all see beautiful fountain and pool, and forceful huaihe books and rather ?

the most successful person may not be the

smartest ones.according to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same university ten years ago , those whose grade-point average was in the middle fifty percent , all become rich or managers of different fields , while not a single young man of the upper ten percent

becomes an executive or boss. why the smartest kids in the classwill not end up the richest? why those who are not excellent in studies tend to be managers or own their own enterprise in their later life? and what factors lead to succein career and life if brains are not the only answer? according to my observation , academic brightneis only part of the story , the other factors are very important. one ingredient , among other things , is good interpersonal skills. there is stong evidence that friendship can help to tide you over a period of difficulty. with a wide circle of friends who can be trusted yo

provide information and resources, your chances of succeare much higher. on the contrary , if you are competent in profession , but have difficulty in getting along with your colleagues and even your boss,

you can hardly survive the corporation. another component is the ability to expreoneself . in today s world , what really counts is the ability to expreoneself rather than technical competence or professional knowledge . the larger the orgnization of which you are an employee , and th fiercer the competition , the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts and convince others of your ideas. personality is also an important factor. whatever difficulty or situation , those who appear relaxed and confident are nearer to success. obviously , among the ingredients for succe, intelligence counts for the half , the rest depends on your personality , and other abilities.

A Nice Man

A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling with a large box. It was half in and half out of her car. He was a nice man, so he went up to the woman and said, “Let give you a hand with that box, It looks very heavy.”

“That is very kind of you,” the woman said. “I’m having a lot of trouble with it. I think it’

s struck.”“Together we’ll soon move it.” The man said, He got into the back seat of the car and took hold of the other end of the box. He said, “And he began to push hard.”

For a few minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box. Soon they were tired. “Let’s rest for a minutes,” the man said,” I’m sorry, but it is struck.” A few minutes later, the man said, “let’s try again.Are you ready?” Both of them took hold of the box again. “one, two, three!” the man said, and they went on with their struggle.

At last, when they were very tired, the man said, “you’re right, It is really struck, I don’t think there’s any way we can get it out of the car.”

The woman cried. “I’m trying to get it in!” The Elves and the Shoemaker

Many years ago, there was a shoe shop. A shoemaker and his wife lived there. They were very poor. They only had one piece of leather. They wanted to ;make one more pair of shoes.

That night, the shoemaker put the leather on the table. Then they went to bed.

The next day, the shoemaker saw a new pair shoes on the table. He was very happy. Soon a man came into the shop. He bought the shoes. Now the shoemaker had some money.

The shoemaker bought more leather. He wanted to make two pairs of shoes. He put the leather on the table. Then he went to bed. The next day, there were two pairs of new shoes on the table.

The next night, the shoemaker didn’t go to bed. He saw two elves in his shop. They made the shoes. The shoemaker wanted to thank the elves. He mad some little clothes for them. He also cooked them a big dinner. That night, the elves came to the shop. There wasn’t any leather. But they were very happy to find the new clothes and food.


Smoking should be prohibited, for the World Health Organization point out that disease linked to smoking kills at least,500,000 people each year.

Smoking leads to not only lung cancer, but many other diseases such as heart attacks, sore throat, headache, chronic bronchitis, etc.

Smoking not only is harmful to the smokers themselves, but also results in the deaths of non-smokers. Statistics show that passive smoking is causing000 to000 lung cancer deaths a year among American non-smokers. An American scientist estimated that smokers who smoke average a package a day for0 years will lose about eight years of their lives.

Smoking makes the indoor environment far more polluted than the outdoor environment.

Pregnant women who smoke run the risk of having deformed babies.

Smoking is an expensive habit, for a smoker who consumes a package of cigarettes a day will have to spend at least00 Yuan each month, more than one third of average salary in China.

Children exposed to parental cigarette smoking are put at a higher risk of developing lung diseases later in their lives.

In the countryside, some smokers share the same pipe, which is even unhealthier.

Smoking speeds up the process of aging.

Smoking not only pollutes the air but also

makes the streets dirty, for some smokers flick the ash off their cigarettes and throw the cigarette ends everywhere. Smokers help increase the revenue of the government.

Nicotine can produce tranquilizing effect during high emotional situation, therefore helps to calm people down, and wipe out their loneness and fatigue.

Smokers should have the right to keep their habits.
