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1、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. 非常感谢你可爱的礼物

- _________

A:Never mind B:I'm glad you like it.C:Please don't say so.D:No, It's not so good.答案:B很高兴你能喜欢。

2、- What a beautiful dress you have on today! 多么美丽的你今天穿的裙子

- _________

A:It is suitable for me.B:No, it isn't. C:You want to have one, too?D:Thank you.答案:D

3、- I think he is a good lecturer. 我认为他是一个好老师

- _________

A:Sorry, it doesn't matter. B:So do I. C:Yes. It's a good idea.D:I don't mind. 答案:B我也是

4、- Let me introduce myself. I'm steward.让我介绍一下我自己。我的管家

- _________

A:What a pleasure. B:Pleased to meet you.C:I don't know. D:Thanks a lot.答案:B [用于被人介绍时]见到你很高兴

5、- Can you help me? 你能帮我吗

- _________

A:No, I don't know.B:Sure. What is it?C:Don't mention it.D:That's it.答案:B当然。它是什么

6、- I have an appointment with Dr. Edward. 我有一个爱德华医生的预约。

- _________

A:Please wait for a minute. B:Are you sick?C:Tell me about your appointment.D:Dr. Edward didn't tell me.


7、- Hello, could I speak to Mike please? 你好,我可以跟麦克好吗?

- _________

A:Who are you? B:Who is speaking?C:What's wrong? D:Why?答案:B是谁在说话

8、- Paul, this is my friend, Ann. 保罗,这是我的朋友,安

- _________

A:Very well, thank you.B:How do you like the party?C:Glad to meet you, Jack.D:Glad to meet you, Ann.


9、- Come and see me if you have time. 来看看我,如果你有时间

- _________

A:I can't. B:I'll think it over.C:Thank you. D:I will.答案:D我

10、- She is running a fever, but now it is under control. 她正在发烧,但现在它是控制下。

- _________

A:She is running fast.B:I will go and see her after work.C:Her mother does not run.D:She is running away from home.答案:B我要去见她的工作后

11、- Can I ask you a few questions? 我能问些问题吗?

- _________

A:What do you do? B:It's a good idea.C:No, thanks. D:Certainly.答案:D确定地;当然地

12、- Hi, is Thomas there? 嗨,是托马斯那儿吗?

- _________

A:Who are you? B:Sorry, I'll call him.C:Hold on. I'll get him.D:Yes, Thomas is me. 答案:C等一会儿.我会让他

13、- _________ I think you have given me the wrong change. 我想你给我弄错了。

- I'm sorry about that.

A:Pardon,B:Excuse me,C:Good idea,D:How are you,答案:B对不起;恕

14、- Well done and _________.干得好

- Thank you very much!

A:not at all B:congratulationsC:that's rightD:you are welcome答案:B祝贺;贺词;祝词

15、- Take these pills three times a day. Come back and see me in a week. 一天吃三次。回来见我一星期

- _________

A:Thank you very much indeed.B:I can't make it.C:I haven't decided yet. D:Good idea!答案:A真是太感谢您了

16、- Bring me the bill, please. 请买单

- _________

A:You are welcome.B:Please wait for a moment, sir.C:I'll hurry up.D:Be quick.答案:B请稍等,先生

17、- My son won the first prize in the writing contest! 我的儿子获得了一等奖,在写作竞赛!

- _________

A:Congratulations!B:Are you sure of that?C:What a pity! D:It's terrible.答案:A

18、- Would you please show me your bankbook? 你能告诉我你的银行存折吗?

- _________

A:Sorry, I have no idea.B:Here you are.C:Come with me.D:Yes, I'd like to. 答案:B给你

19、- May I speak to Dr. Brown? 我可以跟博士

- _________

A:Yes, he is not in at the moment. B:No, you can't.C:Yes, this is Brown speaking. D:Sorry, speaking.答案:C 20、- I heard you got a full mark in the English exam. Congratulations! 我听说你有了一个完整的标记在英语考试。祝贺你

- _________

A:Oh, no, no.B:No, I didn't do very well.C:Thanks.D:Don't praise me.答案:C

21、- Hello. Is Jim there? 您好。吉姆在

- _________

A:This is Jim. Who's speaking, please?B:I'm afraid I won't be free.C:This is the right number.D:There's no hurry. 答案:A我是吉姆。是谁在说话,好吗?

22、- Well done and _______干得好

- Thank you very much!

A:not at all. B:congratulations to you.C:that's right. D:you are welcome.答案:B

23、- Could you buy some salt on your way home? 你能在你回家的路上买些盐

- _______

A:All right. B:Is that all?C:Just a few. D:Let me see.答案:A好的。

24、- I've passed the examination. 我已经通过了考试

- _______

A:What a pity. B:I hate the exam.C:Congratulations. D:Come on.答案:C

25、- Could you pass me the salt and pepper? 你能把盐和胡椒递给我吗

- _______.

A:Sorry, I didn't know what you mean. B:Ok, here you are. C:No, I won't.D:I don't know.


26、- Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English speech contest.

- _______

A:Yes, I beat the others. B:No, no, I didn't do it well.C:Thank you. D:It's a pleasure.答案:C

27、- Hello, I'd like to speak to Jack, please. 你好,我想跟杰克,请

- _______

A:Yes, I'm Jack. B:This is Jack speaking.C:It's me here. D:This is me.答案:B

28、Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting. 我们班赢得了女子接力比赛在我们的学校运动会

- _____________________

A:That's right.B:Thanks a lot.C:Congratulations!D:It's a pleasure.答案:C

29、-Could I borrow your car, please? 我能用你的汽车吗??

