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2. His bike__o_n__ _w_h_i_c_h_ he went to work was stolen last night.
My glasses,_w__it_h_o_u_t __w_h_ic_h__I can’t see clearly, are really
important for me.
1. He is the man _o_n___ whom I think you can depend . depend on 2. The house _f_o_r_ which he paid 100,00 yuan is very beautiful.
pay for
This is the man from whom I learn the news.
• preposition+which(指物) preposition+whom (指人)
How to choose the right prepositions
1. The farm __o_n_which we worked ten years ago is beautiful.
1. This is the photo a_b_o_u_t which I told you last week.
2. The headmaster is the person _fr_o_m_ whom I got the cup.
③根据定语从句中形容词与介词 的搭配
1. I went to the West Lake _f_o_r_ which Hangzhou is famous.
on the farm
2. This is the tree __u_n_d_e_rwhich we used to play games.
undHale Waihona Puke Baidur the tree
1.Do you remember the day _o_n_w__h_ic_h_ you joined our club?
2.This is the boy _w_i_t_h_w__h_o_m_ I played tennis.
This is the house that /which / 不填 my grandfather once lived in.
This is the house in which my grandfather once lived .
This is the man who/whom/that/ 不填 I learn the news from.
1. Air, _w__it_h_o_u_t_ which man can’t live, is really important.
2. The pen _w__it_h_which he is writing now was bought yesterday.
1.This is the knife _w_i_th___w_h_ic_h_ I usually cut my pencil.
• The girl whom he is looking after is his sister.
1. Do you like the book _o_n_w__h_ic_h_she spent $10? 2. Do you like the book _fo_r__w_h_i_c_hshe paid $10? 3. Do you like the book f_r_o_m__w_h_i_c_h she learned a lot? 4. Do you like the book a_b_o_u_t_w__h_ic_h
• ②固定搭配的动词短语中的介词一般不能 提前.
• 常见的这类动词短语有:
• look for/after/forward to, • care for(照顾,喜欢) • hear of/about/from, take care of等. • This is the right place I’m looking for.
be famous fo
2. This is the hero __o_f__ whom we
are proud.
be proud of
1.The boy w__it_h_w__h_o_m_ his parents are happy is very lovely.
2.The dog _o_f_w__h_ic_h__ he used to be afraid is his favorite animal now.
2.The plane __o_n__w_h_i_c_h_ his father worked was very big.
⑤根据从句中动词与先行词搭配来选用介 词,这时是两者兼顾。
1. He has lost the key to the box __i_n_ _w_h_i_c_h_the papers are kept.
2.This is the man(_w_h_o_/_w_h_o_m__/t_h_a_t_) I learned the news from.
1. Is this the watch that you are looking for?
2. The old man whom I am looking after is better.
Unit 2 Growing pains Grammar and usage
This is the house that /which/ 不填 my grandfather once
lived in.
This is the man who/whom/that / 不填 I learn the news from.
1.The man whom you spoke _t_o_ is our headmaster.
2.The city which she lives __in___ is far away.
介词的位置 ①一般情况下,介词一般放在关系代词 which和whom之前,也可放在动词后。
1.This is the man __fr_o_m__w__h_o_m__ I learned the news.