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Substation is an important part of the power system, it is responsible for the heavy tasks of power conversion and power redistribution, and plays an important role in the safety and economic operation of power grid. Substation, as the information source and executive terminal of power transmission and distribution system, requires more and more in formatio n and in tegrated con trol. Therefore, the current substation urgently needs a simple and intelligent system to realize information sharing, so as to reduce investment and improve operation and maintenance efficie ncy. These requireme nts of op erati on and man ageme nt make the Smart Substati on become a new direct ion of substati on automati on system. With the rapid devel opment of compu ter app licati on tech no logy and moder n electr onic tech no logy, the desig n and research of in tellige nt substati on is of great sig nifica nee.
The mai n contents of this desig n are as follows:
Firstly, the research backgro und, basic concept, tech ni cal characteristics and research status of intelligent substation are expounded, and the main support tech no logies of in tellige nt substati on are put forward. Secon dly, the tech ni cal characteristics and framework system of in tellige nt substati on tech no logy are studied, and the main tech ni cal prin ci pie and tech ni cal characteristics of in tellige nt substatio n are p ut forward, and the architecture of the in tellige nt substati on with three layers and two n etworks is in troduced in detail. The structure of the p rocess layer n etwork and the statio n con trol layer n etwork are an alyzed in detail. As the main com muni cati on means of in tellige nt substati on, the IEC61850 com muni cati on sta ndard of in tellige nt substati on are in troduced in this paper.
After in troduci ng the main support tech no logy, tech ni cal principle, tech ni cal characteristics and com muni cati on sta ndard of Smart Substati on, the tech ni cal characteristics and structure of HV equipment in in tellige nt substati on are in troduced, and the in tellige nt tran sformer and in tellige nt switch device are p relimi nary desig ned.
Fi nally, based on the above work, further research on sec on dary in stallatio n and mon itori ng system of in tellige nt substati on is carried out. The in tegrated op timizati on desig n scheme of substati on con trol layer equipment in in tellige nt substati on is give n, and the multi-layer distribution structure design of intelligent substation on-Iine monitoring system is completed. Taking 220kV and 110kV voltage class as an example, 220kV voltage level intelligent substation general design three layer two n etwork desig n scheme and 110kV voltage level in tellige nt substati on gen eral desig n three layer two n etwork desig n scheme are give n.
Key words : Intelligent Substation. Frame System, Three Layers and Two Network,
IEC61850,0n-Li ne Mo nitori ng System