LO 8-4 Identify and evaluate benefits and risks of vertical integration. LO 8-5 Describe and examine alternatives to vertical integration. LO 8-6 Describe and evaluate different types of corporate diversification. LO 8-7 Apply the core competence – market matrix to derive different
• Economies of scope
➢ Savings that come from producing more outputs or providing different services at less cost
❖ Ex: Amazon range of products & services
➢ Explains and predicts the scope of the firm ➢ "Market vs. firms" have differential costs
• Transaction costs
➢ Costs associated with economic exchanges
➢ Competitive bidding process ➢ Less than one-year term ➢ Lower prices cost advantages
High (高)
Medium (中)
为了适当地检查这一点,必须有某种形式的日志 / 跟踪已提交给主管 / 管理层的问题。
Medium (中)
是否有清洁 / 清除可见虫害污染载体的程序,包括检查和记录发现的污染物、位置以及害虫是如何消灭的
过程中的清洗 / 吸尘?
7)外部/ 底盘
在可行的情况下,必须在进入和离开堆场以及装载 / 填充点时进行检查。
Low (低)
Low (低)
沃尔玛的预算管理模式分析一、沃尔玛简介沃尔玛公司(W al-Mart Stores, Inc.)(NYSE:WMT)是一家美国的世界性连锁企业,以营业额计算为全球最大的公司,其控股人为沃尔顿家族。
Wal-Mart Marketing plan 沃尔玛营销策略计划目录Ⅰ.Cover (3)Ⅱ. Abstract (3)Ⅲ.Paper Content: (3)1.Introduction to the company (3)2.Environment analysis (3)3.STP strategy (3)4.Product strategy (12)5.Price strategy (13)6.Place strategy (14)7.Make your own channel decision of your company (14)8.Promotion strategy (15)Final PaperⅠ.Cover:Title:Wal-Mart Marketing StrategyTo: xxxxxxFrom: (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx))Ⅱ. AbstractOur group set an example as WAL-MART, by researching and grasping the concept of WAL-MART, marketing environment, STP strategy and marketing mix strategy(4P) to complete the Marketing English Course. By learning Marketing English, we can not only deepen and consolidation marketing, but also know about English knowledge which is relating to Marketing.Ⅲ.Paper Content:1. Introduction to the company(1)company brief introduction沃尔玛是全球最大的零售连锁企业,由美国零售业的传奇人物山姆沃尔顿,成立于1962在阿肯色州本顿维尔(阿肯色州的本顿维尔)。
Risk Assessment Part 1: Assessment with existing control measuresA Business: …TURBINE SYSTEMS Department: …DIMENSIONAL Dept. no.: …2225 Location: …PCFActivity (or area) being assessed: …Dytel/Moore Vernon GaugesPeople affected:Rolls-Royce: 8 Frequency/duration: 8hs 3shfts Others: 0 Frequency/duration: N/ABAssessment ref. no. …Date of assessment: …31/03/04Assessor(s)/team: …P.REEK…G.STICKAS.SARGEANT…QPeriodic reviews – maximumintervals for activities with:Medium risk (but ALARP) - annuallyLCow risk- three-yearly1st Review Date: 31/03/05 Name: P.REEK Signed: EDate: Name: Signed:2nd ReviewDate: Name: Signed:3rd Review G4th ReviewDate:Name:Signed:HJHazard (potential for harm) Example:Working at height1Trapped Hand2Operation of machine3Visual imparement4Noise5Physical injuryD Hazardous event (what happens) Fall from ladderFixture closing on componentsRSIExamining results on display screensGeneral factory noiseForeseeable cause (cause of hazardous event)Loss of balanceUnsafe working practicesContinuous loading & unloading of componentsContinuous use of DSEFinish area extraction & machine noiseDropping of tooling fixtures unsafe working practicesF Consequence (outcome)Details of harmValue 1 to 5Broken limbs3Broken fingers1Existing control measures usedLadder in good condition, at correct angle and tied offSafe procedures,Machine integratedWrist & backache2 Intermittent breaksProbability 1 to 53Risk 1 to 259 medium1236Gradual deteration of eyesight3DSE legislation, not a continuous process26Gradual hearing impairmentArea is ppe controlled &3 hearing protection must26be wornBruises & abrasions, possible broken fingers1 Operator training12Page 1Hazard (potential for harm)6Hand held tooling vibrationHazardous event (what happens)Vibration white finger from moving partsForeseeable cause (cause of hazardous event)Continuous use of air toolsF Consequence (outcome)Details of harmValue 1 to 5Vibration white finger2Existing control measures usedAnnual monitoring @ OHDProbability Risk1 to 51 to 2526CEGHJPage 2Re-assess risks to show how proposed actions will be effective in reducing the risk.Also consider whether any new hazards will be introduced .Risk Assessment Part 2: Assessment of risk reduction actionsKLExpected risk aftercompletion of actionsProposed actions (risk reduction measures) Example (continued): Use tower scaffold or hydraulic access platform ……but remember to consider additional hazardsConsequence 3Probability 2Risk6 med1MNPPlanned action completion dateActual completiondate1/1/200125/12/2000I confirm that the proposed actions have been completed and that the expected risk reduction has been achievedNameSignatureDateJ. BloggsJoe Bloggs26/12/2000234 Noise reduction plan in progress05026 Better Hand tooling111ConsequencePeopleAssets Environment ReputationIncredible Extremely unlikely to ever occurProbabilityImprobable Unlikely but may occur exceptionallyOccasional Likely tooccur some timeProbable Likely tooccur oftenFrequent Regular or continuous occurrence12345Multiple fatalitiesExtensive damageSignificant harm*International impact5Single fatalityMajor injuryMajor damageModerate, long-termharm*National impact4Localised damageModerate, short-termharm*Considerable impact3Lost time injuryMinor damageLow impact, little harm*Limited Impact2Medium LowHighPage 3RLead AssessorSignedName (print)PositionDateAccountable ManagerFirst aid injuryNo damageNo impact*No Impact1* Refer to “Environmental Aspects and Impacts Assessment methodology and EnvAID user’s guide” for explanation of environmental probability and consequence categories.Page 4Guidance on Completion of Risk Assessment FormBox/Column Explanation (for detailed guidance refer to risk assessment guidance document)AProvide details of the activity being assessed and the business and department to which itrelates. Where the risk assessment is generic it should be clearly stated.Indicate the people who could be affected (including contractors and the public) and the frequency and duration of exposure – precise details are not required.BA unique reference number should be allocated to the assessment, and the date of the initialassessment and the main parties involved should be recorded.CHazard: The hazard is the thing with the potential for harm, such as a flammable substance,rotating machine or deep water. Record all of the significant hazards associated with theactivity being assessed. Ignore any trivial hazard.The form provides space for listing six hazardous events (i.e. outcomes) – if more are needed, continue on an additional sheet.Although the risk assessment matrix covers risks to people, assets, environment and reputation, each of these risk areas should be considered separately, e.g. consider environmental hazards independently.DHazardous Event: Give a very brief description of the hazard scenario or event – i.e. whathappens that could lead to harm.EForeseeable cause: Record the plausible causes of each hazard being released or theforeseeable causes of exposure to the hazards.E.g. how the substance is released, how a person becomes trapped in a dangerous machine, how a person comes into contact with deep water.FConsequence: This column is divided into two parts. The first gives brief details of theoutcome of the hazardous event, whilst the second part records the value associated with theharm, taken from the risk matrix. Clearly the description of the harm should relate to theappropriate category in the matrix.First aid injury: local first aid treatment received but no significant lost time.Lost time injury: off-site medical treatment or short-term lost time (e.g. days).Major injury: immediate major trauma long-term lost time (e.g. weeks)It is important to be realistic is considering consequence, and although unlikely events should be considered, they should nevertheless be plausible. Note that if there is more than one plausible outcome from a hazardous event, each will need to be considered separately.Taken together, columns C to F should provide an understanding of the hazardous event being considered.GExisting Control Measures: The presence of any existing control measures may reduce boththe probability of an incident occurring and the scale of the consequences, and should berecorded to ensure that they are taken into account by the risk assessment and not overlooked.This record of control measures will also be useful when preparing a written safe system of work, which should draw from the risk assessment.Any control measures specified should be those that are actually used, and should be adequate for the purpose and regularly reviewed to ensure that they continue to be maintained as effective controls. If there is doubt about the genuine usage or effectiveness of a control measure it should not be included as a risk reduction measure.HProbability: Using judgement based on experience and historical evidence, estimate theprobability of each hazardous event occurring using the categories given in the risk matrix. Inconsidering the probability account should be taken of the control measures that are in placeproviding that they are genuinely used and of benefit.If in doubt about which category to select, err on the side of caution. Further guidance on thePage 5selection of probability categories relates to the assessment teams’ experience, as follows: Incredible: No one in the team/workgroup has heard of this occurring in the industry.Improbable: One person in the team/workgroup knows of someone who has experienced this.Occasional: One person in the team/workgroup has experienced this at least once in the last two years. Probable: All persons in the team/workgroup experience this at least once a year.Frequent: All persons in the team/workgroup experience this more often than not when doing this activity.JRisk: The value of risk is determined by combining (multiplying) the values sexed forconsequence and probability for a given hazardous event. The risk matrix facilitates this andresults in one of three risk categories being selected, i.e. High, Medium or Low.KProposed Actions: The tolerability of the risk assessed in column H will determine whetherfurther actions are required for risk reduction.High risks cannot be tolerated under any circumstances and will require immediate action to reduce the level of risk to ‘as low as reasonably practicable’. If necessary this may require temporary suspension of an activity or the installation of temporary control measures.Medium risks - judgement will need to be made on the urgency of further action to reduce the risk to a level that is ‘as low as reasonably practicable’. In specifying actions for further control measures, consider both immediate (interim) actions and long-term (permanent) solutions.Low risks are broadly tolerable but should be kept under review and reduced further wherever reasonably practicable. However the principle of continuous improvement should be employed to continue to drive down risk where economically valid.In deciding what action to take to reduce risks a hierarchical approach should be taken, further details of which are given in Section 2.3.3 of the main document.LExpected risk after completion of actions: Once actions have been selected the risksshould be reassessed to ensure that the required risk reduction will be achieved, i.e. that therevised level of risk is tolerable. If it is not, alternative or additional actions will be required.Note that actions intended to reduce risks may also introduce further hazards and therefore risks – it is therefore important to consider any additional hazards in the reassessment.MPlanned action completion date: When a satisfactory means of risk reduction has beendetermined through appropriate actions, it is important that they are actually carried out to anacceptable timescale. The planned completion date will need to be carefully considered, and ifthe activity is allowed to proceed in the meantime, additional precautions may need to be put inplace temporarily.N/PActual completion date and confirmation of completion: When a risk reduction action hasbeen completed, the date should be recorded and the action signed-off. This is an importantpart of the process as any actions not enforced will render the risk assessment useless. Thesign-off will also provide an auditable record.If the initial risk assessment for a given hazard has concluded that no additional actions are necessary, columns L, M, N and P will not need to be completed. Temporary control measures need to be in place before the activity begins.QPeriodic reviews: The completed risk assessment should be reviewed periodically to ensurethat it remains up-to-date and relevant to the activity.Maximum intervals for review relates to the level of residual risk associated with the activity, and are as follows: Medium Risk (which have been justified as ALARP) – annually Low Risk – every 3 years.Clearly high risks are not tolerable and so activities will not have a high residual risk.In addition to periodic reviews, risk assessments should be revisited: whenever significant changes in circumstances occur (including changes to thePage 6operation of the activity or in light of new legislation and other requirements); following any incident.RSign-off: On completion of the risk assessment the form should be signed-off by the assessorand by the manager who is accountable for the working activity or area which has beenassessed. Sign-off may be before box P is signed to verify that actions have been completed.Indicate if any of the following apply to the work activity (check relevant boxes)(ensure that site-specific hazards are included)Plant and EquipmentPlace of WorkCrushing Impact Puncture Trapping Contact (cutting, friction, abrasion) Display Screen Equipment Electrical (shock/burn/explosion) Entanglement Ejection (work piece/tool, etc.) Hand tools Noise/Vibration Pressure (release of energy) Radiation (ionising, non-ionising) Stability/overload Stored Energy (spring, hoist, suspended load) Thermal Vehicles and traffic movement Work OrganisationLone working Stress Working hours Work in public areas Methods of WorkBuried services Emergency escape route Falling objects Housekeeping/tidiness Obstruction Overhead cables Safe means of access Slips and trips Structural integrity Trespassers Work near liquids Working at height (e.g. roof, ladder, scaffold) Materials and SubstancesAsphyxiants Combustible materials Corrosives/irritants Dust fires & explosions Flammable/explosive substances Gases, fumes & vapours Health hazards by ingestion Oxidising substances Particles & mists Working EnvironmentErgonomics Manual Handling Posture Repetitive movements OtherEnvironmental aspects (e.g. waste disposal) Natural hazards (e.g. weather)Confined space Fire Lighting Noise Temperature VentilationTable 1 Hazard Checklist Page 7。
沃尔玛国际化扩张的一般策略 一、竞争战略——成本领先战略 二、定价战略——低价战略(价格竞争) 三、企业定位——从标准化到本土化战略 四、市场进入与开发战略——多种战略并存(多元 化) 五、企业组织——集权战略(限制性的商业行为)
众所周知,沃尔玛在做整个产业链的 整合。在06年,他们的自有品牌有22.5%,08 年时10%,到2010年他们的自有品牌要提高到 20%。而自有品牌的特色就是价格便宜,沃尔 玛除了在下游控制自己的品牌外,在上游也 把产业链做的非常好,如建立绿色水果转换 有机水果直接采购基地。沃尔玛目标是建立 一条涵盖供应商、配送中心、卖场等所有环 节在内的绿色供应链。
沃尔玛已经将业 务拓展到了数十 个国家:美国、 墨西哥、巴西、 阿根廷、德国、 波多黎哥、英国、 韩国、加拿大、 中国、日本、哥 斯达黎加、危地 马拉、萨尔瓦多、 洪都拉斯和尼加 拉瓜
沃尔玛经营战略 一、最低价原则 二、超一流服务的享受 三、“一站式”购物新概念 四、捐赠公益建立形象 五、细分市场全面覆盖 六、实行会员制
沃尔玛公司(Wal-Mart)由美国 零售业的传奇人物山姆·沃尔顿先生于 1962年在阿肯色州成立。经过四十多 年的发展,沃尔玛公司已经成为美国 最大的私人雇主和世界上最大的连锁 零售企业。目前,沃尔玛在全球开设 了6,600多家商场,员工总数180多万 人,分布在全球14个国家。每周光临 沃尔玛的顾客1.75亿人次。沃尔玛 (WAL-MART)是全球500强榜首企业。
结构: ( 一). 沃尔玛实施全球化的原因
(二). 沃尔玛全球化的主要发展过程 (三).沃尔玛全球化的战略分析 1.全球布局情况 2.全球化主要战略简介 3.给中国零售企业的启示
• • • •
因为: 国内市场的饱和 国际市场的广阔 新兴市场为廉价折扣零售提供了巨大的发展 空间。
沃尔玛walmart 电子商务(EC)报告英文版
Contents1.Overview of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. background (3)2.Four global business categories of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc (3)3.The current main competitors to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc (4)4.The e-commerce related advantages of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc........... . (6)5.The diagram of logistics and supply chain system of Wal-Mart Stores,Inc................................................................................ . (7)6.The e-commerce related disadvantages of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc......... .. (7)7.In order to maintain or grow the leadership, what improvements shouldbe taken by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc (8)8.The possible difficulties that Wal-Malt stores may face during the processof improvement................................................................ . (9)9.Alternative actions (if any) if you were the CEO of one of Wal-Mart’scompetitors (9)10.References (10)1.Overview of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. backgroundWal-Mart Stores Inc. was founded by American retail legend Mr. Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962. Over forty-year period, it has become the world’s largest private employer and retailer, on the top of the Fortune 500 list and has been among the most valuable brands for many years.Today, with over 2.1 million employees worldwide, Wal-Mart operates more than 8,000 units in 15 countries under 53 different brands, and serves more than 200 million customers per week. Wal-Mart had $405 billion in annual sales in fiscal year 2010 (FYE10, Feb. 1, 2009 to Jan. 31, 2010). The charitable giving numbers including cash and in-kind gifts valued more than $512 million in FYE10, a 20% increase over the previous year’s giving. In 2010, Wal-Mart regained the seat at the top of the Fortune 500, and ranked first among retailers in Fortune Magazine’s 2010 Most Admired Companies survey.Wal-Mart follows the three core values of “respect for the individual, service to the custome r, and striving for excellence”. It is well known that the classical management quotations: “The first item is that customers are right forever. The second item is that please consult the first item if customers are wrong.”2.Four global business categories of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.Wal-Mart Super-CenterWal-Mart designed the super-center concept to save customers time and money, and also offer a unique shopping experience based on the Wal-Mart philosophy of "Every Day Low Prices".SAM'S CLUBSAM'S CLUB is a low-cost members-only warehouse club named after the founder of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Sam Walton. The first SAM'S CLUB was founded in 1983. Acting like a purchasing agent for its members, SAM'S CLUB offers exceptional value on famous-brand merchandise at "member only" prices for bothbusiness and personal use. The First SAM'S CLUB was opened in April in Midwest City, Oklahoma in 1983.Wal-Mart StoresEvery customer who purchases in Wal-Mart stores can accept the welcome and greeting full of passion at the gate of stores. The commodities produced locally are usually in sales in Wal-Mart stores and on display automatically. In addition, the employees of Wal-Mart are entitled to decide who can achieve the funds donated by them.Wal-Mart Neighborhood MarketThe fourth kind is “neighborhood market”, which is a little smaller than the shopping plaza. It is usually set up in the community, and meets the community’s basic requirements, different from other convenient stores, it will also provide fresh products.3.The current main competitors to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.The strongest competitors which Wal-Mart meets are Carrefour in France and Tesco in UK. These three retail giants have their own business strategies and business features. Now we will analyze advantages and disadvantages of Carrefour and Tesco.(1) Carrefour was found in 1959, which is the pioneer of the hype-market sector, the first largest retailer in Europe, the second largest international retail chains corporation in the world. At present, it owns over 11,000 operation retail units and its business area extends over 30 countries and districts all over the world. The enterprise leads the markets mainly with three business formats: hype-market sector, supermarkets and discount stores.The gap between Carrefour and Wal-Mart is as following:a.Carrefour prefers the commercial centers or resident centers as its new store siteand also highlights the dependence to commercial circle.b.Carrefour advocates everyday low prices, but it is actually a Hi-Low price strategy.The commodities Customers always purchase and compare which are in lowprices while the prices of the rest are generally higher than that in Wal-Mart.c.Carrefour attempts a variety of methods to adapt to different demands fromdifferent consuming groups. However, Wal-Mart is always defeated by Carrefour in the aspects to acceptance of customers and comfort due to a lack of theconformity with region culture and personality differences.d.The disadvantages of Carrefour compared with Wal-Mart: the performance ofsupply chain is inferior and the effective use of economy of scale is unavailable.(2) Tesco was found in 1932, which is the largest retail enterprise in Britain and also one of three largest retailers in the world. Apart from 691 local super shopping centers in UK, forty-two percent of the company’s stores distribute in the middle of Europe and each country of Southeast Asia and it is an international supermarket giant. In two respects, it mainly reflects the major competitive strength of Tesco.a.Tesco in Britain has a variety of business forms that has more strong adaptation asthe following five types:Tesco Extra:Tesco Extra where you can buy all products on sale in supermarket is a large warehouse store of Tesco.Tesco store:Tesco store is standard supermarket form and mainly sells foods and a few non-food commodities. It is the most common store of Tesco and the main source of revenue.Tesco Metro:Tesco Metro whose scale is between that of Tesco store and that of Tesco Express is the shops in the form, which is generally located in the city center or main streets.Tesco Express:Tesco Express is small-scale shop which mainly sells food and widely distributes in the busing urban sectors or shopping centers. By in February 2006, the number of Tesco Express throughout Britain had exceeded 650.One Stop:One Stop is the unique store which did not use the name “Tesco” and the small-scale store. They are always some small retailers that are taken over byTesco, however, they can still retain their original names.b. Tesco is good at database marketing. It can divide tens of millions of customers into eighty categories of customer groups such as young students, housewivesand so forth according to the features of customers such as physic, psychology, behavior and so on by constructing the EDMSYS (Email Direct Mall System). The skilful use of the data makes it achieve the irreplaceably competitive advantages.4.The e-commerce related advantages of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.(1) Wal-Mart introduced the company's e-commerce website in July 1996.The integrated high technology and the traditional retailing business strengths.(2) In 1999,Wal-Mart cooperated with AOL .AOL supplied the methods of Internet access service at low cost .In addition, AOL online shopping website also took an access to linking , which objectively made 19 millions users of AOL become the potential users of , to further enlarge the community of online consumers.(3) In January 2000, Wal-Mart collaborated with the venture capital firm Accel Partners to scrip online retailing department out from the company as a new independent Internet firm named which would be unrestricted to the control of the parent company in the development and established its own brand image.(4) Wal-Mart built an e-commerce distributing centre to improve the level of online business services to customers and meet the product distributing demands.(5) High standardization of administration, scientific of business idea. All managements of Wal-Mart are completed through information technology. All the employees must refer to the orders of computers to work and have never done anything casually.(6) The advanced logistics and supply chain management system. The strong electronic communication network formed on the basis of the dedicated satellite andlots of large computer servers administers and optimizes the distribution centers, chains, warehouses, cargo trucks and partners of Wal-Mart all over the world effectively and intensively. Details in diagram 5.1.(7) High quality of client resource, price and brand strengths.5.The diagram of logistics and supply chain system of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.Diagram 5.1 Logistics and Supply Chain System of Wal-Mart Stores6.The e-commerce related disadvantages of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.(1) High cost of technology and management. The investment in the construction of information systems and constant maintenance and upgrade later must bring higher cost of technology and management.(2) The strength of traditional markets overtakes that of online markets. It is more difficult to quickly transfer the concentration of customers on traditional markets to the online markets.(3) The construction of the new ecommerce site to some extent must affect the image of the brand which had been established in the minds of customers before. Particularly in the time that the customer service of the new company spun off can not be compared with that of the parent company.(4) It is quite difficult to enter the ecommerce of different countries and regions and adapt to it.(5) A lack of distinguishing and irreplaceable advantages compared with competitors. Taking China for example, Carrefour has led the online markets in Beijing rather than Wal-Mart.7.In order to maintain or grow the market leadership, what improvementsshould be taken by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.(1) Focusing on local business. When Wal-Mart enters the new market in a country, it must do the detailed market research so as to adapt to the economic circumstance of different countries and the competition of the counterparts.(2) Establishing own local system of logistics and realizing the perfect butt between ecommerce and logistics. Instead, collaborating with third-party contract logistics companies.(3) Developing database marketing by learning about Tesco and carrying out the detailed customer segmentation. Recommending commodities to customers according to their consumption habits and conducting deep mining of client relation and maintaining it.(4) Improving public image and increasing the soft power. There is common criticism outside to Wal-Mart. You can refer to the documentary called “Wal-Mart: Low Prices, High Costs”. Wal-Mart should struggle to improve its public image and increase the strength of software by international procurement, products supply, environmental measures, trade subsidies, charities and labor welfare.(5) Wal-Mart should build the sustainable development plan. Apart from being accustomed to the low carbon trend and establishing the energy-saving andeco-friendly shopping center, it still needs to enhance the implementation of the project named “Agriculture Super Butt”. Which can not only raise the farmers’revenue but also bring the fresh , safe, delicious, affordable and eco-friendly agricultural products to Chinese consumers.8.The possible difficulties generated during the process of improvement.(1) The increase of business cost. It has some conflicts with Wal-Mart’s saving idea and requires the high class of Wal-Mart to think carefully.(2) Wal-Mart probably meets the high threshold the rivals have set. It needs more efforts to climb this threshold.(3) It is possible that Wal-Mart meets the barrier that government policy forms. Any markets can be confronted with it, no matter traditional markets or online markets.9.Alternative actions if I were the CEO of one of Wal-Malt’s competitors.If we stand in the seats of Wal-Mart’s competitors, I suggest the following measures we can take.First of all, considering that the spread of the Wal-mart’s VIP system is not so satisfying and the strength of the conducting is kind of lacking, more effective system should be established and executed. The admission for applying here is allowed to take the recent home-telephone bill. According to the phone number, there is no need for you to take the VIP card and you will just speak of your number stored in our database instead of that of the card. Moreover,we can send the advertisements to youruseful address gained from the bill to avoid wasting.Secondly, the pre-investigatement is of the great importance. Wal-Mart has aggressively to expand outside of the US, opening stores and making acquisitions in North American, Mexico, European and Asia .Mexico, Canada, and the UK are great success stories. Germany has been problematic while Indonesia was an outright failure. Look at the Wal-Mart and Carrefour at Heifei. As we all know, Carrefour is the first company march into China and it has achieved a significant success. The Carrefour at the Sanlian District in Hefei is the most profitable all over the world. While Wal-Mart do esn’t get enough reward is just because the latency of occupying the market. Therefore, research should be done considerate and suitable to that country.Thirdly, business-assosiation system would be developed .Meanwhile, the protection of the system band should be applied as soon as possible. They can be advertised and linked on our website. Furthermore, the record of the someone’s comsuption in those stores would be remarked to the database of our company. In that case, the customer can conveniently use the scores to exchange some goods on our mall-online without going out. What’s more, exchanging the scores to the money can effectively prevent people from the fear of unsafe online payment.10.ReferencesBaidu Encyclopedia /view/9389.htmWikipedia /zh-cn/%E6%B2%83%E5%B0%94%E7%8E%9B Wal-Mart China Website /People’s Net /GB/54849/59580/5767354.html Book——“Wal-Mart Retail Strategy” Written by Ruizhi, Published by Nanfang Daily Press 1st, June 2006Baidu Library——“Wal-Mart Case Analysis”Baidu Library——“Wal-Mart Plannig a Major E-life”Baidu Library——“Wal-Mart Logistics and Supply Chain Management”Baidu Library——“Wal-Mart Supply Chain Mainly Consists of Four Parts”Documentary——“Wal-Mart: Low Prices, High Costs”- 11 -。
沃尔玛的全面风险管理战略(英文版) Comprehensive Risk Management Strategy of Walmart Introduction:Risk management is an essential component of every successful business. It involves identifying potential risks, assessing their impact, and implementing strategies to mitigate them. As one of the largest retail corporations in the world, Walmart recognizes the importance of having a comprehensive risk management strategy in place. This article aims to outline Walmart's approach to risk management, highlighting its key principles and strategies.1. Risk Identification:The first step in Walmart's risk management strategy is to identify potential risks that could impact the company's operations. This involves conducting thorough risk assessments at various levels, including corporate, regional, and store levels. Walmart uses various techniques such as problem analysis, performance reviews, and trend analysis to identify areas of potential vulnerability. The company also closely monitors external factors such as market trends, regulatory changes, and geopolitical risks that could affect its business.2. Risk Assessment:Once the risks are identified, Walmart assesses their potential impact on the company's operations, financial performance, and reputation. This involves quantifying risks in terms of financial loss, operational disruption, and potential damage to the brand image. By conducting risk assessments, Walmart can prioritize risks and allocate resources effectively to mitigate them.3. Risk Mitigation Strategies:After assessing the risks, Walmart implements strategies to mitigate them and minimize their impact on the company. This includes developing and implementing robust internal controls, standard operating procedures, and policies to prevent and detect risks. Walmart also invests in state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure to ensure the security and efficiency of its operations. For example, the company uses advanced surveillance systems and cybersecurity measures to protect its stores and customer data from potential threats.Walmart also believes in fostering a culture of risk management throughout the organization. It educates and trains its employees on risk awareness and encourages them to report any potential risks or violations. This helps Walmart to proactively address risks and prevent potential issues before they escalate.4. Crisis Management:Despite careful planning and risk mitigation efforts, unexpected events can still occur. Walmart understands the importance of having a robust crisis management plan in place. The company has a dedicated crisis management team that is responsible for coordinating responses to various crises, such as natural disasters, product recalls, or public relations crises. Walmart's crisis management plan outlines clear procedures for communication, decision-making, and business continuity to ensure a swift and effective response to any crisis situation.5. Business Continuity Planning:Another critical aspect of Walmart's risk management strategy is business continuity planning. This involves developing strategies and procedures to ensure the continuous operation of key business functions in the event of a disruption. Walmart has comprehensive business continuity plans at both the corporate and individual store levels. These plans outline alternative operating procedures, backup systems, and recovery strategies to minimize downtime and mitigate the impact of any disruption.6. Continuous Improvement:Walmart recognizes that risk management is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation. The company regularly reviews and updates its risk management strategies to address emerging risks and changing business environments. It actively seeks feedback from employees, customers, and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes.Conclusion:Walmart's comprehensive risk management strategy demonstrates its commitment to ensuring the safety, security, and continuity of its operations. By adopting a proactive and holistic approach torisk management, Walmart can identify and mitigate potential risks, minimize their impact, and maintain its position as one of the world's leading retail corporations.Certainly! Here are some additional points to expand on Walmart's risk management strategy: 1. Supply Chain Risk Management:Walmart's risk management strategy includes a strong focus on supply chain management. The company recognizes thatdisruptions in its supply chain can have a significant impact on its operations and ability to serve customers. To mitigate supply chain risks, Walmart has implemented several strategies. Firstly, the company has diversified its supplier base to reduce dependency on a single supplier or region. This helps to minimize the impact of any potential disruptions, such as natural disasters or geopolitical issues. Secondly, Walmart closely collaborates with its suppliers to ensure they meet specific quality, safety, and compliance standards. The company also conducts regular audits and inspections to mitigate the risks associated with unethical practices or non-compliance.2. International Risk Management:As a global retail corporation, Walmart operates in various countries with different regulatory, political, and cultural environments. To manage the risks associated with international operations, Walmart has established a robust governance structure. The company has a dedicated international risk management team that monitors and assesses risks specific to each country. This allows Walmart to tailor its risk mitigation strategies to address the unique challenges and requirements of individual markets. Additionally, Walmart maintains strong relationships with local stakeholders, government agencies, and industry associations to proactively address any potential risks or issues that may arise.3. Data Privacy and Cybersecurity:The increasing reliance on technology and digital systems within the retail industry brings new risks such as data breaches and cyber-attacks. Walmart recognizes the importance of protecting customer and company data from potential threats. The companyhas invested heavily in cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, encryption, and constant monitoring of its systems. Walmart also regularly conducts vulnerability assessments and penetration tests to identify and address any potential weaknesses. In addition to technical safeguards, Walmart has implemented strict data privacy policies and procedures to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and protect customer privacy.4. Regulatory Compliance:Operating in a highly regulated industry, Walmart places a strong emphasis on compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The company has a dedicated legal and compliance team that monitors and ensures adherence to local, national, and international regulations. Walmart invests in training programs for its employees to ensure they are aware of and comply with relevant laws and regulations. The company also conducts regular internal audits to assess compliance and identify areas for improvement. Walmart's commitment to regulatory compliance helps to mitigate the risks associated with legal sanctions, reputational damage, and operational disruptions.5. Environmental Sustainability:Walmart recognizes the risks associated with climate change and environmental degradation and has integrated sustainable practices into its risk management strategy. The company has set ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy, minimize waste, and conserve natural resources. By adopting sustainable business practices, Walmart reduces its exposure to potential regulatory, reputational, and operational risks. The company also works closely with its suppliers to promotesustainable sourcing and production practices throughout its supply chain.Conclusion:Walmart's comprehensive risk management strategy encompasses a wide range of areas, including risk identification, assessment, mitigation, crisis management, business continuity planning, and continuous improvement. Through its proactive and holistic approach, Walmart can effectively manage potential risks and ensure the safety, security, and continuity of its operations. By placing a strong emphasis on supply chain integrity, international risk management, data privacy, regulatory compliance, and environmental sustainability, Walmart demonstrates its commitment to long-term success and resilience in an ever-changing business landscape.。
David Glass和Don Soderquist面临着步老山姆后尘的挑战。
• 一、沃尔玛公司风险管理的“三条防线”
• 3.第三道防线:内部审计防线。 – 在审计委员会领导下从财务、经营、合规等方面对企业的风险 进行评估和控制,以确定业务部门能知道该部门的重要风险, 也能识别新的风险。 – 还要确定企业内部控制的科学性和执行情况,从而更好地降低 风险。
• 二、沃尔玛公司的风险管理流程
• 1.风险识别。 – 首先,树立商业洞察力和目标。致力于成为市场领导者,主要通 过使供应商品的成本最低来服务消费者,同时最大化股东价值。 经营目标是追求扩展机会,建立销售网络,改进顾客服务,稳定 合作伙伴,协助培训和发展等。 – 其次,建立风险评价框架。针对自身所处的市场环境将风险分为 外部风险和内部风险。
• 沃尔玛公司风险管理是一套由企业董事会与管 理层共同设立的与企业战略相结合的管理流程。 • 它的功能是识别那些会影响企业运作的潜在事 件和将相关风险控制到企业可接受的水平,从 而实现企业的目标。
• 一、沃尔玛公司风险管理的“三条防线” • 在董事会中分别设立了风险管理委员会和审计委员会。 – 风险管理委员会由三名成员组成,其中包括一名独立董事, 其下设风险管理部(包括策略部、系统开发与分析部、管理信 息系统部、法律室)以监督运营单位的风险; – 审计委员会下设审计部,主要对公司进行内部控制,为企业 进行全面风险管理提供保障。 – 公司管理层负责协调两个委员会制定的策略,从而更好地领 导各个业务部门。
案例:沃评价。 – 适时地对风险管理的实施结果进行绩效评价。看是否遗漏风险, 决策是否合理,采用措施是否恰当,环境变化是否产生了新的 风险因素。 – 同时根据检查情况总结经验教训,及时补充风险管理计划,以 利于下一步风险管理的推行,从而提高企业的风险管理收益或 降低风险管理成本。 – 此外,沃尔玛公司在进行绩效评价时还将股东价值放在重要位 置,重视评估风险对股价的影响,重视与股东价值相关的投资 回报率、经营净收入等财务指标的变化。
二.公司战略环境分析(一)外部环境分析1.The general environment(1)人口环境虽然说各个国家针对本国国情采取了不同的人口控制政策,但是就宏观环境看来,全球人口总数仍然处于不断上升的状态,尤其对于发展中国家而言,人口增长速度较快,人口总数较多;同时随着城市化的进程,城镇居住人口呈集中趋势。
60沃尔玛国际营运手册内容纲要-4国际营运手册内容I NTRODUCTION 介绍-H OW TO USE THIS MANUAL 如何使用本手册第一章C ULTURE 文化-H ISTORY 历史1.Wal-Mart Concept 沃尔玛概念2.Past History 历史回顾3.Philosophy 经营理念4.Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Future 沃尔玛百货商场有限公司及其未来-C ULTURE 文化1.Honesty/Integrity 诚实/正直2.Team Concept 团队意识/doc/97204194.html,rmation Sharing 信息分享4.Open Door Policy 门户开放政策5. 3 Meter Rule 3米原则6.Sundown Rule 日落原则7.CBWA 现场指导第二章H UMAN R ESOURCES 人力资源:-M ANAGEMENT 管理层1.Management Structure (overall club) 管理层结构(会员店整体架构)2.Development Programs (job-specific for management) 培训发展计划(管理层工作安排)3.Fast Track Program 快速培训计划4.Succession Planning 管理继承人计划-H OURLY P ARTNERS 非管理层(普通员工)1.Development Programs (job-specific for hourly positions –including orientation)培训发展计划(计員工工作安排,上岗培训)2.Team Leader Development Program 部门经理发展计划3.Support Coach Program 支持教练计划国际营运手册内容国际营运手册内容第三章General Information Section (All Club Management) 一般概述部分(所有会员店的管理层):-M ANAGEMENT –G ENERAL I NFORMATION 管理层–概述1.7 Key Points of an Effective Club Operator 会员店有效管理者的7项要素2.Business Philosophy 经营理念Overview 概述Facilitation Guide 辅导指南Assessment 测试Answer Key 答案要点/doc/97204194.html,petition Strategy 竞争策略4.Next Level Program 进一步计划5.Correction of Errors Process 错误的更正6.52 Week File System 52周文件系统7.Club Tours 店内巡视8.Tools of the Trade – Fix It Guide 业内工具–主要报告指南9.Signing Program (Note: will be delivered at later date –should be inserted here)商场内标识方案(注:以后提供,插入此处)Merchandise Signing (side counter, endcap, security merchandise, etc.)商品标识(货架,货架端,贵重商品等)Club Signing (Memo. Desk, Aisle, New Item Board, Front End, break rooms, etc.) 会员店标识(会员接待处,走廊,新商品展板,前区,休息室)第四章国际营运手册内容M ERCHANDISE 商品:-J OB D ESCRIPTION 岗位职责1.Job Description for Merchandise Manager 商品副总岗位职责2.Club Management Structure 会员店管理层结构-E VALUATION/E XPECTATIONS (M ERCHANDISE M ANAGER)评估/期望(商品副总) -K EY T OOLS OF THE T RADE &E XPECTATIONS 业内主要工具及期望-M ERCHANDISE G UIDE 商品指南1.Basic/Promotional/Seasonal Merchandising 基本商品/促销商品/季节性商品2.Cart Rail 推车处3.Endcaps 货架頭4.Side Counters 邊櫃/doc/97204194.html,st Ones/CWO“最后一件”/售完即取消-VPI P ROGRAM VPI计划第五章M EMBERSHIP/M ARKETING 会籍/市场部-J OB D ESCRIPTION 岗位职责1.Job Description for Sales Manager 市场副总岗位职责2.Club Management Structure 会员店管理层结构-E VALUATION/E XPECTATIONS (M EMBERSHIP M ANAGER)评估/期望(会籍市场副总) -K EY T OOLS OF THE T RADE &E XPECTATIONS 业内主要工具及期望-M EMBERSHIP I NFORMATION 会员接待信息1.C OMPANY G OALS AND STRATEGIES 公司目标及策略2.M EMBERSHIP AND S ALES P LANNER 会员制及销售计划3.M EMBERSHIP B ASICS 会员制概况4.12B ASIC P OINTS OF M EMBERSHIP 会员制的12项基本要点第六章Operations 营运-J OB D ESCRIPTION岗位职责1.Job Description for Operations Manager 营运副总岗位职责2.Club Management Structure 会员店管理层结构国际营运手册内容-E VALUATION/E XPECTATIONS (O PERATIONS M ANAGER)评估/期望(营运副总) -K EY T OOLS OF THE T RADE &E XPECTATIONS 业内主要工具及期望-F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT 财务管理1.E XPENSE M ANAGEMENT 费用管理2.P&E XCEPTIONS 损益表例外状况3.W EEKLY E STIMATES 每周預算4.W EEKLY A CTUAL P ERFORMANCE 每周实际营业状况-M EMBER S ERVICE会员服务1.Training T ool 培训工具2.Points of Contact 接触点3.Member Service Questionnaire 会员服务问卷4.Star Cashier Program 明星收银员培训计划5.Always Fresh Program“总是清新”计划6.Member Comments Kiosk 会员评价台-N ATURAL D ISASTERS 自然灾害1.Hurricanes 飓风2.Tornadoes 龙卷风3.Earthquakes 地震国际营运手册内容第七章R ECEIVING 收货-J OB D ESCRIPTION 岗位职责1.Job Description for Receiving Manager 收货经理职责2.Club Management Structure 会员店管理层结构-E VALUATION/E XPECTATIONS (R ECEIVING M ANAGER)评估/期望(收货副总) -K EY T OOLS OF THE T RADE &E XPECTATIONS 业内主要工具及期望值-L OSS P REVENTION 防损1.Priority Key Controls 重要关键控制点2.S.T.O.P. Program S.T.O.P.计划3.Auditing for Success 成功的审核。
沃尔玛财务风险管理研究目录一、前言 (1)(-)研究背景 (1)(二)研究意义 (2)二、沃尔玛财务风险现状分析 (2)(-)公司介绍 (2)(二)沃尔玛财务风险分析 (2)1.经营风险 (2)2.筹资风险 (3)3.投资风险 (4)三、沃尔玛财务风险的成因 (5)(-)缺乏财务风险预警机制 (5)(二)财务风险控制体系不完善 (6)(Ξ)财务风险控制手段单一 (6)四、沃尔内财务风险的防范对策 (6)(-)构建财务风险识别与预警系统 (6)(二)改善企业内部财务运作状况 (7)(三)合理利用财务杠杆 (7)五、结论 (7)参考文献 (8)一、前言(-)研究背景由于我国社会经济发展脚步的加快以及人们经济收入水平的大幅提高,优质消费时代已经到来,新的消费群体的出现使人们更加关注追求高质量、智能、健康和环保的产品。
自有品牌:Great Value、Athletic Works、Durabrand、Original、Simply Basic、Kid Connection、Mainstays、劲量等。
在下一轮成长阶段,沃尔玛将进一步推行自己的“商业营销”模式,它会将“最低总成本”的法则延伸到消费者这一端——它将尽力去改变消费者的行为模式,使之从“情感品牌购买”转变为“购买总的经济价值”;慢慢地,沃尔玛将用自有品牌(Private Brand)取代其他品牌,并帮助消费者在沃尔玛和山姆会员店购物时学会计算最低总成本。
沃尔玛的国际化战略巴西的圣伯纳都(Sao Bernardo)地区,沃尔玛商业公司正在思考为什么在皮尔里尔(Peoria)地区奏效的战略在圣保罗(Sao Paulo)却未必成功。
一种标价19.99 美元的美式牛仔裤也被降到了10 美元。
鲍勃•L•马丁(bob L.Martin),沃尔玛的国际部总经理非常有信心,公司最终会成为南美最主要的零售商:“诱人的果实已经触手可及”,“市场已经成熟,敞开大门欢迎我们”。
全面风险管理框架英文Comprehensive Risk Management FrameworkIntroduction:Risk management is essential for organizations to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor potential risks that can impact their operations and objectives. A comprehensive risk management framework provides a structured approach to managing risks effectively. This article will outline a comprehensive risk management framework and its key components.1. Risk Identification:The first step in managing risks is to identify all potential risks. This can be done through various methods such as brainstorming sessions, interviews, surveys, and analyzing historical data. Risks can be categorized into different types, including strategic, operational, financial, compliance, and reputational risks. It is important to ensure thorough identification of risks to establish a solid foundation for risk management.2. Risk Assessment:Once the risks are identified, the next step is to assess their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. This can be achieved through qualitative or quantitative risk assessment techniques. Qualitative assessment involves assigning scores or rankings to risks based on their severity, while quantitative assessment involves assigning specific dollar values to risks. By assessing risks, organizations can prioritize their response and allocate resources accordingly.3. Risk Mitigation:Risk mitigation involves taking actions to reduce the likelihood and impact of risks. This can be done through implementing control measures, developing contingency plans, and transferring or sharing risks through insurance or contractual arrangements. The effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies should be regularly monitored and reassessed to ensure their continued effectiveness.4. Risk Monitoring:Once risks are identified and mitigated, it is important to continuously monitor the risk landscape to identify new risks and assess the effectiveness of existing risk controls. This can be achieved through regular risk assessments, internal audits, external evaluations, and feedback from stakeholders. By monitoring risks, organizations can take proactive measures to prevent or minimize potential negative impacts.5. Risk Reporting:Effective risk reporting is crucial for organizations to communicate the status of risks and associated mitigation efforts to stakeholders. Risk reports should provide clear and concise information on the identified risks, their potential impacts, mitigation strategies, and progress made. Risk reports should be tailored to the needs of different stakeholders, such as the board of directors, management, employees, and regulators.6. Risk Culture:Developing a strong risk culture within an organization is essential for effective risk management. This involves promoting open communication, accountability, and a proactive approach towardsaddressing risks. Top management plays a vital role in setting the tone for risk culture by demonstrating their commitment to risk management and providing resources and support for risk mitigation efforts.7. Continuous Improvement:Risk management is an ongoing process, and organizations should continuously strive for improvement. This can be achieved through conducting regular reviews and assessments of the risk management framework, identifying lessons learned from previous incidents or near misses, and incorporating best practices from the industry. By embracing a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can enhance their ability to anticipate and respond to risks effectively.Conclusion:A comprehensive risk management framework provides organizations with a structured approach to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risks. It helps organizations to establish a proactive risk management culture and promotes effective communication and reporting. By continuously monitoring and improving the risk management framework, organizations can enhance their resilience and protect their objectives from potential risks.Sure, here is an extended version of the comprehensive risk management framework.8. Risk Ownership:To effectively manage risks, it is important to establish clear lines of responsibility for risk ownership. This involves assigning individuals or teams with the accountability for managing specificrisks. Each risk should have a designated owner who is responsible for identifying and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies, monitoring the risk's status, and reporting on its progress.9. Risk Appetite and Tolerance:Organizations need to define their risk appetite and tolerance levels to guide their risk management efforts. Risk appetite refers to the amount of risk an organization is willing to accept to achieve its objectives, while risk tolerance specifies the acceptable level of deviation from these objectives. Establishing clear risk appetite and tolerance levels helps in decision-making regarding risk acceptance, transfer, or mitigation.10. Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing:In addition to assessing individual risks, organizations can benefit from conducting scenario analysis and stress testing. Scenario analysis involves evaluating the potential impact of a specific set of circumstances on the organization's operations and objectives. Stress testing entails subjecting the organization to extreme conditions to evaluate its resilience and identify potential vulnerabilities. These techniques help in understanding and preparing for potential risks that might otherwise be overlooked. 11. Training and Education:To promote effective risk management, organizations should invest in training and education programs for their employees. Employees should be provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and manage risks in their areas of responsibility. Training programs can include topics such as risk identification techniques, risk assessment methodologies, and the use of risk managementtools. The goal is to create a risk-aware workforce that can contribute to the overall risk management efforts of the organization.12. Technology and Data Analytics:Leveraging technology and data analytics can greatly enhance the effectiveness of risk management. Organizations can use risk management software and tools to automate the collection, analysis, and reporting of risk-related information. Data analytics techniques, such as predictive modeling and machine learning, can help in identifying patterns or trends that indicate potential risks. By harnessing technology and data, organizations can make more informed decisions and proactively manage risks.13. Business Continuity Planning:To ensure business continuity in the event of a major risk event, organizations should develop and maintain robust business continuity plans (BCPs). BCPs outline the steps and procedures to be followed during and after a disruption to critical business operations. They should address various scenarios, including natural disasters, technology failures, or any other event that can impact the organization's ability to function. Regular testing and updating of BCPs are vital to validate their effectiveness and relevance.14. Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:Organizations need to consider compliance and regulatory requirements in their risk management framework. Compliance risks arise from failing to adhere to laws, regulations, or internal policies. Effective risk management includes ensuring compliance,conducting regular compliance audits, and implementing controls to mitigate compliance risks. Organizations should also monitor regulatory changes and update their risk management practices to remain in compliance.15. Crisis Management:In addition to proactive risk management, organizations should be prepared to effectively manage crisis situations. Crisis management involves establishing a crisis response team, developing communication protocols, and creating a crisis management plan. The plan should outline roles, responsibilities, and procedures for responding to and recovering from crises, such as cyber-attacks, public relations disasters, or natural disasters. Regular training and simulations should be conducted to test and improve the effectiveness of the crisis management plan.16. Vendor and Supply Chain Risk Management: Organizations should not overlook the risks associated with their vendors and supply chains. Risks can arise from factors such as supplier failure, quality issues, or disruptions in the supply chain. Organizations should conduct due diligence on vendors, perform risk assessments, and establish contingency plans to address potential disruptions. Ongoing monitoring of vendors and supply chains is important to identify and mitigate potential risks.17. Integration with Strategic Planning:Risk management should be integrated with the organization's strategic planning process. By considering risks during strategic planning, organizations can make informed decisions and align their strategies with their risk appetite and tolerance levels. Risksshould be evaluated when setting objectives, assessing performance, and selecting initiatives. A strong alignment between risk management and strategic planning enhances the organization's ability to identify and respond to risks that can impact its strategic objectives.18. Stakeholder Engagement:It is crucial to engage stakeholders throughout the risk management process. Stakeholders can provide valuable insights into potential risks, help assess the severity and impact of risks, and contribute to risk mitigation efforts. Regular communication and feedback channels should be established to ensure that stakeholders are kept informed about risks and their management. Engaging stakeholders fosters a collaborative approach to risk management and enhances the organization's ability to tackle risks effectively.Conclusion:A comprehensive risk management framework requires organizations to consider multiple components and processes to effectively identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risks. By implementing such a framework, organizations can build a strong risk management culture, promote accountability, and enhance their ability to anticipate and respond to risks. The continuous improvement of the framework ensures that organizations remain resilient in the face of ever-evolving risks and uncertainties.。
3.1 EHS法律法规
法律(全国人大及其常委会制定) • 中华人民共和国职业病防治法 • 中华人民共和国安全生产法 行政法规(国务院制定) • 危险化学品安全管理条例 • 排污费征收使用管理条例 部门规章(国务院各部委制定) • 建设项目职业病危害分类管理办法 标准(标准化管理委员会制定) • 工业企业设计卫生标准
• 吸引投资者,获得更多订单 • 将经济效益、社会效益和环境效益进行有机的结合
可实施 可控制 可信赖
代表性 KPI KPI 一致性
2.2 关键绩效指标(KPI)
5.1 化学品及PPE管理
地方需要安装洗眼器? • 化学品的职业接触限值:
• 酒精是不是危险化学品?所有化学品都有/需要MSDS?什么
PC-TWA(时间加权平均容许浓度) MAC(最高容许浓度) PC-STEL(短时间接触容许浓度) IDLH:立即威胁生命或健康的浓度
全球社会责任项目为一个面向企业的商业促进项目。这些企 业的目标为协调已有的努力以得到一个令全球供应链中所有 类别和部门中的工作和环境条件得到持续改善的共享的,全 球性并可持续的方法。
• 急救箱配置参考清单:31个品种。