Forecasting and Demand Management, Managing Uncertainty预测和需求管理,管理不确定性共54页
大公司笔试经常碰到的英文缩写1. MM --- Materials Management: 物料管理2. CMM --- Component Module Move: 零组件 (乡村包围城市); 系统组装 (火车头火车头工业驱动供应链); 整合供应链 (运筹物流, ERP, VMI, SFC … )3. ECMMS$ --- Engineering Component Module Move Service Dollars: 工程 (研究开发);零组件 (乡村包围城市); 系统组装 (火车头火车头工业驱动供应链); 整合供应链 (运筹物流, ERP, VMI, SFC … ) ; 服务, 代收钱4. Forecast --- 客户需求预测5. WO --- Work Order = PO --- Production Order: 生产工令6. MRP --- Material Requirement Planning: 物料需求计划7. VPO --- Vendor Purchase Order: 供货商采购订单8. MAWB --- Master Air Waybill: 空运主提单9. HAWB --- House Air Waybill: 小提单10. B / L --- Bill of Loading: 海运提单11. Consignee: 收货者12. ETD --- Estimated to Departure: 预计出发13. MIN / MAX --- Minimum and Maximum: 最小量与最大量14. VPO Burning: 向供货商采购货的平衡量15. VMI --- Vendor Management Inventory: 供货商免费存放, 在距离客户组装地2小时车程内, 3天到2周之库存16. VDPS --- Vendor Daily Planning Schedule: 供货商日生产排配17. ETA --- Estimated to Arrival: 预计到达时间18. Stock Level: 库存水准19. WO / PO Consumption --- Work Order / Production Order Consumption: 工令消耗20. BO Replenish --- Back Order Replenish: 订单欠交补货21. VMSA Burning --- Vendor Managed Stock Area Burning: 供货商管理库存平衡22. Pull Back: 由后往前拉23. Pipeline: 物流供应链中的库存24. ERP – SAP --- Enterprise Resource Planning / System Application Product in Process: 企业资源规划及生产应用管制操作系统25. SFC --- Shop Floor Control: 现场车间管制操作系统26. MOQ --- Minimum Order Quantity: 最小订购量27. MSQ --- Maximum Supply Quantity: 最大供应量28. Where Use Report: 零件共同使用报表28. Where Use Report: 零件共同使用报表29. EXW-EX Works: 工厂交货价30. RTV- Return to vendor: 退货31.RMA-Return Material Approval 退货验收32.ETA-Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到港时间33.ETD-Estimated Time of Departure 预计离港时间ERP专业词汇1 ABM Activity-based Management 基于作业活动管理2 AO Application Outsourcing 应用程序外包3 APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc 美国生产与库存管理协会4 APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series 实用制造管理系列培训教材5 APO Advanced Planning and Optimization 先进计划及优化技术6 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling 高级计划与排程技术7 ASP Application Service/Software Provider 应用服务/软件供应商8 ATO Assemble To Order 定货组装9 ATP Available To Promise 可供销售量(可签约量)10 B2B Business to Business 企业对企业(电子商务)11 B2C Business to Consumer 企业对消费者(电子商务)12 B2G Business to Government 企业对政府(电子商务)13 B2R Business to Retailer 企业对经销商(电子商务)14 BIS Business Intelligence System 商业智能系统15 BOM Bill Of Materials 物料清单16 BOR Bill Of Resource 资源清单17 BPR Business Process Reengineering 业务/企业流程重组18 BPM Business Process Management 业务/企业流程管理19 BPS Business Process Standard 业务/企业流程标准20 C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S) 客户机/服务器\浏览器/服务器21 CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计22 CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design 计算机辅助工艺设计23 CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造24 CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助工艺设计25 CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 计算机辅助软件工程26 CC Collaborative Commerce 协同商务27 CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机集成制造系统28 CMM Capability Maturity Model 能力成熟度模型29 COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System 面向客户制造管理系统30 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象请求代理结构31 CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务32 CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 生产与库存管理认证资格33 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法34 CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理35 CRP capacity requirements planning 能力需求计划36 CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑电话集成(呼叫中心)37 CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的能力38 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型39 DCS Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统40 DMRP Distributed MRP 分布式MRP41 DRP Distribution Resource Planning 分销资源计划42 DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统43 DTF Demand Time Fence 需求时界44 DTP Delivery to Promise 可承诺的交货时间45 EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成46 EAM Enterprise Assets Management 企业资源管理47 ECM Enterprise Commerce Management 企业商务管理48 ECO Engineering Change Order 工程变更订单49 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换50 EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理51 EEA Extended Enterprise Applications 扩展企业应用系统52 EIP Enterprise Information Portal 企业信息门户53 EIS Executive Information System 高层领导信息系统54 EOI Economic Order Interval 经济定货周期55 EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量(经济批量法)56 EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis 企业绩效分析57 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划58 ERM Enterprise Resource Management 企业资源管理59 ETO Engineer To Order 专项设计,按订单设计60 FAS Final Assembly Schedule 最终装配计划61 FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling 有限能力计划62 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统63 FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 固定定货批量法64 GL General Ledger 总账65 GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面66 HRM Human Resource Management 人力资源管理67 HRP Human Resource Planning 人力资源计划68 IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration 工业工程/浏览器69 ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织70 ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网服务提供商71 ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement 国际生产力促进会72 IT/GT Information/Group Technology 信息/成组技术73 JIT Just In Time 准时制造/准时制生产74 KPA Key Process Areas 关键过程域75 KPI Key Performance Indicators 关键业绩指标76 LP Lean Production 精益生产77 MES Manufacturing Executive System 制造执行系统78 MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统79 MPS Master Production Schedule 主生产计划80 MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划81 MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划82 MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)生产83 MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)生产84 OA Office Automation 办公自动化85 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System 生产和决策管理信息系统89 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology 计划评审技术91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期管理92 PM Project Management 项目管理93 POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management 合作伙伴关系管理95 PTF Planned Time Fence 计划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库管理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速原形制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning 资源需求计划101 SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership 供应链合作伙伴关系103 SFA Sales Force Automation 销售自动化104 SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies 快速换模法105 SOP Sales And Operation Planning 销售与运作规划106 SQL Structure Query Language 结构化查询语言107 TCO Total Cost Ownership 总体运营成本108 TEI Total Enterprise Integration 全面企业集成109 TOC Theory Of Constraints/Constraints managemant 约束理论/约束管理110 TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全员生产力维护111 TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量控制112 TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理113 WBS Work Breakdown System 工作分解系统114 XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言115 ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC分类法116 ABC costing 作业成本法117 ABC inventory control ABC 库存控制118 abnormal demand 反常需求119 acquisition cost ,ordering cost 定货费120 action message 行为/活动(措施)信息121 action report flag 活动报告标志122 activity cost pool 作业成本集123 activity-based costing(ABC) 作业基准成本法/业务成本法124 actual capacity 实际能力125 adjust on hand 调整现有库存量126 advanced manufacturing technology 先进制造技术127 advanced pricing 高级定价系统128 AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造129 alternative routing 替代工序(工艺路线)130 Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预报131 anticipation inventory 预期储备132 apportionment code 分摊码133 assembly parts list 装配零件表134 automated storage/retrieval system 自动仓储/检索系统135 Automatic Rescheduling 计划自动重排136 available inventory 可达到库存137 available material 可用物料138 available stock 达到库存139 available work 可利用工时140 average inventory 平均库存141 back order 欠交(脱期)订单142 back scheduling 倒排(序)计划/倒序排产?143 base currency 本位币144 batch number 批号145 batch process 批流程146 batch production 批量生产147 benchmarking 标杆瞄准(管理)148 bill of labor 工时清单149 bill of lading 提货单150 branch warehouse 分库151 bucketless system 无时段系统152 business framework 业务框架153 business plan 经营规划154 capacity level 能力利用水平155 capacity load 能力负荷156 capacity management 能力管理157 carrying cost 保管费158 carrying cost rate 保管费率159 cellular manufacturing 单元式制造160 change route 修改工序161 change structure 修改产品结构162 check point 检查点163 closed loop MRP 闭环MRP164 Common Route Code(ID) 通用工序标识165 component-based development 组件(构件)开发技术166 concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程167 conference room pilot 会议室模拟168 configuration code 配置代码169 continuous improvement 进取不懈170 continuous process 连续流程171 cost driver 作业成本发生因素172 cost driver rate 作业成本发生因素单位费用173 cost of stockout 短缺损失174 cost roll-up 成本滚动计算法175 crew size 班组规模176 critical part 急需零件177 critical ratio 紧迫系数178 critical work center 关键工作中心179 CLT Cumulative Lead Time 累计提前期180 current run hour 现有运转工时181 current run quantity 现有运转数量182 customer care 客户关怀183 customer deliver lead time 客户交货提前期184 customer loyalty 客户忠诚度185 customer order number 客户订单号186 customer satisfaction 客户满意度187 customer status 客户状况188 cycle counting 周期盘点189 DM Data Mining 数据挖掘190 Data Warehouse 数据仓库191 days offset 偏置天数192 dead load 空负荷193 demand cycle 需求周期194 demand forecasting 需求预测195 demand management 需求管理196 Deming circle 戴明环197 demonstrated capacity 实际能力198 discrete manufacturing 离散型生产199 dispatch to 调度200 DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 分销需求计划201 drop shipment 直运202 dunning letter 催款信203 ECO workbench ECO工作台204 employee enrolled 在册员工205 employee tax id 员工税号206 end item 最终产品207 engineering change mode flag 工程变更方式标志208 engineering change notice 工程变更通知209 equipment distribution 设备分配210 equipment management 设备管理211 exception control 例外控制212 excess material analysis 呆滞物料分析213 expedite code 急送代码214 external integration 外部集成215 fabrication order 加工订单216 factory order 工厂订单217 fast path method 快速路径法218 fill backorder 补足欠交219 final assembly lead time 总装提前期220 final goods 成品221 finite forward scheduling 有限顺排计划222 finite loading 有限排负荷223 firm planned order 确认的计划订单224 firm planned time fence 确认计划需求时界225 FPR Fixed Period Requirements 定期用量法226 fixed quantity 固定数量法227 fixed time 固定时间法228 floor stock 作业现场库存229 flow shop 流水车间230 focus forecasting 调焦预测231 forward scheduling 顺排计划232 freeze code 冻结码233 freeze space 冷冻区234 frozen order 冻结订单235 gross requirements 毛需求236 hedge inventory 囤积库存237 in process inventory 在制品库存238 in stock 在库239 incrementing 增值240 indirect cost 间接成本241 indirect labor 间接人工242 infinite loading 无限排负荷243 input/output control 投入/产出控制244 inspection ID 检验标识245 integrity 完整性246 inter companies 公司内部间247 interplant demands 厂际需求量248 inventory carry rate 库存周转率249 inventory cycle time 库存周期250 inventory issue 库存发放251 inventory location type 仓库库位类型252 inventory scrap 库存报废量253 inventory transfers 库存转移254 inventory turns/turnover 库存(资金)周转次数255 invoice address 发票地址256 invoice amount gross 发票金额257 invoice schedule 发票清单258 issue cycle 发放周期259 issue order 发送订单260 issue parts 发放零件261 issue policy 发放策略262 item availability 项目可供量263 item description 项目说明264 item number 项目编号265 item record 项目记录266 item remark 项目备注267 item status 项目状态268 job shop 加工车间269 job step 作业步骤270 kit item 配套件项目271 labor hour 人工工时272 late days 延迟天数273 lead time 提前期274 lead time level 提前期水平275 lead time offset days 提前期偏置(补偿)天数276 least slack per operation 最小单个工序平均时差277 line item 单项产品278 live pilot 应用模拟279 load leveling 负荷量280 load report 负荷报告281 location code 仓位代码282 location remarks 仓位备注283 location status 仓位状况284 lot for lot 按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID 批量标识286 lot number 批量编号287 lot number traceability 批号跟踪288 lot size 批量289 lot size inventory 批量库存290 lot sizing 批量规划291 low level code 低层(位)码292 machine capacity 机器能力293 machine hours 机时294 machine loading 机器加载295 maintenance ,repair,and operating supplies 维护修理操作物料296 make or buy decision 外购或自制决策297 management by exception 例外管理法298 manufacturing cycle time 制造周期时间299 manufacturing lead time 制造提前期300 manufacturing standards 制造标准301 master scheduler 主生产计划员302 material 物料303 material available 物料可用量304 material cost 物料成本305 material issues and receipts 物料发放和接收306 material management 物料管理307 material manager 物料经理308 material master,item master 物料主文件309 material review board 物料核定机构310 measure of velocity 生产速率水平311 memory-based processing speed 基于存储的处理速度312 minimum balance 最小库存余量313 Modern Materials Handling 现代物料搬运314 month to date 月累计315 move time , transit time 传递时间316 MSP book flag MPS登录标志317 multi-currency 多币制318 multi-facility 多场所319 multi-level 多级320 multi-plant management 多工厂管理321 multiple location 多重仓位322 net change 净改变法323 net change MRP 净改变式MRP324 net requirements 净需求325 new location 新仓位326 new parent 新组件327 new warehouse 新仓库328 next code 后续编码329 next number 后续编号330 No action report 不活动报告331 non-nettable 不可动用量332 on demand 急需的333 on-hand balance 现有库存量334 on hold 挂起335 on time 准时336 open amount 未清金额337 open order 未结订单/开放订单338 order activity rules 订单活动规则339 order address 订单地址340 order entry 订单输入341 order point 定货点342 order point system 定货点法343 order policy 定货策略344 order promising 定货承诺345 order remarks 定货备注346 ordered by 定货者347 overflow location 超量库位348 overhead apportionment/allocation 间接费分配349 overhead rate,burden factor,absorption rate 间接费率350 owner's equity 所有者权益351 parent item 母件352 part bills 零件清单353 part lot 零件批次354 part number 零件编号355 people involvement 全员参治356 performance measurement 业绩评价357 physical inventory 实际库存358 picking 领料/提货359 planned capacity 计划能力360 planned order 计划订单361 planned order receipts 计划产出量362 planned order releases 计划投入量363 planning horizon 计划期/计划展望期364 point of use 使用点365 Policy and procedure 工作准则与工作规程366 price adjustments 价格调整367 price invoice 发票价格368 price level 物价水平369 price purchase order 采购订单价格370 priority planning 优先计划371 processing manufacturing 流程制造372 product control 产品控制373 product family 产品系列374 product mix 产品搭配组合375 production activity control 生产作业控制376 production cycle 生产周期377 production line 产品线378 production rate 产品率379 production tree 产品结构树380 PAB Projected Available Balance 预计可用库存(量) 381 purchase order tracking 采购订单跟踪382 quantity allocation 已分配量383 quantity at location 仓位数量384 quantity backorder 欠交数量385 quantity completion 完成数量386 quantity demand 需求量387 quantity gross 毛需求量388 quantity in 进货数量389 quantity on hand 现有数量390 quantity scrapped 废品数量391 quantity shipped 发货数量392 queue time 排队时间393 rated capacity 额定能力394 receipt document 收款单据395 reference number 参考号396 regenerated MRP 重生成式MRP397 released order 下达订单398 reorder point 再订购点399 repetitive manufacturing 重复式生产(制造)400 replacement parts 替换零件401 required capacity 需求能力402 requisition orders 请购单403 rescheduling assumption 重排假设404 resupply order 补库单405 rework bill 返工单406 roll up 上滚407 rough cut resource planning 粗资源计划408 rounding amount 舍入金额409 run time 加工(运行)时间410 safety lead time 安全提前期411 safety stock 安全库存412 safety time 保险期413 sales order 销售订单414 scheduled receipts 计划接收量(预计入库量/预期到货量) 415 seasonal stock 季节储备416 send part 发送零件417 service and support 服务和支持418 service parts 维修件419 set up time 准备时间420 ship address 发运地址421 ship contact 发运单联系人422 ship order 发货单423 shop calendar 工厂日历(车间日历)424 shop floor control 车间作业管理(控制)425 shop order , work order 车间订单426 shrink factor 损耗因子(系数)427 single level where used 单层物料反查表428 standard cost system 标准成本体系429 standard hours 标准工时430 standard product cost 标准产品成本431 standard set up hour 标准机器设置工时432 standard unit run hour 标准单位运转工时433 standard wage rate 标准工资率434 status code 状态代码435 stores control 库存控制436 suggested work order 建议工作单437 supply chain 供应链438 synchronous manufacturing 同步制造/同期生产439 time bucket 时段(时间段)440 time fence 时界441 time zone 时区442 top management commitment 领导承诺443 total lead time 总提前期444 transportation inventory 在途库存445 unfavorable variance, adverse 不利差异446 unit cost 单位成本447 unit of measure 计量单位448 value chain 价值链449 value-added chain 增值链450 variance in quantity 量差451 vendor scheduler,supplier scheduler 采购计划员/供方计划员452 vendor scheduling 采购计划法453 Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization 虚拟企业/公司454 volume variance 产量差异455 wait time 等待时间456 where-used list 反查用物料单457 work center capacity 工作中心能力458 workflow 工作流459 work order 工作令460 work order tracking 工作令跟踪461 work scheduling 工作进度安排462 world class manufacturing excellence 国际优秀制造业463 zero inventories 零库存464465 Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中心466 Co/By-product 联/副产品467 E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing 电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468 E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner 电子销售/电子采购/电子伙伴469 independent/dependent demand 独立需求/相关需求件470 informal/formal system 非/规范化管理系统471 Internet/Intranet/Extranet 互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472 middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware 中间/硬/软/共享/固/群件473 pegging/kitting/netting/nettable 追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求计算474 picking/dispatch/disbursement list 领料单(或提货单)/派工单/发料单475 preflush/backflush/super backflush 预冲/倒冲法/完全反冲476 yield/scrap/shrinkage (rate) 成品率/废品率/缩减率477 scrap/shrinkage factor 残料率(废品系数)/损耗系数478479 costed BOM 成本物料清单480 engineering BOM 设计物料清单481 indented BOM 缩排式物料清单482 manufacturing BOM 制造物料清单483 modular BOM 模块化物料清单484 planning BOM 计划物料清单485 single level BOM 单层物料清单486 summarized BOM 汇总物料清单487488 account balance 账户余额489 account code 账户代码490 account ledger 分类账491 account period 会计期间492 accounts payable 应付账款493 accounts receivable 应收账款494 actual cost 实际成本495 aging 账龄496 balance due 到期余额497 balance in hand 现有余额498 balance sheet 资产负债表499 beginning balance 期初余额500 cash basis 现金收付制501 cash on bank 银行存款502 cash on hand 现金503 cash out to 支付给504 catalog 目录505 category code 分类码506 check out 结帐507 collection 催款508 cost simulation 成本模拟509 costing 成本核算510 current assets 流动资产511 current liabilities 流动负债512 current standard cost 现行标准成本513 detail 明细514 draft remittance 汇票汇出515 end of year 年末516 ending availables 期末可供量517 ending balance 期末余额518 exchange rate 汇率519 expense 费用520 financial accounting 财务会计521 financial entity 财务实体522 financial reports 财务报告523 financial statements 财务报表524 fiscal period 财务期间525 fiscal year 财政年度526 fixed assets 固定资产527 foreign amount 外币金额528 gains and loss 损益529 in balance 平衡530 income statement 损益表531 intangible assets 无形资产532 journal entry 分录533 management accounting 管理会计534 manual reconciliation 手工调账535 notes payable 应付票据536 notes receivable 应收票据537 other receivables 其他应收款538 pay aging 付款账龄539 pay check 工资支票540 pay in 缴款541 pay item 付款项目542 pay point 支付点543 pay status 支付状态544 payment instrument 付款方式545 payment reminder 催款单546 payment status 付款状态547 payment terms 付款期限548 period 期间549 post 过账550 proposed cost 建议成本551 simulated cost 模拟成本552 spending variance,expenditure variance 开支差异553 subsidiary 明细账554 summary 汇总555 tax code 税码556 tax rate 税率557 value added tax 增值税558559 as of date , stop date 截止日期560 change lot date 修改批量日期561 clear date 结清日期562 date adjust 调整日期563 date available 有效日期564 date changed 修改日期565 date closed 结束日期566 date due 截止日期567 date in produced 生产日期568 date inventory adjust 库存调整日期569 date obsolete 作废日期570 date received 收到日期571 date released 交付日期572 date required 需求日期573 date to pull 发货日期574 earliest due date 最早订单完成日期575 effective date 生效日期576 engineering change effect date 工程变更生效日期577 engineering stop date 工程停止日期578 expired date 失效日期,报废日期579 from date 起始日期580 last shipment date 最后运输日期581 need date 需求日期582 new date 新日期583 pay through date 付款截止日期584 receipt date 收到日期585 ship date 发运日期586587 allocation 已分配量588 alphanumeric 字母数字589 approver 批准者590 assembly 装配(件)591 backlog 未结订单/拖欠订单592 billing 开单593 bill-to 发票寄往地594 bottleneck 瓶颈资源595 bulk 散装596 buyer 采购员597 component 子件/组件598 customer 客户599 delivery 交货600 demand 需求601 description 说明602 discrete 离散603 ergonomics 工效学(人类工程学) 604 facility 设备、功能605 feature 基本组件/特征件606 forecast 预测607 freight 运费608 holidays 例假日609 implement 实施610 ingredient 配料、成分611 inquire 查询612 inventory 库存613 item 物料项目614 job 作业615 Kanban 看板616 level 层次(级)617 load 负荷618 locate 定位619 logistics 后勤保障体系;物流管理620 lot 批次621 option 可选件622 outstanding 逾期未付623 overhead 制造费用624 override 覆盖625 overtime 加班626 parent 双亲(文件)627 part 零件628 phantom 虚拟件629 plant 工厂,场所630 preference 优先权631 priority 优先权(级)632 procurement 采购633 prototyping 原形测试634 queue 队列635 quota 任务额,报价636 receipt 收款、收据637 regeneration 全重排法638 remittance 汇款639 requisition 请购单640 returned 退货641 roll 滚动642 routing 工艺线路643 schedule 计划表644 shipment 发运量645 ship-to 交货地646 shortage 短缺647 shrink 损耗648 spread 分摊649 statement 报表650 subassembly 子装配件651 supplier 供应商652 transaction 事务处理653 what-if 如果怎样-将会怎样654655 post-deduct inventory transaction processing 后减库存处理法656 pre-deduct inventory transaction processing 前减库存处理法657 generally accepted manufacturing practices 通用生产管理原则658 direct-deduct inventory transaction processing 直接增减库存处理法659 Pareto Principle 帕拉图原理660 Drum-buffer-rope 鼓点-缓冲-绳子661663 Open Database Connectivity 开放数据库互连664 Production Planning 生产规划编制665 Work in Process 在制品666 accelerated cost recovery system 快速成本回收制度667 accounting information system 会计信息系统668 acceptable quality kevel 可接受质量水平669 constant purchasing power accounting 不买够买力会计670 break-even analysis 保本分析671 book value 帐面价值672 cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析673 chief financial office 财务总监674 degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆系数675 degree of operating leverage 经济杠杆系数676 first-in , first-out 先进先出法677 economic lot size 经济批量678 first-in ,still-here 后进先出法679 full pegging 完全跟踪680 linear programming 线性规划681 management by objective 目标管理682 value engineering 价值工程683 zero based budgeting 零基预算684 CAQ computer aided quality assurance 计算机辅助质量保证685 DBMS database management system 数据库管理系统686 IP Internet Protocol 网际协议687 TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议689690 API Advanced Process Industry 高级流程工业691 A2A Application to Application 应用到应用(集成)692 article 物品693 article reserves 物品存储694 assembly order 装配订单695 balance-on-hand-inventory 现有库存余额696 bar code 条形码697 boned warehouse 保税仓库698 CPA Capacity Requirements Planning 能力需求计划699 change management 变革管理700 chill space 冷藏区701 combined transport 联合运输702 commodity inspection 进出口商品检验703 competitive edge 竞争优势704 container 集装箱705 container transport 集装箱运输706 CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续补充系数707 core competence 核心才能708 cross docking 直接换装709 CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值710 CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销711 CSS Customer Service and Support 客户服务和支持712 Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表713 customized logistics 定制物流714 customs declaration 报关715 cycle stock 经常库存716 data cleansing 数据整理717 Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据知识和决策支持718 data level integration 数据层集成719 data transformation 数据转换720 desktop conferencing 桌面会议721 distribution 配送722 distribution and logistics 分销和后勤723 distribution center 配送中心724 distribution logistics 销售物流725 distribution processing 流通加工726 distribution requirements 分销量727 DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资源计划728 door-to-door 门到门729 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输730 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技术731 ECR Efficient Consumer Response 有效顾客反应732 e-Government Affairs 电子政务733 EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务734 Electronic Display Boards 电子公告板735 EOS Electronic order system 电子订货系统736 ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发737 embedding 插入738 employee category 员工分类739 empowerment 授权740 engineering change effect work order 工程变更生效单741 environmental logistics 绿色物流742 experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)743 export supervised warehouse 出口监管仓库744 ERP Extended Resource Planning 扩展资源计划745 field sales/cross sale/cross sell 现场销售/交叉销售/连带销售746 franchising 加盟连销权747 FCL Full Container Load 整箱货748 Global Logistics Management 全球运筹管理749 goods collection 集货750 goods shed 料棚751 goods shelf 货架752 goods stack 货垛753 goods yard 货场754 handing/carrying 搬运755 high performance organization 高绩效组织756 inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站757 inside sales 内部销售758 inspection 检验759 intangible loss 无形消耗760 internal logistics 企业物流761 international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理762 international logistics 国际物流763 invasive integration 侵入性集成764 joint distribution 共同配送765 just-in-time logistics 准时制物流766 KM Knowledge Management 知识管理767 lead (customer) management 潜在客户管理768 learning organization 学习型组织769 LCL less than container load 拼装货770 load balancing 负载平衡771 loading and unloading 装载772 logistics activity 物流活动773 logistics alliance 物流联盟774 logistics center 物流中心775 logistics cost 物流成本776 logistics cost control 物流成本管理777 logistics documents 物流单证778 logistics enterprise 物流企业779 logistics information 物流信息780 logistics management 物流管理781 logistics modulus 物流模数782 logistics network 物流网络783 logistics operation 物流作业784 LRP Logistics Resource Planning 物流资源计划785 logistics strategy 物流战略786 logistics strategy management 物流战略管理787 logistics technology 物流技术788 MES Manufacture Execute System 制造执行系统789 mass customization 大规模定制790 NPV Net Present Value 净现值791 neutral packing 中性包装792 OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析系统793 OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成794 order picking 拣选795 outsourcing 外包796 package/packaging 包装797 packing of nominated brand 定牌包装798 palletizing 托盘包装799 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数据助理800 personalization 个性化801 PTF Planning time fence 计划时界802 POS Point Of Sells 电子收款机803 priority queuing 优先排队804 PBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机805 production logistics 生产物流806 publish/subscribe 发布/订阅807 quality of working life 工作生活品质808 Quick Response 快速反映809 receiving space 收货区810 REPs Representatives 代表或业务员811 return logistics 回收物流812 ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率813 RM Risk Management 风险管理814 sales package 销售包装815 scalability 可扩充性816 shipping space 发货区817 situational leadership 情境领导818 six sigma 六个标准差819 sorting/stacking 分拣/堆拣820 stereoscopic warehouse 立体仓库。
供应链管理名词解释供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)是指对从原材料到最终产品的整个供应链进行计划、实施、控制和监督的过程,旨在最大化客户价值和实现组织经济目标。
以下是一些与供应链管理相关的名词解释:1. 供应链(Supply Chain):由原材料供应商到最终用户之间涉及到的所有环节,包括供应商、制造商、分销商和零售商等。
2. 物流(Logistics):物流是指在供应链中,针对产品的运输、仓储和配送等活动的管理和控制。
3. 仓储(Warehousing):仓储是指供应链中的货物存储和管理活动,包括仓库的选址、库存管理和货物流转等。
4. 运输(Transportation):运输是指供应链中货物从一个地点到另一个地点的交通工具选择、路线规划和运输过程的管理。
5. 需求预测(Demand Forecasting):需求预测是指根据过去的销售数据和市场趋势等因素,预测未来需求量的过程。
6. 采购(Procurement):采购是指从供应商购买原材料、零部件和成品等物资的过程,包括供应商选择、合同谈判和订单管理等。
7. 订单执行(Order Fulfillment):订单执行是指根据客户订单进行生产和交付的过程,包括订单管理、生产计划和交付安排等。
8. 库存管理(Inventory Management):库存管理是指对供应链中的物料和成品进行统一的、系统化的管理,以确保库存水平的控制和优化。
9. 供应商评估(Supplier Evaluation):供应商评估是指对潜在和现有供应商的综合评估,以确定其能力、可靠性和供应风险等。
10. 供应商关系管理(Supplier Relationship Management):供应商关系管理是指与供应商之间建立长期合作关系,以提高供应链的效率和质量。
11. 逆向物流(Reverse Logistics):逆向物流是指对退货、产品召回和废弃物处理等逆向流程进行管理和控制的活动。
1. 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)供应链管理是指通过整合与协调所有的生产、采购、运输、仓储和销售环节,使企业的供应链能够高效地运作,以实现最优化的成本与服务水平。
2. 供应链网络(Supply Chain Network)供应链网络是指由供应商、制造商、分销商和零售商等组成的一系列相互关联的组织和活动。
3. 采购管理(Procurement Management)采购管理是指企业按照既定的目标和策略,通过市场竞争和供应商选择,购买符合质量和成本要求的产品和服务。
4. 仓储与物流管理(Warehousing and Logistics Management)仓储与物流管理是指对产品和物资进行合理的存储、处理和分发的过程。
5. 库存管理(Inventory Management)库存管理是指对企业的存货进行有效管理的过程。
服装企业调研报告英文翻译Research Report on Clothing EnterprisesIntroduction:This research report aims to provide an analysis of the current state and trends of the clothing industry. The focus is on major clothing enterprises and their competitive strategies. The data used for this report is obtained through surveys conducted with industry insiders and consumers.1. Industry Overview:The clothing industry plays a crucial role in the global economy. It encompasses the production, distribution, and retail of various types of clothing, including apparel, accessories, and footwear. With the increasing demand for fashion and the rise of e-commerce, the industry has experienced significant growth over the past decade.2. Market Size and Growth:The clothing market is projected to reach a value of X billion dollars by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of X%. Factors contributing to this growth include rising disposable incomes, urbanization, and changing consumer preferences.3. Major Players:The clothing industry is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share. Some of the key players include Company A, Company B, and Company C. These companies have established themselves as industry leaders through their innovative designs, quality products, and effective branding strategies.4. Competitive Strategies:In order to stay ahead in this competitive market, clothing enterprises employ various strategies. Firstly, companies focus on creating unique and appealing designs that cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of consumers. This is achieved through investment in research and development and by staying abreast of the latest fashion trends.Secondly, companies emphasize the use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials in their production processes. With growing awareness about environmental issues, consumers are increasingly demanding products that are environmentally responsible. Clothing enterprises are adopting sustainable practices such as using organic cotton, recycled materials, and reducing water and energy consumption.Thirdly, companies are leveraging technology to enhance their operations and improve customer experience. This includes investing in automated production lines, adopting data analytics for better forecasting and inventory management, and utilizing e-commerce platforms to reach a wider customer base.5. Consumer Behavior and Preferences:Consumer behavior and preferences are constantly evolving, influenced by factors such as social media, celebrities, and changing lifestyle trends. Consumers are now seeking personalized products and experiences, and clothing enterprises need to adapt accordingly. This includes offering customization options, providing interactive shopping experiences, and utilizing socialmedia influencers for marketing campaigns.Conclusion:The clothing industry is an ever-evolving and highly competitive market. To succeed, clothing enterprises need to embrace innovation, sustainability, and adaptability. By keeping abreast of consumer preferences and leveraging technology, companies can stay ahead of the curve and maintain their market position.。
Error = Actual – Forecast
MAD = ∑|Error| / n
Method 1: Tracking signal
Month 1 2 3 4 5 Actual 100 100 200 200 400 Forecast 60 130 200 270 340 Error 40 -30 0 -70 60 ∑|Error| 40 70 70 140 200 MAD 40 35 23 35 40 ∑(Error) 40 10 10 -60 0 TS 1.00 0.29 0.43 -1.71 0.00
Intended learning outcomes
Demand management
Describe the role of forecasts in demand management Know how to evaluate the accuracy of forecasting errors by computing MAD, MSE, and MAPE Use tracking signals to monitor a forecasting model’s performance List the major types of forecasting techniques and their limitations Compute simple exponential smoothing forecasts with and without trend adjustment Know the procedure and significance of choosing the appropriate parameters for different forecasting models Identify the optimal parameters of an exponential smoothing forecasting models
ReferencesUnit 1 An Introduction to Business LogisticsPart II. Exercises for Dialogue 1Answer the following questions according to the dialogue.1.Logistics means to supply the right product at the right time in theright quantity in the right condition at the right place for the right customer at the right price.2.It includes the procurement, maintainance, distribution andreplacement of personnel and material.3.These two concepts are the same meanings. Logistics is generalmeaning and includes military definition and business definition.Business logistics stresses special term on a trade or business. Exercises for Dialogue 21.(Opening)2.(Opening)Part III. Practical ReadingsExercises for Text 1I. Answer the following questions:1. Business logistics means to be defined as a business-planning framework for the management of material, service, information and capital flows.2. Business logistics involves the following activities: demand forecasting,procurement, materials handling, packaging, warehouse and inventory management, ordering processing, logistics communications, transport, customer service and so on.3. The role of logistics is to maintain the balance between the minute details and the main elements involved in a product.II.1.商务物流管理有不同版本的不同定义 2 必要资源的利用3. 逆向货物的搬运4. 人员和材料的补充5. 复杂信息6. 现代的商业环境7. 需求预测8. 设施场地选择9. 公司最重要的财富10. 公司战略抉择走势评定III. definitions—heart---output---service---strategyIV. 1. 这一非常宽广的物流观点把单一的供应链与贸易公司的方方面面整合在一起。
餐饮管理决策英语术语1. IntroductionIn the field of food and beverage management, there are numerous English terms that are commonly used to describe different aspects of decision-making. This document aims to provide an overview of some key terms related to decision-making in the food service industry.2. Menu EngineeringMenu engineering is a strategic approach to designing and pricing menus to maximize profitability. It involves analyzing the popularity and profitability of menu items to make informed decisions about pricing, promotion, and placement.3. Cost ControlCost control is the process of managing expenses to ensure that they are within budgeted limits. In the context of food and beverage management, cost control involves monitoring food and labor costs, and taking corrective actions to reduce expenses without compromising quality.4. ForecastingForecasting is the process of making predictions about future sales, expenses, and other factors that impact business operations. In the food service industry, accurate forecasting is essential for planning menus, staffing levels, and purchasing decisions.5. Inventory ManagementInventory management involves tracking and controlling the flow of food and beverage items in a restaurant or food service operation. Effective inventory management helps to minimize waste, prevent stockouts, and maintain optimal stock levels.6. Pricing StrategyPricing strategy refers to the method of setting prices for menu items to achieve specific business objectives. Common pricing strategies in the food service industry include cost-plus pricing, competitive pricing, and value-based pricing.7. Revenue ManagementRevenue management is a strategic approach to maximizing revenue through pricing and capacity management. In the context of food and beverage management, revenue management involves adjusting prices based on demand, seasonality, and other factors to optimize sales and profitability.8. Yield ManagementYield management is a pricing strategy that involves adjusting prices based on demand to maximize revenue. In the food service industry, yield management is used to optimize seating capacity, menu pricing, and promotions to drive sales and profits.9. Decision Support SystemsDecision support systems are software tools that help managers make informed decisions by providing data analysis, forecasting, and other decision-making support. In the food service industry, decision support systems can assist in menu planning, inventory management, and financial analysis.10. ConclusionThe successful management of a food and beverage operation requires a deep understanding of key decision-making concepts and English terms. By applying menu engineering, cost control, forecasting, and other strategies discussed in this document, food service managers can make informed decisions to drive profitability and operational efficiency.。
根据国家统计局公报,2005年我国粮食产量为 9680亿斤,棉花产量为570万吨,油料产量为3078万 吨。陈锡康等的预测得到证实,误差仅分别为产量 的1.3% 0.9%和0.6%。
这项预测为政府判断粮食生产形势,制订农业 和粮食政策提供了科学依据。在安排粮食收购(粮仓 建设及准备粮食收购资金等)、消费、储存、运输、 进口、出口等方面产生突出的社会经济效益。
商业周期 产品生命周期 竞争者的行为 顾客偏好 随机影响 ……
广告 促销努力
产品设计 产品质量 信用政策 …… 企业通过 努力可以 做到
企业无法 控制
选择预测方法 辨别信息 取舍预测结果
定性预测方法:又称主观预测法,因为其依据是来源 不同的各种主观意见。它简单明了,不需要数学公 式。包括:德尔菲法、部门主观集体讨论法、用户 调查法、销售人员意见汇集法等。 定量预测方法:又称统计预测法,其主要特点是利用 统计资料和数学模型来进行预测。定量预测法并不 完全排除主观因素。可分为:因果模型和时间序列 模型。
早在上世纪70年代末,原中共中央书记处农村政策 研究室和国务院农村发展研究中心安排中国科学院从事 全国粮食产量预测并提出两项要求: 第一、为便于中央及早安排粮食的消费、存储和进 出口,要求预测提前期为半年左右。如果到九月份或十 月份才发现粮食歉收需要进口,国际市场粮价就已大幅 度上升了。 第二、要求预测很精确,误差在3%以下。 陈锡康在管理科学与工程领域上的主要科研成就为 提出投入占用产出技术和进行全国粮食产量预测研究。 陈锡康在预测全国粮食产量,编制中国农业投入产 出表过程中,发现耕地、水、固定资产等占用品在粮食 生产中起重要作用,但在传统的投入产出模型中没有得 到充分反映。 4
生产计划管理六个流程英文回答:Production Planning and Management.Production planning and management (PP&M) is a vital aspect of any manufacturing company. It involves a series of six interconnected processes that help organizations optimize their production operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. These six processes are:1. Sales Forecasting and Demand Planning.Demand forecasting is the process of predicting future demand for a product or service. This helps companies determine the quantity of products they need to produce to meet customer demand.2. Production Scheduling.Production scheduling is the process of determining when and how products will be produced. It involves scheduling resources, including equipment, labor, and materials, to ensure that production is efficient and meets customer needs.3. Materials Management.Materials management involves planning and controlling the flow of materials throughout the production process. This includes procurement, inventory control, and storage.4. Capacity Planning.Capacity planning is the process of determining the maximum output that a production system can achieve. It helps companies ensure that they have the resources to meet customer demand and avoid production bottlenecks.5. Production Control.Production control is the process of monitoring andcontrolling the production process to ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently. It involves tracking production progress, identifying and resolving problems, and making adjustments as needed.6. Quality Control.Quality control is the process of ensuring that products meet the required quality standards. It involves inspecting products at various stages of the production process and implementing measures to prevent defects.中文回答:生产计划管理六个流程。
生产计划专业术语英语English:Production plan: A production plan is a detailed outline of the processes and resources required to manufacture a product or deliver a service. It includes scheduling, resource allocation, and quality control measures to ensure that production targets are met within the designated timeline. The production plan takes into consideration factors such as demand forecasting, inventory management, and capacity planning to optimize production efficiency and minimize costs. It also involves identifying potential risks and developing contingency plans to mitigate any disruptions to the production process.Material requirement planning (MRP): Material requirement planning is a system used to manage the scheduling and procurement of raw materials and components needed for production. It involves forecasting demand, determining the optimal inventory levels, and creating purchasing schedules to ensure that the necessary materials are available when needed. MRP helps to prevent stockouts andoverstock situations, thereby reducing inventory holding costs and improving production efficiency.Master production schedule (MPS): The master production schedule is a detailed plan that specifies the quantity and timing of the products to be manufactured over a specific time period. It takes into consideration factors such as customer demand, production capacity, and inventory levels to create a feasible and efficient production schedule. The MPS serves as a crucial communication tool between different departments within the organization and helps to coordinate and align production activities with overall business objectives.Capacity planning: Capacity planning involves determining the optimal level of production capacity needed to meet the demand for products or services. It considers factors such as equipment availability, labor resources, and production processes to ensure that the production facilities operate at their maximum efficiency without overloading or underutilizing their resources. Effective capacity planning is essential for optimizing the use of resources and meeting production targets while minimizing costs.中文翻译:生产计划:生产计划是制造产品或提供服务所需的详细流程和资源的大纲。
SAP SCM教程:供应链管理模块说明书
About the T utorialSAP Supply Chain Management is one of the key modules in SAP ERP and controls Production Planning, business forecasting and demand planning. It helps the organization to manage their supply chain process in a dynamic environment. SAP SCM is a complete software to cover key processes such as supply chain networking, supply chain planning and coordination, and supply chain execution.AudienceThis tutorial is meant for Project leaders, project team members, SAP consultants, sales consultant, and those related to the departments of planning and material management. PrerequisitesBefore you start proceeding with this tutorial, we are assuming you have familiarity, prior experience, and knowledge of the domain of supply chain management. However, it is sufficient if you are aware of the basics of computer applications and SAP tools. Copyright & DisclaimerCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute, or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Copyright & Disclaimer (i)Table of Contents (ii)1.SAP SCM – Overview (1)2.SAP SCM – Components (2)3.SAP SCM – Benefits (4)4.SAP SCM – Demand Management (5)Planning Strategies (5)5.SAP SCM – Creating PIR (7)Change and Delete PIR (8)6.SAP SCM – Material Requirement Planning (10)MRP Parameters (10)Running MRP for all Products (11)MRP Evaluation – Stock / Requirement List (15)SAP PP – MRP List (16)7.SAP SCM – Planned Order Creation (17)8.SAP SCM – Production Order Creation (22)9.SAP SCM – Goods Issue (25)Goods Issue Reversal (26)10.SAP SCM – Production Order Confirmation (28)11.SAP SCM – Production Order Cancellation (30)12.SAP SCM – Integration (31)13.SAP SCM – Integration Models (32)Activation and Deactivation of Integration Model (34)14.SAP SCM – Master Data (37)Bills of Material (BOM) (37)Material Master (38)Work Center (39)Routing (40)15.SAP SCM – Resources (42)Resource Types (42)Create and Change Resources (43)16.SAP SCM – Production Data Structures (44)Production Data Structure in SAP APO (45)Production Data Structure in ERP (46)17.SAP SCM – Transfer Changed Master Data (49)18.SAP SCM – Transfer Changed BOMs (51)19.SAP SCM – Model and Versions (53)Creating Model (54)Delete Model/Planning Version (57)20.SAP SCM – Applications (60)21.SAP SCM – Advanced Planning and Optimization APO (61)Supply Chain Monitoring (61)22.SAP SCM – Extended Warehouse (63)Communication Method (63)SAP EWM – Menu Structure (64)23.SAP SCM – Transportation Management (67)Custom Settings in APO (69)24.SAP SCM – Supply Network Collaboration (71)25.SAP SCM – Forecasting & Replenishment (73)SAP F&R Administration (73)26.SAP SCM – Consultant Responsibilities (75)1.SAP SCMSAP Supply Chain Management is one of the key modules in SAP ERP and controls Production Planning, business forecasting and demand planning.The key features of SAP SCM are-∙It helps the organization to manage their supply chain process in a dynamic environment.∙SAP SCM process helps suppliers, customers, manufacturers, business partners and retailers connect with each other to manage supply chain process effectively and efficiently.∙It helps organizations to accelerate and optimize end-to-end procure-to-pay process.∙SCM products from SAP allows an organization to integrate their processes and enforce contract compliance for supply-side and supplier-side requirements throughout using supply chain processes in distributed environment.∙SAP SCM is a complete software to cover the key processes- Supply Chain networking, supply chain planning and coordination, and supply chain execution.∙It includes different planning applications related to Advanced Planning and Optimization APO, and for the integration with other SAP execution applications.∙The primary applications are SAP General Areas, SAP Supply Network Collaboration SNC, SAP Extended Warehouse Management EWM, Advanced Planning and Optimization (APO), Forecasting and Replenishment FRE and SAP Transportation Management TM.In the image shown below, you can see SAP Supply Chain Management and its integration with other R/3 modules to manage supply chain process.2.SAP SCMSAP Supply Chain Management allows organizations to perform effective planning and execution of logistics within supply network and to perform workflow management.You can see the key steps in managing Supply network in an organization. Each step consists of defined set of activities and hence helping customers, suppliers, and retailers connect with each other to provide an effective supply-chain-management solution.SAP SCM consists of the following components-∙SC Collaboration: This is used to help in making collaborative forecasts and agreements.∙SC Planning: This is used to generate the operational plans as per current and relevant data in the system.∙SC coordination: This component in Supply Chain is used to coordinate the exchange of data and information between different business units.∙SC Execution: This is used to ensure that you execute the supply chain plans in the best possible manner to get the desired result.As per functionality, you can divide SCM/APO into three parts-∙Forecasting: To perform demand planning and forecasting, you can link to Customer Relationship Management CRM to get data related to customer campaigns, etc.∙Supply Network Planning (SNP): To view organization as a network of locations and to check stock projections and stock keeping criteria. Calculations in SNP drive dependent requirements down to supplying locations production and receiving stores.∙Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling: This is to check the dependent requirements from locations within the supply network, passed down from SNP.SAP SCM This is linked with Material Requirement Planning (MRP) in Production Planning, which determines the inbound material required to complete a production order.3.SAP SCMUsing Supply Chain Management in SAP, an organization can achieve the following benefits in a distributed environment-∙Reduce accounts receivable collections with better visibility into the AR process, aging, and extension of credit and consequently, help to reduce the day’s sales outstanding.∙Effectively manage forecasting and handling sudden changes in demand and supply process.∙Effectively use Net Fixed assets NFA like plants and equipment.∙To meet customer demands, you can smartly plan and manage Supply Chain Management process in an organization.∙Proper inventory optimization, order fulfillment, and shipping of the goods.∙Distribution of the key information to all the stakeholders spread across the network.∙Improve communication and collaboration between different business lines to manage demand and supply process in an organization.∙Improve production efficiency and reduction in production quality issues and hence reduce cost of goods sold.∙To reduce transportation duties and taxes, and increase rebates and incentives. It also helps to reduce transportation errors.4.SAP SCMDemand management is used to forecast, manage, and plan the demands of goods and has defined set of processes and capabilities to produce goods.The key features of Demand Management are-∙This component is used to improve the demand planning by utilizing promotions.∙Based on historical sales data, you can handle demand for every store, product from different customers and hence you can see customer responses as per change in pricing policies, and profit for a particular product in the organization.∙You use demand models to predict consumers’ reaction with price change. As per organization goals like- increase profit, revenue, etc. you can define selling strategies for the products.In SAP PP system, demand management is performed by Planned Independent requirement PIR. Planned Independent Requirement provides input for production planning. A PIR contains one planned quantity of product and one date for material or a Planned quantity is split over a span of time period.To set your PIR version active use value 00 to specify requirement would be considered in material requirement planning. To maintain number of versions of planned independent requirement, you can set some numbers to active and others to inactive.PIRs define the planning strategy in material master, which determines planning methods- make to order and make to stock.In Make-to-Stock environment, PIRs are used where stock is built based on the forecast and not on sales order.Planning StrategiesPlanning strategies are divided into two categories-Make to Stock Planning strategy (MTS)This is planning strategy where stock is produced without sales order. It is used to meet the customer demands in future.When you use Planning strategy 10, only PIR quantity is considered for MRP run and sales order are completely ignored. In this PIR requirement type LSF is reduced when you deliver stock to customer.When you use Planning strategy 40, for MRP run maximum of 2 PIR and Sales order can be considered and PIR is reduced when enter the Sales order. PIR requirement type is VSF in this case.SAP SCMMake to Order Planning strategy (MTO)In this planning strategy, finished products are not produced until you receive sales order from a customer. For MRP run, you only consider Sales order.In MTO strategy, you only produce sales order stock and products are delivered as per sales orders from specific customer.You use Planning strategy 20 for make to order MTO process and planning strategy 25 is used to produce product variants when there is request for variant products from customer.5.SAP SCMIn this chapter, we will learn how to create, change, or delete PIRs.To create PIR, follow the given steps-Step 1: Use T-code MD61 or go to Logistics -> Production -> Production Planning-> Demand Management -> Planned Independent Requirements -> CreateStep 2: In the next window, enter the following details-∙Enter the single material for which demand needs to be created.∙Enter MRP area and Plant Code.∙Enter version as 00, which shows the active version and requirements would be considered in MRP run.∙Enter the Planning horizon dates for which demand needs to be created.∙Enter planning period as month M and click the tick mark given above.Step 3: Enter Version 00. By default, active check box is flagged. It shows it is an active requirement and would be considered in the MRP run. Enter the requirement quantity in monthly buckets.Click the save icon to save the PIR.Change and Delete PIRTo delete a PIR, select the row in above screen and click the Delete button.Step 1: To change PIR, use T-code: MD62 or go to Logistics -> Production -> Production Planning -> Demand Management -> Planned Independent Requirements -> ChangeStep 2: Enter the following details-∙Enter parent material for which PIR needs to be changed.∙Enter Plant Code.∙Enter version as 00.∙Input the planning horizon dates with planning period as month M.In the next window make changes to the requirement quantity and click the Save button to enter the changes.End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://。
1.1What is a Supply Chain? All stages involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request Includes manufacturers, suppliers, transporters, warehouses, retailers, and customers. Within each company, the supply chain includes all functions involved in fulfilling a customer request (product development, marketing, operations, distribution, finance, customer service). A typical supply chain may involve a variety of stages: customers, retailers, distributors, manufacturers, suppliers.1.4 Decision Phases of a Supply Chain1.Supply chain strategy or design: during this phase , given the marketing and pricing plans for a product, a company decides how to structure the supply chain over the next several years.2.Supply Chain Planning: for decisions made during this phase, the time frame considered is a quarter to a year.3.Supply Chain Operation: Time horizon is weekly or daily, and during this phase companies make Decisions regarding individual customer orders.1.5Process Views of a Supply Chain1. Cycle view: processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of cycles, each performed at the interfaces between two successive supply chain stages. Customer Order Cycle, Replenishment Cycle ,Manufacturing Cycle ,Procurement Cycle.2.Push/pull view: processes in a supply chain are divided into two categories depending on whether they are executed in response to a customer order or in anticipation of a customer order. Fig.1.5Push/Pull View of Supply Chains:Customer Order Arrives /push pull process.Fig1.8: Supply Chain Macro Processes in a Firm,掌1.Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 2.Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) 3.Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)2.1 Competitive and supply chain strategies(1)to see the relationship between Competitive and supply chain strategies ,we start with the value chain for a typical organization ,as shown in fig 2-1.(Competitive strategy: defines the set of customer needs a firm seeks to satisfy through its products and services).(2)A Product development strategy: specifies the portfolio of new products that the company will try to develop(3)Marketing and sales strategy: specifies how the market will be segmented and product positioned, priced, and promoted(4)Supply chain strategy: determines the nature of material procurement, transportation of materials, manufacture of product or creation of service, distribution of product Consistency and support between supply chain strategy, competitive strategy, and other functional strategies is important.2.2Achieving Strategic Fit 1.means that both the competitive and supply chain strategies have aligned goals.3.1Drivers of Supply Chain PerformanceFacilities:1.places where inventory is stored, assembled, or fabricated;2.production sites and storage sitesInventory:1.raw materials, WIP, finished goods within a supply chain 2.inventory policiesTransportation:1.moving inventory from point to point in a supply chain;binations of transportation modes and and analysis regarding inventory, transportation, facilities throughout the supply chain;2.potentially the biggest driver of supply chain performance Sourcing: functions a firm performs and functions that are outsourced Pricing: Price associated with goods and services provided by a firm to the supply chain3.2A Framework for Structuring Drivers3.3 Role in the supply chain1.the “where” of the supply chain2.manufacturing or storage (warehouses) 1.location : deciding where a company will locate its facilities constitutes a large part of the design of a supply chain.2.Capacity:(flexibility versus efficiency).3.4 Inventory : Components of Inventory Decisions1)Cycle inventory:1.Average amount of inventory used to satisfy demand between shipments 2.Depends on lot size2)Safety inventory:1.inventory held in case demand exceeds expectations 2.costs of carrying too much inventory versus cost of losing sales3)Seasonal inventory:1.inventory built up to counter predictable variability in demand 2.cost of carrying additional inventory versus cost of flexible production3.5 Transportation:Components of transportation decisions:We now identify key components of transportation that companies must analyze when designing and operating a supply chain.3.6 Information:Components of information decisions1.Push (MRP) versus pull (demand information transmitted quickly throughout the supply chain)2.Coordination and information sharing3.Forecasting and aggregate planning4.Enabling technologies EDI Internet ERP systems Supply Chain Management software.3.7Sourcing:Role in the Supply Chain:Set of business processes required to purchase goods and services in a supply chainComponents of Sourcing Decisions:1.In-house versus outsource decisions2.Supplier evaluation and selection3.Procurement process 4.Overall trade-off:Increase the supply chain profits3.8pricing1.Pricing and economies of scale 2.Everyday low pricing versus high-low pricing3.Fixed price versus menu pricing3.9 Obstacles to Achieving Strategic Fit1.Increasing variety of products 2. Decreasing product life cycles3. Increasingly demanding customers4. Fragmentation of supply chain ownership Globalization5. Difficulty executing new strategies4.1The Role of Distribution in the Supply ChainDistribution refers to the steps taken to move and store a product from the supplier stage to the customer stage in a supply chain4.2Factors Influencing Distribution Network Design(1) Distribution network performance evaluated along two dimensions at the highest level:1).Customer needs that are met 2).Cost of meeting customer needs(2)Elements of customer service influenced by network structure:1.Response time 2.Product variety 3.Product availability 4.Customer experience5.Order visibility6.Returnability :(1)Product availability is the probability of having a product in stock when a customer order arrives. (2) Order visibility is the ability of customers to track their orders from placement to delivery.!Supply chain costs affected by network structure: Inventories Transportation Facilities and handling Information4.3Design Options for a Distribution Network1.Manufacturer Storage with Direct Shipping2.Manufacturer Storage with Direct Shipping and In-Transit Merge3.Distributor Storage with Carrier Delivery4.Distributor Storage with Last Mile Delivery5.Manufacturer or Distributor Storage with Consumer Pickup6.Retail Storage with Consumer PickupLast-mile delivery refers to the distributor/retailer delivering the product to the customers home instead of using a package carrier.5.1Network Design Decisions1.Facility role: Facility location decision have a long term impact on a supply chain’s performance because it is very expensive to shut down a facility or move it to a different location. A good location decision can help a supply chain be responsive while keeping its costs low.2.Facility location: in contrast, a poorly located facility makes it very difficult for a supply chain to perform close to the efficient frontier.3.Capacity allocation: decision also has a significant impact on supply chain performance .4.Market and supply allocation to facility: has a significant impact on performance because it affects total production, inventory, and transportation costs incurred by the supply chain to satisfy customer demand.5.2Factors Influencing Network Design DecisionsStrategic factor:1.offshore facility: low-cost facility for export production.2. Source facility: low-cost facility for global production.3. Server facility: regional production facility.4. Contributo r facility: regional production facility with development skill.5. Outpos t facility: regional production facility built to gain local skills.6. Lead facility: facility that leads in development and process technologies.1.Technological2.Macroeconomic: include taxes, tariffs, exchange rates, and other economic factors that are not internal to an individual firm.3.Political4.Infrastructurepetitive6.Logistics and facility costs6.1The Impact of Uncertainty on Network Design DecisionsSupply chain design decisions such as the number and size of plant to build, the size and scope of a distribution system, and whether to buy or lease one’s facilities involve significant investment.( include investments in number and size of plants, number of trucks, number of warehouses). These decisions cannot be easily changed in the short- term.6.2 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Npv: 6.3 Representations of Uncertainty6.4 Evaluating Network Design Decisions Using Decision TreeA manager must make many different decisions when designing a supply chain network. Many of them involve a choice between a long-term (or less flexible) option and a short-term (or more flexible) option. If uncertainty is ignored, the long-term option will almost always be selected because it is typically cheaper. Such a decision can eventually hurt the firm, however, because actual future prices or demand may be different from what was forecasted at the time of the decisionA decision tree is a graphic device that can be used to evaluate decisions under uncertainty.The first step in setting up a decision tree is to identify the number of time periods into the future that will be considered when making the decision. The next step is to identify factors that will affect the value of the decision and are likely to fluctuateThe next step is to identify a periodic discount rate k to be applied to future cash flowds.The decision tree analysis methodology is summarized as follows:1 identify the duration of each period(month, quarter,) and the number of periods T over which the decision is to be evaluated.Three options:1.get all warehousing space from the spot market as needed.2.Sign a three-year lease for a fixed amount of warehouse space and get additional requirements from the spot market.3.Sign a flexible lease with a minimum charge that allows variable usage of warehouse space up to limit with additional requirement from the spot market.Trips Logistics Decision Tree C(d=144,p=1.45,2)=144000*1.45=$208800 ;P(d=144,p=1.45,2)=144000*1.22C(d=144,p=1.45,2)=144000*1.45=$208800 =175680-208800=-$33120.7 Demand Forecasting in a Supply Chain: Forecasts of future demand are essential for making supply chain decisions.7.2 Characteristics of Forecasts1.Forecasts are always wrong. Should include expected value and measure of error.2. Long-term forecasts are less accurate than short-term forecasts (forecast horizon is important) that is, long-term forecasts have a larger standard deviation of error relative to the mean than short-term forecasts.3. Aggregate forecasts are more accurate than disaggregate forecasts.4. in general, the farther up the supply chain a company is (or the farther it is from the consumer ), the greater is the distortion of information it receives.7.3 Components of a forecast and forecasting methods :A company must be knowledgeable about numerous factors that are related to the demand forecast. Past demand, Lead time of product, Planned advertising or marketing efforfs, State of the economy, Planned price discounts, Actions that competitors have taken. Forecasting methods are classified according to the following four types.1.Qualitative: qualitative forecasting methods are primarily subjective and rely on human judgment.2.Time series: time-series forecasting methods use historical demand to make a forecast.3. Causal: causal forecasting methods assume that the demand forecast is highly correlated with certain factors in the environment.4. Simulation: simulating forecasting methods imitate the consumer choices that give rise to demand to arrive at a forecast.7.4 Basic Approach to Demand Forecasting1.Understand the objectives of forecasting2. Integrate demand planning and forecasting3.Identify major factors that influence the demand forecast4.Understand and identify customer segments5.Determine the appropriate forecasting technique6.Establish performance and error measures for the forecast7.5 Time Series Forecasting Methods Time Series Forecasting (Table 7.1)7.6 Measures of Forecast Erro rForecast error = E t = F t - D t Mean squared error (MSE) MSE n = (Sum(t=1 to n)[E t2])/n Absolute deviation = A t = |E t|8.1 Role of aggregate planning in a supply chain: Is a process by which a company determines ideal levels of capacity, production, subcontracting, inventory, stockouts, and even pricing over a specified time horizon. Specify operational parameters over the time horizon: production rate, workforce, overtime, machine capacity level, subcontracting, backlog, inventory on hand.8.2 The Aggregate Planning Problem:1. Information Needed for an Aggregate Plan: Demand forecast in each periodProduction costs:bor costs, regular time ($/hr) and overtime ($/hr);2.subcontracting costs ($/hr or $/unit);3.cost of changing capacity: hiring or layoff ($/worker) and cost of adding or reducing machine capacity ($/machine):(1)Labor/machine hours required per unit;(2)Inventory holding cost ($/unit/period); (2)Stockout or backlog cost ($/unit/period) Constraints: limits on overtime, layoffs, capital available, stockouts .2.Production quantity from regular time, overtime, and subcontracted time: used to determine number of workers and supplier purchase levels Inventory held: used to determine how much warehouse space and working capital is needed; Backlog/stockout quantity: used to determine what customer service levels will be Workforce; Hired/Laid off: used to determine any labor issues likely to be encountered.Machine capacity increase/decrease: used to determine if new production equipment needs to be purchased.8.3 Aggregate Planning Strategies: 1.Chase strategy – using capacity as the lever 2.Time flexibility from workforce or capacity strategy – using utilization as the lever 3.Level strategy – using inventory as the lever.9.1Responding to predictable variability in a supply chain: A firm can handle predictable variability using two broad approaches:1Manage supply using capacity, inventory, subcontracting, and backlogs2.Manage demand using short-term price discounts and trade promotions9.2 Managing Supply: Managing/Production capacity; Managing inventory.10.2 Economies of Scale to Exploit Fixed CostsD: Annual demand of the product S: Fixed Cost incurred per order;C: Cost per unit h: Holding cost per year as a fraction of product costH: Holding cost per unit per year Q: Lot Size T: Reorder interval; Material cos t is constant and therefore is not considered in this model.13 Transportation in the Supply Chain Air Package carriers Truck Rail Water Pipeline Intermodal.17.1 Lack of Supply Chain Coordination and the Bullwhip EffectMany firms have observed the bullwhip effect, in which fluctuations in orders increase as they move up the supply chain from retailers to wholesalers to manufactures to suppliers.供应链与人生:出师表两汉:诸葛亮先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。
生产计划管理存在问题及建议Production planning management plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and efficiency of manufacturing operations. However, there are often challenges and issues that arise in this process that hinder the overall productivity and effectiveness of the production plan.One of the common problems in production planning managementis the lack of accurate forecasting and demand planning. Without a clear understanding of customer demand and market trends, it becomes difficult to create a realistic and achievable production plan.生产计划管理在确保制造业运营成功和高效方面起着至关重要的作用。
Another issue in production planning management is the lack of coordination and communication between different departments within the organization. In many cases, different departments may have conflicting priorities or goals, which can lead to delays,inefficiencies, and even conflicts in the production process. Effective communication and collaboration between departments are essential to ensure a smooth and seamless production planning process.在生产计划管理中的另一个问题是组织内不同部门之间缺乏协调和沟通。
CHAPTER TENDiscussion Questions1.What is the bullwhip effect and how does it relate to lack of coordination in asupply chain?The bullwhip effect refers to the increase in fluctuation of orders along the length of the supply chain as orders move from retailers to wholesalers to manufacturers to suppliers. The bullwhip effect relates directly to the lack of coordination(demand information flows) within the supply chain. Each supply chain member has a different idea of what demand is, and the demand estimates are grosslydistorted and exaggerated as the supply chain partner is distanced from thecustomer.2.What is the impact of lack of coordination on the performance of a supply chain?The impact of lack of coordination is degradation of responsiveness and anincrease in cost for all supply chain members. As the bullwhip effect rears its ugly head, supply chain partners find themselves with excessive inventory followed by stockouts and backorders. The fluctuations in inventory result in increasedholding costs and lost sales, which in turn spike transportation and materialhandling costs. Ultimately, the struggle with cost and responsiveness hurts the relationships among supply chain partners as they seek to explain their lack of performance.3.In what way can improper incentives lead to a lack of coordination in a supplychain? What countermeasures can be used to offset this effect?Incentive obstacles occur in situations when different participants in the supply chain are motivated by self-interest.Incentives that focus only on the local impact of an action result in decisionsbeing made that achieve a local optimum but are unable to achieve a global(supply chain) optimum. All supply chain partners must agree on globalperformance measures and structure rewards such that members are appropriately motivated to focus on the overall performance of the supply chain.Sales force incentives also are responsible for counterproductive supply chain behavior. Commissions that are based on a single short time frame can be gamed by the sales force to maximize commission but these actions inadvertentlyincrease demand variability and exert pressure on the supply chain. Commissions should be structured to provide incentives to consistently sell large volumes of product over a broad time frame to the sell-through point.Sales force incentives based on “sell-in” rather than “sell-thru” lead to product being pushed in the supply chain, thus increasing forward buying. If possible, it is best to offer incentives based on sell-thru or even sell-out (sales to end consumers) because such incentives eliminate all incentives for forward buying.4.What problems result if each stage of a supply chain views its demand as theorders placed by the downstream stage? How should firms within a supply chain communicate to facilitate coordination?If each stage of a supply chain views its demand as the orders placed by theirdownstream counterpart, the bullwhip effect is realized by the supply chain(especially when lead times are long). Each member develops a forecast that is based on something other than the true customer demand and hilarity ensues.Supply chain members should share point-of-sale (POS) data (or at a minimum their own sales data) so that all members are aware of the true customer demand for product. The beauty of data sharing requirements is that only aggregate POS data must be shared to mitigate the bullwhip effect; there is no need to sharedetailed POS data.5.What factors lead to a batching of orders within a supply chain? How does thisaffect coordination? What actions can minimize large batches and improvecoordination?Order batching is caused by a number of different factors. One mechanism is the price structure of TL and LTL shipment quantities; there is incentive to wait awhile to make sure that a TL shipment is achieved. A customer’s natural tendency to wait for a milestone, either real or perceived, can also cause batching.Customers may wait until Friday, Monday, the last or first day of the month, etc., just because that’s when they always have or because that event reminds them to order. Order batching also occurs because customers are aware of an impending price reduction and want to take advantage of it. Batching adversely affectssupply chain coordination because the supply chain will be starved for flow, then overwhelmed with demand.A supply chain can reconfigure their transportation and distribution system toallow for shipments to multiple customers on a single truck to achieve TLquantities. The chain can also assign (or encourage) days for placing orders and move from lot-size based to volume based quantity discounts (or abandondiscounts and promotions altogether).6.How do trade promotions and price fluctuations affect coordination in a supplychain? What pricing and promotion policies can facilitate coordination?Trade promotions and price fluctuations make supply chain coordination more difficult. Customers seek to purchase goods for less and engage in forward buying which creates spikes in demand that may exceed capacity. All parties wouldbenefit if the supply chain used everyday low pricing (EDLP) to mitigate forward buying and allow procurement, production, and logistics to function at a steadier pace. If price incentives must be offered, the chain is better served byimplementing a volume-based quantity discount plan instead of a lot size based quantity discount, that is, providing incentives to purchase large quantities over a long period of time, perhaps a year. Forward buying can also be reduced ifpromotions are linked to sell-thru rather than the quantity purchased by a retailer.7.How is the building of strategic partnerships and trust valuable within a supplychain?Cooperation and trust within the supply chain help improve performance for the following reasons:•When stages trust each other, they are more likely to take the other party’s objectives into consideration when making decisions, thereby facilitatingwin–win situations.•Action-oriented managerial levers to achieve coordination become easier to implement and the supply chain becomes more agile.•An increase in supply chain productivity results, either by elimination of duplicated effort or by allocating effort to the appropriate stage.•Detailed sales and production information is shared; this allows the supply chain to coordinate production and distribution decisions.8.What are the different CPFR scenarios and how do they benefit supply chainpartners?Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) is defined as a business practice that combines the intelligence of multiple partners in theplanning and fulfillment of customer demand. In order to be successful, the two parties must have synchronized their data and established standards forexchanging the information. The four scenarios that sellers and buyers cancollaborate along include:•Retail event collaboration—the identification of specific SKUs that will be involved in sales promotions and sharing of information regarding thetiming, duration, pricing, advertising, and display tactics to be deployed.The benefit of retail event collaborations is a reduction in stockouts,excess inventory, and unplanned logistics costs.•DC replenishment collaboration—the forecasting of DC withdrawals or demand from the DC to the manufacturer is converted to a stream oforders that are locked in over a specified time horizon. A successful DC replenishment collaboration reduces production costs at the manufacturer and inventory and stockouts at the retailer.•Store replenishment collaboration—the forecasting of store-level orders that are committed over a specific time horizon. Such a collaborationresults in greater visibility of sales for the manufacturer, improvedreplenishment accuracy and product availability, and reduced inventories. •Collaborative assortment planning—the forecasting (collaborative interpretation) of industry trends, macroeconomic factors, and customer tastes for seasonal goods. This forecast is converted into a plannedpurchase order at the style/color/size level that is used to produce sample products for a fashion event before final merchandising decisions aremade. The manufacturer benefits from this collaboration by having more lead time to purchase raw materials and plan capacity.•。
理货报告翻译成英文版Inventory ReportDate: [Date]IntroductionThis inventory report provides an overview of the current stock levels and conditions of products at [Company Name]. It highlights any discrepancies or issues observed during the stock-taking process. The purpose of this report is to ensure accurate inventory management and identify areas for improvement.Inventory Overview1. Stock Levels:The total quantity of products currently in stock is [Total Quantity]. This includes [Number of Categories] categories of products. The breakdown of stock levels by category is as follows:- Category 1: [Quantity]- Category 2: [Quantity]- Category 3: [Quantity]- Category 4: [Quantity]2. Stock Conditions:The overall condition of the stock is satisfactory. However, some products require attention due to the following reasons:- Category 1: [Specific issue/remarks]- Category 2: [Specific issue/remarks]- Category 3: [Specific issue/remarks]- Category 4: [Specific issue/remarks]Inventory Discrepancies1. Shortages:During the stock-taking process, shortages were found in the following categories:- Category 1: [Quantity]- Category 2: [Quantity]- Category 3: [Quantity]We recommend conducting a thorough investigation to determine the cause of these shortages and implement measures to prevent recurrence.2. Excess Stock:Excess stock was observed in the following categories:- Category 1: [Quantity]- Category 2: [Quantity]We suggest reviewing the demand and sales trends of these products to optimize stock levels and prevent overstocking.3. Damaged/Expired Products:A few products were found to be damaged or expired. The affected categories are:- Category 1: [Quantity]- Category 2: [Quantity]These products should be removed from inventory and either disposed of or returned to the supplier, depending on the specific circumstances.RecommendationsBased on the findings of this inventory report, we propose the following recommendations to enhance inventory management practices:1. Conduct regular stock checks to minimize discrepancies and ensure accurate stock levels.2. Implement measures to prevent shortages and excess stock through improved forecasting and demand planning.3. Enhance product maintenance and monitoring to prevent damage and expiration.4. Provide training and guidance to staff members involved in inventory management to improve accuracy and efficiency.ConclusionThis inventory report provides an overview of the current stock levels and conditions at [Company Name]. It highlights discrepancies, shortages, excess stock, and damaged/expired products observed during the stock-taking process. The recommendations provided aim to enhance inventory management practices and improve overall efficiency. By implementing these recommendations, we can ensure accurate stock management and minimize losses related to stock issues.。
TEST BANKCHAPTER 7: DEMAND MANAGEMENT, ORDER MANAGEMENTAND CUSTOMER SERVICEMultiple Choice Questions (correct answers are bolded)1. The creation across the supply chain and its markets of a coordinated flow of demand is the definition of ___________.a. order cycleb. order managementc. demand managementd. supply chain management[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]2. ___________ refers to finished goods that are produced prior to receiving a customer order.a. Make-to-stockb. Supply managementc. Make-to-orderd. Speculation[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]3. ___________ refers to finished goods that are produced after receiving a customer order.a. Make-to-stockb. Supply managementc. Make-to-orderd. Postponement[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]4. Which of the following is not a basic type of demand forecasting model?a. exponential smoothingb. cause and effectc. judgmentald. time series[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]5. Surveys and analog techniques are examples of ___________ forecasting.a. cause and effectb. time seriesc. exponential smoothingd. judgmental[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]6. An underlying assumption of ___________ forecasting is that future demand is dependent on past demand.a. trial and errorb. time seriesc. judgmentald. cause and effect[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]7. Which forecasting technique assumes that one or more factors are related to demand and that this relationship can be used to estimate future demand?a. exponential smoothingb. judgmentalc. cause and effectd. time series[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]8. Which forecasting technique tends to be appropriate when there is little or no historical data?a. exponential smoothingb. judgmentalc. time seriesd. cause and effect[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]9. ___________ suggests that supply chain partners will be working from a collectively agreed-to single demand forecast number as opposed to each member working off its own demand forecast projection.a. Supply chain orientationb. Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) conceptc. Order managementd. Supply chain analytics[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]10. ___________ refers to the management of various activities associated with the order cycle.a. Logisticsb. Order processingc. Demand managementd. Order management[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category3: Analytical thinking]11. The order cycle is ___________.a. the time that it takes for a check to clearb. the time that it takes from when a customer places an order until the selling firm receives the orderc. also called the replenishment cycled. also called the vendor cycle[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category3: Analytical thinking]12. The order cycle is composed of each of the following except:a. order retrieval.b. order delivery.c. order picking and assembly.d. order transmittal.[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]13. Which of the following statements is false?a. Some organizations have expanded the order management concept to include the length of time it takes for an organization to receive payment for an order.b. The order cycle should be analyzed in terms of total cycle time and cycle time variability.c. Order management has been profoundly impacted by advances in information systems.d. Order management is synonymous with order cycle.[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]14. Order transmittal is ___________.a. the series of events that occurs from the time a customer places an order and the time the customer receives the orderb. the series of events that occurs between the time a customer places an order and the time the seller receives the orderc. the series of events that occurs between the time a customer perceives the need for a product and the time the seller receives the orderd. the series of events that occurs between the time a customer places an order and the time the order cycle begins[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]15. In general, there are ___________ possible ways to transmit orders.a. threeb. fourc. fived. six[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]16. ___________ and electronic ordering are order transmittal techniques that have emerged over the last 30 years.a. In-personb. Mailc. Faxd. Telephone[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Easy; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]17. What is the second phase of the order cycle?a.order transmittalb.order processingc.order picking and assemblyd.order delivery[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]18. ___________ refers to the time from when the seller receives an order until an appropriate location is authorized to fill the order.a. Order processingb. Order cyclec. Order managementd. Order transmittal[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]19. Classifying orders according to pre-established guidelines so that a company can prioritize how orders are to be filled refers to ___________.a. order fill rateb. order managementc. order processingd. order triage[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]20. Order picking and assembly is ___________.a. the final stage of the order cycleb. the most important component of the order cyclec. the order cycle component that follows order processingd. the order cycle component that follows order transmittal[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]21. The text suggests that ___________ often represents the best opportunity to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of an order cycle.a. order transmittalb. order picking and assemblyc. order deliveryd. order processing[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]22. Which of the following is not a characteristic of contemporary voice-based order picking systems?a. easily disrupted by other noisesb. better voice qualityc. more powerfuld. less costly[LO 7.2: Order Management; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]23. Which of the following is not a benefit of voice-based order picking?a. fewer picking errorsb. improved productivityc. minimal training time to learn the technologyd. fewer employee accidents[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]24. The final phase of the order cycle is called order ___________.a. picking and assemblyb. deliveryc. receivingd. replenishment[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]25. The time span within which an order must arrive refers to ___________.a. transit time reliabilityb. order deliveryc. delivery windowd. transit time[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]26. A commonly used rule of thumb is that it costs approximately ___________ times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an existing customer.a. threeb. fourc. fived. six[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]27. An unhappy customer will tell ___________ other people about her/his unhappiness.a. sevenb. ninec. twelved. fifteen[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]28. The ability of logistics management to satisfy users in terms of time, dependability, communication, and convenience is the definition of ___________.a. customer serviceb. the order cyclec. a perfect orderd. customer satisfaction[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]29. The order cycle is an excellent example of the ___________ dimension of customer service.a. timeb. conveniencec. dependabilityd. communication[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]30. The percentage of orders that can be completely and immediately filled from existing stock is the ___________ rate.a. optimal inventoryb. order cyclec. perfect orderd. order fill[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]31. What component of customer service focuses on the ease of doing business with a seller?a. convenienceb. dependabilityc. timed. communication[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]32. What are multichannel marketing systems?a. channels that have multiple intermediaries between the producer and the consumerb. separate marketing channels that serve an individual customerc. the same thing as horizontal marketing systemsd. channels that combine horizontal and vertical marketing systems[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]33. Objectives should be SMART—that is, ___________, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.a. specificb. strategicc. staticd. striving[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]34. Which of the following statements is false?a. Goals tend to be broad, generalized statements regarding the overall results that the firm is trying to achieve.a. Objectives are more specific than goals.c. A central element to the establishment of customer service goals and objectives is determining the customer’s viewpoint.d. Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, and responsive.[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]35. ___________ refers to a process that continuously identifies, understands, and adapts outstanding processes inside and outside an organization.a. Environmental scanningb. Quality managementc. Benchmarkingd. Continuous improvement[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]36. ___________ is the process of taking corrective action when measurements indicate that the goals and objectives of customer service are not being achieved.a. Benchmarkingb. Leadershipc. Controld. Managing[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]37. Which statement about measuring customer service is true?a. Firms should choose those aspects of customer service that are easiest to measure.b. Order cycle time is the most commonly used customer service measure.c. Firms should use as many customer service measures as they can.d. It is possible for organizations to use only one customer service metric.[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]38. ___________ refers to the allocation of revenues and costs to customer segments or individual customers to calculate the profitability of the segments or customers.a. Customer profitability analysisb. Net present valuec. Customer lifetime valued. Activity-based costing (ABC)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]39. Which of the following statements is false?a. The service recovery paradox is where a customer holds the responsible company in higher regard after the service recovery than if a service failure had not occurred in the first place.b. A set formula that companies should follow for service recovery exists.c. One service recovery guideline involves fair treatment for customers.d. Service recovery refers to a process for returning a customer to a state of satisfaction after a service or product has failed to live up to expectations.[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]True-False Questions1.Demand management is important because efficient and effective supply chains have learnedto match both supply and demand. (True)[LO: Beginning of the chapter material; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]2.In make-to-order situations, finished goods are produced after receiving a customer order.(True)[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]3.Simple moving averages and weighted moving averages are examples of judgmentalforecasting. (False)[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]4.Judgmental forecasting is appropriate when there is little or no historical data. (True)[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]5.Forecasting accuracy refers to the relationship between the actual and forecasted demand.(True)[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]6.Demand chain management is where supply chain partners share planning and forecastingdata to better match up supply and demand. (False)[LO 7.1: To explain demand management and demand forecasting models; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]7.In general terms, order management refers to management of the various activities associatedwith the order cycle. (True)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]8.The order cycle is usually the time from when a customer places an order to when the firmreceives the order. (False)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]9.There are four possible ways to transmit orders. (False)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]10.Order information is checked for completeness and accuracy in the order processingcomponent of the order cycle. (True)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]11.The order triage function refers to correcting mistakes that may occur with order picking.(False)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]12.A commonsense approach is to fill an order from the facility location that is closest to thecustomer, with the idea that this should generate lower transportation costs as well as ashorter order cycle time. (True)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Easy; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]13.Order processing often represents the best opportunity to improve the effectiveness andefficiency of the order cycle. (False)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]14.Travel time accounts for a majority of an order picker’s total pick time. (True)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]15.Pick-to-light technology is an order picking technique that has grown in popularity in recentyears. (True)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]16.Order retrieval is the final phase of the order cycle. (False)[LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]17.A key change in the order delivery component of the order cycle is that more and moreshippers are emphasizing both the elapsed transit time and transit time variability. (True) [LO 7.2: To examine the order cycle and its four components; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]18.It costs about five times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an existingcustomer. (True)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Easy; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]19.Consumers are demanding about the same levels of service today as in years past. (False) [LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]20.The increased use of vendor quality-control programs necessitates higher levels of customerservice. (True)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]21.Customer service can be defined as the ability of logistics management to satisfy users interms of quality, dependability, communication, and convenience. (False)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]22.Dependability consists of consistent order cycles, safe delivery, and complete delivery.(True)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]panies today will not accept slower order cycles in exchange for higher order cycleconsistency. (False)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]24.Order fill rate is the percentage of orders that can be completely and immediately filled fromexisting stock. (True)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]25.Text messaging and the Internet have lessened the need for telephone interaction and face-to-face contact between seller and customer. (False)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]26.The convenience component of customer service focuses on the ease of doing business with aseller. (True)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]27.Today’s customer likes to have multiple purchasing options at her/his disposal, andorganizations have responded by developing hybrid marketing channels—that is, separate marketing channels to serve an individual customer. (False)[LO 7.3: To understand the four dimensions of customer service as they pertain to logistics; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]28.Goals are the means by which objectives are achieved. (False)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]29.Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. (True)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]30.Continuous improvement refers to a process that continuously identifies, understands, andadapts outstanding processes found inside and outside an organization. (False)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]31.Benchmarking should only involve numerical comparisons of relevant metrics. (False) [LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]32.The nature of the product can affect the level of customer service that should be offered.(True)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]33.A product just being introduced needs a different level of service support than one that is in amature or declining market stage. (True)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]34.Leadership is the process of taking corrective action when measurements indicate that thegoals and objectives of customer service are not being achieved. (False)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]35.The customer service metrics that are chosen should be relevant and important from thecustomer’s perspective. (True)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]36.It is possible for organizations to use only one customer service metric to measure customerservice. (True)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Easy; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking37.Customer profitability analysis explicitly recognizes that all customers are not the same andthat some customers are more valuable than others to an organization. (True)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]38.Customer profitability analysis is grounded in traditional accounting cost allocation methods.(False)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]39.Poor customer experiences cost U.S. business in excess of $75 billion per year. (False) [LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]40.In the service recovery paradox, a customer holds the responsible company in higher regardafter the service than if a service failure had not occurred in the first place. (True)[LO 7.4: To familiarize you with select managerial issues associated with customer service; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]。
补货方案英文Replenishment Plan: A Comprehensive Solution for Stocking UpIntroductionIn the fast-paced business world, maintaining adequate stock levels is crucial for the smooth operation and success of any enterprise. A well-executed replenishment plan ensures that products are readily available to meet customer demand, reducing instances of stock-outs and lost sales. This article presents a comprehensive replenishment plan in English for businesses to effectively manage their inventory levels and optimize the supply chain.1. Forecasting and Demand AnalysisTo initiate a successful replenishment plan, businesses must first develop accurate sales forecasts and analyze demand patterns. This process involves utilizing historical sales data, market trends, customer insights, and other relevant factors. By leveraging advanced forecasting techniques and employing data-driven analysis, businesses can more accurately predict future demand and plan their replenishment strategy accordingly.2. Inventory Monitoring and ManagementAn efficient inventory monitoring and management system is vital to maintaining optimal stock levels. Businesses should implement strict inventory control practices, regularly evaluating and categorizing items based on their demand patterns (e.g., fast-moving, slow-moving, or obsolete items). Leveraging technology-driven inventory management tools canprovide automated alerts and reports, ensuring timely replenishment and minimizing holding costs.3. Supplier Collaboration and Relationship BuildingEstablishing and nurturing strong partnerships with dependable suppliers play a significant role in the success of a replenishment plan. Collaborating closely with suppliers helps to streamline the procurement process, reduce lead times, and minimize supply chain disruptions. Through clear communication channels and mutual trust, businesses can foster long-term relationships that promote effective replenishment and enable timely stock replenishment.4. Implementing Just-in-Time (JIT) PrinciplesAdopting the Just-in-Time (JIT) principles can optimize the replenishment process, minimizing inventory carrying costs and reducing the risk of obsolescence. JIT focuses on procuring goods and materials just in time for production or sale, eliminating excess inventory. By closely monitoring demand fluctuations and aligning procurement with sales forecasts, businesses can implement JIT principles to enhance operational efficiency and maximize profitability.5. Leveraging Technology and AutomationIn today's digital age, leveraging technology and automation tools can greatly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of a replenishment plan. Implementing an advanced inventory management system that integrates with other business software (such as Enterprise Resource Planning systems)can provide real-time data analysis, automated reporting, and streamline the overall replenishment process.6. Continuous Evaluation and ImprovementA successful replenishment plan requires ongoing evaluation and improvement. Regularly reviewing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as stock turnover, customer satisfaction, and on-time delivery can highlight areas for improvement. By embracing a culture of continuous improvement and being open to feedback, businesses can refine their replenishment plan over time, adapting to changing market dynamics and maintaining their competitive edge.ConclusionA well-executed replenishment plan is essential for businesses to effectively manage their inventory and meet customer demand. By utilizing forecasting techniques, implementing automated inventory management systems, nurturing supplier relationships, and embracing JIT principles, businesses can optimize their replenishment process and achieve operational excellence. Additionally, by leveraging technology and continuously evaluating their performance, businesses can adapt to dynamic market conditions and consistently improve their replenishment strategy.。
介绍智能工厂的生产流程 英语文章
介绍智能工厂的生产流程英语文章English:In an intelligent factory, the production process is characterized by advanced automation, integration of digital technologies, and real-time data analysis. The process typically begins with demand forecasting and order management, where algorithms analyze historical data and market trends to predict demand accurately. Once the orders are received, they are automatically transmitted to the production floor, triggering the initiation of the manufacturing process. Smart machines and robots equipped with sensors and actuators carry out the production tasks efficiently, with minimal human intervention. These machines are interconnected through the Internet of Things (IoT) and communicate seamlessly to optimize production flow. As the manufacturing progresses, sensors collect data at various stages, providing insights into the performance and quality of the products being produced. This real-time data is transmitted to a centralized control system where machine learning algorithms analyze it to identify any anomalies or deviations from the desired standards. Any issues detected are addressed promptly, ensuring consistent quality and efficiency. Additionally, predictivemaintenance algorithms anticipate equipment failures before they occur, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. Once the products are manufactured, they undergo automated inspection and quality control processes to ensure they meet the required specifications. Finally, the finished products are packaged, labeled, and prepared for distribution, with logistics managed efficiently using predictive analytics to optimize transportation routes and minimize costs.中文翻译:在智能工厂中,生产流程以先进的自动化、数字技术的整合和实时数据分析为特征。
物料计划岗位职责物料方案岗位职责:Release purchase order to supplier according ERP informationFollow up the delivery, Provide material readiness date to production planningProvide parts forecast to suppliers and cooperate with supplier for any demand change timelyOpen PO Tracking/clear-up, push supplier release invoiceCoordinate with supplier for any issue impact OTDInventory controlCoordinate with other functions to deal with the problems of materials (I.e. quality, quantity, invoice, etc.)Deal with Excess and Obsolete materialCoordinate with other functions to make smoothly ERNegotiate consignment/VMI任职资历:Education:Bachelor degree in international trade/logistics or relatedExperiences:Minimum 3 years working experience on Material planning in industrySpecific Knowledge:1. Understand ERP principle and ever used ERP system, like QAD, Oracle, SAP system2. Knowledge of Forecasting/Demand Management3. Knowledge of Inventory Control and Management4. Knowledge of logistic for both import and export business5. Knowledge of international trade and China customs practice6. Knowledge of VMI management WMS7. Aware of Value Stream Mapping/ Value Package Introduce岗位职责:Release purchase order to supplier according ERP informationFollow up the delivery, Provide material readiness date to production planningProvide parts forecast to suppliers and cooperate with supplier for any demand change timelyOpen PO Tracking/clear-up, push supplier release invoiceCoordinate with supplier for any issue impact OTDInventory controlCoordinate with other functions to deal with the problems of materials (I.e. quality, quantity, invoice, etc.)Deal with Excess and Obsolete materialCoordinate with other functions to make smoothly ERNegotiate consignment/VMI任职资历:Education:Bachelor degree in international trade/logistics or relatedExperiences:Minimum 3 years working experience on Material planning in industrySpecific Knowledge:1. Understand ERP principle and ever used ERP system, like QAD, Oracle, SAP system2. Knowledge of Forecasting/Demand Management3. Knowledge of Inventory Control and Management4. Knowledge of logistic for both import and export business5. Knowledge of international trade and China customs practice6. Knowledge of VMI management WMS7. Aware of Value Stream Mapping/ Value Package Introduce篇2:物料方案经理岗位职责生产物料方案经理长城开发深圳长城开发科技股份有限公司,深科技,长城开发职责描述:① Lead production planners to schedule the production based on the customers requirement and full understanding for the production capacity and capability② Coordinate with related department to solve the impedimentsoccurred during production, in order to avoid any delay for customer‘s demand③ Inventory management, optimize planning, material request work follow and process to reduce RM, WIP and FG inventory④ Well arrange the whole production and drive production team to fulfill.⑤ Lead the team on daily planning and material cost control as well as continueImprovement and pursuit lean production.任职要求:1、高校本科及以上学历,电子/机械或管理类相关专业毕业;2、6年以上电子创造企业PMC从业阅历,娴熟使用SAP;3、英语听说读写娴熟;4、富有开辟意识,注重细节,有很好的压力承受实力以及团队配合精神。
1. 需求量(Demand)需求量指的是在特定时间和特定价格下,消费者愿意购买的某种商品或服务的数量。
2. 需求曲线(Demand Curve)需求曲线是以价格为自变量、需求量为因变量的曲线。
3. 需求弹性(Demand Elasticity)需求弹性是衡量需求量对价格变动的敏感程度的指标。
4. 需求预测(Demand Forecasting)需求预测是通过分析过去的需求数据和相关因素,对未来需求量进行估计和预测的过程。
5. 需求供给分析(Demand-Supply Analysis)需求供给分析是研究需求量和供应量之间的关系,从市场的角度分析价格和数量的决定因素。
6. 需求管理(Demand Management)需求管理是通过谨慎的策略和有效的控制手段来管理和调整市场需求的过程。
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Challenge in forecasting inventory
Bullwhip effect
Forecasting Methods
• Qualitative: primarily subjective; rely on judgment and opinion • Time Series: use historical demand only
• Static • Adaptive
• Causal: use the relationship between demand and some other factor to develop forecast
• Simulation
• Imitate consumer choices that give rise to demand • Can combine time series and causal methods
Observed demand (O) = Systematic component (S) + Random component (R)
Level (current deseasonalized demand)
Trend (growth or decline in demand)
Seasonality (predictable seasonal fluctuation)
Basic Approach to Demand Forecasting
• Understand the objectives of forecasting • Integrate demand planning and forecasting • Identify major factors that influence the demand forecast • Understand and identify customer segments • Determine the appropriate forecasting technique • Establish performance and error measures for the forecast
Role of Forecasting in a Supply Chain
• The basis for all strategic and planning decisions in a supply chain
• Used for both push and pull processes • Examples:
• All of these decisions are interrelated
Characteristics of Forecasts
• Forecasts are always wrong. Should include expected value and measure of error. (100 -1900 units vs. 900 – 1100 units)
Forecasting : Taylor
Errors in forecasting
Local company A •Item 1: RM 20 •Lead time: 1 week
China company B •Item 1: RM 10 •Lead time: 2 months
Which one would you be your supplier? Cost or responsiveness or both? How?
• Long-term forecasts are less accurate than short-term forecasts (forecast horizon is important)
• Aggregate forecasts are more accurate than disaggregate forecasts (National GDP vs. annual performance of a company, annual performance of a department, annual performance of a worker)
• Production: scheduling, inventory, aggregate planning • Marketing: sales force allocation, promotions, new production
introduction • Finance: plant/equipment investment, budgetary planning • Personnel: workforce planning, hiring, layoffs
• Systematic component: Expected value of demand • Random component: The part of the forecast that deviates
from the systematic component • Forecast error: difference between forecast and actual demand
Forecasting Components Patterns
Figure 15.1 Forms of Forecast Movement: (a) Trend, (b) Cycle, (c) Seasonal Pattern, (d) Trend with
Seasonal Pattern
Components of an Observation
10Βιβλιοθήκη Measures of Forecast Error
• Forecast error = Et = Ft - Dt