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下面通过对一个例题的详细解析和几个练习题范文的学习,帮助考生掌握“观点对比类” 作文的写法。


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic :

Some people like to eat at food stands or restaurants, while other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Discuss both sides and decide where you would choose to eat.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


雅思Task 2作文的结构,一般来讲会包括三个部分,即开头部分,中间部分和结





People's opinions differ with regard to whether they prefer going to eat at restaurants or cooking by themselves at home. After considering several

aspects of the issue, I am convinced that restaurants arc the better choice of the two.

Eating at restaurants has an evident advantage over cooking at home: it saves time, which too often is equal to money. After a long day,s exhausting work, cooking at home becomes, arguably, the most horrible thing to ordinary people. To accomplish this task, they need to carry out a number of sub-tasks, including buying materials, preparing them, cooking and serving, which are not only difficult to carry out but also consume a lot of precious time. Restaurants, on the other hand, have well-trained staff, who are able to provide us with an agreeable meal with the upmost efficiency. All we have to do are to wait,to enjoy and to pay the bill.

As different restaurants are owned and run by different people, the foods they serve are of various tastes, which ensures that our choices are seldom limited. Take the city I live in, Beijing, for example. As the capital of China, this city has restaurants run by people from all over die country, and thus the features of different places are represented on their menus. People preferring spicy food arc welcomed to Sichuan-flavor restaurants,and people favoring noodles are always satisfied in a Shanxi restaurants. In comparison, however talented my wife is at cooking, she is unable to serve, among many others* Italian food, which is handy at the restaurant just down our apartment.

While those who choose to eat at home do have a point in their concern about the health problem with eating out, this problem is problem is not completely hopeless. Well-famed restaurants often serve clean, healthy food» and many of them even invite consumers to supervise their kitchen. The governments are also implementing more strict regulations to protect the rights of consumers. Therefore, eating outside might not be as unhealthy as before, but will remain a convenient and enjoyable J experience.

Both sides considered, I choose to eat at restaurants as they provide timely and diverse food without threatening my health. But those ill-famed restaurants are clearly never on my list of visits.

作者首先用一句“就哪里吃饭而言,人们观点不尽相同”从而引出话題,然后用一句套套话“在思考了该问題的各个方面之后,我认为…“ 清楚地表明了自己的观点,即“在餐馆吃饭比较好“。此处需要强调的是,考生要尽可能明确观点,避免采取中立的立场,尤其不要只论述两方观点,却迟迟不表明本人态度。在考官的思路里,中立等用于思想的匮乏,观点不明确无异于缺乏自信。

