











Westlake Institute for Advanced Study(WIAS)is a private and comprehensive research institute located in the beautiful city of Hangzhou,China.WIAS aims to become a top research institute in the world,pushing the frontiers of science,and technology.English'is an official language of WIAS.

WIAS has four research institutes:

●NATURAL SCIENCES(covering math,physics,chemistry,astronomy and emerging fields of science)

●ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY(covering all branches of engineering)

●BIOLOCY(covering all branches of modern experimental biology and computation biology)

●BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES(covering all branches of medical sciences) Each institute has50faculty positions at all ranks,to be filled in the next5-10 years.

WIAS offers equal opportunities and encourages qualified individuals of all ethnic backgrounds and from all countries to be applicants.Applicants must have doctoral degrees.

Each hired faulty member will receive an internationally competitive salary, generous housing,extra benefits and ample start-up funds,Long term,stable research funds are available for faculty members who are at the forefront of their chosen research fields.All faculty members are encouraged to attack scientific problems of the most challenging and most significant type.

Please send your application to talent@https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e5456960.html,

Please also arrange three letters of references to be sent directly to the above email address.

Please remember to mark your application for one of the four research institutes: Natural Sciences,Advanced Technology,Biology,Basic Medical Sciences.

Additional Information

Ms TTN Lingfang

Department of Human Resources

Westlake Institute for Advanced Study

18Shilongshan Road,Cloud Town Xihu District,Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province, China..

Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for the“Thousand Talents Program”or the“Youth Thousand Talents Program”through WIAS.

For more information please visit:https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e5456960.html,/

1.What is the goal of WIAS?

A.To set up four research institutes.

B.To fund its members to attack scientific issues.

C.To become a pioneer of research institutes in the world.

D.To free humans from labour through science and technology.

2.Who might be qualified for a position in WIAS?

A.An accounting major to achieve his doctor's degree.

B.A graduate from USA,who has a master's degree in art.

C.A Chinese graduate obtaining a doctor's degree in architecture.

D.An African doctor graduating from School of Engineering of MIT.

3.Which of the following will WIAS provide each hired faculty member?

A.Equal salary.

B.Shared housing.

C.Stable benefits.

D.Ample start-up funds.


Nowadays,we depend on advanced technology too much.However,a the saying goes,a coin has two sides.The tool bringing you convenience may also put you in trouble.Here is a modern-day horror story:

A young mother was employed in doing her writing when her son,aged2,burst into tears somehow.She did all she could to ease her son.But in vain.She had no way to comfort him.Meanwhile,her iPhone rang aloud,which attracted his son's attention. He stopped crying temporarily.It occurred to her that the iPhone might help.Thus, she handed her iPhone to her son:What happened next?The child entered an incorrect passcode on his mother's phone so many times that the device became locked for25114984minutes,about47years,making it absolutely useless to its formerly digitally connected owner.That's the scene now facing a Shanghai mother, identified only as Ms Lu by Chinese news reports,whose kid played with her phone and unfortunately began the process of disabling the device for,basically,forever. According to a news report,Ms Lu waited two months to see if the situation would improve,but the iPhone remained locked.“I couldn't really wait47years and tell my grandchild it was his father's mistake,”she reportedly said.The alternative mode of accessing the phone is to wipe it with a factory reset.This is why you should always backup(备份)all your data.

iPhone can become locked with six failed attempts at entering a passcode on the locked screen,and the amount of time for which the phone is locked can compound (增加)with ongoing attempts to break in.So,for all the parents out there:see to it

that you don't let your kid loose on your phone,assuming you want to still use it when he's done,of course.

4.Why did the young mother hand her phone to her son?

A.To focus on her housework.

B.To comfort her crying kid.

C.To let him answer the phone.

D.To play the phone with him.

5.What happened to Ms Lu?

A.The system of her iPhone broke down.

B.She couldn't use her iPhone back then.

C.Her iPhone was locked for two months.

D.She forgot the passcode of her iPhone.

6.To solve her problem,Ms Lu should

A.backup all the data immediately

B.wipe the iPhone with a factory reset

C.enter the correct passcode for six,times

D.set a new passcode to unlock the iPhone

7.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?

A.Don't hand your own phone to your young kid.

B.Let your kid feel loose when using your phone.

C.Make sure to set a passcode to lock your phone.

D.Be careful when your kid plays with your phone.


An extreme drought is threatening South Africa's wildlife industry.Farmers are keeping fewer animals and vacationers are visiting in smaller numbers.Parts of the country have been affected by repeated years of hotter than normal weather and below average rainfall.The conditions have burned feeding grass and dried up watering holes.In2015,the area saw the driest year on record.The agency Wildlife Ranching South Africa(WRSA)collets data on more than9,000wildlife ranches(牧场)in the nation.It estimates that the Northern Cape Province has lost more than.two thirds of its game over the last three years.WRSA is talking to ranchers around the country to gather information on animal loss and the financial impact the drought is having. WRSA Chief Adri Kitshoff-Botha told Reuters News Agency the drought has continued for some time.“In some areas we've seen it has been going on for six years,”she said.The wildlife industry brings money to South Africa's economy through tourism,hunting,breeding and meat production.Hunting一the shooting of carefully chosen animals in particular—made$140million in2016,topping the list of the four mentioned,above,breeding ranking the least,though.

In the past,the lodge(度假区)was home to around4,500wild animals一including 35different species from antelope to rhino.But it has lost around1,000animals because of the drought.Now,dead animals sit in old and unused mines on the edge of the property.“The lodge has seen its spending rise as it buys more feed for animals for the sake of the drought.At the same time,hunters are paying less,and fewer tourists are visiting because the animals are in poor condition over the past year,”said WRSA’s Kitshof-Botha.The drought has also hit other parts of South Africa.In Botswana,more than100elephants died in two months in2019.Botswana is home to

almost one-third of Africa's elephants.

8.Which is the indirect result of the drought?

A.Economy is barely declining.

B.Feeding grass has been burned.

C.Watering holes have dried up.

D.Vacationers are becoming fewer.

9.Which took the lead in South Africa's wildlife industry in2016?




D.Meat production.

10.The lodge's expense is going up because

A.some local species need more attending in hot weather

B.the animals in poor condition are dying out in the drought

C.the lodge has to offer animals more food due to the drought

D.dead animals'bodies need to be buried in'old and unused mines

11.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.South Africa's wildlife industry is under the threat of an extreme drought.

B.The rapid decreasing of national economy affects wildlife in South Africa.

C.Most wildlife ranchers in South Africa are suffering a lot from the drought.

D.Wildlife industry is playing a vital part in South Africa's national economy.


More than30volunteers organized by the village Party committee were participating in a group effort to produce gauze(纱布)masks,alcohol liquid and sterilizing powder(消毒粉)at a factory in southwest China's Yunnan Province to help arm the fight against the novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒).Some villagers also had given away their sewing machines for the production work at Yunnan Xiangsha Medical Material Company in Anning City.

Volunteers addressed the labor,shortage during the Spring Festival holiday at the factory,which had begun to produce on.Friday.They received body temperature checks and training before the work started,with volunteers able to use the sewing machines being more than50years old on average.Seventy-nine-year-old Chu Shudong,who had30years of tailoring experience,volunteered to repair the sewing machines.“I've not done tailoring for20years.I'm old and my eyesight is poor.I hope to do what I can here and make more masks so that people are protected,”he said.The youngest volunteer,22-year-old Bi Qiling,joined the:team.She's available because the new semester at her university in Beijing was delayed because of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

“With the volunteers,our production capacity is higher.We have65people,divided into two groups,and work on two shifts(轮班)a day.All the machines are working around the clock,”said Hang Kaijin,head of the factory,which has the ability to produce two tons of alcohol liquid and200kilograms of sterilizing power every day. It sent its production information to the city government on a daily basis and the products were all allocated by the government.

12.What did villagers donate for the production?

A.Raw materials.

B.Clean gauze.

C.Sewing machines.

D.Alcohol liquid.

13.What can we know about the volunteers from paragraph2?

A.The average age of the volunteers able to use sewing machines was over50.

B.Chu Shudong,an experienced tailor at the age of78,offered to do some sewing.

C.Volunteers having30years of tailoring experience should receive body temperature checks..

D.Bi Qiling,a girl,was turned down by the university because of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

14.How did the volunteers work?

A.Most of the volunteers worked twice a day.

B.All of the volunteers.worked.12hours in the daytime.

C.Two groups of volunteers took turns to work24hours a day.

D.Volunteers were divided into two groups,each working8hours.

15.The act of the volunteers proved that

A.great minds think alike

B.more hands produce a stronger flame

C.two heads are better than one

D.God helps those who help themselves.



With college starting for freshmen across the country,now is the time to be thinking about money._16_.You have to make some serious decisions with what you have,so here we prepare some amazing tips to go with you.

●Keep your personal finances mobile

17.Actually,in this case,youth of this generation are way luckier than their parents once were,because there are now a lot of convenient APPs on your smart phones that can give you real time images of your money and spending.

●Use your credit responsibly

My best financial advice for college students is to be smart with your first credit card.Ask the salespeople to explain all the terms to you and look for cards with no annual fee,good rewards,and of course,reasonable interest rates.Think twice before you make the final decision._18,especially if they tell you that:the offer is only good for that day.


Occupying a position in your spare time is important because you can earn “spending money”.And your job can have an even bigger impact if it's one that allows you to do your homework.There are many on-campus jobs out there that allow you to sit down and have limited responsibilities.

●Network for your future career

Remember why you're in college十prepare yourself for the challenging future.You should work on your network by taking internships and getting into various kinds of organizations as much as possible.No money item could be more important than your network because the quickest way to secure a job is all about who you know.20

A.Get a job,but a flexible one

B.Open the credit card to get the profit

C.Just do yourselves a favor and walk away

D.It is essential for you to pay your educational fee

E.Keeping accounts for oneself matters for all beginners

F.This will make you more money than opening a bank account

G.This will really be your first time to handle money on your own




Do you know what is the most beautiful sound in the world?

Being in the same dormitory in university,one of my classmates,who was from a big city,had never_21his parents.He said that there was no phone at home and it was OK for.him,to write to his parents.We were22_-he lived in a modern city, why not__23__a telephone at home?

After the summer vacation,he often went to bed to listen to a tape24,which was taken from his home.Sometimes he was crying in_25__.We proposed to_26his tape to listen to.However,he_27.One time when he was out,we got the_28_.After we listened to it,it seemed that there wasn't_29__in it.We were puzzled and put it back under his pillow.In the coming of graduation,he told us that his parents were deaf and unable to_30.To make a living;his parents_31_all hardships and never got others’_32.For his study,his parents'paid much attention to creating the best conditions for him.He had to33_his parents to go to university after their living condition was better.He often_34them,especially when the night fell.His35was from“Silent Love”of his parents.He taped the sound of their_36__.He listened to it every night,feeling his__37being with him.

We were_38_.Care from family is like light to39our misfortune,and_40love is the most beautiful sound in the world.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e5456960.html,mented B.phoned C.contacted D.mentioned

22.A.surprised B.delighted C.excited D.interested

23.A.change B.select C.carry D.fix

24.A.eagerly B.patiently C.secretly D.casually

25.A.doubt B.sadness C.panic D.anger

26.A.borrow B.wipe C.record D.release

27.A.sighed B.nodded C.hesitated D.refused

28.A.pillow B.recorder C.telephone D.tape

29.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

30.A.speak B.read C.see D.walk

31.A.forgot B.suffered C.overcame D.feared

32.A.blame B.abuse https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e5456960.html,mitment D.respect

33.A.allow B.leave C.persuade D.abandon

34.A.missed B.accompanied C.upset D.misunderstood

35.A.achievement B.confidence C.kindness D.talent

36.A.singing B.quarreling C.breathing D.sobbing

37.A.friends B.roommates C.parents D.relatives

38.A.confused B.scared C.puzzled D.touched

39.A.put out B.settle down C.cast away D.take in

40.A.blind B.silent C.deep D.true


阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内的正确形式。Auckland,the capital city of New Zealand,is the largest and most populous(人口众多的)urban area in the country.

When41(plan)a trip to New Zealand,most people skip over Auckland as a destination.Everyone floods to Queenstown,or heads out_42(spend)time enjoying themselves in nature.However,as anyone who has visited it knows,there are even 43_(many)things to do in Auckland,compared with those in Queenstown.All of these things make_44a great destination for all travelers.45you are a backpacker, you will in,particular enjoy the'huge range of free and cheap things to do in Auckland,especially in a country which is known_46its high living cost.

The city's trendy neighborhoods can47(explore)on foot,and the skyline can be viewed from the water for the cheap price of a ferry ticket._48(particular),you will have the chance to taste_49(variety)of snacks and the city doesn't shy away from a good happy hour.Give yourself_50couple of days to enjoy it,and check out some of our favorite things to do in Auckland.Auckland,you.shouldn't miss it!









Today is our graduation day,it marks the end of our senior high school but the beginning of a new life for all of us.We supposed to feel joyful on such an unforgettable day and being full of hope for the future.I am deeply moving by these things on the day,and I feel more,either.It is at this moment that I realize that I have to say good-bye to my school,my classmates and my teacher.The thing I desire:to' do most is to express how thankfully I am to my teachers and parents.I will always remember that what they have done for me.I will thank them from the bottom of your heart.


假定你是“古风社”(Ancient Society)社长李华。新学期伊始,古风社要招募新成员,你得知你的美国朋友Jerry希望加入。请你给Jerry写一封信,邀请他参加招募新成员的面试。要点如下:1.时间,地点;2.面试要求;3.表示期待。


Dear Jerry,

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


Li Hua





1.C事实细节题根据第一自然段第二句话"WIAS aims to become a top research institute in the world."叮知,WIAS的目标是成为世界顶尖的研究机构。故选C。

2.D事实细节题根据第二自然段“WIAS has four research institutes...”以及第四自然段“WIAS offers....Applicants must have doctoral degrees.”可知,申请人应获得博士学位,专业应为NATURAL SCIENCEE,ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY, BIOLOGY,BASICMEDICAL SCIENCES中之一。故选D。

3.D事实细节题根据第五自然段“Each hired faulty member...and most significant type.”可知,WIAS将会提供给雇员充足的启动资金。



4.B事实细节题根据第二自然段第四、五句话“She had no way to comfort him. Meanwhile,her iPhone rang aloud,which attracted his son's attention.”可知,母亲为了安抚哭闹的孩子,把手机递给儿子。故选B.

5.B事实细节题根据第二自然段第句话“The child entered....making it absolutely useless to its formerly digitally-connected owner.”叮知,该母亲的手机将被锁屏大约47年。

6.B事实细节题根据第二自然段倒数第二句话“The alternative mode of accessing... factory reset.”可知,除了等待约47年,要想重新解锁手机,只能恢复出厂设置。故选B.

7.D猜词猜义题根据横线后的“....assuming you”即“..假定孩子玩完手机后你依然想要能够使用手机”可知,划线部分应该是提醒父母当孩子玩手机时一定要当心。故选D。



8.D事实细节题根据第一自然段第二句话“...and vacationers are Visiting in small numbers”可知,干旱间接导致游客锐减。微选D.

9.A事实细节题根据第二自然段第四句话,“Hunting-the shooting of..”可知,2016年狩猎在南非野生动物产业中排在首位。故选A。.

10.C事实细节题根据第三自然段第四句话"The lodge has seen its spending rise as it buys more feed for animals for the sake of the drought."可知,由于干旱,度假区不得不给动物提供更多的食物,以致花销上升。故选C。

11.A主指大意题根据第一自然段第一句话“An extreme drought is threatening South Africa's wildlife industry.”可知,本文主要谈论严重干早威胁着南非野生动物产业。故选A。



12.C事实细节题根据第一自然段第句话"Some villagers also had given away their sewing machines..."可知,村民们捐赠了缝纫机。故选C。

13.A事实细节题根据第一个自然段第一句话:"..with volunteers able to use the sewing machines being more than50years old on average."可知,会使用缝纫机的志


14.C事实细节题根据第三个自然段第二、三句话"We have65people...working around the clock."可知,65个志愿者分为两组,两班倒,每组工作12小时。故选C。





17.E该空设置在段首,根据小标题“保留好你的个人财务手机记录”,以及17题后所说的“确实,在这种情况下,年轻一代比其父母幸运得多,因为在你们的智能手机上有许多方便的APP,可用以记录自己的财务和花费。”由此可以看出,E 选项符合上下文语境。故选E。






[语篇导读]记叙文。本文讲述了同学父母的“Silent Love"陪伴他度过艰难时光的故事。









28.D考查名词。根据后.句"After we listened to it"中it的指代可知,应该选择tape。"tape"(磁带)符合文意。故选D。



31.B考查动词。结合语境可知,31题之前提到to make a living,为了谋生,所以应该是父母“受了很多苦”。“suffer”(受苫)符合文意。故选B。







39.C考查动词短语。根据39题后的宾语misfortune可知,“来自家庭的关爱,就像光一样以消除我们的厄运”。“putout”(扑灭),“settle down”(定居,安定),“take in”(吸收,理解)都不符合文意。“cast away”(消除、扔掉)符合文意。故选C。40.B考查形容词。结合35空后的“Silent Love”可知,文章前后呼应,可得知答案应该是“silent”(沉默的)符合文意。故选B。




从句省略的考查。When引导的状语从句当中省略了people are,所以应该


42.to spend本题考查动词不定式。此处head out to do意为“前往某地去做某事”,后面应该跟动词的不定式形式表目的。

43.more本题考查形容词比较级。后方的compared with结构表示比较,同时even也常用来修饰比较级,因此可知此处填more。



46.for本题考查介词。此处动词短语be known for表示“因....而出名”。

47.be explored本题考查谓语动词的时态和语态。因neighborhoods和explore 之间构成被动关系,因而用explore的被动态结构。

48.Particularly本题考查副词。此处48题所在句子成分完整,因此用Particular 的副词的结构修饰全句。

49.varieties本题考查名词的复数。短语varieties of修饰名词,表示“各种各样的”。故此处应用variety的复数形式。

50.a本题考查冠词。此处考查形容词性短语的固定搭配,“a couple of"表





第一句:改it为which。主句"Today is our graduation day,"充当定语从句的先行词,后面应用which引导非限制性定语从句。


第二句:supposed前加are。此处be supposed to是固定短语,表示“假定,应做....第二句:改being为be。根据语义逻辑,此处应使用动词原型“be”与and之前的谓语动词feel构成并列。

第三句:改moving为moved。此处be deeply moved表示“被深深地感动”,句子主语I与谓语动词move构成被动关系,故使用move的过去分词形式。,



第五句:改thankfully为thankful.此处express后的how引导宾语从句,同时how thankful结构在宾语从句中做am后的表语成分,how修饰表语thankful。

第六句:删去remember后的that。remember后的宾语从句中缺少have done后的宾语成分,故应用what来引导,允当从句中的宾语,而that也是宾语从句引导词,此处出现引导词重复,故删去that。

