
新课标人教版高二英语选修6Unit2Reading课文语法填空(含答案)预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制Unit 2 Reading课文语法填空A Few Simple Forms of English Poems一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文)There are various reasons 1________ people write poetry. Some poems give the reader a strong 2 ________ (impress). Others try to 3________ certain emotions. In this text, some simpler forms of English poems are introduced, such 4________ nursery rhymes, which may seem 5________ (contradict). But they are easy to learn and recite. List poems have a 6________ line length and repeated phrases. Students can also write the cinquain, a poem 7________ (make) up of five lines. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry with 17 syllables. English speakers also 8________ (translation) Tang poems into English. 9________ so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may 10________ (eventual) want to write poems of their own.1/ 2参考答案:一、l. why2. impression3. convey4. as5. contradictory6. flexible7. made8. translate9. With10. eventually 2/ 2。
人教版高中英语选修六U5课文语法填空 改编

Book6 unit5 课文语法填空AN EXCITING JOBI have the 1._____________(great)job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never 2.__________(bore).Although my job is 3.____________(occasion) dangerous, I don't mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful 4.__________(force) on earth - the volcano.I was appointed as a volcanologist 5._____________ (work) for the Hawaiian V olcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago. My job is collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea, 6.__________ is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii. 7.________________(collect) and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. Our work has saved many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned 8.___________(leave) their houses. 9._______________(fortunate), we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered 10.________ lava or burned to the ground.When 11.__________(boil) rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, 12._____________ the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it buries everything in its path under the molten rock. However, the eruption itself is really 13._____________(excite) to watch and I shall never forget my first sight of one. It was in the second week after I arrived in Hawaii. 14._____________(work) hard all day, I went to bed early. I was fast asleep when suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound, like a railway train 15.___________(pass) my window. Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn't take much notice. I was about to go back to sleep_________ suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. I ran out of the house into the back garden where I could see Mount Kilauea in the distance. There had been 16._____________ eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air. It was an17.____________(absolute) fantastic sight.The day after this eruption I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it. Two other scientists and I were driven up the mountain and dropped as close as possible to the crater that 18.______________(form) during the eruption. Having earlier collected special clothes from the observatory, we put them on before we went any closer. All three of us looked like spacemen.We had white 19._____________ (protect) suits that covered our whole body, helmets, big boots and special gloves. It was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly made our way 20._____________ the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre. The other two climbed down into the crater 21.______________(collect) some lava for later study, but this being my first experience, I stayed at the top and watched them.Today, I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started. Having studied volcanoes now for many years, I am still 22.__________(amaze) at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.。

高中英语必须五课文语法填空(1)Joh n Snow was a famous doctor in London. So expert 1 (be) he —that he atte nded Quee n Victoria 2 her pers onal physicia n. But he became in spired whe n he thought about 3 (help) ordinary people exposed4 cholera. This was the deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause5 its cure was un derstood. So many thousa nds of6 (terrify)people -------------------------died every time there was 7 outbreak. Joh n Snow wan ted to face the —challe nge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would n ever becon trolled un til its cause was found. In 1854 whe n 8 cholera brokeout, --------------he bega n to gather in formati on and found the evide nee. It seemed that thepolluted water was to blame. Joh n Snow suggested the source of all thewater 一9 (supply) should be exam in ed. 10 (fin al) “ King Cholera ”was ------------------------- defeated.(2)The Un ited Kin gdom con sists 1 four coun tries: En gla nd, Wales,—Scotla nd and Norther n Irela nd. En gla nd is 2 largest of the fourcoun tries, and for convenience it is divided 3 (rough) intothree zones. --------------------The zone n earest France 4 (call) the South of En gla nd, themiddle ----------------zone is called the Midla nds and the one n earest to Scotla nd is known5 the -------------North. You find most of the populatio n settled in the south, 6 most of the in dustrial cities in the Midla nds and the North of En gla nd. Although,n ati on wide,these cities are n ot as large as 7 in Chi na, they have world-famousI -----------------------------------------------football teams and some of them eve n have two! It is a pity 8the ---------------------in dustrial cities built in the nin etee nth cen tury do not attract 9 (visitor).For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller tow ns(build) by the Roma ns. There you will find out more about10British -------------history and culture.(3)Arrivi ng at a stra ng&look ing house, Wang Ping 1 (show)me in to a large, bright clean room. It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighti ng. ----------------------2 (sudden) the wall moved it was made of3 (tree)!I found later4 their leaves provided the room with much needed oxyge n. Then WangPi ng flashed 5 switch on a computer scree n, and a table and some chairs ----------------------rose 6 under the floor as if by magic. “Why not sit down and eat a little? ” ----------页1第he said. “You may find this difficult as it is 7 (you) first time travel trip.Just relax, since there is nothing pla nned on the timetable today. Tomorrow youwill be ready for some visits.”8 (have)said this, he spread somefood ------------- on the table, and produced a bed from the floor. 9 he left, I hada brief ----------------meal and a hot bath. 10 (exhaust)」slid in to bed and fell fastasleep. ---------------(4)Zhou Yang will n ever forget his first assig nment 1 a reporter inChina -----------Daily. At the office his talk with his new boss in flue need his life 2I ------------------------------------------(str on g).His boss first put him as 3 assista nt to an experie need journalist and later told him to cover a story and submit the article himself.During the in terviews, he had to liste n for 4 (detail)facts andprepare --------------the n ext questi on depe nding on 5 the pers on said. If the interviewee -------------------------6 (agree),he could use a recorder to get the facts straight. The bossalso gave ------him an example of the 7 (importa nt) of a recorder. Once afootballer ---------------was accused of tak ing money for 8 (deliberate )not scori ng goals to ------------------ let the other team wi n. He admitted that some one had tried to bribe him,butdenied 9 (take) the mon ey. With the record ing ,it was proved10 __________________he was guilty.(5)There are three 1 (type) of bur ns. They are called first, sec ond or ----------------third degree bur ns, depe nding on 2 layers of the skin areburned. --------------First degree bur ns affect on ly 3 top layer of the skin. Thesebur ns 4 (be )not serious and should feel 5 (good) with in a day or --------------------------two. Examples in clude mild sun bur n and bur ns caused by 6 (touch) a hot ------------pan, stove or iron for a mome nt.Second degree bur ns affect 7 the top and the sec ond layer of the skin. These bur ns are serious and take a few weeks to heal. Examples in cludesevere sun bur n and bur ns 8 (cause) by hot liquids. ---------------------- Third degree bur ns affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and orga ns 9 the skin. Examples in clude bur ns caused by electric shocks, -----------burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. These bur ns cause very severe 10 ____________(injure) and the victim must go to hospital at on ce.语法填空(1) 高中英语选修六课文At the time they were created, the Impressi onist 1 (pa inting) were ------------con troversial, but today they are accepted as the beg inning of 2we ---------页2第call “modern art” .This is because the Impressionists encouraged 3(art) to look at their en vir onment in new ways. There are scores of moder n artstyles, but 4 the Impressi oni sts, many of these painting styles might not ---------------exist. On the one hand, some moder n art is abstract; that is, the pain ter does notattempt to paint objects as we see 5 with our eyes, but in steadI -----------------------------------------concen trates 6 certa in qualities of the object, 7 (use) color,line and --------------------------shape to represe nt them. On 8 other hand, some pain ti ngs ofmoder n --------------art are so realistic 9 they look like photographs. These styles10 -------------------------------(be)so different. Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future?(2)There are various 1 (reas on) why people write poetry. Some poems------------------------------------------- 1tell 2 story or describe somethi ng in a way 3 will give the readera strong impressi on. Others try to convey certa in emoti ons. Poets use manydiffere nt forms of poetry 4 express(express) themselves. In this text, 一5 ,we will look at a few of the simpler forms. -----------Some of the first poetry a young child lear ns 6 En glish is nu rsery—rhymes. These rhymes like the one on the right 7 (be) still a common type of childre n's poetry. The Ian guage is con crete 8imaginative ---------------and these poems delight small childre n because 9 rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of repetiti on. The poems may not make sense and eve n seem con tradictory, but they are easy to lear n and recite. By 10 (play)with the ------------words in nu rsery rhymes, childre n lear n about Ian guage.(3)By the way, did you know that this is because you become addicted 1I ---------------------------- 1cigarettes in three differe nt ways? First, you can become 2(physical) ----------------addicted to ni coti ne, 3 is one of the hun dreds of chemicals incigarettes. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to —4 (have) ni cot ine in it. So whe n the drug5 (leave) your body,you get -----------------------withdrawal symptoms. I remember feeli ng badtempered and sometimes eve n inpain. Secon dly, you become addicted through habit. As you kno w, 6you do ------the same thing over and over aga in, you begi n to do 7automatically. -----------Lastly, you can become 8 (me ntal)addicted. I believed I was happier and more 9 (relax) after hav ing a cigarette, so I bega n to thi nk that Icould ------------only feel good whe n I smoked. I was addicted in all three 10(way),so it _______was very difficult to quit. But I did fin ally man age.页3第(4)All scie ntists subscribe to the view 1 the in crease in the earth's Itemperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil toproduce en ergy. Some byproducts of this process 2 (call)“gree nhouse gases, the most importa nt one of 3 is carb on dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: “ There 4 (be) a natural phenomenon that scientists call the ‘greenhouse effect'. This is when small amounts of5 ----------(gas) in the atmosphere, like carb on dioxide, metha ne and water vapour, trapheat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. 6 the ‘ gree nhouse effect',the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius 7 (cool) tha n it is. -------------So, we n eed those gases. The problem begi ns whe n we add huge 8 —(qua ntity) of extra carb on dioxide into the atmosphere. 9 meansthat -------------more heat en ergy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere 10 (cause)the --------------global temperature to go up”(5)When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causesless damage 1 you might imagi ne. This is because no one lives nearthe -----------top of Mount Kilauea, 2 the rocks fall. The lava that flowsslowly like a ------------wave dow n the mou ntai n causes far more damage because 3buries --------------everything in its path under the molten rock. However, the eruption itselfisreally excit ing to watch and I shall n ever forget 4 (me) first sightof one. -----------It 5 (be) in the sec ond week after I arrived in Hawaii. Havingworked -----------hard all day, I went to bed early. I was fast asleep when 6 (sudden)my bed ---------bega n shaki ng and I heard a stra nge soun d, like a railway train 7(pass)my window. Having experieneed quite a few earthquakes in Hawaiialready, I did n't take much no tiee. I was about to go back to sleep 8sudde nly my bedroom became as bright as day. I ran out of the house into theback garde n where I could see Mount Kilauea 9 the dista nee.There had ----------been an eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was fountaininghun dreds of meters into the air. It was 10 absolutely fan tastic sight.必修五答案(1): 1. was 2. as 3. helping 4. to 5. nor6. terrified7. a n 8.a no ther 9.supplies 10.F in ally必修五答案(2): 1.of 2.the 3.roughly 4.is called 5.as6. but7. those 8.that 9.visitors 10.built必修五答案(3): l.showed 2.Suddenly 3.trees 4.that 5.a页4第6. from7.your8.Having9.After 10.Exhausted必修五答案(4): 1.as 2.strongly 3.an 4.detailed 5.what6. agreed7.importance8.deliberately9.taking 10.that 必修五答案(5):1.types 2.which 3.the 4.are 5.better6. touching7.both8.caused9.under 10.injuries 选修六答案(1):1.paintings2.what3.artists4.without5.them6.oning8.the9.that 10.are选修六答案(2): 1.reasons 2.a 3.that 4.to 5.however6.in7.are8.but9.they 10.playing选修六答案3):1.to 2.physically 3.which 4.having 5.leaves (6.if7.it8.mentally9.relaxed 10.ways选修六答案(4):1.that 2.are called 3.which 4.is 5.gases6.Without7.cooler8.quantities9.It 10.causing选修六答案(5):1.than 2.where 3.it 4.my 5.was6.suddenly7.passing8.when9.in 10.an课文语篇John Snow,a well-known doctor in London,became 1. _____ (inspire)when he thought about helping ordinary people who 2. _______ (expose)tocholera,a 3. ______ (dead) disease of its day.Many thousands of peoplediedevery time there was an outbreak 4. ______ no one knew the cause of it.Johnwanted to help solve 5. _______ problem.He got interested in two theories 6. ______ (explain) how cholera killed people.He believed in the second theory that suggested that people7. _______ (absorb) the disease with their meals.In1854,8. _______ anotheroutbreak hit London,he was ready to test the two theories.9. ______ the helpof the map he made,he got a valuable clue about the cause of the disease andwas able to announce that the water was 10. ______ (blam.e)答案: 1.inspired 2.were exposed 3.deadly4.because 5.the 6.explaining 7.absorbed8.when 9.With 10.to blame 课文语篇The United Kingdom 1. _______ (consist) of England,Wales,Scotland andNorthern Ireland.England is the largest and for 2. ______ (convenient)it isdivided roughly into three zones.London is the centre of national governmentand its administration,3. ______ its fine museum,s art collections andthe oldest页 5 第port. 4._______ did only Northern Ireland join England?In the early twentiethcentury the English government tried to form the United Kingdom by gettingIreland 5. ______ (connect) without conflict. 6._________ ,the southern partof Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.To their7. _______ (credit),the countries do work together in the currency,internationals relations and so on,but they still have very different8. _______ (institution).It is 9. _______ pity that in England the industrial cities do not attract visitors.People can go to the older but small towns 10. _______ (build) by theRomans for historical architecture and to the countryside for great scenery aswell.答案: 1.consists 2.convenience 3.with 4.Why 5.connected课文语篇6. However7.credit8.institutions9.a 10.builtI went into the future because I 1. _______ (win) a prize that gave me a tour.I 2. ______ (suffer) from “ time lag” when I left my owntime.Wang Pinggave me some green tablets 3. _______ could help me feel less nervous anduncertain.His 4. ______ (parent) company,5. _______ (call)“ Future Tours”,transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.The first thing I noticed6. ______ the poor quality of the air,so my head ached.And I found several7. ______ (thing) different:a mask to give me enough oxyge;n a hoveringcarriage 8. ______ (drive) by compute;r a strange-looking house belonging toWang Ping's parents.Here the trees acted 9. ______ walls and provided oxygenfor the room;a table,some chairs and a bed rose from under the floor as if10. _______ magic.答案: 1.had won 2.suffered 3.which 4.parents' 5.called 6.was 7.things 8.driven 9.as 10.by 课文语篇课文语篇Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment 1. _______ a reporter in China Daily.At the office his talk with his new boss influenced his life strongly.His boss told him not to go out to cover an event without a2. _______ (profession) photographer.During the interviews,he had to listen to a lot of facts in detail when getting well 3. ______ (prepare) for the next question based on4. _______ theperson said.If the person 5. _______ (interview) agree,d he should use a 页 6 第recorder to record what the interviewee said.The boss also gave him an exampleof the importance of a recorder.Once a footballer 6. _______ (accuse) of takingmoney for 7. ______ (deliberate) not scoring goals.He admitted that someone8. _______ (try) to bribe him,but denied taking the money.With the recording,it was proved that he was 9. ______ (guilt.) He was angry andtried to stopit,10. _______ failed.答案: 1.as 2.professional 3.prepared 4.what 5.interviewed6.was accused7.deliberately 8.had tried 9.guilty 10.but 课文语篇There are three types of burns.They are called firs,tsecond or third degree burns,1. _______ (depend) on which layers of the skin are burned.First degree burns affect only 2. _______ t op layer of the skin.Theseburnsare not serious and should feel better within a day ortwo.3. _______ (example)include mild sunburn and burns caused by 4. ______ (touch) a hot pan,stove oriron for a moment.Second degree burns affect 5. _______ t he top and the second layer of the skin.These burns are serious 6. _______ t ake a few weeks7. _______ (heal).Examples include severe sunburn and burns8. _______ (cause) by hot liquids.Third degree burns affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs 9. ______ the skin.Examples include burns caused by electric shocks,burning clothes,or severe petrol fires.These burns cause very severe10. _______ (injure) and the victim must go to hospital at once.答案: 1.depending 2.the 3.Examples 4.touching 5.both6.and7.to heal8.caused9.under 10.injuries课文语篇At the time they were created,the Impressionist paintings were controversial,but today they 1. ____ (accept) as the 2. _______ (begin) of whatwe call “ modern art (20th century to today)”.This is 3. _____ the Impressionists encouraged artists 4. ______ (look) at their environmentin newways.There are scores of modern art styles,5. _______ w ithout the Impressionists,many of these painting styles might not exist.On the one hand,some modern art is abstrac;tthat is,the painter does not attempt 6. ___ (paint) objects as we see them with our eye,sbut instead7. _________ (concentrate) on certain qualities of theobject,8. _______ (use)页7 第colour,line and shape to represent 9. ______ .On the other hand,some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.These styles are so different.Who can predict10. ______ painting styles there will be in the future?答案: 1.are accepted2.beginning 3.because 4.to look 5.but6.to paint7.concentratesing9.them 10.what 课文语篇Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way 1. ______ will give the reader a strong 2. ____ (impress.) Others try to express certain emtions.Poets use different forms of poetry to express themselves.For example,the language of nursery rhymes is concrete but3. _______ (imagine),and theydelight small children because they have strong rhyme and a lot of4. _______ (repeat.) And list poems have a flexible line length and a rhythm tothe poem 5. _______ simple form of poem is the cinqu-ain,6. ______ is madeup of five lines and can convey strong 7. ______ (feel) in just a few words.Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables.And ofcourse there are Tang poems from China which you may enjoy8. _______ particular.9. ________ s o many different forms of poetry to choosefrom,students may 10. ______ (eventual) want to write poems of their own.答案: 1.that/which 2.impression 3.imaginative 4.repetition5. Another6.which7.feelings8.in 9.With 10.eventually 课文语篇It's easy for you to start smoking,but once you become addicted to i,tyou may find 1. ______ difficult for you to quit.Firstly ,you may become2. _______ (physics) addicted to nicotine.Secondl,y you may develop the habitof smoking and finally become mentally addicted 3. ______ it.Smoking may have all kinds of 4. _______ (harm) effects on the health of both the smokers themselves and no-nsmokers around them.It not only 5. ________ (affect) your physical fitness,but also does harm to your heart andlungs and causes a variety of diseases.6. ______ (be) a smo,ketrhe offensivesmell and appearance of you may drive people around you away.S,oit's important that one quit smoking and live a 7. _______ (health) life.To quit smoking,you should be well-prepared and make a list of all the 8. _______ (benefit) you may get after quitting.Developing some new habitslike listening to music ,reading novels or doing housework may distract your页8 第attention and help you to forget your need for a cigarette.But if you really feelbad,you should consult 9. ______ doctor or chemist to get some professionalhelp.Remember,if you keep 10. _____ (try),you will eventually succeed.答案: 1.it 2.physically 3.to 4.harmful 5.affects 6.Being7.healthier 8.benefits 9.a 10.trying课文语篇There is no doubt 1. ______ the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether it is human acitivity that has caused this global warming or whether it is just a 2. ______ (nature) phenomenon.Many scientists like Dr Janice Foster believe that people have caused the increase in the earth's temperature by 3. ______ (burn) of fossil fuelslike coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy whose byproducts 4.________ (call)“ greenhouse” gases,the most important one being carbon dioxide.These gasestrap heat from the sun and therefore warm the ear,th without which the earth5. _______ (be) about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.But increasedamount of carbon dioxide means that 6. ______ heat energy is trapped in theatmosphere,7. ______ (cause) the global temperature to go 8. ________ On 9. ______ other hand,scientists like George Hambley believe that anywarming will be mild with few bad 10. ______ (environment) consequencesand more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.答案: 1.that 2.natural 3.burning 4.are called 5.would be6. more7.causing8.up9.the 10.environmental 课文语篇Mount Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii.The1. _______ (erupt) of it is always taking people2. _______ surprise.It is soquick and severe 3. _______ the places where it flows are ruined and manyhouses 4. ______ (burn) to the ground.It is an absolute disaster for people5. _______ live in the paths of the lava.They often get into a panic when theyare warned 6. ______ it.But many people who are enthusiastic about it wouldlike to watch it with their own eyes.7. ______ (fortune),when they are amazedat the fantastic sight of it,they always fail 8. ______ (notice) the coming boiling lava.So after that,they must make 9. _____ effort to escape from it.Isit necessary to take 10. _______ (risk)?答 1.eruption 2.by 3.that 4.are burnt 5.who6.of7.Unfortunately8.to notice9.an 10.risks 页9 第。
人教高二英语选修六 Unit 1 课文语法填空练习

选修六Unit 1Art _______________ (influence) by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be ______________ (possible) to describe all of them in such a short text. ______________ (consequentce), this text will describe only the most important ones, ______________ (start) from the sixth century AD.During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was ______________ (representative) religious themes. A ________________ (convention) artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, ___________ created feeling of respect and love for God. But it was ____________ (evidence) that ideas were changing in the 13th century _________ painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.During the Renaissance, new ideas and values gradually replaced those _____________ (hold) in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate less _______ religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude __________ life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and ______________ (possess) as well as their activities and achievements.One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective. This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they ________________ (convince) that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the roles of perspective ____________________ (not discover), no one ______________________ ( able ) to paint such realistic pictures. _________ coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, _____________ made the colours _____________ (use) in paintings look richer and deeper. Without the new paints and the new technique, we _________________ (able) to see the many great masterpieces for _____________ this period is famous.In ___________ late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal, from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes. Naturally, these changes also ___________ (lead) to new painting styles. Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, __________ lived and worked in Paris.The Impressionists were the first painters ____________ (worker) outdoors. They were eager to show how light and shadow ____________ (fall) on objects at different times of day. However, because natural light changes so quickly, the Impressionists had to paint quickly. Their paintings were not as detailed as ____________ of earlier painters. At first, many people disliked this style of painting and became very anger about it. They said that the painters were careless and their paintings were ridiculous.At the time they ____________ (create), the Impressionist paintings were controversial, but today they are accepted __________ the beginning of ___________ we call "modem art". This is because the Impressionists encouraged artists to look at their environment ___________ new ways. There are scores of modern art styles, but without the Impressionists, many of these painting styles might not exist. _________ the one hand, some modem art is abstract; that is, the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them __________ our eyes, but instead concentrates on certain _____________ (quality) of the object, ____________ (use) colour, line and shape to represent them. On the ___________hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic __________ they look like photographs. Who can predict what painting styles there ______________ (be) in the future?。
新课标高中(B1-B8) 课文缩写语法填空及答案(可作为概要写作用)

人教社课文语法填空题必修第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Anne was a lonely girl.But she had a friend 1.____________ could tell her everything.She lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands 2.____________ World War Ⅱ.Her family was Jewish so 3.____________ had to hide from 4.____________(catch) by the German Nazis.Her whole family hid away for a long time 5.____________ they were discovered.She made her diary as her 6.____________(good) friend.She often wrote down 7.____________ she thought.She then grew so crazy about everything to do with nature.Once she saw a moon at night, which was the first time in a year and a half that she 8.____________(see) that beautiful scene face to face.What9.____________poor and brave girl she was!In her mind she thought nature was one thing that10.____________(real) must be experienced.必修一第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)At the end of the 16th century,English was only spoken by people from England.They were native speakers.Today,the largest number of people 1.____________(speak)English may be in China.A lot of Chinese people speak English as 2.____________ foreign language.3.____________English language4.____________(change)quite a lot over the last four centuries.Old English sounded more5.____________ less like German for it was based on German,but modern English sounds6.____________(much)like French than German7.____________ England was once ruled by the French.Two people had great effects 8.____________the English changes. 9.____________ was Shakespeare,who enlarged the English vocabulary;the other was Noah Webster,who wrote a dictionary 10.____________ gave American English its own identity.必修一第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Wang Kun and his sister,Wang Wei,have dreamed of 1.____________(take) a great bike trip along the Mekong st year,Wang Wei visited her cousins,Dao Wei and Yu Hang,2.____________ studied in college in Yunnan.Wang Wei soon got them 3.____________(interest) in cycling,too.Wang Wei insisted on 4.____________(find) the source of the river.And her brother told her that the journey would begin 5.____________ an altitude of more than 5,000 metres and the air would be hard 6.____________(breath).But she didn't seem worried.Instead,she was 7.____________(excite).Before the trip,Wang Kun got a large atlas 8.____________ good maps.From the atlas,they could see that the river begins in a glacier on a 9.____________(Tibet) Mountain.They were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China.At last,the river delta enters 10.____________ South China Sea.必修一第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)1.____________ July 28,1976,eleven kilometres directly below the city of Tangshan,the2.____________ (great) earthquake of3.____________ 20th century began.In fifteen terrible seconds,a large city 4.____________(lie) in ruins.Two-thirds of the people died 5.____________ were injured.Thousands of families were killed and many children were left 6.____________ parents.Everywhere the 7.____________(survive) found nearly everything was destroyed.People began to wonder how long the disaster 8.____________(last).All hope was not lost.Many soldiers 9.____________(send) there to help the rescue workers.10.____________(slow),the city began to breathe again.必修一第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Elias began school at six.The school 1.____________ he studied for only two years was three kilometers away.His family was 2.__________ poor that he had to leave school.Then he got a job in 3.____________ gold mine.This was a time 4.____________ one had got to have a passbook 5.____________(live) in Johannesburg.He didn't get one,6.____________ he was afraid he would be out of work. 7.____________(luck),he met Nelson Mandela, who told him how to get the correct ter,Elias 8.____________(help) Nelson to blow up some government buildings.It was dangerous, 9.____________ he was happy because he knew it was to achieve their dream of making black and white people 10.____________(equality).必修二第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)The Amber Room,one of the great wonders of the world,was a great work 1.____________took ten years to make.In 1716,the Amber Room was given to the Russian people 2.____________ a gift of friendship by Frederick William Ⅰ,3.____________ loved best soldiers more than the Amber Room 4.____________.In Russia,the room first 5.____________(serve) as a small reception hall for important visitors and later moved and redesigned by Catherine Ⅱ.6.____________(fortune),the Amber Room disappeared when the Nazi Germany and Russia were at war and now nobody knows 7.____________ happened to it.In the spring of 2003,8.____________,a new Amber Room,built by the Russians and Germans on the 9.____________(base)of old photos,was ready for the people of St Petersburg 10.____________(celebrate)the 300th birthday of their city.必修二第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)In order to find out about the present day Olympic Games,Pausanias,a Greek writer about 2,000 years ago,has come on a magical journey.He had an interview 1.____________a Chinese girl2.____________(call)Li Yan.Now he realizes great changes have taken place to the Games.First,there're two main sets of Olympic Games---the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics,which mainly includes events3.____________skiing and ice skating.Second,athletes from4.____________ country,not just from Greek world,can join in the Games to compete5.____________each other for the honour of winning,as long as they reach the standard6.____________(admit)to the Games.Women are also admitted as7.____________ (compete) and what's more,they play a very important role in the Games.Third,to host the Games,the host city must build a special village for the competitors to live8.____________.Besides,a stadium for competitions,a very large swimming pool,and a gymnasium as well as seats for9.____________ who watch the Games must be built.Fourth,the winners are awarded with gold,silver or copper medals instead of the olive st,it has become a great honour to host the Olympics,10.____________the competition to win the bid for the Games is as fierce as that to win Olympic medals among the countries.必修二第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)1.____________ history of computer began in 1642 in France.2.____________ was first built only as a calculating machine,and later as an Analytical Machine that could ''think''3.____________(logic)and produce an answer quicker than any person.Still later,the ''universal machine''is built4.____________(solve)mathematical problem,5.____________ made computer huge!6.____________ the years have gone by,computer has been made smaller,quicker7.____________ ter,computers were connected by network and brought8.____________ common people's homes to deal with information and help communication9.____________people around the world.Since 10.___________ birth,computer has always been designed to serve the human race.必修二第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Not long ago,a girl called Daisy took a magic trip around the world,riding a flying chair.First,she came to Tibet in China to visit antelopes.But to her great 1.____________(disappoint),she could only see mountains and people.Then an antelope told her 2.____________(sad) that they were being killed 3.____________ large numbers by humans for their wool to make clothing. 4.____________ they might be gone forever in three years.Then the flying chair took Daisy to Zimbabwe,5.____________ wildlife was properly protected.Daisy was glad to learn that farmers there were not killing the animals at will 6.____________ they used to.Only a certain number of the animals were set to be hunted for free by the government,7.____________ not only saved the animals but benefited the farmers as well.At last,Daisy flew to a thick rainforest.There she was puzzled to see a monkey 8.____________ (rub) a millipede insect over its body.Then the monkey told her the insect contained a powerful drug which affected mosquitoes and 9.____________ rubbing it over the body it could protect 10.____________from mosquitoes.Now Daisy was amazed and excited to find in fact the forest stores a lot of precious things people can make use of.So protecting nature really means much to our humans.必修二第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Nowadays bands come into being one after another both in China and in other countries.Then1.____________ do people get to form a band?Usually bands are formed by music lovers2.____________ come together to write and play their own music.First,they may play to passersby to earn money to make a living,and at the same time practise their music and improve3.____________.4.____________,there was a band called ''The Monkees''which wasn't formed this way.It was formed by TV organizers who5.____________ (advertise) for four musicians6.____________ a newspaper.At first not all the members in the band could sing well,7.____________ could they create their own music.They played jokes on each other while playing music.Both the jokes and music were based8.____________(loose) on the band called ''The Beatles''.In spite of this,the band soon attracted many people,who supported them fiercely.9.____________ a year or so,they began to play their own instruments and write their own music. And they became even more popular than ''The Beatles'' and sold even more records.However,the band broke up in 1970,10.____________ reunited in the mid1980s.必修三第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)There are all kinds of festivals 1.____________ the world,festivals to satisfy and please the ancestors,to honour some famous people 2.____________ important events,and to express people's gratitude to the God for bringing 3.____________ a year of plenty.For example,Japanese observe Obon,4.____________ people go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.In India,October 2 is a national festival to honour Mohandas Gandhi,who helped India become an 5.____________(depend)country. 6.____________in China the Spring Festival,which is celebrated in January or February,is 7.____________ most energetic and important because it is a festival that 8.____________(look)forward to the coming of spring.Why are all these festivals everywhere?Because during the festivals,people can get together to eat,drink and have fun with each other,9.____________(forget) all the 10.____________(day)struggles and demands for a while.必修三第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Wang Peng felt very frustrated 1.____________ he saw none of his patrons(常客)would eat in hisrestaurant.In his opinion,nothing could be better 2.____________ his fried rice,barbecued mutton kebabs,fatty pork or his sugary cola.Who won his customers? He followed one of his best friends into Yong Hui's 3.____________(new)opened slimming restaurant and was amazed 4.____________ the menu there:raw vegetables,fruit and water.It was obvious that Yong Hui was telling lies when promising to make the customers 5.____________(thin).In order to win his customers 6.____________,he went to the library to do some research,7.____________ showed Yong Hui's menu didn't give the customers energy-giving food.Having found out the weakness of Yong Hui's menu,Wang Peng wrote his own sign,8.____________(say)energy-giving food served.In fact,there was weakness in Wang Peng's menu,too.Food at his restaurant 9.____________(contain) too much fat.So the only solution is to combine the two menus together to be 10.____________ balanced menu.必修三第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Sailing home,Henry, 1.____________American businessman,found himself 2.____________(carry) out to sea by a strong wind. 3.____________ he was just about to give himself up,he was spotted by a ship 4.____________ so he landed in London by accident.Hungry and alone,he walked on the streets of the city when he was 5.____________(expect)called into a mansion,where two rich brothers,Oliver and Roderick,gave him a letter and told him not to open it until two o'clock of the day.Not 6.____________ (know)it was a million pound bank note,Henry left the mansion and went into a cheap restaurant to stuff his stomach.Everybody was rude to him 7.____________ he was in rags and looked depressed.Then,to the surprise of everybody,he handed the owner a million pound bank note to pay for the meal. 8.____________ seeing the note,all the people in the restaurant became polite and tried their 9.____________(well)to please Henry.Don't 10.____________ think it's the most incredible tale in the world?必修三第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)The earth was just 1.____________ cloud of dust after the''Big Bang''.The earth exploded loudly with fire and rock.2.____________ were in time to produce many things,which were to make the earth's atmosphere. As the earth cooled down,water began to appear on 3.____________ surface.It allowed the earth to dissolve 4.____________(harm)gases.Then life began to develop.Small plants multiplied and filled the first oceans and seas with oxygen.This encouraged the 5.____________(develop) of early shellfish and nd animals such 6.____________ insects,reptiles and dinosaurs appeared after green plants appeared.Small clever animals spread all 7.____________ the earth.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,8.____________ prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.9.____________ life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can 10.____________(solve).必修三第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)My cousin and I traveled 1.____________ Canada by train from west to east. 2.____________ saw many things from the train on the way across Canada,and in the cities of Toronto and Montreal.We passed through the Rocky Mountains 3.____________ the train,and saw 4.____________(wildly)scenery,a grizzly bear and some mountain goats.Canada 5.____________(be) very empty in the centre,6.____________ is a wheat-growing area.The city of Thunder Bay is a port in the centre of Canada.Ocean ships can come all the way to the top of the Great Lakes.In Toronto,we went up the CN Tower and saw the mist from the Niagara Falls.We visited the covered stadium,which is 7.____________ home of several famous basketball teams.We saw Chinatown and had dinner at the Pink Pearl restaurant. 8.____________ we arrived in Montreal the next day,we saw many signs and ads in French.Then we went to Old Montreal,9.____________(sit) ina typical cafe beside the St Lawrence River.We spent the afternoon in shops and10.____________(visit)the artists in their workplaces.必修四第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)There are a lot of famous women of achievement in the world.They all do well in their work,such as Lin Qiaozhi,Jane Goodall and Song Qingling.Of all the famous women,I admire Madame Curie for her contributions 1.____________ the world.I also admire Florence Nightingale for her great achievement as a nurse. There is no doubt 2.____________ they are real heroines and worthy of 3.____________(praise).But in my opinion,all 4.____________(health)humans have the ability to do that.It just depends on5.____________ you have the determination to do it and whether the situation is in6.____________ favour.But never before7.____________ I admired a person so much as Helen Keller,who I just read about.She was an8.____________(lucky)girl,who could neither hear nor see.I just can't imagine how she could be so successful,and how a deaf-blind lady could become a world-famous writer.9.____________ great difficulties she must have met and what great efforts she must have made.If I 10.____________(be)her,I wouldn't have the courage to live on.It is by her courage,imagination and intelligence that I am struck.必修四第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Dr. Yuan Longping was 1.____________ pioneer of agriculture in China.He 2.____________(graduate)from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. 3.____________ then hedevoted his life to 4.____________(find)ways to grow more rice.The rice farmers are now producing harvest twice as large as before by growing his kind of rice. 5.____________ he was not satisfied with his work. 6.____________ now he leads a rich life,he still goes on with his work to develop his rice.I think his work is 7.____________(real)important to the world. 8.____________ of his hard work,the production of food has been improved.And the problem of 9.___________(hungry)can be solved.Thanks to Yuan Longping's great work,millions of people can benefit 10.____________ his extraordinary work.必修四第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Some humour can be cruel,but some people seem to enjoy seeing other people's bad luck 1.____________ times.Perhaps it makes us feel more content 2.____________ our life because we feel there is someone else 3.____________(bad) off than ourselves.However,some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character.Charlie Chaplin was such an actor.He was able to make terrible situations funny 4.____________ at the same time show the humanity and kindness that can 5.____________(find)in the most difficult circumstances.Take The Gold Rush for example,the film is set in California in the middle of the 6.____________(nineteen)century.Chaplin and his friend wash sand from the river in a pan of water and expect to find gold,7.____________ they have not been fortunate enough to find any.Instead,they 8.____________(catch)in a snowstorm in a small wooden house,9.____________ they have nothing to eat.They are so hungry 10.____________ they have to boil a pair of leather shoes and eat them.Chaplin seems to eat each mouthful with great enjoyment and makes it seem as if it were one of the best meals he has ever had!必修四第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Not all cultures greet 1.____________ other the same way.Each country may have2.____________ own way to express feelings.In Britain,people may keep a3.____________(certainly)distance.In Japan,they may bow to each other4.____________ they meet.In France,people shake5.____________(hand)and kiss each other twice6.____________ each cheek.And in South American countries,they may stand close and touch each other.7.____________ in Middle Eastern and other Muslim countries,the will often stand quite8.____________(closely)to men,not touch women.In China today,people may shake hands with each other,sometimes they greet each other only with9.________ smile.Perhaps they 10.____________(kiss)or embrace in the future to express their strong feelings.必修四第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Parks provide people 1.____________ a place to amuse themselves for 2.____________ while.In recent decades,3.____________,many parks have been designed to provide entertainment.We call 4.____________ theme parks.The new parks are 5.____________(usual)huge places and have a variety of things to see and do.Theme parks have a certain idea---a certain theme---that the whole parks 6.____________(base)on.For example,a sport theme park will offer visitors sports to play or watch;a history 7.____________ culture theme park will let us see 8.____________ our ancestors dressed,worked or lived.The 9.____________(old)theme park in the world is Disneyland.It seemed like a place of fantasy.Besides these,we have the marine or ocean parks,10.____________ attract a lot of visitors.必修五第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)John Snow,a well-known doctor in London,became 1.____________(inspire)when he thought about helping ordinary people who 2.____________(expose) to cholera,a3.____________(dead)disease of his day.Many thousands of people died every time there was an outbreak4.____________ no one knew the cause of it.John wanted to help solve5.____________ problem.He got interested in two theories 6.____________ (explain) how cholera killed people.He believed in the second theory 7._________ suggested that people absorbed the disease with their meals.In 1854,8.____________ another outbreak hit London,he was ready to test the two theories. 9.____________ the help of the map 10.____________ made,he got a valuable clue about the cause of the disease and was able to announce that the water was to blame.必修五第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Great Britain consists 1._____________four countries: England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.In the 13th century Wales 2._____________(link) to England.In 1603,they were joined to Scotland.They were united 3.____________ peace instead of by war.However,just as they were going to get Ireland 4.____________ (connect) to form United Kingdom,the southern part of Ireland broke away, 5.____________ only Northern Ireland joined with England.England is the largest of the four countries and for 6._____________ (convenient) it was divided into three zones: the South of England,the Midlands and the North.Most of the population7._____________ (settle) in the South,8.____________ most of the industrial cities are located in the Midlands and the North.London is the capital city with the great 9.____________(history)treasures.It has the oldest port 10._____________ (build) by the Romans in the 1st century AD,the oldest building begun by the AngloSaxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.必修五第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Li Qiang couldn't believe that he 1._____________(travel) to the year AD 3008 in a time capsule.2.____________ this was his first time trip,he was worried and3.____________(settle) so that he suffered4.____________ ''time lag''.Besides,he was hit by the lack of fresh air.His guide,Wang Ping,who was very5.____________(understand),gave him some green tablets and a mask,6.____________ helped him overcome the problems.However,Li Qiang experienced something new.He flew7.____________ the ground in a hovering carriage.8.____________(arrive) home,he was shown into a large bright,clean room with a wall of trees. 9.____________ eating something,he fell fast asleep in the bed that 10.____________(produce) from the floor.必修五第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment 1.____________ a reporter in China Daily.At the office his talk with his new boss influenced his life strongly.His boss told him not to go out to cover an event 2.____________ a professional photographer.During the interviews,he had to listen to a lot of facts in detail 3.____________ getting well prepared for the next question based on 4._____________ the person said.If the person5.____________(interview) agreed,he should use a recorder to record what the interviewee said.The boss also gave him6.____________ example of the importance of a recorder.Once a footballer was accused of taking money for7.____________ (deliberate) not scoring goals.He admitted that someone8.____________(try) to bribe him,but denied taking the money.With the recording,9.____________ was proved that he was guilty.He was angry and tried to stop it,10.____________ failed.必修五第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)There are three types of burns.Burns 1.____________ (call) first,second or third degree burns,depending on 2.____________layers of the skin are burned.First degree burnsThese affect only 3.____________ top layer of the skin.These burns are not serious and should feel better 4.____________ a day or two.Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by 5.____________ (touch) a hot pan,stove or iron for a moment.Second degree burnsThese affect 6.____________ the top and the second layer of the skin.These burns are serious and take a few weeks 7.____________(heal).Examples include severe sunburn and burns caused by hot liquids.Third degree burnsThese affect 8.____________three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs 9._____________ the skin.Examples include burns caused by electric shocks,burning clothes,or severe petrol fires.These burns cause very severe 10.____________(injure) and the victim must go to hospital at once.选修六第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)At the time they were created,the Impressionist paintings were controversial,but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we call ''modern art (20th century to today)''.This is1._____________ the Impressionists encouraged2.____________ (art) to look at their environment3._____________ new ways.There are scores of modern art styles,4.____________ without the Impressionists,many of these painting styles might not exist.On the one hand,some modern art is abstract; that is,the painter does not attempt5._____________ (paint) objects6._____________ we see them with our eyes,but instead concentrates7.____________ certain qualities of the objects,8._____________ (use) colour,line and shape to represent9.____________.On the other hand,some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.These styles are so different.Who can predict 10.____________ painting styles will be in the future?选修六第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way 1.____________ will give the reader a strong impression.Others try to express certain emotions.Poets use different forms of poetry to express 2.___________. For example,the language of nursery rhymes is concrete but 3.____________ (imagine),and they delight small children because they have strong rhyme and a lot of4.____________ (repeat).And list poems have a flexible line length and a rhythm to the poem.5.____________ simple form of poem is the cinqua in,6.____________ is made up of five lines and can convey strong7.____________ (feel) in just a few words.Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables.And of course there are Tang poems from China which you may enjoy8.____________ particular.9.____________ so many different forms of poetry to choose from,students may 10.____________ (eventual) want to write poems of their own.选修六第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)It's easy for you to start smoking,but 1.____________you become addicted to it,you may find 2.____________ difficult for you to quit.Firstly,you may become 3.____________(physical) addicted to nicotine,one of the hundreds of harmful chemicals that consist in cigarettes.Secondly,you may develop the habit of smoking and finally become mentally addicted to it.You may believe that you willonly feel good when you smoke and may find all kinds of negative emotions 4._____________ you when you stop smoking.Smoking may have all kinds of harmful effects on the health of both the smokers themselves and nonsmokers around them.It not only affects your physical 5.____________ (fit),but also does harm 6.____________your heart and lungs and causes a variety of diseases.Being a smoker,the offensive smell and appearance of you may drive people around you away.So,it's important 7._____________ one quit smoking and live a healthier life.To quit smoking,you should be wellprepared and make 8.____________list of all the benefits you may get after quitting.Developing some new habits like listening to music,reading novels or 9.____________ (do) housework may distract your attention 10.____________ help you to forget your need for a cigarette.But if you really feel bad,you should consult a doctor or chemist to get some professional help.Remember,if you keep trying,you will eventually succeed.选修六第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)There is no doubt 1.____________the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether it is human activity that has caused this global warming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon.Many scientists like Dr.Janice Foster believe that people have caused the increase in the earth's temperature 2.____________ burning of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy3.____________byproducts are called ''greenhouse''gases,the most important one4.____________carbon dioxide.These gases trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth,without which the earth5.____________(be) about thirtythree degrees Celsius cooler than it is.But increased amount of carbon dioxide means that6.____________ heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere,7.____________(cause)the global temperature to go8.____________.On9.____________other hand,scientists like George Hambley believe that any warming will be mild with few bad 10.____________ (environment) consequences and more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.选修六第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Mount Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii.The 1.____________(erupt)of it is always taking people 2.____________ surprise.It is so quick and severe 3.____________the places where it flows are ruined and many houses 4.____________(burn)to the ground.It is an absolute disaster for people 5.____________ live in the paths of the lava.They often get into a panic when they are warned 6.____________ it.But many people who are enthusiastic about it would like to watch it with their own eyes. 7.____________(fortune),when they are amazed at the fantastic sight of it,they always fail 8.____________(notice)the coming boiling lava.So after that,they must make 9.____________effort to escape from it.Is 10.____________ necessary to take risks?选修七第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Marty is a disabled but 1.____________(fair)positive person who never feels sorry for 2.____________ and has learned to adapt to his disability.Marty always 3.___________(consider)he has a good life.He is realistic 4.____________ his disability but he never stops doing as much as he 5.____________.He keeps himself busy 6.____________ (do)things like writing and computer programming 7.____________ do not require physical strength.He has friends with 8.____________ he can go to movies and football matches and he has lots of pets.He also studies hard.He is a9.____________(mental)strong and independent boy.Marty is able to live as rich and full10.____________ life as everyone else.选修七第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)A robot used for housework 1.____________(test)out in a family.He looked like a tall2.____________handsome man with smooth black hair,3.____________(speak) in a deep rry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot to accompany4.____________ wife Claire.Claire didn't like the idea at the beginning,but she agreed to it at last.At her first sight of Tony,Claire was alarmed.When Tony offered to help her dressing,Claire felt embarrassed.5.____________ (gradual),Tony began to win Claire's trust.He helped Claire realize her dreams6.____________ making her home elegant,giving her a new haircut,changing the makeup she wore and7.____________(give) her advice on her dresses.Therefore at the party all the guests8.____________ were invited were filled with admiration9._____________.they saw her house was completely changed.After the test,the company was satisfied with Tony's report 10.____________ he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence.选修七第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Although Old Tom and the other killers were fierce hunters,they never harmed 1.____________ attacked people.In fact,they protected 2.____________.There was one day 3.____________ we were out in the bay during a hunt and James was washed off the boat.''Man overboard! Turn the boat around!''urged George,4.____________ (shout) loudly.The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to handle the boat.The waves were carrying James further and further away from us.From James's face,I could see he was terrified of 5.____________(abandon) by us. Then suddenly I saw a shark. ''Look,there's a shark out there,''I screamed.''Don't worry.Old Tom won't let it near,''Red 6.____________(reply). 7._____________ took。

25. B3U1P1Absolute agony!深陷痛苦!Our Agony Aunt answers your questions.Dear Agony Aunt,I’m in a total mess here—hope you can help me out!I’m 17, and a member of our school basketball team. I’m crazy ____1___basketball, and pretty good at it too, ___2____is probably why I was so mad when we lost our last match. We played well, but I felt the team were let down by one member, our point guard. The point guard is a key player, bu t it was like he wasn’t even on the court!____3____(disappoint) by his behaviour, I said all this to my best friend. I was just letting off steam really, because I was so angry, __4__ then my friend went and told everyone else __5___ I’d said.This is so t otally awkward. I’m really angry with my friend—what should I say to him? And should I say anything at all to my teammate?Embarrassed and ashamed, I can’t concentrate on anything. Please help!BenDear Ben,There is an old American___6___, “Loose lips sink ships.” This means that if you speak too much about something,___7___(especial) to people who you don’t know so well, it’ll cause all kinds of trouble.The situation here is so much worse____8___ the “loose lips” were your best friend’s. Treated this way, you’re sure to feel hurt—we should always be able to trust those closest to us, and it hurts even more when we find we can’t.But I have to say that it’s partly your fault, isn’t it? You admit that you were “letting off steam”. It is___9____ in that s ituation, but we should always think before we speak.Here’s what you need to do. First, apologise to your teammate. If you ever want to win any more basketball games (and I’m sure you do!), you need to work together, and that means___10____( communicate) with each other clearly and resolving conflicts. So have a chat with your__11___( team). Tell him directly and honestly that you were talking without thinking. Then, talk to your friend. Friendship should be one of the__12___( great) things in the world, but sometimes it can be difficult. Again, your strategy is clear communication. Tell your friend you’re angry with him for repeating what you said and ___13____( make )the situation worse, but that you want to move on. Approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired.____14___( Third), and perhaps most importantly, think about your own behaviour. Don’t say too much when you’re angry! Filled with anger, you tend to say whatever comes to your mind. This gives people the wrong signal. Take a deep breath, calm down, and always remember: think first, speak later. If you feel one of your teammates isn’t pulling their weight, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach.If you think about other people’s feelings as well as your own, you'll soon find everything works___15____.Good luck!Agony Aunt答案:1. about 2 which 3. Disappointed 4. but 5. what 6. saying7. especially 8. because 9. understandable 10. communicating11 teammate 12. greatest 13 making 14 Thirdly 15. out26. B3U1P2Little White Lies善意的小小谎言1. __________(write) more than two hundred years ago, these lines by Walter Scott remain one of the most well-known excerpts of Scottish poetry:Oh, what a tangled web we weave,When first we practise to deceive!We all know that 2. __________(honest) is an important value and that lying is wrong, but who can honestly say that they’ve never told a lie? Perhaps we comfort ourselves with the 3. __________(know) that most of the lies we tell are “white lies”: little lies that we tell to protect others from the truth.We’ve all surely had the experience of someone 4. __________(cook) a meal for us that we don’t like. The 5. __________(major) of us of course don’t tell the truth—we lie and say that the food is “delicious”.Or if a friend asks us what we think of their new haircut, we say “It’s great!”, even if we think it’s 6. a__________. But 7. __________what extent can we justify 8. __________(tell) white lies like these?One of the main reasons for telling a white lie is to try to make others feel better. However, when we lie and say that someone’s haircut looks good, or when we say that we love a meal 9. __________ we secretly hate, are we really hoping to improve the situation for someone else? Perhaps we are in fact lying to protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others.10. __________ reason for telling a white lie is to give 11. __________(courage). Say for example that your friend asks you what you think of his singing. You o f course say that it’s wonderful, despite secretly thinking that your cat can sing better. Stop for a moment and consider that perhaps your friend wants some frank 12. __________(comment) from you so that they can improve. Or perhaps, they need to know that they should look for a different hobby.Finally, we may also tell a white lie when we want to protect others from bad news. If you 13. __________(have) a bad day, do you tell your parents about it, or do you hide your tears and lie that your day was “fine”? If the 14. __________(late), don’t you think your parents would want to listen to you and understand your feelings? Wouldn’t it be better to respect their concern for you and ask for their advice?15.__________(go) back to Walter Scott’s lines, we may find even white lies have results we cannot know in advance. Perhaps the meal you said was “delicious” will be served every time you visit. Would your friend trust your opinion again if he found out you had lied about his “wonderful” singing? How would you expect others to 16. __________(true) understand your emotions if you only shared good news instead of bad? Moreover, how would you feel if you discovered that the people closest to you had been hiding the truth 17. __________you?参考答案:2.honesty 4.cooking 10. Another 11. encouragement 12. comments 13. have had 14. latter 15. Going 16. truly 17. from27.. B3U2P1The Well that Changed the WorldAs a six-year-old Canadian schoolboy, Ryan had trouble ________ (believe) the words spoken by his teacher 2. _________ many people in developing African countries couldn’t get enough clean water. He looked across the classroom at the drinking fountain. It was very close—only ten steps away. So, Ryan asked himself, “Why do some African children have to walk ten kilometres to get water every day? And why is the water so dirty 3. _________ it makes them sick?” Young Ryan thought, “Life is easy for me, but hard for those people. Why don’t I help?”At first, his plan was to earn money 4. _________ (build) a single well somewhere in Africa. He cleaned windows and did gardening for his family and neighbours. He soon 5. _________ (reach) his first target of $70, but when he gave the money to a charity, he was told that it 6. _________ (actual) cost $2,000 to build a well. Seventy dollars was only enough for a hand pump. Ryan understood that a hand pump wouldn’t help the children. 7. _________ they needed was a well dug near their homes.Two thousand dollars was a lot of money, but Ryan didn’t give up. He was determined 8. _________ (help) other children have clean water. He started to ask for help from his classmates and neighbours and 9. _________ (persuade) them to donate money. At the same time, a friend of Ryan’s mother helped make his story go public. After several months, Ryan had raised the $2,000, with 10. _________ a well was built near a primary school in Uganda. The children at the school no 11. _________ (long) needed to walk for hours to get water. They were grateful to him and invited him to visit.In Uganda, Ryan at last saw the 12. _________ (finish) well with his own eyes. But that was not all. He also saw hundreds of 13. _________ (delight) students who had turned 14. _________ to welcome him. They sang and danced 15. _________ (happy). Some even offered him food and 16. _________ (gift). At first Ryan was nervous, but soon a great 17. _________ (warm) filled him. He really had made a difference for these children. He broke 18. _________ a joyful smile.Later, Ryan’s experience 19. _________ (lead) him to set up a foundation to 20. _________ (courage) more people to help. Many 21. _________ (inspire) people gave him their support. Ryan’s foundation continues to attract support from more and more people, 22. _________ the work of building more wells can go on. Today, over 800,000 people in 16 countries across Africa 23. _________ (benefit) from the life-changing gift of clean, safe water.Now, as 24. _________ adult, Ryan says that the question to ask is not “Why don’t I help?”, but “How can I help today?”. This insight grew from the 25. _________ (determine) attitude of a six-year-old boy who had the courage and perseverance to make his dream a reality.参考答案:1. believing2. that3. that4. to build5. reached6. actually7. What8. to help 9. persuaded 10. which 11. longer 12. finished 13. delighted14. out 15. happily 16. gifts 17. warmth 18. into 19. led 20. encourage21. inspired 22. so 23. have benefited 24. an 25. determined28.B3U2P2根据首字母、括号里所给的词以及上下文在空格中填入适当的词。
高中英语 选修6Unit2改编语法填空,词汇变形练习及答案(新课呈现或复习专用)

Book 6Unit 2 Reading A Few Simple Forms of English Poems There are various reasons 1. ______ people write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe something while others try to convey certain emotions.Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes, 2. ______ are still a common type of children's poetry. The language is concrete but 3. ______ (imagine), and they delight small children 4. ______ they have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition that are easy to learn and recite.5. ______ playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language. List poems are poems that list thing, which have a flexible line length and repeated phrases.Students can convey a strong picture in just a few words. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that 6. ______ (make) up of 17 syllables. It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular 7. ______ English writers. 8. ______ is easy to write and can give a clear picture and create a special feeling 9.______ (use) the minimum of words.What’s more, English speakers also enjoy Tang poems from China. A lot of Tang poetry 10. ______ (translate) into English.Unit 2 词形变换1. _____ n. 诗(总称)→____ n. 诗歌→____ n. 诗人2. _____ n. 盐→______ adj. 咸的,含盐的3. _____ n. 结束→____ v. 结束→_______ adj. 无穷的,无止境的4. ________ v. 翻译→_________ n. 译者→__________ n. 翻译5.________ n. 最低限度;最少量;最小数→________ n.最大值6. _______ adj. 最后的→_______ adv. 最后,终于7. _______ v. 转换,改造→________ n. 转换,改造8. _____ adj. 遗憾的,→______ n. 悲伤,伤痛→____adj. 悲伤的,伤心的9. ________ adj. 赤裸的,光秃的→________ adv. 仅仅10. ________ n. 图书馆→________ n. 图书馆馆长11.__________ adj.适当的;正当的→____________ adj.不适当的12. ______ v. 交换,调换→________ n. 交换,交流13. ______ n. 赞助者;主办者→________ n. 赞助14. ______ n. 空白→______ adj. 空白的15. _______ n. 新娘→________ n. 新郎16. _______ n. 冠军→________ n. 冠军称号17. _______ adj. 黑暗的→______ n.黑暗→______ v. 使黑暗18. _______ adj. 温暖的→______ n. 温暖19. _______ n. 学者→________ n. 奖学金,学术成就20. _______ n. 钢琴→______ n. 钢琴家21. _______ n. 小提琴→______ n. 小提琴家重点词汇及短语Reading_____________ . 童谣_______ n. 诗歌(总称)___________ adj. 有想像力的_______ vt. 使快乐___________ n. 重复_____________讲得通,有意义___________ adj. 矛盾的__________________ 一个钻戒__________________ 进球得分_____________轻松,不紧张,从容__________________ 花光能量_______ adj. 无穷的__________________ 由…组成_________________ 一种传统形式_________________ 受…欢迎_________________ 做…是容易的___________ n. 翻译_______________ 转换成…_______________ 一天又一天_______________ 尤其,特别___________ adj. 特别的;详细的;挑剔的_________________ 把…翻译成…_________________ 从…翻译过来Keys:Reading1. why2. which3. imaginative4. because5. By6. is made7.with8.It9. using 10. has been translatedUsing Language1. leaving2. which3. to4. who5. variety词形变换1 poetry, poem, poet 2. salt,salty3 end, end, endless4. translate, translator, translation5. minimum, maximum6. eventual,eventually7. transform, transformation8. sorry,sorrow,sorrowful9. bare, barely10. library, librarian11 appropriate, inappropriate 12. exchange, exchange13. sponsor, sponsorship14. blank, blank15. bride, bridegroom16. champion, championship17. dark,darkness,darken18. warm,warmth20. piano,pianist21. violin,violinist重点词汇及短语nursery rhyme poetryimaginativedelightrepetitionmake sense contradictorya diamond ring score that goaltake it easyrun out of energy endlessbe made up of…a traditional formbe popular with…It is easy to…translationbe transformed into…day by dayin particular particulartransl ate sth. Into…be translated from…。

Unit 2李仕才考点规范练(选修6Unit 2)【短文语法填空】根据短文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Mr Bean is a very famous comedy character.What greatly amuses audiences is that he 1.constantly(constant) gets into awkward situations.He shows humour 2.relying (rely) on body language through a series of simple acts.Rowan Atkinson is the actor 3.who plays Mr Bean.He has created many other wonderful characters,4.but he is best known for Mr Bean.Rowan did very well at school.At Oxford,he obtained his Master’s degree in5.electrical(el ectricity) engineering.There were many factors which had caused Rowan’s career6.to__change(change) from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian.Firstly,when he was a child,he had some7.speaking(speak) problems.Secondly,after meeting a group of talented people who8.were__involved(involve) in theatre at university,he realized that this could be a career for him.stly(last),one day 10.when he was pulling faces in the mirror, he realized that his face was very special.Ⅰ.阅读理解Q:Mr.Paul Tough,what made you want to write How Children Succeed?A:In 2008,I published my first book,Whatever It ter I realized I still had a lot of questions about what really happens in childhood.How Children Succeed is an attempt to answer those questions:Why do certain children succeed while other children fail?Why is it,exactly,that poor children are less likely to succeed?What can we all do to guide more kids toward success?Q:What did you learn about kids growing up in poverty(贫穷)?A:The traditional wisdom is that the big problem for low-income kids is that they don’t get enough cognitive stimulation(认知激励) early on.In fact,what seems to have more of an effect is the chaotic environments that many low-income kids grow up in.Q:How does failure help us succeed?A:I don’t think it’s quite true that failure itself helps us succeed.In fact,repeatedfailures can be quite devastating to a child’s development.What I think is important on the road to success is learning to deal with failure,to manage unfavourable conditions.That’s a skill that parents can certainly help their children develop. Q:How did writing this book affect you as a parent?A:It made me more relaxed as a parent.When my son was born,I was very much caught up in the idea of childhood as a race.Now I’m less concerned about my son’s reading and counting ability.Don’t get me wrong.I still want him to know that stuff.But what I’m more concerned about is his character.1.Why did Paul Tough write How Children Succeed?A.To discuss some issues.B.To explain his first book.C.To analyse some phenomena.D.To put forward some questions.2.What has a larger influence on poor kids according to Paul Tough?A.The conventional idea.B.Their living conditions.C.The spiritual stimulation.D.Their personal ambitions.3.What does the underlined word “devastating” in the text mean?A.Important.B.Beneficial.C.Harmful.D.Unfair.4.After writing the book,Paul Tough .A.regards childhood as a raceB.has improved his writing abilityC.i s more worried about his son’s lessonsD.pays more attention to his son’s personalityAngry men appear to gain influence in a group,but angry women lose influence,according to a new study.Researchers from Arizona State University(ASU)published their findings in the journal Law and Human Behavior.Jessica Salerno is a psychologist and wasco­author of the study.The findings suggest that“women might not have the same opportunity for influence when they express anger”.The study found that when men expressed their opinion with anger,participants rated them as more believable.But when women expressed anger,they were viewed as more emotional and,thus,less convincing.In other words,a man could benefit from using anger in power and persuasion.A woman,however,could be ignored or hurt by her group if she expressed anger.The study was based on the responses of 210 students.They were shown evidence and photographs online from a real murder trial.A man was said to have murdered his wife.The students were asked to decide if the man was guilty or not.Before making their decision,the students discussed the case online with five jurors(陪审员).But these were not real jurors:They were computers making responses and comments back to the students.Some of the fake jurors had male identities. Others had female identities.Some male jurors were angry about the judgment.When this happened,the students reacted by doubting their own decisions about the case.Confidence in their responses on the judgment “dropped obviously,”said the study.But,when female jurors seemed angry,the student participants“became obviously more confident in their original judgments,”the study found.The study could have wider importance.“Our results have implications(启示)for any woman who is trying to have influence on a decision in their workplace and everyday lives,”said Salerno.She added that in a political debate,a female candidate might have less influence if she shows anger.1.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Powerful Men Must Be Those Who Often Get AngryB.Women,be Careful Not to Turn Angry EasilyC.Angry Men Win Influence While Angry Women LoseD.Angry Women Are Not Unfit for Leaders While Men Are2.The underlined word“rated”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by“________.”A.forgaveB.ignoredC.regardedD.praised3.How did the students react to the female jurors' anger with their judgments?A.They more firmly stuck to their judgments.B.They began to doubt about their judgments.C.They gave up their judgments willingly.D.They had to change their judgments.4.If a woman politician wants to have more influence,she'd better________.A.always keep smilingB.avoid losing her temperC.become angryD.give orders firmly参考答案: 1.C; 2.C; 3.A; 4.B解析: 1.[主旨大意题。

Unit 6 I’m going to study computer scienceSection A根据2a、2b听力内容改编Look!Some students are 1._________(talk) about their dreams.Tina wants to be a computer 2._______________(program). Larry wants to be a basketball player, so he is going to practice 3.___________(play) basketball every day. Bob wants to be 4._______ actor and he is going to take acting 5.__________(lesson).How about Cheng Han? He wants 6._______(be) a teacher. And he 7.________________(move) to Shanghai when he grows up, and he is going to learn 8.______ to teach children. 9.___________, he needs to finish high school and college first. Hope 10._________(they) dreams come true!根据2d对话内容改编Ken loves reading very much. He wants 1._________(be) a writer. In his free tine,he usually reads famous articles. That’s 2._________ he is good at 3._________(write) stories. Ken's friend Andy 4._________(want) to be a singer. 5.________ his parents want him to become 6._____ actor. They ask him to take acting lessons. 7._________ fact, not everyone8.____________(know) what they want to be. Just make sure you try9._________ (you) best. Then you can be 10.____________ (something) you want.Section B根据1d、1e听力内容改编New Year is coming. Three students are busy1. ___________(make) theirNew Year’s resolutions now. Lucy, who is good 2._____ music, is going to learn 3._________(play)the piano. She is going to take piano 4.__________(lesson). Kim’s New Year’s resolution is 5.___________(get) good grades. 6.____________(make) it, he is going to study hard and do his homework every day. As 7.______ Mike, he 8._______________(make) the soccer team. He is going to practice really hard, and this summer, he is going to go to 9.______soccer camp. He thinks it won’t be easy, 10.________ he is going to play soccer every day there.A good plan is a good start to success. What about your resolutions?根据2b阅读内容改编We make resolutions at the 1.____________(begin) of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. This 2.__________( help) them to remember their resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans. There are different 3.__________(kind) of resolutions. Some are 4.________ physical health. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. Some people might say they are going to take 5.______ a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a 6.__________(week) plan for schoolwork. 7. _________ there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common. People hardly ever keep them ! Sometimes 8.________resolutions may be too difficult 9.____________( keep). For this reason, we should try 10.___________(we) best to work.Unit 6根据2a、2b听力内容改编1.talking2.programmer3.playing4.an5.lessons8.how9.However10.their 6.to be7.is going tomove根据2d对话内容改编1.to be2.why3.writing4.wants5.But6.an7.In8.knows9.your10.anything 根据1d、1e听力内容改编1.making2.at3.to play4.lessons5.to get9.a10.so6.To make7.for8.is going tomake根据2b阅读内容改编1.beginning2.helps3.kinds4.about5.up6.weekly7.Although8.the9.to keep10.our。

选修6Unit 1 Art李仕才【短文语法填空】An inventor,Le Trung,has created his perfect woman,a robot who can do the 1. (clean),remember his favourite drinks and read him the newspaper headlines.Le Trung has spent £14,000 2. (create)Aiko,who he describes as “in her 20s” with a good figure,shiny hair and delicate features.She can speak English and Japanese and is so good at mathematics 3. she can do Mr Trung’s accounts.Mr Trung,from Brampton in Ontario,Canada,said he has never had time 4. (find) a real partner—so he designed and created his ideal woman 5. (use) the latest technology.The former software 6. (program) had taken out credit cards and loans,sold his car and spent his life savings in perfecting his Aiko.He said,“Aiko is wh at happens when science meets beauty.I want to make her look,feel and act 7. human as possible so she can be the perfect companion.I talk to her a lot,and hope to improve her knowledge.So far she can understand and speak 13,000 different sentences in English and Japanese,so she’s already fairly intelligent.Aiko recognizes faces and says hello when any of my family comes around 8. (visit).She helps me choose 9. to have for dinner and knows what drinks I like.She even 10.(help) me with directions when we’re going somewhere.She doesn’t need holidays,food or rest and she will work almost 24 hours a day.She is very patient and never complains.She is the perfect woman.”答案1.cleaning2.creating3.that4.to finding6.programmer7.as8.to visit9.what 10.helps(对应学生用书P133)一.高考单词→识记·思考·运用1.核心词汇①__aim__ n.& vt.目标;目的;瞄准②__typical__ adj.典型的;有代表性的__type__ n.类型;典型③__adopt__ vt.采用;采纳;收养④__attempt__ n.& vt.努力;尝试;企图⑤__specific__ adj.确切的;特定的⑥__possess__ vt.拥有;具有;支配__possession__ n.(尤作复数)所有;财产⑦__predict__ vt.预言;预告⑧__appeal__ vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助vt.将……上诉2.常考词汇①abstract adj.__抽象的;深奥的__n.__摘要__②evident adj.__明显的;明白的__③figure n.__画像;身材;数字__④faith n.__信任;信心;信念__faithful adj.__忠实的,守信的__faithfully adv.__忠实地__⑤coincidence n.__巧合(的事);____(口味、故事等)相合__coincident adj.__同时发生的__⑥preference n.__喜爱;偏爱__prefer v.__喜爱;偏爱__用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The proposal __attempts__ (attempt) to deal with what some call the“death valley” of autonomous (有自主权的) vehicles: the grey area betweensemi(半)autonomous and fully drive rless cars that could delay the driverless future.(2017·天津卷)2.Indeed official __figures__ (figure) suggest the country has shrunk by 5% since 1993 and people in Russia live a shorter life now than those in 1961.(2017·江苏卷) 3.What’s the author’s __preferred__ (prefer) solution to global warming?(2017·江苏卷)4.Perhaps the most powerful __type__ (typical) of waiting is the LuckyBreak Wait.(2017·天津卷)5.A machine with a __specific__ (special) purpose has another quality,one that we usually associate with living things:a wish to preserve its own existence.(2017·北京卷)6.Now we have the most direct __evidence__ (evident) yet that he is right.(2017·北京卷)7.There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help,inform and share are not taught,but naturally __possessed__ (possess) in young children.(2016·江苏卷)8.For years researchers __have attempted__ (attempt) to show that television is dangerous to children.(2015·广东卷)❶“目的,目标”家族①aim n.目标,目的②goal n.努力的对象,目标③purpose n.目的,意图④object n.目标;意向;目的⑤objective n.目标;目的⑥target n.(欲达到的)目标⑦intention n.意图,意向,目的⑧destination n.目的地,终点❷后缀ful构成的必备形容词集锦①merciful 仁慈的②fearful 可怕的③regretful 悔恨的④respectful 恭敬的⑤sorrowful 悲伤的⑥tearful 含泪的⑦frightful 可怕的,讨厌的⑧joyful 高兴的,快乐的❸有关绘画的阅读高频词速览①abstract n.抽象画②landscape n.风景画③portrai t n .肖像画 ④sculpture n .雕塑 ⑤perspective n .透视画法⑥impressionism n .印象主义;印象派 ❹常见英语反义形容词①⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧abstract 抽象的concrete 具体的②⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧positive 积极的negative 消极的③⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧optimistic 乐观的pessimistic 悲观的④⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧fixed 固定的flexible 灵活的⑤⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧active 主动的passive 被动的⑥⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧contemporary 当代的ancient 古代的⑦⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧permanent 永久的temporary 暂时的⑧⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧fragile 易碎的solid 坚固的【完形填空】For me ,two of the loveliest words in English are “Life persists”. I __1__ them years ago as a college student ,sitting in the library ,__2__,working on a paper.Out of nowhere ,those words came __3__ off the page in a quote(引语):“In the midst of death life persists,in the midst of __4__ truth persists ,in the midst of darkness light persists.”Suddenly I wasn't unhappy and impatient any more.Then I __5__ my granddad.I loved to talk with him.And I was __6__ to hear what he'd think of it.He had poor hearing ,so I had to __7__ it a few times ,but once he __8__ it ,he laughed.“All I can say to that is totally __9__,” he said on the phone.I told him how glad I was,after a long winter ,to finally see spring and __10__ to find that quote.“Why is that?” he asked.“Well,spring is a sure __11__ that life persists.And it just makes me__12__.”He laughed again,and then __13__ his lovely voice,he recited for me his __14__“spring time” words:“The desert shall rejoice(高兴),and __15__ as the rose does...even with joy and singing.”Many years later,__16__ my husband and I drove across a desert with many wildflowers and blooming(盛开的)cactuses,I could __17__ hear my granddad laughing:“The desert shall rejoice.”Life persists,and so do we,in the silence of __18__ and the blooming of cactuses;and in the dead of __19__ and the green of spring.Spring __20__ us that we're alive forever.1.A.looked for B.happened onC.picked out D.made up2.A.bored B.concentratedC.tired D.confused3.A.running B.dancingC.rushing D.moving4.A.fear B.accusationC.suspicion D.untruth5.A.called B.visitedC.consulted D.informed6.A.patient B.confidentC.upset D.desperate7.A.copy B.printC.repeat D.recite8.A.got B.madeC.undertook D.managed9.A.puzzlement B.scepticismC.agreement D.disapproval10.A.practically B.especiallyC.obviously D.naturally11.A.way B.inspirationC.remark D.sign12.A.astonished B.energeticC.merry D.alive13.A.in B.withC.of D.beyond14.A.impressive B.superbC.classical D.favorite15.A.exist B.flowerC.survive D.sow16.A.after B.whenC.until D.although17.A.hardly B.alwaysC.almost D.mostly18.A.journeys B.wordsC.world D.desert19.A.winter B.springC.summer D.autumn20.A.convinces B.assuresC.reminds D.strikes【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,讲述的是作者有感于春天的活力,从偶然读到的一段话联想到生命的意义与坚持。

高中英语选修6Unit3改编语法填空,词汇变形练习及答案第一篇:高中英语选修6Unit3改编语法填空,词汇变形练习及答案Unit 3 A healthy life ReadingAt his eighties, my grandad was still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon, 1._____ seems amazing to me and I think it’s due to the 2.______(health)life he lives.My granddad knew that I started smoking and now I am finding it difficult to give it up.Therefore, he wrote a letter to give me some advice.He told me how easy it is to begin smoking and how tough it is 3.______(stop), as he became addicted to cigarettes during adolescence as well.Indeed, there are three different ways that makes us become addicted.First, we can become physically addicted to nicotine.This means that after a while our body becomes accustomed to 4.____(have)nicotine in it and we will feel bad-tempered and even in pain.In addition, we become addicted through habit.That’s because people begin to do it automatically if they do the same thing over and over stly, we become mentally addicted.Smokers believe they are 5._____(happy)and more relaxed after having a cigarette, 6._____ they began to think that they could only feel good when they smoked.Smoking has a harmful effect 7.____ our heart and lungs.What’s worse, it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.Their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be 8.______(normal)in some way.9.____ we seldom know is that the cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers.However, according to my gradad, what he did know was that his girlfriend thought he smelt terrible and that she wouldn't go out with him again 10.______ he stopped.All in all, smoking does harm to our bodies, therefore it’s stronglyrecommended smokers quit smoking.Unit 3 词形变换1._______ n.酒;酒精→_________ adj.酒精的2.______ n.健康→_______ adj.健康的→________ adj.不健康的3.______ n.性别→_________ n.性的,性别的4.______ n.压力;重音; vt.加压于;使紧张→_______ adj.有压力的;紧张的5.________ n.青少年;adj.青春期的→________ n.青春期6.______ vt.禁止;取缔→______ v.(同义词)禁止;阻止7.______ adj.入迷的,上瘾的→______ vt.使沉溺,使上瘾8.______ vt.使习惯于→_________ adj.惯常的;习惯了的 9.________ n.收回;撤退;戒毒过程→_____ v.收回;撤退10.________ adj.无意识的;自动的→.________ adv.无意识地;自动地11.________ adj.精神的;智力的→.________ adv.精神上地;智力上地12.________ n.结果;效力→.________ v.影响.________ adj.畸形的;异常的→.________ adj.正常的.________ adj.气喘吁吁的→.________ n.呼吸;气息15.________ adj.不健康的;不合适的;不合格的→._______ adj.健康的;合适的16.________ v.加强;巩固;使坚强;变强→.________ n.力气;力量→.________ adj.强壮的;坚固的17.________ n.放松→.________ v.放松,松弛18._______ n.药剂师,化学家→._______ n.化学的→.________ adj.化学的19.________ adj.绝望的;拼命的→.________ adv.拼命地,绝望地→.________ n.绝望,不顾一切20.________ adj.失望的;沮丧的→.________ v.使失望;使沮丧→.________ n.失望;沮丧21.______v.动摇,减弱→.________ adj.虚弱的22.________ adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的→.________ n.惭愧;耻辱;羞耻23.________ adj.不合法的,违法的→.________ adj.合法的24.________ v.抢劫→.________ n.抢劫,盗窃→.________ n.强盗25.________ v.滑倒→.________ adj.滑的→.________ n.拖鞋26.______ v.存活;经历;还活着→_______ n.幸存者→.______ n.幸存;幸存者27.________ v.看法,判断,判决→.________ n.看法,判断,判决28.________ adj.尴尬的;陷入困境的→.________v.使困窘;使不安→.________ n.不安;尴尬重点词汇及短语_____________ 健康问题_____________ 药物滥用,毒品滥用_____________ 身体健康_____________ 性健康_________________ 在…的尽头_____________ 在我的年纪_________________ 过两周的时间___________ 由于,应归于… ___________________________ 发现做…是困难的 _______ adj.艰苦的,困难的__________ n.青春期_________________ 变得对…上瘾_________ n.香烟_________________ 顺便说一下_________________ 对…习惯_________________ n.症状,征兆___________ adj.坏脾气的_______________ 就像你知道的_______________ 一次又一次 __________ adv.自动地 ___________ 心理健康的________ v.离开,放弃,停止________ vi.处理,做成(某事)___________________________Using Language HIV/AIDS: ARE YOU AT RISK?不良影响;有害效应______ n.肺部________ adj.怀孕的 ________ adj.不正常的 ________________ 不抽烟的人 ______ 非,不_________ adj.喘不过气的______________ 离开,起飞,脱下______ adj.不健康的________________ 是做…的时候了________ n.建议(不可数)________________ 在网上 ________ vt.使变强,加强 _____ adv.真的,确实(起强调作用)HIV is a virus 1._____ weakens a person's immune system and eventually your body can no longer fight disease.Thisstage of the illness 2.______(call)AIDS.If you develop AIDS, your chances of 3.______(survive)are very small.HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during sex.Through broken skin or by injection, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus get inside the body;consequently a person is to become infected.Before scientists find a cure 4.______ HIV/AIDS one day, you need to protect yourself.The following will make sure you stay safe.First, if you inject drugs, you should not share your needle 5._____ anyone else.If a person has HIV and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood as well.Secondly, you shouldn’t share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs.Blood could have spilt on it.If one has sex with a male or a female, it’s recommended th at he or she6.___(use)a condom.This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another.There are some statements that are misunderstood by people.WRONG.A person cannot get HIV the first time they have sex.---7.______ one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected.WRONG.You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV.---Many people8._____(carry)HIV look perfectly healthy.Only when the disease has progressed to AIDS does a person begin to look sick.WRONG.Only homosexuals get AIDS.---Anyone who has sex with a person infected with H1V/AIDS risks getting the virus.Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men.WRONG.If you hug, touch9._____ kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS.---You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid.Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose 10._____ friends because of prejudice.Some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look afterthem when sick.WRONG.You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes.---There is no evidence of this.Keys: Unit 3 词形变换1.alcohol, alcoholic2.fitness, fit, unfit3.sex, sexual4.stress, stressful5.adolescent, adolescence6.ban, forbid7.addicted, addict8.accustom, accustomed9.withdrawal, withdraw 10.automatic, automatically11.mental, mentally 12.effect, affect 13.abnormal, normal14.breathless, breath 15.unfit, fit16.strengthen, strength, strong 17.relaxation, relax18.chemist, chemistry, chemical 19.desperate, desperately,desperation 20.disappointed, disappoint, disappointment 21.weaken, weak 22.ashamed, shame23.illegal, legal25.slip, slippery, slipper 26.survive, survivor, survival 27.judge, judgment28.embarrassed, embarrass, embarrassment 24.rob, robbery, robber重点词汇及短语Using Language 1.that/which2.is callede7.If3.survival 8.carrying 54.for5.with9.or10.their第二篇:b7_u4_sharing_reading_a letter home_改编语法填空Thanks for your letter, ____took a fortnight to arrive.It waswonderful to hear from you.I know you're dying _____(hear)all about my life here, so I've included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about.You asked about my high school.Well, it's a bush school –the classrooms are made ___bamboo and the roofs of grass.___takes me only a few minutes to walk to school ____a muddy track.When I reach the school grounds there are lots of “good mornings” for me from the boys.Many of them have walked a long way, sometimes up to two hours, to get to school.There ___(be)no electricity or water and even no textbooks either!I'm still trying to adapt to these conditions.However, one thing is ___sure, I've become more imaginative in my teaching.Science is my ____challenging subject as my students have no concept of doing experiments.In fact there is no equipment, and if I need water I have to carry it from my house in a bucket!The other day I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when, ____I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everywhere!The boys who had never come across anything like this before _____(start)jumping out of the windows.Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.To be honest, I doubt ____I'm making ___difference to these boys' lives at all.You asked whether I'm getting to know any local people.Well, that's actually quite difficult as I don't speak much of the local English dialect yet.But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and 1 ___visit a village which is the home of ___of the boys, Tombe.It was my first visit ___a remote village.We walked for two and a half hours to get therethis shows it is a man's house.The huts were round, not rectangular like the school buildings.There were no windows and the doorway was just big enough ____(get)through.The hutwas dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.Fresh grass had been laid on the floor and there was a newly made platform for Jenny and me to sleep ___.Usually Kiak would sleep in her own hut, but that night she was going to share the platform with us.Mukap and T ombe were to sleep on small beds in ____part of the hut.There was a fireplace in the centre of the hut near the doorway.The onlypossessions I could see were one broom, a few tin plates and cups and a couple of jars.Outside Mukap was building a fire.Once the fire was going, he laid stones on it.When hot, he placed them in an empty oil drum with kau kau(sweet potato), corn and greens.He then covered the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam.I sniffed the food;it smelled delicious.We ate inside the hut sitting round the fire.I loved listening to the family softly ____(talk)to each other ___their language, even though I could not participate in the conversation.Luckily, Tombe could be our ter, I noticed a tin can _____(stand)upside down on the grill over the fire.After a short time T ombe _____(throw)it out of the doorway.I was puzzled.T ombe told me that the can was heated to dry out the leftover food.They believe that any leftovers attract evil spirits in the night, so the food is dried up in the can and the can is then thrown out of the hut._____they don't waste anything.We left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and firm handshakes.My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we climbed down the mountain towards home.That evening I fell happily into bed.It was ____a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family.It's getting late and I have to prepare tomorrow's lessons and do some paperwork.Please write soon.第三篇:人教版高中英语选修6重点词汇、短语、句型、语法人教版高中英语选修6 重点词汇、短语、句型、语法大全Unit1 Art【重点词汇、短语】aim n.目标;目的 vi.& vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力 typical adj.典型的;有代表性的 adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养 possess vt.拥有;具有;支配 a great deal 大量attempt n.努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图on the other hand(可是)另一方面predict vt.预言;预告;预测specific adj.确切的;特定的appeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助vt.将……上诉n.呼吁;恳求appeal to(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣【重点句型】1.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。
人教版高中英语选修六U4课文语法填空 改编

Book6Unit4 课文语法填空THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER-BUT DOES IT MATTER?During the 20th century the temperature of the earth 1.______________ (rise) about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when 2.______________ (compare) to other natural changes. So how has this come 3.______________ and does it matter? Earth Care’s Sophie Armstrong explores these questions.There is no doubt 4.______________ the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that it is human activity 5.______________ has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.All scientists subscribe to the view 6.______________ the increase in the earth's temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process 7.______________(call) "greenhouse" gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: "There is a natural phenomenon 8.______________ scientists call the 'greenhouse effect'. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the 'greenhouse effect', the earth 9.______________(be) about thirty-three degrees Celsius 10.______________ (cool) than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge 11.______________(quantity) of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere 12.__________(cause) the global temperature to go up."We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist 13._________ (call) Charles Keeling, 14.______________made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts 15.______________ around 370 parts per million.All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. So 16.______________ high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees.However, the attitude of scientists towards this rise is 17.______________(complete) different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend in which the temperature increases by 5 degreeswould be a catastrophe. She says, "We can't predict the climate well enough to know 18.______________to expect, but it could be very serious." Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the 19.____________(disappear) of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are 20.__________ (oppose) to this view, believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad 21.____________ (environment) consequences. In fact, Hambley states, "More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals - all of which will make life for human beings better."Greenhouse gases continue 22.______________(build) up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great?。
人教版高中英语选修六U2课文语法填空 改编

选修6 Unit 2 Poems语法填空A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMSThere are various reasons 1._____________ people write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way 2._____________ will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions. Poets use many different 3._____________(form) of poetry to express themselves. In this text, however, we will look at a few of the simpler forms.Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes. These rhymes like the one on the right (A) 4._____________(be) still a common type of children's poetry. The language is concrete but 5._____________(imagine), and they delight small children because they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of 6._____________(repeat). The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, 7._____________ they are easy to learn and recite. By 8._____________(play) with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.Some simple poems are those like B and C 9._____________ list things. List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern 10._____________ a rhythm to the poem. Some rhyme (like B) 11._____________others do not (like C).Another simple form of poem 12._____________ students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines. 13._____________ these, students can convey a strong picture in just a few words. Look at the examples (D and E) on 14._____________ top of the next page.Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry 15._____________ is made up of 17 syllables. It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular with English writers. It is easy16._____________(write) and, like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling17._____________(use) the minimum of words. The two haiku poems (F and G) above are translations from the Japanese.Did you know 18._____________ English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry -Tang poems from China 19._____________particular? A lot of Tang poetry has been translated 20._____________ English. This Tang poem (H) is a translation from the Chinese.With so many different forms of poetry 21._____________(choose) from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. It is easier 22._____________ you might think and certainly worth a try!。
人教版高中英语选修六U3课文语法填空 改编

Book6 Unit3课文语法填空ADVICE FROM GRANDADDear James,It is a beautiful day here and I am sitting under the big tree at the end of the garden. I have just returned from a long bike ride to an old castle. It seems amazing 1.______________ at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres 2.______________ an afternoon. It's my birthday in two weeks time and I'll be 82 years old! I think my long and active life must be due to the 3.____________(health) life I live.This brings me to the real reason for my letter, my dear grandson. Your mother tells me that you started 4.______________(smoke) some time ago and now you are finding ______________ difficult to give it up. Believe me, I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how tough it is to stop. You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became 5.____________(addict) to cigarettes.6._____________ the way, did you know that this is because you become addicted in three different ways? First, you can become7.______________(physical) addicted to nicotine,8.______________ is one of the hundreds of9.__________(chemical) in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed 10.______________ having nicotine in it. So when the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal symptoms. I remember 11.____________(feel) bad-tempered and sometimes even in pain. Secondly, you become addicted through habit. As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it 12.____________(automatic). Lastly, you can become mentally addicted. I believed I was 13._____________(happy) and more relaxed after having a cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good when I smoked. I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. But I did finally manage.When I was young, I didn't know much about the 14.______________(harm) effects of smoking. I didn't know, for example, 15._____________ it could do terrible damage 16._____________ your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didn't know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers. However, 17._____________I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and 18.______________the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she wouldn't go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I wasn't enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off the school football team because I was 19._____________(fit), I knew it was time to quit 20.____________(smoke).I am sending you some advice I found 21.______________ the Internet. It might help you to stop and 22.___________(strong) your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.Love fromGrandad。

选修六u n i t课文语法填空精编版MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】选修6 Unit1ArtThestyleofWesternarthaschangedmanytimes,(influence),2Poems Somepoemstella(1)ordescribesomethinginaway that willgivethereade rastrong(2).Otherstryto(3)(5),(6),which is(7)fivelinesandcanconveystrong(8)injustafewwords,(9).With somanydifferentformsofpoetryto choosefrom,studentsmay(10)wanttowrite poemsoftheirownUnit2story,impression,convey,concrete,rhyme,flexible,madeupof,fe elingsinparticular,eventuallyUnit3AhealthylifeIt’seasy for youtostartsmoking,but(1)youbecome addicted toit,youmayfind it(2),youmaybecome(3)(physical)addictedtonicotine,oneofthehundredsof harmful chemicalsthat consistin cigarettes.(4),youmaydevelopthehabitofs mokingandfinallybecome mentallyaddicted toit,Youmaybelievethatyouwill onlyfeel good whenyousmokeandmayfindallkindsof negative emotionsinyouwh enyoustopsmoking.Smokingmay have allkindsof harmfuleffectson thehealthofboththesmoker sthemselvesand non-smokers aroundthem.(5)notonlyaffectsyourphysical fitness,butalsodoesh arm(6),,it’simportant(7)onequitsmokingandlivea healthier life.Toquitsmoking,youshouldbe well-prepared andmake(8),readingnovelsor(9)(do)houseworkmay distract yourat tention(10),,ifyoukeeptrying,once,difficult/hard,physically,Secondly,It,to,that,a,doing, andUnit4GlobalwarmingThereisnodoubt(1)theearthisbecomingwarmerbutthereis fierce debate o ver whether itis humanactivity that hascausedthisglobalwarming orwhether i tisjust anaturalphenomenon.’stemperature(2)burningoffossilfuelslikecoal,naturalgasandoiltoproduceenergy(3)bypro ductsarecalled“greenhouse”gases,the mostimportant one(4),withoutwhi ch theearth(5)(be)(6)heatenergy istrapped intheatmosphere,(7)(cause)th eglobaltemperaturetogo(8).On(9)otherhand,scientistslikeGeorgeHambleybelievethatanywarmingwillb e mild with(10)that,by,whose,being,wouldbe,more,causing,up,the,few.Unit5ThepowerofnatureMountKilaueaisoneofthe mostactive___________(volcano)(er upt)(burn)(live)参考答案:Unit1while,less,isinfluenced,as,which,through,at,one,quickly,abs tractUnit2story,impression,convey,concrete,rhyme,flexible,madeupof,fe elingsinparticular,eventuallyUnit3once,difficult/hard,physically,Secondly,It,to,that,a,doing, andUnit4that,by,whose,being,wouldbe,more,causing,up,the,few.Unit5volcanoes,eruption,that,areburnt,who,of,Unfortunately,tonot ice,an,Is。

2021高考英语复习之人教版课文改编填空(选修系列)选修六第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)At the time they were created,the Impressionist paintings were controversial,but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we call ''modern art (20th century to today)''.This is 1._____________ the Impressionists encouraged 2.____________ (art) to look at their environment 3._____________ new ways.There are scores of modern art styles,4.____________ without the Impressionists,many of these painting styles might not exist.On the one hand,some modern art is abstract; that is,the painter does not attempt 5._____________ (paint) objects 6._____________ we see them with our eyes,but instead concentrates 7.____________ certain qualities of the objects,8._____________ (use) colour,line and shape to represent 9.____________.On the other hand,some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.These styles are so different.Who can predict 10.____________ painting styles will be in the future?选修六第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way 1.____________ will give the reader a strong impression.Others try to express certain emotions.Poets use different forms of poetry to express 2.___________. For example,the language of nursery rhymes is concrete but 3.____________ (imagine),and they delight small children because they have strong rhyme and a lot of 4.____________ (repeat).And list poems have a flexible line length and a rhythm to the poem. 5.____________ simple form of poem is the cinqua in,6.____________ is made up of five lines and can convey strong 7.____________ (feel) in just a few words.Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables.And of course there are Tang poems from China which you may enjoy 8.____________ particular. 9.____________ so many different forms of poetry to choose from,students may 10.____________ (eventual) want to write poems of their own.选修六第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)It's easy for you to start smoking,but 1.____________you become addicted to it,you may find 2.____________ difficult for you to quit.Firstly,you may become 3.____________(physical) addicted to nicotine,one of the hundreds of harmful chemicals that consist in cigarettes.Secondly,you may develop the habit of smoking and finally become mentally addicted to it.You may believe that you will only feel good when you smoke and may find all kinds of negative emotions 4._____________ you when you stop smoking.Smoking may have all kinds of harmful effects on the health of both the smokers themselves and non-smokers around them.It not only affects your physical 5.____________ (fit),but also does harm 6.____________your heart and lungs and causes a variety of diseases.Being a smoker,the offensive smell and appearance of you may drive people around you away.So,it's important 7._____________ one quit smoking and live a healthier life.To quit smoking,you should be well-prepared and make 8.____________list of all the benefits you may get after quitting.Developing some new habits like listening to music,reading novels or 9.____________ (do) housework may distract your attention 10.____________ help you to forget your need for a cigarette.But if you really feel bad,you should consult a doctor or chemist to get some professional help.Remember,if you keep trying,you will eventually succeed.选修六第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)There is no doubt 1.____________the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether it is human activity that has caused this global warming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon.Many scientists like Dr.Janice Foster believe that people have caused the increase in the earth's temperature 2.____________ burning of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy 3.____________byproducts are called ''greenhouse''gases,the most important one 4.____________carbon dioxide.These gases trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth,without which the earth 5.____________(be) about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.But increased amount of carbon dioxide means that 6.____________ heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere,7.____________(cause)the global temperature to go 8.____________.On 9.____________other hand,scientists like George Hambley believe that any warming will be mild with few bad 10.____________ (environment) consequences and more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.选修六第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Mount Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii.The 1.____________(erupt)of it is always taking people 2.____________ surprise.It is so quick and severe 3.____________the places where it flows are ruined and many houses 4.____________(burn)to the ground.It is an absolute disaster for people 5.____________ live in the paths of the lava.They often get into a panic when they are warned 6.____________ it.But many people who are enthusiastic about it would like to watch it with their own eyes. 7.____________(fortune),when they are amazed at the fantastic sight of it,they always fail 8.____________(notice)the coming boiling lava.So after that,they must make 9.____________effort to escape from it.Is 10.____________ necessary to take risks?选修七第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Marty is a disabled but 1.____________(fair)positive person who never feels sorry for2.____________ and has learned to adapt to his disability.Marty always3.___________(consider)he has a good life.He is realistic4.____________ his disability but he never stops doing as much as he5.____________.He keeps himself busy6.____________ (do)things like writing and computer programming7.____________ do not require physical strength.He has friends with8.____________ he can go to movies and football matches and he has lots of pets.He also studies hard.He is a9.____________(mental)strong and independent boy.Marty is able to live as rich and full 10.____________ life as everyone else.选修七第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)A robot used for housework 1.____________(test)out in a family.He looked like a tall2.____________handsome man with smooth black hair,3.____________(speak) in a deep rry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot to accompany4.____________ wife Claire.Claire didn't like the idea at the beginning,but she agreed to it at last.At her first sight of Tony,Claire was alarmed.When Tony offered to help her dressing,Claire felt embarrassed.5.____________ (gradual),Tony began to win Claire's trust.He helped Claire realize her dreams6.____________ making her home elegant,giving her a new haircut,changing the makeup she wore and7.____________(give) her advice on her dresses.Therefore at the party all the guests8.____________ were invited were filled with admiration9._____________.they saw her house was completely changed.After the test,the company was satisfied with Tony's report 10.____________ he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence.选修七第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Although Old Tom and the other killers were fierce hunters,they never harmed 1.____________ attacked people.In fact,they protected 2.____________.There was one day 3.____________ we were out in the bay during a hunt and James was washed off the boat.''Man overboard! Turn the boat around!''urged George,4.____________ (shout) loudly.The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to handle the boat.The waves were carrying James further and further away from us.From James's face,I could see he was terrified of 5.____________(abandon) by us. Then suddenly I saw a shark. ''Look,there's a shark out there,''I screamed.''Don't worry.Old Tom won't let it near,''Red 6.____________(reply). 7._____________ took over half an hour to get the boat back to James,and when we approached him,I saw James being 8.____________(firm) held up in the water by Old Tom.I couldn't believe my eyes.There were shouts of''Well done,Old Tom''and''Thank God''as we pulled James back9._____________the boat. And then Old Tom was off and back to the hunt where10.____________ other killers were still attacking the whale.选修七第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Jo worked at a bush school 1.____________ classrooms were made of bamboo and the roofs of grass.There's no electricity 2.____________ water there.It took the students about two hours 3.____________ (get) to the school.Jo hoped to make some difference to the children's lives by teaching them.The 4.____________ day,Jo visited Tombe's home. 5.____________ they arrivedat the village,Tombe's mother who had been working in her garden,6.____________ (start) crying''ieee ieee''.Tombe's father led them to his house,7.____________ low bamboo hut with grass 8.____________ (stick) out of the roof,where he could only see a few tin plates and cups and a couple of pots.What they ate were sweet potatoes,corn and greens.That night Jo and Jenny slept on a 9.____________(new)made platform. 10.____________ left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and firm handshakes.选修七第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Six months ago Xie Lei boarded a plane 1.____________ London to complete a business qualification. 2.____________ she came to England,she lived with a host family,3.____________members always helped her.At the beginning she had to face such difficulties of daily life 4.____________ how to use the phone,and how to pay bus fare.Besides,she also 5.____________ (have) to face the difficulties of learning at the university.Studying there was quite 6.____________ (differ) from studying in China and she needed some preparation first.She had to get 7.____________ (use) to a new way of life,which took up all her concentration.It was8.____________ (benefit) as well as difficult for her to study in London.She learned9.____________ to fulfill Western academic requirements.Xie Lei also learned that as10.____________ student,she should not use other people's work but try to express her own ideas.选修八第一单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California,no one really knows.However,1.____________is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.Scientists believe that these first settlers 2.____________(cross) the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America 3.____________means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times.In the 16th century,after the 4.____________ (arrive) of Europeans,the native people suffered greatly.Thousands were killed or forced into slavery. 5.____________ addition,many died from thediseases brought by Europeans.However,some survived these terrible times,and today there are more Native Americans 6.____________(live) in California than in any other state.In the 18th century,California was ruled by Spain.Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century,7.____________ they fought against the native people and 8.____________(take) their land.Two centuries later,the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States of 9.____________ first Spanish to go to California,the majority were religious men,10.____________ ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.选修八第二单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Cloning is a way of 1.____________(make) an exact copy of another animal or plant.It has two major uses.One is 2.____________gardeners use it to produce commercial quantities of plants.The 3.____________ is that it is valuable for research on new species and for medical research on animals.However,the process of cloning is difficult 4.____________ (undertake).Many attempts to clone mammals failed.The first successful clone,Dolly the sheep,made the whole 5.____________ (science) world follow its process,though it had 6.____________ (many) problems than the normal sheep.On the other hand,Dolly's appearance 7.____________ (raise) a storm of objections and had a great impact 8.____________ the media and public imagination.Different people have different opinions on it.However,scientists still wonder whether cloning will help 9.____________ harm us and 10.____________ it is leading us.选修八第三单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)1.____________the writer called up her mother in the countryside on the phone,she learned that snakes came near their house and that the snakes seemed2.____________(make) home near their house.The writer felt proud and considered3.______________a chance for her to distinguish4.____________ by inventing something5.____________would catch snakes but not harm them.She set about6.____________(research) the habits of snakes.She decided to cool them so that they could be7.______________(easy) caught.However,her first two plans were notsuccessful.As a result,she had to attempt 8.____________ third time,which helped her fulfill her aim successfully.She was 9.____________ delighted that she was determined to send her 10.____________(invent) to the patent office to get recognition for her successful idea.选修八第四单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)Eliza Doolittle was 1.____________ unrefined,dirty flower girl with poor phonetics 2.____________ Professor Higgins was an expert in phonetics.One day they happened to meet each other while 3.____________ (hide) from the rain.When Eliza was talking with a gentleman,Higgins always watched her and took notes,4.____________ made her worried,for she thought he was a policeman 5.____________ disguise.In fact he just showed interest in her poor phonetics and 6.____________ (make) a bet with Colonel Pickering who he was going to meet.Higgins said once 7.____________ (educate) to speak 8._____________ (proper),Eliza could pass herself off in three months 9.____________ a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.After that Higgins threw a handful of money into her basket and left with Pickering,leaving Eliza excited 10.____________in amazement.Eliza decided to find him the next day.选修八第五单元课文语法填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式)A group of students from England has come to the Zhoukoudian caves for a visit.1._____________archaeologist is showing them around.The archaeologists2.____________(excavate) here for many years.After finding human and animal bones3.____________ those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and ornaments,they think4.____________reasonable to assume they5.____________ (live) in these caves,regardless of the cold.They discovered fireplaces in the centre of the caves6.____________they constructed fires.Some evidence suggests that our ancestors did wear clothes7.____________(make) from animal skins.The archaeologist also shows the students a primitive necklace8.____________(preserve) quite well.Indeed,as the botanical analyses have been9.____________ (special) showing us,all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.Perhaps there was trade between early peoples 10.____________ they travelled to the seaside on their journeys.。