





















语言学概论Theories of general linguistics•主讲教师:赵志强•课程性质:语言学概论是中国语言文学系本科生的必修课程,它是普通语言学的入门课。

导言(语言和语言学绪论)1.语言的含义:Webster’s New Word Dictionary offers several senses of the word “language”,namely,[1](a) human speech; (b)the ability to communicate by this means; (c) a system ofvocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed, used for the expression or communication of thoughts and feelings;(d)t h e w r i t t e n r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f s u c h a s y s t e m.[2](a) any means of expressing or communicating, as gestures, signs, or animalsounds; (b) a special set of symbols, letters, numerals, rules etc. used for the transmission of information, as in computer.•语言:人类最重要的交际工具。






27037 本科自考英语语言学概论精心整理 Chapter 6 Syntax(word文档良心出品)

27037 本科自考英语语言学概论精心整理 Chapter 6 Syntax(word文档良心出品)

Chapter 6 Syntax 句法学6.1 Syntax:definition 定义Syntax is a study of sentences:sentence structure and formation 句法学就是对句子的学习。

Syntax can be defined as the branch of linguistics that studies how the words of a lang uage can be combined to make larger units, such as phrases, clauses and sentences.语法可以被定义为语言学的分支研究语言的词汇如何被合并成更大的单位,比如短语和句子,从句。

It studies the interrelationships between elements of the sentence structure and the rul es governing the production of sentences.它研究句子中各种成分之间的关系。


Finite(有限的)number of words and small set of rules can create infinite number of sentences.有限的单词和少量规则能创造无穷尽的句子。

Syntactic knowledge: the intuition of a native speaker about how words are combined to be phrases and and how phrases are combined into sentences.句法知识:说话者用直觉知道母语词汇如何结合成词组和短语如何组合成的句子。

6.2 Grammar,syntax and morphology 语法、句法学和形态学Grammar :“the knowledge and study of the morphological and syntactic regularities of a natural language. ”It excludes phonetics, phonology, semantics.语法是关于自然语言形态规则和句法规则的知识和研究。



Chapter 1 Language语言1. Design feature (识别特征) refers to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.2. Productivity(能产性) refers to the ability that people have in making and comprehending indefinitely large quantities of sentences in theirnative language.3. arbitrariness (任意性) Arbitrariness refers to the phenomenon that there is no motivated relationship between a linguistic form and itsmeaning.4. symbol (符号) Symbol refers to something such as an object, word, or sound that represents something else by association or convention.5. discreteness (离散性) Discreteness refers to the phenomenon that the sounds in a language are meaningfully distinct.6. displacement (不受时空限制的特性) Displacement refers to the fact that human language can be used to talk about things that are not in theimmediate situations of its users.7. duality of structure (结构二重性) The organization of language into two levels, one of sounds, the other of meaning, is known as duality ofstructure.8. culture transmission (文化传播) Culture transmission refers to the fact that language is passed on from one generation to the next throughteaching and learning, rather than by inheritance.9. interchangeability (互换性) Interchangeability means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages.1. ★What is language?Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. This definition has captured the main features of language.First, language is a system.Second, language is arbitrary in the sense.The third feature of language is symbolic nature.2. ★What are the design features of language?Language has seven design features as following:1) Productivity.2) Discreteness.3) Displacement4) Arbitrariness.5) Cultural transmission6) Duality of structure.7) Interchangeability.3. Why do we say language is a system?Because elements of language are combined according to rules, and every language contains a set of rules. By system, the recurring patterns or arrangements or the particular ways or designs in which a language operates. And the sounds, the words and the sentences are used in fixed patterns that speaker of a language can understand each other.4. ★ (Function of language.) According to Halliday, what are the initial functions of children’s language? And what are the threefunctional components of adult language?I. Halliday uses the following terms to refer to the initial functions of children’s language:1) Instrumental function. 工具功能2) Regulatory function. 调节功能3) Representational function. 表现功能4) Interactional function. 互动功能5) Personal function. 自指性功能6) Heuristic function. 启发功能[osbQtq`kf`h]7) Imaginative function. 想象功能II. Adult language has three functional components as following:1) Interpersonal components. 人际2) Ideational components.概念3) Textual components.语篇1. general linguistics and descriptive linguistics (普通语言学与描写语言学) The former deals with language in general whereas the latter isconcerned with one particular language.2. synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics (共时语言学与历时语言学) Diachronic linguistics traces the historical development of thelanguage and records the changes that have taken place in it between successive points in time. And synchronic linguistics presents an account of language as it is at some particular point in time.3. theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics (理论语言学与应用语言学) The former copes with languages with a view to establishing atheory of their structures and functions whereas the latter is concerned with the application of the concepts and findings of linguistics to all sorts of practical tasks.4. microlinguistics and macrolinguistics(微观语言学与宏观语言学) The former studies only the structure of language system whereas thelatter deals with everything that is related to languages.5. langue and parole (语言与言语) The former refers to the abstract linguistics system shared by all the members of a speech communitywhereas the latter refers to the concrete act of speaking in actual situation by an individual speaker.6. competence and performance (语言能力与语言运用) The former is one’s knowledge of all the linguistic regulation systems whereas the latteris the use of language in concrete situation.7. speech and writing (口头语与书面语) Speech is the spoken form of language whereas writing is written codes, gives language new scope.8. linguistics behavior potential and actual linguistic behavior (语言行为潜势与实际语言行为) People actually says on a certain occasion to acertain person is actual linguistics behavior. And each of possible linguistic items that he could have said is linguistic behavior potential.9. syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relation(横组合关系与纵聚合关系) The former describes the horizontal dimension of a languagewhile the latter describes the vertical dimension of a language.10. verbal communication and non-verbal communication(言语交际与非言语交际) Usual use of language as a means of transmittinginformation is called verbal communication. The ways we convey meaning without using language is called non-verbal communication.1. ★How does John Lyons classify linguistics?According to John Lyons, the field of linguistics as a whole can be divided into several subfields as following:1) General linguistics and descriptive linguistics.2) Synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics.3) Theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics.4) Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics.2. Explain the three principles by which the linguist is guided: consistency, adequacy and simplicity.1) Consistency means that there should be no contradictions between different parts of the theory and the description.2) Adequacy means that the theory must be broad enough in scope to offer significant generalizations.3) Simplicity requires us to be as brief and economic as possible.3. ★What are the sub-branches of linguistics within the language system?Within the language system there are six sub-branches as following:1) Phonetics. 语音学is a study of speech sounds of all human languages.2) Phonology. 音位学studies about the sounds and sound patterns of a speaker’s native language.3) Morphology. 形态学studies about how a word is formed.4) Syntax. 句法学studies about whether a sentence is grammatical or not.5) Semantics. 语义学studies about the meaning of language, including meaning of words and meaning of sentences.6) Pragmatics. 语用学★The scope of language: Linguistics is referred to as a scientific study of language.★The scientific process of linguistic study: It involves four stages: collecting data, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and drawing conclusions.1. articulatory phonetics(发音语音学) The study of how speech organs produce the sounds is called articulatory phonetics.2. acoustic phonetics (声学语音学) The study of the physical properties and of the transmission of speech sounds is called acoustic phonetics.3. auditory phonetics (听觉语音学) The study of the way hearers perceive speech sounds is called auditory phonetics.4. consonant (辅音) Consonant is a speech sound where the air form the language is either completely blocked, or partially blocked, or where theopening between the speech organs is so narrow that the air escapes with audible friction.5. vowel (元音) is defined as a speech sound in which the air from the lungs is not blocked in any way and is pronounced with vocal-cord vibration.6. bilabials (双唇音) Bilabials means that consonants for which the flow of air is stopped or restricted by the two lips. [p][b] [m] [w]7. affricates (塞擦音) The sound produced by stopping the airstream and then immediately releasing it slowly is called affricates. [t X] [d Y] [tr] [dr]8. glottis (声门) Glottis is the space between the vocal cords.9. rounded vowel (圆唇元音) Rounded vowel is defined as the vowel sound pronounced by the lips forming a circular opening. [u:] [u] [OB] [O]10. diphthongs (双元音) Diphthongs are produced by moving from one vowel position to another through intervening positions.[ei][ai][O i] [Q u][au]11. triphthongs(三合元音) Triphthongs are those which are produced by moving from one vowel position to another and then rapidly andcontinuously to a third one. [ei Q][ai Q][O i Q] [Q u Q][au Q]12. lax vowels (松元音) According to distinction of long and short vowels, vowels are classified tense vowels and lax vowels. All the long vowelsare tense vowels but of the short vowels,[e] is a tense vowel as well, and the rest short vowels are lax vowels.1. ★How are consonants classified in terms of different criteria?The consonants in English can be described in terms of four dimensions.1) The position of the soft palate.2) The presence or the absence of vocal-cord vibration.3) The place of articulation.4) The manner of articulation.2. ★How are vowels classified in terms of different criteria?Vowel sounds are differentiated by a number of factors.1) The state of the velum2) The position of the tongue.3) The openness of the mouth.4) The shape of the lips.5) The length of the vowels.6) The tension of the muscles at pharynx.3. ★What are the three sub-branches of phonetics? How do they differ from each other?Phonetics has three sub-branches as following:1) Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech organs produce the sounds is called articulatory phonetics.2) Acoustic phonetics is the study of the physical properties and of the transmission of speech sounds is called acoustic phonetics.3) Auditory phonetics is the study of the way hearers perceive speech sounds is called auditory phonetics.4. ★What are the commonly used phonetic features for consonants and vowels respectively?I. The frequently used phonetic features for consonants include the following:1) Voiced.2) Nasal.3) Consonantal.4) Vocalic.5) Continuant.6) Anterior.7) Coronal.8) Aspirated.II. The most common phonetic features for vowels include the following:1) High.2) Low.3) Front.4) Back.5) Rounded.6) Tense.1. phonemes (音位) Phonemes are minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.2. allophones (音位变体) Allophones are the phonetic variants and realizations of a particular phoneme.3. phones (单音) The smallest identifiable phonetic unit found in a stream of speech is called a phone.4. minimal pair (最小对立体) Minimal pair means words which differ from each other only by one sound.5. contrastive distribution (对比分布) If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for anotherbrings about a change of meaning, they are said to be in contrastive distribution.6. complementary distribution(互补分布) If two or more sounds never appear in the same environment ,then they are said to be incomplementary distribution.7. free variation (自由变异) When two sounds can appear in the same environment and the substitution of one for the other does not cause anychange in meaning, then they are said to be in free variation.8. distinctive features (区别性特征) A distinctive feature is a feature which distinguishes one phoneme from another.9. suprasegmental features (超切分特征) The distinctive (phonological) features which apply to groups larger than the single segment are knownas suprasegmental features.10. tone languages (声调语言) Tone languages are those which use pitch to contrast meaning at word level.11. intonation languages (语调语言) Intonation languages are those which use pitch to distinguish meaning at phrase level or sentence level.12. juncture (连音) Juncture refers to the phonetic boundary features which may demarcate grammatical units.1. ★What are the differences between English phonetics and English phonology?1) Phonetics is the study of the production, perception, and physical properties of speech sounds, while phonology attempts to account forhow they are combined, organized, and convey meaning in particular languages.2) Phonetics is the study of the actual sounds while phonology is concerned with a more abstract description of speech sounds and tries todescribe the regularities of sound patterns.2. Give examples to illustrate the relationship between phonemes, phones and allophones.When we hear [pit],[tip],[spit],etc, the similar phones we have heard are /p/. And /p/ and /b/ are separate phonemes in English, while [ph] and [p] are allophones.3. How can we decide a minimal pair or a minimal set?A minimal pair should meet three conditions:1) The two forms are different in meaning.2) The two forms are different in one sound segment.3) The different sounds occur in the same position of the two strings.4. ★Use examples to explain the three types of distribution.1) Contrastive distribution. Sounds [m] in met and [n] in net are in contrastive distribution because substituting [m] for [n] will result in achange of meaning.2) Complementary distribution. The aspirated plosive [ph] and the unaspirated plosive [p] are in complementary distribution because theformer occurs either initially in a word or initially in a stressed syllable while the latter never occurs in such environments.3) Free variation. In English, the word “direct” may be pronounce in two ways: /di’rekt/ and /dia’rekt/, and the two different sounds /i/ and /ai/can be said to be in free variation.5. What’s the difference between segmental features and suprasegmental features? What are the suprasegmental features in English?I. 1) Distinctive features, which are used to distinguish one phoneme from another and thus have effect on one sound segment, are referred toas segmental features.2) The distinctive (phonological) features which apply to groups larger than the single segment are known as suprasegmental features.3) Suprasegmental features may have effect on more than one sound segment. They may apply to a string of several sounds.II.The main suprasegmental features include stress, tone, intonation and juncture.6. What’s the difference between tone languages and intonation language?Tone languages are those which use pitch to contrast meaning at word level while intonation languages are those which use pitch to distinguish meaning at phrase level or sentence level7. ★What’s the difference between phonetic transcriptions and phonemic transcriptions?The former was meant to symbolize all possible speech sounds, including even the most minute shades of pronunciation, while the latter was intended to indicate only those sounds capable of distinguishing one word from another in a given language.1. morphemes (语素) Morphemes are the minimal meaningful units in the grammatical system of a language.allomorphs (语素变体) Allomorphs are the realizations of a particular morpheme.morphs (形素) Morphs are the realizations of morphemes in general and are the actual forms used to realize morphemes.2. roots (词根) Roots is defined as the most important part of a word that carries the principal meaning.affixes (词缀) Affixes are morphemes that lexically depend on roots and do not convey the fundamental meaning of words.free morphemes (自由语素) Free morphemes are those which can exist as individual words.bound morphemes (粘着语素) Bound morphemes are those which cannot occur on their own as separate words.3. inflectional affixes (屈折词缀) refer to affixes that serve to indicate grammatical relations, but do not change its part of speech.derivational affixes (派生词缀) refer to affixes that are added to words in order to change its grammatical category or its meaning.4. empty morph (空语子) Empty morph means a morph which has form but no meaning.zero morph (零语子) Zero morph refers to a morph which has meaning but no form.5. IC Analysis (直接成分分析) IC analysis is the analysis to analyze a linguistic expression (both a word and a sentence) into a hierarchicallydefined series of constituents.6. immediate constituents(直接成分) A immediate constituent is any one of the largest grammatical units that constitute a construction.Immediate constituents are often further reducible.ultimate constituents (最后成分) Ultimate constituents are those grammatically irreducible units that constitute constructions.7. morphological rules (形态学规则) The principles that determine how morphemes are combined into new words are said to be morphologicalrules.8. word-formation process (构词法) Word-formation process mean the rule-governed processes of forming new words on the basis of alreadyexisting linguistic resources.1. ★What is IC Analysis?IC analysis is the analysis to analyze a linguistic expression (both a word and a sentence) into a hierarchically defined series of constituents.2. How are morphemes classified?1) Semantically speaking, morphemes are grouped into two categories: root morphemes and affixational morphemes.2) Structurally speaking, they are divided into two types: free morphemes and bound morphemes.3. ★Explain the interrelations between semantic and structural classifications of morphemes.a) All free morphemes are roots but not all roots are free morphemes.b) All affixes are bound morphemes, but not all bound morphemes are affixes.4. What’s the difference between an empty morph and a zero mor ph?a) Empty morph means a morph that has form but no meaning.b) Zero morph refers to a morph that has meaning but no form.5. Explain the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes in term of both function and position.a) Functionally:i.Inflectional affixes sever to mark grammatical relations and never create new words while derivational affixes can create new words.ii.Inflectional affixes do not cause a change in grammatical class while derivational affixes very often but not always cause a change in grammatical class.b) In term of position:i.Inflectional affixes are suffixes while derivational affixes can be suffixes or prefixes.ii.Inflectional affixes are always after derivational affixes if both are present. And derivational affixes are always before inflectional suffixes if both are present.6. What are morphological rules? Give at least four rules with examples.The principles that determine how morphemes are combined into new words are said to be morphological rules.For example:a) un- + adj. ->adj.b) Adj./n. + -ify ->v.c) V. + -able -> adj.d) Adj. + -ly -> adv.1. syntagmatic relations (横组关系) refer to the relationships between constituents in a construction.paradigmatic relations (纵聚合关系) refer to the relations between the linguistic elements within a sentence and those outside the sentence.hierarchical relations (等级关系) refer to relationships between any classification of linguistic units which recognizes a series of successively subordinate levels.2. IC Analysis (直接成分分析) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions at any level within a syntactic construction.labeled IC Analysis(标记法直接成分分析) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions at any level within a syntactic construction and label each constituent.phrase markers (短语标记法) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions at any level within a syntactic construction, and label each constituent while remove all the linguistic forms.labeled bracketing (方括号标记法) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which is applied in representing the hierarchical structure of sentences by using brackets.3. constituency (成分关系)dependency (依存关系)4. surface structures (表层结构)refers to the mental representation of a linguistic expression, derived from deep structure by transformationalrules.deep structures (深层结构) deep structure of a linguistic expression is a theoretical construct that seeks to unify several related structures. 5. phrase structure rules (短语结构规则)are a way to describe a given language's syntax. They are used to break a natural language sentencedown into its constituent parts.6. transformational rules (转换规则)7. structural ambiguity (结构歧义)1. What are the differences between surface structure and deep structure?They are different from each other in four aspects:1) Surface structures correspond directly to the linear arrangements of sentences while deep structures correspond to the meaningful groupingof sentences.2) Surface structures are more concrete while deep structures are more abstract.3) Surface structures give the forms of sentences whereas deep structures give the meanings of sentences.4) Surface structures are pronounceable but deep structures are not.2. Illustrate the differences between PS rules and T-rules.1) PS rules frequently applied in generating deep structures.2) T-rules are used to transform deep structure into surface structures.3. What’s the order of generating sentences? Do we st art with surface structures or with deep structures? How differently are theygenerated?To generate a sentence, we always start with its deep structure, and then transform it into its corresponding surface structure.Deep structures are generated by phrase structure rules (PS rules) while surface structures are derived from their deep structures by transformational rules (T-rules).4. What’s the difference between a compulsory constituent and an optional one?Optional constituents may be present or absent while compulsory constituents must be present.5. What are the three syntactic relations? Illustrate them with examples.1) Syntagmatic relations2) Paradigmatic relations.3) Hierarchical relations.1. Lexical semantics (词汇语义学) is defined as the study of word meaning in language.2. Sense (意义) refers to the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.3. Reference (所指) means what a linguistic form refers to in the real world.4. Concept (概念) is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.5. Denotation (外延) is defined as the constant ,abstract, and basic meaning of a linguistic expression independent of context and situation.6. Connotation (内涵) refers to the emotional associations which are suggested by, or are part of the meaning of, a linguistic unit.7. Componential analysis (成分分析法) is the way to decompose the meaning of a word into its components.8. Semantic field (语义场) The vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items, but is organized into areas, within whichwords interrelate and define each other in various ways. The areas are semantic fields.9. Hyponymy (上下义关系) refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.10. Synonymy (同义关系) refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning.11. Antonymy (反义关系) refers to the oppositeness of meaning.12. Lexical ambiguity (词汇歧义)13. Polysemy (多义性) refers to the fact that the same one word may have more than one meaning.14. Homonymy (同音(同形)异义关系) refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.15. Sentence semantics (句子语义学) refers to the study of sentence meaning in language.1. What’s the criterion of John Lyons in classifying semantics into its sub-branches? And how does he classify semantics?In terms of whether it falls within the scope of linguistics, John Lyons distinguishes between linguistic semantics and non-linguistic semantics.According John Lyons, semantics is one of the sub-branches of linguistics; it is generally defined as the study of meaning.2. What are the essential factors for determining sentence meaning?1) Object, 2) concept, 3) symbol, 4) user, 5) context.3. What is the difference between the theory of componential analysis and the theory of semantic theory in defining meaning of words?4. What are the sense relations between sentences?1) S1 is synonymous with S2.2) S1 entails S2.3) S1 contradicts S2.4) S1 presupposes S2.5) S1 is a tautology, and therefore invariably true.6) S1 is a contradiction, and therefore invariably false.7) S1 is semantically anomalous.1. Speech act theory (言语行为理论)2. Cooperative principle and its maxims (合作原则及其准则)3. Politeness principle and its maxims (礼貌原则及其准则)4. Conversational implicature (会话含义)5. Indirect speech act (间接言语行为)6. Pragmatic presupposition (语用学预设)7. Relevance theory (关联理论)8. Illocutionary act (言外行为)9. (Horn’s) Q-Principle and R-Principle10. Perfrmative verbs (施为句动词)1. Make comments on the different definitions of pragmatics.2. What are the main types of deixis?3. Explain the statement: context is so indispen sable in fully understanding interpreting the speaker’s meaning.4. How are Austin’s and Searle’s speech act theories related to each other?5. What’s the relationship between CP and PP?6. What do you know about presupposition triggers in English? Explain them briefly with examples.7. What is ostensive-referential communication?8. Explain the obvious presupposition of speaker who say each of the following:1) When did you stop beating your wife?2) Where did Tom buy the watch?3) Your car is broken.9. What do you think of the fol lowing statement? “Tom participated in spreading rumors” entails “Tom engaged in spreading rumors”.Chapter 9 话语分析1. text(语篇) = discourse 语篇是指实际使用的语言单位,是一次交际过程中的一系列连续的话段或句子所构成的语言整体。



第一章语言学导论Chapter1 Invitations to LinguisticsLinguistics is nowadays coming into wide use with combination of theories and practice as wellas linguistics and other disciplines.Linguistics is of great use with very wide application. —人工智能,人机对话,机器翻译The research of linguistics has already gone beyond language itself.Definition of LinguisticsHow do you define linguistics? What is linguistics?—— Linguistics can be defined as the scientific or systematic study of language. It is a sciencein the sense that it scientifically studies the rules, systems and principles of human language.What are we going to learn about linguistics?1.It is generally agreed that linguistics should include at least five parameters, namely, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic. These can be called microlinguistics.语音学 (phonetics); 音系学 (phonology); 形态学 (morphology); 句法学 (syntax) — Schools of Modern Linguistics 现代语言学流派; 语义学 (semantics) ; 语用学 (pragmatics) (chapter2-6) 2. Macrolinguistics —— interdisciplinary learningSaussure, father of modern linguistics( 现代语言学之父) were intended to establish the autonomy of linguistics, giving it a well-defined subject of study and freeing it from reliance onother disciplines. However, the interactive links between linguistics and other sciences are developing fast.尽管索绪尔的目的是给予语言学自主性,给它定义明确的研究对象,将它从对其他学科的依赖中解放出来。



Chapter 1 Language语言1. Design feature (识别特征) refers to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.2. Productivity(能产性) refers to the ability that people have in making and comprehending indefinitely large quantities of sentences in theirnative language.3. arbitrariness (任意性) Arbitrariness refers to the phenomenon that there is no motivated relationship between a linguistic form and itsmeaning.4. symbol (符号) Symbol refers to something such as an object, word, or sound that represents something else by association or convention.5. discreteness (离散性) Discreteness refers to the phenomenon that the sounds in a language are meaningfully distinct.6. displacement (不受时空限制的特性) Displacement refers to the fact that human language can be used to talk about things that are not in theimmediate situations of its users.7. duality of structure (结构二重性) The organization of language into two levels, one of sounds, the other of meaning, is known as duality ofstructure.8. culture transmission (文化传播) Culture transmission refers to the fact that language is passed on from one generation to the next throughteaching and learning, rather than by inheritance.9. interchangeability (互换性) Interchangeability means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages.1. ★What is language?Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. This definition has captured the main features of language.First, language is a system.Second, language is arbitrary in the sense.The third feature of language is symbolic nature.2. ★What are the design features of language?Language has seven design features as following:1) Productivity.2) Discreteness.3) Displacement4) Arbitrariness.5) Cultural transmission6) Duality of structure.7) Interchangeability.3. Why do we say language is a system?Because elements of language are combined according to rules, and every language contains a set of rules. By system, the recurring patterns or arrangements or the particular ways or designs in which a language operates. And the sounds, the words and the sentences are used in fixed patterns that speaker of a language can understand each other.4. ★ (Function of language.) According to Halliday, what are the initial functions of children’s language? And what are the threefunctional components of adult language?I. Halliday uses the following terms to refer to the initial functions of children’s language:1) Instrumental function. 工具功能2) Regulatory function. 调节功能3) Representational function. 表现功能4) Interactional function. 互动功能5) Personal function. 自指性功能6) Heuristic function. 启发功能[osbQtq`kf`h]7) Imaginative function. 想象功能II. Adult language has three functional components as following:1) Interpersonal components. 人际2) Ideational components.概念3) Textual components.语篇1. general linguistics and descriptive linguistics (普通语言学与描写语言学) The former deals with language in general whereas the latter isconcerned with one particular language.2. synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics (共时语言学与历时语言学) Diachronic linguistics traces the historical development of thelanguage and records the changes that have taken place in it between successive points in time. And synchronic linguistics presents an account of language as it is at some particular point in time.3. theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics (理论语言学与应用语言学) The former copes with languages with a view to establishing atheory of their structures and functions whereas the latter is concerned with the application of the concepts and findings of linguistics to all sorts of practical tasks.4. microlinguistics and macrolinguistics(微观语言学与宏观语言学) The former studies only the structure of language system whereas thelatter deals with everything that is related to languages.5. langue and parole (语言与言语) The former refers to the abstract linguistics system shared by all the members of a speech communitywhereas the latter refers to the concrete act of speaking in actual situation by an individual speaker.6. competence and performance (语言能力与语言运用) The former is one’s knowledge of all the linguistic regulation systems whereas the latteris the use of language in concrete situation.7. speech and writing (口头语与书面语) Speech is the spoken form of language whereas writing is written codes, gives language new scope.8. linguistics behavior potential and actual linguistic behavior (语言行为潜势与实际语言行为) People actually says on a certain occasion to acertain person is actual linguistics behavior. And each of possible linguistic items that he could have said is linguistic behavior potential.9. syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relation(横组合关系与纵聚合关系) The former describes the horizontal dimension of a languagewhile the latter describes the vertical dimension of a language.10. verbal communication and non-verbal communication(言语交际与非言语交际) Usual use of language as a means of transmittinginformation is called verbal communication. The ways we convey meaning without using language is called non-verbal communication.1. ★How does John Lyons classify linguistics?According to John Lyons, the field of linguistics as a whole can be divided into several subfields as following:1) General linguistics and descriptive linguistics.2) Synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics.3) Theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics.4) Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics.2. Explain the three principles by which the linguist is guided: consistency, adequacy and simplicity.1) Consistency means that there should be no contradictions between different parts of the theory and the description.2) Adequacy means that the theory must be broad enough in scope to offer significant generalizations.3) Simplicity requires us to be as brief and economic as possible.3. ★What are the sub-branches of linguistics within the language system?Within the language system there are six sub-branches as following:1) Phonetics. 语音学is a study of speech sounds of all human languages.2) Phonology. 音位学studies about the sounds and sound patterns of a speaker’s native language.3) Morphology. 形态学studies about how a word is formed.4) Syntax. 句法学studies about whether a sentence is grammatical or not.5) Semantics. 语义学studies about the meaning of language, including meaning of words and meaning of sentences.6) Pragmatics. 语用学★The scope of language: Linguistics is referred to as a scientific study of language.★The scientific process of linguistic study: It involves four stages: collecting data, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and drawing conclusions.1. articulatory phonetics(发音语音学) The study of how speech organs produce the sounds is called articulatory phonetics.2. acoustic phonetics (声学语音学) The study of the physical properties and of the transmission of speech sounds is called acoustic phonetics.3. auditory phonetics (听觉语音学) The study of the way hearers perceive speech sounds is called auditory phonetics.4. consonant (辅音) Consonant is a speech sound where the air form the language is either completely blocked, or partially blocked, or where theopening between the speech organs is so narrow that the air escapes with audible friction.5. vowel (元音) is defined as a speech sound in which the air from the lungs is not blocked in any way and is pronounced with vocal-cord vibration.6. bilabials (双唇音) Bilabials means that consonants for which the flow of air is stopped or restricted by the two lips. [p][b] [m] [w]7. affricates (塞擦音) The sound produced by stopping the airstream and then immediately releasing it slowly is called affricates. [t X] [d Y] [tr] [dr]8. glottis (声门) Glottis is the space between the vocal cords.9. rounded vowel (圆唇元音) Rounded vowel is defined as the vowel sound pronounced by the lips forming a circular opening. [u:] [u] [OB] [O]10. diphthongs (双元音) Diphthongs are produced by moving from one vowel position to another through intervening positions.[ei][ai][O i] [Q u][au]11. triphthongs(三合元音) Triphthongs are those which are produced by moving from one vowel position to another and then rapidly andcontinuously to a third one. [ei Q][ai Q][O i Q] [Q u Q][au Q]12. lax vowels (松元音) According to distinction of long and short vowels, vowels are classified tense vowels and lax vowels. All the long vowelsare tense vowels but of the short vowels,[e] is a tense vowel as well, and the rest short vowels are lax vowels.1. ★How are consonants classified in terms of different criteria?The consonants in English can be described in terms of four dimensions.1) The position of the soft palate.2) The presence or the absence of vocal-cord vibration.3) The place of articulation.4) The manner of articulation.2. ★How are vowels classified in terms of different criteria?Vowel sounds are differentiated by a number of factors.1) The state of the velum2) The position of the tongue.3) The openness of the mouth.4) The shape of the lips.5) The length of the vowels.6) The tension of the muscles at pharynx.3. ★What are the three sub-branches of phonetics? How do they differ from each other?Phonetics has three sub-branches as following:1) Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech organs produce the sounds is called articulatory phonetics.2) Acoustic phonetics is the study of the physical properties and of the transmission of speech sounds is called acoustic phonetics.3) Auditory phonetics is the study of the way hearers perceive speech sounds is called auditory phonetics.4. ★What are the commonly used phonetic features for consonants and vowels respectively?I. The frequently used phonetic features for consonants include the following:1) Voiced.2) Nasal.3) Consonantal.4) Vocalic.5) Continuant.6) Anterior.7) Coronal.8) Aspirated.II. The most common phonetic features for vowels include the following:1) High.2) Low.3) Front.4) Back.5) Rounded.6) Tense.1. phonemes (音位) Phonemes are minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.2. allophones (音位变体) Allophones are the phonetic variants and realizations of a particular phoneme.3. phones (单音) The smallest identifiable phonetic unit found in a stream of speech is called a phone.4. minimal pair (最小对立体) Minimal pair means words which differ from each other only by one sound.5. contrastive distribution (对比分布) If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for anotherbrings about a change of meaning, they are said to be in contrastive distribution.6. complementary distribution(互补分布) If two or more sounds never appear in the same environment ,then they are said to be incomplementary distribution.7. free variation (自由变异) When two sounds can appear in the same environment and the substitution of one for the other does not cause anychange in meaning, then they are said to be in free variation.8. distinctive features (区别性特征) A distinctive feature is a feature which distinguishes one phoneme from another.9. suprasegmental features (超切分特征) The distinctive (phonological) features which apply to groups larger than the single segment are knownas suprasegmental features.10. tone languages (声调语言) Tone languages are those which use pitch to contrast meaning at word level.11. intonation languages (语调语言) Intonation languages are those which use pitch to distinguish meaning at phrase level or sentence level.12. juncture (连音) Juncture refers to the phonetic boundary features which may demarcate grammatical units.1. ★What are the differences between English phonetics and English phonology?1) Phonetics is the study of the production, perception, and physical properties of speech sounds, while phonology attempts to account forhow they are combined, organized, and convey meaning in particular languages.2) Phonetics is the study of the actual sounds while phonology is concerned with a more abstract description of speech sounds and tries todescribe the regularities of sound patterns.2. Give examples to illustrate the relationship between phonemes, phones and allophones.When we hear [pit],[tip],[spit],etc, the similar phones we have heard are /p/. And /p/ and /b/ are separate phonemes in English, while [ph] and [p] are allophones.3. How can we decide a minimal pair or a minimal set?A minimal pair should meet three conditions:1) The two forms are different in meaning.2) The two forms are different in one sound segment.3) The different sounds occur in the same position of the two strings.4. ★Use examples to explain the three types of distribution.1) Contrastive distribution. Sounds [m] in met and [n] in net are in contrastive distribution because substituting [m] for [n] will result in achange of meaning.2) Complementary distribution. The aspirated plosive [ph] and the unaspirated plosive [p] are in complementary distribution because theformer occurs either initially in a word or initially in a stressed syllable while the latter never occurs in such environments.3) Free variation. In English, the word “direct” may be pronounce in two ways: /di’rekt/ and /dia’rekt/, and the two different sounds /i/ and /ai/can be said to be in free variation.5. What’s the difference between segmental features and suprasegmental features? What are the suprasegmental features in English?I. 1) Distinctive features, which are used to distinguish one phoneme from another and thus have effect on one sound segment, are referred toas segmental features.2) The distinctive (phonological) features which apply to groups larger than the single segment are known as suprasegmental features.3) Suprasegmental features may have effect on more than one sound segment. They may apply to a string of several sounds.II.The main suprasegmental features include stress, tone, intonation and juncture.6. What’s the difference between tone languages and intonation language?Tone languages are those which use pitch to contrast meaning at word level while intonation languages are those which use pitch to distinguish meaning at phrase level or sentence level7. ★What’s the difference between phonetic transcriptions and phonemic transcriptions?The former was meant to symbolize all possible speech sounds, including even the most minute shades of pronunciation, while the latter was intended to indicate only those sounds capable of distinguishing one word from another in a given language.1. morphemes (语素) Morphemes are the minimal meaningful units in the grammatical system of a language.allomorphs (语素变体) Allomorphs are the realizations of a particular morpheme.morphs (形素) Morphs are the realizations of morphemes in general and are the actual forms used to realize morphemes.2. roots (词根) Roots is defined as the most important part of a word that carries the principal meaning.affixes (词缀) Affixes are morphemes that lexically depend on roots and do not convey the fundamental meaning of words.free morphemes (自由语素) Free morphemes are those which can exist as individual words.bound morphemes (粘着语素) Bound morphemes are those which cannot occur on their own as separate words.3. inflectional affixes (屈折词缀) refer to affixes that serve to indicate grammatical relations, but do not change its part of speech.derivational affixes (派生词缀) refer to affixes that are added to words in order to change its grammatical category or its meaning.4. empty morph (空语子) Empty morph means a morph which has form but no meaning.zero morph (零语子) Zero morph refers to a morph which has meaning but no form.5. IC Analysis (直接成分分析) IC analysis is the analysis to analyze a linguistic expression (both a word and a sentence) into a hierarchicallydefined series of constituents.6. immediate constituents(直接成分) A immediate constituent is any one of the largest grammatical units that constitute a construction.Immediate constituents are often further reducible.ultimate constituents (最后成分) Ultimate constituents are those grammatically irreducible units that constitute constructions.7. morphological rules (形态学规则) The principles that determine how morphemes are combined into new words are said to be morphologicalrules.8. word-formation process (构词法) Word-formation process mean the rule-governed processes of forming new words on the basis of alreadyexisting linguistic resources.1. ★What is IC Analysis?IC analysis is the analysis to analyze a linguistic expression (both a word and a sentence) into a hierarchically defined series of constituents.2. How are morphemes classified?1) Semantically speaking, morphemes are grouped into two categories: root morphemes and affixational morphemes.2) Structurally speaking, they are divided into two types: free morphemes and bound morphemes.3. ★Explain the interrelations between semantic and structural classifications of morphemes.a) All free morphemes are roots but not all roots are free morphemes.b) All affixes are bound morphemes, but not all bound morphemes are affixes.4. What’s the difference between an empty morph and a zero mor ph?a) Empty morph means a morph that has form but no meaning.b) Zero morph refers to a morph that has meaning but no form.5. Explain the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes in term of both function and position.a) Functionally:i.Inflectional affixes sever to mark grammatical relations and never create new words while derivational affixes can create new words.ii.Inflectional affixes do not cause a change in grammatical class while derivational affixes very often but not always cause a change in grammatical class.b) In term of position:i.Inflectional affixes are suffixes while derivational affixes can be suffixes or prefixes.ii.Inflectional affixes are always after derivational affixes if both are present. And derivational affixes are always before inflectional suffixes if both are present.6. What are morphological rules? Give at least four rules with examples.The principles that determine how morphemes are combined into new words are said to be morphological rules.For example:a) un- + adj. ->adj.b) Adj./n. + -ify ->v.c) V. + -able -> adj.d) Adj. + -ly -> adv.1. syntagmatic relations (横组关系) refer to the relationships between constituents in a construction.paradigmatic relations (纵聚合关系) refer to the relations between the linguistic elements within a sentence and those outside the sentence.hierarchical relations (等级关系) refer to relationships between any classification of linguistic units which recognizes a series of successively subordinate levels.2. IC Analysis (直接成分分析) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions at any level within a syntactic construction.labeled IC Analysis(标记法直接成分分析) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions at any level within a syntactic construction and label each constituent.phrase markers (短语标记法) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions at any level within a syntactic construction, and label each constituent while remove all the linguistic forms.labeled bracketing (方括号标记法) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which is applied in representing the hierarchical structure of sentences by using brackets.3. constituency (成分关系)dependency (依存关系)4. surface structures (表层结构)refers to the mental representation of a linguistic expression, derived from deep structure by transformationalrules.deep structures (深层结构) deep structure of a linguistic expression is a theoretical construct that seeks to unify several related structures. 5. phrase structure rules (短语结构规则)are a way to describe a given language's syntax. They are used to break a natural language sentencedown into its constituent parts.6. transformational rules (转换规则)7. structural ambiguity (结构歧义)1. What are the differences between surface structure and deep structure?They are different from each other in four aspects:1) Surface structures correspond directly to the linear arrangements of sentences while deep structures correspond to the meaningful groupingof sentences.2) Surface structures are more concrete while deep structures are more abstract.3) Surface structures give the forms of sentences whereas deep structures give the meanings of sentences.4) Surface structures are pronounceable but deep structures are not.2. Illustrate the differences between PS rules and T-rules.1) PS rules frequently applied in generating deep structures.2) T-rules are used to transform deep structure into surface structures.3. What’s the order of generating sentences? Do we st art with surface structures or with deep structures? How differently are theygenerated?To generate a sentence, we always start with its deep structure, and then transform it into its corresponding surface structure.Deep structures are generated by phrase structure rules (PS rules) while surface structures are derived from their deep structures by transformational rules (T-rules).4. What’s the difference between a compulsory constituent and an optional one?Optional constituents may be present or absent while compulsory constituents must be present.5. What are the three syntactic relations? Illustrate them with examples.1) Syntagmatic relations2) Paradigmatic relations.3) Hierarchical relations.1. Lexical semantics (词汇语义学) is defined as the study of word meaning in language.2. Sense (意义) refers to the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.3. Reference (所指) means what a linguistic form refers to in the real world.4. Concept (概念) is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.5. Denotation (外延) is defined as the constant ,abstract, and basic meaning of a linguistic expression independent of context and situation.6. Connotation (内涵) refers to the emotional associations which are suggested by, or are part of the meaning of, a linguistic unit.7. Componential analysis (成分分析法) is the way to decompose the meaning of a word into its components.8. Semantic field (语义场) The vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items, but is organized into areas, within whichwords interrelate and define each other in various ways. The areas are semantic fields.9. Hyponymy (上下义关系) refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.10. Synonymy (同义关系) refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning.11. Antonymy (反义关系) refers to the oppositeness of meaning.12. Lexical ambiguity (词汇歧义)13. Polysemy (多义性) refers to the fact that the same one word may have more than one meaning.14. Homonymy (同音(同形)异义关系) refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.15. Sentence semantics (句子语义学) refers to the study of sentence meaning in language.1. What’s the criterion of John Lyons in classifying semantics into its sub-branches? And how does he classify semantics?In terms of whether it falls within the scope of linguistics, John Lyons distinguishes between linguistic semantics and non-linguistic semantics.According John Lyons, semantics is one of the sub-branches of linguistics; it is generally defined as the study of meaning.2. What are the essential factors for determining sentence meaning?1) Object, 2) concept, 3) symbol, 4) user, 5) context.3. What is the difference between the theory of componential analysis and the theory of semantic theory in defining meaning of words?4. What are the sense relations between sentences?1) S1 is synonymous with S2.2) S1 entails S2.3) S1 contradicts S2.4) S1 presupposes S2.5) S1 is a tautology, and therefore invariably true.6) S1 is a contradiction, and therefore invariably false.7) S1 is semantically anomalous.1. Speech act theory (言语行为理论)2. Cooperative principle and its maxims (合作原则及其准则)3. Politeness principle and its maxims (礼貌原则及其准则)4. Conversational implicature (会话含义)5. Indirect speech act (间接言语行为)6. Pragmatic presupposition (语用学预设)7. Relevance theory (关联理论)8. Illocutionary act (言外行为)9. (Horn’s) Q-Principle and R-Principle10. Perfrmative verbs (施为句动词)1. Make comments on the different definitions of pragmatics.2. What are the main types of deixis?3. Explain the statement: context is so indispen sable in fully understanding interpreting the speaker’s meaning.4. How are Austin’s and Searle’s speech act theories related to each other?5. What’s the relationship between CP and PP?6. What do you know about presupposition triggers in English? Explain them briefly with examples.7. What is ostensive-referential communication?8. Explain the obvious presupposition of speaker who say each of the following:1) When did you stop beating your wife?2) Where did Tom buy the watch?3) Your car is broken.9. What do you think of the fol lowing statement? “Tom participated in spreading rumors” entails “Tom engaged in spreading rumors”.Chapter 9 话语分析1. text(语篇) = discourse 语篇是指实际使用的语言单位,是一次交际过程中的一系列连续的话段或句子所构成的语言整体。



《英语语言学概论》一I. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word beginning with the letter given:1. Modern linguistics is descriptive___ rather than prescriptive.2. Consonants can be described in terms of places__ of articulation, manners of articul ation, and voicing___.3. Allophones___ are variants of the same phoneme in different phonetic contexts.4. The smallest meaningful unit of language is called morpheme___.5. According to Saussure, a linguistic sign is composed of signifier_ and signified__.6. General linguistics is based on the view that language as a system composed of three aspects: sound, structure_ and meaning.7. Monophthongs and diphthongs__ are two major types of vowels.8. Sequences that are possible but do not occur yet are called accidental__ gap, e.g. /bl ik/, /bilk/, /klib/, and /kilb/.9. Meanings_ and sounds _ make up two subsystems of language.10. The language used to talk about language is called metalanguage__.11. According to M.A.K. Halliday, language plays three metafunctions simultaneously : the ideational function, the interpersonal__ function and the textual___ function. 12. Chinese is a typical tone___ language. M (mother), m (hemp) m (horse) m (scold), for example, are four distinguished words.13. The total number of words stored in the brain is called lexicon__, which can be un derstood as a mental dictionary.14. Words like went, which is not related in form to indicate grammatical contrast with the root, are called suppletives_____.15. Semantics__ is defined as the study of meaning.16. Synonym__ are words which have different forms but similar meanings.II. Indicate the following statements true or false. Put T for true and F for false in the brackets:(T ) 1. The Swiss linguist de Saussure regarded the linguistic sign as composed of sound image and referent.(F) 2. Chinese is an agglutinating language.(F) 3. Not all vowels are voiced.(F ) 4. If segments appear in the same position but the mutual substitution does notresult in change of meaning, they are said to be in free variation.( F) 5. A greenbottle is a type of bottle.( T) 6. Productivity is the first and foremost striking feature of human language.(F) 7. Language contains two subsystems, one of speaking and the other of writing. (T) 8. Language can be used to refer to things real or imagined, past, present or future. ( T) 9. Modern linguistics is prescriptive rather than descriptive.( F) 10. The study of speech sounds is called Phonology.( F ) 11. The voiceless bilabial stop in pin and the one in spin are in complementary distribution.( F) 12. Tone is the variation of pitch to distinguish utterance meaning.(T) 13. Compounding, the combination of free morphemes, is a common way to form words.(F) 14. In the phrases a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, both cattle and sheepcontain only one morpheme.(F) 15. The meaning of compounds is always the sum of meaning of thecompounds.III. Multiple Choice1._ __ is the first and foremost striking feature of human language.(C )A. DualityB. ArbitrarinessC. CreativityD. Displacement2.Which of the following does not belong to the language metafunctionsillustrated by M.A.K. Halliday? .(D )A.Ideational functionB. Interpersonal functionC.Textual function.D. Logical function3.The study of speech sounds is called ________..(A)A. PhoneticsB. Articulatory phoneticsC. PhonologyD. Acoustic Phonetics4.Every syllable has a(n) _______, which is usually a vowel. .(B )A. onsetB. nucleusC. codaD. rhyme5.Which of the following does not belong to suprasegmental features? .(D )A.StressB. IntonationC. ToneD. Syllable6.________ is defined as the study of the internal structure and the formation ofwords. .(A )A. MorphologyB. SyntaxC. LexiconD. Morpheme7._____ is a process that puts an existing word of one class into anotherclass. .(D )A. ClippingB. BlendingC. EponymD. Conversion8.In the phrases a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, both cattle and sheep contain_____ morphemes. .(B )A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four9. Sip and zip, tip and dip, map and nap, etc, are all ______..(B )A. minimal pairsB. minimal setsC. allophonesD. phonesIV. For each group of sounds listed below, state the phonetic feature(s) then share: Example: [s] [f] [p] [h] voiceless1)[g] [z] [d]voiced2)[v] [h] [s] fricative3)[m] [p] [b] [f] [v] labial4)[t] [d] [n] [l] [s] [z] alveolar5)[i:] [i] [u] [u:] highV. Transcribe the sound represented by the underlined letter(s) in the words and then describe it.Example: heat [i:] vowel front higha)photo /f/coiceless labiodental fricativeb)write /r/alveolar retroflex liquidc)car /a:/low back voweld)actor /k/voicelsss velar stope)city /i/lax high front vowelf)city /s/voiceless alveolar frocativeg)worry /w/labiovelar glideh)yes /j/palatal glideVI. Write the phonetic symbol that corresponds to the articulatory description.Example: vowel front high [i:]1bilabial nasal2voiced labiovelar glide3literal liquid4voiced bilabial stop5front high laxVII. Pronounce the words key and core, ski and score, paying attention to the phoneme /k/. What difference do you notice between the first pair and the second pair in terms of the phonetic features of the voiceless velar stop?In pronouncing key,the voiceless valar stop is palatalized.In key and core t he stop is aspirated. In ski,the stop is also palatalized. In ski and score, the stop isunaspirated.VIII. Consider the following words and answer the questions below:a)finger1b)disgraceful 3c)stepsister 2 underline sisterd)psycholinguistics 4 underline linguisticse)antidisestablishmentarianism7 underline establishi.Tell the number of morphemes in each word.ii.Underline the free morphemes in each word where possible to do so.IX. Identify the difference between a greenhouse and a green house, and the difference between a sleeping car and a sleeping baby.A greenhouse, the stree is on green, a green house ,the stress is on house.X. Define the following term, giving examples for illustration:AllophoneGreenhouse is a compound word;green house is a noun phrase. A greenhouse refers to a building with sides and roof of glass, used for growing plants thatneed protection from the weather,while a green house refers to a house whose colour is green.XI. Draw tree diagrams for the following two sentences:1. A clever magician fooled the audience. A sleeping car2.The tower on the hill collapsed in the wind. the stress is on sleeping3.They can fish. a sleeping baby, the stress is on baby4.Pat found a book on Wall Street. A sleeping car means a car in which one can sleep5.I saw the man with a telescope. A sleeping baby means a baby who is sleeping.XII. Explain the ambiguity of the following sentences.a.This is a beautiful girl’s dress.This is a dress for beautiful girls. This is a beautiful dress for girls.b.Those who went there quickly made a fortune.Those who quickly went there made a fortune.Those who went there made a fortune quickly.c. A woman murdererA murderer who is a woman. A murderer who has killed a woman.XIII. Tell the process of word formation illustrated by the example and find as many words as you can that are formed in the same way.(1)flu clipping(2)OPEC acronyming(3)Nobel eponyming(4)televise back formation(5)better (v.) conversionXIV. How would you read the phrases in the two columns? What does each of them mean?Column I Column IIa. The White House a white houseb. a redcoat a red coata. a bluebird a blue birdb. a lighthouse keeper a light housekeeperXV. Explain the relation between bank1 (the side of a river) and bank2 (the financial institute).XVI. Identify the type of transitivity process in each of the following sentences.(1)John washed the car.(2)John likes the car.XVII. Answer the following question:What are the three metafunctions according to Halliday?《英语语言学概论》二I.Indicate the following statements true or false. Put T for true and F for false in the brackets:( False ) 1. Pragmatics is concerned with speaker meaning.(True ) 2. The reference of a deixis to a preceding expression is technically termed cataphoric reference.II. Multiple Choice1.Both pretty and handsome mean good-looking but they differ in _ABD_______meaning.A. collocativeB. socialC. affectiveD. reflected2.__B____ refers to having the right to speak by turns.A.Adjacency pairsB. Turn-talkingC. Preferred second partsD. Insertion sequences3. British English and American English are ___C___ varieties of the Englishlanguage.A. functionalB. socialC. regionalD. standard4. ___B___ is the approximate language system that the learner constructs for use incommunication through the target language.A. MetalanguageB. InterlanguageC. SignD. Esperanto5.In __C___ stage, children use single words to represent various meanings.A. telegraphicB. two-wordC. holophrasticD. babbling6.___A___ is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to “varieties accordingto use.”A. RegisterB. FieldC. ModeD. TenorIII. Tell the semantic relation within the given sentence and that between the two sentences.1.My uncle is male. tautology2.The spinster is married. contradiction3.Jim is an orphan. Jim lives with his parents. inconsistency4.Sam is the husband of Sally. Sally is the wife of Sam. synonymy5.He has gone to London. He has gone to England. entailmentIV. Data Analysis:1.What is the illocution of A’s utterance in the following briefencounter?A: You are in a non-smoking zone, sir.B: Thanks (extinguishing the cigarette).A wants to stopB from smoking there2.What kind of pre-sequence is A’s first utterance? (Hint: A and Bare two secretaries working in the same office.)A: Are you going to be here long?B: You can go if you like.A: I’ll just be outside. Call me if you need me.B: OK.Pre-request.V. Try to think of contexts in which the following sentences can be used for other purposes than just stating facts:1. The room is messy. It's time to clean it up2. It would be good if she had a green skirt on. I wish she had a good time.VI. Define the following term, giving examples for illustration:Variety The term variety is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field. A variety is characterized by the basic lexicon, phonology, syntax shared by members of the group. Varieties of a language are of four types: the standard variety, regional (geographical) dialects, sociolects (social dialects) and registers (functional varieties).VII. Give examples to illustrate gradable antonyms, complementary antonyms, and reversal antonyms.Gradable antonyms are pairs of words opposite to each other, but the positive of one word does not necessarily imply the negative of the other, or vice versa. A person who is not rich is not necessarily poor. The two words represent two polarities between which there is continuum. This relation is found between many adjective and adverb pairs. They have three characteristics. Firstly, they can be used in comparative or superlative degrees (faster, fastest; slower, slowest). Secondly, they can be modified by adverbs of degree, very, fairly, quite, rather, etc. Thirdly, they can follow how in questions (How large is the room? How long is the river?). In raising such questions the basic one of the two is preferred. Otherwise, there is presupposition in the question. For instance, “How short is the man?” presupposes the man is below the average in height.Complementary antonyms are words opposite to each other and the positive of one implies the negative of the other. Dead/alive, male/female, pass/fail, etc. are complementary antonyms. An animal may be neither big nor small, but it cannot be neither dead nor alive. Adjectives and adverbs which are complementarily opposite to each other cannot be used in comparative or superlative degrees, nor modified by adverbs of degree. In addition, they cannot appear in questions beginning with how.Reversal antonyms are words that denote the same relation or process from one or the other direction. Push/pull, come/go, ascend/descend, buy/sell, up/down in/out, employer/employee, husband/wife, are all reversal antonyms. If you see push on the door when you enter a room, then you will expect to see pull, going out of the room through the same door. If John is on the right of Jane, Jane must be on the left of John. These examples show that reversal antonyms describe a relation between two entities from alternate directions or view points.VIII. Answer the following questions:1.What are the features of metaphors?Metaphors are systematic precisely because they are conceptual in nature. For example, there are many metaphors which reflect our conceptions of time. Among them, TIME IS MONEY, TIME IS A LIMITED RESOURCE and TIME IS A VALUEABLE COMMODITY are three concepts which are systematically related. These concepts are shown by many English metaphors as listed by Lakoff & JohnsonOf these metaphors, some refer specifically to money (spent, invested, budget, profitably, cost), others to limited resources (use, use up, have enough of, run out of), and still others to valuable commodities (have, give, lose, thank you for). The threemetaphorical concepts form a conceptual system based on subcategorization and entailment. In modern industrialized societies, time is conceptualized as a valuable commodity, limited resource, and even money, because work and pay are quantified in terms of hours, weeks, and years. TIME IS MONEY entails TIME IS A LIMITED RESOURCE, which entails TIME IS A VALUABLE COMMODITY. The most specific concept TIME IS MONEY is often used to characterize coherently and systematically all those concepts expressed by the metaphors listed.Metaphor can create similarities between the two domains involved. This runs counter to the traditional view which holds that similarities are inherent in the entities themselves. But cognitive linguists hold that the similarities relevant to metaphors are experiential rather than objective. The metaphorical concepts TIME IS MONEY, for example, is not found in all cultures, nor in all historical periods of a particular culture. The correlation between the two semantic categories is established in the process of conceptualization. Out of human experience, the concept of verticality has no relation to health, consciousness, emotion, quality, and virtue. The UP-DOWN orientation is, however, found in many metaphors in which correlations are created. We select a few orientational metaphors below (Lakoff and Johnson 1980: 15-17):2.How do you distinguish homonymy from polysemy?Homonyms are listed as separate entries in a dictionary, because lexicographers see them as unrelated in sense. A polyseme is a word which has several related senses. In many dictionaries you can find bank(1) and bank(2) as separate entries. The relation between the two is homonymy. Both of them are polysemes, because each of them has several definitions. Lexicographers make the distinction between homonyms and polysemes based on the intuition of native speakers as well as theetymology or history of words.3.What is reference and what is sense? How are they related?Linguistic expressions stand in a relation to the world. One aspect of meaning is reference, the relation by which a word picks out or identifies an entity in the world. London refers to or denotes the capital of Great Britain. The word dog denotes a kind of domestic animal. The referential theory, the simplest theory of meaning, claims that meaning is reference. As described by Kempson (1977: 13), the referential approach makes these generalizations: Proper nouns denote individuals; common nouns denote sets of individuals; verbs denote actions; adjectives denote properties of individuals; adverbs denote properties of actions.Words stand not only in relation to the world but also to human mind. So in addition to reference, there is another dimension of word meaning called sense. For example, when you hear the expression dog, you will naturally reflect on its features in addition to the kind of animal as the referent of the expression. Sense is mental representation, the association with something in the speaker/hearer's mind. Words like dragon, but, of and phrases like a round triangle have sense, but no referent. Words like dog, horse, car and gun have both referent and sense. The study of meaning from the perspective of sense is called the representational approach. The following sections will explore how to analyze meaning along this line. 4.What are the components of metaphor?How do metaphors function as a mode of thinking and talking about the world? All metaphors are composed of two domains. They allow us to understand one domain of experiences in terms of another. The domain to be conceptualized is called target domain, while the conceptualizing domain is termed the source domain. (In the literature, another pair of terms used are tenor and vehicle). The transference of properties of the source domain to the target domain is referred to by some cognitive linguists as mapping. The source domain is concrete and familiar. The target domain is abstract and novel. Bubble economy, soft landing, bottle-neck phenomena are metaphors used frequently in recent years in talking about the economy. Economic phenomena are not easy to describe and understand. Metaphors like these help to conceptualize various economic situations. The semantic properties of the source domains of bubbles, bottles, landing aircrafts are mapped to the target domain of economics.5.What is the difference between linguistic competence and communicativecompetence?The previous sections examine the complex relation between language and society as well as the relation between language and culture. It is obvious that to be able to use a language is not merely to manipulate a system of code. There are striking different connotations between the ability to speak and the ability to talk. Linguists like Noam Chomsky who are not concerned with language use propose the term linguistic competence to account for a speaker's knowledge of his language. Sociolinguists like Dell Hymes criticized this concept of competence. He argues that a normal child acquires knowledge of sentences, not only as grammatical, but also as appropriate. A child acquires competence as to when to speak, when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when, where, in what manner. In short, a child becomes able to accomplish a repertoire of speech acts, to take part in speech events, and to evaluate their accomplishment by others. This competence, moreover, is integral with attitudes, values and motivations concerning language, its features and uses, and integral with competence for, and attitudes toward, the interrelation of language with the other code of communicative conduct (Hymes 1972). Based on this argument Hymes and others propose communicative competence as the most general term to account for both the tacit knowledge of language and the ability to use it.6.What is the difference between referential meaning and associative meanings ofwords?Referential meaning(sometimes called denotative meaning) is widely believed to be the central meaning of words. It is comparatively more stable and universal. The word woman refers to female human adult. This kind of meaning of the word has not changed and will not change. But other meanings which are parasitic to its referential meaning may vary from one historical period to another. Presumably, in all languages there is a word that denotes womanhood. But due to different social roles of women in different cultures, other meanings associated with the referential meaning (female human adult) vary in different languages. In a matriarchy society people must have different conceptions of woman than in a patriarchy society.Associative meanings are meanings that hinge on referential meaning. In contrast to referential meaning, they are less stable and more culture-specific. For example, although the referential meaning of the word king has not changed in English, English people today have different conceptions of theking than before. The English word pig may have the same referent as its equivalent in a language of Islamic culture. Yet, the associative meanings are totally different.7.How do you distinguish pidgin from Creole?The term pidgin is the label for the code used by people who speak different languages.A pidgin is not the native language of any group. It is confined to very limited communicative purposes, such as trade. Pidgins are mixed languages that are simplified syntactically and lexically. Juba Arabic spoken in southern Sudan is a pidgin.A creole is a mixed language which has become the mother tongue of a speech community. The majority of creoles that still exist are based on English or French. Hawaiian creole, Jamaican creole, Guyana creole, etc. are all English-based. Creloes are not confined to certain functions of language nor reduced in syntax and lexis. Creoles and pidgins are distributed mainly in the equatorial belt around the world, usually in places with direct or easy access to the oceans8.What are the three dimensions that a speech act consists of?locutionary act illocutionary act perlocutionary act9.How do sociolinguists classify the varieties of English?The English language has many regional dialects. British English, American English, Australian English, Indian English, South African English, etc. are all regional varieties of the language. One dialect is distinctive from another phonologically, lexically and grammatically. Between British English and American English, differences can be easily found in pronunciation, in spelling, in words and in syntactic structure. The word hot, for example, is pronounced differently in the two regional dialects. The vowel is a mid back in British English, while in American English it is a low back. The same word is spelt differently, such as labour and labor. The same concept or object is represented by different lexis (dialectalsynonyms, such as flat and apartment). In some sentences, the constituents are different. The auxiliary do may not be necessary in a yes/no question in British English if the predicate verb is have. For examp le “Have you a match?” is equivalent to “Do you have a match?”10.What are the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle?(i) Tact maxim(a) Minimize cost to other [(b) Maximize benefit to other](ii) Generosity maxim(a) Minimize benefit to self [(b) Maximize cost to self](iii) Approbation maxim(a) Minimize dispraise of other [(b) Maximize praise to other](iv) Modesty maxim(a) Minimize praise of self [(b) Maximize dispraise of self](v) Agreement maxim(a) Minimize disagreement between self and other [(b) maximize agreement between self and other](vi) Sympathy maxim(a) Minimize antipathy between self and other[(b) Maximize sympathy between self and other]。

27037 本科自考英语语言学概论精心整理 Chapter 5 Morphology(word文档良心出品)

27037 本科自考英语语言学概论精心整理 Chapter 5 Morphology(word文档良心出品)

Chapter 5 Morphology(形态学,词法学)5.1 what is morphology?什么是形态学?Morphology is one of subbranches of linguistics,and also a branch of grammar.形态学即使语言学的分支,也是语法的分支。

Morphology studies the internal structure of words,and the rules by which words are formed.形态学研究词的内部结构和构词规则。

可分为两个分支:inflectional morphology and lexical/derivational morphology屈折形态学和词汇或派生形态学5.2 morphemes (词素,语素)最简单的定义Morpheme is a minimal meaningful grammatical unit.语素是最小的有意义的语法单位。

Morphemes are the smallest meaningful units in the grammatical system of a language.语素是在语音的语法系统中最小的意义单位。

1 minimal: smallest,it can not further be divided.2 meaningful: can not be further divided without destroying its meaning3 grammatical: not only lexical morphemes like ,but also grammatical ones,5.3 Classification of morphemes 语素的分类Semantically:morphemes :root morphemes and affixational morphemes根据语义,语素可分为词根和词缀Structurally:morphemes :free morphemes and bound morphemes根据结构,语素可分为自由语素和粘着语素5.3.1 interrelations between free morphemes,bound morphemes,roots and affixes自由语素、粘着语素、词根和词缀的相互关系1)Free morphemes are those which can exist as individual words.eg.book,store.自由语素是那些独立存在的单词。



第一节语言的本质一、语言的普遍特征(Design Features)1.任意性 Arbitratriness:shu 和Tree都能表示“树"这一概念;同样的声音,各国不同的表达方式2.双层结构Duality:语言由声音结构和意义结构组成(the structure of sounds andmeaning)3.多产性productive:语言可以理解并创造无限数量的新句子,是由双层结构造成的结果(Understand and create unlimited number with sentences)4.移位性 Displacemennt:可以表达许多不在场的东西,如过去的经历、将来可能发生的事情,或者表达根本不存在的东西等5.文化传播性 Cultural Transmission:语言需要后天在特定文化环境中掌握二、语言的功能(Functions of Language)1.传达信息功能 Informative:最主要功能The main function2.人际功能 Interpersonal:人类在社会中建立并维持各自地位的功能establish andmaintain their identity3.行事功能 performative:现实应用——判刑、咒语、为船命名等Judge,naming,andcurses4.表情功能 Emotive Function:表达强烈情感的语言,如感叹词/句exclamatoryexpressions5.寒暄功能 Phatic Communion:应酬话phatic language,比如“吃了没?”“天儿真好啊!”等等6.元语言功能 Metalingual Function:用语言来谈论、改变语言本身,如book可以指现实中的书也可以用“book这个词来表达作为语言单位的“书”三、语言学的分支1。

核心语言学 Core linguistic1)语音学 Phonetics :关注语音的产生、传播和接受过程,着重考察人类语言中的单音。









3.语言学的分支(P.20)语音学、音位(系/韵)学、形态学、句法(学)、语义学、(语用学)4.小结(P.24)第二章语音学1.发音器官(P.28)2.辅音与元音(P.30)2.1 国际音标(P.30)2.2 辅音分类(P.33)软颚的位置、发音部位、发音方法以、清浊音2.3 元音分类(P.39)组成部分、舌头隆起的部位、舌位隆起的高低、口腔开合程度、音的长短、肌内的张弛、圆唇与否3.小结(P.39)Exx.1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10第三章音位(系/韵)学1.音位学重要概念(P.53)1.1 音位(P.53)1.2 最小对立体(P.54)1.3 音位与音位变体(P.55)1.4 音位、音素与音位变体(P.57)2.音位的鉴别(P.57)2.1 环境与分布(P.57)2.2 分布的类别(P.58)对立分布(最小对立位)、互补分布、自由变异3.区分特征(P.65)4.单词中音位排列(5,P.67)5.超切分(/音段)特征(6,P.69)5.1 单词重音(6.1,P.70)5.2 声调与语调(6.2,P.70)5.3 连音(/音渡)(6.3,P.72)6.小结(P.76)Exx.1,2(1)(2)(3)(4),3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15第四章形态学(词法)1.语素(P.82)2.语素分类(P.84)2.1 词根与词缀(P.84)2.2 前缀、后缀与中缀(P.86)2.3 屈折变化词缀与派生变化词缀(P.87)3.形素与语素变体(P.90)4.语素的鉴别(P.92)4.1 将语音序列分割为形素(P.92)4.2 将形素归并为语素(P.94)4.3 空形素与零形素(P.97)5.语素分析(P.98)6.词法功能(P.103)6.1 屈折变化词法的语法功能(P.103)6.2 派生变化词法与构词法(P.104)6.2.1 主要构词法(P.105)派生(/词缀)法、转换法、合成法6.2.2 次要构词法(P.107)拼缀、截短、首字母缩略、首字母拼音、逆向构词7.小结(P.110)Exx.1-14第五章句法1.序列(/横组合)关系(P.116)2.替代(/纵聚合)关系(P.117)3.层次(/等级)关系(P.118)4.鉴别句法范畴(P.121)4.1 名词与名词短语(P.121)4.2 动词与动词短语(P.123)4.3 形容词(P.124)4.4 副词(P.124)5.层次与带标记的直接成分分析(P.125)5.1 直接成分分析法(P.125)5.2 带标记的直接成分分析法(P.125)5.3 完整的短语标记分析法(P.127)5.4 部分短语标记分析法(P.130)5.5 括号分析法(P.130)5.6 带标记的括号分析法(P.130)6.小结(P.131)Exx.1-8第八章语义学1.何谓意义?(P.210)2.词汇语义学(P.212)2.1 成分分析法(P.213)2.2 语义场(P.215)2.2.1 何谓语义场?(P.215)2.2.2 语义关系(P.216) 下义关系(P.216) 部分/整体关系(P.220) 同义关系(P.220) 反义关系(P.221)互补反义词、分等级性的反义词、关系对立反义词2.3 词语歧义(P.224)2.3.1 一词多义(P.224)2.3.2 同音(同形)异义词(P.224)3.句子语义学(P.226)5.3 完整的短语标记分析法(P.127)5.4 部分短语标记分析法(P.130)5.5 括号分析法(P.130)5.6 带标记的括号分析法(P.130)6.小结(P.131)Exx.1-8第八章语义学1.何谓意义?(P.210)2.词汇语义学(P.212)2.1 成分分析法(P.213)2.2 语义场(P.215)2.2.1 何谓语义场?(P.215)2.2.2 语义关系(P.216) 下义关系(P.216) 部分/整体关系(P.220) 同义关系(P.220) 反义关系(P.221)互补反义词、分等级性的反义词、关系对立反义词2.3 词语歧义(P.224)2.3.1 一词多义(P.224)2.3.2 同音(同形)异义词(P.224)3.句子语义学(P.226)3.1 决定句子意义的主要因素(P.228)3.2 语义功能(P.231)3.3 语法功能与语义功能(P.231)3.4 语义反常(P.232)4.小结(P.233)Exx.1-8三、说明1.本大纲与教材内的章节略有区别。

(完整word版)英语语言学 整理资料名词+简答

(完整word版)英语语言学 整理资料名词+简答


每个分支的研究对象是什么?Linguistics mainly involves the following branches:General linguistics, which is the study of language as a whole and which deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicablein any linguistic studyPhonetics, which studies the sounds that are used in linguistic communicationPhonology,which studies how sounds are put together and used in communicationMorphology, which studies the way in which morphemes are arranged to form wordsSyntax, which studies how morphemes and words are combined to form sentencesSemantics, which is the study of meaning in language.Pragmatics, which is the study of meaning not in isolation, but in context of useSociolinguistics, which is the study of language with reference to societyPsycholinguistics, which is the study of language with reference to the workings of mind.Applied linguistics, which is concerned about the application of linguistic findings in linguistic studies; In a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second languages.Other related branches are anthropological linguistics, neurological inguistics, mathematical linguistics, and computational linguistics.2、现代语言学Modern linguistics与传统语法Traditional grammar 有什么区别?Traditional grammar is prescriptive; it is based on "high "(religious, literary) written language. It sets models for language users to follow. But Modern linguistics is descriptive; its investigations are based on authentic, and mainly spoken language data. It is supposed to be scientific and objective and the task of linguists is supposed to describe the language people actually use, whether it is "correct" or not.3、什么叫共时研究?什么叫历时研究?The description of a language at some point in time is a Synchronic study (共时研究); the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study(历时研究). A synchronic study of language describes a language as it is at some particular point in rime, while a diachronic study of language is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.4、人类语言的甄别性特征是什么?1) Arbitrariness 。



本科⾃考英语语⾔学概论精⼼整理ChapterOnelanguage English Linguistics:An Introduction 英语语⾔学概论(王永强⽀永碧)Chapter One language1 What is language2 What are the features of language3 What are the functions of languageThe definition of languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语⾔是⽤于⼈类交际的任意性的发⾳的符号系统。

First ,language is a system: sound ,words, rules, meaningsElements of language are combined according to rules. Every language contains a set of rules. By system ,we mean the recurring patterns or arrangement or the particular ways or designs in which a language operates. The sounds and the words which form sentences are used in fixed patterns that speakers of a language can understand each other. It is because every language has its system that it conveys the same meaning to its speakers. 语⾔的元素组合根据规则。

(完整word版)语言学概论 试题及答案(word文档良心出品)

(完整word版)语言学概论 试题及答案(word文档良心出品)



























(3)语言符号的任意性(arbitrariness)与理据性(motivation)(4)口头性(5)语言是人类特有的(6)语言是用于交际的寒暄交谈(phatic communion)马林诺夫斯基提出的,认为语言除了用于表达思想、交流感情外,还可以用语言营造一种气氛或保持社会接触。


1.3语言的起源1.4语言的分类1.4.1系属分类(Genetic Classification)历史比较语言学通过比较各种语言在不同时期语音、词性、曲折变化、语法结构上的相同特点来建立语言族系。




1.4.2 类型分类(Typological Classifacation)根据词的结构类型,可分为(1)孤立语(isolating language)又叫词根语,一个词代表一个意思,缺少形态变化,语序和虚词是表达语法意义的主要手段。


(2)粘着语(agglutinative language)简单词组成复合词,而词性和意义不变。



(3)屈折语(inflectional language)词形变化表语法关系的语言。


(4)多式综合语(polysynthesis language)把主、宾和其它语法项结合到动词词干上以构成一个单独的词,但表达一个句子的意思。


根据句子的语序类型,可分为SVO、SOV、OSV、OVS等1.5语言的功能1.5.1 一般功能1.5.2元功能(metafunction)1.6什么是语言学(linguistics)1.7语言学中的重要区分(1)语言(langue)和言语(parole/langage)索绪尔对语言和言语作出了区分。



























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Chapter 1Language 语言1.Design feature(识别特征 ) refers to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from anyanimal system of communication.2.Productivity( 能产性 ) refers to the ability that people have in making and comprehending indefinitely largequantities of sentences in their native language.3.arbitrariness(任意性 )Arbitrariness refers to the phenomenon that there is no motivated relationshipbetween a linguistic form and its meaning.4.symbol (符号 ) Symbol refers to something such as an object, word, or sound that represents somethingelse by association or convention.5.discreteness(离散性 )Discreteness refers to the phenomenon that the sounds in a language aremeaningfully distinct.6.displacement(不受时空限制的特性)Displacement refers to the fact that human language can be used totalk about things that are not in the immediate situations of its users.7.duality of structure(结构二重性 )The organization of language into two levels, one of sounds, the other ofmeaning, is known as duality of structure.8.culture transmission( 文化传播 )Culture transmission refers to the fact that language is passed on fromone generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by inheritance.9.interchangeability(互换性 ) Interchangeability means that any human being can be both a producer and areceiver of messages.1.★ What is language?Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. This definition hascaptured the main features of language.First, language is a system.Second, language is arbitrary in the sense.The third feature of language is symbolic nature.2.★ What are the design features of language?Language has seven design features as following:1)Productivity.2)Discreteness.3)Displacement4)Arbitrariness.5)Cultural transmission6)Duality of structure.7)Interchangeability.3.Why do we say language is a system?Because elements of language are combined according to rules, and every language contains a set of rules.By system, the recurring patterns or arrangements or the particular ways or designs in which a language operates. And the sounds, the words and the sentences are used in fixed patterns that speaker of a language can understand each other.4. ★ ( Function of language .)According to Halliday, what are the initial functions of children ’slanguage? And what are the three functional components of adult language?I. Halliday uses the following terms to refer to the initial functions of children s’language:1)Instrumental function.工具功能2)Regulatory function.调节功能3)Representational function.表现功能4)Interactional function.互动功能5)Personal function.自指性功能6) Heuristic function.启发功能[osbQtq`kf`h]7)Imaginative function.想象功能II. Adult language has three functional components as following:1)Interpersonal components.人际2)Ideational components. 概念3)Textual components. 语篇Chapter 2 Linguistics 语言学 1. general linguistics and descriptive linguistics (普通语言学与描写语言学 ) The former deals with language in general whereas the latter is concerned with one particular language. 2. synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics and ( 共时语言学与历时语言学 ) Diachronic linguistics traces the historical development of the language records the changes that have taken place in it between successive points in time. And synchronic linguistics presents an account of language as it is at some particular point in time. 3. theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics ( 理论语 言学与应用语言学 ) The former copes withlanguages with a view to establishing a theory of their structures and functions whereas the latter isconcerned with the application of the concepts and findings of linguistics to all sorts of practical tasks. 4. microlinguistics and macrolinguistics ( 微观语言学与宏观语言学 ) The former studies only the structure of language system whereas the latter deals with everything that is related to languages.5. langue and parole (语言与言语 ) The former refers to the abstract linguistics system shared by all the members of aspeech community whereas the latter refers to the concrete act of speaking in actual situationby an individual speaker.6. competence and performance (语言能力与语言运用 ) The former is one ’s knowledge of all the linguistic regulationsystems whereas the latter is the use of language in concrete situation.7. speech and writing (口头语与书面语 ) Speech is the spoken form of language whereas writing is written codes, gives language new scope.8. linguistics behavior potential and actual linguistic behavior (语言行为潜势与实际语言行为 ) People actually says on a certain occasion to a certain person is actual linguistics behavior. And each of possiblelinguistic items that he could have said is linguistic behavior potential. 9. syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relation (横组合关系与纵聚合关系 ) The former describes the horizontal dimension of a language while the latter describes the vertical dimension of a language. 10. verbal communication and non-verbal communication (言语交际与非言语交际 ) Usual use of language as a means of transmitting information is called verbal communication. The ways we convey meaning withoutusing language is called non-verbal communication.1. ★ How does John Lyons classify linguistics ?According to John Lyons, the field of linguistics as a whole can be divided into several subfields as following:1) General linguistics and descriptive linguistics.2) Synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics.3) Theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics.4) Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics.2. Explain the three principles by which the linguist is guided: consistency, adequacy and simplicity .1) Consistency means that there should be no contradictions between different parts of the theory andthe description.2) Adequacy means that the theory must be broad enough in scope to offer significant generalizations.3) Simplicity requires us to be as brief and economic as possible.3. ★ What are the sub-branches of linguistics within the language system ?Within the language system there are six sub-branches as following:1) Phonetics. 语音学 is a study of speech sounds of all human languages.2) Phonology. 音位学 studies about the sounds and sound patterns of a speaker ’ s native language. 3) Morphology. 形态学 studies about how a word is formed.4) Syntax. 句法学 studies about whether a sentence is grammatical or not.5) Semantics. 语义学 studies about the meaning of language, including meaning of words and meaning ofsentences.6) Pragmatics. 语用学★ The scope of language: Linguistics is referred to as a scientific study of language.★ The scientific process of linguistic study: It involves four stages: collecting data, forming a hypothesis,testing the hypothesis and drawing conclusions.Chapter 3Phonetics语音学1.articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)The study of how speech organs produce the sounds is calledarticulatory phonetics.2.acoustic phonetics ( 声学语音学 ) The study of the physical properties and of the transmission of speechsounds is called acoustic phonetics.3.auditory phonetics( 听觉语音学 ) The study of the way hearers perceive speech sounds is called auditoryphonetics.4.consonant(辅音 ) Consonant is a speech sound where the air form the language is either completely blocked,or partially blocked, or where the opening between the speech organs is so narrow that the air escapes withaudible friction.5.vowel (元音 ) is defined as a speech sound in which the air from the lungs is not blocked in any way and ispronounced with vocal-cord vibration.6.bilabials( 双唇音 ) Bilabials means that consonants for which the flow of air is stopped or restricted by the twolips. [p] [b] [m] [w]7.affricates(塞擦音 ) The sound produced by stopping the airstream and then immediately releasing it slowly iscalled affricates. [t X] [d Y] [tr] [dr]8.glottis(声门 ) Glottis is the space between the vocal cords.9.rounded vowel( 圆唇元音 ) Rounded vowel is defined as the vowel sound pronounced by the lips forming acircular opening. [u:] [u] [OB] [O]10.diphthongs(双元音 )Diphthongs are produced by moving from one vowel position to another throughintervening positions.[ei][ai][ O i] [ Q u][au]11.triphthongs( 三合元音 ) Triphthongs are those which are produced by moving from one vowel position toanother and then rapidly and continuously to a third one. [ei Q][ai Q][O i Q] [Q u Q][au Q]x vowels(松元音 ) According to distinction of long and short vowels, vowels are classified tense vowels andlax vowels. All the long vowels are tense vowels but of the short vowels,[e] is a tense vowel as well, and therest short vowels are lax vowels.1.★ How are consonants classified in terms of different criteria?The consonants in English can be described in terms of four dimensions.1)The position of the soft palate.2)The presence or the absence of vocal-cord vibration.3)The place of articulation.4)The manner of articulation.2.★ How are vowels classified in terms of different criteria?Vowel sounds are differentiated by a number of factors.1)The state of the velum2)The position of the tongue.3)The openness of the mouth.4)The shape of the lips.5)The length of the vowels.6)The tension of the muscles at pharynx.3.★ What are the three sub-branches of phonetics? How do they differ from each other?Phonetics has three sub-branches as following:1)Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech organs produce the sounds is called articulatoryphonetics.2)Acoustic phonetics is the study of the physical properties and of the transmission of speech sounds iscalled acoustic phonetics.3)Auditory phonetics is the study of the way hearers perceive speech sounds is called auditoryphonetics.4.★ What are the commonly used phonetic features for consonants and vowels respectively?I. The frequently used phonetic features for consonants include the following:1)Voiced.2)Nasal.3)Consonantal.4)Vocalic.7)Coronal.8)Aspirated.II. The most common phonetic features for vowels include the following:1)High.2)Low.3)Front.4)Back.5)Rounded.6)Tense.Chapter 4Phonology音位学1.phonemes( 音位 ) Phonemes are minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.2.allophones( 音位变体 ) Allophones are the phonetic variants and realizations of a particular phoneme.3.phones( 单音 ) The smallest identifiable phonetic unit found in a stream of speech is called a phone.4.minimal pair(最小对立体 ) Minimal pair means words which differ from each other only by one sound.5.contrastive distribution(对比分布 ) If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and thesubstitution of one sound for another brings about a change of meaning, they are said to be in contrastivedistribution.plementary distribution( 互补分布 ) If two or more sounds never appear in the same environment ,thenthey are said to be in complementary distribution.7.free variation(自由变异 ) When two sounds can appear in the same environment and the substitution of onefor the other does not cause any change in meaning, then they are said to be in free variation.8.distinctive features( 区别性特征 ) A distinctive feature is a feature which distinguishes one phoneme fromanother.9.suprasegmental features( 超切分特征 ) The distinctive (phonological) features which apply to groups largerthan the single segment are known as suprasegmental features.10.tone languages(声调语言 ) Tone languages are those which use pitch to contrast meaning at word level.11.intonation languages( 语调语言 ) Intonation languages are those which use pitch to distinguish meaning atphrase level or sentence level.12.juncture( 连音 ) Juncture refers to the phonetic boundary features which may demarcate grammatical units.1.★ What are the differences between English phonetics and English phonology?1) Phonetics is the study of the production, perception, and physical properties of speech sounds, while phonologyattempts to account for how they are combined, organized, and convey meaning in particular languages.2)Phonetics is the study of the actual sounds while phonology is concerned with a more abstract description of speechsounds and tries to describe the regularities of sound patterns.2.Give examples to illustrate the relationship between phonemes, phones and allophones.When we hear [pit],[tip],[spit],etc, the similar phones we have heard are /p/. And/p/ and/b/ are separatephonemes in English, while [ph] and [p] are allophones.3.How can we decide a minimal pair or a minimal set?A minimal pair should meet three conditions:1)The two forms are different in meaning.2)The two forms are different in one sound segment.3)The different sounds occur in the same position of the two strings.4.★ Use examples to explain the three types of distribution.1)Contrastive distribution . Sounds[m] in met and [n] in net are in contrastive distribution becausesubstituting [m] for [n] will result in a change of meaning.2)Complementary distribution . The aspirated plosive [ph] and the unaspirated plosive[p] are incomplementary distribution because the former occurs either initially in a word or initially in a stressedsyllable while the latter never occurs in such environments.3)Free variation. In English, the word“ direct” may be pronounce in two ways: /di’ rekt/ and /dia’ rethe two different sounds /i/ and /ai/ can be said to be in free variation.5. What’ s the difference between segmental features and suprasegmental features?What are thesuprasegmental features in English?I. 1) Distinctive features, which are used to distinguish one phoneme from another and thus have effect onone sound segment, are referred to as segmental features.2)The distinctive (phonological) features which apply to groups larger than the single segment are knownas suprasegmental features.3)Suprasegmental features may have effect on more than one sound segment. They may apply to a stringof several sounds.II.The main suprasegmental features include stress, tone, intonation and juncture.6.What’ s the difference between tone languages and intonation language?Tone languages are those which use pitch to contrast meaning at word level while intonation languagesare those which use pitch to distinguish meaning at phrase level or sentence levelfrom another in a given language.Chapter 5 Morphology形态学1.morphemes( 语素 ) Morphemes are the minimal meaningful units in the grammatical system of a language.allomorphs(语素变体 ) Allomorphs are the realizations of a particular morpheme.morphs(形素 ) Morphs are the realizations of morphemes in general and are the actual forms used to realizemorphemes.2.roots ( 词根 ) Roots is defined as the most important part of a word that carries the principal meaning.affixes(词缀 )Affixes are morphemes that lexically depend on roots and do not convey the fundamental meaning of words.free morphemes(自由语素 ) Free morphemes are those which can exist as individual words.bound morphemes(粘着语素 ) Bound morphemes are those which cannot occur on their own as separatewords.3.inflectional affixes(屈折词缀 ) refer to affixes that serve to indicate grammatical relations,but do notchange its part of speech.derivational affixes( 派生词缀 ) refer to affixes that are added to words in order to change its grammaticalcategory or its meaning.4.empty morph(空语子 ) Empty morph means a morph which has form but no meaning.zero morph(零语子 ) Zero morph refers to a morph which has meaning but no form.5.IC Analysis(直接成分分析 ) IC analysis is the analysis to analyze a linguistic expression (both a word and asentence) into a hierarchically defined series of constituents.6.immediate constituents(直接成分 ) A immediate constituent is any one of the largest grammatical units thatconstitute a construction. Immediate constituents are often further reducible.ultimate constituents(最后成分 ) Ultimate constituents are those grammatically irreducible units that constitute constructions.7.morphological rules( 形态学规则 ) The principles that determine how morphemes are combined into newwords are said to be morphological rules.8.word-formation process( 构词法 ) Word-formation process mean the rule-governed processes of formingnew words on the basis of already existing linguistic resources.1.★ What is IC Analysis?IC analysis is the analysis to analyze a linguistic expression (both a word and a sentence) into ahierarchically defined series of constituents.2. How are morphemes classified?1) Semantically speaking, morphemes are grouped into two categories: root morphemes and affixationalmorphemes.2)Structurally speaking, they are divided into two types: free morphemes and bound morphemes.3.★ Explain the interrelations between semantic and structural classifications of morphemes.a)All free morphemes are roots but not all roots are free morphemes.b)All affixes are bound morphemes, but not all bound morphemes are affixes.4. What’ s the difference between an empty morph and a zero mor ph?a)Empty morph means a morph that has form but no meaning.b)Zero morph refers to a morph that has meaning but no form.5. Explain the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes in term of both function andposition.a) Functionally:i.Inflectional affixes sever to mark grammatical relations and never create new words whilederivational affixes can create new words.ii.Inflectional affixes do not cause a change in grammatical class while derivational affixes very often butnot always cause a change in grammatical class.b) In term of position:i.Inflectional affixes are suffixes while derivational affixes can be suffixes or prefixes.ii.Inflectional affixes are always after derivational affixes if both are present. And derivational affixes arealways before inflectional suffixes if both are present.6.What are morphological rules? Give at least four rules with examples.The principles that determine how morphemes are combined into new words are said to bemorphological rules.For example:a)un- + adj. ->adj.b)Adj./n. + -ify ->v.Chapter 6Syntax 句法学1.syntagmatic relations(横组关系 ) refer to the relationships between constituents in a construction.paradigmatic relations(纵聚合关系 ) refer to the relations between the linguistic elements within a sentence and those outside the sentence.hierarchical relations(等级关系 ) refer to relationships between any classification of linguistic units whichrecognizes a series of successively subordinate levels.2.IC Analysis (直接成分分析 ) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions at any level withina syntactic construction.labeled IC Analysis( 标记法直接成分分析 ) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions atany level within a syntactic construction and label each constituent.phrase markers(短语标记法 ) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which make major divisions at any level within a syntactic construction, and label each constituent while remove all the linguistic forms.labeled bracketing( 方括号标记法 ) is a kind of grammatical analysis, which is applied in representing thehierarchical structure of sentences by using brackets.3.constituency ( 成分关系 )dependency (依存关系 )4.surface structures(表层结构 ) refers to the mental representation of a linguistic expression, derived fromdeep structure by transformational rules.deep structures( 深层结构 ) deep structure of a linguistic expression is a theoretical construct that seeks tounify several related structures.5.phrase structure rules(短语结构规则 ) are a way to describe a given language's syntax. They are used tobreak a natural language sentence down into its constituent parts.6.transformational rules(转换规则 )7.structural ambiguity( 结构歧义 )1.What are the differences between surface structure and deep structure?They are different from each other in four aspects:1)Surface structures correspond directly to the linear arrangements of sentences while deep structurescorrespond to the meaningful grouping of sentences.2)Surface structures are more concrete while deep structures are more abstract.3)Surface structures give the forms of sentences whereas deep structures give the meanings of sentences.4)Surface structures are pronounceable but deep structures are not.2.Illustrate the differences between PS rules and T-rules.1)PS rules frequently applied in generating deep structures.2)T-rules are used to transform deep structure into surface structures.3. What’ s the order of generating sentences?Do we st art with surface structures or with deepstructures? How differently are they generated?To generate a sentence, we always start with its deep structure, and then transform it into itscorresponding surface structure.Deep structures are generated by phrase structure rules (PS rules) while surface structures are derived fromtheir deep structures by transformational rules (T-rules).4.What’ s the difference between a compulsory constituent and an optional one?Optional constituents may be present or absent while compulsory constituents must be present.5.What are the three syntactic relations? Illustrate them with examples.1)Syntagmatic relations2)Paradigmatic relations.3)Hierarchical relations.Chapter 7 Semantics语义学1.Lexical semantics( 词汇语义学 ) is defined as the study of word meaning in language.2.Sense (意义 ) refers to the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.3.Reference( 所指 ) means what a linguistic form refers to in the real world.4.Concept(概念 ) is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.5.Denotation(外延 )is defined as the constant,abstract,and basic meaning of a linguistic expressionindependent of context and situation.6.Connotation(内涵 ) refers to the emotional associations which are suggested by, or are part of the meaningof, a linguistic unit.ponential analysis(成分分析法 ) is the way to decompose the meaning of a word into its components.8.Semantic field( 语义场 ) The vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items, but isorganized into areas, within which words interrelate and define each other in various ways. The areas aresemantic fields.9.Hyponymy(上下义关系 ) refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and amore specific word.10.Synonymy(同义关系 ) refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning.11.Antonymy(反义关系 ) refers to the oppositeness of meaning.12.Lexical ambiguity( 词汇歧义 )13.Polysemy(多义性 ) refers to the fact that the same one word may have more than one meaning.14.Homonymy(同音 (同形 )异义关系 ) refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have thesame form.15.Sentence semantics(句子语义学 ) refers to the study of sentence meaning in language.1.What’ s the criterion of John Lyons in classifying semantics into its sub-branches? And how does heclassify semantics?In terms of whether it falls within the scope of linguistics,John Lyons distinguishes between linguistic semantics and non-linguistic semantics.According John Lyons, semantics is one of the sub-branches of linguistics; it is generally defined as the studyof meaning.2.What are the essential factors for determining sentence meaning?1) Object, 2) concept, 3) symbol, 4) user, 5) context.3.What is the difference between the theory of componential analysis and the theory of semantictheory in defining meaning of words?11。
