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(海南大学热带农林学 院 ,海南 海 口 570228)
摘要 :为 了解 自制 1%多杀菌素微乳注射剂在新西兰兔 体 内的药 代动力学 规律 ,采 用 ELISA和 HPLC两 种不 同检测 方 法 ,分别分析血 清和血浆 中的药物浓 度 ,PKsolver软件非房室模型计算药代动力 学参数 。结果 :高效 液相色谱法和酶联 免疫 吸附测定法检测 药物 代谢 动力 学 主要 参 数分 别 为 :达 峰 时 间 Tmax为 (4.00±0.00),(2.67±0.67源自文库h,峰 浓度 Cmax为 (363.25-i-13.39)ng/mL,(282.19±24.59)ns/mL;半衰期 t,/2为 (81.24±10.80)h,(70.61±15.38)h;药时 曲线下面积 AUC 为 (17.52±1 24)/xg·h/mL,(17.39±2.38) ·h/mL。相 同注射方式 ,相同剂 量的两种检测 方法之 间比较 ,血药浓度 变化 趋势基本一致 ,但实 测数 据蜂 浓度 Cmax差异显著 (P<0.05),其余参数差异不显著 (p>O.05 )。结论 :新西兰兔皮下注射多 杀菌素吸收快速 ,消除缓 慢 ,药物作用半衰期长 ,可在体内持续发挥药效 。
ZHONG Tian—tian,LI Bo—yu ,ZHAO Jian—guo,YANG Yu—hui,LAN Jian—qiang,GONG Bang-jun,HAN Qiart
(Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China)
Corresponding author:HAN Qian
关键词 :多杀 菌素 ;微乳注射液 ;药代动力 学 ;新西 兰兔
中图分类号 :¥859.7
文献标志码 :A
文章编号 :0529—6005(2018)04—0097—03
Pharmacokinetic study on a spinosad microemulsion injection inNew Zealand rabbits
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
中国兽 医杂志 2018年 (第 54卷 )第 4期 97
多 杀 菌 素 微 乳 注 射 剂 在 新 西 兰 兔 体 内 的 药 代 动 力 学 研 究
钟恬 田 ,黎博 宇 ,赵 建 国 ,杨 雨辉 ,兰坚强 ,龚帮俊 ,韩 谦
Abstract:The pharmacokinetics of a novel spinosad mieroemulsion injection in New Zealand rabbits was studied at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg body weight.Two diferent assays,enzyme—linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)and high per forma nce liquid chro- matography(HPLC)were used to analyze the drug concentration and the PKsolver software non—compartmental mo del was used to
calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters.The results showed that the main parameters of pharmacokinetics under HPLC and ELISA
were as follows:peak time Tmax (4.00 ± 0.00),(2.67±0.67)h,peak concentration Cmax(363.25土13.39),(282.19± 24.59)ng/mL,respectively.The half—life t1/2 was (81.24 4-10.8o)and(70.61±15.38)h,respectively T h e a rea under the curve was AUC of(17.52±1.24)and(17.39±2.38) g·h/mL,respectively.To compare the two detection methods under the same injection method and the same dose,the trend of changes in plasma concentrations were similar in both assays,but for the aetu- al measurement value such as the peak concentration Cmax,t he diference was signif icant(P<0.05).Hawever,the remaining pa2 rameters were not significantly diferent(P>0.05).Experiments show that:subcutaneous injection of spinosad has fast absorption,
slow elimination and a long half—life of the drug that call take into effect on the pa rasite in New Zea land ra b bits for a long time. Key words:spinosad ;mieroemulsion injection;pharmacokinetics;New Zea land rabbits
摘要 :为 了解 自制 1%多杀菌素微乳注射剂在新西兰兔 体 内的药 代动力学 规律 ,采 用 ELISA和 HPLC两 种不 同检测 方 法 ,分别分析血 清和血浆 中的药物浓 度 ,PKsolver软件非房室模型计算药代动力 学参数 。结果 :高效 液相色谱法和酶联 免疫 吸附测定法检测 药物 代谢 动力 学 主要 参 数分 别 为 :达 峰 时 间 Tmax为 (4.00±0.00),(2.67±0.67源自文库h,峰 浓度 Cmax为 (363.25-i-13.39)ng/mL,(282.19±24.59)ns/mL;半衰期 t,/2为 (81.24±10.80)h,(70.61±15.38)h;药时 曲线下面积 AUC 为 (17.52±1 24)/xg·h/mL,(17.39±2.38) ·h/mL。相 同注射方式 ,相同剂 量的两种检测 方法之 间比较 ,血药浓度 变化 趋势基本一致 ,但实 测数 据蜂 浓度 Cmax差异显著 (P<0.05),其余参数差异不显著 (p>O.05 )。结论 :新西兰兔皮下注射多 杀菌素吸收快速 ,消除缓 慢 ,药物作用半衰期长 ,可在体内持续发挥药效 。
ZHONG Tian—tian,LI Bo—yu ,ZHAO Jian—guo,YANG Yu—hui,LAN Jian—qiang,GONG Bang-jun,HAN Qiart
(Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China)
Corresponding author:HAN Qian
关键词 :多杀 菌素 ;微乳注射液 ;药代动力 学 ;新西 兰兔
中图分类号 :¥859.7
文献标志码 :A
文章编号 :0529—6005(2018)04—0097—03
Pharmacokinetic study on a spinosad microemulsion injection inNew Zealand rabbits
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
中国兽 医杂志 2018年 (第 54卷 )第 4期 97
多 杀 菌 素 微 乳 注 射 剂 在 新 西 兰 兔 体 内 的 药 代 动 力 学 研 究
钟恬 田 ,黎博 宇 ,赵 建 国 ,杨 雨辉 ,兰坚强 ,龚帮俊 ,韩 谦
Abstract:The pharmacokinetics of a novel spinosad mieroemulsion injection in New Zealand rabbits was studied at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg body weight.Two diferent assays,enzyme—linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)and high per forma nce liquid chro- matography(HPLC)were used to analyze the drug concentration and the PKsolver software non—compartmental mo del was used to
calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters.The results showed that the main parameters of pharmacokinetics under HPLC and ELISA
were as follows:peak time Tmax (4.00 ± 0.00),(2.67±0.67)h,peak concentration Cmax(363.25土13.39),(282.19± 24.59)ng/mL,respectively.The half—life t1/2 was (81.24 4-10.8o)and(70.61±15.38)h,respectively T h e a rea under the curve was AUC of(17.52±1.24)and(17.39±2.38) g·h/mL,respectively.To compare the two detection methods under the same injection method and the same dose,the trend of changes in plasma concentrations were similar in both assays,but for the aetu- al measurement value such as the peak concentration Cmax,t he diference was signif icant(P<0.05).Hawever,the remaining pa2 rameters were not significantly diferent(P>0.05).Experiments show that:subcutaneous injection of spinosad has fast absorption,
slow elimination and a long half—life of the drug that call take into effect on the pa rasite in New Zea land ra b bits for a long time. Key words:spinosad ;mieroemulsion injection;pharmacokinetics;New Zea land rabbits