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Making Tea
Introduction of making tea how to appreciate the tea and how much tea do we need each time; introduce the ware ; how to infuse water; explain some meaningful guestures
have a nice weekend周末快乐 Translation: 孩子们,你们圣诞节过得愉快吗? Did you boys have a nice Christmas ? 你一路上好吗? Did you have a nice journey? 1号台table NO. 1/table 1 e.g. We made a reservation of a table for two. The table is No. 10. 我们预订了1张双人台,是10号台。
Unit 2 Seating Guests
茶馆问路的几种常用表达方式 1. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to table NO.11? 2. Could you tell me how I can get to table NO.11? 3. Would you please tell me where table NO.11?
New Words & Expressions
nonprofessional: layman;inexperienced外行 nonprofessional actor非职业演员 recommend v. 推荐, 劝告, 介绍; 推荐; 提出建议 Translation:你能为我推荐一本好字典吗? Can you recommend to me a good dictionary? recommendation n. 推荐; 劝告, 建议 e.g. He gave her the job on her uncle's recommendation. 经她叔父介绍,他让她担任了这工作。
Sequence of Services
Greetin百度文库 ( Welcome....)
Seating (this way,please....) Ordering Making Tea
Tea Tasting
Unit 1 Greeting the Guests
Salutation Mr. 或Mr,用于对男性的尊称,相当于汉语的 “先生”。加于“姓名”(full name)或“姓” (surname,family name 或last name)之前, 比如,一个叫John Smith的男子,我们可以称他 为Mr John Smith或Mr Smith“史密斯先生”, 但不能叫他为*Mr John。 Mrs. 或Mrs,用于对已婚女性的尊称,相当于汉 语“夫人”或“太太”。比如,一个叫Ellen Butler的女子,嫁给了一个叫James Carter的男子, 我们可称她为Mrs James Carter或“Mrs Carter” (卡特夫人),但不能叫她为*Mrs James。
包厢的说法有:box room/box/separate room /balcony
Ordering Tea
顾客点茶时常用的几个其它问句 1. May I have a menu,please? 请给我茶水单。 2. May I order,please? 我可以点茶了吗? 3. Do you have a menu in English? 是否有英文茶水单? 4. What is the specialty of the house? 茶馆最特别的茶是什么? 5. May I see the tea list? 可否让我看看茶水单?
scented adj. 有气味的; 洒有香水的 scented tea 花茶 e.g. It seemed that his handkerchief was scented.
背景介绍:Mr. Wood 与朋友一同去一家 中国茶馆,但没有预约。当时茶馆人很多, 他们等了将近半个钟。他们坐在靠窗的座 位。经过服务员的推荐,他们点了普洱茶。 根据以上背景介绍,每两位同学为一组进 行对话。
用英语说说以下时间 8: 50 6: 15 2: 00 7: 45 5: 30 9: 06
有关其它位置的说法 1. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? 您是要靠窗的座位还是要靠通道的? 2. How about seats near the window? You can see beautiful scenes outsides. 靠窗的座位行吗?从这里可以看到室外的景色 3. A seat by the emergency exit, please. 麻烦靠紧急出口的座位。
Dialogues of Text
A. Please pass the dry tea around and take a look at it. B. How to appreciate it ? A. Mainly observe the color, shape, size and appearance of tea leaves. B. Yes, I see.
ahead of : in front of Translation: 他在英语方面将超过别人。 He will be ahead of others in English. mind v. 介意, 留心, 注意, 照顾 e.g. Do you mind if I put my bag here? Mind the wet paint. Your son can mind your shop for you.
New Words & Expressions
ceremony 典礼, 仪式, 礼节, 礼仪 e.g. The wedding ceremony was held on April fifteenth. 婚礼在四月十五日举行。 slippy: slip n. 滑动; 失足; 滑跤 slippy adj. 光滑的, 易滑落的, 狡猾的 Translation:街道由于下雨而打滑。 The streets are still slippy from the rain.
A. Could you please tell me the appreopriate quantity of the tea leaf needed for a cup of tea? B. It depends on different tea. A. Could you give the introduction in details? B. 3 to 4g of tea leaf is normally enough for each cup of green tea. Abut 7g tea leaf are good for each pot of oolong or pu'er tea. If it is black tea, each person needs 3g tea leaf.
madam 或ma’am,这是个从法语原词 madame(女士)引进的称呼语。用于对女 性的尊称,相当于汉语的“女士”。例如: This way,please,madam!(请走这边, 女士!)
New Words & Expressions
lobby:a large entrance or reception room or area ; hall e.g. I waited for her in the lobby of theatre yesterday. reservation: book in advance provide a reservation ;make a reservation e.g. We have made reservations for three rooms at the hotel.
flavor n. 味, 味道; 香料; 韵味, 风味 e.g. I like the flavor of chocolate. Translation:你可以从六种流行口味中选择。 You may choose from six popular flavors. characteristic adj. 特有的; 典型的; 表示特性的 e.g. Citizens have to live with the characteristic noises of cities. 城市居民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。 characteristic nation = a nation of character
typical (+of ) adj. 典型的, 象征性的 e.g. This winter is a typical warm winter This painting is typical of his early work. refreshment n. 精力恢复; 提神用品; 心旷 神怡; 茶点, 便餐 e.g. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. 会后有茶点供应。
指路的常用几种表达方式 1. Go upstairs/downstairs. 2. It's on the second (third) floor. 3. Go along the road until you can see Box No 11. 4. Go straight ahead along the road and then turn left.
Miss,用于对未婚女子的尊称,相当于汉语的 “小姐”。加于“姓名”或“姓”之前,但不能单独加 于“名”之前,即“Miss+名+姓”或“Miss+姓”。 sir,用于对男性的尊称,相当于汉语的“先生”或 “阁下”。例如: Can I help you, sir? 大写时,可作非独立称呼语,加于“姓名”或“名” 之前,代表英国的爵位之称,相当于汉语的“爵士” 或“爵爷”。比如,Sir John White(约翰· 怀特爵 士)或Sir John(约翰爵士)。
How to make a reservation by telephone?
--- Fengyang Teahouse. What can I do for you ? --- I'd like to reserve a table this evening. --- OK, how many of you, please? --- We are a group of six.We'll come around eight o'clock. --- It's OK. Your name, please. --- My name is Jessica Yang.We'd like a table with a view of garden. --- No problem. Is there anything else you require? --- Oh,no.That's all. --- Thanks for your reservation! Miss Yang. Hope you will have a nice evening here. Goodbye. --- Goodbye.
Chapter 6 Teahouse Services
What should we pay attention to during the teahouse services? What do you think is more important during the service?