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Related rights is a term in copyright law, used in opposition to the term "authors' rights".
The term neighboring rights is exactly equivalent, and is a more literal translation of the original French droits voisins.
Related rights in civil law are similar to authors' rights, but are not connected with the work's actual author.
Both authors' rights and related rights源自文库are copyrights in the sense of English or U.S. law.
Copyright law
第一章 著作权制度的基本问题
第一节 著作权的概念
又称版权。指著作人(自然人或法人)基于创作智力作品而产生的一种民事 权利。它主要是指作者依照法律的规定,对其创作的作品在一定期限内所 享有的各项专有权利,其中既有精神权利的内容,也有经济权利的内容。这 种权利未经作者的许可和转让,他人不得占有和行使。
长期以来,《安妮法》被视为“世界上第一部版权法”。当我们深入 《安妮法》的制定背景,重读《安妮法》的内容时,却会发现:当时还 不存在“版权”观念,作为版权保护对象的“作品”尚未诞生,“版权” 一词还没定型。
As a legal concept, its origins in Britain were from a reaction to printers' monopolies at the beginning of the 18th century.
《為鼓勵知識創作授予作者及購買者就其已印刷成冊 的圖書在一定時期內之權利的法》
Authors' rights of the composer of the music Authors' rights of the lyricist Performers' rights of the singer and musicians Producers' rights of the person or corporation that made the recording
copyright是英美法系的概念 Author’s right大陆法系多用
第二节 著作权制度的产生 History of copyright law
Copyright came about with the invention of the printing press and with wider literacy.
- From Wikipedia
指作品的传播者对其在传播作品的过程中所作出的创造性劳动成果的权 利。是与版权相邻的一种权利,它从属于版权,是知识产权的一个组成部 分。
国际版权法的通用概念。日益增多的国家授权保护表演者、唱片制作者 和广播组织进行活动的利益,在公开使用作者作品、各种艺术家的演出 或向公众播送时事、新闻报道及任何音响或图像方面进行活动的利益。
The British Statute of Anne 1710, full title "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or purchasers of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned", was the first copyright statute.
--- 来源:远距离开放教育词典
Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time.
For example: Relation to authors' rights
Related rights are independent of any authors' rights, as is made clear in the various treaties (Art. 1 Rome; Art. 7.1 Geneva; Art. 1.2 WPPT). Hence a CD recording of a song is concurrently protected by four copyright-type rights:
There is no single definition of related rights, which vary much more widely in scope between different countries than authors' rights.
The rights of performers, phonogram producers and broadcasting organizations are certainly covered, and are internationally protected by the Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations signed in 1961.