Translation Strategies of English Humor幽默英语的翻译策略

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Translation Strategies of English Humor
Abstract: English humor is affected by culture,history and religion. And analyzing English humor can improve one’s humor sense and learn many practical ways of expressing humor. This chapter introduces four common translation skills of English humors.
Key words: humor sense; translation strategies;English humor



1. Literal translation
Literal translation means translating literally. Situational English humor refers to the humor whose words don’t have humorous factors, but if put them in a special situation; it will produce its unique humor charm. For example:
The doctor says,“Ah, I’m glad you are awake.
I am afraid that I have some mixed news.”
The man says,“Don’t hold back, Doc, tell me the bad news.”
The doctor says,“It was worse than we thought;we had to amputate your leg.”
The man then asked,“What is the good news then?”
The doctor replies,“The man in the next bed wants to buy your slippers.”







In this humor, there is not much background information that misleads people. It is just a simple situational humor. And after target people read it,it will be easy to get the fun.
2. Annotation
Annotation includes two forms:annotation within the text, annotation outside the text. The former means putting the annotated part within the text by using brackets. The latter means adding explained and compensatory texts to the end of the original text by using footnotes.
Donna: He’s so romantic. Every time he speaks to me, he st arts with “fair lady”.
Tina: Romantic, my eye. He used to be a bus driver.
(A driver used to say “Fare lady” when he reminds the woman of buying a ticket)



(注:司机通常在乘客下车提醒乘客买票时说:fare lady。

In this humor,Donna wrongly listened “fare” to “fair” and thought that the driver is very romantic. If there is not the annotation at the end of this humor,Chinese reader may lose themselves and cannot appreciate the funny effect.
3. Adaptation
Adaptation focuses on purpose language and target people’s language habit by getting rid of original text’s word’s and culture’s bound and adapt the translation to provide target readers fluency verse.
A famed Chinese diplomat attended a gala reception in Washington in the early part of the day. A senate lady,trying to start a polite conversation, asked,“Mr. Wang, what ‘nese’ are you? Chinese, Japanese, or Javanese?” “Chinese,” he replied,“and you,madam? What ‘kee’ are you? Monkey, Donkey, or Yankee?”


‘老’?老猴,老驴还是老美?”(王,2006:23 ) In this humor, translators use adaptation and translate both ‘nese’ and ‘kee’ as people so that target readers can understand this humor.
4. Gain method
Gain method means after translating all original text’s words, gaining some information which are
hidden in the original text and the target readers cannot understand. For example:
As I was sitting in a crowded coffee shop, an elderly, well-dressed man walked in and crossed the dining area to where a busy waitress was cleaning dishes from a table. “Where’s a nice place for a retired executive to sit?” the man asked rather pompously. Without looking up and without stopping what she was doing,the waitress answered “Florida” (江,2010:193)




If Chinese readers don’t know Florida’s hidden meaning, they cannot understand this humor. Therefore,only translate the hidden meaning, to resort, can the same humorous effect be make.
With the interesting humor as examples for each translation skill, it is easy to understand every
translation skills. If using them correctly, vivid and funny Chinese version of English humors can be seen.
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代奎,男,(1990---- )四川泸州人,西华师范大学2012级外国语学院硕士研究生,专业:课程与教学论主要研究方向:英语教学,语言测试。
