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Sandy,Lily and Peter are good friends.One day,they find a treasure map .They decide to look for the treasure on the map .They put some useful things in their bags .What e l s e d o t h e y n e e d?桑迪、莉莉和彼得是好朋友。有一天,他们找到了一张藏宝图。他们决定在地图上寻找宝藏。他们把一些有用的东西放在书包里。他们还需要什么?

Sandy,Lily and Peter are ready to look for the treasure.

On the treasure map there are eight rooms. The treasure are in the eighth room.They have to find keys or passwords to enter the rooms one by one .



The first room is unlock.In it they see a big box on a mat.There are three circles on the box.They are blue,yellow and red.

Can they find the password?



“I get it !Look at the blackboard.Nine is blue.Eight is yellow.Five is red!”says


They write the numbers 9,8,5 in each circle. The box opens!



They enter the second room.They see three bottles of water on the table.One is orange,one is blue,and another is yellow.

“What colour is blue and yellow? Is it brown?”Peter asks.

“Let’s mix the blue and yellow water and see what we will get,”says Lily.




They get a bottle of green water,so they choose the green box and find the key to the third room.


In the third room,they see a big computer.There is a question on the screen.

What starts with a T,ends with a T,and full of T?



“The answer must be some thing in the room.There are books,cars,balls,dolls,a teapot…”says Peter.


“Wait a minute,teapot!It starts with letter T,ends with letter T,and is full of tea(T)!”Lily shouts.

Sandy opens the teapot.The key to the fourth room is in it!



It is dark in the fourth room.peter turns on the flashlight.”There is a picture on the wall,”he says.


“It’s Van Gogh’s picture,”says Sandy.”Let’s move the picture away and see if there is something.”

There is a box behind it!In the box there are several keys in different shares.

“Van Gogh has a famous painting named Sunflowers.It must be the key in the shape of sunflower!”Lily reasons out the right key.




They enter the fifth room. They see a big pattern on the floor.

“There is a coded lock,”says Lily.”I guess the password is the number of the squares and triangles.”



“Um,there are eleven squares and twenty-four triangles.”Sandy counts quickly.Peter presses the numbers one-one-two-four. The door opens!


There is a big bookshelf and a desk in the sixth room.There are some books on the desk.

