5 主语对比与翻译

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鲁镇的酒店的格局,是和别处 不同的:都是当街一个曲尺形的大 柜台,柜里面预备着热水,可以随 时温酒。 The layout of Luzhen’s taverns is unique. In each, facing you as you enter, is a bar in the shape of a carpenter’s square where hot water is kept ready for warming rice wine.
The wine shops in Luzhen are not like those in other parts of China. They all have a rightangled counter facing the street, where hot water is kept ready for warming wine.
1. 主语具有不可或缺性。 It is warm here.
2. 主语是真正的一句之主,和全句具 有密切的关系。
语法上的一致: They are students. The girl has seen her mother. Sent to zoos in Tokyo and other cities, the pandas are reported to have settled down very well. Mary felt sad not to have been invited to the banquet.
第三个译本将“earth”译为“地” 并不准确,这也说明译者缺少五行知 识。
The third translation translated “earth” into “地” is not very correct, it also shows that the translator lack knowledge of the five elements.
鲁迅先生家里的花瓶,好像画上 所见的西洋女子用以取水的瓶子, 灰蓝色,有点从瓷釉而自然堆起的 纹痕,瓶口的两边,还有两个瓶耳, 瓶里种的是几棵万年青。 The plant pot in Mr.Lu Xun’s home looked like the jar European women fetched water with, as shown in paintings.….
英语基本句句型主要有七种: 1.SV(主语+谓动) The telephone rang. 2.SVO(主语+谓动+宾语) Labor created man. The news surprised me. 3.SVOC(主语+谓动+宾语+宾语补语) He painted door green. We elected him our monitor.
词性的转换 逻辑关系不一致
中国的文化是向模糊,朦胧及 总体的方向走,而西方是向准确而 具体的方向走。
中国语法是软的,富有弹性。 中国语法以达意为主。而西洋语法 是硬的,没有弹性。
有的地方热衷于搞华而不实的”形 象工程”, “政绩工程”,市政建设盲目 追求高档次,高标准。 Some local authorities like to build ostentatious projects designed to build their own images or show their achievements. In urban development, they indiscriminately pursue things of the highest grade or standard.
这座桥我们造了三年。 一百米她跑第一。 国庆节三天我们第一天全家人全聚德 吃烤鸭。
3. 汉语主语对全句并不具有全面密 切的关系。
4. 汉语主语具有词类兼容性。
干净是他的习惯。 唱歌要有天赋。 天天慢跑,很有必要。 要孩子们在课堂上保持安静最难。 他考上了北京大学不假。
二十岁的时候,和某个人晚上 一起去看了一场电影,不经意中拉 了一次手,结果幸福了整整一个夏 天。三十岁之后,坐在香格里拉酒 店的旋转餐厅陪客户吃自助餐,在 缓缓的转动之中,莫名其妙地一阵 空虚,突然之间对一切感到索然无 味。
At the age of twenty, I went to see a film on a night with someone who casually took my hand in his palm, and I felt happy for the whole summer. After I have turned thirty, I feel an acing void in the slow movement of the rotating restaurant, where I dine with my clients upon a buffet meal in Shangri-La Hotel and all of a sudden I lost interest in everything。
3. 所有主语都必须是名词性的。
汉语的主语特点与功能 1. 在汉语中, 主语并非必要成分, 在大量的句子中没有主语,可能 是省略,隐含或者说不出。 甲:吃完了没有? 乙:吃完了。 只要勤奋就能取得好成绩。
有你受的。 出太阳了! 忽然响起了钟声。
2. 汉语一句中可以有多个主语。
4.SVO1O2(主语+谓动+宾语1+宾语2) I sent him a letter.
5.SVC(主语+谓动+主语补语或表语) She appeared cheerful. We are students.
6.SVA(主语+谓动+状语) He listened carefully.
7.SVOA (主语+谓动+宾语+状语) We visited the teacher on Tuesday night.
At the age of twenty, one evening, I went to see a film with someone. In the darkness, an incidental touch of hands filled me with joy all the summer. I am thirty, sitting in the rotating restaurant of Shangri-La Hotel, accompanying clients having a buffet. In the slow rotating, an indescribable emptiness, all of a sudden, seizes me, and I find everything dull and dry.
德国相机的主要特点是工艺精湛, 经久耐用。
The main features of German cameras are their fine workmanship and durability.
The German cameras are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.
中国生肖包含了十二个动物,而 五行则认为世间万物都是由金木水火 土组成的。 The Chinese zodiac is consists of twelve animals and the five elements theory thinks everything is produced by metal, wood, water, fire and earth.
Mr.Lu Xun had a plant pot in his sitting-room. It looked like the jar European women fetched water with, as shown in paintings.….
女的一叉腰:“我就这么蛮, 你怎么着?当初怎么不把眼睛睁大 点!怎么啦,后悔啦,又想起先前 的小情人了吧……”话音未落,男的 一扬手,“呼”的一巴掌甩过去。 女的捂着脸:“你这个畜生,你竟 敢打我,…”
本书精选中国南方26个少数民族 的131则脍炙人口的故事。 The book consists of 131 superb stories popular among 26 minorities in the south of China.
3. 主语的选用---主题的需要
在汉语中,主语的角色可以是话 题的起点,但未必是上下文中的信息 焦点。 在英语中,主语的身份却相当重要 了,通常主语在英语句子中应是信息 焦点所在。
要使运动的物体停下来,就需 要施加力。 A force is needed to stop a moving body.
国庆节三天我们第一天全家人 全聚德吃烤鸭。 On the first day of the threห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ National Days all our family will enjoy the roast duck in the restaurant “Quanjude”.
The woman stood akimbo rebuking, “… Why didn’t you open your eyes wider before we married? Now you feel regret? Missing the former sweetheart? ” Before she finished, the husband raised his hand and slapped his wife in the face. The woman covered her face and shouted, “……”
逻辑上的一致 你的教学科研都取得了长足进步, 但不能因此而骄傲自满。
Your teaching and research have made progress,but you should not get conceited and arrogant.
逻辑上的一致 你的教学科研都取得了长足进步, 但不能因此而骄傲自满。 You have made good progress in teaching and research,but you should not get conceited and arrogant.
听人家背地里议论,孔乙己原 来也读过书,但终于没有进学,又 不会营生;于是愈过愈穷,弄到要 讨饭了。 From the gossip that I heard, Kong Yiji had studied the classics but never passed the official examinations and, not knowing any way to make a living, he had grown steadily poorer until he was almost reduced to beggary.
The woman stood akimbo rebuking, “… Why didn’t you open your eyes wider before we married? Now you feel regret? Missing the former sweetheart? ” Before she can finish it, a slap has landed on her face. The woman covered her face and shouted, “……”