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1 pay for 支付,为…付出代价 charge for 要价,索价(当pay ,charge 后出现像tax,duty,tariff,interest之类的表税或利息等词时,介词for 应改为on . pay tax/tariff/duties on sth)

2 make profit(s) make a profit获利 benefit from 受益于

3 drive sb to suicide 驱使某人自杀 commit suicide自杀 commit 犯.

commit a crime/an offence/a mistake 犯罪/犯法/犯错误

4 It’s designed to do sth.目的是….

5 be superior/inferior to 优于/劣于 inferior product 劣质品

6 be confined to 局限于(暗示束缚性,限制性,阻挠性的限制) be limited to限制在…(范围,数量,程度,时间上确定最大值) be limited by受限制于…

7 protec t…from 保护…免受伤害,免遭…prevent…from 防止…发生

8 as far as sb/sth be (am/is/are…) concerned 就…..而言

9 so...that和such...that的区别 so+adj/adv.+that clause(so后跟形容词或副词)such(a/an)+n.+that clause(such后跟名词) so+adj.+(a/an)+n. such+(a/an)+adj.+n.

10 The more…th e more 越….越… more and more 越来越多的…

11 adapt to(介) 适应于…adapt 适应,改编adopt 采用,收养

12 take out 拿出 take off 飞机起飞(不用被动) put forward 提出 set out出发,开始 bring about使发生,致使 take place发生 take action采取行动 take effect 生效put up with忍受 catch up with赶上 bring up教育,培养 come up with提出 figure out 领会到, 计算出

13 at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候

14 for the sake of 为了…. sake缘故,理由

15 take some measures to do sth 采取措施做…. n.尺寸,量度标准, 方法, 测量, 措施vt.测量, 测度,

16 contribute …to捐献, 贡献

17 remind sb of sth. 提醒某人某事 mind sb doing sth介意做某事

18 keep (on) doing sth 保持,继续不断做某事. keep up维持, 继续 keep in抑制, 隐瞒, 隐藏

keep from阻止 keep off让开, 不接近

19 be based on/upon 基于….以….为基础

20 be optimistic / pessimistic about…对….感到乐观/悲观的

21 have the privilege of 具用…特权 give privilege to 给予…的特权

22 be at a loss 茫然不知所措

23 many a + n单数.谓语动词也应用第三人称单数,但意思是表示复数

24 count on依靠, 指望 account for说明, 占, 解决 take account for考虑hang on坚持, 不挂断

hold on继续, 不挂断, play on继续比赛(或演奏) play with与...一起玩 play at参加, 假装, 敷衍

play down降低, 贬低, 减少play in奏乐迎人

25 be in a position to do sth 能够做…..

26 bring down降低,打倒, 击落 bring off救出, 完成 bring forth提出, 出示, 展示 bring over使相信, 说服

27 take it easy从容, 不紧张,轻松 take it for granted视为当然,想当然认为

28 draw out拟订 draw back 退却, 缩回 draw on临近, 吸收, 利用draw up草拟, 停住, 逼近

29 be particular about 对于...很认真, 一点也不马虎,讲究

30 be ready to do sth准备做….

31 have an interest in sth 对….感兴趣

32 It’s possible /impossible to do sth. 做…是可能的/不可能.

33 think highly of sb/sth 对…有很高的的评价


1 stare (~at) 凝视, 盯着看 appear出现, 看来, 似乎see看, 看见, 了解, 领会 gaze v.盯, 凝视n.凝视

2 inquire询问, 问明, 查究 require需要, 要求, 命令 acquire 获得, 学到

3 moreover adv.而且, 此外 otherwise另外, 否则, 不同地, 别的方式however然而, 可是therefore因此, 所以

4 wages (工资,对工人,按工作量计算,多劳多得,通常按周发放。) salary(薪水,对白领,通常按月发放一次,多为固定数目,称为"月薪”) income 收入,(年收入) pension 养老金 premium 保险费investment 投资 savings 储蓄 capital 资本, 资金, 资产 rewards n.报酬, 奖金v.酬劳, 奖赏welfare福利, 安宁, 幸福 relief(债务等的)免除, 救济(痛苦等的)减轻~fund 救济金

5 doubtful adj. 怀疑的 sure/certain 确定的 believable可信的

6 hardly刚刚, 几乎不, undoubtedly无庸置疑地, 的确地 directly直接地, 立即generally一般, 通常, 一般地 probably大概, 或许

7 associate使发生联系, 使联合 appropriate适当的 appreciate赏识, 鉴赏, 感激 approve赞成, 满意, 批准, 通过

8 fee费(会费、学费等), 酬金 duty义务, 责任, 税 price价格, 价钱, 代价
