



第1章JSP技术简介JSP(Java Server Pages)技术是由Sun公司发布的用于开发动态Web应用的一项技术。


在国内,JSP 现在也得到了比较广泛的重视,得到了很好的发展,越来越多的动态网站开始采用JSP技术。


1.1 认识HTTP协议HTTP协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,超文本传送协议)是WWW服务器使用的主要协议,对HTTP协议细节的基本理解是编写JSP或Java小程序的开发人员所必需的。



HTTP 协议的关键部分有HTTP请求和HTTP响应,以及客户端Web程序设计的一些基础知识,在第4章4.4节将会具体介绍。

1.2 客户端Web程序设计介绍Web浏览器现已成为深受大多数用户喜爱的用户界面。

HTML语言提供了丰富的控件,第三方厂商提供了Visual Basic编写的数百个额外的控件,这些都使得Web浏览器独具特色。





1.2.1 CSSCSS(Cascading Style Sheets)称为层叠样式表,是动态HTML技术的一个部分,但可以和HTML结合使用。






本文将从早期的Java EE到现代的Spring框架,介绍Java框架的发展演化过程。

一、Java EEJava EE (Java Enterprise Edition) 是最早的Java框架之一,它于1999年首次发布。

Java EE提供了一套标准的服务器端开发模型,涵盖了面向企业级应用开发的各种技术和规范。


Java EE的框架以EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) 为核心,它提供了一种用于开发企业级组件的规范和框架。


然而,由于EJB的复杂性和低效性,Java EE在实际开发中面临着一些挑战。

二、StrutsStruts是一个基于MVC (Model-View-Controller) 设计模式的Java Web框架,它于2000年首次发布。






Hibernate框架通过使用ORM (Object Relational Mapping) 技术,简化了Java对象和数据库之间的映射关系。





一、JavaEE框架JavaEE(Java Enterprise Edition)是一个用于构建企业级应用程序的Java平台。

最早的JavaEE框架是J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition),它于1999年发布。

J2EE包含了许多组件和技术,如Java Servlet、JavaServer Pages(JSP)、Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB)等,用于支持企业级应用的开发和部署。

随着时间的推移,JavaEE框架逐渐发展壮大,先后推出了JavaEE 5、JavaEE 6、JavaEE 7、JavaEE 8等版本,每个版本都带来了新的功能和改进。


Spring框架最初由Rod Johnson于2003年创建,旨在解决当时J2EE开发中的一些问题,如复杂性和低效性。


随着时间的推移,Spring框架不断发展并推出了Spring Boot、Spring MVC、Spring Security等相关项目,为Java开发提供了更多的选择和便利。






javaee是什么JavaEE拥有广泛市场的原因之一就是可以使用多种框架来使开发变得简单,今天我主要给大家分享〔java〕ee是什么,希望对你们有帮助!JavaEE概念JavaEE,Java 平台企业版(Java Platform Enterprise Edition),原名Java 2 Platform,Enterprise Edition(J2EE),2018年3月更名为 Jakarta EE(该名称目前还没被公众认可)。

狭义的Java EE是Sun公司为企业应用推出的标准平台,它用于开发B/S架构软件,可以说是一个框架或一种规范。

广义的Java EE包括各种框架,其中最重要的是Spring全家桶。

Spring诞生之初是为了改善Java EE开发的体验,并逐渐成为Java网页开发的实际标准。



JavaEE主要技术JavaEE声称拥有13项核心技术,它们是JDBC、JNDI、EJB、RMI、Servlet、JSP、XML、JMS、Java IDL、JTS、JTA、JavaMail和JAF。




EJB企业级JavaBean (EJB)是用于构建企业应用程序的服务器端可〔管理〕组件。

然而,这个东西在 Spring出来后基本上是凉凉了,知道是什么就行。



THE TECHNIQUE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF JSPBy:Kathy Sierra and Bert BatesSource:Servlet&JSPThe Java Server Pages( JSP) is a kind of according to web of the script plait distance technique, similar carries the script language of Java in the server of the Netscape company of server- side JavaScript( SSJS) and the Active Server Pages(ASP) of the Microsoft. JSP compares the SSJS and ASP to have better can expand sex, and it is no more exclusive than any factory or some one particular server of Web. Though the norm of JSP is to be draw up by the Sun company of, any factory can carry out the JSP on own system.The After Sun release the JSP( the Java Server Pages) formally, the this kind of new Web application development technique very quickly caused the people's concern. JSP provided a special development environment for the Web application that establishes the high dynamic state. According to the Sun parlance, the JSP can adapt to include the Apache WebServer, IIS4.0 on the market at inside of 85% server product.This chapter will introduce the related knowledge of JSP and Databases, and JavaBean related contents, is all certainly rougher introduction among them basic contents, say perhaps to is a Guide only, if the reader needs the more detailed information, pleasing the book of consult the homologous JSP.1.1 GENERALIZEThe JSP(Java Server Pages) is from the company of Sun Microsystems initiate, the many companies the participate to the build up the together of the a kind the of dynamic the state web the page technique standard, the it have the it in the construction the of the dynamic state the web page the strong but the do not the especially of the function. JSP and the technique of ASP of the Microsoft is very alike. Both all provide the ability that mixes with a certain procedure code and is explain by the language engine to carry out the procedure code in the code of HTML. Underneath we are simple of carry on the introduction to it.JSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSP pages are equally appropriate in all scenarios. The issue is not the power of the technology, it is the convenience, productivity, and maintainability of one or the other. After all, anything you can do on a particular computer platform in the Java programming language you could also do in assembly language. But it still matters which you choose.JSP provides the following benefits over servlets alone:• It is easier to write and maintain the HTML. Your static code is ordinary HTML: no extra backslashes, no double quotes, and no lurking Java syntax.• You can use standard Web-site development tools. Even HTML tools that know nothing about JSP can be used because they simply ignore the JSP tags.• You can divide up your development team. The Java programmers can work on the dynamic code. The Web developers can concentrate on the presentation layer. On large projects, this division is very important. Depending on the size of your team and the complexity of your project, you can enforce a weaker or stronger separation between the static HTML and the dynamic content.Now, this discussion is not to say that you should stop using servlets and use only JSP instead. By no means. Almost all projects will use both. For some requests in your project, you will use servlets. For others, you will use JSP. For still others, you will combine them with the MVC architecture . You want the appropriate tool for the job, and servlets, by themselves, do not complete your toolkit.1.2 SOURCE OF JSPThe technique of JSP of the company of Sun, making the page of Web develop the personnel can use the HTML perhaps marking of XML to design to turn the end page with format. Use the perhaps small script future life of marking of JSP becomes the dynamic state on the page contents.( the contents changes according to the claim of)The Java Servlet is a technical foundation of JSP, and the large Web applies the development of the procedure to need the Java Servlet to match with with the JSP and then can complete, this name of Servlet comes from the Applet, the local translation method of now is a lot of, this book in order not to misconstruction, decide the direct adoption Servlet but don't do any translation, if reader would like to, can call it as" small service procedure". The Servlet is similar to traditional CGI, ISAPI, NSAPI etc. Web procedure development the function of the tool in fact, at use the Java Servlet hereafter, the customer need not use again the lowly method of CGI of efficiency, also need not use only the ability come to born page of Web of dynamic state in the method of API that a certain fixed Web server terrace circulate. Many servers of Web all support the Servlet, even not support the Servlet server of Web directly and can also pass the additional applied server and the mold pieces to support the Servlet. Receive benefit in the characteristic of the Java cross-platform, the Servlet is also a terrace irrelevant, actually, as long as match the norm of Java Servlet, the Servlet is complete to have nothing to do with terrace and is to have nothing to do with server of Web. Because the Java Servlet is internal to provide the service by the line distance, need not start a progressto the each claimses, and make use of the multi-threading mechanism can at the same time for several claim service, therefore the efficiency of Java Servlet is very high.But the Java Servlet also is not to has no weakness, similar to traditional CGI, ISAPI, the NSAPI method, the Java Servlet is to make use of to output the HTML language sentence to carry out the dynamic state web page of, if develop the whole website with the Java Servlet, the integration process of the dynamic state part and the static state page is an evil-foreboding dream simply. For solving this kind of weakness of the Java Servlet, the SUN released the JSP.A number of years ago, Marty was invited to attend a small 20-person industry roundtable discussion on software technology. Sitting in the seat next to Marty was James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language. Sitting several seats away was a high-level manager from a very large software company in Redmond, Washington. During the discussion, the moderator brought up the subject of Jini, which at that time was a new Java technology. The moderator asked the manager what he thought of it, and the manager responded that it was too early to tell, but that it seemed to be an excellent idea. He went on to say that they would keep an eye on it, and if it seemed to be catching on, they would follow his company's usual "embrace and extend" strategy. At this point, Gosling lightheartedly interjected "You mean disgrace and distend."Now, the grievance that Gosling was airing was that he felt that this company would take technology from other companies and suborn it for their own purposes. But guess what? The shoe is on the other foot here. The Java community did not invent the idea of designing pages as a mixture of static HTML and dynamic code marked with special tags. For example, Cold Fusion did it years earlier. Even ASP (a product from the very software company of the aforementioned manager) popularized this approach before JSP came along and decided to jump on the bandwagon. In fact, JSP not only adopted the general idea, it even used many of the same special tags as ASP did.The JSP is an establishment at the model of Java servlets on of the expression layer technique, it makes the plait write the HTML to become more simple.Be like the SSJS, it also allows you carry the static state HTML contents and servers the script mix to put together the born dynamic state exportation. JSP the script language that the Java is the tacit approval, however, be like the ASP and can use other languages( such as JavaScript and VBScript), the norm of JSP also allows to use other languages.1.3JSP CHARACTERISTICSIs a service according to the script language in some one language of the statures system this kind of discuss, the JSP should be see make is a kind of script language.However, be a kind of script language, the JSP seemed to be too strong again, almost can use all Javas in the JSP.Be a kind of according to text originally of, take manifestation as the central development technique, the JSP provided all advantages of the Java Servlet, and, when combine with a JavaBeans together, providing a kind of make contents and manifestation that simple way that logic separate. Separate the contents and advantage of logical manifestations is, the personnel who renews the page external appearance need not know the code of Java, and renew the JavaBeans personnel also need not be design the web page of expert in hand, can use to take the page of JavaBeans JSP to define the template of Web, to build up a from have the alike external appearance of the website that page constitute. JavaBeans completes the data to provide, having no code of Java in the template thus, this means that these templates can be written the personnel by a HTML plait to support. Certainly, can also make use of the Java Servlet to control the logic of the website, adjust through the Java Servlet to use the way of the document of JSP to separate website of logic and contents.Generally speaking, in actual engine of JSP, the page of JSP is the edit and translate type while carry out, not explain the type of. Explain the dynamic state web page development tool of the type, such as ASP, PHP3 etc., because speed etc. reason, have already can't satisfy current the large electronic commerce needs appliedly, traditional development techniques are all at to edit and translate the executive way change, such as the ASP → ASP+;PHP3 → PHP4.In the JSP norm book, did not request the procedure in the JSP code part( be called the Scriptlet) and must write with the Java definitely. Actually, have some engines of JSP are adoptive other script languages such as the EMAC- Script, etc., but actually this a few script languages also are to set up on the Java, edit and translate for the Servlet to carry out of. Write according to the norm of JSP, have no Scriptlet of relation with Java also is can of, however, mainly lie in the ability and JavaBeans, the Enterprise JavaBeanses because of the JSP strong function to work together, so even is the Scriptlet part not to use the Java, edit and translate of performance code also should is related with Java.1.4JSP MECHANISMTo comprehend the JSP how unite the technical advantage that above various speak of, come to carry out various result easily, the customer must understand the differentiation of" the module develops for the web page of the center" and" the page develops for the web page of the center" first.The SSJS and ASP are all in several year ago to release, the network of that time is still very young, no one knows to still have in addition to making all business, datas and theexpression logic enter the original web page entirely heap what better solve the method. This kind of model that take page as the center studies and gets the very fast development easily. However, along with change of time, the people know that this kind of method is unwell in set up large, the Web that can upgrade applies the procedure. The expression logic write in the script environment was lock in the page, only passing to shear to slice and glue to stick then can drive heavy use. Express the logic to usually mix together with business and the data logics, when this makes be the procedure member to try to change an external appearance that applies the procedure but do not want to break with its llied business logic, apply the procedure of maintenance be like to walk the similar difficulty on the eggshell. In fact in the business enterprise, heavy use the application of the module already through very mature, no one would like to rewrite those logics for their applied procedure.HTML and sketch the designer handed over to the implement work of their design the Web plait the one who write, make they have to double work- Usually is the handicraft plait to write, because have no fit tool and can carry the script and the HTML contents knot to the server to put together. Chien but speech, apply the complexity of the procedure along with the Web to promote continuously, the development method that take page as the center limits sex to become to get up obviously.At the same time, the people always at look for the better method of build up the Web application procedure, the module spreads in customer's machine/ server the realm. JavaBeans and ActiveX were published the company to expand to apply the procedure developer for Java and Windows to use to come to develop the complicated procedure quickly by" the fast application procedure development"( RAD) tool. These techniques make the expert in the some realm be able to write the module for the perpendicular application plait in the skill area, but the developer can go fetch the usage directly but need not control the expertise of this realm.Be a kind of take module as the central development terrace, the JSP appeared. It with the JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans( EJB) module includes the model of the business and the data logic for foundation, provide a great deal of label and a script terraces to use to come to show in the HTML page from the contents of JavaBeans creation or send a present in return. Because of the property that regards the module as the center of the JSP, it can drive Java and not the developer of Java uses equally. Not the developer of Java can pass the JSP label( Tags) to use the JavaBeans that the deluxe developer of Java establish. The developer of Java not only can establish and use the JavaBeans, but also can use the language of Java to come to control more accurately in the JSP page according to the expression logic of the first floor JavaBeans.See now how JSP is handle claim of HTTP. In basic claim model, a claim directly was send to JSP page in. The code of JSP controls to carry on hour of the logic processing and module of JavaBeanses' hand over with each other, and the manifestation result in dynamic state bornly, mixing with the HTML page of the static state HTML code. The Beans can be JavaBeans or module of EJBs. Moreover, the more complicated claim model can see make from is request other JSP pages of the page call sign or Java Servlets.The engine of JSP wants to chase the code of Java that the label of JSP, code of Java in the JSP page even all converts into the big piece together with the static state HTML contents actually. These codes piece was organized the Java Servlet that customer can not see to go to by the engine of JSP, then the Servlet edits and translate them automatically byte code of Java.Thus, the visitant that is the website requests a JSP page, under the condition of it is not knowing, an already born, the Servlet actual full general that prepared to edit and translate completes all works, very concealment but again and efficiently. The Servlet is to edit and translate of, so the code of JSP in the web page does not need when the every time requests that page is explain. The engine of JSP need to be edit and translate after Servlet the code end is modify only once, then this Servlet that editted and translate can be carry out. The in view of the fact JSP engine auto is born to edit and translate the Servlet also, need not procedure member begins to edit and translate the code, so the JSP can bring vivid sex that function and fast developments need that you are efficiently.Compared with the traditional CGI, the JSP has the equal advantage. First, on the speed, the traditional procedure of CGI needs to use the standard importation of the system to output the equipments to carry out the dynamic state web page born, but the JSP is direct is mutually the connection with server. And say for the CGI, each interview needs to add to add a progress to handle, the progress build up and destroy by burning constantly and will be a not small burden for calculator of be the server of Web. The next in order, the JSP is specialized to develop but design for the Web of, its purpose is for building up according to the Web applied procedure, included the norm and the tool of a the whole set. Use the technique of JSP can combine a lot of JSP pages to become a Web application procedure very expediently.JSP的技术发展历史作者:Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates来源:Servlet&JSPJava Server Pages(JSP)是一种基于web的脚本编程技术,类似于网景公司的服务器端Java脚本语言——server-side JavaScript(SSJS)和微软的Active Server Pages(ASP)。



















本文将介绍几种常用的Java Web开发框架。

一、Spring MVCSpring MVC是一个基于Java的轻量级Web框架,它是Spring框架的一部分。

Spring MVC通过使用模型-视图-控制器(MVC)的设计模式,将应用程序的不同组件分离开来。


Spring MVC也支持RESTful风格的Web服务开发。

二、StrutsStruts是另一个受欢迎的Java Web框架,它遵循MVC设计模式。




三、JSFJavaServer Faces(JSF)是Java EE的一部分,它是一种用于构建用户界面的Web框架。








五、Spring BootSpring Boot是一个用于简化Spring应用程序开发的框架。




JavaEE框架详解JavaEE(Java Enterprise Edition)是一种用于开发大型企业级应用程序的Java平台。







JavaEE框架主要包括以下几个核心组件:1. Servlet容器:用于处理HTTP请求和响应,基于Servlet规范实现。

2. JSP容器:用于解析和执行JSP页面,基于JSP规范实现。

3. EJB容器:用于管理和执行企业级JavaBean,基于EJB规范实现。

4. JPA提供者:用于持久化Java对象到关系数据库,基于JPA规范实现。

二、常见的JavaEE框架1. Spring框架Spring框架是目前最流行的JavaEE框架之一。



2. Hibernate框架Hibernate是一个强大的对象关系映射(ORM)框架,用于将Java对象映射到关系数据库中的表结构。





EE开发的框架我们对Java EE的框架有过很多介绍,本文将对Java EE中常用的四个框架做一下系统的归纳,希望大家喜欢。

StrutsStruts是一个基于Sun Java EE平台的MVC框架,主要是采用Servlet和JSP技术来实现的。





SpringSpring是轻量级的Java EE应用程序框架。

Spring的核心是个轻量级容器(container),实现了IoC(Inversion of Control)模式的容器,Spring的目标是实现一个全方位的整合框架,在Spring 框架下实现多个子框架的组合,这些子框架之间彼此可以独立,也可以使用其它的框架方案加以替代,Spring希望提供one-stop shop的框架整合方案。













Hibernate还支持多种关系型数据库,包括MySQL、Oracle和SQL Server等。





四、Java EEJava EE(Java Enterprise Edition)是一个广泛使用的Java应用程序平台,这个平台包含了许多基本的技术和API,用于构建企业级应用。



3.2 Struts2框架概览
• 3.2.2 Struts2框架 – Struts2是Struts的新一代产品,是在Struts和WebWork的技术基础上进行了合并的 全新的Struts2框架。其全新的Struts2的体系结构与Struts1的体系结构的差别巨大。 – Struts2以WebWork为核心,采用拦截器的机制来处理用户的请求,使用IoC和AOP 最先进的设计思想,这样的设计使得业务逻辑控制器能够与Servlet API解耦合。 – Struts2支持基于Annotation的配置。
3.1 Web开发框架概述
• 3.1.4 JSP架构模式Model II – MVC的工作流程: • 客户的请求信息首先提交给Servlet。 • 控制器选择对当前请求进行数据处理的Model对象。 • 控制器对象选择相应的view组件作为客户的响应信息返回。 • JSP使用JavaBean中处理的数据进行数据显示。 • JSP把组织好的数据以响应的方式返回给客户端浏览。
• 3.2.5 Struts2环境搭建
3.2 Struts2框架概览
• 3.2.5 Struts2环境搭建
3.2 Struts2框架概览
• 3.2.5 Struts2环境搭建
3.2 Struts2框架概览
• 3.2.5 Struts2环境搭建
3.2 Struts2框架概览
• 3.2.5 Struts2环境搭建
• 3.1 Web开发框架概述 • 3.2 Struts2框架概览 • 3.3 Struts2
• 3.1.1 Java web应用
3.1 Web开发框架概述
3.1 Web开发框架概述
• 3.1.1 Java web应用 – 典型的J2EE框架分为四个层次: • 客户端层 • Web服务器层 • 应用服务器层 • 数据服务器层





















JavaEE框架全面解析JavaEE(Java Platform, Enterprise Edition)是一种用于开发企业级应用程序的平台。








同时,Spring框架还具有很好的可测试性,通过依赖注入(Dependency Injection)和面向切面编程可以方便地进行单元测试和集成测试。











Java (programming language)From Wikipedia,the free encyclopediaJava is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since merged into Oracle Corporation)and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low—level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class file) that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM)regardless of computer architecture. Java is a general-purpose,concurrent,class-based,object-oriented language that is specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere," meaning that code that runs on one platform does not need to be edited to run on another. Java is currently one of the most popular programming languages in use, particularly for client—server web applications,with a reported 10 million users.[10][11] The original and reference implementation Java compilers,virtual machines, and class libraries were developed by Sun from 1995。



详解ssh框架原理及流程什么是SSHSSH是 struts+spring+hibernate的⼀个集成框架,是⽬前较流⾏的⼀种web应⽤程序开源框架。











Hibernate⼯作原理:1. 读取并解析配置⽂件2.读取并解析映射信息,创建SessionFactory3. 打开Sesssion4.创建事务Transation5. 持久化操作6.提交事务7.关闭Session8. 关闭SesstionFactory即通过spring管理的Hibernate初始化时加载了xxx.hbm.xml然后读取解析映射信息,创建了SessionFactory。



JSP技术简介什么是JSP?JSP(JavaServer Pages)是一种用于创建动态网页的技术。
















Java代码通常使用特殊的标签(<% %>)来标识。






毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译学生姓名: 学号:学 院:专 业:指导教师:2013年6月0906064109 电子与计算机科学技术学院 网络工程An Overview of Servlet and JSP TechnologyGildas Avoine and Philippe OechslinEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland1.1 A Servlet's JobServlets are Java programs that run on Web or application servers, acting as a middle layer between requests coming from Web browsers or other HTTP clients and databases or applications on the HTTP server. Their job is to perform the following tasks, as illustrated in Figure 1-1.Figure 1-11.Read the explicit data sent by the client.The end user normally enters this data in an HTML form on a Web page. However, the data could also come from an applet or a custom HTTP client program.2.Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the browser.Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the client to the Web server (the layer where servlets and JSP execute), but there are really two varieties of data: the explicit data that the end user enters in a form and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Both varieties are critical. The HTTP information includes cookies, information about media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so on. 3.Generate the results.This process may require talking to a database, executing an RMI or EJB call, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly. Your real data may be in a relational database. Fine. But your database probably doesn't speak HTTP or return results in HTML, so the Web browser can't talk directly to the database. Even if it could, for security reasons, you probably would not want it to. The same argumentapplies to most other applications. You need the Web middle layer to extract the incoming data from the HTTP stream, talk to the application, and embed the results inside a document.4.Send the explicit data (i.e., the document) to the client.This document can be sent in a variety of formats, including text (HTML or XML), binary (GIF images), or even a compressed format like gzip that is layered on top of some other underlying format. But, HTML is by far the most common format, so an important servlet/JSP task is to wrap the results inside of HTML.5.Send the implicit HTTP response data.Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the Web middle layer (the servlet or JSP page) to the client. But, there are really two varieties of data sent: the document itself and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Again, both varieties are critical to effective development. Sending HTTP response data involves telling the browser or other client what type of document is being returned (e.g., HTML), setting cookies and caching parameters, and other such tasks.1.2 Why Build Web Pages Dynamically?many client requests can be satisfied by prebuilt documents, and the server would handle these requests without invoking servlets. In many cases, however, a static result is not sufficient, and a page needs to be generated for each request. There are a number of reasons why Web pages need to be built on-the-fly:1.The Web page is based on data sent by the client.For instance, the results page from search engines and order-confirmation pages at online stores are specific to particular user requests. You don't know what to display until you read the data that the user submits. Just remember that the user submits two kinds of data: explicit (i.e., HTML form data) and implicit (i.e., HTTP request headers). Either kind of input can be used to build the output page. In particular, it is quite common to build a user-specific page based on a cookie value.2.The Web page is derived from data that changes frequently.If the page changes for every request, then you certainly need to build the response at request time. If it changes only periodically, however, you could do it two ways: you could periodically build a new Web page on the server (independently of client requests), or you could wait and only build the page when the user requests it. The right approach depends on the situation, but sometimes it is more convenient to do the latter: wait for the user request. For example, a weather report or news headlines site might build the pages dynamically, perhaps returning a previously built page if that page is still up to date.3.The Web page uses information from corporate databases or other server-side sources.If the information is in a database, you need server-side processing even if the client is using dynamic Web content such as an applet. Imagine using an applet by itself for a search engine site:"Downloading 50 terabyte applet, please wait!" Obviously, that is silly; you need to talk to the database. Going from the client to the Web tier to the database (a three-tier approach) instead of from an applet directly to a database (a two-tier approach) provides increased flexibility and security with little or no performance penalty. After all, the database call is usually the rate-limiting step, so going through the Web server does not slow things down. In fact, a three-tier approach is often faster because the middle tier can perform caching and connection pooling.In principle, servlets are not restricted to Web or application servers that handle HTTP requests but can be used for other types of servers as well. For example, servlets could be embedded in FTP or mail servers to extend their functionality. And, a servlet API for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) servers was recently standardized (see /en/jsr/detail?id=116). In practice, however, this use of servlets has not caught on, and we'll only be discussing HTTP servlets.1.3 The Advantages of Servlets Over "Traditional" CGIJava servlets are more efficient, easier to use, more powerful, more portable, safer,and cheaper than traditional CGI and many alternative CGI-like technologies. 1.EfficientWith traditional CGI, a new process is started for each HTTP request. If the CGI program itself is relatively short, the overhead of starting the process can dominate the execution time. With servlets, the Java virtual machine stays running and handles each request with a lightweight Java thread, not a heavyweight operating system process. Similarly, in traditional CGI, if there are N requests to the same CGI program, the code for the CGI program is loaded into memory N times. With servlets, however, there would be N threads, but only a single copy of the servlet class would be loaded. This approach reduces server memory requirements and saves time by instantiating fewer objects. Finally, when a CGI program finishes handling a request, the program terminates. This approach makes it difficult to cache computations, keep database connections open, and perform other optimizations that rely on persistent data. Servlets, however, remain in memory even after they complete a response, so it is straightforward to store arbitrarily complex data between client requests. 2.ConvenientServlets have an extensive infrastructure for automatically parsing and decoding HTML form data, reading and setting HTTP headers, handling cookies, tracking sessions, and many other such high-level utilities. In CGI, you have to do much of this yourself. Besides, if you already know the Java programming language, why learn Perl too? You're already convinced that Java technology makes for more reliable and reusable code than does Visual Basic, VBScript, or C++. Why go back to those languages for server-side programming?3.PowerfulServlets support several capabilities that are difficult or impossible to accomplish with regular CGI. Servlets can talk directly to the Web server, whereas regular CGI programs cannot, at least not without using a server-specific API. Communicating with the Web server makes it easier to translate relative URLs into concrete path names, for instance. Multiple servlets can also share data, making it easy to implement database connection pooling and similar resource-sharing optimizations.Servlets can also maintain information from request to request, simplifying techniques like session tracking and caching of previous computations.4.PortableServlets are written in the Java programming language and follow a standard API. Servlets are supported directly or by a plugin on virtually every major Web server. Consequently, servlets written for, say, Macromedia JRun can run virtually unchanged on Apache Tomcat, Microsoft Internet Information Server (with a separate plugin), IBM WebSphere, iPlanet Enterprise Server, Oracle9i AS, or StarNine WebStar. They are part of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, so industry support for servlets is becoming even more pervasive.5.InexpensiveA number of free or very inexpensive Web servers are good for development use or deployment of low- or medium-volume Web sites. Thus, with servlets and JSP you can start with a free or inexpensive server and migrate to more expensive servers with high-performance capabilities or advanced administration utilities only after your project meets initial success. This is in contrast to many of the other CGI alternatives, which require a significant initial investment for the purchase of a proprietary package.Price and portability are somewhat connected. For example, Marty tries to keep track of the countries of readers that send him questions by email. India was near the top of the list, probably #2 behind the U.S. Marty also taught one of his JSP and servlet training courses (see /) in Manila, and there was great interest in servlet and JSP technology there.Now, why are India and the Philippines both so interested? We surmise that the answer is twofold. First, both countries have large pools of well-educated software developers. Second, both countries have (or had, at that time) highly unfavorable currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar. So, buying a special-purpose Web server from a U.S. company consumed a large part of early project funds.But, with servlets and JSP, they could start with a free server: Apache Tomcat (either standalone, embedded in the regular Apache Web server, or embedded inMicrosoft IIS). Once the project starts to become successful, they could move to a server like Caucho Resin that had higher performance and easier administration but that is not free. But none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. If their project becomes even larger, they might want to move to a distributed (clustered) environment. No problem: they could move to Macromedia JRun Professional, which supports distributed applications (Web farms). Again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. If the project becomes quite large and complex, they might want to use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) to encapsulate their business logic. So, they might switch to BEA WebLogic or Oracle9i AS. Again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. Finally, if their project becomes even bigger, they might move it off of their Linux box and onto an IBM mainframe running IBM WebSphere. But once again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten.6.SecureOne of the main sources of vulnerabilities in traditional CGI stems from the fact that the programs are often executed by general-purpose operating system shells. So, the CGI programmer must be careful to filter out characters such as backquotes and semicolons that are treated specially by the shell. Implementing this precaution is harder than one might think, and weaknesses stemming from this problem are constantly being uncovered in widely used CGI libraries.A second source of problems is the fact that some CGI programs are processed by languages that do not automatically check array or string bounds. For example, in C and C++ it is perfectly legal to allocate a 100-element array and then write into the 999th "element," which is really some random part of program memory. So, programmers who forget to perform this check open up their system to deliberate or accidental buffer overflow attacks.Servlets suffer from neither of these problems. Even if a servlet executes a system call (e.g., with Runtime.exec or JNI) to invoke a program on the local operating system, it does not use a shell to do so. And, of course, array bounds checking and other memory protection features are a central part of the Java programming language.谢谢海南社区支持:/7.MainstreamThere are a lot of good technologies out there. But if vendors don't support them and developers don't know how to use them, what good are they? Servlet and JSP technology is supported by servers from Apache, Oracle, IBM, Sybase, BEA, Macromedia, Caucho, Sun/iPlanet, New Atlanta, ATG, Fujitsu, Lutris, Silverstream, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and many others. Several low-cost plugins add support to Microsoft IIS and Zeus as well. They run on Windows, Unix/Linux, MacOS, VMS, and IBM mainframe operating systems. They are the single most popular application of the Java programming language. They are arguably the most popular choice for developing medium to large Web applications. They are used by the airline industry (most United Airlines and Delta Airlines Web sites), e-commerce (), online banking (First USA Bank, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico), Web search engines/portals (), large financial sites (American Century Investments), and hundreds of other sites that you visit every day.Of course, popularity alone is no proof of good technology. Numerous counter-examples abound. But our point is that you are not experimenting with a new and unproven technology when you work with server-side Java.Servlet和JSP技术简述Gildas Avoine and Philippe OechslinEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland1.1 Servlet的功能Servlets是运行在Web或应用服务器上的Java程序,它是一个中间层,负责连接来自Web浏览器或其他HTTP客户程序的请求和HTTP服务器上的数据库或应用程序。




为了提高开发效率和代码质量,JAVA 程序设计中常使用各种框架和技术。


1. Spring框架:Spring框架是一个开源的Java平台,用于简化企业级Java应用程序的开发。




2. Hibernate框架:Hibernate是一个基于Java的对象关系映射(ORM)框架,可以帮助开发人员将Java对象映射到数据库表中。



3. Struts框架:Struts是一个MVC框架,用于开发Web应用程序。



Struts 还支持国际化、资源管理等功能。

4. Spring Boot框架:Spring Boot是一个用于创建和运行独立的、生产级的Spring应用程序的框架。


Spring Boot可以帮助开发人员快速地创建Java应用程序,并提供了许多有用的功能和工具,如嵌入式Web服务器、注解驱动的开发、自动化配置、健康检查等。




其中SSH指:Struts,Spring, Hibernate,是一个将MVC思想发挥的很好的web框架。

开发平台: Windows 7 + MyEclipse 2014 + Tomcat 8.0.3+ JDK 1.8 + Mysql不同的版本大同小异。


建立工程目录新建工程打开MyEclipse,新建一个web project:file -> new -> Web Project 如下图所示:然后next两步,到下面时,修改一点:之后直接next到finish即可,建立后目录如下:建立src目录为了使得目录结构清晰,将不同层次的源程序放到不同包内,分别建立如下4个目录:- com.ssh.action :存放Action代码- com.ssh.service :存放Service代码- com.ssh.dao :存放Dao代码- com.ssh.entity :存放数据库实体类直接右击src, 然后new -> package 如下图:然后直接finishi即可。


这一步完成后的目录如下:导入Struts,Spring,Hibernate环境就是导入SSH环境了,这里使用的是MyEclipse集成的jar包导入Struts过程:右击项目名SSH 然后 MyEclipse ->Project Facets[capabilities]->Install Apache Struts 2.x Facet初始图如下:next到这步修改为第三项(重要):之后一直到finish即可。

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外文翻译---J S P技术与主流J A V A+E E开源框架(S S H)技术简介-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN中文3170字本科毕业设计外文翻译JSP technology and mainstream open-source framework for JAVA EE院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统学生姓名:学生学号:指导教师:2012年 5月 18日JSP technology and mainstream open-source framework forJAVAEE1.JSP ProfileJSP (Java Server Pages) is initiated by Sun Microsystems, Inc., with many companies to participate in the establishment of a dynamic web page technical standards. JSP technology somewhat similar to ASP technology, it is in the traditional HTML web page document (*.htm, *. html) to insert the Java programming paragraph (Scriptlet) and JSP tag (tag), thus JSP documents (*.jsp). Using JSP development of the Web application is cross-platform that can run on Linux, is also available for other operating systems.JSP technology to use the Java programming language prepared by the category of XML tags and scriptlets, to produce dynamic pages package processing logic. Page also visit by tags and scriptlets exist in the services side of the resources of logic. JSP page logic and web page design and display separation, support reusable component-based design, Web-based application development is rapid and easy.Web server in the face of visits JSP page request, the first implementation of the procedures of, and then together with the results of the implementation of JSP documents in HTML code with the return to the customer. Insert the Java programming operation of the database can be re-oriented websites, in order to achieve the establishment of dynamic pages needed to function.JSP and Java Servlet, is in the implementation of the server, usually returned to the client is an HTML text, as long as the client browser will be able to visit.JSP 1.0 specification of the final version is launched in September 1999, December has introduced 1.1 specifications. At present relatively new is JSP1.2 norms, JSP2.0 norms of the draft has also been introduced.JSP pages from HTML code and Java code embedded in one of the components. The server was in the pages of client requests after the Java code and then will generate the HTML pages to return to the client browser. Java Servlet JSP is the technical foundation and large-scale Web application development needs of Java Servlet and JSP support to complete. JSP with the Java technology easy to use, fully object-oriented, and a platform-independent and secure mainly for all the characteristics of the Internet. JSP technology strength: (1) time to prepare, run everywhere. At this point Java better than PHP, in addition to systems, the code notto make any changes.(2) the multi-platform support. Basically on all platforms of any development environment, in any environment for deployment in any environment in the expansion. Compared ASP / PHP limitations are obvious. (3) a strong scalability. From only a small Jar documents can run Servlet / JSP, to the multiple servers clustering and load balancing, to multiple Application for transaction processing, information processing, a server to numerous servers, Java shows a tremendous Vitality. (4) diver sification and powerful development tools support. This is similar to the ASP, Java already have many very good development tools, and many can be free, and many of them have been able to run on a variety of platforms under. JSP technology vulnerable:(1) and the same ASP, Java is the advantage of some of its fatal problem. It is precisely because in order to cross-platform functionality, in order to extreme stretching capacity, greatly increasing the complexity of the product. (2) Java's speed is class to complete the permanent memory, so in some cases by the use of memory compared to the number of users is indeed a "minimum cost performance." On the other hand, it also needs disk space to store a series of. Java documents and. Class, as well as the corresponding versions of documents.2. J2EE Development FrameworkJava2 Enterprise Edition middleware unified ideology played a significant role. For example, J2EE for distributed transaction management, directory services and messaging services provide a standard programming interface. J2EE-based -Java2Standard Edition (J2SE), successfully access for Java provides a standard relational database.But, as this article "J2EE programming of the lack of support", as mentioned,J2EEplatform does not provide a satisfactory application programming model. Sun and some of the major application server vendors wanted to use the development tools to reduce the complexity of J2EE development, but these tools are no other outstanding JAVA development tools, which have advanced refactoring tools, and. NET platform compared, J2EE tool support appeared to be very inferior.Many J2EE development tools automatically generate the code for the same complex as the tools themselves. In many small-scale J2EE open source community developers chose another way of development - some can be difficult to reduce the development of J2EE development framework, the more popular such as: Struts, Hibernate, and Spring Framework, J2EE project types in many of today they play an important the role.2.1 Spring FrameworkThe Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform.The first version was written by Rod Johnson who released the framework with the publication of his book Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development in October 2002. The framework was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. The first milestone release, 1.0, was released in March 2004, with further milestone releases in September 2004 and March 2005. The Spring 1.2.6 framework won a Jolt productivity award and a JAX Innovation Award in 2006. Spring 2.0 was released in October 2006, and Spring 2.5 in November 2007. In December 2009 version 3.0 GA was released. The current version is 3.0.5.The core features of the Spring Framework can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions for building web applications on top of the Java EE platform. Although the Spring Framework does not impose any specific programming model, it has become popular in the Java community as an alternative to, replacement for, or even addition to the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) model.Modules The Spring Framework comprises several modules that provide a range of services:Inversion of Control container: configuration of application components and lifecycle management of Java objectsAspect-oriented programming: enables implementation of cross-cutting routinesData access: working with relational database management systems on the Java platform using JDBC and object-relational mapping toolsTransaction management: unifies several transaction management APIs and coordinates transactions for Java objectsModel-view-controller: an HTTP and Servlet-based framework providing hooks for extension and customizationRemote Access framework: configurative RPC-style export and import of Java objects over networks supporting RMI, CORBA and HTTP-based protocols including web services (SOAP)Convention-over-configuration: a rapid application development solution for Spring-based enterprise applications is offered in the Spring model.Batch processing: a framework for high-volume processing featuring reusable functions including logging/tracing, transaction management, job processing statistics, job restart, skip, and resource managementAuthentication and authorization: configurable security processes that support a range of standards, protocols, tools and practices via the Spring Security sub-project (formerly Acegi Security System for Spring).Remote Management: configurative exposure and management of Java objects for local or remote configuration via JMXMessaging: configurative registration of message listener objects for transparent message consumption from message queues via JMS, improvement of message sending over standard JMS APIsTesting: support classes for writing unit tests and integration testsInversion of Control container Central to the Spring Framework is its Inversion of Control container, which provides a consistent means of configuring and managing Java objects using callbacks. The container is responsible for managing object lifecycles: creating objects, calling initialization methods, and configuring objects by wiring them together.Objects created by the container are also called Managed Objects or Beans. Typically, the container is configured by loading XML files containing Bean definitions which provide the information required to create the beans.Objects can be obtained by means of Dependency lookup or Dependency injection. Dependency lookup is a pattern where a caller asks the container object for an object with a specific name or of a specific type. Dependency injection is a pattern where the container passes objects by name to other objects, via either constructors, properties, or factory methods.In many cases it's not necessary to use the container when using other parts of the Spring Framework, although using it will likely make an application easier to configure and customize. The Spring container provides a consistent mechanism to configure applications and integrates with almost all Java environments, from small-scale applications to large enterprise applications.The container can be turned into a partially-compliant EJB3 container by means of the Pitchfork project. The Spring Framework is criticized by some as not being standards compliant. However, Spring Source doesn't see EJB3 compliance as amajor goal, and claims that the Spring Framework and the container allow for more powerful programming models.Aspect-oriented programming framework The Spring Framework has its own AOP framework which modularizes cross-cutting concerns in aspects. The motivation for creating a separate AOP framework comes from the belief that it would be possible to provide basic AOP features without too much complexity in either design, implementation, or configuration. The SAOP framework also takes full advantage of the Spring Container.The Spring AOP framework is interception based, and is configured at runtime. This removes the need for a compilation step or load-time weaving. On the other hand, interception only allows for public or protected method execution on existing objects at a join point.Compared to the AspectJ framework, Spring AOP is less powerful but also less complicated. Spring 1.2 includes support to configure AspectJ aspects in the container. Spring 2.0 added more integration with AspectJ; for example, the pointcut language is reused and can be mixed with SpAOP-based aspects. Further, Spring 2.0 added a Spring Aspects library which uses AspectJ to offer common Spring features such as declarative transaction management and dependency injection via AspectJ compile-time or load-time weaving. Spring Source also uses AspectJ for AOP in other Spring projects such as Spring Roo and Spring Insight, with Spring Security also offering an AspectJ-based aspect library.Spring AOP has been designed to make it able to work with cross-cutting concerns inside the Spring Framework. Any object which is created and configured by the container can be enriched using Spring AOP.The Spring Framework uses Spring AOP internally for transaction management, security, remote access, and JMX.Since version 2.0 of the framework, Spring provides two approaches to the AOP configuration:schema-based approach.@AspectJ-based annotation style.The Spring team decided not to introduce new AOP-related terminology; therefore, in the Spring reference documentation and API, terms such as aspect, join point, advice, pointcut, introduction, target object (advised object), AOP proxy, and weaving all have the same meanings as in most other AOP frameworks (particularly AspectJ).Data access framework Spring's data access framework addresses common difficulties developers face when working with databases in applications. Support is provided for all popular data access frameworks in Java: JDBC, iBatis, Hibernate, JDO, JPA, Oracle Top Link, Apache OJB, and Apache Cayenne, among others.For all of these supported frameworks, Spring provides these features:Resource management - automatically acquiring and releasing database resourcesException handling - translating data access related exception to a Spring data access hierarchyTransaction participation - transparent participation in ongoing transactionsResource unwrapping - retrieving database objects from connection pool wrappersAbstraction for BLOB and CLOB handlingAll these features become available when using Template classes provided by Spring for each supported framework. Critics say these Template classes are intrusive and offer no advantage over using (for example) the Hibernate API.. directly. In response, the Spring developers have made it possible to use the Hibernate and JPA APIs directly. This however requires transparent transaction management, as application code no longer assumes the responsibility to obtain and close database resources, and does not support exception translation.Together with Spring's transaction management, its data access framework offers a flexible abstraction for working with data access frameworks. The Spring Framework doesn't offer a common data access API; instead, the full power of the supported APIs is kept intact. The Spring Framework is the only framework available in Java which offers managed data access environments outside of an application server or container. While using Spring for transaction management with Hibernate, the following beans may have to be configured.Transaction management framework Spring's transaction management framework brings an abstraction mechanism to the Java platform. Its abstraction is capable of working with local and global transactions (local transaction does not require an application server).working with nested transactions working with transaction safe points working in almost all environments of the Java platformIn comparison, JTA only supports nested transactions and global transactions, and requires an application server (and in some cases also deployment of applications in an application server).The Spring Framework ships a Platform Transaction Manager for a number of transaction management strategies:Transactions managed on a JDBC ConnectionTransactions managed on Object-relational mapping Units of WorkTransactions managed via the JTA Transaction Manager and User Transaction Transactions managed on other resources, like object databasesNext to this abstraction mechanism the framework also provides two ways of adding transaction management to applications:Programmatically, by using Spring's Transaction TemplateConfiguratively, by using metadata like XML or Java 5 annotationsTogether with Spring's data access framework — which integrates the transaction management framework — it is possible to set up a transactional system through configuration without having to rely on JTA or EJB. The transactional framework also integrates with messaging and caching engines.The BoneCP Spring/Hibernate page contains a full example project of Spring used in conjunction with Hibernate.Model-view-controller framework The Spring Framework features its own MVC framework, which wasn't originally planned. The Spring developers decided to write their own web framework as a reaction to what they perceived as the poor design of the popular Jakarta Struts web framework, as well as deficiencies in other available frameworks. In particular, they felt there was insufficient separation between the presentation and request handling layers, and between the request handling layer and the model.Like Struts, Spring MVC is a request-based framework. The framework defines strategy interfaces for all of the responsibilities which must be handled by a modern request-based framework. The goal of each interface is to be simple and clear so that it's easy for Spring MVC users to write their own implementations if they so choose. MVC paves the way for cleaner front end code. All interfaces are tightly coupled to the Servlet API. This tight coupling to the Servlet API is seen by some as a failure on the part of the Spring developers to offer a high-level abstraction for web-based applications [citation needed]. However, this coupling makes sure that thefeatures of the Servlet API remain available to developers while offering a high abstraction framework to ease working with said API.The Dispatcher Servlet class is the front controller of the framework and is responsible for delegating control to the various interfaces during the execution phases of a HTTP request.The most important interfaces defined by Spring MVC, and their responsibilities, are listed below:Handler Mapping: selecting objects which handle incoming requests (handlers) based on any attribute or condition internal or external to those requests Handler Adapter: execution of objects which handle incoming requestsController: comes between Model and View to manage incoming requests and redirect to proper response. It essentially is like a gate that directs the incoming information. It switches between going into model or view.View: responsible for returning a response to the client. It is possible to go straight to view without going to the model part. It is also possible to go through all three.View Resolver: selecting a View based on a logical name for the view (use is not strictly required)Handler Interceptor: interception of incoming requests comparable but not equal to Servlet filters (use is optional and not controlled by Dispatcher Servlet).Locale Resolver: resolving and optionally saving of the locale of an individual userMultipart Resolver: facilitate working with file uploads by wrapping incoming requestsEach strategy interface above has an important responsibility in the overall framework. The abstractions offered by these interfaces are powerful, so to allow for a set of variations in their implementations, Spring MVC ships with implementations of all these interfaces and together offers a feature set on top of the Servlet API. However, developers and vendors are free to write other implementations. Spring MVC uses the Java java.util.Map interface as a data-oriented abstraction for the Model where keys are expected to be string values.The ease of testing the implementations of these interfaces seems one important advantage of the high level of abstraction offered by Spring MVC. Dispatcher Servlet is tightly coupled to the Spring Inversion of Control container forconfiguring the web layers of applications. However, applications can use other parts of the Spring Framework—including the container—and choose not to use Spring MVC.Because Spring MVC uses the Spring container for configuration and assembly, web-based applications can take full advantage of the Inversion of Control features offered by the container. This framework allows for multi layering. It allows for the code to be broken apart and used more effectively in segments, while allowing the mvc to do the work. It allows for back and forth transmission of data. Some designs are more linear without allowing a forward and backward flow of information. MVC is designed very nicely to allow this interaction. It is used more than just in web design, but also in computer programming. It's very effective for web design. Basically allows a checks and balance system to occur where before being viewed it can be properly examined.Remote access framework Spring's Remote Access framework is an abstraction for working with various RPC-based technologies available on the Java platform both for client connectivity and exporting objects on servers. The most important feature offered by this framework is to ease configuration and usage of these technologies as much as possible by combining Inversion of Control and AOP.The framework also provides fault-recovery (automatic reconnection after connection failure) and some optimizations for client-side use of EJB remote stateless session beans.Convention-Over-Configuration Rapid Application Development Spring Roo is Spring's Convention-over-configuration solution for rapidly building applications in Java. It currently supports Spring Framework, Spring Security and Spring Web Flow, with remaining Spring projects scheduled to be added in due course. Roo differs from other rapid application development frameworks by focusing on: The following diagram represents the Spring Framework Architecture2.2 Struts IntroductionApache Struts From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search"Struts" redirects here. For the structural component, see strut. For other meanings, see strut (disambiguation).This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations.Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations where appropriate.Apache Struts is an open-source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to encourage developers to adopt a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. It was originally created by Craig McClanahan and donated to the Apache Foundation in May, 2000. Formerly located under the Apache Jakarta Project and known as Jakarta Struts, it became a top level Apache project in 2005.Design goals and over view in a standard Java EE web application, the client will typically submit information to the server via a web form. The information is then either handed over to a Java Servlet that processes it, interacts with a database and produces an HTML-formatted response, or it is given to a Java Server Pages (JSP) document that inter mingles HTML and Java code to achieve the same result. Both approaches are often considered inadequate for large projects because they mix application logic with presentation and make maintenance difficult.The goal of Struts is to separate the model (application logic that interacts with a database) from the view (HTML pages presented to the client) and the controller (instance that passes information between view and model). Struts provides the controller (a servlet known as ActionServlet) and facilitates the writing of templates for the view or presentation layer (typically in JSP, but XML/XSLT and Velocity are also supported). The web application programmer is responsible for writing the model code, and for creating a central configuration file struts-config.xml that binds together model, view and controller.Requests from the client are sent to the controller in the form of "Actions" defined in the configuration file; if the controller receives such a request it calls the corresponding Action class that interacts with the application-specific model code. The model code returns an "ActionForward", a string telling the controller what output page to send to the client. Information is passed between model and view in the form of special JavaBeans. A powerful custom tag library allows it to read and write the content of these beans from the presentation layer without the need for any embedded Java code.Struts is categorized as a request-based web application framework Struts also supports internationalization by web forms, and includes a template mechanism called "Tiles" that (for instance) allows the presentation layer to be composed from independent header, footer, and content components History The Apache Struts Project was launched in May 2000 by Craig R. McClanahan to provide a standard MVC framework to the Java community. In July 2001, version 1.0 was released.Struts2 was originally known as WebWork 2. After having been developed separately for several years, WebWork and Struts were combined in 2008 to create Struts 2.Competing MVC frameworks Although Struts is a well-documented, mature, and popular framework for building front ends to Java applications, there are other frameworks categorized as "lightweight" MVC frameworks such as Spring MVC, Stripes, Wicket, Play!, and Tapestry. The new XForms standards and frameworks may also be another option to building complex web Form validations with Struts in the future.The WebWork framework spun off from Apache Struts aiming to offer enhancements and refinements while retaining the same general architecture of the original Struts framework. However, it was announced in December 2005 that Struts would re-merge with WebWork. WebWork 2.2 has been adopted as Apache Struts2, which reached its first full release in February 2007.In 2004 Sun launched an addition to the Java platform, called Java Server Faces (JSF). Aside from the original Struts framework, the Apache project previously offered a JSF-based framework called Shale, which was retired in May 2009.In this section we will discuss about Architecture. Struts is famous for its robust Architecture and it is being used for developing small and big software projects.Struts is an open source framework used for developing J2EE web applications using Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to encourage developers to adopt an MVC architecture. Struts framework provides three key components:A request handler provided by the application developer that is used to mapped to a particular URI. A response handler which is used to transfer the control to another resource which will be responsible for completing the response.A tag library which helps developers to create the interactive form based applications with server pages Learn Struts 2.2.1 framework Struts provides you thebasic infrastructure infra structure for implementing MVC allowing the developers to concentrate on the business logic The main aim of the MVC architecture is to separate the business logic and application data from the presentation data to the user.Here are the reasons why we should use the MVC design pattern They are resuable: When the problems recurs, there is no need to invent a new solution, we just have to follow the pattern and adapt it as necessary. They are expressive: By using the MVC design pattern our application becomes more expressive.1). Model: The model object knows about all the data that need to be displayed. It is model who is aware about all the operations that can be applied to transform that object. It only represents the data of an application. The model represents enterprise data and the business rules that govern access to and updates of this data. Model is not aware about the presentation data and how that data will be displayed to the browser.2). View: The view represents the presentation of the application. The view object refers to the model. It uses the query methods of the model to obtain the contents and renders it. The view is not dependent on the application logic. It remains same if there is any modification in the business logic. In other words, we can say that it is the responsibility of the view's to maintain the consistency in its presentation when the model changes.3). Controller: Whenever the user sends a request for something then it always go through the controller. The controller is responsible for intercepting the requests from view and passes it to the model for the appropriate action. After the action has been taken on the data, the controller is responsible for directing the appropriate view to the user. In GUIs, the views and the controllers often work very closely together.The Struts framework is composed of approximately 300 classes and interfaces which are organized in about 12 top level packages. Along with the utility and helper classes framework also provides the classes and interfaces for working with controller and presentation by the help of the custom tag libraries. It is entirely on to us which model we want to choose. The view of the Struts architecture is given below:The Struts Controller Components Whenever a user request for something, then the request is handled by the Struts Action Servlet. When the ActionServlet。
