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I. Match the words or expressions in column A with the explanations in Column


(一)、A B

( f ) 1. efficient a. pity

( i ) 2. appointment b. personal

( h ) 3. escape c. a fellow worker

( e ) 4. afford d. probably; maybe

( d ) 5. possibly e. be able to buy; have the money for

( a ) 6.sympathy f. working well and without waste of time

( j ) 7. due to g. seaside

( c ) 8. colleague h. run away

( b ) 9. private i. arrangement to meet somebody

( g ) 10. coast j. because of

(二)、A B

( f ) 1. no wonder a. cause to do or believe something

( j ) 2. invisible b. up to now

( g ) 3. volunteer c. machine for typing letters

( i ) 4.consume d. share of profits paid to shareholders

( a) 5. persuade e. obviously

( b ) 6. so far f. without doubt

( c ) 7. typewriter g. offer one‟s services or help without payment or reward

( e ) 8. apparently h. because of

( d ) 9. dividend i. use up

( h ) 10. due to j. can not be seen

II. Fill in the blacks with suitable words or phrases given in the box, changing the form where necessary.

1. It is very important to protect rare flowers.

2. I run very fast in order to get the earliest train.

3. Brothers usually have a lot of things in common. This is especially true for twin brothers.

4. If you are going to give a birthday party in a restaurant, you should make a reservation


5. I can‟t easily express to you how grateful I am for your help.

6. I have just spent a holiday in Paris and would recommend it to anyone.

7. My brother wants to get some information about and now they live happy lives.

9. The American film has become very popular with young people in this country.

10. They were used to smoking and it was hard for them to give up.

1.The old couple go sight-seeing every year.

2.If you need any further information, I shall be happy to supply for it.

3.The lecture was so boring that I couldn‟t help sleeping.

4.Please pack two photos with the application letter in the envelope.

5.If you don‟t dress properly for an interview, you are asking for trouble .

6.She looked behind him to make sure that he was not being followed.

7.I guess we should end the letter with “Best Wishes”.

8.Sometimes your volunteer work experience will be very useful yours job application.

9.When you go out of the hotel, just go straight ahead and post office is in front of


10.Tom encloses his suitcase in a hurry just before leaving for the airport.

III. Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. John is watching (watch) the news on TV at the moment.
