一、词汇翻译:1、优先股2、投资活动3、现金流入4、折旧5、财务报告6、资产负债表7、流动资产8、债权人9、存货10、合伙制企业11、财务管理12、余额,平衡13、应付账款14、财务比率15、资本预算16、流动资产17、负债18、利润表19、净利润20、账面价值21、现金股利22、应收账款23、普通股24、风险规避25、流动负债26、合伙人27、收入28、市场份额29、股票期权30、财务报表31、现金流出32、偿付能力33、赊销34、累计折旧35、资本盈余36、房地产37、摊销38、有价证券39、盈利比率40、资本预算41、股票发行42、财务比率43、存货44、财务困境45、账面价值46、优先股47、盈利能力48、应计费用49、合资企业50、流动性比率51、资产负债表52、权益乘数53、债权人54、杠杆比率55、收益二、单项选择题1、Which of the following users are not external users of financial management information?( )A. managersB. creditorsC. investorsD. employees2 、Which of the following belongs to current liabilities?( )A. mortgages payableB. prepaid expensesC. notes payableD. bonds payable3、Cash inflows related to investing activities are ( )A. cash received from the sale of assetsB. collection of notes receivableC. sale of another entity’s equity securities by the reporting entityD. both A and C4、Cash equivalents include ( )A. time depositsB. inventoriesC. accounts receivableD. prepaid expenses5、Which of the following service involves providing an independent report on the appropriateness of financial statements?( )A. auditB. taxC. consultingD. budgeting6、Accountants employed by large corporations may work in the areas of the following except ( )A. product costing and pricingB. budgetingC. internal auditingD. product producing7、Which of the following is a liability account?()A. prepaid insuranceB. additional paid-in capitalC. salaries payableD. accumulated depreciation8、Financial statement does not include ( )A. balance sheetB. income statementC. cash flow statementD. working sheet9、Net income or net loss are reported on the ( )A. balance sheetB. statement of owners’ equityC. income statementD. both b and c10、Which of the following users are not external users of financial management information?( )A. managersB. creditorsC. investorsD. employees11、Cash inflows related to investing activities are ( )A. cash received from the sale of assetsB. collection of notes receivableC. sale of another entity’s equity securities by the reporting entityD. both A and C12、Cash equivalents include ( )A. time depositsB. inventoriesC. accounts receivableD. prepaid expenses三、英译汉1、Public corporations in the US and many other countries are required to prepare and disclose the following financial statements to the public on a periodic basis: balance sheet; income statement; statement of cash flows; statement of retained earnings. (上市公司在美国和许多其他国家都要准备和披露以下财务报表上的公众一个周期性的基础,资产负债表,损益表,现金流量表的声明,声明的留存收益)Taken together, these statements give an accounting picture of the firm’s operations and financial position. The quantitative and verbal materials are equally important. The financial statements report what has actually happened to assets, earnings, and dividends over the past few years, whereas the verbal statements attempt to explain why things turned out the way they did.(综合起来,这些报表会计画公司的运营和财务状况,定量和语言是同等重要的,财务报表报告实际发生的资产,收益,股息过去几年来,而口头陈述试图解释为什么事情结果他们所做的事)The information contained in an annual report is used by investors to help form expectations about future earnings and dividends. Firms typically prepare these statements quarterly, but many analysts and users of financial statements concentrate on a firm’s fiscal year-end statements. Firms provide the annual statements in both the annual report to the SEC and the shareholder annual report.(所包含的信息的年度报告是用投资者对未来收入帮助形成预期和红利。
会计英语期末复习一、判断题20题20分二、多项选择题10题20分三、名词解释5题15分四、汉译英20题20分五、会计实践操作25分名词解释1、A ccounting (会计)P3Accounting is an information system that identifies, records, and com muni cates releva nt, reliable, and comparable in formati on about an orga ni zati on 'bus in ess activities that can be expressed in mon etary terms.2、A ccrual Basis Accounting (权责发生制)P183、L iability (负债)P148Liabilities are defi ned as probable future sacrifices of econo mic ben efits arising from present obligations of a particular entity to transfer assets or provide services to other en tities in the future as a result of past tran sact ions or eve nts4、C apital Expenditure (资本性支出)P29Capital expe nditure are expe nditures expected to yield ben efits bey ond the curre nt acco unting period, that is, have future cash flows , and thus should be added to the pla nt and equipme nt or capital asset acco unt.5、M atchi ng prin ciple (配比原则)P26Matchi ng refers to the tim ing of recog niti on of reve nues and expe nses in the in come stateme nt. Un der this con cept, all expe nses in curred in earning reve nue should be recog ni zed in the same period the reve nue is recog ni zed.6、Substanee Over Form (实质重于形式)P3oSubsta nee over form requires that tran sacti ons and other eve nts are accounted for and presented in accordance with their substance and economic reality and not merely their legal form.汉译英真实性和公允性truth and fairness收付实现制cash basis of acco unting持续经营假设going concern assumpti on谨慎性原贝V con servatism资本性支出capital expe nditures配比原贝V matchi ng prin ciple临时性账户temporary acco unt经营成果operat ing results盈余公积surplus reserve 未分配利润un distributed profit银行对账单bank stateme nt应付票据no tes payable实质重于形式substa nee over form 货币计量假设mon etary un it assumpti on重要性原则materiality可变现净值net realizable value完工百分比法perce ntage-of-completi on method 会计主体假设separate en tity assumpti on交易与事项transactions and eve nts会计分期假设acco unting period assumpti on 会计循环acco un ti ng cycle多选题1.会计信息外部使用者有哪些?Suppliers, regulators, lawyers, brokers, the in vestors , le nders, non-executive directors2.资产负债表的构成项目(资产,负债,所有者权益)Assets, liabilities, owners 'equity3.现金流量表的构成项目(经营,投资,筹资)Operating, investing , financing activities4 •所有者权益变动表In vestors, capital reserve, surplus reserve,reta ined5.应收款项的分类Acco unts receivable, no tes receivable, other receivable6.存货的计价方法Specific ide ntificati on, average cost, first-i n first-out7.制造业企业存货的构成Raw materials, good in process of manufacture, fini shed goods8.固定资产折旧的方法press shareholders /un distributed profit first-out, last-i n6。
财务英语期末复习资料第十五章1、What is the financial deficit? 财政赤字是什么?The gap between the cash that companies need and the cash that they generate internally is the financial deficit.2、 To make up the deficit, companies need to raise money from the outside — borrow or sell new equity. what are the two patterns for corporations to raise money?企业筹集资金的两种模式是什么?Firms may raise funds from external sources or plow back profits rather than distribute them to shareholders.3、 Should a firm elect external financing, they may choose between debt or equity sources. define authorized share capital,issued andoutstanding ,issued but not outstanding,treasury shares.定义法定股本,发行及未偿还,已颁布但尚未行使,发行但偿还,库存股份。
authorized share capital:The maximum number of shares of capital stock that can be sold to the public.Treasury shares :are issued shares that have been reacquired by the corporation. Outstanding shares: are issued shares that are owned by stockholders.Issued shares are authorized shares of stock that have been sold.Unissued shares are authorized shares of stock that never have been sold.4、what is the difference between Majority Voting and Cumulative Voting? Majority Voting– each director is voted upon separately and stockholders can cast one vote for each share thatthey own.Cumulative Voting– the directors are voted upon jointly and stockholders can allot all their votes to just one candidate Suppose that there are five directors to be elected and you can own 100 shares. You therefore have a total of 500 votes.Under the majority voting system, you can cast a maximum of 100 votes for any one candidate.Under the cumulative voting system, you can cast all 500 votes for your favorite candidate5、Tunneling–the majority shareholders tunnels into the firm and acquire control of the assets forHimself.6、Proxy Contest – transference of corporate control7、优先股的特点Preferred Stock –Stock that takes priority over common stock in regards to dividends.8、Cumulative Preferred Stock–the firm must pay all past preferred dividends before common stockholders get a cent. 累积优先股9、“Default Risk” is the term used to describe the likelihood that a firm will walk away from its obligation, either voluntarily or involuntarily10、税收优势的定义无 Interest is paid from before-tax income, whereas dividendson common and preferred stock are paid from after-tax income. Therefore the government provides a tax subsidy on the use of debt that it does not provide on equity.11、senior debt:P398高级Junior(subordinated)debt:次级12、collateral:抵押品P39813、Warrant:the most dramatic example is provided by a warrant认股权证14、convertible bond:可转换债券P39915、What is primary market?secondary market?OTC?P40016、What is the function of financial intermediary?金融中介的作用p400第十六章1、Venture Capital:创业资本P4072、Some continue to grow with the aid of equity investment provided by wealthy individuals known as angel investors天使投资者3、新公司筹资的最重要方式是:family funds and banks loans;angel investors;specialist venture-capital firms.4、how could the Venture capitalists have opportunity of cash out?Venture capitalists may cash in on their investment in two ways.First, once the new business has established a track record, it may be sold out to a larger firm.Second, the company may decide to go public and so provide the original backers with an opportunity to “cash out,” selling their stock and leaving the original entrepreneurs in control.5、the two items of IPO:Primary Offering: New shares are sold to raise additional cash for the company. Secondary Offering: The existing shareholders decide to cash in by selling part of their holdings6、Bookbuilding:The underwriter builds a book of likely orders and uses this information to set the issue price.7、IPO步骤:P4238、Underwriter - Firm that buys an issue of securities from a company and resells it to the public.Spread - Difference between public offer price and price paid by underwriter. Greenshoe option - Option that allow the underwriter for a new issue to buy and resell additional shares.Prospectus - Formal summary that provides information on an issue of securities. Underpricing - Issuing securities at an offering price set below the true value of the security.9、Types of Auction拍卖Discriminatory auction In a discriminatory auction every winner is required to pay the price that he or she bid.Uniform-price auction In a uniform-price auction both would pay the price of the lowest winning bidder10、Rights Issue— Issue of securities offered only to current stockholders优先股发行 Also known as Privileged subscription 如何计算:Example 1- BNP needs to raise €5.50 billion of new equity. The market price is €77.40/sh. BNP decides to raise additional funds via a 1 for 10 rights offer at €65.40 per share. If we assume 100% subscription, what is the value of each right?Current Market Value = 10 x €77.40 = €774.00Total Shares = 10 + 1 = 11Amount of funds = 774 + 65.40 = €839.40New Share Price = (839.40) / 11 = €76.31Value of a Right = 76.31 –65.40 = €0.91Example2 - BNP needs to raise €1.28billion of new equ ity. The market price is €60/sh. BNP decides to raise additional funds via a 4 for 17 rights offer at €41 per share. If we assume 100% subscription, what is the value of each right? Current MarketValue = 17 x €60 = €1,020Total Shares = 17 + 4 = 21Amount of funds = 1,020 + (4x41) = €1,184New Share Price = (1,184) / 21 = €56.38Value of a Right = 56.38 –41 = €5.3812、Private Placement :Sale of securities to a limited number of investors withouta public offering私募Disadvantage: A private placement is that the investors cannot easily resell the securities.Advantage: It costs less to arrange a private placement than to make a public issue 第十六章1、what are the two ways for corporations to return cash to their shareholders? Dividend ;Stock Repurchase2、Types of Dividends:Cash Dividend1. Regular Cash Dividend2. Special Cash DividendStock DividendDividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)3、how the dividends are paid?Declaration date: This is the date on which the board of directors announces that the company will pay a dividend.Cum-Dividend Date: Last day when shares are traded with the right to receive the dividend.Ex-Dividend Date: First day when shares are traded without the right to receive the dividend. (a business day after the Cum-Dividend date). On or after this date the security trades without its dividend. The ex-date is the second business day before the date of record.Date of record : Shareholders are recorded to receive dividends.Payment date: Dividend checks mailed out.4、what is stock repurchase?What are the four main ways?Firms repurchase stock when they have accumulated a large amount of unwanted cash or wish to change their capital structure by replacing equity with debt.. Buy shares on the market. Tender Offer to Shareholders. Dutch Auction. Private Negotiation (Green Mail)5、Stock split: Issue of additional shares to a firm’s shareholders.Reverse split:A process by a company of issuing to each shareholder in that company a smaller number of new shares in proportion to that shareholder's original shares that are subsequently canceled6、分清后三者特点:7、分析Financial Influence对四者的影响:8、what are the three groups on whether the payout policy change the value of the stock?.Managers are reluctant to make dividend changes that might have to be reversed. They are particularly worried about having to rescind a dividend increase, and, if necessary, would choose to raise new funds to maintain the payout..To avoid the risk of a reduction in payout, managers “smooth” dividends. Consequently, dividend chan ges follow shift in long-run sustainable earnings. Transitory earnings changes are unlikely to affect dividend payouts.. Managers focus more on dividend changes than on absolute levels.9、what is MM theory?why MM claims that payout policy is irrelevant?Modigliani and Miller (MM) maintain that under ideal conditions, dividend policy is irrelevant.Assuming perfect capital markets with no taxes or costs of financial distress. ? Assuming efficient markets and fairly priced assets.The Irrelevancy of Dividend Policy:Since investors do not need dividends to convert shares to cash they will not pay higher prices for firms with higher dividend payouts. In other words, dividend policy will have no impact on the value of the firm. 第十八章1、The firm’s mix of debt and equity financing is called capital structure.2、Financial leverage measured as the ratio of total debt to total assets; greater the amount of debt, greater the financial leverage.3、What is the primary goal of financial managers?The financial manager wants to choose the capital structure that will maximize stockholder wealth.4、Is a policy that maximize the market value of the firm is also best for the firm’s stockholders?Why?5、M&M Proposition I:Firm value is determined on the left-hand side of the balance sheet by real assets, not by the proportions of debt and equity securities issued to buy the assets.6、MM’s Proposition 2:The expected rate of return on the common stock of a levered firm increases in proportion to the debt-equity ratio (D/E).7、Are M M’s Proposition 1 and 2 conflicting?Why?MM’s Proposition 1 and 2 are NOT conflicting.Any increase in expected return is exactly offset by an increase in risk and therefore in shareholder’s required rate of return.上一页下一页。
财经专业英语复习参考一·英汉互译20×1:经济状况economic conditions 共同的价值观shared values单一欧洲货币single European currency 申请表application form畅销品,热销产品hot property 登记费registration fee自由女神像the Statue of Liberty 实用新型专利utility patent商业周期business cycle 经济低迷时期economic downturn工会labor union 管理层面layers of management市场分析market analysis 生产成本production cost证券交易委员会the Securities and Exchange Commission共同市场Common Market 关税联盟customs union金融市场financial market 贸易障碍trade barriers贸易冲突the trading conflict 金融赤字finance deficit浮动(固定)兑换率flexible(fixed) exchange rate外汇储备foreign reserves 国际储备international reserves经济过热overheated economy 储备货币the reserve currency应付账款accounts payable(payable account) 信用卡credit card财务交易,财务事项financial transaction 存款make deposits取款make withdraws 社会保险Social Security货币转账(转让.转运)服务money transfer service知识产权Intellectual property 贸易简易化trade facilitation关税率customs duty rate二·单项选择20×1:1 They have received hangsome_____on their investments. (profits)2 In many countries tobacco is a government_______.(monopoly)3 The paper publishes a daily list of Stock Exchange_______.(transactions)4 The finance minister put forward a ______aiming at boosting the economy,which must be approved by Parliament.(budget)5 There is only one effective way to control long-range inflationary pressures,and that is increased_______.(productivity)6 Sell the house as soon as possible;there is evidence of a ______in the housing market.(downturn)7 If you feel your idea warrants a utility patent ,don’t attempt to secure it without a patent_____.(attorney)8 Bonds issued by corporations are called _____bonds,which have two basic types:mortgage bonds and debenture bonds.(corporate)9 Commercial and industrial loans _____at larger banks.(dominate)10 Air services are not yet sound enough economically to operate without government ______.(subsidies)11 His new assistant was rapidly ______him as manager of the project.(superseding)12 The trading _____between the U·S and Japan caused a row.(conflict)13 His graduation day ______with his birthday.(concurred)14 If we raise our import duties on their goods ,they may_____against us.(retaliate)15 We promise you to try our product out in the comfort of your own home with absolutely no _____to buy.(commitment)16 After _____with our accountants,we’ve decided how to cut costs within the company.(consultations)17 I am wondering how soon I can______the mortgage because I have no stable income.(redeem)18 The suspect was unable to escape a whole _____of proofs.(array)19 We pay a______when we use the bridge.(toll)三·单词运用15×1【Ex·3】(1) passports 护照Many refugees have arrived at the border without________.(2) prosperity 繁荣 A country’s future_______depends,to an extent,upon the quality of education of its people.(3) licensee获得许可的人In this passage ,a potential______refers to a company which own the license and is likely to buy your patent.(4) trademark 商标You’ve seen many times the R in a circle on some packages of products.It means a registered______.(5) overarching意义重大The project’s______aim is the improvement of education.(6) cheerleader 拉拉队队长She was a ______for the Dallas Cowboys.(7) market analysis 市场分析Before entering a new market intensive_______is required.(8) ratification 批准The agreement has to go to the board for______.(9) barriers 障碍The union has asked the government to impose trade______on foreign cars.(10) crash 垮台;崩溃He lost all his money in the ______of 1929.(11) float 漂流物The government has decided to______the pound.(12) prosperous 繁荣的In a ______country like this,no one should go hungry.(13) Telecommunication电传视讯___________is the extension of communication over a distance.(14) merchandise 商品Shoppers complained about poor quality______and high prices.(15) evolution 进程;过程The______of civilization has developed for a very long time.(16) speculators 投机的商人On market changing,______could get a certain amount of profits.(17) surplus 盈余The expansionary monetary policies were often taken by______countries.(18) expenditure 经费;开支;消费It is reported that this year there will be a(n)______of $ 2 billion on the navy.四·选词填空10×1【Ex·4】1 The international community has refused to _____the newly independent nation state.(recognize)2 The exhibition was______by the museum’s director.(conceived)3 The factory had to stop production because it had not been_____yet at the Industry and Commerce Bureau.(registered)4 The project ______the cooperation of both young and old.(involves)5 The government raises the customs______tariff on imports of foreign cars.(protective)6 He was arrested on suspicion of accepting______.(bribery)7 The college _______to grant degrees.(is empowers)8 H e’s the sort of person who watches a film and then ______it for hours.(dissects)9 The book _______500 pages.(runs to )10 Their statement______nothing more than a slick evasion.(amounts to)11 To make their export goods more competitive,the countries could _____their currencies.(evaluate)12 Because of the disorderly conditions in the exchange market,the government comes to _______in it.(intervene)13 The authorities _____them to investigate this event.(empower)14 Property on which money has been lent is ______when the loan is paid back.(redeemed)15 Medical supplies were ____only to those who obviously needed them.(dispensed)16 The newly developed information superhighway will______the long-distance education,multimedia information exchange ,as well as e-commerce.(facilitate)17 “China’s plan to make its currency fully convertible _______unchanged,”said the directorgeneral of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.”However,the Asian financial crisis also has taught us some lessons.”he continued.(remains)五·根据课文内容填词15×11 According to the passage,there are three different types of patents.They are_________,______,and________.(Utility patents Plant patents Design patents)2 Copyrights are issued by_______.because copyrights offer protection for artistic and literary works.(the library of congress)3 Applying for a patent is a(n)_______process.Even the simplest application will probably cost several thousand dollars.(expensive)4 A ____________ gives you the right to go to court to protect your property.(copyright)5 If your work is registered before any infringement occurs,you can sue for recovery of your________.(Statutory Damages)6 We are living in the era of_______.(globalization)7 An______means a teacher in a college or university.(academic)8 By diversifying its business globally,an international company can spread its risks and uncertainties of an economic____in a particular part of the world.(downturn)9 The main objective of an international company is to attain the lowest possible production cost and highest possible______.(profit)10 By mass _____a company can reduce the production cost.(production)11 The regional trade organizations try to lower and/or remove trade______among member countries.(barriers)12 The regional trade organizations tend to impose trade_____for products and services from outside of the association.(restrictions)13 The EU’s_______is located in Brussels.(headquarter)14 Integrating the Canadian and American economies is a relatively simple task,while ________of Mexico is one major problem.(integration)15 The first challenge facing the WTO is the trading______between the United States and Japanover automobiles.(conflict)16 European Central Bank is responsible for____________policy and managing the euro.(monetary)17 European_________is elected by the peoples of the Member states of the EU.(parliament)18 In 2004 the biggest ever______of the EU took place with 10 new countries joining.(enlargement)19 The _______is the name of the single European currency.(euro)20 All the WTO agreements signed by the trading nations must be ratified in their_______.(parliaments)21 __________services include banking,insurance,securities and financial information.(Financial)22 By negotiating rules and______by them,the members can ensure that trade is as fair as possible and as free as is practical.(abiding)23 Countries are encouraged to settle their difference through _____without bringing disputes to the WTO.(consultation)六·缩写全拼及翻译5×1ATM自动柜员机automated teller machineEU欧盟the European UnionIMF国际货币基金组织the International Monetary FundWTO世界贸易组织the World Trade OrganizationPTO (美)专利商标局the Patent and Trademark Office。
《英语(下)》模拟自测题Paper1I.单项选择题VOCABULARY&STRUCTURE(30分)Beneath each of the following sentences,there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.(1)He closed the door with a.A.slimB.slamsC.slangD.slam(2)At the end of the party,we thanked our and went back home.A.hostageB.hotelC.hostileD.host(3)A hope still flickered in her breast after the accident.A.faintB.funkC.ceasedD.feast(4)There was a discussion on higher education at that conference.A.heatedB.warmerC.heatD.sharper(5)afterwards he was injured in a car crash and doctors locked his crushed right arm in one position.A.In shortprehensivelyC.ShortlyD.All of sudden(6)He is a who studies animals and plants.A.ownerB.naturalistC.buyerD.customer(7)She felt sick__________the dead rat.A.as long asB.as soon asC.at the point ofD.at the sight of(8)They are going to the singing group.A.join inB.join upC.attendedD.joined(9)Modern car makers are striving to provide drivers and passengers with more seating.A.speciesB.spaciousC.spaceD.spaciously(10)This movie enabled us to trace back to our youth------a(an)of passion and pain,of hope and heartbreak.A.earB.eraC.errorD.area(11)When are they going to________the streets?A.wideB.broadC.lengthD.widen(12)Due to the economic crisis,unemployment is______to go on rising this year.A.likelyB.willinglyC.surprisingD.liable(13)The coin bore a(an)of the president.A.pictureB.imaginationC.imageD.imagine(14)A wonderful idea in my mind.A.occurringB.immerseC.emergedD.imaged(15)English,he has to study German,French and Latin as well.A.ExceptB.BesidesC.ButD.In addition(16)Can I make a(an)to see the headmaster?A.dateB.apologizeC.applyD.appointment(17)The Forth of July is the National Day of the USA.A.DependenceB.IndependenceC.RelianceD.Freedom(18)The chairman the meeting open.A.delaysB.declaresC.dismissesD.devises(19)Salaries for permanent positions are generally higher than for ones.A.temporaryB.legalC.optionalD.reason(20)Information about visas and passports can be from your local library.A.getB.acquireC.reachedD.obtained(21)Jefferson is not only remembered as the third president of the United States,but also as a good and tirelessA.writerB.journalC.playwrightposer(22)I don't know when that custom came intoA.environmentB.accumulationC.existenceD.evidence(23) Beethoven is my favorite musician.I regard him as other musicians.A.superior toB.more superior thanC.more superior toD.superior than(24)Some people return good forA.badB.illC.wickedD.evil(25)The Forbidden City is one of the world's greatest works ofA.constitutionB.regulationC.constructionD.convention(26)The grants the president with the power to declare war.A.constitutionB.regulationC.constructionD.convention(27)According to his will,he would leave his property a hospital.A.withB.toC.forD.behind(28)It is that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.A.self-evidentB.self-consciousC.self-reliantD.self-confident(29)After seeing the film,he was unable to sleep.A.thrillB.thrilledC.thrillingD.thrillingly(30)A harmonious society has good faith and friendly relation between people to a favorable atmosphere for living and doing business.A.inventB.designC.createposes(31)The baby is just learning toA.climbingB.creekC.crewD.crawl(32)When everyone was the music began.A.seatedB.seatC.sit downD.sat down(33)New houses are all over the city.A.flowing upB.sprung upC.following upD.springing up(34)You'd better not to talk to your mother in thatA.pitchB.toneC.ditchD.tune(35)Your smile would any room.A.enlightensB.lightingC.lightD.light up(36)We should all follow this for it is a commitment.A.contractB.conductionC.contradictD.contrasted(37)Her arrest produced an immediate from the press.A.feedB.repliesC.reactionD.answer(38)They suffered huge losses in the financialA.criticalB.criticsC.criticizeD.crisis(39)A(an)of action is worth a ton of theory.A.bitB.ounceC.littleD.drop(40)She handled a difficult skillfully.A.argueB.agreementC.argumentD.judgments(41)He developed the in the legs by running.A.meatB.fleshC.musicD.muscles(42)Captain is an inferior rank to.A.majorityB.majorC.minorD.minority(43)I used to act out of blind________when I was young.A.impulsemotionC.mindD.spur(44)The police_______us not to go out at night.A.wornB.woreC.warmD.warned(45)He walked with_________and shaky steps.A.steadilyB.steadyC.unsteadyD.unsteadily(46)The company hired a detective to__________the accident.A.indicateB.imitatesC.investigateD.interview(47)Happiness doesn't necessarily________money.A.go forB.go withC.go throughD.go back(48)He overlooked a spelling________on the first page.A.echoB.evidenceC.errorD.emotion(49)It is difficult enough to be_______of our own mistakes.A.criticizeB.criticalC.criticismD.critic(50)Mary has a bad cold and a________throat.A.painB.soreC.tenderD.sour(51)Every time they have an argument,his wife threatens him divorce.A.ofB.byC.inD.with(52)Eat,drink,and be merry一thafs his.A.philosophyB.physicsC.policeD.biology(53)She his offer of marriage.A.objectedB.declined toC.rejectedD.refuse(54)The two companies come into frequent as a result of competition.A.controlB.contactedC.conflictsD.flight(55)My brother's son is my.C.nieceD.nephewB.cousinA.son-in-law(56)This set of Chinese encyclopedia has over10.A.volumesB.vocabularyC.vacuumD.version(57)Yesterday was my parents530th wedding.A.acquaintanceB.anniversaryC.appointmentD.appreciation(58)I should like to rent a house------modern,comfortable and,in a quiet neighborhood.A.for allB.above allC.after allD.in all(59)It is not easy to decide what to take and what to when you travel abroad.A.leave withB.leave afterC.leave offD.leave behind(60)Some of the notebooks that George Washington kept are still.A.existB.existsC.existingD.in existence(61)The chemical works is located in the of the city.A.innerB.suburbC.townD.surrounding(62)Linda is35years old,after ending two close relationships,the prospect of staying singleher.A.impressesB.depressesC.pressesD.suppresses(63)Our teacher much importance to listening comprehension and speaking.A.attachesB.touchesC.PlaysD.pays(64)Remember that customers don't about prices in that city.A.consultB.debateC.bargainD.dispute(65)In the house,there is an ornamented used as a Christmas decoration.A.everlastingB.evergreenC.evermoreD.evidence(66)You must for this job by e-mail first before coming to this interview.plyB.applyC.supplyD.reply(67)I suggested he should himself to his new conditions.A.adoptB.adaptC.regulateD.suit(68)Would you mind telling me your monthly?A.wageB.saleC.salaryD.pay(69)He was offered the of ambassador to India.A.postB.propertyC.poemD.poverty(70)I was of money,so George lent me$20.(71) Hard work is the source of success.A. lackingB. composedC. richD. short(73) Water is said to of oxygen and hydrogen.A. superB. ultimateC. specificD. particularly(72) Don ,t ______ people by appearance.A.changeB. evaluatesC. assessmentD. judge(74) He advanced a design to the product.A. insistB. consistC. constituteD. institute(75) When he was twenty years old, he began to have a .A. advertiseB. advertisementC. advertisingD. advertiser(78) His interests from chess to stamp.A. hairB. glassC. moustache (76) She has a _______waist and shapely legs.D. nailA. slipperyB. sliceC. slim (77) Our hope _____and fell in the same instant.D. slimeA. arousedB. aroseC. raisedD. rose(80) They struck a proper balance between work andA. turnsB. changesC. range (79) Four _______three equals to twelve.D. stayA. plusB. minusC. multiplyD. dividedA. freeB. leisurelyC. leisureD. freedom II. 复合题 READING COMPREHENSION (50 分)There are 5 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Decide on the choice that best answers the question.Passage 1[1] It gives me a great pleasure to join you for this important initiative as the UN marks its 70th anniversary.[2] Education is very close in my heart. My father grew up in a very small village in China. In those days, not many villagers could read. So my father opened a night school to teach them how to。
财务管理专业英语期末重点一、单词Topic1财务管理financial management资本预算capital budgeting资本结构capital structure股利政策dividend policy存货inventory风险规避risk aversion股东权益stockholder s’ equity流动负债current liabilityTopic2财务风险financial risk合伙制企业partnership私人业主制企业sole proprietorship收入revenue主计长controller财务困境financial distress股票期权stock option首次公开发行股票(IPO) initial public offering Topic 3盈利能力profitability偿付能力solvency利润表income statement有价证券marketable securities提款withdrawal应收账款accounts receivable递延税款deferred taxTopic4流动性比率liquidity ratio权益乘数equity multiplier资产收益率(ROA) return on assets毛利gross profit margin权益报酬率return on equity市盈率P/E ratio杠杆比率leverage ratio息税前盈余(EBIT) earnings before interest and taxes Topic5货币时间价值time value of money年金annuity折现率discount rate机会成本opportunity cost递延年金deferred annuity条款covenant到期收益率yield to maturity违约风险default riskTopic6组合portfolio可分散风险diversifiable risk概率probability灵敏度分析sensitivity analysis有效市场假说efficient market hypothesis套利定价理论(APT) arbitrage pricing theory资本资产定价模型capital asset pricing model期望收益expected returnTopic7资本支出capital expenditure资本预算capital budget破产bankruptcy制造费用overhead模拟simulation期后审计post-audit沉没成本sunk cost附加效应side effectTopic8金融市场financial market回购repurchase操纵manipulate承销underwriting私人控股公司privately held corporation公开上市go public公开发行public offer加权平均资本成本weighted average cost of capital Topic9混合证券hybrid security风险资本venture capital期权交易option exchange贷款额度line of credit租赁lease最优资本结构optimal capital structure目标资本结构desired or target capital structure可转换债券convertible bondTopic10股票回购stock repurchase股票股利stock dividends股票分割stock split所有权稀释dilution of ownership剩余股利政策residual dividend policy清算股利liquidating dividend现金股利cash dividends股票股利stock dividendsTopic11营运资本管理working capital management商业票据commercial paper支出disbursement信用期限credit period交易动机transaction motive短期有价证券marketable security回购协议repurchase agreement银行承兑汇票bankers’ acceptanceTopic12国际财务管理international financial management国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund跨国公司multinational corporation /international corporation汇率exchange rated]]*cost of equity*(1-corporate tax rate)Wacc=(股权/总资本)*股权成本+(债务/总资本)*债务成本*(1-企业所得税率)三、填空1.The risk of an asset can be considered in two ways (1)on a stand-alone basis. where the asset’s cash flows are analyzed by themselves ,or(2)a portfolio context, where the asset’s cash flows are combine with those of other asset.2.In a portfolio context ,an asset’s risk can be divided into two components :在投资组合中资产风险可以分为(1)diversifiable risk,which can be diversified away and thus is of little concern to diversified investors , and (2)market risk, which reflect the risk of a general stock market risk decline and cannot be eliminated by diversification.3 .There are three types of financial market efficiency 金融市场的有效性(1)allocationally efficient(2)operationally efficient(3)Private Market / Public Market 私下市场和公开市场9.investment banks provide three major services in handing a new security issue :投资银行在持有新证券发行时提供的三个主要服务:(1)Advising 咨询(2)Underwriting 承销(3)Marketing 营销10.Equity 股权融资(1)Owner’s equity所有者权益(2)Venture Capital and private Equity风险投资和私募投资(3)common stock 普通股(4)warrants 认证权证(5)Contingent value right 或有价值权利11.Debt债务融资(1)bank debt 银行借款(2)bonds 债券(3)leases 租赁12.Firms generally consider the following factor when making capital structure decisions:公司选择资本结构时一般要考虑下列因素(1)Sale stability 销售稳定性(2)Asset structure 资产结构(3)Operating leverage 经营杠杆。
金融英语期末复习金融英语期末复习1. brokerA ) 经济人B ) 经纪人C ) 承销商2. life insuranceA ) 人寿保险B ) 财产保险C ) 海上保险3. capital adequacy ratioA ) 资本充足率B ) 资本利润率C ) 资金利用率4. run on a bankA ) 贷款B ) 存款C ) 挤兑5. financial crisisA ) 金融风险B ) 金融监管C ) 金融危机6. legal reserves requirementA ) 公开市场业务B ) 法定存款准备金C ) 再贴现率7. exchange rateA ) 汇率B ) 利率C ) 红利8. monetary marketA ) 资本市场B ) 票据市场C ) 货币市场9. optionA ) 期货B ) 期权C ) 互换10. common stockA ) 普通股B ) 优先股C ) 债券11. bull marketA ) 牛市B ) 熊市C ) 套利12. central bankA ) 中央银行B ) 商业银行C ) 投资银行13. simple interestA ) 复利B ) 单利C ) 本金14. liquidityA ) 流动性B ) 赢利性C ) 风险性15. balance sheetA ) 现金流量表B ) 利润表C ) 资产负债表16. off-shore bankingA ) 国际银行业务B ) 离岸银行业务C ) 结算业务17. structural improvementA ) 结构调整B ) 结构优化C ) 结构失调18. moral hazardA ) 道德风险B ) 逆向选择C ) 信息不对称19. fixed costA ) 固定成本B ) 边际成本C ) 平均成本20. stagflationA ) 通货膨胀B ) 通货紧缩C ) 滞胀21. Widespread affects not only the nation’s international balance of payment but also the sales of home industries.A ) speculatingB ) smugglingC ) streamliningD )stocktaking22. Banks will not make a loan to any borrower unless theymake sure the latter is .A ) prosperousB ) richC ) solventD ) honest23. The “Ford ”is designed to assist some outstanding scholars in their efforts to do outstanding researches.A ) FoundationB ) SponsorshipC ) FundD ) Funds24. All bondholders will be paid at value of the bond on maturity.A ) agreedB ) securityC ) paperD ) par25. For a deposit of $10000 at the annual interest rate of 6%, one may receive a total of $10600 on maturity for his and interest.A ) originalB ) stakeC ) principalD ) deposit26. In those years, many foreign investors withdrew from the country because of disappointing rate of investment.A ) gains ofB ) yield ofC ) return onD ) return of27. Majority businessmen benefit from the differencebetween price and wholesale price.A ) distributionB ) bitC ) lotD ) retail28. As a rule, the construction contactor has to submit to the client a sum about 10% of contract price as of contract performance.A ) mortgageB ) promiseC ) commitmentD ) security29. The investment of a firm may fell into two categories: the first is for investment in fixed assets, the second is for in its day-to-day operation.A ) turnoverB ) wagesC ) bonusD ) incentive30. In theory, those pertain to the firm’s assets.A ) accounts receivableB ) receivable accountsC ) payable accountsD ) accounts payable31. The percentage analysis of increases and decreases in corresponding items in comparative financial statements is called ______.A ) vertical analysisB ) horizontal analysisC ) external analysisD ) comparative analysis32. The documentary collection provides the seller with a greater degree of protection than shipping on ______.A ) open accountB ) bank's letter of guaranteeC ) banker's draftD ) documentary credit33. When GBP/USD rate goes from 1.6150 to 1.8500, we say the dollar ______.A ) appreciates by 12.70%B ) depreciates by 14.55%C ) depreciates by 12.70%D ) appreciates by 14.55%34. The price in the foreign exchange market is called ______.A ) the trade surplusB ) the currency rateC ) the money priceD ) the exchange rate35. What function is money serving when you buy a ticket toa movie? ______.A ) transaction demandB ) a medium of exchangeC ) store of valueD ) a unit of account36. These are four main methods of securing payment in international trade:(1) payment under documentary credit(2) open account(3) collection, that is document against payment or acceptance of a bill of exchange(4) payment in advanceFrom an exporter's point of view, the order of preference is ______.A ) (4) , (1) , (3) , (2)B ) (4) , (2) , (3) , (1)C ) (4) , (3) , (1) , (2)D ) (2) , (4) , (1) , (3)37. The risk that is specific to individual stocks is called ______.A ) systematic riskB ) country riskC ) unsystematic riskD ) market risk38. Money _____.A ) serves as the critical function of a medium of exchangeB ) facilitates trade in goods and servicesC ) overcomes the inefficiencies of barterD ) all of the above39. Mr Wang, a lawyer, is a better typist than his secretary, but he still has her to do the typing. What economic principle, much used in trade theory, does this illustrated? _____A ) absolute advantageB ) economies of scaleC ) diminishing returnsD ) comparative advantage40. The economics situation at home and abroad, including the interest rate, the exchange rate, ease money (expansion of money supply) or tight money (contraction of money supply), hasa long term influence on stock prices.41. The function of the World Bank is to provide a mechanism for supplying for long periods of time ——20 or 30 years ——theforeign exchange needed to rebuild and develop economies.42. Spot transactions are foreign exchange transactions that have to be settled promptly,forward transactions have to be settled on an agreed future date.43. Through years of reform efforts, China has developed a banking system consisting mainly of the wholly state-owned commercial banks and joint-equity commercial banks under the supervision of the central bank, the People's Bank of China.44. The use of foreign exchange arises because different nations have different monetary units and the currency of one country cannot be used for making payment in another country.45. Venture Capital company pools the partners’assets and use these assets to help a fresh enterprise to begin its new cause.46. One of the main functions of banks is to take in deposit from surplus regions and then make loans to the deficit regions.47. The implementation of the stabilization and structural measures has been a major factor underlying the resilience of the Chinese economy in the context of the crisis in Asian financial markets and the recent weakening of global economic activity.48. Asymmetric information is present in loan market because lenders have less information about the investment opportunities and activities of borrowers than borrowers do.49. The functions of futures markets are price discovery, price risk hedging, and market efficiency improving.Directions:Read the following passages, and determine whether the sentences are “Right”or “Wrong”. If there is not enough i nformation to answer “Right”or “Wrong”, choose “Doesn’t say”.Passage 1Liquidity is a measure of how quickly an item may be converted to cash. Therefore, cash is the most liquid asset. Account receivable is a relatively liquid asset because the business expects to collect the amount in cash in the near future. Supplies are less liquid than accounts receivable. Users of financial statements are interested in liquidity because business difficulties often arise owing to shortage of cash. How quickly can the business convert an asset to cash and pay a debt? How soon must a liability be paid? These are questions of liquidity.50. Long-term assets are all assets other than current assets.A ) rightB ) wrong C) Doesn’t say51. Supplies are less liquid than accounts receivable, and furniture and buildings are even less so.A) Right B ) Wrong C) Doesn’t52. People are interested in liabilities on the balance sheet because it is relatively liquid.A ) RightB )wrong C) Doesn’t sayPassage 2Whereas the money markets provide very short-term loans, the capital market takes account of medium and long-term loans. It serves the needs of industry and commerce, government and local authorities. Private sector firms borrow their working capital (currentassets minus current liabilities) from the money market, which used to be mainly via commercial banks; the role of banks as middlemen has now diminished, even for the working capital requirements. Private sector firms raise their fixed capital by the issue of shares or commercial paper bonds. Government andlocal authorities borrow medium and long-term capital by issuing gilt-edged stocks and bands. The main market place for lending and borrowing medium and long-term capital in the UK is the Stock Exchange in London. 53. An industrial corporate can meet its financial needs by seeking funds from the capital markets.A ) RightB )wrong C) Doesn’t say54. Nowadays a private business usually obtains its working capital through a commercial bank.A ) RightB )wrong C) Doesn’t say55. In the UK commercial banks often raise funds by issuing bands and stocks.A ) RightB )wrong C) Doesn’t sayPassage 3A commercial bank shall formulate its business rules, establish and improve its business management, the system of cash control and its security system in accordance with the stipulations of the People’s Bank of China. A commercial bank shall establish and improve its systems of examining and checking deposits, loans settlements and bad and doubtful accounts. The PBC can exercise examination of a commercial bank at any time in accordance with the relevant provisions. The personnel in charge of the examination and supervision should produce their legitimate at the time of conducting examination and supervision. A commercial bank shall provide financial accounting information, business contracts and other information about its business and management at the requestof the People’s Bank of China. A commercial bank is subject to the audit control by the auditing authorities in accordance with the audit law and regulations.57. The PBC can exercise examination of a commercial bank at any time.A ) RightB )wrongC ) Doesn’t say58. A commercial bank shall establish and improve its system of internal control according to law.A ) RightB )wrongC )D oesn’t say59. A member staff of the PBC should present his legitimate certificate for on-site examination.A ) RightB )wrongC ) Doesn’t say60. The auditing authorities can not exercise the audit control over a commercial bank.A ) RightB )wrongC ) Do esn’t say1. off-shore bankingA ) 离岸银行业务B ) 国际银行业务C ) 结算业务2. capital adequacy ratioA ) 资本充足率B ) 资本利润率C ) 资金利用率3. moral hazardA ) 信息不对称B ) 逆向选择C ) 道德风险4. structural improvementA ) 结构失调B ) 结构优化C ) 结构调整5. commercial bankA ) 中央银行B ) 商业银行C ) 投资银行6. dividendA ) 汇率B ) 利率C ) 红利7. legal reserves requirementA ) 再贴现率B ) 法定存款准备金C ) 公开市场业务8. compound interestA ) 复利B ) 单利C ) 本金9. balance sheetA ) 利润表B ) 现金流量表C ) 资产负债表10. average costA ) 固定成本B ) 边际成本C ) 平均成本11. monetary marketA ) 资本市场B ) 票据市场C ) 货币市场12. common stockA ) 普通股B ) 优先股C ) 债券13. liquidityA ) 风险性B ) 赢利性C ) 流动性14. bear marketA ) 牛市B ) 熊市C ) 套利15. brokerA ) 经纪人B ) 经济人C ) 承销商16. futureA ) 期货B ) 期权C ) 互换17. life insuranceA ) 财产保险B ) 人寿保险C ) 海上保险18. depositA ) 挤兑B ) 存款C ) 贷款19. financial crisisA ) 金融风险B ) 金融监管C ) 金融危机20. inflationA ) 通货膨胀B ) 通货紧缩C ) 滞胀21. The Bank of China has been recognized as the AAA bank by a Japanese credit Agency that is very authoritative in international financial community.A ) evaluatingB ) assessingC ) appraisalD ) rating22. Owing to his good reputation, Mr. White can buy things in nearby shop .A ) without moneyB ) on creditC ) for lock of moneyD ) at order23. For a deposit of $1000 at the annual interest rate of 5%, one may receive a total of $1050 on maturity for his and interest.A ) originalB ) stakeC ) principalD ) deposit24. If we mean to learn foreign advanced technology and management in the operation, we’d better establish a joint with foreign firm rather than work on your own.A )businessB ) corporationC ) firmD ) venture25. If you have a draft and is badly in need of money before maturity of payment, you may sell it at for cash to the bank or others at the commercial paper market.A ) discountB ) premiumC ) depreciationD ) expense26. We have to close down the branch bank in that region in that its is far from covering the expenses incurred.A ) currency B) depositC ) reserves D) earnings27. What function is money serving when you buy a ticket toa movie? ______.A) store of valueB) a medium of exchangeC) transaction demandD) a unit of account28. The price in the foreign exchange market is called ______.A) the trade surplus B) the exchange rateC) the money price D) the currency rate29. What’s the interest rate on a 20-year mortgage loan?30. Although capital market development is expected to speed up, banks in China, which currently provide about 75 percent of aggregate financing in the economy, are likely to continue to playing a dominant role in financing economic and technological development as well as the economic reform in the foreseeable future.31. The use of foreign exchange arises because different nations have different monetary units and the currency of one country cannot be used for making payment in another country.32. In international trade, there exists the need for financing and the associated interest rate and credit risks, which are always accompanied by foreign exchange risk.33. Through years of reform efforts, China has developed a banking system consisting mainly of the wholly state-owned commercial banks and joint-equity commercial banks under the supervision of the central bank, the People's Bank of China.。
Unit 6 Risks1 At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac, imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms. Some people just have to hear about a new disease and they begin checking themselves to see if they may be suffering from it. But fear of disease is not our only fear, and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run. Modern life is full of all manner of threats—to our lives, our peace of mind, our families, and our future. And from these threats come questions that we must pose to ourselves: Is the food I buy safe? Are toys for my children likely to hurt them? Should my family avoid smoked meats? Am I likely to be robbed on vacations? Our uncertainties multiply indefinitely.2 Anxiety about the risks of life is a bit like hypochondria; in both, the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information. But one sharp difference exists between the two. The hypochondriac can usually turn to a physician to get a definitive clarification of the situation—either you have the suspected disease or you don't. It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned, because with many risks, the situation is not as simple.3 Risks are almost always a matter of probability rather than certainty. You may ask, "Should I wear a seat belt?" If you're going to have a head-on collision, of course. But what if you get hit from the side and end up trapped inside the vehicle, unable to escape because of a damaged seat belt mechanism? So does this mean that you should spend the extra money for an air bag? Again, in head-on collisions, it may well save your life. But what if the bag accidentally inflates while you are driving down the highway, thus causing an accident that would never have occurred otherwise?Unit 7 College life2 There's no doubt that Neusner should have taken a closer look at what college life is really like before formulating such a strong opinion about it. He is completely ignoring all the pressures and hard times students go through to make it at college. It is not the way he describes it at all.5 To me, living in a crowded triple, having a one-day reading period before finals, tons of readings, papers, and midterms due the same week are not exactly my idea of "easy, free, forgiving, attentive, comfortable, interesting, unchallenging fun".Unit 6 Risks1.He was finally offered the job on the strength of his good memory (凭借他的记忆力好) and the many exams he had passed.2.She favors a bit of adventure as well as a certain degree of self-government when her children's education is concerned(当涉及到她孩子的教育时).3.Most people who are sick with AIDS want to stay at home, rather than spend time unnecessarily in hospital (而不愿意毫无必要地呆在医院里).4.What if I choose to give small amounts of money regularly over a period of time (在一段时间内定期给少量的钱) instead of donating a large sum once for all?5.I am afraid, Mr. Peterson, the answer is that (答案是这样的) we have to be more efficient than our European competitors.6. The museum does not intend to focus on a particular aspect of modern art (并不打算只关注现代艺术的某个具体方面), but prefers to offer material for the public to study and compare.7. She has decided not to go for a drive on such a windy day even supposing a car was available (即便能搞到一辆车).8. I am well aware of the fact that you have cut yourself off from your past and have starteda totally new life (你已经同过去一刀两断,并已经开始全新的生活这一事实).Unit 7 College life1.Drops executed in the first two weeks of the course will leave no record / won't leave a record on students' transcript (在学生的成绩单上不会留下记录) , but a drop executed during the third through eighth week will result in a grade of W (withdrawal).2.We often heard of stories about some people who could still think calmly and creatively when confronting / facing difficulty (当面临困难的时候).3.You should be aware that applications won't be accepted if they're beyond the deadline (过了截止时间).4.The manager was so angry that he tossed the report on the desk (猛地把报告扔在桌上) and shouted at Sam, "Get out! I don't want to see you again!"5.You must start by unlearning all the bad habits (改掉所有的坏习惯) your previous piano teacher taught you!6.Some trees have grown too high and deprived the house of light (挡住了房中的光线).7.What would be the first word that would pop into your mind (跃入你的脑海) when you see Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh.8.Living on his own on the campus, he has learned to budget his time (安排好时间).9.These details were supposed to be secrets / confidential (本应是机密), but were somehow leaked out.10.This is a reminder that proposals for state research funding are due this Friday (本周五截止).Unit 9 Science and Technology1. Hardly had she sat down (她刚刚坐下) when the phone rang.2. You need to book your ticket in advance, especially if / when you want to reserve a good seat (特别是如果你想要订一个好位子的话) .3. Anger is not necessarily the most useful (并不一定是最有用的) or acceptable reaction to such events.4. What sort / kind of person do you have in mind (你心里觉得什么样的人适合) for the job?5. There's a limit on the time (有时间限制) you have to take the test.6. Woodhead spent part of his childhood (度过部分童年时光) in a small town in Italy.7. There were three times as many girls as boys (女孩是男孩的三倍).8. I travel to London every day, as do most of the people who live / living in this village (就像住在这个村子里的大多数人一样).9. On the one hand, expansion would be good, but on the other hand it would be sad to lose the family atmosphere (但是另一方面,失去家庭氛围也是很悲哀的).10. Despite / In spite of international pressure (虽然有来自国际上的压力), progress has been made in the peace talks.。
一、英汉单词、词组互译(1.5X20=30)Financial Institutions 金融机构securities 有价证券Portfolio 投资组合financial assets 金融资产credit union 信用合作社pension funds 养老基金mutual funds 互助基金Universal credit card 万能信用卡annual fee 年度费用capital market 资本市场short-term securities 短期证券monetary policy 货币政策New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所Federal Reserve(Bank)联邦储蓄银行commercial paper 商业票据equity market 股票市场Mortgage Markets 抵押品市场real property 不动产letter of credit 信用证draft 汇票sight draft 即期汇票time draft 远期汇票acceptance 承兑document of title 物权凭证policyholder 投保人insurance premium 保险费insurance policy 保险单investment return 投资回报junk bond 垃圾债券National Debt 国债Bonds and Shares 债券和股票maturity (票据的)期限inflation 通货膨胀interest return 利息收入yield rate 收益率二、选词填空(2X10=20)1、Now I’m clear about how the bank deals with the saver’s deposited money.2、Our company acquired that piece of land by purchase.3、Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.4、Adam Smith’s concept of ”invisible hand” can be applied to modern economy.5、The primary function of money is to facilitate exchange.6、U.S Treasury bills are central to money market transactions.7、Money and banks play dominant roles in our economic life.8、In the money market, the purpose of a dealer is distinct from that of a broker.9、Many finance companies in our country specialize in consumer finance, particularly in small loans.10、The sales contract specifies container shipment for the goods.11、Those goods have to be inspected prior to shipment.12、The economist sets out his ideas clearly in his article that the central bank should carry out a loose monetary policy,13、A letter of credit always indicates the exact documents which the beneficiary must submit.14、Insurance claims statistics reveal that drivers under 30 are involved in far more accidents than are older drivers.15、The marine insurance is associated with the risks such as fire, storm, collision, pilferage, leakage and explosions, etc.16、Many health insurance policies list the dollar value for specific medical procedures.三、英汉句子互译(4X10=40)1、Lower-then-expected returns on one issue may be offset by higher-then-expected returns on another,一项低于预期的证券收益可以通过另一项高于预期收益的证券发行来抵消。
2,下列单词的英文释义,参考相关课文练习:inflation economist market share credit promotionstockholder compliment supervisor national product vision3,研究完成下列句子:No one doubted that the CEO was a man of the highest_________, who is the same on the outside and on the inside.The leader thanked the staff for their ________ and enthusiasm.The goal of financial management is to ________ the market value of the existing ______equity.The profit of Mc Donald’s Corporation mainly come from________.Based on the definition of American Marketing Association, marketing is the process of _________ and executing the conception, ______ ,promotion, and distribution of______ goods, and ________ to create exchanges that ______ individual andorganizational objectives.The importance of ______ ownership is your claim on assets and _____. Without this, the stock wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s printed on._____________ focuses on the problems of poor countries.Labor economics deals with the factors that determine _______ rates, employment and__________.Law and economics analyzes the economic function of ______ and institutions.Limited liability means that the liability stops at_________._________, banks and _______ can issue bonds in most countries._________examines the role of government in the economy.4,写出下列简称的完整英语单词及其汉译:GDP GNP CPI IMF ATM CEO WTO CFO IPO IEAPEC B2B B2C IC。
第十五章1、What is the financial deficit? 财政赤字是什么?The gap between the cash that companies need and the cash that they generate internally is the financial deficit.2、 To make up the deficit, companies need to raise money from the outside — borrow or sell new equity. what are the two patterns for corporations to raise money?企业筹集资金的两种模式是什么?Firms may raise funds from external sources or plow back profits rather than distribute them to shareholders.3、 Should a firm elect external financing, they may choose between debt or equity sources. define authorized share capital,issued andoutstanding ,issued but not outstanding,treasury shares.定义法定股本,发行及未偿还,已颁布但尚未行使,发行但偿还,库存股份。
authorized share capital:The maximum number of shares of capital stock that can be sold to the public.Treasury shares :are issued shares that have been reacquired by the corporation. Outstanding shares: are issued shares that are owned by stockholders.Issued shares are authorized shares of stock that have been sold.Unissued shares are authorized shares of stock that never have been sold.4、what is the difference between Majority Voting and Cumulative Voting? Majority Voting– each director is voted upon separately and stockholders can cast one vote for each share that they own.Cumulative Voting– the directors are voted upon jointly and stockholders can allot all their votes to just one candidateSuppose that there are five directors to be elected and you can own 100 shares. You therefore have a total of 500 votes.Under the majority voting system, you can cast a maximum of 100 votes for any one candidate.Under the cumulative voting system, you can cast all 500 votes for your favorite candidate5、Tunneling– the majority shareholders tunnels into the firm and acquire control of the assets forHimself.6、Proxy Contest – transference of corporate control7、优先股的特点Preferred Stock – Stock that takes priority over common stock in regards to dividends.8、Cumulative Preferred Stock– the firm must pay all past preferred dividends before common stockholders get a cent. 累积优先股9、“Default Risk” is the term used to describe the likelihood that a firm will walk away from its obligation, either voluntarily or involuntarily10、税收优势的定义无 Interest is paid from before-tax income, whereas dividendson common and preferred stock are paid from after-tax income. Therefore the government provides a tax subsidy on the use of debt that it does not provide on equity.11、senior debt:P398高级Junior(subordinated)debt:次级12、collateral:抵押品P39813、Warrant:the most dramatic example is provided by a warrant认股权证14、convertible bond:可转换债券P39915、What is primary market?secondary market?OTC?P40016、What is the function of financial intermediary?金融中介的作用p400第十六章1、Venture Capital:创业资本P4072、Some continue to grow with the aid of equity investment provided by wealthy individuals known as angel investors天使投资者3、新公司筹资的最重要方式是:family funds and banks loans;angel investors;specialist venture-capital firms.4、how could the Venture capitalists have opportunity of cash out?Venture capitalists may cash in on their investment in two ways.• First, once the new business has established a track record, it may be sold out to a larger firm.• Second, the company may decide to go public and so provide the original backers with an opportunity to “cash out,” selling their stock and leaving the original entrepreneurs in control.5、the two items of IPO:Primary Offering: New shares are sold to raise additional cash for the company. Secondary Offering: The existing shareholders decide to cash in by selling part of their holdings6、Bookbuilding:The underwriter builds a book of likely orders and uses this information to set the issue price.7、IPO步骤:P4238、Underwriter - Firm that buys an issue of securities from a company and resells it to the public.Spread - Difference between public offer price and price paid by underwriter. Greenshoe option - Option that allow the underwriter for a new issue to buy and resell additional shares.Prospectus - Formal summary that provides information on an issue of securities. Underpricing - Issuing securities at an offering price set below the true value of the security.9、Types of Auction拍卖•Discriminatory auction In a discriminatory auction every winner is required to pay the price that he or she bid.•Uniform-price auction In a uniform-price auction both would pay the price of the lowest winning bidder10、Rights Issue— Issue of securities offered only to current stockholders优先股发行 Also known as Privileged subscription如何计算:Example 1- BNP needs to raise €5.50 billion of new equity. The market price is €77.40/sh. BNP decides to raise additional funds via a 1 for 10 rights offer at €65.40 per share. If we assume 100% subscription, what is the value of each right?Current Market Value = 10 x €77.40 = €774.00Total Shares = 10 + 1 = 11Amount of funds = 774 + 65.40 = €839.40New Share Price = (839.40) / 11 = €76.31Value of a Right = 76.31 – 65.40 = €0.91Example2 - BNP needs to raise €1.28billion of new equity. The market price is €60/sh. BNP decides to raise additional funds via a 4 for 17 rights offer at €41 per share. If we assume 100% subscription, what is the value of each right? Current Market Value = 17 x €60 = €1,020Total Shares = 17 + 4 = 21Amount of funds = 1,020 + (4x41) = €1,184New Share Price = (1,184) / 21 = €56.38Value of a Right = 56.38 – 41 = €5.3812、Private Placement :Sale of securities to a limited number of investors withouta public offering私募Disadvantage: A private placement is that the investors cannot easily resell the securities.Advantage: It costs less to arrange a private placement than to make a public issue 第十六章1、what are the two ways for corporations to return cash to their shareholders? Dividend ;Stock Repurchase2、Types of Dividends:Cash Dividend1. Regular Cash Dividend2. Special Cash DividendStock DividendDividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)3、how the dividends are paid?Declaration date: This is the date on which the board of directors announces that the company will pay a dividend.Cum-Dividend Date: Last day when shares are traded with the right to receive the dividend.Ex-Dividend Date: First day when shares are traded without the right to receive the dividend. (a business day after the Cum-Dividend date). On or after this date the security trades without its dividend. The ex-date is the second business day before the date of record.Date of record : Shareholders are recorded to receive dividends.Payment date: Dividend checks mailed out.4、what is stock repurchase?What are the four main ways?Firms repurchase stock when they have accumulated a large amount of unwanted cash or wish to change their capital structure by replacing equity with debt.. Buy shares on the market. Tender Offer to Shareholders. Dutch Auction. Private Negotiation (Green Mail)5、Stock split: Issue of additional shares to a firm’s shareholders.Reverse split:A process by a company of issuing to each shareholder in that company a smaller number of new shares in proportion to that shareholder's original shares that are subsequently canceled6、分清后三者特点:7、分析Financial Influence对四者的影响:8、what are the three groups on whether the payout policy change the value of the stock?.Managers are reluctant to make dividend changes that might have to be reversed. They are particularly worried about having to rescind a dividend increase, and, if necessary, would choose to raise new funds to maintain the payout..To avoid the risk of a reduction in payout, managers “smooth” dividends. Consequently, dividend changes follow shift in long-run sustainable earnings. Transitory earnings changes are unlikely to affect dividend payouts.. Managers focus more on dividend changes than on absolute levels.9、what is MM theory?why MM claims that payout policy is irrelevant?Modigliani and Miller (MM) maintain that under ideal conditions, dividend policy is irrelevant.• Assuming perfect capital markets with no taxes or costs of financial distress. • Assuming efficient markets and fairly priced assets.The Irrelevancy of Dividend Policy:Since investors do not need dividends to convert shares to cash they will not pay higher prices for firms with higher dividend payouts. In other words, dividend policy will have no impact on the value of the firm. 第十八章1、The firm’s mix of debt and equity financing is called capital structure.2、Financial leverage measured as the ratio of total debt to total assets; greater the amount of debt, greater the financial leverage.3、What is the primary goal of financial managers?The financial manager wants to choose the capital structure that will maximize stockholder wealth.4、Is a policy that maximize the market value of the firm is also best for the firm’s stockholders?Why?5、M&M Proposition I:Firm value is determined on the left-hand side of the balance sheet by real assets, not by the proportions of debt and equity securities issued to buy the assets.6、MM’s Proposition 2:The expected rate of return on the common stock of a levered firm increases in proportion to the debt-equity ratio (D/E).7、Are MM’s Proposition 1 and 2 conflicting?Why?MM’s Proposition 1 and 2 are NOT conflicting.Any increase in expected return is exactly offset by an increase in risk and therefore in shareholder’s required rate of return.。
金融英语期末重点总结一、基本概念与词汇1. 资产管理:Asset Management,是指对投资者个人或机构的资金进行管理和投资的活动。
2. 负债:Liability,指一个人或机构所欠他人或其他组织的货币、商品或服务等。
3. 存款:Deposit,指将货币存入银行或其他金融机构的行为。
4. 贷款:Loan,指个人或企业从银行或其他金融机构获得的资金,并按约定的利率和条件偿还。
5. 利率:Interest Rate,是指借贷资金的价格。
6. 风险:Risk,指在投资或经营过程中遭受亏损的可能性。
7. 股票:Stock,指公司以吸引投资者的方式发行的所有权证明,股权的一部分。
8. 债券:Bond,是指债务人(发行债券的公司或政府)向债权人(购买债券的投资者)借款的债权凭证。
9. 股息:Dividend,是指上市公司向股东分配的盈利的一部分。
10. 保险:Insurance,是指保险公司架起的经济保护的桥梁,将风险分散到各个投保人,以减轻其负担。
二、金融市场与金融产品1. 证券市场:Securities Market,是指股票、债券等金融工具的交易市场。
2. 股票市场:Stock Market,是指股票的买卖市场。
3. 债券市场:Bond Market,指债券的买卖市场。
4. 期货市场:Futures Market,是指用来进行期货交易的场所。
5. 外汇市场:Foreign Exchange Market,是指用来交换不同国家货币的市场。
6. 金融衍生品:Financial Derivatives,是指与金融资产相关的衍生产品。
7. 互联网金融:Internet Finance,是指利用互联网技术进行金融服务的新兴业态。
8. 数字货币:Digital Currency,是指用数字技术发行和流通的货币。
1. 财务报表财务报表是记录和反映一个企业财务状况、经营业绩的文件。
1.1 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)资产负债表展示了一个企业在特定日期的资产、负债和所有者权益。
1.2 利润表(Income Statement)利润表显示了一个企业在特定期间内的营业收入、营业成本、税前利润和净利润。
1.3 现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement)现金流量表记录了一个企业在特定期间内的现金流入和流出情况。
2. 会计原则和概念2.1 会计原则(Accounting Principles)会计原则是会计行业的标准规范,确保财务报表的准确性和可比性。
2.2 会计概念(Accounting Concepts)会计概念是会计原则的细化和解释。
3. 账户和分类3.1 资产账户(Asset Accounts)资产账户是用来记录企业拥有的资源,如现金、存货、应收账款等。
3.2 负债账户(Liability Accounts)负债账户是用来记录企业所欠的债务,如应付账款、短期借款等。
3.3 所有者权益账户(Equity Accounts)所有者权益账户用来记录企业的资本和所有者的权益,如股本、留存收益等。
3.4 收入账户(Revenue Accounts)收入账户用来记录企业的收入来源,如销售收入、利息收入等。
财务管理专业英语期末复习Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】财务管理专业英语期末重点一、单词Topic1财务管理 financial management资本预算 capital budgeting资本结构 capital structure股利政策 dividend policy存货 inventory风险规避 risk aversion股东权益 stockholder s’ equity流动负债 current liabilityTopic2财务风险 financial risk合伙制企业 partnership私人业主制企业 sole proprietorship收入 revenue主计长 controller财务困境 financial distress股票期权 stock option首次公开发行股票(IPO) initial public offeringTopic 3盈利能力 profitability偿付能力 solvency利润表 income statement有价证券 marketable securities提款 withdrawal应收账款 accounts receivable递延税款 deferred taxTopic4流动性比率 liquidity ratio权益乘数 equity multiplier资产收益率(ROA) return on assets毛利 gross profit margin权益报酬率 return on equity市盈率 P/E ratio杠杆比率 leverage ratio息税前盈余(EBIT) earnings before interest and taxes Topic5货币时间价值 time value of money年金 annuity折现率 discount rate机会成本 opportunity cost递延年金 deferred annuity条款 covenant到期收益率 yield to maturity违约风险 default riskTopic6组合 portfolio可分散风险 diversifiable risk概率 probability灵敏度分析 sensitivity analysis有效市场假说 efficient market hypothesis套利定价理论(APT) arbitrage pricing theory资本资产定价模型 capital asset pricing model期望收益 expected returnTopic7资本支出 capital expenditure资本预算 capital budget破产 bankruptcy制造费用 overhead模拟 simulation期后审计 post-audit沉没成本 sunk cost附加效应 side effectTopic8金融市场 financial market回购 repurchase操纵 manipulate承销 underwriting私人控股公司 privately held corporation公开上市 go public公开发行 public offer加权平均资本成本 weighted average cost of capital Topic9混合证券 hybrid security风险资本 venture capital期权交易 option exchange贷款额度 line of credit租赁 lease最优资本结构 optimal capital structure目标资本结构 desired or target capital structure 可转换债券 convertible bondTopic10股票回购 stock repurchase股票股利 stock dividends股票分割 stock split所有权稀释 dilution of ownership剩余股利政策 residual dividend policy清算股利 liquidating dividend现金股利 cash dividends股票股利 stock dividendsTopic11营运资本管理 working capital management商业票据 commercial paper支出 disbursement信用期限 credit period交易动机 transaction motive短期有价证券 marketable security回购协议 repurchase agreement银行承兑汇票 bankers’ acceptanceTopic12国际财务管理 international financial management国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund跨国公司 multinational corporation /international corporation汇率 exchange rate间接标价 indirect quotation贬值 depreciate远期交易 forward trade货币互换 currency swap二、计算公式公式资本资产定价模型公式 capital assets pricing modelr i=r RF+(R M- r RF)?i r RF= risk free rate资产无风市场风险系数R M= market rate预期险市回报回报场利率率率公式加权平均资本成本 weighted average cost of capitalWACC=(k e*w e)+[k d*(1-t)*W d]WACC=[equity/(equity+debt)]*cost of equity*(1-corporate tax rate) Wacc=(股权/总资本)*股权成本+(债务/总资本)*债务成本*(1-企业所得税率)三、填空risk of an asset can be considered in two ways (1)on a stand-alone basis. where the asset’s cash flows are analyzed bythemselves ,or(2)a portfolio context, where the asset’s cash flows are combine with those of other asset.a portfolio context ,an asset’s risk can be divided into two components :在投资组合中资产风险可以分为(1)diversifiable risk ,which can be diversified away and thus is of little concern to diversifiedinvestors , and (2)market risk, which reflect the risk of a general stock market risk decline and cannot be eliminated by diversification.3 .There are three types of financial market efficiency 金融市场的有效性(1)allocationally efficient(2)operationally efficient(3)informationally efficient4. Project Classifications 项目分类(1)expansion project 扩建项目(2)replacement project 更新项目(3)Independent project 独立项目(4)Mutually exclusive project 互不相容项目Rules 投资政策Managers use a variety of rules to evaluate and select capital investments; 管理使用各种各样的规则来评估和选择投资(1)Net Present value (NPV) 净现值(2)Profitability index(PI) 现值系数(3)Internal rate of return (IRR) 内部报酬率(4)Payback period (PP) 回购期 and(5)Discounted payback period (DDP) 折扣回购期6,The post-audit has two main purpose :期后审计的两个虽最重要目的(1)Improve forecasts 提高预测(2)Improve operations 改善经营market serve three important functions in a healthy economy:金融市场在健全经济体系中的三个重要功能(1)Help channel funds from suppliers to demanders 帮助供应商和需求者建立资金渠道(2)Provide a resale market .提供零售市场(3)Set market price and rates of return 设置市场价格和收益率of Financial Markets 金融市场的类型(1)Money Market /Capital Market 货币市场和资本市场(2)Primary Market /Secondary market一级市场和二级市场(3)Private Market / Public Market 私下市场和公开市场banks provide three major services in handing a new security issue :投资银行在持有新证券发行时提供的三个主要服务:(1)Advising 咨询(2)Underwriting 承销(3)Marketing 营销股权融资(1)Owner’s equity所有者权益(2)Venture Capital and private Equity风险投资和私募投资(3)common stock 普通股(4)warrants 认证权证(5)Contingent value right 或有价值权利债务融资(1)bank debt 银行借款(2)bonds 债券(3)leases 租赁generally consider the following factor when making capital structure decisions:公司选择资本结构时一般要考虑下列因素(1)Sale stability 销售稳定性(2)Asset structure 资产结构(3)Operating leverage 经营杠杆(4)Growth 增长率(5)Profitability 盈利能力(6)Taxes 税收(7)Control 控制(8)Management attitudes 管理(9) Lender and rating agency attitudes 贷款人及评级机构的态度(10) Market conditions 市场条件(11) The firm’s internal condition 企业内部条件(12)Financial flexibility 财务灵活性payout procedure 派息程序(1)Declaration date 除息日(2)Ex-dividend date 除息日(3)record date 股权登记日(4)Payment date 股利支付日14. Types of dividends 股利种类(1)Cash dividend 现金股利(2) Stock dividend 股票股利(3)Property dividend 财产股利15. Factors Influencing the dividend decision 影响股利决策因素(1)Shareholder factors 股东因素 (2) Firm factors 公司因素 (3) Other constraints 其他因素16. Cash management involves three major decision areas 现金管理的三个决策(1)Determining appropriate cash balances 确定适当的现金余额(2)Investing idle cash 投资闲置资金(3)Managing collections and disbursements 管理收款和付款17. Credit policy 信贷政策5csOne technique that is useful aid in deciding whether to grant credit is the Five Cs of Credit .Credit analysts generally consider five factors when determining whether to grant credit:(1)character 特征 (2) capacity 能力 (3) capital 资本 (4) collateral 抵押(5)conditions 条件18. Inventory management techniques 存货管理技术Management commonly use four inventory management techniques:管理者通常使用的4个存货管理制度(1)the abc system abc系统(2)the economic order quantity(EOQ) model 经济定价量模型(3)the just-in-time (JII) system 定时采购系统(4) the materials requirement planning (MRP) system 物料需求。
国家开放大学电大专科《财经英语》2024-2025期末试题及答案(试卷号:2655)第一部分交际用国(共计2分)】一5 ■:阅读下面的小对话.从A、B、C三个选项中炫出一个能填入空白处的■佳选项,井在答题纸上写出所选的字毋符号。
(每H2分.共10分)1. — Would you like to see the menu?A. 1 hear the food here is tasty.R Your menu is very clear.Q No# thanks. I already know what to order-2. — I think it' getting late>A- Why do you think so? K Yes. Let's go home.C. No. It's not.3. — I think the Internet is very helpfuLA. Yes> so do \.B. That's a very good idea.C. Neither do 1.4. —Thank you very much for the present.A. Don't mention it.B. Oh・ thank you too-C. Yes> please> 1 like presents.5. —Please give me A receipt.A. Okay. That's finc>B. Sure. Here you are.C Yes. You are right>第二部分词汇与结构(共计30分)6-15小・:0S读下面的句子,从A.B.C、D四个选项中选出一个能垣入空白处的最隹选项,井在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。
(每・2分,共20分)6. ______ you not tired last night?A. Are C. Were1. ImpruvinK efficiency should16—20 ■:将左栏所列英文财绶术僵与右栏中文*思相匹配,弁将答*写在答n»±p («■ 2分,共1。
会计英语期末知识点总结1. Basic Concepts of Accounting1.1. Financial AccountingFinancial accounting is the process of recording, summarizing, and reporting financial transactions of a business to external parties such as investors, creditors, and regulators. It provides a comprehensive view of the financial performance and position of a company.1.2. Managerial AccountingManagerial accounting is the process of providing financial and non-financial information to internal management for decision making, planning, and control. It focuses on providing relevant and timely information to support the management in making informed decisions.1.3. Accounting PrinciplesGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are a set of guidelines and rules that govern the accounting practices and procedures in the United States. These principles ensure consistency and comparability in financial reporting.1.4. Double-Entry AccountingDouble-entry accounting is a system in which every financial transaction has equal and opposite effects on at least two different accounts. This system ensures accuracy and completeness in recording financial transactions.1.5. Accrual Basis vs. Cash Basis AccountingAccrual basis accounting recognizes revenues when earned and expenses when incurred, regardless of when cash is received or paid. Cash basis accounting, on the other hand, recognizes revenues and expenses only when cash is received or paid.2. Financial Statements2.1. Balance SheetA balance sheet is a financial statement that shows the financial position of a company at a specific point in time. It presents the assets, liabilities, and equity of the business, providinga snapshot of its financial health.2.2. Income StatementAn income statement, also known as a profit and loss statement, shows the revenues, expenses, and profits (or losses) of a company over a specific period of time. It provides a summary of the company's financial performance.2.3. Statement of Cash FlowsThe statement of cash flows shows the sources and uses of cash in a company's operating, investing, and financing activities. It provides insights into the cash flow dynamics of a business.2.4. Statement of Retained EarningsThe statement of retained earnings shows the changes in a company's retained earnings over a specific period, including net income, dividends, and other adjustments. It reconciles the beginning and ending balances of retained earnings.3. Key Principles in Accounting3.1. Historical Cost PrincipleThe historical cost principle requires assets to be recorded at their original cost, rather than their current market value. This principle ensures reliability and objectivity in financial reporting.3.2. Revenue Recognition PrincipleThe revenue recognition principle states that revenues should be recognized when earned, regardless of when cash is received. This principle ensures that revenues are matched with the expenses incurred to generate them.3.3. Matching PrincipleThe matching principle requires expenses to be recognized in the same period as the revenues they help generate. This principle ensures that the income statement accurately reflects the profitability of a company.3.4. Full Disclosure PrincipleThe full disclosure principle requires companies to disclose all relevant information in their financial statements and footnotes, providing a complete and transparent view of their financial position and performance.3.5. Consistency PrincipleThe consistency principle requires companies to use the same accounting methods and techniques from one period to the next, providing consistent and comparable financial information.In conclusion, accounting is a vital function in any business organization. It provides crucial information that helps in decision-making, planning, and control. By understanding the basic concepts, financial statements, and key principles in accounting, stakeholders can make informed judgments about the financial health and performance of a company.。
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4. The marine insuranceis associated withthe risk such as fire, storm,collision, pilferage and explosions, etc.
5. Manyhealthinsurance policies listthedollar value for specific medical procedures.
Unit 3
1.A documentary is a draft accompanied by documents of title to goods. The draftis drawn upby the exporter who also collects necessary documents.
8、Adam Smith’s concept of“invisible hand”can beapply tomodern economy.
9、The primary function of money is tofacilitateexchange.
10、A rang of more specialized bank, together with the Bank of England, make up the structure of British banking.
6. You have totake a risk ofbuying lottery tickets.
7. Children shouldbe protected againstany forms of ill-treatment(虐待).
Security portfolios证券投资组合the law of large numbers大数法则
Unit 2
Unit 1
1、Now I’m clear about how the bank deals with the saver’sdepositedmoney.
5、It was the highyieldthatencouragedMr.Smith to buy that bond.
6、Theory is based on practice andin turnserves practice.
7、In the foreign exchange market, you havea variety ofchoices to cover the exchange risks.
7. Either you or your customer will beliablefor the goods at any one point in the journey.
8. German insurance companyis subject toregulation by the Federal Supervisory Office concerning accounting and investment practices.
10. Fortunately our companyhas obtaineda loan for the project from the localgovernment.
Unit 4
1. Because top managers areimportantassetsto a firm, thecorporationcanpurchasekey executive insurance.
Financial assets金融资产mutual saving bank互助储蓄银行
Credit union信用合作社savings and loan association储蓄贷款协会
Life insurance人寿保险pension funds养老基金
Mutual funds互助基金(投资公司)equity securities股权股票
Unit 2
1、U.S. Treasury billsare central tomoney market transactions.
2、Money and banks playdominantroes in our economic life.
3、Banks may borrow temporary resenativeto selling secondary reserves.
2、Our companyacquiresthat piece of land by purchase.
3、The court established that he has aclaimto the property of his stepfather.
4、The uncovered foreign exchange position can be veryriskybecause of the fluctuation of the exchange rates.
4、The money marketischaracterizedbyits physical invisibility.
5、The financial marketconsist offoreign exchange market , money market ,bond markets and equity market.
4. Those goods have to be inspectedprior toshipments.
5. Under an open account arrangement, Mr. Wang got his fundstied upin the transaction with a foreign company.
7. In the money market, the purpose of a dealer isdistinct fromthat of a broker.
8. Financial futures markets are importantin thatthey provide a way for financial markets participants to protect themselves against changes in interest rates.
6、Bank of Communications—交通银行;7、CITIC Industrial Bank—中信实业银行;
8、China Merchants Bank—中国招商银行;9、United Securities Co. Ltd.—联合证券有限责任公司;10、China Ever bright Bank—中国光大银行;11、China Life Insurance Company—中国人寿保险公司
6. Generally speaking, a factor(保理商,承购应收账款代理人)will substituteits accounting servicesforthe accounting work of his clients.
7. The economistsets outhis ideas clearly in his article that the central bank should carry out a loose monetary policy.
3. At what rate canthegovernment securitiesconvert intodollars?
4. The shares arequotedon the Stock Exchange at page 80.
5. These securities serve assubstitutesfor cash in asset holdings of individuals.
10. There isa range ofstandard types of coverage.
Unit 5
1. The loan was made at 6 percentinterest.
2. Of course, he willbe subjected toloss when the stock price goes down.
6. Insurance in FOB and CIF contracts should be arranged between the buyer and seller, so that there will be no misunderstandingwith respect tothe responsibility of both parties.
2.“All risks”type coverageprotectsyouagainstall the risks or perils that may cause loss to thecoveredproperty.
3. Insuranceclaimsstatistics reveal that drivers under 30 are involved in far more accidents than are older drivers.
Unit 1
1、People’s Bank of China-中国人民银行;2、Bank of China—中国银行;
3、Industrial and Commercial Bank of China-中国工商银行;