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卷一(选择题,共50 分)


1. I saw your friend ______.

A. the other day

B. tonight

C.for a few days

D.for a few days before

2. I suggest you tell us ______.

A. when start

B. when to start

C.when started

D.when started to

3. ---How much is it ______ ? ---$20, I think.

A. spent

B. worth

C. cost

D. taken

4. Gas ______, so I can’t start the car.

A. has run out

B. has been run out

C. run out

D. was run out

5. Rose told them all ______ to Oliver. They decided to offer him help.

A. that had happened

B. which happened

C. which had happened

D.that had been happened

6. These exercises are different from ______, aren’t they?

A. that you expect

B. what do you expect

C. what you expect

D. which you expect

7.---What was the film ______?

---It was very interesting.

A. like

B. as



8. The river, ______ are covered with trees, is very long.

A. which banks

B. of which banks

C.whose the banks

D.the banks of which

9. ---Would you mind changing the large note for me?

---Sorry, I happened to have no ______ on me.

A. small change

B. any small changes

C.a small change

D.small changes

10. I don’t believe everything goes well with you, ______?

A. do they

B. does it

C.don’t they

D. doesn’t it

11.______ was a well-known fact.

A. That their team was weak

B. That their team being weak

C. Their team was weak

D.If their team was weak

12.______ surprised me most was the news ______ our team won.

A. That; that

B. What; which

C.What; that

D.That; which

13. ---Let’s go and play football, ______?

---That’s wonderful.

A. will you

B. do you

C.won’t we

D.shall we

14.______ he is, he will be thinking of you.

A. Wherever

B. Where

C.Now that

D.As soon as

15. The reason ______ he gave for not coming was ______ his mother wouldn’t allow him to.

A. why; that

B. for which; that

C.why; because

D. which;that

16. With the price of _______ petrol rising, the bicycle may become ________

popular means of transportation again.

A. the; a

B. the; the

C. /; a

D. /; the

17. The coach asked his staff to _______ the large group of journalists waiting for

him to announce his training plans.

A. adapt to

B. attend to

C. refer to

D. appeal to

18. The art centre is _______ used to be a factory, _______ millions of tractors

were made.

A. what; where

B. where; where

C. what; which

D. where; which

19. The computer looks old, but it _______ just half a year ago.

A. has been bought

B. will be bought

C. is bought

D. was bought

20. _______ in charge of the shopping centre has upset him for quite some time.

A. Left

B. Being left

C. Having left

D. To leave

21. Write down the key words that you _______ your students to find in the


A. make

B. expect

C. suggest

D. hope

22. “I _______ in the room, watching TV broadcast about the earthquake.” I told

the policeman who had driven here to question me.

A. was staying

B. stay

C. stayed

D. am staying

23. ----Mary, the telephone is ringing!

----________, but I am washing my hair.

A. I’m sorry

B. That’s good

C. Hold on

D. You answer it
