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George Washington

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George Washington's Farewell Address
It gives advice on the necessity and importance of national union, the value of the Constitution and the rule of law, the evils of political parties, and the proper virtues of a republican people. Washington refused tenure, opened President the practice of regular rotation.
Founding Fathers of
the United States
Founding Fathers

The Founding Fathers of the United States were the political leaders who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 or otherwise took part in the American Revolution in winning American independence from Great Britain, or who participated in framing and adopting the United States Constitution in 1787-1788, or in putting the new government under the Constitution into
Benjamin Franklin

Versatile Founding Fathers
Benjamin Franklin

participated in drafting the "Declaration of Independence" and the United States Constitution. a leading author and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, postmaster,scientist, inven tor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. He invented the lightning rod Honesty and diligence should be your permanent partner.(诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的 合作伙伴)

Father of the United States
George Washington

1st President of the United States(April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797) The dominant military and political leader 1. leading the American victory over Britain the in American Revolutionary War. 2. Washington firmly supported the road to independence. 3. Washington lead the development of the United States Constitution, uphold the bourgeois republic, denied the centralized feudal monarchy, maintain and consolidate the new bourgeois republic.
James Madison, Jr

The “Father of the Constitution” The “Father of the Bill of Rights”
James Madison, Jr.

The fourth President of the United States(1809– 1817) He was the principal author of the US Constitution He is often called the “Father of the Constitution”. As a political theorist, Madison's most distinctive belief was that the new republic needed checks and balances to protect individual rights from the tyranny of the majority.
Founding Fathers

George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin John Jay James Madison, Jr.
George Washington

John Adams

Independent of the Giants
John Adams

A leading champion of independence in 1776 the second President United States (1797–1801) Major presidential actions 1.Built up the U.S. Navy 2.Fought the Quasi War with France(准战争) 3.Signed Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798(外国人和 镇压叛乱法) 4.Ended war with France through diplomac Adams was the first settled the White House President in Washington, DC
Thomas Jefferson

In addition to political career, Jefferson also agriculture, horticulture, architecture, etymology, archeology, mathematics, cryptography, surveying and experts in paleontology and other disciplines; and writer, lawyer and violinist; also founder of the University of Virginia. Many people think that he is the highest wisdom of Former U.S. president,.
John Jay
John Jay

John Jay was an American politician, statesman and envoy. He was also a Founder Father and the first Chief Justice of the United States during the years 1789-1795. Jay took part in the American Revolution as an ambassador to Spain and France, which helped mold United States foreign policy, and ensure peace with the United Kingdom and the First French Republic.
Alexander Hamilton

Father of U.S. financial
Alexander Hamilton

the first United States Secretary of the Treasury A Founding Father economist, and political philosopher Created the predecessor of the Federal Reserve - the First Bank of the United States As the leader of the Federalists, he laid the foundation for the emergence of two-party system in the United State.
Thomas Jefferson

The chief spokesman of Democracy
Thomas Jefferson

the third President of the United States (1801– 1809) One the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776) Jefferson was one of the most influential Founding Fathers, known for his promotion of the ideals of republicanism in the United States.
Thomas Jefferson

Major events during his presidency 1. Louisiana Purchase (1803)(路易西安那 购地案) 2 .Embargo Act of (1807)(禁运法案) 3. Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1806) (路易斯与克拉克探勘) 4. led to war with Britain in 1812
John Adams quote

著名之遗言:“ 托马斯· 杰斐逊比我命长。”

Thomas Jefferson's longevity than I. The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it.
Alexander Hamilton

Dead for the competition between political parties fight If Jefferson provided the necessary papers in American politics gorgeous poem, then Hamilton write prose of rule the United States.
Alexander Hamilton

the first United States Secretary of the Treasury A Founding Father economist, and political philosopher Created the predecessor of the Federal Reserve - the First Bank of the United States As the leader of the Federalists, he laid the foundation for the emergence of two-party system in the United State.