


1.1Microwave Power Transmission (3)

1.1.1Applications of MPT (4)

1.2Recti?ers in Microwave and Millimeter Wave (6)

1.3Research Motivation (10)

1.4Thesis Outline (11)

2High E?ciency Class-F Recti?er Design13

2.1Introduction (13)

2.2Class-F Recti?er E?ciency Analysis (14)

2.2.1E?ciency Analysis Before Diode Breakdown (16)

2.2.2E?ciency Analysis After Diode Breakdown (18)

2.3 5.8GHz Class-F Recti?er Design (20)

2.4Class-F Recti?er Designs in Millimeter Wave (24)

2.5Summary (35)

3Broadband High E?ciency Recti?er Design39

3.1Introduction (39)

3.2Source-Pull Simulation of Diode (40)

3.3Low-pass Matching Network Design (43)

3.4Fabrication and Measurement (44)

3.5Summary (46)

4Dual-band High E?ciency Recti?er Design47

4.1Introduction (47)

4.2Source-Pull Simulation of Diode (48)

4.3low-pass Matching Network Design (51)


4.4DC Pass Filter Design and First Version (53)

4.5RF Choke Location Selection (56)

4.6Final Version Fabrication and Measurement (62)

4.7Summary (64)


5.1Contributions (67)

5.2Future Work (68)

List of Figures

1.1Diagram of general MPT system (4)

1.2Solar power satellite system(Sasaki et al.,2013) (5)

1.3General microwave recti?er e?ciency curve verses input power (7)

2.1Circuit topology with harmonic termination network (15)

2.2Ideal Class-F voltage and current waveforms of diode (15)

2.3Class-F recti?er circuit topology (20)

2.4Comparison of two diode waveforms (22)

2.5Photograph of the fabricated5.8GHz Class-F recti?er (22)

2.6Comparison of the measured and calculated5.8-GHz recti?er conversion e?ciency.23

2.7Schematic cross section of pHEMT and passive elements in WIN PD25-00 (25)

2.8Diode model in WIN PD25-00with Ugw=20um and NOF=2 (26)

2.9The DC current of the selected diode with Ugw=10um and NOF=1under

di?erent voltage bias (27)

2.10Schematic for diode size selection with ideal components (28)

2.113D view of30GHz recti?er in ADS software (28)

2.123D view of50GHz recti?er in ADS software (29)

2.13EM simulation result of30GHz and50GHz recti?ers (30)

2.1430GHz recti?er layout after adjustment (31)

2.1550GHz recti?er layout after adjustment (31)

2.16Simulation results after layout shrink (32)

2.17Simulated diode current and voltage spectra of30GHz recti?er (32)

2.18Simulated diode current and voltage spectra of50GHz recti?er (33)

2.19Photo of the fabricated30GHz recti?er on chip (34)

2.20Photo of the fabricated50GHz recti?er on chip (34)

2.21Measured E?ciency of30GHz recti?er compared with simulation results (35)


2.22Measured E?ciency of50GHz recti?er compared with simulation results (36)

2.2330GHz recti?er e?ciency performance under di?erent frequency (36)

3.1Circuit topology of source-pull simulation (40)

3.2Source-pull simulation Schematic in ADS (41)

3.3E?ciency contours for0.8GHz based on source pull simulation (42)

3.4Source impedance region with e?ciency greater than75%from0.8GHz to1.4

GHz (43)

3.5Three-stage transmission line low-pass matching network (44)

3.6Source impedance of low-pass matching network (45)

3.7Photograph of fabricated recti?er (45)

3.8Comparison of measured and simulated recti?er e?ciency (46)

4.1China mobile network operators’in service frequency bands and WiFi router band48

4.2Source-pull simulation Schematic in ADS (49)

4.3E?ciency contours for0.7GHz based on source pull simulation (50)

4.4E?ciency contours for0.7GHz based on source pull simulation (50)

4.5Source impedance region with e?ciency greater than50%in band0.7GHz to1

GHz(in blue)and band1.7GHz to2.7GHz(in red) (51)

4.6Low-pass matching network for dual-band recti?er (52)

4.7Source impedance of the?ve-stage low-pass matching network (52)

4.8Murata LQW18ANR47J00470nH inductor’s S11and S12from PDK model..53

4.9Schematic of the dual-band recti?er with Microstrip line model (54)

4.10Layout(V1)of the dual-band recti?er in ADS (54)

4.11Combined simulation of layout EM simulation results and elements models (55)

4.12Photograph of the fabricated dual-band recti?er V1with RF choke connected to

cathode of diode (56)

4.13Results of?rst version (57)

4.14Layout(V2)of the dual-band recti?er in ADS with RF choke position adjusted.57

4.15Schematic of load pull simulation in ADS (58)

4.16Load pull simulation under various frequency (59)

4.16Load pull simulation under various frequency (60)

4.16Load pull simulation under various frequency (61)

4.17Simulation results comparison after RF choke position adjustment (62)

4.18Photograph of the fabricated dual-band recti?er V2 (63)

4.19Photograph of experiment setup (64)


4.20Measured result of the fabricated dual-band recti?er V2 (65)

4.21Result of measured S11 (65)

List of Tables

2.1State-of-the-art RF-DC conversion e?ciency of recti?er at5.8GHz (13)

2.2Parameter Comparison between HSMS8202and MA4E1317 (21)

2.3State-of-the-art RF-DC conversion e?ciency of recti?er on millimeter wave rec-

ti?ers (24)

2.4Properties Comparison between GaAs and Si (25)



1.1Microwave Power Transmission

Microwave power transmission(MPT)is a technology to transmit power through microwave without the need for wires.Microwaves(frequencies between300MHz to300GHz)are the ideal medium for modern wireless communication as its small attenuation in atmosphere,which is also true for wireless power transmission.MPT system could be realized in small size by small size antennas since microwave’s wavelength is in the order of centimeters or millimeters. Traditional application of microwaves is information transmission system using small signal. Modern applications of MPT technology include low power electromagnetic energy harvester and space based solar power satellite(SPS).A MPT system consists of a microwave generator transferring source energy to microwave energy,a transmitting antenna,a receiving antenna and a microwave recti?er transferring microwave energy to DC energy.An e?cient microwave recti?er is the basic requirement for e?cient MPT system while di?erent MPT systems have di?erent requirements on recti?er design.This thesis proposes several e?cient recti?er designs in microwave and millimeter wave.In MPT system,power ampli?er transfers DC power to microwave power and then antenna radiate microwave power into free space.Receiving antenna
