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Unit 1
1.小包价 package rate 26.救生演习 muster drill
2.基本房价 rack rate 27. 疏散 evacuate
3.免费的 complimentary 28.强制性的 compulsory
4.豪华套房 deluxe suite 29.演习 drill
5.旅游与酒店业 hospitality industry 30.行李牌 claim tag
6.自助餐 buffet 31.菜肴 cuisine
7.住宿登记卡 registration card 32.餐厅总管 restaurant manager
8.纸币 bank note/bill 33.可以自由选择座位
9.时间安排 schedule 34.风味餐厅 specialty restaurant
10.叫早服务 morning call service 35.每日安排表 daily schedule
11.早餐券 coupon/voucher 36.汽笛 siren
12.酒店大堂 hotel lobby 37.终点站 terminal
13.无预定客人 walk-in guest 38.探测器 detector
14.保留房 blocked room 39.休息室 lounge
15.维修部 maintenance department 40.安检 security check
16.礼宾部 concierge 41.登船embarkation
17.走廊 corridor 42.紧急集合地点 muster station
18.机场大巴 airport shuttle bus 43.逃避者evader
19.货币的面额、面值 denomination 44.赌场casino
20.收据 receipt 45.停靠港 Port of call
21.发票 invoice 46.国际海上人命安全公约 SOLAS
22.姓名牌 name tag 47.折叠婴儿车 push chair
23.定金 deposit 48.手提行李 hand luggage
24.出纳员 cashier 49.度假地 resort
25.房费 room rate 50.房卡 room card
(1) 我把这些内容确定一下,好吗?您要定一个豪华套房,从23号星期五到27号星期二,包括起止日。


Let me confirm the details of your reservation. You have reserved a deluxe suite from Friday the 23rd to Tuesday the 27th inclusive.the cost is $699 per night, including tax.is that correct?
(2) 乘电梯到三楼,出电梯一直往前走,右边就是美容院。

Take the lift to the third floor,go straight ahead out of the lift and the beauty salon is on your right.
(3)你要兑换什么,是现钞还是旅行支票? 请在兑换单上签字,写出你的姓名和地址,好吗? What are you going to convert,bank note or traveler’s
checks?would you please sign the exchange form,giving your name and address?

To express our regret for all the trouble,we offer you complimentary flowers.



Our hotel is noon check-out ,But you at 5 PM to check ,We need additional charge you 50% of the price
1. what are the statuses of the hotel rooms? please list them.
Occupied 住客房 vacant 空房 check out 走客房out of order 待修房
Blocked room 保留房 sleep out 外宿房 occupied with light luggage 携带少量行李的住客房 DND 请勿打扰房
2. what are the checking-in service procedures at the reception office?
Please list the steps.
1. Greet the guest
2. Confirm whether the guest has made a reservation
3. Confirm the guest’s room type,rate and length of stay
4. Check the payment status and comfirm the method of payment
5. Present the guest registration card and lease agreement
6. Arrange the room for the guest
7. Extend good wishes to the guest
3. What information can be found on a cruise ship card?
4. What are uses of a cruise ship card?
How to solve the complaints?
1. The guest just checked in, after the bellman sent the baggages to his room, the guest found out the baggages weren’t his. The guest called reception and complaint about it, how would you handle this issue?
2. It was 11PM, the guest from Room 1023 called reception, complained the TV in the next room was very loud while he was sleeping in the night. How would you help the guest solve this problem in a polite way?
Unit2 housekeeping service
1.面纸 tissues 16.餐车 dining car
2.衣架 hanger 17.熨烫工 presser/valet
3.烟灰缸 ashtray 18.单烫 pressing only
4.热水瓶 thermos 19.女士衬衫 blouse
5.被子 quilt 20.缝补服务 mending service
6.床垫 mattress 21.睡衣 pyjamas
7.床头柜 night stand 22.水管工 plumber
8.棉签 cotton buds 23.电工 electrician
9.变压器 transformer 24.保养维护 repair and maintenance
10.垃圾桶rubbish bin 25.淋浴喷头 shower head
11.浴缸 bathtub 26.自来水 tap water
12.开关 switch 27.失物招领 lost and found
13.温度调节器 temperature adjuster 28.水龙头 tap
14.夜床服务 turn-down service 29.赔偿金 compensation
15.插座 socket/outlet 30.缩水 shrink
• 1. 全天供应热水。

The hot water supply is 24 hours a day .
• 2. 洗衣袋和洗衣单在衣柜,如果您需要洗衣服务,请填写好洗衣单,然后将洗衣单和洗衣一同放入洗衣袋。

Laundry bag and laundry form in
the chest, if you need laundry service, please fill out the laundry form,
then put the laundry list and laundry in the laundry bag.
• 3. 床头柜上有一个控制台,您可以控制所有的灯光、音乐、电视和空调。

There is a switchboard on the bedside table.you can control all the
lamps ,music,TV and air conditioning
• 4. 服务指南薄在抽屉内,上面有对我们酒店服务和设施设备的介绍。

The service information booklet is within in the drawer,there is
introduction to our hotel service and facilities.
• 5. 如果你想在客房用餐,你可以用门把菜单,也可以打电话找送餐部。

If you want to have breakfast in your room,you can use the door-knob
menu or phone housekeeping .
• 6. 我们有3小时快洗服务,需要付50%的额外费用。

We have a three-hour quick service,there is a 50% extra charge for it.
•7. 按照酒店规定,我们会付给您一定的赔偿金,但赔偿金最多不能超过洗衣费的10倍。


According to the hotel policies,we pay an indemnity no more than 10
times the laundry charge ,I hope you can understand us.
•8. 湿洗与干洗衣服请分两袋装并分别填写表格。

Please place laundry and dry-cleaning into separate bags and fill in
separate forms.
•9. 迷你吧有酒精类和不含酒精的饮料,还有一些小吃,您使用的每一件东西都会记在您的账单上。

Mini-bar contains alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and a few
snacks.anying you use will be added to your bill.
•10. 这件毛衣请用冷水手洗。


The sweater washed by hand in cold water,otherwise,it will be shrink.
Answer the followed questions
• 1. Please state the service procedure of room service.
1.greet the guest
2.get the information from the guest(what he wants.special
demands for cooking,the guest’s name and his room number)
3.confirm the order
4.tell the guest tne order will be ready soon
5.deliver the food to the guest room
6.speak out the order and give the bill to the guest
7.ask the guest to sign the name and room number
8.express your wishes
• 2. Please state the service procedure of handling the repair and maintenance service.
1.when something breakdown in the room,get the details
fort the guest
3.contact the engineering staff immediately
4.if the problem couldn’t be resolved right now ,change room
for guest
5.make an apolgy for the inconvenience
• 3. what is the kai ye chuang service?
Turn-down service is when the hotel staff come into your room in
the evening to turn down the bedcovers,the conventional practice is to
turn down a corner of the blankets to make the bed look inviting and that much more restful.they also either fold the bedcover nicely at the
food of the bed ,or put away in a discrteet shelf in the wardrobe.turn-
down service is not just about the bed,staff doing turn-down service also tops up(加满) the ice box,draws the curtains,put out your
bedroom slippers,turns on the radio at the audible but soft
volume,tidies up the room a little,tops up your toiletries(化妆品),folds the end of tne toilet paper roll into a little triangle,and sometimes
changes your bathroom towels
•Mr. Bernat lost his mobile phone when he left his room for breakfast this morning. The room attendant gets the details about that and
comforts him. He promise to help the guest to find the mobile phone.
•You are introducing the room service to the guest, you may tell the guest what the room service is, how to order the room service and
how to do with the plates after using the meal. Please be specific.
Room service,also called food delivery service,refers to the service
provided by room service section in food and beverage department in a hotel,which means guests can order their food via telephone or
marking down the knob menu,then the food will be delivered by the same staff who serve in the restaurants and bars,or by the
housekeeping staff,or by room service staff in a large hotel.
Guests can place orders either through a telephone order taker or
through doorknob menu,just check the items you’d like for
breakfast,mark down the time,and hang it outside your door brfore you go to bed tonight.
You can just leave the plates on the table afer using the meal,the staff will come and collect them latter.。
