体验商务英语综合教程3 (第二版)答案Unit 2 Travel

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enjoyE?valuation only. ted with Aspos3eP.uSt tlhide efosllofwoinrg.iNn oErdTer3of.5impCorltiaenncet tPo yrooufile 5.2
Copyrighwhte2n0yo0u4tr-a2ve0l.11 Aspose Pty Ltd.
5 no baggage .t.r.o...l.l.e..y..s.. 6 overbooking of ....s..e..a..t.s...... 7 flight delays and ..c..a..n..c..e..l.l.a..t..i.o..n..s.... 8 ...j.e..t...- lag
Starting up A Answer these questions individually. Then
compare your answers with a partner.
1 How often do you travel by air, rail, road and sea? 2 What do you enjoy about traveling? What don’t you
When I got there I found the lower level of the airport
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comfort safety price reliability speed
4 Does the order change for different types of travel?
Starting up B Choose the correct word from the box to complete
the following list of things which irritate people when flying.
seats trolleys queues luggage room cancellations food jet
1 not enough leg ...r.o...o..m..... available
Copyrigh6tf2re0ew0a4y -2011 Asposfe) sPingtlye Ltd.
7 rest room
g) parking lot
8 elevator
h) underground
9 coach class
i) hand luggage
10 timetable
j) round trip
11 car park
k) downtown
British and American English
B Work in pairs. Use words or phrases in American English from Exercise A to complete the text below.
2 Unit Travel
Evaluation only. ted with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2
Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
‘He travels fastest who travels alone.’
My last overseas business trip was a nightmare from
start to finish. First of all there was a delay on the way to
the airport as there was an accident on the __fr_e_e_w_a_y___.
Starting up
Which of these irritate you most?
Evaluation only. ted with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2
Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
1 subway
a) motorway
2 city centre
b) lift
3 carry-on baggage
c) public toilet
4 onEevwaayluation only. d) schedule
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Vocabulary A Match the words and phrases below which have
British and
the same meaning. For each pair decide which is
Baidu Nhomakorabea
American English
British English and which is American English.
2 loEsvtaolrudaetliaoynedo..ln.u.l.gy..g...a..g..e.. ted with Aspose3.Slloidnges.q..u.f.eo..u.r.e...s.N. aEt cThe3c.k5-iCn lient Profile 5.2
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