英语词汇学教程 全套课件-精选文档
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长子,赑屃/囚牛 次子,螭吻 三子,蒲牢 四子,狴犴 五子,饕餮 六子,蚆嗄 七子,睚眦 八子,狻猊/负屃 九子,椒图 /貔貅
长子,赑屃(bìxì ) /囚牛(qiúniú) 次子,螭吻(chīwěn) 三子,蒲牢( púláo) 四子,狴犴(bìàn) 五子,饕餮(tāo tiè) 六子,蚆嗄(bā xià) 七子,睚眦(yá zì ) 八子,狻猊( suān ní )/负屃(fù xì ) 九子,椒图( jiāotú)/貔貅( pí xiū)
Biblioteka 莎士比亚大约掌握24000个词。 丘吉尔能使用90000个词。 一个受过高等教育的英国人一般能掌握 25000词以上。 美国大学对外国学生的英语要求是掌握 4000词。 学会常用的5000个词,就能理解97%左 右的内容。
大学英语四级(CET-4)词汇量4500 大学英语六级(CET-6)词汇量5500 英语专业四级(TEM-4)词汇量6000 英语专业八级(TEM-8)词汇量8000 托福 (TOEFL)词汇量7500 雅思 (IELTS) 词汇量8000 研究生入学考试 (GRE)词汇量12000 你的词汇量……?
Skill of memorizing new words
charisma Chairman Mao revealed his charisma to the whole world. (a natural ability and personality to attract and interest other people and make them admire you领袖魅力/气质/风采)
8000-15000词汇量 (GRE词汇量) abrasion equivocate morbid belligerent fortuitous peccadillo coalesce immaculate procrastination divulge loquacious taciturn
benefit flexible sponsor
conflict merchant typical
dramatic principle withdraw
6000词汇量 (6级、专业4级词汇量)
accumulate edible judicial
boundary formidable overlap
coherent gorgeous subvert
dilute heritage unprecedented
8000词汇量 (雅思、托福、专业8级词汇量) asymmetry epidemic simultaneously bilateral hectic variation centrifugal ingenuity perpetuate dismantle opaque paralysis
Skill of memorizing new words
insomnia Anyone can suffer from insomnia, although such problems are more common among women, the ill, the elderly, smokers, and alcoholics. (if you suffer from insomnia, you are not able to sleep 失眠) In=not/somni=sleep Somnambulate=sleepwalking Somniloquence=sleeptalking In some nights awake
How Much Do You Know About the English Vocabulary?
《牛津英语字典》所收英语单词是六十多 万个。 《韦伯斯特大词典》所收英语单词几乎达 到一百万之多。 现代英语词汇超过两百万个! 《汉语大字典》所收汉字五万六千个。与 英语相比,汉语的词汇量是非常小的。
A Survey of English Lexicology
没有滴水无以成大海 没有泥砖无以建高楼
“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”
没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几; 而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。 ---英国语言学家威尔金斯(Wilkins)
《英语词汇学教程》 A Survey of English Lexicology
理论指导:现代英语语言。 研究对象:英语词汇。 学习内容:单词的结构、构词法、单词的意义及 词义关系、英语词汇的构成、词义的历史演变、 成语及词典知识。 学习目标:1.比较系统地掌握英语词汇的知识; 2.比较深入地了解英语词汇的现状及其历史演变 过程;3.能对现代英语词汇发展的趋势和所出现 的现象作出分析和解释,提高运用英语的能力。
China rises Mao (中国出了一个毛泽东, 毛就是领袖魅力的代名词!)
Skill of memorizing new words
Loom Suddenly a mountain loomed up in front of them. (to appear as a large unclear shape, especially in a threatening way 隐约出现) An economic crisis is looming on the horizon. (if a problem or difficulty looms, it is likely to happen very soon 逼近 ) 物体/困难就在眼前100米!
2000词汇量 (高考词汇量)
Average expect Score
contain suffer restaurant
divide treat damage
imagine safety honor
4000词汇量 (4级词汇量)
Abandon Encounter schedule
长子,赑屃(bìxì ) /囚牛(qiúniú) 次子,螭吻(chīwěn) 三子,蒲牢( púláo) 四子,狴犴(bìàn) 五子,饕餮(tāo tiè) 六子,蚆嗄(bā xià) 七子,睚眦(yá zì ) 八子,狻猊( suān ní )/负屃(fù xì ) 九子,椒图( jiāotú)/貔貅( pí xiū)
Biblioteka 莎士比亚大约掌握24000个词。 丘吉尔能使用90000个词。 一个受过高等教育的英国人一般能掌握 25000词以上。 美国大学对外国学生的英语要求是掌握 4000词。 学会常用的5000个词,就能理解97%左 右的内容。
大学英语四级(CET-4)词汇量4500 大学英语六级(CET-6)词汇量5500 英语专业四级(TEM-4)词汇量6000 英语专业八级(TEM-8)词汇量8000 托福 (TOEFL)词汇量7500 雅思 (IELTS) 词汇量8000 研究生入学考试 (GRE)词汇量12000 你的词汇量……?
Skill of memorizing new words
charisma Chairman Mao revealed his charisma to the whole world. (a natural ability and personality to attract and interest other people and make them admire you领袖魅力/气质/风采)
8000-15000词汇量 (GRE词汇量) abrasion equivocate morbid belligerent fortuitous peccadillo coalesce immaculate procrastination divulge loquacious taciturn
benefit flexible sponsor
conflict merchant typical
dramatic principle withdraw
6000词汇量 (6级、专业4级词汇量)
accumulate edible judicial
boundary formidable overlap
coherent gorgeous subvert
dilute heritage unprecedented
8000词汇量 (雅思、托福、专业8级词汇量) asymmetry epidemic simultaneously bilateral hectic variation centrifugal ingenuity perpetuate dismantle opaque paralysis
Skill of memorizing new words
insomnia Anyone can suffer from insomnia, although such problems are more common among women, the ill, the elderly, smokers, and alcoholics. (if you suffer from insomnia, you are not able to sleep 失眠) In=not/somni=sleep Somnambulate=sleepwalking Somniloquence=sleeptalking In some nights awake
How Much Do You Know About the English Vocabulary?
《牛津英语字典》所收英语单词是六十多 万个。 《韦伯斯特大词典》所收英语单词几乎达 到一百万之多。 现代英语词汇超过两百万个! 《汉语大字典》所收汉字五万六千个。与 英语相比,汉语的词汇量是非常小的。
A Survey of English Lexicology
没有滴水无以成大海 没有泥砖无以建高楼
“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”
没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几; 而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。 ---英国语言学家威尔金斯(Wilkins)
《英语词汇学教程》 A Survey of English Lexicology
理论指导:现代英语语言。 研究对象:英语词汇。 学习内容:单词的结构、构词法、单词的意义及 词义关系、英语词汇的构成、词义的历史演变、 成语及词典知识。 学习目标:1.比较系统地掌握英语词汇的知识; 2.比较深入地了解英语词汇的现状及其历史演变 过程;3.能对现代英语词汇发展的趋势和所出现 的现象作出分析和解释,提高运用英语的能力。
China rises Mao (中国出了一个毛泽东, 毛就是领袖魅力的代名词!)
Skill of memorizing new words
Loom Suddenly a mountain loomed up in front of them. (to appear as a large unclear shape, especially in a threatening way 隐约出现) An economic crisis is looming on the horizon. (if a problem or difficulty looms, it is likely to happen very soon 逼近 ) 物体/困难就在眼前100米!
2000词汇量 (高考词汇量)
Average expect Score
contain suffer restaurant
divide treat damage
imagine safety honor
4000词汇量 (4级词汇量)
Abandon Encounter schedule