



2. position: lies on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan. 3.economy: Black metallurgical industry , meat processing and clothes-making 4.historic events: 1).International Labor Day: 2).International Working Women's Day:
Ⅵ. Boston:
1.Light industrial center: 2.Cultural center: 3.Cradle of American Liberty:
Ⅶ.Seattle :
It is called “the City of Boeing”. And it is the largest city in the northwest of USA
3.Other Information: 1).The city is the birthplace of the United Nations Organization which was first founded here in 1945. 2). Chinatown: In San Francisco, there are over 300 000 Chinese, the largest Chinese settlement outside the Asia.
6. historic events :
1). Two Continental Congress were summoned here. 2). On 4th, Feb, 1789. Washington was elected as the 1st President in this city.


• the seat of the U.S. government in Washington D.C • the extensive House and Senate wings at either end, as well as the 288-foot dome • paintings
• the highest point and center of the whole city
2). Wall Street:
It is America's financial nerve center.
3).World trade Center:
once the second tallest building in the U. S.
twin structures, each rising 110 stories ,419 meters.
• United Nations Day : on 24th, October.
Poorer; center of black people
Manhattan, the Bronx, Queen's, Brooklyn and Richmond.
• It’s the center and most important borough of NY.
2).White House:
the official presidential residence
①.Position: at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
• 1792 ----- gray ;
• the War of 1812 ;



New Mexico 新墨西哥 [nju: `meksikəu]
面积:315,113平方公里,列第五位。 人口:1,190,000人,列第37 位 州府:圣塔非(Santa Fe) 主要城市:阿布奎基(Albuquerque) 州花:丝兰花 州鸟:长尾鸟 新墨西哥州,名称来自印地安语,其意义是“战神”War God(西班牙人把格兰河以北及以西之地,都叫做墨西哥)。1605 年开始殖民。 1912年1月6日成为美国第四十七州。以丝兰 Yucca为州花。本州别名叫做“迷人之地”Land of Enchantment。 本州箴言:“能向前行,就能进步”It Grows. as It Goes。

.Minnesota 明尼苏达 [,mini`səutə]
面积:217,725平方公里,列第十二位。 人口:3,975,000人,列第19位 州府:圣保罗(St.Paul) 主要城市:明尼亚波利斯(Minneapolis)、杜鲁司(Duluth) 州花:凤仙花 州鸟:阿比鸟 明尼苏达州,名称来自印地安语,其意义是“乳蓝色的河水”milky blue water 指(指本州南部明尼苏达河)。 1805年开始殖民。1858年 5月11日成为美国第三 十二州。以鲜艳的凤仙花 Showy-Lady's-slip-per为州花。本州别名叫做“北星 之州”North Star State或者"映著天篮的水的地方"Sky-tinted water 本州箴言:“北方之星”Star of the North。

.Utah 犹他 [`ju:tɑ:]
人口:1,268,000人,列第36位 州府:盐湖城(Salt Lake City) 主要城市:奥格但(Ogden)、普罗伏(Provo) 州花:百合花 州鸟:加利福尼亚鸥 犹他州,取名于印地安人某一部落的名称。其 意义为“山地人”Hill Dwellers。 1776 年∶ 天主教圣芳济修会修士Escalante 和 Dominguez 是最早进入犹他的欧洲人,他们在 寻找直接到达加州的蒙特利Monterey 时发现绿 河Green River。 1824 年∶狩猎者 James Bridger 和 Etienne Provost 发现大盐湖 Great Salt Lake,他们当时以为到达了太平洋 的一岸。 1847年开始殖民。1896年1月4 日成 为美国第四十五州。以百合花Sego Lily 为州花。 本州别名叫做“蜂窝之州”Beehive State 面积:219,931平方公里, 列第十一位。 本州箴言:“工业”Industty。



cities with a virtually unrivaled collection of museums, galleries, performance venues, media outlets, international corporations, and financial markets. It is also home to the global headquarters of the United Nations.
Located in the state of New York, New York City has a population of 8.1 million within an area of 321 square miles (approximately 830 km2). The city proper consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Each of these boroughs, except for Staten Island, is home to at least a million people and would each be among the nation's largest cities if considered independently.
Washington—the capital of the USA
Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States of America. "D.C." stands for the "District of Columbia", the federal district containing the city of Washington. The city is named after George Washington, military leader of the American Revolution and the first President of the United States.


remains the least densely populated state.
The area that became Alaska was purchased from the Russian Empire after Western Union discontinued construction of its first electric telegraph line which ran from California, up the coast of North America, across the Bering Strait, continuing to Moscow and into the European telegraph network. Despite $3 million in U.S. investment for the RussianAmerican telegraph expedition, work ceased upon the completion of the competing
Alaska is the largest state of the United States of America by area; it is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait. Approximately half of Alaska's 683,478 residents reside within the Anchorage metropolitan area. As of 2007, Alaska



Fisherman's wharf mark is a picture which has large crab circular billboards,when you find "large crab", that means you have found the fisherman's wharf.There are many delicious seafood.
波士顿市中心有一个大公园,很不错,风景宜人。公 园北边不远有一个公墓,曾经是富兰克林发表演说的 地方,坐红线往东可以到港区,那儿有一个波士顿倾 茶事件的纪念馆,就是一个复制的帆船,当年独立战 争的导火索就在那里。从中央公园坐橘黄线地铁往南 可以到唐人街。另外,波士顿河两岸的风景也很宜人 。Boston City Center has a big garden, Nice, pleasant scenery. The Park is not far to the North there is a cemetery that was once a place of Franklin's speech, take the red line to the East to the port area, there's a Boston dumping tea in the event of the Memorial, a copy of sailing, the war of independence the fuse is out there. From Central Park to sit orange line to the South to China Town. In addition, Boston river landscape is also very pleasant.



Unit One Washington D.C.Good morning, everyone. I want to welcome you to Washington D.C. Tour USA is going to take around nation’s capital this morning. I’m Martha Anderson and I will be your guide. The tour will take 2 hours, so we will be back about noon.We are starting at the Capitol Building, where the senators and representatives vote on laws for the country. And there across the street is the Supreme Court, the highest court in the United States. Next to the Court is the Library of Congress. Just imagine, the Library of Congress has a copy of every book printed in the United States.Here is the Washington Monument. It is such a beautiful tall monument, reaching up into the sky. That is one of the most popular sights in Washington. And there is the White House, where the president and his family live. If you have time, you should take a tour of the White House and see the rooms where the American president lives.Now we’re coming to the Lincoln Memorial. This is one of the most loved places in Am erica, because Abraham Lincoln was such a great man. Now the bus is going across the Potomac River to Arlington National Cemetery, where so many American heroes are buried.If you have any questions about Washington, please ask me. I hope you have enjoyed seeing Washington D.C. with Tour USA..Unit Two New York CityGood morning, good morning! I want to welcome you to New York City, the Big Apple, this exciting city of Skyscrapers. I’m Jack Marino, and I‘ll be your guide today for Tour USA. After our tour, you will take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty, which stands out in New York Harbor.As you see, Central Park is a very large park, right in the middle of all the tall buildings. Look at all the people walking in the park, bicycling, jogging, and picnicking on the grass. And there is the lake with many small boats.Now we are going down Fifth Avenue. New Yorkers love to walk along Fifth Avenue and look in the store windows. There are clothing stores with beautiful dresses and suits, and jewelry stores with diamonds and gold.Here we are on Broadway, where you can see plays and musicals. There are many famous theaters right here. When you visit New York you must go and see a play or a musical.Now we are going by the Empire State Building. From the 102nd floor you can see all up and down the island of Manhattan. It is a wonderful way to see the city.Here is Wall Street, the money center of the United States. These streets are the heart of American business. The people going along the street look very small with such tall buildings on both sides.And there’s the ferry that will take you to the Statue of Liberty. I hope you enjoyed seeing New York City with Tour USA.Unit Three BostonHello, everyone! I want to welcome you to Boston, called Bean town for the wonderful Boston baked beans. Tour USA is going to show you the old and the new city. I'm Barbara Smith, and I'll be your guide today. The tour takes one hour.We are starting at the State Capitol, with its beautiful gold-covered dome shining in the sun.You are facing the Boston Common, which has many historical statues, and the Public Gardens. Notice the families enjoying the ride around the pond in the swan boats. We are on Beacon Hill, one of the oldest sections of Boston.Now we are going down to Boston Harbor, going through the North End. This house belonged to Paul Revere at the time of the American Revolution. In those days, the ocean was closed to this house, although now the ocean is about six blocks away. The North End has been home to many Italian families for over 100 years, and there are many wonderful Italian stores and restaurants here.If you look put the window on the right side of the bus, you can see a tall granite column on top of the hill. That is the Bunker Hill Monument, and it marks the place where there was a famous battle between the British and the Americans during the American Revolution.And now we are going to go to the Back Bay. Two hundred years ago this land was all under water, but now it is covered with tall modern buildings. We are going to end our tour here at Copley Place, one of the newest shopping malls in the city. Here you can find the very best of everything including a number of restaurants where you can eat lunch. I hope you have enjoyed seeing Boston with tour USA.Unit Four ChicagoGood morning to you all! Welcome to Chicago, the Windy City! I’m Martin Chen, and I’m your guide today for Tour USA.We are driving along Lake Shore Drive, on the shore of Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan is one of the Great Lakes, and as you can see, it looks like an ocean. . There are even sand dunes! If you want to, you can take a trip on one of our tour boats to see the city from out on the water. As you watch the trees bending back and forth, I think you can see why Chicago is called the Windy city! But we hope the weather will be good for your visit.Now we’re in the business district of this great city. This is the Chicago Board of Trade. Chicago is one of the most important American cities for products made in the USA. In the nineteenth century it was the central meat market for the whole country.This city is also known for its fine museums. We are passing the Art Institute of Chicago. You should try to visit this museum while you are here and see the paintings collected from all over the world. There are more than fifteen excellent museums here.Right now we are passing the Chicago Lyric opera House, where you can hear opera sung by famous singers from the United States and all over the world. There are opera performances Friday and Saturday evenings.And now we are going by Wrigley Field, one of the oldest baseball parks in the country. The Chicago Cubs play here when they are in town. I’m afraid they are playing on the West Coast this week.Please ask me if you like any more information. I hope you have enjoyed seeing Chicago with Tour USA.Unit Five New OrleansHi, everybody! I want to welcome you to New Orleans. Tour USA is going to show you the city which was once called the Paris of America. My name is Louise Faraday and I’ll be your guidetoday. I hope you are hungry because we will stop for lunch at one of New Orleans’ famous restaurants. But you will be back at your hotel by three o’clock.First we are going to drive along the River Road. You see the beautiful plantations, wonderful old homes that have been kept as they were more than 100 years ago. These were plantations that raised sugar cane. If you have time or you are in New Orleans, you can take a trip along the river on one of the many tour boats.Of course, the heart of New Orleans is the French Quarter. Notice the iron balconies and the courtyards of the lovely homes we are passing. They look French or Spanish because they city was first French, and then became Spanish, and then became French again! Then around 1800 New Orleans became part of the United States. The city has kept its European feeling. You should see New Orleans in the spring during the Mardi Gras Festival! That is the most exciting time to be here.We are now passing some of the famous jazz clubs. New Orleans is the home of jazz, and people come from everywhere to hear the great musicians play.But now its lunch time and here we are at Antoine’s, one of the most famous restaurants in America. Of course it’s Frenc h! I hope you have enjoyed seeing New Orleans with Tour USA.Unit Six DallasGood morning to you all. I want to welcome you to Dallas. Tour USA is going to show you this exciting Texas City. I’m Chuck Carter and I'll be your guide today. The tour will t ake about two hours, so you will have plenty of time to go to the rodeo tonight. You will find the rodeo a real Western experience, with lots of cowboys and horses and fancy riding.We are now going through the business center of Dallas, with its many new tall buildings. The main offices of all the large oil companies are found here. But dress design and manufacturing is also very important in the business life of Dallas, as you can see from this huge building, the Apparel Mart.We are now driving out to let you see an oil field at work. That tall iron structure is called a derrick, and the workers are getting the oil from deep in the ground. There are oil fields throughout the Southwest, so you can see this kind of sight in many other places.Now we are coming to Old City Park. As you can see, many small old buildings have been moved here to show how people lived in Dallas more than 100 years ago. Notice those houses; they are made of logs. That was the easiest way for people to make a house when they cane to Texas.If you are a sports fan, you should try to go to a game of football with the Dallas Cowboys. They are a famous team and you will have a great afternoon. Here we are passing some of the fine Southwestern restaurants for which Dallas is well-known. Be sure to eat some of the Mexican-style food while you are here; it's called Tex-Mex food in Texas. The chili and tacos and hot peppers are very popular.Here we are back at your hotel. I hope you have enjoyed seeing Dallas with Tour USA.Unit Seven Grand Canyon National ParkWell, hi everybody! Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park! Tour USA is going to show you this incredible natural wonder. We are sure you have never seen anything like this canyon which is a mile deep and eighteen miles wide. I am Maria Campos and I will be your guide today.We are driving along the edge of the canyon. If you look down into the canyon you can see an airplane flying way below us. We are so far above the plane that it looks very tiny. At the bottom of the canyon is the Colorado River, one of America’s longest rivers. From the edge where we are we cannot see the river. You may want to take a trip on the river while you are here in the park. We are going to make a short stop at one of the Native American museums so that you can learn about the history and culture of the people who are live in this area. They have been people here for about 11,000 years. There are now more than five different groups of Native Americans who live in this part of the country.Although we are not going down into the canyon today, it is possible to make the 25 mile trip down and out on the other side. You can walk through or you can ride a mule. But you must be ready for great changes in the weather. On the rim of the canyon, where we are now, it can become very cold, as we are 7,000 feet above sea level. But as you go down into the canyon, it becomes warmer and warmer, and the temperature can go over 100 degrees. It is a very interesting trip because you pass through all the different levels of the earth. The river cut its way through the stone and left the layers of stone for us to look at.Look over there. That is Mooney Falls; the water drops about 200 feet. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the park. We are going to stop here and let you take time to photograph the canyon and the falls.You can get more information from the park rangers. And I will be happy to answer any questions. I hope you have enjoyed seeing the Grand Canyon with tour USA.Unit Eight Las VegasHi, folks. Welcome to Las Vegas, the most exciting place you’ll ever visit! Tour USA is going to show you the high spots and the low spots of this terrific town. I’m Freddy Dawson and I’m going to be your guide today. We’ll be back in plenty of time for you to have a great night out.We’re going to start our tour by driving down the Strip. Here are the most famous hotels and casinos. Because gambling is legal in Nevada, the casinos can offer all kinds of gambling, such as slot machines and roulette wheels. As you can see from this signs on both sides of the street, there are plenty of places to choose from for people who want to gamble.The hotels here offer wonderful entertainment. The most famous entertainers in the USA come here to put on shows. You can take your pick from comedy, popular music, or jazz. They will all be great. And of course the hotels are famous for wonderful food, too.Many visitors come here to go to a convention. They find the Las Vegas Convention Center, which you can see on your left, to be one of the best in the world. It is the largest center on one floor in the United States.Take time while you are here to play a little golf. As you can see, we are now driving past one of the city’s finest golf courses, with palm trees everywher e, and a lovely lake in the center of the course. Las Vegas has 17 golf courses, and many of them are championship courses where important golf tournaments are held.Here we are back at your hotel. I am sure you are going to have a great time here. I hope you have enjoyed seeing Las Vegas with Tour USA.Unit Nine Los AngelesGood morning everybody. I want to welcome you to Los Angeles in sunny California. TourUSA is going to show you this wonderful city today. My name is Henry Goto and I'm going to be your guide this afternoon. The tour will take about two and a half hours. We will end our tour in Hollywood, where you will be able to visit a movie set and see how movies are made.We are going to start by visiting some of the areas of Los Angeles where different nationalities first lived. Here is Olvera Street, one of the oldest streets in Los Angeles. As you see, it looks like a Mexican marketplace. You can get Mexican food and many things made in Mexico on this interesting street.And here we are in Chinatown. There are fine Chinese shops and restaurants all through this part of town. You can see that many of the signs are in Chinese.This part of town is called Little Tokyo. And that square is called the Japanese Village Plaza. Japanese holidays are celebrated there all year long.We are going past the huge produce market where grocers come from all over Los Angeles to buy their groceries. And look at the beautiful flowers! This is where you can buy fresh-cut flowers and plants.Now we are going on one of the Los Angeles freeways on our way to Hollywood. Of course, this is one of the most famous places in America because American movies are popular all over the world. We have arranged a special tour of a movie studio for you. After your tour is over, you will be taken back to your hotel.Here we are. I hope you have enjoyed seeing Los Angeles with Tour USA.Unit Ten San FranciscoHello everyone. I want to welcome you to San Francisco. Tour USA is going to show you this beautiful city on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. My name is Carla Williams and I'm your guide for today. We are going to take you through some of San Francisco's very special neighborhoods.We will start here on Nob Hill. This is one of the fanciest sections of town. Notice the cable cars which take passengers up and down the steep hills of San Francisco. Tourists always love to take a ride on a cable car. Many of the old houses are still here as you can see on your right.Here along Pacific Heights are many of the great mansions of the town. There are also consulates of many countries up here on the Heights, with a beautiful view of the ocean.Now we are going through Chinatown. This is a 24-block area that is called the Chinese capital of the western world. There are many shops, restaurants, food markets, and temples here.Now we are in Japan town, an area well-known to the more than 12,000 people of Japanese heritage who live in San Francisco. Every April a wonderful Cherry Blossom Festival is held here. As we are driving, you can see glimpses of the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge, which crosses the mouth of San Francisco Bay.Now we are going to take you to Fisherman's Wharf, where you will be able to have seafood in one of the many famous ocean restaurants. The sourdough French bread, and the wonderful crab dishes are particularly enjoyed by tourists. We will have a tour bus pick you up after you have your meal. But you will have plenty of time to visit all the fascinating little shops in this area.I hope you have enjoyed seeing San Francisco with Tour USA.Unit 11 PhiladelphiaGood morning, everyone. I want to welcome you to Philadelphia, this exciting city of the well-known history. I’m Sean, and I’ll be your guide today for Tour USA. The tour will take fiveminutes, so we will be back soon.Before our tour, we are going to know some of the information about this city. There is a map of the US, and we can find there is Pennsylvania. Philadelphia is the sixth largest city in the US and the biggest city in Pennsylvania. So there are many skyscrapers in Philadelphia. Near Philadelphia, we can find some places we have already learned, such as New Jersey and New York City.On July 4th 1776, representatives signed a declaration which is called United States Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia. This declaration marked a significant achievement in American Revolution.This declaration is one of the most important founding documents of the United States. So Philadelphia is called the birth place of the United States.The American flag was first designed and raised in Philadelphia. There is a little bit different between this one and nowadays American flag. There are only 13 stars in this flag, these stars represent the 13 states. From 1790 to 1800, Philadelphia was the capital of the United States. At that time, Philadelphia played a role in American politics.Speaking of Philadelphia, you may remind some famous people, such as George Washington and Franklin, they both used to work at Philadelphia for a long time.We are starting at the Independence Hall. It is in the center of this city. When you visit Philadelphia, you must go and visit the Independence Hall, because the Declaration of Independence was signed here. The Independence Hall is also printed in US 100 dollars, so we should realize that it is one of the most important places in America.Here we can see the Liberty Bell, this is one of the most famous bells in America. People think it’s the symbol of Philadelphia and it’s also the symbol of the American’s liberty spirit. The bell rang when Franklin went to England to complain about too much tax. The bell rang when Washington died. The bell rang when Martin Luther King gave his speech I have a dream. Now this bell becomes the best teaching material of patriotism.Finally, let’s enjoy some of the pictures of Philadelphia.Here is Philadelphia International Airport, and there’s plane that will take you back to your English class. Thanks for your join, bye!。



Washington also serves as the headquarters for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Organization of American States. All of this has made Washington the frequent focal point of massive political demonstrations and protests, particularly on the National Mall. Washington is also the site of numerous national landmarks, museums, and sports teams, and is a popular destination for tourists.
The Bean
Linken Park
Los Angeles
The City of Los Angeles, also known simply as L.A. or informally as the City of Angels, is the second-largest city in the United States in terms of population. It was incorporated as a city in California on April 4, 1850 and is the county seat and the largest city in Los Angeles County. Los Angeles serves as the core and most important city of the sprawling Southern California urban area which counts nearly 18 million residents. The city is also large by geographic standards since it sprawls over more than 465 square miles , making it larger than either New York City or Chicago in area.



II. New York City
New York City is the largest city in the United States and one of the world's major global cities. Located in the state of New York, the city has a population of over 8.1 million within an area of 321 square miles (approximately 830 km² )., making it the most densely populated city in North America.
United Nations Headquarters •Landmark building of the UN, alongside the East River in New York City. The tall Secretariat Building and white General Assembly Building are two of three main structures that make up the UN .
1. Jefferson Memorial To honor the man who was principal author of the Declaration of Independence ,the nation’s third president, and the first U.S. Secretary of State.
2. Capitol Hill Meeting place of the US congress and one of the nation’s most familiar landmarks Builders laid the cornerstone for the United States Capitol in 1793, and the building has been the seat of the country’s Senate and the House of Representatives since 1800. Since its original construction, the Capitol building has been expanded to more than twice its original size. The Rotunda stands 66 m (180 ft) high and is the symbolic center of both Capitol Hill and Washington, D.C.



South Lawn of the White House
The National Mall.
The National Air and Space Museum
Lincoln Memorial
林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial),被视为美国永恒的塑像及华盛顿 市标志,为纪念美国第十六届总统亚伯拉罕· 林肯而建。纪念堂位 于在华盛顿的国家大草坪西端,碧波如染的波托马克河东岸上,是 一座用通体洁白的花岗岩和大理石建造的古希腊神殿式纪念堂。
New York is made up of five separate counties, which are called boroughs: Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island.
Statue of Liberty
• The United States Capitol is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. It has housed the meeting chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate for two centuries. The Capitol, which was started in 1793, has been through many construction phases. It stands today as a monument to the American people and their government.


美国最古老的城市-波士顿(Boston) -----精品文档------
绿宝石城-西雅图(Seattle) 绿宝石城-西雅图(Seattle)
旧金山(San Francisco) 金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)
The Major Cities of USA
中国(China) 美国(Americ)
美国首都-华盛顿(Washington) 国会山(Capitol Hill)
美国首都-华盛顿(Washington) 国家美术馆(National Gallery of Art)
世界上最繁忙的城市-纽约(New York) 自由女神像(St---a--精t品u文档e------of Liberty)
世界上最繁忙的城市-纽约(New York)
Statue of liberty
中央公园(Central Park) -----精品文档------


km). The 4th largest in the world. Capital city: Washington, DC (pop:
People: Caucasian(高加索人,白种人) (74%), African American (12%), Latino (9%), Asian (3%), Native American (0.8%)
It is full of European atmosphere.
New York (the Big Apple)—the State of New York
The largest city in both the U.S. and the world
Skyscrapers Empire State Building The United Nations
The President
The President is the effective head of the executive branch of government as well as head of state.
With the President, a Vice-President is elected, & if the President dies the Vice-President becomes President for the unexpired part of the 4 year.
and the liberation of
Negroes from slavery.
The famous Niagara Falls.
The three most famous national parks are 1.The Rocky Mountain & Yellowstone National

美国主要的城市 英文ppt课件

美国主要的城市 英文ppt课件
the Washington Monument
White House
New York City
• New York City, located in New York State, is the largest city and the chief port of the United States of American. The city of New York has a population of over 8 million; the Metropolitan area, over 19 million. The city has five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, the Brooklyn and Staten Island.
• Washington is the headquarters of all the
branches of the American federal system:
the Congress, the Supreme Court and
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln Memorial
• The city is now the largest industrial city in the
country. Both heavy and light industries are highly
developed, particularly the former. Chicago is the
main area in the US for the black metallurgical


• 缤纷的烟花照亮了纽约的迎新夜,世上最著名 的辞旧迎新狂欢就此延生,并年年相袭直至现 今
The United Nations
• 联合国总部位于纽约曼哈顿东河沿岸
• 1949年10月至1951年6月建成
• 包括秘书处大楼、会议厅大楼、大会厅 和哈马舍尔德图书馆4栋建筑
Empire State Building
• Pentagon • 五角大楼
• Lincoln Memorial • 林肯纪念堂
• Washington Mounment • 华盛顿纪念碑
White House 白宫
• Official Office • 办公大楼
• Home of the Presideቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱt and his family • 总统的家
四个主要城市 Four Major Cities
• Washington DC 华盛顿特区 • (District of Columbia) • New York 纽约
• Los Angeles 洛杉矶
• Chicago 芝加哥
Washington DC 华盛顿特区
• White House • 白宫
• 大约有23000名军方人士及文职人员
• 还有约3000名非国防志愿者在五角大楼服务。
• 五角大楼共有五个外立面,建筑分为五层(包 括地下两层)
• 每层由内至外共有5个环状走廊,走廊总长度 达到17.5英里(合28.2公里)
Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念堂
• 被视为美国永恒的塑像及华盛顿市标志
New York
• 美国最大的城市及第一大港
• 世界上最大的国际金融中心



美国十大城市英文1、纽约(New York)纽约是世界特大城市之一,美国第一大城和最大海港,是美国最大的金融、贸易和文化中心。



2 、洛杉矶(Los Angeles)洛杉矶是美国的第二大城市和重要海港。




3 、芝加哥(Chicago)芝加哥是美国第三大城市和美国最大的制造业中心,位於密歇根湖的西南岸、芝加哥河河口,处於美国东部工业区和西部农牧区的中心位置。











它位於密歇根州东南部,圣克雷尔湖和伊利湖之间,是美国大湖区重要港口7 、三藩市(San francisco)—旧金山三藩市音译为"圣法兰西斯科",或称"三藩市",位於加州西北部,美国西海岸中点。



美国各大城市的英文介绍Introduction to Major Cities in the United StatesThe United States is a vast and diverse country with a rich cultural heritage and a wide array of cities. From the bustling metropolises on the East Coast to the laid-back West Coast attractions, each city has its own unique personality, attractions, and history. In this essay, we will explore key characteristics and highlights of major cities across the country.1. New York City:2. Los Angeles:Situated on the West Coast, Los Angeles is known for its glamorous entertainment industry and beautiful beaches.Hollywood is synonymous with the city, as it is the center ofthe global film and television industry. Visitors can alsoexplore attractions like Universal Studios, Griffith Observatory, and the Getty Center. The city's diverse neighborhoods, such as Chinatown and Little Tokyo, offer unique cultural experiencesand culinary delights.3. Chicago:A major city located in the Midwest, Chicago is famous forits stunning architecture, vibrant music scene, and deep-dish pizza. The city's skyline is defined by architectural marvelslike the Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower) and the John Hancock Center. Navy Pier and Millennium Park are popular tourist destinations. Chicago is also renowned for its blues and jazz heritage, with numerous clubs and festivals attracting music enthusiasts from around the world.4. San Francisco:Located in Northern California, San Francisco is known for its iconic landmarks, cultural diversity, and technological innovation. The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and cable cars are emblematic of this vibrant city. Visitors can explore neighborhoods like Chinatown, Haight-Ashbury, and the Mission District, each offering a distinct cultural experience. San Francisco is also home to Silicon Valley, the epicenter of the global tech industry.5. Miami:Situated in the tropical paradise of Florida, Miami is renowned for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and Art Deco architecture. South Beach, with its colorful lifeguard stands and lively atmosphere, is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The city's multicultural atmosphere is evident in neighborhoods like Little Havana and Wynwood, known for their delicious cuisine and vibrant street art scene.6. Washington, D.C.:As the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. is steeped in history and political power. The city is home to iconic landmarks such as the White House, the Capitol Building, and the Lincoln Memorial. Visitors can explore numerous Smithsonian museums that offer a wealth of cultural and historical exhibits. In addition to its historical significance, Washington, D.C. also offers a vibrant dining scene and vibrant neighborhoodslike Adams Morgan and Georgetown.7. Las Vegas:Known as the entertainment capital of the world, Las Vegas is a city of high energy and non-stop excitement. The iconic Las Vegas Strip is lined with famous hotels, casinos, and world-class shows. Visitors can experience a variety of themed attractions, from the canals of Venice at The Venetian to the famous Bellagio Fountains. Las Vegas offers an unparalleled nightlife scene, with renowned DJs, celebrity chefs, and luxurious nightclubs.These are just a few examples of the major cities in the United States, each with its own unique charm, attractions, and cultural offerings. Whether you are interested in history, entertainment, or culinary experiences, there is a city in the United States to suit every taste and interest.。


Welcome to USA
波士顿(BOSTON),位于美国东北部,濒临大西洋马萨诸塞湾, 是美国新英格兰最大的港口城市和马萨诸塞州的首府。
Boston.located at southeast of United States.is the biggest seaport and the capital of masail in new england,USA.
芝加哥 Chicago
芝加哥(Chicago)位于美国中西部。芝加哥及其郊区组成的大芝加哥地 区,是美国仅次于纽约市和洛杉矶的第三大都会区。
Chicago Located in the Midwestern United States, Chicago and its suburbs of greater Chicago region is second only to New York Cilitan Los
Central Park
New York City
Ge Lina
Chinatown is located in downtown Los Angeles is a place inhabited by Chinese, with rich Chinese culture. Most people praise of none other than drinking tea with dinner Chinese restaurant. But to pay attention to the best use of a taxi at night

美国主要城市 英文版

美国主要城市 英文版

White House
United States Capitol
Байду номын сангаас
New York City 纽约市
• The biggest city and port in the USA, even in the world. • Uesd to be called:New Amsterdam (新阿姆斯特 丹) • Financial ,industrial and transportation centers: Well Street the Headquarters of the United Nation • Nicknames: The Big Apple,The Capital of the World, The Empire City • London,Tokyo,世界三大国际都会
Walt Disney
San Francisco 旧金山
• The important port city in the east of America,financial,trade,and cultural center. • Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥 Bay Bridge 海湾大桥, Chinatown Transamerica Pyramid 泛美金字塔 Silicon Valley 硅谷
Chicago 芝加哥
• The third big city,in Illinois State(伊利诺伊州), adjent to the Lake Michigan(密歇根湖) • The Windy City • Financial center:Chicago Stock Exchange (仅次纽约) • Sears Tower ,(西尔斯大厦) the highest skyscraper in the USA • The fastest and latest news Chicago Tribune《芝加哥论坛报》 Chicago Sun-Times《芝加哥太阳时报》 Chicago Daily News《芝加哥每日新闻报》
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Mount Rushmore(拉什莫尔山)
华盛顿 、杰佛逊、 罗斯福 、 林肯四位美国总统
National park
New York
New York City, officially the City of New York, is the most populous city in the United States and the most densely populated major city in North America. The city is at the center of international finance, politics, entertainment, and culture, and is one of the world's major global
Washington—the capital of the USA
Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States of America. "D.C." stands for the "District of Columbia", the federal district containing the city of Washington. The city is named after George Washington, military leader of the American Revolution and the first President of the United States.
Washington also serves as the headquarters for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Organization of American States. All of this has made Washington the frequent focal point of massive political demonstrations and protests, particularly on the National Mall. Washington is also the site of numerous national landmarks, museums, and sports teams, and itourists.
Congress Building
The Washington Monument
为纪念首任总统华盛 顿而建造
The Washington National Cathedral
华盛顿有15个 大型博物馆, 是世界上拥有 博物馆最多而 且收藏展品最 丰富的城市之 一
Empire State Building (帝国大厦)
Time Square(时代广场)
Central Park
Chicago is the third most populous city in the United States. With 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in both the U.S. state of Illinois and the American Midwest. Its metropolitan area, sometimes called Chicagoland, is home to 9.5 million people and is the third-largest in the United States. Chicago is the seat of Cook County and a small part of the city limits (specifically theO'Hare region) extends into DuPage County.
Located in the state of New York, New York City has a population of 8.1 million within an area of 321 square miles (approximately 830 km2). The city proper consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Each of these boroughs, except for Staten Island, is home to at least a million people and would each be among the nation's largest cities if considered independently.
The District of Columbia, founded on July 16, 1790, is a federal district as specified by the United States Constitution. The centers of all three branches of the U.S. federal government are in Washington, D.C., as well as the headquarters of most federal agencies
cities with a virtually unrivaled collection of museums, galleries, performance venues, media outlets, international corporations, and financial markets. It is also home to the global headquarters of the United Nations.