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【参考答案及解析】 1. False 理解推断题。录音中提到“When Henry turned twenty-one,he was legally
allowed to vote, but in Davidson County in l941,blacks could not vote.”, 意思是:当亨利满 21 岁时,从法律上他有权参加选举。但是 1941 年在戴维逊郡, 黑人还是不能参加选举。题干所表述的内容不符合原文意思,根据原文不能推断 出 l941 年在美国黑人没有选举权。 2. False 细节信息题。录音中提到“One night,after he had turned twenty-one,Henry put his father and five other people in his father’s Model A Ford and
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drove to the house of the voting registrar.”,意思是:在他满 21 岁后,一天 晚上,亨利开着父亲的福特 A 型车,载着父亲和其它五个人,驱车来到了选举登 记员的家里。理解 the house of the voting registrar 是本题的解题关键,意思 是“选举登记员的家中”。题干中描述的是亨利驾车到了法院参与选举与此不符。 3. True 理解推断题。录音中提到“The registrar was prepared for this. He said the literacy regulation required that Henry be able to read the Constitution of the United States….Henry picked it up and read it. The registrar looked at Henry and realized he had no choice.”,意思是:登记员对此早就作了准备, 他说读写能力规则要求亨利必须能读懂美国的宪法……亨利拿起就读。登记员看着 亨利,意识到他已别无选择。由此可以推断出登记员本来是决定不把黑人的名字 加入选举名单的,但亨利符合条件,所以他也没有办法。题干使用的时态是过去 完成时,表示过去的打算,因此是正确的。 4. True 虚拟语气题。录音中提到“He said the literacy regulation required that Henry be able to read the Constitution of the United States.”,意思是:他(登记员) 说读写能力规则要求亨利必须能够读懂美国的宪法。本句中是虚拟语气,省略了 情态动词 should,表示应具有的能力,因此题干的表达是正确的。 5. True 理解推断题。录音中多处提到了这样的信息,如“I believe you ought to register these folks. They’re able to read. Not all of your folks coming in here can read.”, 意思是:我认为你应该为这些人注册登记,他们都能够阅读。并不是所 有到这儿来的白人都能够阅读。由此可以推断出,只有有读写能力的人才能取得 选举权,题干的表达是正确的。 6. False 细节信息题。录音中提到“He was the first black to register in the county.”,
〇 True 〇 False
9. Not all the white people coming to register could read. 〇 True 〇 False
10. Hale Waihona Puke Baiduenry finally managed to get all the black people in his county registered. 〇 True 〇 False
第一部分 真题精选
Part I
A. Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, tick the circle of “True” on the answer sheet if you think the statement is true, or tick the circle for “False” if it is false. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, with 1 point each. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this part.
1. The black people did not vote in America in 1941. 〇 True 〇 False
2. When Henry turned twenty-one, he drove to the courthouse to vote. 〇 True 〇 False
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3. The registrar had decided not to enter the black people’s names in the voting book.
〇 True 〇 False
4. In order to register, people had to understand the Constitution of the United States.
7. Henry’s father and five other black people were also registered to vote that night.
〇 True 〇 False
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8. The next day the clerk refused to register the people Henry brought in because they were not able to read.
〇 True 〇 False
5. According to the passage, only literate people could vote. 〇 True 〇 False
6. Henry was the first black person to vote in his county. 〇 True 〇 False