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(1) New Frontier 新边疆
(2) the Civil Rights Movement 民权运动
(3) the Great Society 伟大社会
(4) the Counterculture Movement 反主流文化运动
(5) the New Left Movement 新左派运动
(6) the Anti-War Movement 反战运动
(7) the Strategic Defence Initiative 战略防御措施
(8) the Populist Party人民党
(9) Star Wars星球大战
(10) Monroe Doctrine门罗主义
(11) Truman Doctrine 杜鲁门主义
(12) the Marshall Plan 马歇尔计划
(13) the Missile Crisis 导弹危机
(14) the House Un-American Activities Committee 众议院非美活动调查委员会
(15) W ASP 白人盎格鲁—撒克逊新教徒
(16) indentured servants 契约佣工
(17) the Civil War 美国内战
(18) the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 全国有色人种协进会
(19) model minority 模范少数族裔
(20) Indian Reservations 印第安人保留区
(21) Gold Rush淘金热
(22) Supreme Court最高法院
(23) the Court of Appeals 上诉法院
(24) the District Court地区法庭
(25) judicial review 司法复审
(26) the House of Representatives 众议院
(27) chief justice 首席大法官
(28) associate justice 大法官
(29) the Articles of Confederation 《邦联条例》
(30) winner-take-all 赢者通吃/ (美国总统选举中)胜者获得所有选举人选票
(31) grants-in-aid programs联邦拨款项目
(32) the midterm election中期选举
(33) Watergate Scandal水门事件丑闻
(34) Electoral College选举人团
(35) laissez faire自由放任
(36) post-industrial society后工业社会
(37) Sherman Antitrust Act谢尔曼反托拉斯法
(38) New Deal新政
(39) National Labor Relations Board全国劳工关系委员会
(40) Social Security system 社会保障制度
(41) Food Stamp食物劵
(42) Aid to Families with Dependent Children未成年人家庭援助计划
(43) original jurisdiction 初审管辖权
(44) grand jury 大陪审团
(45) petit jury 小陪审团
(46) the Department of Justice 司法部
(47) the Attorney General 司法部长/ 总检察长
(48) the Solicitor General 司法部副部长/副总检察长
(49) Common Law 习惯法
(50) civil law 民法
(51) criminal law 刑法
(52) the Federal Bureau of Investigation美国联邦调查局
(53) due process of law 正当法律程序
(54) charter school 特许公立学校
(55) school voucher 教育劵
(56) associate degree 准学位
(57) community college 社区大学
(58) the Bilingual Education Act 双语教育法
(59) affirmative action program 积极行动方案
(60) reverse discrimination 反向歧视
(61) compulsory education 义务教育
(62) city upon a hill 山巅之城
(63) the Great Awakening 大觉醒运动
(64) rummage sales 旧杂物义卖
(65) the Grand Canyon 大峡谷
(66) British Commonwealth英联邦
(67) God save the King /Queen 天佑吾王
(68) the Stars and Stripes星条旗
(69) E pluribus unum合众为一
(70) the Good Friday Agreement北爱尔兰和平协议
(71) Magna Carta(英国)大宪章
(72) shadow cabinet影子内阁
(73) the House of Lords 贵族院/ 上议院
(74) Lords Spiritual 神职贵族
(75) Lords Temporal 俗职贵族
(76) the House of Commons下议院
(77) Constitutional Monarchy君主立宪制
(78) the Prime Minister首相
(79) the Department of State国务院
(80) Secretary of Commerce商务部长。
