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阅读理解(20分,每小题2 分)
The third day the little boy was dry whe n he came home.
“You' re a good boy today ” , his mother said happily. water. ”
You didn ' t
“ No, ” the boy said unhappily. “ There were too many older boys in the wate
whe n I got there this after noon. There was n 空地t方(r)yonoioiei (at all! ”
( )1.Br uno went to school every day.
A. by bike
B. by bus
C. by car
D. on foot
( )2.The playground was between在…•之间) 。

A. two classrooms
B. the cinema and shop
C. Bruno ' s house and schDo l the shop and Bruno ' s school
( )3. The little boy liked to play on the
playgro und
A. whe n it sno wed
B. whe n there was some water there
C. whe n the childre n played football there
D. whe n his father was busy with his work
( )4.Bruno was afraid of the most.
A. his father
B. his mother
C. his teacher
D. the older boys
( )5. That after noon, the boy lothe s were dry because .
A. nobody made room (地方)for him in the water
B. there was no water on the playgro und
C. he took off his clothes before he played there
D. he played in the water carefully
Kong Rong was a famous writer duri ng the Han Dyn ast(汉朝).He was con siderate whe n he was only four.
Kong had five elder brothers and a young brother. One day, their father bought lots of pears. Some of the pears were big and looked good. Some were small and
didn ' t look so good. The boys were happnd began to choose (选择)
some. Kong chose the smallest one. Kong ' s father found this strange and asked,

a bigger one, my son? ” Kong an swered, “ I am youn ger. My elder brothers are ol( and eat more. They should take the bigger on es. ”
Biyou have a young brother. He should take the smallest one!
“ He is younger and needs more nutritio(营养).He should get a bigger one, too.
Kong' s father was very happy that Kong could be so con siderate. He did n of what he himself wan ted. He thought of what others wan ted first.
6. How many kids are there in Kong Rong ' s family?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
7. What does “ con siderate ” mea n?
A. Always thi nking of other people want.
B. On ly thi nking of what on eself wan ts.
C. Always doing bad thi ngs.
D. Never doing wrong things
8. Kong Rong chose the smallest pear because ______ .
A. he couldn ' t eat a big one.
B. He liked small ones.
C. He wan ted his brothers to eat the big on es.
D. He wan ted to make others happy.
9. What was Kong Rong duri ng Han Dyn asty?
A. A writer
B. A pai nter
C. A poet
D. A leader
10. Which of the followi ng is true accord ing to the story?
A. Kong Rong lived in the Tang Dynasty.
B. Kong Rong was the youngest boy in his family.
C. Kong Rong ' s mother died when he was foDr. Kon rong ' s father felt very happy about his con siderate son.
41. Mary is going to the cin ema at seve n on ______________ .
A. Mon day eve ning
B. Wedn esday eve ning
C. Friday eve ning
Sun day eve ning
42. On Wedn esday after noon Mike is going to _________
A. enjoy the con cert
B. see some friends
C. see a doctor
D. have an art class
43. Mary is going to ______________ o n Wedn esday eve ning.
A. have supper with Ann
B. have a basketball party
C. study for an exam
D. watch a basketball match
44. Mike ' s basketball team party starts at __________ on Sun day
A. 7:30 p.m.
B. 8:00 p.m.
C. 8:30 p.m.
D. 9:00 p.m.
45. From Mike ' s and Mary ' s plans we know that they both like ___________ .
A. shopp ing
B. con certs
C. art
D. music
51. If you want to watch a football game, the best programme for you would be
A. TV play
B. Sports
C. Around the world
D. Talk show
52. The programme of _______ will let you know much about western
coun tries.
A. Sisters
B. Around China
C. Around the world
D. On TV next
53」f you want to know somethi ng about tigers, elepha nts and mon keys, the best programme
for you is ________ .
A. Around Chi n
B. An imal world
C. TV play
D. Foreign arts
54. En glish classroom is a programme that ______ .
A. lets you know somethi ng about classroom
B. tells you somethi ng about stude nts
C. lets you know somethi ng about school life
D. teaches you En glish
55. The programme at the end of Channel 2 means _______ on TV n ext week.
A. n ews
B. programmes
C. people
D. places
American people like to say “ Thank you ” when others help them or say someth ing kind to them. People of many coun tries do so, too. It is a very good habit.
You should say Thank you ” vehee
you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thi ng, or your city is
very beautiful. “ Thank you ” is used not only bedweheut fOso between
pare nts and childre n, brothers and sisters.
“ Excuse me ” is ano ther short sentence they use. When you hear some one say so beh ind you, you know that somebody wan ts to walk past you without touch ing you. It ' s not polite to break otherdnen they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “ Excuse me ” first, and the n beg in talki ng. You should also do so whe n you beg in to cough or make any no ise before others.
Let ' s learn to say “ Thank you ” and “ Excuse me ”.
56. You should say “ Thank you ” when ___________________ .
A. you say someth ing kind to others
B. you help others
C. some one helps you
D. you n eed others to help you
57. From the passage we know “ Thank you ” is _________ .
A. widely used in the world
B. used more often than “ Excuse me ”
C. used only by America n
D. used only betwee n frie nds
58. You should say “ Excuse me ” if you want to _____________ .
A. cough
B. make some noise
C. go first
D. all of the above
59. Whe n you are going to ask some one to tell you the way, you should say
a »
A. Thank you
B. That ' s very kind of Co Excuse me D. I ' m sorry
60. This passage mai nly tells us the way _______ .
A. to be happy
B. to be polite
C. to help others
D. to learn from America ns
There was a pilot and three people in a small pla ne. Sudde nly there was someth ing wrong with the pla ne whe n it was flyi ng in the air. The smoke was everywhere in the pla ne. The pilot told the people there were only three parachutes(降落伞).They all became worried and started to make excuses.
“I must go and mend the machine. ” said the pilot, taking one of the parachutes There was nothing he could do so he just jumped out.
The n ext pers on said, “I must have a parachute. I am a very clever pers on, and I
have to take part in an importa nt sports game. I know I am going to win the game because I am going to be the cleverest pers on there. ” He picked up a pack a
jumped out.
Two men were left(留了下来),an old bus in essma n and a young moun tai n climber. By this time the pla ne was going dow n fast. The bus in essma n said, “ Young man, I am old but you ' re still young. You take the last parachute. ” th moun tai n climber smiled, “ Don' t worry, “ he said, “ we can both jump to s; because there are still two parachutes. Just now the clever pers on jumped out with my backpack ”
1. All the people became worried because ______ .
A. they couldn ' t find the parachutes
B. they were afraid the pla ne would be broke n and knew there were not eno ugh parachutes for each pers on.
C. There was too much smoke and they couldn ' t jumfecpa rfeom th
D. They saw the pilot jump out first
2. The clever man jumped out with ______ .
A. one parachute
B. nothing
C. the climber ' s pack two parachutes
3. All the people thought of themselves except(除了以夕卜) _____ .
A. the pilot
B. the clever man
C. the doctor
D. the bus in essma n
4. From this story, we know _______ w ould die.
A. the clever man
B. the bus in essma n
C. the pilot
D. a young mou ntai n climber
5. _______ w as a kind hearted man.
A. The pilot
B. The moun ta in climber
C. The bus in essma n
D. a young mou ntai n climber
On ce(一旦)you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?
“ Follow Your Heart ” by Australia n writer An drew Mathews tells us that making our dreams real is life ' s biggest challenge.
You must also n ever give up your dream.
“ Follow Your Heart ” is ___________ .
A. The first thi ng you must do to make your dream real
B. The most importa nt dream to have for tee nagers
C. The n ame of a famous Australia n writer
D. The n ame of a book by An drew Matthews
If you want to make your dream real ,you should _________ .
A. remember what your dream is first
B. keep telli ng yourself what you want
C. n ever be afraid of the big difficulties
D. try to start with all the things above
From the text, we know the word “ challe nge ” means __________ .
A. Always remember what your dream is.
B. Do what you should do step by step.
C. Watch TV to get better exam results.
D. Read more books, learn more skills and find new in terests.
10. What is the best title of the text?
A. Keep your dream in your mind.
B. How to find your real dream.
C. Make your dream real.
D. Teen agers have many dreams.
All around the world, people drink tea. But tea doesn ' t mean the same every one. In differe nt coun tries people have differe nt ideas about drinking tea.
People in like to drink tea with no thi ng in it, and they ofte n have it with their friends or by themselves. They have two kinds of tea---gree n tea and black tea. They may drink tea at any time of the day any where. But they don ' t ofte n drink tea just before they go to bed, for tea makes them awake.
In , people like to drink tea with milk and sugar in it, and they ofte n have it in the after noon with their frien ds.
In , people also like drinking tea very much. It is very popular there. They drink tea every day. They have it in a way differe nt from that in . Some young Japa nese girls are good at making tea. They can do it beautifully.
In the , people drink tea at breakfast or after meals. They usually use tea bags to make their tea. Making tea with tea bags is faster and easier tha n making it with tea leaves in teapots.
36. People like to drink tea with milk and sugar in it.
A. in
B. in
C. in the
D. in
37. Why don ' t people often krtea before they go to bed in ? Because
A. they are full
B. they may not sleep well
C. there is no thi ng in the tea
D. there is some milk and sugar in it.
38. In which country do people usually make tea bags?
A. In .
B. In .
C. In .
D. In the .
39. Chin ese people like to dri nk
A. tea without anything in it
B. tea with milk and sugar
D. tea with gree n and black leaves 41. Which is the most importa nt festival in ?
A. Mid-autumn Festival
B. Spring Festival
C. Children
' s Day D. May
42. The Chin ese usually have their Spring Festival in A. January or February B. February or March C. September or October D. December or January
43. What ' s the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in ?
A. Pork
B. Fish
C. Dumpli ngs
D. Noodles
44. The food “ dumplings ” mean “ ”.
45. When they are hav ing dinner on the festival eve, the Chin ese
A. sing, dance and play cards
B. buy each other prese nts
C. n ever drinks
D. give each other the best wishes C. tea with tea bags in it
40. What does
black tea ” mea n in Chin e ses A.浓茶
C.红茶 (9)
(10 )
Last year I went to . Everythi ng there was beautiful, but it is too cold this time of year. I thi nk this is not a good time to go to the mountains. But I really want to go to some place. Perhaps this would be very nice to go to the . It
fiftee n miles and it will take me half an hour to go there by bus. After thi nking it over, I ' m sure that this is the better time for the than the mountains. I guess I ' m going to the next week.
46. I have worked here for _________ .
A. two years
B. one year
C. half a year
D. a year and a half
47. I ' m working ____________ now.
A. in the
B. in the east of Shaanxi
C. in the Museum
D. in
48」went to the _____________ last year.
A. i n summer
B. i n spri ng
C. i n wi nter
D. i n autu mn
49」thi nk going to the is better tha n ____________________ .
A. stay ing at home
B. work ing in China
C. thi nking it over
hik ing to the mountains
50. Going to the will cost me ____________ .
A. a little money
B. much money
C. a little time
D. many things
It was a Saturday morning in May. When Mrs. Green ope ned her curta ins窗帘) and looked out, she said, “It's going to be a beautiful day. ” She saic
up, Tom. We are going to the zoo today. Wash your hands and face. We are going to by train, ” Tom was six years old. He was very happy now, because he liked going to
the zoo very much. He also liked going by tra in. He said, “I dreamed abo
last night, Mum. ”“ And what did you do in the zoo in your dream? (笑) ”
and an swered, “ You know, Mum! You were there in my dream, too. ”
( )56」t was a Saturday morni ng ____ .
C.in May
D.in March
( )57.They were going to _________ .
A. the zoo
B. the park
C. the street
D.the school
( )58.They were going to _________ .
A.be bike
B.by bus
C. by train
D. by air
( )59.Tom was _____ .
C.seve n
( )60.Tom was very happy _____ he liked going to the zoo very much.
C.whe n
Once there was an old farmer. He had a horse and the horse was almost as old as himself. One morning he set out出发)with his young son to sell the horse before it died.
The father and the son walked because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired. They met two men on the road. They said, You have a horse. It's
a long way to get to the market.
was true, so he rode on the horse while his son walked.
The n they met two old ladies. “ W/ldatngejpcthere, farmer? Can't you
see how tired your son is? ” So the farmer got down, and let his son ride on it. Twen
minu tes later, three old men stopped them. One said, Why are you walk ing
Get up, It's too hot for an old man like you to walk today. beh ind his son and they went on ridi ng. ” So the farmer got up
Why are you walk ing,
” The farmer knew
Some time later, a young woma n passed them. “ Why aren't you walk ing? asked, “It isn't far to the market. Give your poor old horse a rest.
his son got dow n once aga in .It is a fact that you cannot please(使…高兴) all the people all the time.
( )61.The farmer was ___ .
A.n early the same age as his horse
B.almost always older tha n his horse
C.not quite as old as his horse
D.a little older tha n his horse
( )62.The two men on the road ___ .
A.asked how far it was to the market
B.said they thought the horse looked
very tired
C.asked why the farmer was not ridi ng on his horse
D.told the farmer's son to get off the horse and walk
( )63.The two old ladies said it was wrong for ___ .
A.the farmer to ride such a tired horse
B.the farmer to ride while (而) his young son walked
C.the boy to ride in stead of (代替) his father
D.o nly one pers on to ride
such a long way
( )64.The farmer got up behi nd his son because ___ .
A.the old man said it was too hot for him to walk
B.the three old men stopped them on the road
C.he did hot know why he was walk ing
D.his son could not ride the horse by himself
( )65.What did the writer really want to tell us? _______ .
A.The old man was a fool
B.The horse was old and was going to die
C」t is not right to liste n to others
D.lt is impossible for a man to make every one satisfied (满意) all the time.
A.Once a week
B.Three times a week.
C.Once a day
D.Every day
( )68.Who likes to surf the In ternet? ______
A.She's an En glish girl.
B.She's 's friend.
C.She's Han Mei's frie nd
D.She's Lin Tao's classmate.
( )71」f you want to watch a football game, the best programme for you would be ________ .
C.Arou nd the World
D.Talk Show
( )72.The programme of ________ will let you know much about western (西方的) coun tries.
B.Arou nd Chi na
C.Aro und the World
D. On TV Next Week
( )73」f you want to know someth ing about tigers, elepha nts and mon keys, the best programme for you is _______ .
A.Aro und Chi na
B.A nimal World
D.Foreig n Arts
( )74.E nglish classroom is a programme that ________ .
A.lets you know somethi ng about classrooms
B.tells you somethi ng about stude nts
C.lets you know someth ing about school life
D.teaches you En glish
( )75.The programme at the end of Channel 2 means ________ on TV n ext
1、1-5 DCBDA
2、6 -10 CACAD.
3、41-45 ABCBC
4、( 4
8、36-40 ABDAC
9、41-45 BACCD
0、46-50 ABCDB
2、56-60 CACBD
3、61-65 ACBAD
4、66-70 BBCAC
