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第35卷第12期继电器Vol.35 No.12 2007年6月16日 RELAY June 16, 2007
盛鹍1,2,孔力1,齐智平1,裴 玮1,2, 吴汉3, 息鹏4
(1.中国科学院电工研究所,北京 100080; 2.中国科学院研究生院,北京 100080; 3.江西省赣东北供电公司,江西 乐平 333300; 4.国家审计署驻长沙特派员办事处, 湖南 长沙 410001)
A survey on research of microgrid –a new power system
SHENG Kun1,2,KONG Li1,QI Zhi-ping1, PEI Wei1,2 , WU Han3, XI Peng4(1.Institute of Electrical Engineering( Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing 100080,China; 2.Graduate school of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080,China; 3.Gandongbei Power Supply Company,Leping 33300,China;
4.National Audit office of People’s Republic of China, Changsha 410001,China)
Abstract: Microgrid is one type of future power systems put forward by foreign researchers, which has a special superiority on not only improving power quality and reliability but also relieving pressure of energy and environment. First, this paper introduces the background and definition of microgrid.Second, different countries’ achievements are compared, and basic running mode is represented for a typical microgrid. After energy resource and storing energy being classified, a frequency-droop character is described. Obviously different from classic transmission and distribution system, microgrid has its own feature. And power adjustment formulation has been amended. System optimization and stability is one of key research in microgrid, therefore series of goal is offered preliminarily. In the end, based on achievement by IEE in new energy, emphasis is put forward for future research in microgrid.
This project is supported by National High Technology Research and Development of China(863 Programme) (No. 2006AA05Z246).
Key words: micorgrid; distributed generation; microsource; storing energy;transmission and distribution system; power adjustment;system optimization and stability
中图分类号: TM619 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1003-4897(2007)12-0075-07
0 引言
鉴于上述问题,发达国家如德国、日本、美国甚至包括一些发展中国家开始研究并应用多种一次能源形式结合(液体燃料有煤油、汽油、柴油等,气体燃料有天然气、石油气、煤气、沼气、一切可燃废气等;动力源更是多样化,如水能、风能、太阳能等)、高效、经济的新型电力技术——分布式发电技术DG (Distributed Generation) [2~5],即通过在配电网建立单独的发电单元对重要负荷进行供电,与此同时,通过PCU(power-conditioning unit)和外界电网进行能量交换;由其特点,也形象地被称作分散式发电(Dispersed Generation)或嵌入式发电(Embedded Generation)。随之出现了分布式储能技