Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Modes 中英思维模式的不同

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• S4a.He had sacrificed with less visibility in the policy decision. • S4b.在决策过程中,他已经不那么抛头露面 了。 • The concept of “visibility” in S4a is replaced by the image expression of “抛头露面” in S4b in which “头”(head) and “面”(face) are used to show his presence or visibility in the occasions.
• (The Chinese sentences clearly demonstrate the difficulty in understanding Chinese without necessary generalization. S6c, S7c and S8c are literal translation of the Chinese, as most Chinese learners of English more often than not would do. Such translations reveal that the Chinese learners tend to generalize the English expressions without sufficient attention to the analytical nature of the target language. • Similar instance just abound in both English and Chinese literature at various levels ranging from diction(措辞), semantic connotation(语义内涵), denotation(字面意思), syntactic structures to contextual preferences. It’s absolute unnecessary and impossible to list them one by one here.)
3.Subject-oriented Thinking VS Object-targeted Thinking
The Chinese habitually (习惯地)take the person or subject as the object in their intent thought while the Westerners tend to take the nature as the object for their cognitive thought.
Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Modes
1.Visual Thinking VS Rational Thinking
The Chinese is perceptual(感知的) in their comprehensive thought, but the English and other Western nations lay have developed their own rational and analytic thinkingcimen of S1a, S2a and S3a, , the subjects are not any person or object but rather some state or concepts although the sentences are more person-oriented. Yet in the Chinese version, the persons concerned are used as the subjects to directly reveal the speaker’s concern. • Even when the Chinese means to express some attitude or impression, they may not state it directly but rather use metaphor or indications by means of some specific images. E.g. •
S2a. His weariness and increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. • S2b. 他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越炎热,于是 他下定决心一碰到舒适的阴凉处就坐下休息。 • S3a. Shortness of time has required the omission of some countries. • S3b. 由于时间不够,他取消了对某些国家的 访问。
2.Generalizing Thinking VS Analytical Thinking概括思维和分析思维
• S6a: 尽管她很年轻,但她懂的东西比你多。 • S6b: Young as she is, she knows more than you. • S6c: Though she is young, she knows more than you know. • S7a: 她气的连话都说不出来。 • S7b: So angry was she that she couldn’t speak. • S7c: She was so angry that she couldn’t speak. • S8a: 只有这样才能解决问题。 • S8b: Only in this way can you solve the problem. • S8c: The problem can only be solved this way.