中式英语 chinglish
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EXAMPLE: 4.在将来的30到50年间,我们在经济上将达到经济发 达国家的水平。 A: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the economically developed countries B: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the developed countries (通常情况下,“发达国家”已经意味着是经济上发达 的国家,因此,没有必要再加上修饰语。)
Leabharlann Baidu写作中中式英语的特点:
2.同样意思的词汇,表述两次 Saying the same thing twice EXAMPLE: 暂时性 temporary in nature 新发明 new invetion 互相合作 mutual cooperation “如果我们不成功,就有失败的危险。” “If we don’t succeed,we run the risk of failure.”
重复的效果(Effect of repetition): 如果所有的都按照字面直译到英语中,效果会被淡化。 太 多的强调反而会失去了强调的效果。 “淡化效果”(deadening effect): 这一问题经常出现在政治文件的英语版本中。所有的任务 都是“艰巨的”(“arduous”),所有任务都是“强制” (“imperative”)执行的,不断地催促我们执行任务要“认真 地”(“conscientiously”),努力地(“diligently”),“坚决 地”(“resolutely”),积极地(“energetically”, “vigorously”),“坚定不移地”(“unswervingly”), “坚持不懈地”(“persistently”),以及“不懈地” (“unremittingly”)。
1.缀余 Unnecessary Words EXAMPLE: 1.他的名字叫约翰。 A: His name is called John. B: His name is John 2.加快经济改革的步伐 A: to accelerate the pace of economic reform B: to accelerate economic reform
在写作中,适量地用一些这类形容词是可以的,但是如 果太多的话,这类的形容词和副词每重复一次,它所产生的 效果就减弱一些。最后,就会变得毫无意义,让人觉得是在 显摆自己的词汇。 We must arrive at the station on time and be punctual. 这种句型是我们相当熟悉的,on time 和 punctual,表达的 是完全相同的意思。这样说出来的就有点显摆了。
8.语序不当Improper Word Order
EXAMPLE: A: It’s estimated that our army will reach 5,500,000 next year. B: It’s estimated that next year our army will reach 5,500,000. 第一种说法当然不能算是病句,但是把一个数字放在一个句子 中间显然不如放在最后读的舒服一些
3.不同的习惯Different habitual usage 东北—northeast 迟早--- sooner or later 中式英语Welcome to use ATM service 正确:Thanks for using this ATM 中式英语Welcome to ride Line 52 Bus 正确: Thank you for riding Bus Line 52.
Chinglish (中式英语)
控制理论与控制工程 贾路明
Chinglish,即"中式英语",也叫“中国 式英语”。中式英语指带有中文词汇、语法、 表达习惯的英语,是一种具有中国特色的语 言。“中式英语”这个词语在英语里面被称 为“Chinglish”,意思是汉语及英语组合而成 的语言。
EXAMPLE: 5.许多跨国公司已经在中国开始了各种商业活动。 A: Hundreds of transnational firms have started various businesses in China B: Hundreds of transnational firms have started businesses in China various这个词是中式英语的又一典型多余修饰语。 类 似的名词词组(“a series of” “all sorts of”, and “ various kinds of”) 在翻译中通常不必译出。在汉语 中需要它们来表明复数,然而在英语中,只需以名词的 复数形式出现。
1.文化差异Cultural difference 自由恋爱 free love free choice of marriage partner 2.不同的思维方式Different thought pattern The Chinese Team won the American Teem. 中国队战胜了美国队 The Chinese team beat the American Team. 中国队打败了美国队.
EXAMPLE: 3.那时东北的形势仍然是敌强我弱。 A: at that time the situation in northeast China was still one where the enemy was stronger than the people’s forces B: at that time the enemy was still stronger than the people’s forces in northeast China 〔 “situation” 这是一个高危的词汇,基本上是一用就错 的。 这个词在这里不仅是一点用处都没有,而且导致了 后面必须用one where来补缺,而这个one where本身 又是一个缀余
3.不必要的范畴词 EXAMPLE:
1.促进和平统一事业 A: promoting the cause of peaceful reunification B: promoting peaceful reunification 2.中国经济现在还处在落后状态。 A: China’s economy is still in a state of backwardness. B: China’s economy is still backward.
1.Four Happy Meatballs 被用为:四喜丸子 2.Undingable 顶不住了 3.Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放 4.Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse"s son can make hole! 龙生龙,凤生凤, 老鼠的儿子会打洞
9.滥用拟人手法 我们的事业从胜利走向胜利. A:Our cause has won victories one after another. B:We have won one victory after another for our cause. 第一种说法,cause是不会自己won的 宗教不得干预政治. A:Religion must not interfere with politics. B:It’s impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion. 类似的,religion也不会主动去干预politics,这些都是人为的。
EXAMPLE: 6.今年从外国进口的汽车急剧地下降。 A: imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year B: imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year 在这里foreign是个缀余,因为import的车不可能是 domestic的
6.语法错误Syntactic Error EXAMPLE: 请再给我两小时。 A:Please allow me more two hours. B:Please give me another two hours. 和他结婚以后,她的麻烦就开始了。 A:After marrying him, her trouble began. B:After marrying him, she began to have troubles.
4.错误的搭配 (Wrong Collocation) EXAMPLE: 参加考试 A:take part in an examination B:take/sit for an exam 拥挤的交通 A:crowded traffic B:busy/heavy traffic 他们的思想还年轻 A:Their brain is still very young. B:They are still very immature
7.语义不明Ambiguous Reference
A: The doctor handed the child to the father with a smile on his face.(ambiguous) B: With a smile on his face, the doctor handed the child to the father.( clear)
大量阅读,经常练笔,培养语感,不断提高英 汉语的熟巧。同时注意文化背景知识和词汇积 累。
5.修辞不当 EXAMPLE: A: With the reform and opening to the outside world, TV advertising is developing rapidly like bamboo shoots after spring rain. 事实是外国人比较钟情蘑菇而不是竹子 spring up like mushrooms B:With the reform and opening to the outside world, TV advertising is developing rapidly like mushrooms after spring rain.