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• 2004全国研究生数学建模竞 赛是在全国范围内举行、面 向研究生的赛事活动。 东 南大学 • 2012华为杯”全国研究生数 学建模竞赛,包括全国32个 省、市、区的246所高校、 中科院的2507队研究生参赛, 博士生380名。 • 2013年华为杯 ,共有来自 全国30个省、市、区的332 所高校和全国各研究院所在 内的3884队研究生,博士生 573人报名参赛。
James Harris Simons
• Chern–Simons theory • Wealth–Simons earned an estimated $2.5 billion in 2008, and with an estimated net worth of $12.5 billion, • he is ranked by Forbes as the 88thrichest person in the world and the 27th-richest person in America. • He was named by the Financial Times in 2006 as "the world's smartest billionaire". • “壁虎式投资法”,指在投资时进行 短线方向性预测,依靠交易很多品种、 在短期做出大量的交易来获利。用西 蒙斯的话说,交易“要像壁虎一样, 平时趴在墙上一动不动,蚊子一旦出 现就迅速将其吃掉,然后恢复平静, 等待下一个机会。
• 斯梅尔(Smale)天才创意: 三维庞加莱猜想难以解决, 高维问题会不会容易?1960 年到1961年,在里约热内卢 的海滨,斯梅尔完成了庞加 莱猜想的五维空间和五维以 上的证明。 • 斯梅尔获得1966菲尔茨奖 • 1983,福里德曼四维情形 • 佩雷尔曼成绩: • 2006年菲尔茨奖、2010千禧 年大奖 • 丘成桐 ,朱熹平
• 全国大学生数学建模竞赛创办于 1992年79所院校的314队参加 ,每 年一届,目前已成为全国高校规模 最大的基础性学科竞赛,也是世界 上规模最大的数学建模竞赛。叶其 孝教授
• 2013年,来自全国33个省/市/自治 区(包括香港和澳门特区)及新加坡、 印度和马来西亚的1326所院校、 23339个队(其中本科组19892队、 专科组3447队)、70000多名大学 生报名参加本项竞赛。
2012 Problem: American Elk
• Prior to the arrival of European colonization on the North American continent, the ecological biodiversity was much richer than we currently know in the 21st Century. Prior to the colonization animals such as the American Bison (Bison bison), Eastern Elk (Cervus canadensis canadiensis), Eastern Cougar (Puma concolor couguar), and Wolf (Canis lupus) were commonly seen across the North American continent. However, with the colonization from the old world came old world prejudices and practices. Within two hundred and fifty years all of these species were eradicated from the Eastern United States or extinct. Over the course of the last century an effort has been made to halt the loss of the North American fauna with the creation of national parks and animal preservation habitats, and in the last half of 20th century work was being done to reintroduce that fauna back to its natural habitat. This process has been used with several different species; however, no species has been given as much attention in the Eastern United States as that of the American Elk.
Stephen Smale的18个问题
The Mathematical Intelligencer,Vol.20,No.2,1998,7-13
1.Riemann假设 2.Poincare猜想 3.P=NP? 4.多项式的整数零点 5.丢番图曲线高度的界 6.天体力学中相对平衡态数目的有限性 7.2维球面上点的分布 8.把动力学引进经济理论中 9.线性规划问题 10.封闭引理 11.一维动力学是否通常是双曲的? 12.微分同胚的中心化子 13.Hilbert第十六问题 14.Lorenz吸引子 15.Navier-Stokes方程 16.Jocobi猜想 17.解多项式方程组 18.智能的极限
华南理工大学数学学院 刘深泉教授
• 1900年,希尔伯特在巴黎的国际数学家大 会上作了题为《数学问题》的演讲,提出 了23个最重要的数学问题. • 2000年,克雷数学研究所的悬赏百万美元 的七个“千年大奖问题”问题: • NP完全问题、霍奇猜想、庞加莱猜想、黎 曼假设、杨振宁-米尔斯理论、纳维-斯 托克斯方程、BSD猜想。
• 杨振宁:我帮助人们打消了中国人不如别人的顽固观念 • 詹姆斯·西蒙斯:世界级数学家,伟大的对冲基金经理 • 红木家具:非洲小叶紫檀和檀香紫檀

2012 年诺奖得主数学家劳埃德 • 沙普利
瑞典皇家科学院宣布,2012年诺贝尔经济学奖授予哈佛大学商学院教授罗斯(Elvin E. Roth)和 加州大学洛杉矶分校教授沙普利(Lloyd S.Shapley)。沙普利教授本科在哈佛数学系就读,研究 生就读于普林斯顿大学数学系。他获奖后告诉记者:“我自认为是个数学家,我一辈子没上过经济 课。”(I consider myself a mathematicion…I never, never in my life took a course in economics.)
• 1978-1982年:李源朝复旦大学数学系数学学习 • 1980-1984年:史玉柱浙江大学数学系本科毕业 • 比特币-中本聪 京都大学数学教授望月新一
• 比特币资讯网站The Coinsman的记者来到 了中国的东北考察的比特币挖掘.
1 如何计算圆的面积 2 富士康跳楼模型

Prior to the reintroduction of Elk back into Eastern United States the only attempt at having these animals in their natural Eastern habitat was done by the owners of private exotic hunting preserves. However, in the latter half of the 20th century serious studies were conducted on the impact of a reintroduction program. The problems listed for this reintroduction program were as follows: • What states to reintroduce the elk • What would be the impact on agriculture • Would the Elk adapt to the more densely populated Eastern U.S. However, the most pressing question was the elk species themselves. The Elk native to the Eastern U.S. (Cervus canadensis canadiensis) was hunted to extinction sometime in the early 1800s. The Eastern Elk, while similar to the Manitoba Elk (Cervus canadensis manitobensis), are not the same. The Manitoba Elk were smaller in size than the Eastern subspecies and were adapted to living in the Western U.S and Canadian prairie. These adaptations included disease tolerances, foods, and environmental differences. How would these adaptations affect an introduction of Manitoba Elk into the East and more specifically in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park (GSMNP)? Build a mathematical model to determine whether the elk survive or die out. Regardless, come out up with a plan to improve the growth of the elk over time. In addition to your one page summary sheet and complete project report prepare a one page letter describing your results to the Commissioner of the Department of Wildlife. The following are the reported numbers over the course of the study:
• 又称规范场理论,是研究自然界四 种相互作用(电磁、弱、强、引力) 的基本理论源自文库是由物理学家杨振宁 和R.L.米尔斯在1954年首先提出来 的。它起源于对电磁相互作用的分 析,利用它所建立的弱相互作用和 电磁相互作用的统一理论,已经为 实验所证实,特别是这理论所预言 的传播弱相互作用的中间玻色子, 已经在实验中发现。杨-米尔斯理 论又为研究强子(参与强相互作用 的基本粒子)的结构提供了有力的 工具。
• • • • • • • • • • • 科学计算 嵌入式系统 控制系统 数字信号处理 通信系统 图像和视频处理 FPGA 设计 机电 测试和测量 计算生物学 计算金融学
数据采集 数据分析 数学建模 算法开发 并行计算
Monte Carlo 仿真 时序分析 投资组合优化和分析 能源交易 资产负债建模
• Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM). • Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM). • High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM)