关键词历史性权利 航行自由 海禁 战后国际秩序 《联合国海洋法公约》【编者按】:由于本文篇幅较长,将分为“上”、“下”两部分刊出。
为了方便读者阅读,特将全文章节目次列述如下:================================================================= * 傅崐成,海南大学法学院教授,《中华海洋法学评论》创刊主编,“千人计划”国家特聘专家。
©THE AUTHOR AND CHINA OCEANS LAW REVIEW一、仲裁庭对于中国南海历史性权利主张的曲解(一)对于中国主张历史性权利的时机与严肃性的刻意曲解(二)对于中国使用外国名称命名部分南海岛礁的曲解1.南海诸岛中文名称与中国历史的充分联系2.南海诸岛中文命名的多样化及其与外文译名的不统一3.中国政府对南海诸岛命名的统一管理(三)对于中国尊重自由航行的曲解(四)对于中国实施休渔、干涉菲律宾开采天然气以及中海油在U形断续线内划定油区的曲解二、仲裁庭对于中国南海历史性权利来源的错误解读(一)对于南海地理与历史特殊条件的不当忽视(二)对于中国在南海地区历史性权利实践相关史料的无视1.中国先发现、先利用南海岛礁与水域2.中国在南海地区的各种国家主权活动3. 20世纪中国对南海岛礁及其附近水域的主权管控(三)对于中国“海禁”的错误解读(四)对于战后秩序重建历史的严重扭曲三、仲裁庭对于中国南海历史性权利的草率论证(一)仲裁庭将中国外交部针对仲裁庭“关于管辖权与可受理性裁决”所作的声明当作中国主张南海权利的“最深刻的说明”,严重违背《公约》法定义务(二)仲裁庭明知其裁决证据不足却隐匿事实,妄图将中国在南海的权利限定为捕鱼权(三)仲裁庭企图用《公约》的保留条款来误导读者,错误认定中国的权利主张会超越《公约》(四)仲裁庭扭曲相关例证,一再蓄意丑化中国(五)仲裁庭明知历史性权利的弹性,却借口无权管辖而故意放弃有利证据——在裁决中12次援引《公约》第56条,却刻意规避该条第2款的内容,无端认定中国的权利主张超越《公约》四、仲裁庭荒谬的“蚊子逻辑”及其对国际法治严重的破坏=================================================================2016年7月12日,菲律宾单方面组成的南海仲裁案仲裁庭公布了所谓“最终裁决”。
南海仲裁案 裁决全文
![南海仲裁案 裁决全文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aa4d477e011ca300a6c39093.png)
南海仲裁案裁决全文(中文版)南海仲裁案(菲律宾共和国v. 中华人民共和国)海牙,2016年7月12日仲裁庭发布裁决︰今日,根据《联合国海洋法公约》(“《公约》”)附件七组成的仲裁庭就菲律宾共和国对中华人民共和国提起的仲裁案作出了一致裁决。
1.《联合国海洋法公约》附件七的仲裁庭对涉及领土主权争端的“混合争议”管辖权问题研究——法律分析及对中菲南海仲裁案的影响 [J], 宋可
2.菲律宾所提南海仲裁案管辖权问题的中国立场评析 [J], 戴轶
3.中国话语的法律表达——基于《关于菲律宾共和国所提南海仲裁案管辖权问题的立场文件》的思考 [J], 何志鹏
4.中华人民共和国政府关于菲律宾共和国所提南海仲裁案管辖权问题的立场文件[J], ;
5.论南海仲裁案裁决在管辖权及可受理性问题上的事实与法律谬误 [J], 高圣惕因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
南海仲裁案菲律宾控告中国案(英语:Philippines v. China),或菲律宾诉中国仲裁案,全称为“菲律宾共和国和中华人民共和国之间的仲裁案”(Arbitration between the Republic of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China)。
2015年4期 南 洋 资 料 译 丛 No.4 2015 (总第200期) SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES General No.200中菲南海仲裁案管辖权与仲裁条件研究[韩]金元熙*摘 要:2013年1月菲律宾将与中国的南海争端问题提交国际仲裁,国际社会对此非常关注。
①有关南海争端的起源和现状问题参考以下文献:Z. Keyuan, “The Chinese traditional maritime boundary line in the South China Sea and its legal consequences for the resolution of the dispute over the Spratly Islands”, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, V ol. 14, No. I (1999), pp. 27-55; Mark J. Valencia et als., Sharing the resources of the South China Sea, University of Hawaii Press, 1999; Z. Keyuan, “South China Sea Studies in China: Achievements, Constraints and Prospects”, Singapore Yearbook of International Law, V ol. 11 (2007), pp. 85-98;장학봉 외, 남중국해 해양영토 분쟁과 대웅전략 연구, 한국해 양수산개 발원(2010); Aileen S. P. Baviera and Jay Batongbacal, The West Philippine Sea: The Territorial and Maritime Jurisdiction Disputes from a Filipino Perspective (A Primer), The Asian Center and Institute for Maritime Affairs and Law of the Sea, University of the Philippines, 2013; Z. G. Gao and B. B. Jia, “The Nine-Dash Line in the South China Sea: History, Status, and Implications”, American Journal of International Law, V ol. 107 (2013), pp. 98-124; R. Beckman, “The UN Convention on The Law of the Sea and the Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea”, American Journal of International Law, V ol. 107 (2013), pp. 142-163.索解决争端的方案。
the south china sea arbitration award
![the south china sea arbitration award](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/49dda7c5fbb069dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd143a2.png)
the south china sea arbitration award(原创实用版)目录1.南海仲裁案背景2.仲裁结果及其影响3.我国的立场与反应4.南海仲裁案的启示正文南海仲裁案,是指 2013 年菲律宾单方面将中菲南海争议提交至联合国海洋法公约(UNCLOS)仲裁委员会,并于 2016 年 7 月 12 日作出的仲裁结果。
一、南海仲裁案背景南海仲裁案始于 2013 年 1 月,菲律宾政府单方面向联合国海洋法公约仲裁委员会提出仲裁请求,意图通过国际法律途径解决中菲在南海的领土和海洋权益争议。
二、仲裁结果及其影响2016 年 7 月 12 日,仲裁庭作出最终裁决,认定南海诸岛的部分地物无法产生专属经济区和大陆架,否定了我国在南海的“九段线”主张。
菲律宾闹剧:南海仲裁案裁决全文(英文版)发表于2016年7月13日作者danke在上周7月5日的文章里,我们就分享了有关菲律宾南海闹剧的一些新闻热词,包括所谓仲裁庭的名称和仲裁相关的一些词汇,感兴趣的可以移步至:南海仲裁案英语热词| The South China Sea arbitration今天是7月12日,是菲律宾南海闹剧案,也就是南海仲裁案的裁决的日子,一下子朋友圈都火爆了关于中国一个点都不能少的图片,足以显现我们高昂的士气、不屈的意志和捍卫主权的誓死精神。
另外一方面,真是觉得帝国主义忘我之心不死啊,你们几个小子闹着玩,还费那么大劲搞个500来页的判决材料来,吓唬谁啊?此处是下载链接: /s/1gfi9Z7l 密码: 794i补充:为了方便大家阅读,我从整个裁决文件里面,把裁决的正文找出来了,贴在下面。
国际常设仲裁庭南中国海案裁决英文全文THE SOUTH CHINA SEA ARBITRATION (THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES V. THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA)The Hague, 12 July 2016The Tribunal Renders Its AwardA unanimous Award has been issued today by the Tribunal constituted under Annex VII to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (the “Convention”) in the arbitration instituted by the Republic of the Philippines against the People’s Republic of China.This arbitration concerned the role of historic rights and the source of maritime entitlements in the South China Sea, the status of certain maritime features and the maritime entitlements they are capable of generating, and the lawfulness of certain actions by China that were alleged by the Philippines to violate the Convention. In light of limitations on compulsory dispute settlement under the Convention, the Tribunal has emphasized that it does not rule on any question of sovereignty over land territory and does not delimit any boundary between the Parties.China has repeatedly stated that “it will neither accept nor participate in the arbitration unilaterally initiated by the Philippines.” Annex VII, however, provides that the “[a]bsence of a party or failure of a pa rty to defend its case shall not constitute a bar to the proceedings.” Annex VII also provides that, in the event that a party does not participate in the proceedings, a tribunal “must satisfy itself not only that it has jurisdiction over the dispute but a lso that the claim is well founded in fact and law.” Accordingly, throughout these proceedings, the Tribunal has taken steps to test the accuracy of the Philippines’ claims, including by requesting further written submissions from the Philippines, by questioning the Philippines both prior to and during two hearings, by appointing independent experts to report to the Tribunal on technical matters, andby obtaining historical evidence concerning features in the South China Sea and providing it to the Parties for comment.China has also made clear—through the publication of a Position Paper in December 2014 and in other official statements—that, in its view, the Tribunal lacks jurisdiction in this matter. Article 288 of the Convention provides that: “In the eve nt of a dispute as to whether a court or tribunal has jurisdiction, the matter shall be settled by decision of that court or tribunal.” Accordingly, the Tribunal convened a hearing on jurisdiction and admissibility in July 2015 and rendered an Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility on 29 October 2015, deciding some issues of jurisdiction and deferring others for further consideration. The Tribunal then convened a hearing on the merits from 24 to 30 November 2015.The Award of today’s date addresses the iss ues of jurisdiction not decided in the Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility and the merits of the Philippines’ claims over which the Tribunal has jurisdiction. The Award is final and binding, as set out in Article 296 of the Convention and Article 11 of Annex VII.Historic Rights and the ‘Nine-Dash Line’: The Tribunal found that it has jurisdiction to consider the Parties’ dispute concerning historic rights and the source of maritime entitlements in the South China Sea. On the merits, the Tribunal concluded that the Convention comprehensively allocates rights to maritime areas and that protections for pre-existing rights to resources were considered, but not adopted in the Convention. Accordingly, the Tribunal concluded that, to the extent China had historic rights to resources in the waters of the South China Sea, such rights were extinguished to the extent they were incompatible with the exclusive economic zones provided for in the Convention. The Tribunal also noted that, althoughChinese navigators and fishermen, as well as those of other States, had historically made use of the islands in the South China Sea, there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or their resources. The Tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the ‘nine-dash line’.Status of Features: The Tribunal next considered entitlements to maritime areas and the status of features. The Tribunal first undertook an evaluation of whether certain reefs claimed by China are above water at high tide. Features that are above water at high tide generate an entitlement to at least a 12 nautical mile territorial sea, whereas features that are submerged at high tide do not. The Tribunal noted that the reefs have been heavily modified by land reclamation and construction, recalled that the Convention classifies features on their natural condition, and relied on historical materials in evaluating the features. The Tribunal then considered whether any of the features claimed by China could generate maritime zones beyond 12 nautical miles. Under the Convention, islands generate an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles and a continental shelf, but “[r]ocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.” The Tribunal concluded that this provision depends upon the objective capacity of a feature, in its natural condition, to sustain either a stable community of people or economic activity that is not dependent on outside resources or purely extractive in nature. The Tribunal noted that the current presence of official personnel on many of the features is dependent on outside support and not reflective of the capacity of the features. The Tribunal found historical evidence to be more relevant and noted that the Spratly Islands were historically used by small groups of fishermen and that severalJapanese fishing and guano mining enterprises were attempted. The Tribunal concluded that such transient use does not constitute inhabitation by a stable community and that all of the historical economic activity had been extractive. Accordingly, the Tribunal concluded that none of the Spratly Islands is capable of generating extended maritime zones. The Tribunal also held that the Spratly Islands cannot generate maritime zones collectively as a unit. Having found that none of the features claimed by China was capable of generating an exclusive economic zone, the Tribunal found that it could—without delimiting a boundary—declare that certain sea areas are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, because those areas are not overlapped by any possible entitlement of China.Lawfulness of Chinese Actions: The Tribunal next considered the lawfulness of Chinese actions in the South China Sea. Having found that certain areas are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, the Tribunal found that China had violated the Philippines’ sove reign rights in its exclusive economic zone by (a) interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, (b) constructing artificial islands and (c) failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone. The Tribunal also held that fishermen from the Philippines (like those from China) had traditional fishing rights at Scarborough Shoal and that China had interfered with these rights in restricting access. The Tribunal further held that Chinese law enforcement vessels had unlawfully created a serious risk of collision when they physically obstructed Philippine vessels.Harm to Marine Environment: The Tribunal considered the effect on the marine environment of China’s recent large-scale land reclamation and construction of artificial islands at seven features in the Spratly Islands and found that China had caused severe harm to the coral reef environment and violated its obligation to preserve and protect fragile ecosystems and the habitat of depleted, threatened, or endangered species. The Tribunal also found that Chinese authorities were aware that Chinese fishermen have harvested endangered sea turtles, coral, and giant clams on a substantial scale in the South China Sea (using methods that inflict severe damage on the coral reef environment) and had not fulfilled their obligations to stop such activities.Aggravation of Dispute: Finally, the Tribunal considered whether China’s actions since the commencement of the arbitration had aggravated the dispute between the Parties. The Tribunal found that it lacked jurisdiction to consider the implications of a stand-off between Philippine marines and Chinese naval and law enforcement vessels at Second Thomas Shoal, holding that this dispute involved military activities and was therefore excluded from compulsory settlement. The Tribunal found, however, that China’s recent large-scale land reclamation and construction of artificial islands was incompatible with the obligations on a State during dispute resolution proceedings, insofar as China has inflicted irreparable harm to the marine environment, built a large artificial island in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, and destroyed evidence of the natural condition of features in the South China Sea that formed part of the Parties’ dispute.An exp anded summary of the Tribunal’s decisions is set out below.The Tribunal was constituted on 21 June 2013 pursuant to the procedure set out in Annex VII of theConvention to decide the dispute presented by the Philippines. The Tribunal is composed of Judge Thomas A.Mensah of Ghana, Judge Jean-Pierre Cot of France, Judge Stanislaw Pawlak of Poland, Professor AlfredH.A. Soons of the Netherlands, and Judge Rüdiger Wolfrum of Germany. Judge Thomas A.Mensah serves as President of the Tribunal. The Permanent Court of Arbitration acts as the Registry in the proceedings.Further information about the case may be found at /web/view/7, including the Award onJurisdiction and Admissibility, the Rules of Procedure, earlier Press Releases, hearing transcripts, and photographs. Procedural Orders, submissions by the Philippines, and reports by the Tribunal’s experts will be made available in due course, as will unofficial Chinese translations of the Tribunal’s Awards.Background to the Permanent Court of ArbitrationThe Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) is an intergovernmental organization established by the1899 Hague Convention on the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. The PCA has 121 MemberStates. Headquartered at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands, the PCA facilitates arbitration, conciliation, fact-finding, and other dispute resolution proceedings among various combinations of States,State entities, intergovernmental organizations, and private parties. The PCA’s International Bureau is currently administering 8 interstate disputes, 73 investor-State arbitrations, and 34 cases arising under contracts involving a State or other public entity. The PCA has administered 12 cases initiated by States under Annex VII to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In July 2013, the Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration appointed the PCA to serve as Registry for the proceedings. The Tribunal’s Rules of Procedure provide that the PCA shall “maintain an archive of the arbitr al proceedings and provide appropriate registry services as directed by the Arbitral Tribunal.” Such services include assisting with the identification and appointment of experts; publishing information about the arbitration and issuing press releases; organizing the hearings at the Peace Palace in The Hague; and the financial management of the case, which involves holding a deposit for expenses in the arbitration, such as to pay arbitrator fees, experts, technical support, court reporters etc. The Registry also serves as the channel of communications amongst the Parties and the Tribunal and observer States.Photograph: Hearing in session, July 2015, Peace Palace, The Hague. Clockwise from top left: Registrar and PCA Senior Legal Counsel Judith Levine; Judge Stanislaw Pawlak; Professor Alfred H.A. Soons; JudgeThomas A. Mensah (Presiding Arbitrator); Judge Jean-Pierre Cot; Judge Rüdiger Wolfrum; PCA SeniorLegal Counsel Garth Schofield; former Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, Mr. Albert F. DelRosario; former Solicitor General Mr. Florin T. Hilbay, Counsel for the Philippines; Mr. Paul S. Reichler;Professor Philippe Sands; Professor Bernard H. Oxman; Professor Alan E. Boyle; Mr. Lawrence H. Martin.SUMMARY OF THE TRIBUNAL’S DECISIONS ON ITS JURISDICTION AND ON THE MERITS OF THE PHILIPPINES’ CLAIMS1. Background to the ArbitrationThe South China Sea Arbitration between the Philippines and China concerned an application bythe Philippines for rulings in respect of four matters concerning the relationship between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea. First, the Philippines sought a ruling on the source of the Parties’ rights and obligations in the South China Sea and the effect of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (“Convention”) on China’s claims to historic rights within its so-called ‘nine-dash line’. Second, the Philippines sought a ruling on whether certain maritime features claimed by both China and the Philippines are properly characterized as islands, rocks, low-tide elevations or submerged banks under the Convention. The status of these features under the Convention determines the maritime zones they are capable of generating. Third, the Philippines sought rulings on whether certain Chinese actions in the South China Sea have violated the Convention, by interfering with the exercise of the Philippines’ sovereign rights and freedoms under the Convention or through construction and fishing activities that have harmed the marine environment. Finally, the Philippines sought a ruling that certain actions taken by China, in particular its large-scale land reclamation and construction of artificial islands in the Spratly Islands since this arbitration was commenced, have unlawfully aggravated and extended the Parties’ dispute.The Chinese Government has adhered to the position of neither accepting nor participating in these arbitral proceedings. It has reiterated this position in diplomatic notes, in the “Position Paper of the Government of the People’s Republic of Chin a on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines” dated 7 December 2014 (“China’s Position Paper”), in letters to members of the Tribunal from the Chinese Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and in many public statements. The Chinese Government has also made clear that these statements and documents “shall by no means be interpreted as China’s participation in the arbitral proceeding in any form.”Two provisions of the Convention address the situation of a party that objects to the jurisdiction of a tribunal and declines to participate in the proceedings:(a) Article 288 of the Convention provides that: “In the event of a dispute as to whether a court or tribunal has jurisdiction, the m atter shall be settled by decision of that court or tribunal.”(b) Article 9 of Annex VII to the Convention provides that:If one of the parties to the dispute does not appear before the arbitral tribunal or fails to defend its case, the other party may request the tribunal to continue the proceedings and to make its award. Absence of a party or failure of a party to defend its case shall not constitute a bar to the proceedings. Before making its award, the arbitral tribunal must satisfy itself not only that it has jurisdiction over the dispute but also that the claim is well founded in fact and law. Throughout these proceedings, the Tribunal has taken a number of steps to fulfil its duty to satisfy itself as to whether it has jurisdiction and whether the Ph ilippines’ claims are “well founded in fact and law”. With respect to jurisdiction, the Tribunal decided to treat China’s informal communications as equivalent to an objection to jurisdiction, convened a Hearing on Jurisdiction and Admissibility on 7 to 13 July 2015, questioned the Philippines both before and during the hearing on matters of jurisdiction, including potential issues not raised in China’s informal communications, and issued an Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility on 29 October 2015 (the “Award on Jurisdiction”), deciding some issues of jurisdiction and deferring others for further consideration in conjunction with the merits of the Philippines’ claims. With respect to the merits, the Tribunal sought to test the accuracy of the Philippines’ claims by requesting further written submissions from the Philippines, by convening a hearing on the merits from 24to 30 November 2015, by questioning the Philippines both before and during the hearing with respect to its claims, by appointing independent experts to report to the Tribunal on technical matters, and by obtaining historical records and hydrographic survey data for the South China Sea from the archives of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, the National Library of France, and the French National Overseas Archives and providing it to the Parties for comment, along with other relevant materials in the public domain.2. The Parties’ PositionsThe Philippines made 15 Submissions in these proceedings, requesting the Tribunal to find that: (1) Ch ina’s maritime entitlements in the South China Sea, like those of the Philippines, may not extend beyond those expressly permitted by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;(2) China’s claims to sovereign rights jurisdiction, and to “historic rights”, with respect to the maritime areas of the South China Sea encompassed by the so-called “nine-dash line” are contrary to the Convention and without lawful effect to the extent that they exceed the geographic and substantive limits of China’s marit ime entitlements expressly permitted by UNCLOS;(3) Scarborough Shoal generates no entitlement to an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf;(4) Mischief Reef, Second Thomas Shoal, and Subi Reef are low-tide elevations that do not generate entitlement to a territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, and are not features that are capable of appropriation by occupation or otherwise;(5) Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal are part of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Philippines;(6) Gaven Reef and McKennan Reef (including Hughes Reef) are low-tide elevations that do not generate entitlement to a territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, but their low-water line may be used to determine the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Namyit and Sin Cowe, respectively, is measured;(7) Johnson Reef, Cuarteron Reef and Fiery Cross Reef generate no entitlement to an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf;(8) China has unlawfully interfered with the enjoyment and exercise of the sovereign rights of the Philippines with respect to the living and non-living resources of its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf;(9) China has unlawfully failed to prevent its nationals and vessels from exploiting the living resources in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines;(10) China has unlawfully prevented Philippine fishermen from pursuing their livelihoods by interfering with traditional fishing activities at Scarborough Shoal;(11) China has violated its obligations under the Convention to protect and preserve the marine environment at Scarborough Shoal, Second Thomas Shoal, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reef, Johnson Reef, Hughes Reef and Subi Reef;(12) China’s occupation of and construction activities on Mischief Reef(a) violate the provisions of the Convention concerning artificial islands, installations and structures;(b) violate China’s duties to protect and preserve the marine environment under the Convent ion; and(c) constitute unlawful acts of attempted appropriation in violation of the Convention;(13) China has breached its obligations under the Convention by operating its law enforcement vessels in a dangerous manner, causing serious risk of collision to Philippine vessels navigating in the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal;(14) Since the commencement of this arbitration in January 2013, China has unlawfully aggravated and extended the dispute by, among other things:(a) interfering with the Philippines’ r ights of navigation in the waters at, and adjacent to, Second Thomas Shoal;(b) preventing the rotation and resupply of Philippine personnel stationed at Second Thomas Shoal;(c) endangering the health and well-being of Philippine personnel stationed at Second Thomas Shoal; and(d) conducting dredging, artificial island-building and construction activities at Mischief Reef, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reef, Johnson Reef, Hughes Reef and Subi Reef; and (15) China shall respect the rights and freedoms of the Philippines under the Convention, shall comply with its duties under the Convention, including those relevant to the protection and preservation of the marine environment in the South China Sea, and shall exercise its rights and freedoms in the South China Sea with due regard to those of the Philippines under the Convention.With respect to jurisdiction, the Philippines has asked the Tribunal to declare that the Philippines’ claims “are entirely within its jurisdiction and are fully admissible.”China does not accept and is not participating in this arbitration but stated its position that the Tribunal “does not have jurisdiction over this case.” In its Position Paper, China advanced the following arguments:– The essence of the subject-matter of the arbitration is the territorial sovereignty over several maritime features in the South China Sea, which is beyond the scope of the Convention and does not concern the interpretation or application of the Convention;– China and the Philippines have agreed, through bilateral instruments and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, to settle their relevant disputes through negotiations. By unilaterally initiating the present arbitration, the Philippines has breached its obligation under international law;– Even assuming, arguendo, that the subject-matter of the arbitration were concerned with the interpretation or application of the Convention, that subject-matter would constitute an integral part of maritime delimitation between the two countries, thus falling within the scope of the declaration filed by China in 2006 in accordance with the Convention, which excludes, inter alia, disputes concerning maritime delimitation from compulsory arbitration and other compulsory dispute settlement procedures;Although China has not made equivalent public statements with respect to the merits of the majority of the Philippines’ claims, the Tribunal has sought throughout the proceedings to ascertain China’s position on the basis of its contem poraneous public statements and diplomatic correspondence.3. The Tribunal’s Decisions on the Scope of its JurisdictionThe Tribunal has addressed the scope of its jurisdiction to consider the Philippines’ claims both in its Award on Jurisdiction, to the extent that issues of jurisdiction could be decided as apreliminary matter, and in its Award of 12 July 2016, to the extent that issues of jurisdiction were intertwined with the merits of the Philippines’ claims. The Tribunal’s Award of 12 July 2016 also incorporates and reaffirms the decisions on jurisdiction taken in the Award on Jurisdiction.For completeness, the Tribunal’s decisions on jurisdiction in both awards are summarized here together.a. Preliminary MattersIn its Award on Jurisdiction, the Tribunal considered a number of preliminary matters with respect to its jurisdiction. The Tribunal noted that both the Philippines and China are parties to the Convention and that the Convention does not permit a State to except itself generally from the mechanism for the resolution of disputes set out in the Convention. The Tribunal held that China’s non-participation does not deprive the Tribunal of jurisdiction and that the Tribunal had been properly constituted pursuant to the provisions of Annex VII to the Convention, which include a procedure to form a tribunal even in the absence of one party. Finally, the Tribunal rejected an argument set out in China’s Position Paper and held that the mere act of unilaterally initiating an arbitration cannot constitute an abuse of the Convention.b. Existence of a Dispute Concerning Interpretation and Application of the ConventionIn its Award on Jurisdiction, the Tribunal considered whether the Parties’ disputes concerned the interpretation or application of the Convention, which is a requirement for resort to the dispute settlement mechanisms of the Convention.The Tribunal rejected the argument set out in China’s Position Paper that the Parties’ dispute is actually about territorial sovereignty and therefore not a matter concerning the Convention. The Tribunal accepted that there is a dispute between the Parties concerning sovereignty over islands in the South China Sea, but held that the matters submitted to arbitration by the Philippines do not concern sovereignty. The Tribunal considered that it would not need to implicitly decide sovereignty to address the Philippines’ Submissions and that doing so would not advance the sovereignty claims of either Party to islands in the South China Sea.The Tribunal also rejected the argument set out in China’s Position Paper that the Parties’ dispute is actually about maritime boundary delimitation and therefore excluded from dispute settlement by Article 298 of the Convention and a declaration that China made on 25 August 2006 pursuant to that Article. The Tribunal noted that a dispute concerning whether a State has an entitlement to a maritime zone is a distinct matter from the delimitation of maritime zones in an area in which they overlap. The Tribunal noted that entitlements, together with a wide variety of other issues, are commonly considered in a boundary delimitation, but can also arise in other contexts. The Tribunal held that it does not follow that a dispute over each of these issues is necessarily a dispute over boundary delimitation.Finally, the Tribunal held that each of the Philippines’ Submissions reflected a dispute concerning the Convention. In doing so, the Tribunal emphasized (a) that a dispute concerning the interaction between the Convention and other rights (including any Chinese “historic rights”) is a dispute concerning the Convention and (b) that where China has not clearly stated its position, the existence of a dispute may be inferred from the conduct of a State or from silence and is a matter to be determined objectively.c. Involvement of Indispensable Third-PartiesIn its Award on Jurisdiction, the Tribunal considered whether the absence from this arbitration of other States that have made claims to the islands of the South China Sea would be a bar to theTribunal’s jurisdiction. The Tribunal noted that the rights of other States would not form “the very subject-matter of the decision,” the standard for a third-party to be indispensable. The Tribunal further noted that in December 2014, Viet Nam had submitted a statement to the Tribunal, in which Viet Nam asserted that it has “no doubt that the Tribunal has jurisdiction in these proceedings.” The Tribunal also noted that Viet Nam, Malaysia, and Indonesia had attended the hearing on jurisdiction as observers, without any State raising the argument that its participation was indispensable.In its Award of 12 July 2016, the Tribunal noted that it had received a communication from Malaysia on 23 June 2016, recalling Malaysia’s claims in the South China Sea. Th e Tribunal compared its decisions on the merits of the Philippines’ Submissions with the rights claimed by Malaysia and reaffirmed its decision that Malaysia is not an indispensable party and that Malaysia’s interests in the South China Sea do not prevent the Tribunal from addressing the Philippines’ Submissions.d. Preconditions to JurisdictionIn its Award on Jurisdiction, the Tribunal considered the applicability of Articles 281 and 282 of the Convention, which may prevent a State from making use of the mechanisms under the Convention if they have already agreed to another means of dispute resolution.The Tribunal rejected the argument set out in China’s Position Paper that the 2002 China–ASEAN Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea prevented the Philippines from initiating arbitration. The Tribunal held that the Declaration is a political agreement and not legally binding, does not provide a mechanism for binding settlement, does not exclude other means of dispute settlement, and the refore does not restrict the Tribunal’s jurisdiction under Articles 281 or 282. The Tribunal also considered the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, and the Convention on Biological Diversity, and a series of joint statements issued by the Philippines and China referring to the resolution of disputes through negotiations and concluded that none of these instruments constitute an agreement that would prevent the Philippines from bringing its claims to arbitration.The Tribunal further held that the Parties had exchanged views regarding the settlement of their disputes, as required by Article 283 of the Convention, before the Philippines initiated the arbitration. The Tribunal concluded that this requirement was met in the record of diplomatic communications between the Philippines and China, in which the Philippines expressed a clear preference for multilateral negotiations involving the other States surrounding the South China Sea, while China insisted that only bilateral talks could be considered.e. Exceptions and Limitations to JurisdictionIn its Award of 12 July 2016, the Tribunal considered whether the Philippines’ Submissions concerning Chinese historic rights and the ‘nine-dash line’ were affected by the exception from jurisdiction for d isputes concerning “historic title” in Article 298 of the Convention. The Tribunal reviewed the meaning of “historic title” in the law of the sea and held that this refers to claims of historic sovereignty over bays and other near-shore waters. Reviewing C hina’s claims and conduct in the South China Sea, the Tribunal concluded that China claims historic rights to resources within the ‘nine-dash line’, but does not claim historic title over the waters of the South China Sea. Accordingly, the Tribunal conclud ed that it had jurisdiction to consider the Philippines’ claims concerning historic rights and, as between the Philippines and China, the ‘nine-dash line’.In its Award of 12 July 2016, the Tribunal also considered whether the Philippines’ Submissions。
南海仲裁案(菲律宾共和国v. 中华人民共和国)海牙,2016年7月12日仲裁庭发布裁决︰今日,根据《联合国海洋法公约》(“《公约》”)附件七组成的仲裁庭就菲律宾共和国对中华人民共和国提起的仲裁案作出了一致裁决。
中图分类号:D815 文献标识码:A DOI:10.19387/ki.1009-0592.2016.07.3582015年10月29日,南海仲裁案仲裁庭(以下简称仲裁庭)发表第一阶段仲裁裁定,就管辖权和可受理性问题作出裁决,裁决书不认可《南海各方行为宣言》(以下简称《南海宣言》)具有排除仲裁庭管辖权的法律效力。
中国坚持通过谈判解决中国与菲律宾在南海的有关争议(中英文)2016/07/13目录引言一、南海诸岛是中国固有领土(一)中国对南海诸岛的主权是历史上确立的(二)中国始终坚定维护在南海的领土主权和海洋权益(三)中国对南海诸岛的主权得到国际社会广泛承认二、中菲南海有关争议的由来(一)菲律宾非法侵占行为制造了中菲南沙岛礁争议(二)菲律宾的非法主张毫无历史和法理依据(三)国际海洋法制度的发展导致中菲出现海洋划界争议三、中菲已就解决南海有关争议达成共识(一)通过谈判解决南海有关争议是中菲共识和承诺(二)妥善管控南海有关争议是中菲之间的共识四、菲律宾一再采取导致争议复杂化的行动(一)菲律宾企图扩大对中国南沙群岛部分岛礁的侵占(二)菲律宾一再扩大海上侵权(三)菲律宾企图染指中国黄岩岛(四)菲律宾单方面提起仲裁是恶意行为五、中国处理南海问题的政策(一)关于南沙群岛领土问题(二)关于南海海洋划界问题(三)关于争端解决方式(四)关于在南海管控分歧和开展海上务实合作(五)关于南海航行自由和安全(六)关于共同维护南海和平稳定引言1. 南海位于中国大陆的南面,通过狭窄的海峡或水道,东与太平洋相连,西与印度洋相通,是一个东北—西南走向的半闭海。
2. 中国南海诸岛包括东沙群岛、西沙群岛、中沙群岛和南沙群岛。
3. 中国人民在南海的活动已有2000多年历史。
4. 中国和菲律宾隔海相望,交往密切,人民世代友好,原本不存在领土和海洋划界争议。
1 / 2四、中国一向坚决反对一些国家对中国南沙群岛部分岛礁的非法侵占及在中国相关管辖海域的侵权行为。
单方面提起的南海仲裁案开始,由五名仲裁员组成的仲裁庭就菲律宾贝尼尼奥·阿基诺三世政府单方 面提起的南海仲裁案进行的所谓"裁决",其实质是披着法律外衣的政治闹剧,违反了联合国仲裁案的背景非常复杂,涉及到地缘政治、历史遗留问题、民族矛盾等多个方面。中国在南海的
4 主权和权益是在长期的历史进程中形成的,具有充分的历史和法理依据,在任何情况下都不应该受到
1 在和采取一些激进措施来维护自己的利益和地位。这些做法不仅不利于地区和平稳定和发展,也容易
总之,南海仲裁案是一个非常复杂的问题,需要各方保持冷静和克制,通过对话、协商等和平方式解 决争议。同时,也需要加强国际社会的合作和理解,共同维护国际法和国际规则的权威性和公正性
南海仲裁案,是一个临时组建的 仲裁庭,就菲律宾贝尼尼奥·阿 基诺三世政府单方面提起的南海 仲裁案进行的所谓"裁决",其实 质是披着法律外衣的政治闹剧, 违反了联合国海洋法公约,不具
南海仲裁案,全称为"南海仲裁 案"即所谓"菲律宾贝尼尼奥·阿 基诺三世政府单方面提起的南海 仲裁案"。该案件是由一个临时 组建的仲裁庭,就菲律宾贝尼尼 奥·阿基诺三世政府单方面提起 的南海仲裁案进行的所谓"裁决", 其实质是披着法律外衣的政治闹 剧,违反了联合国海洋法公约,
南海仲裁案的背景非常复杂,涉 及到地缘政治、历史遗留问题、 民族矛盾等多个方面。菲律宾方 面认为自己在南海的权益受到了 侵犯,主要是因为中国在南海的 一些岛屿和海域主张主权,以及 中国在南海的一些行动让菲律宾 感到不安。而中国政府则认为南 海是中国的固有领土,拥有不可 质疑的主权和管辖权
1.《联合国海洋法公约》附件七的仲裁庭对涉及领土主权争端的“混合争议”管辖权问题研究——法律分析及对中菲南海仲裁案的影响 [J], 宋可
2.论南海仲裁案中强制仲裁程序的提起与仲裁庭组成的违法性 [J], 刘冰;李娜;张冉
3.论仲裁庭的自裁管辖权——在主合同不存在时仲裁庭的管辖权 [J], 黄亚丽
——特别针对菲国在2015年7月7—13日听证会上提出的法律主张 [J], 高圣惕;
5.ICSID仲裁庭应对东道国腐败抗辩的困境及其解决——以仲裁庭对涉腐投资主张无管辖权为切入点 [J], 银红武
南海仲裁案 海洋法仲裁庭认定对菲律宾的仲裁诉求有管辖权
![南海仲裁案 海洋法仲裁庭认定对菲律宾的仲裁诉求有管辖权](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/78f785085f0e7cd185253603.png)
南海仲裁案  海洋法仲裁庭认定对菲律宾的仲裁诉求有管辖权菲律宾诉中国仲裁案海牙,2015年10月29日仲裁庭做出了关于管辖权和可受理性问题的裁决;将会进行后续开庭审理在菲律宾根据《联合国海洋公约》(“《公约》”)附件七对中国提起的仲裁案中,在附件七下组成的仲裁庭就管辖权和可受理性问题做出了裁决。
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南海仲裁管辖权决定(中英文本)CNARB 中国仲裁编者按海牙的“常设仲裁法院”当地时间10 月29 日做出裁决,声称“有权审理菲律宾就中国南海主权争议提出的诉讼”。
刊发PCA 发布的相关决定新闻稿及摘要供了解和讨论。
新闻稿菲律宾诉中国仲裁案海牙,2015 年10 月29 日仲裁庭做出了关于管辖权和可受理性问题的裁决;将会进行后续开庭审理在菲律宾根据《联合国海洋公约》(“《公约》”)附件七对中国提起的仲裁案中,在附件七下组成的仲裁庭就管辖权和可受理性问题做出了裁决。
”然而,中国明确指出——特别是通过2014 年12 月发布的《中华人民共和国政府关于菲律宾共和国所提南海仲裁案管辖权问题的立场文件》(“中国立场文件”)——其认为仲裁庭不具备审理菲律宾所提交事项的管辖权。
因此,2015 年 4 月仲裁庭决定将中国立场文件视为构成对仲裁庭管辖问题的有效答辩并于2015 年7 月7、8 和13 日在海牙就管辖权和可受理性问题进行了开庭审理。
仲裁庭同样不接受中国立场文件中提出的双方争端实质上为被中国2006 年声明所排除出仲裁庭管辖权之外的海洋划界问题的观点。
关于《公约》规定的仲裁庭行使管辖权的先决条件,仲裁庭不接受中国立场文件中提出的关于2002 年中国-东盟《南海各方行为宣言》构成将涉及南海的争端限定仅通过协商解决的协议的观点。
仲裁庭预计其将在2016 年做出关于实体性问题和剩余管辖权问题的裁决。
PRESSRELEASE ARBITRATION BETWEEN THEREPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINESAND THE PEOPLE' S REPUBLIC OF CHINA The Hague, 29October 2015 TheTribunal Renders Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility; Will Hold FurtherHearings The Tribunalconstituted under Annex VII to the United Nations Convention on the Law of theSea (the“ Convention ” ) in thearbitration instituted by the Republic ofthe Philippines against the People ' s Republic of China has issued itsAward onJurisdiction and Admissibility. This arbitration concerns the role of “ historicrights ” and the source ofmaritime entitlements in the South China Sea, thestatus of certain maritime features in the South China Sea and the maritimeentitlements they are capable of generating, and the lawfulness of certainactions by China in the South China Sea that are alleged by the Philippines toviolate the Convention. In light oflimitations on the matters that can be submitted to compulsory disputesettlement under the Convention, the Philippines has emphasized that it is notrequesting the Tribunal to decide the question of sovereignty over maritimefeatures in the South China Sea that are claimed by both the Philippines andChina. Nor has the Philippines requested the Tribunal to delimit anymaritimeboundary between the two States. China has repea tedly stated that“ it will neitheraccept nor participatein the arbitration unilaterally initiated by thePhilippines.China has, however, made clear its view —in particularthrough thepublication in December 2014 of a “ Position Paper of the Government of t hePeople ' s Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China SeaArbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines ( “ China ' s PositionPaper tha”t t)h—eTribunal lacks jurisdiction to consider the Philippines ' Submissions. UndertheConvention, an arbitral tribunal must satisfy itself that it has jurisdictionto decide a matter presented to it, even if a party choosesnot to participatein the proceedings or to make a formal objection. Accordingly, the Tribunaldecided in April 2015 that it would treat China ' s Position Paper as effectivelyconstituting a plea concerning the Tribunal' s jurisdiction and convened aHearing on Jurisdiction and Admissibility that took place in The Hague on 7, 8and 13July 2015. The Tribunal ' sAward of today ' s date isunanimous and concerns only whether the Tribunal hasjurisdiction to consider the Philippines ' claims andwhether such claims areadmissible. The Award does notdecide any aspect of the merits of the Parties ' dispute. In its Award, the Tribunal has held that both the Philippines andChina areparties to the Convention and bound by its provisions on thesettlement of disputes. The Tribunal has also held that China ' s decision not toparticipate in theseproceedings does not deprive the Tribunal of jurisdictionand that the Philippines ' decision to commencearbitration unilaterally was notan abuse of theConvention ' s dispute settlement procedures. Reviewing theclaims submitted by the Philippines, the Tribunal has rejected the argument setout in China ' s Position tPh a pt erthe Parties ' dispute is actually aboutsovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and therefore beyond theTribunal ' s jurisdiction. The Tribunal has also rejected the argument set out inChina ' s Position Paper that theParties ' dispute is actulaly about thedelimitation of a maritime boundary between them and therefore excluded fromthe Tribunal ' s jurisdiction through a declaration made by China in 2006. On thecontrary, the Tribunal has held that each of the Philippines ' Submissions reflect dei s put between the two Statesconcerning the interpretation or application of the Convention. The Tribunalhas also heldthat no other States are indispensable to the proceedings. Turning to thepreconditions tothe exercise of the Tribunal ' s jurisdiction set outin the Convention, theTribunal has rejected the argument in China ' Paperthat the 2002China -\SEAN Declaration on thes Position Conduct of Parties in the South China Seaconstitutes anagreement to resolve disputes relating to the South China Seaexclusively through negotiation. On the contrary, theTribunal has held thatthe China -\SEAN Declaration was apolitical agreement that was not intended tobe legally binding and was therefore not relevant to the provisions in theConvention that givepriority to the resolution of disputes through any meansagreed between the Parties. The Tribunal has likewise held that certain otheragreements and joint statements by China and the Philippines do not precludethe Philippines from seeking to resolve its dispute with China through theConvention. Further, the Tribunal has held that the Philippines has met theConvention 's requirement that the Parties exchange views regarding thesettlement of their dispute and has sought to negotiate with China to theextent required by the Convention and general international law. The Tribunalthen consideredthe limitations and exceptions set out in the Convention that preclude disputesrelating to certain subjects from being submitted to compulsory settlement. TheTribunal observed that whether these limitationsand exceptions would apply tothe Philippines ' claims was, insome cases, linked to the merits of the claims.For instance, whether the Tribunal would have jurisdiction to address China ' sclaims to historic rights in the South China Sea may dep end upon the Tribunal ' sassessment of the nature ofChina ' s claimed rights. Similarly, whether theTribunal would have jurisdiction to address Chinese activities in the SouthChina Sea may depend upon the Tribunal ' s decision on whether any of themaritime features claimed by China are islands capable of generating maritimezones overlapping those of the Philippines. The Tribunal also noted that thelocation of certain activities and the Convention ' s exception for militaryactivities may affect its jurisdiction ove r certain of the Philippines ' claims In light of the foregoing, theTribunal has concluded that it is presently able to decide that it does havejurisdiction with respect to the matters raised in seven of thePhilippines ' Submissions. The Tribunal has conclud ed,however, that its jurisdiction withrespect to seven other Submissions by the Philippines will need to beconsidered in conjunction with the merits. The Tribunal has requested thePhilippines to clarify and narrow one of its Submissions. The Tribunal will convene afurther hearing on the merits of the Philippines ' claims. In consultation withthe Parties, the Tribunalhas provisionally set the dates for the meritshearing. As with the Hearing on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, the hearing onthe merits will not be open to the public, however the Tribunal will considerrequests from interested States to send small delegations of observers. ThePermanent Court of Arbitration (the “ PCA” ), which actsas Registry in the case,will issue further Press Releases upon the commencement and closing of themerits hearing.The Tribunal expects that it will render its Award on themerits and remaining jurisdictional issues in 2016. An expanded summary of the Tribunal ' sreasoning is set outbelow. * * * 管辖权和可受理性问题的裁决的摘要1.仲裁案以及管辖权和可受理性程序的背景本次仲裁涉及菲律宾对三项互相联系的涉及菲律宾和中国在南海关系的事项进行裁决的请求。