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• Eg:1)Mary didn’t go to class yeaterday. She was ill. • 2)Listen to this! They were called Friday’s meeting. • 3)Tom, Mother says we are going to town tomorrow.
3)有些指称词不起指称作用,起描述作用。 Eg: Young Smith is the Plato of our age. 4)与某个个体社会角色相关,成功的所指取决于选 择最合适的“名称” Professor Young, President Obama. 3. The definite noun phrase the priest, the red triangle, the white figure, the browned onions, the trolley, the man who took the photographs.
在实际话语中,我们经常使用某些词语表示我 们所要指的人或事物以及事件等,使该词语与 所指对象在特定的语境中建立一种对应关系。 这种对应关系即指称关系,所使用的词语即指 称词语,指代所指的人、事物或事件等。被指 代的人、事物或事件即所指对象。
Sense意义与Reference指称的区别: Eg: the chicken
• 2.Proper names • Mr. Bennet, Elizabeth, old man McArthur, Plato • 1)特殊名词做指称词语引起的争议较少,因为指称 词语一般用来专指某个个体,但有时也要依赖语境, 如有很多叫Elizabeth的人,指的哪一个? • 2)但有些指称词语经常被用来指定某一固定的个 体,如Plato(古希腊哲学家),但是我们也可以用 来指one’s dog, one’s child, one’s boat. • Eg: Plato is on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. • 认为特殊名词一定有确定的所指的观点是错误的。
eg:1)One day the sun and the wind had a quarrel. 2)The sun said he was stronger than the wind. 3)And the wind said he was stronger than the sun.
由此可见,照应关系分为两大类: 内照应(endophora):可以在语篇中找到所指对象; 是语篇项目之间的照应关系。 外照应(exdophora): 在语篇中找不到所指对象。语 篇项目的意义解释直接依存于语篇外客观环境的某个 事物。 回指 (anaphora),指所指对象位于上文 内照应 后指 (cataphora),指所指对象位于下文
Correct reference 与successful reference的区别: 真值条件语义学:the king of England 语篇分析: the king of England 指称语词的指称功能取决于说话者在特定场合意图
一是研究语言实体与客观世界事物之间的关系,这种关系称之 为指称关系(reference). 二是研究语言内一个实体与另一个实体之间的关系,这种关系 称为照应关系,属语法分析(广义)研究的范畴。 (anaphora/reference)
三 指称形式、指称语
1 indefinite expressions A man, a rainbow, a beautiful girl, a line 1)My father was a stonemason. 作to be 的补语时,indefinite expression不做指 称词语
Eg: He wishes to be a singer. 2)Marison is looking for a rubber. Virginia wants a new job. 所指模糊时,Indefinite expression也不做指 称词语。 3)Someone(and I know who) won’t like this proposal. Someone ( and I don’t know who ) has stolen my bicycle. 可依赖副语言线索确定是否是指称词语。
3.Pronouns and new predicates: Eg: I used to go about with a chap-I don’t know whether he’s still alive now or not-butthere was nine-ten-eleven in the family altogether-two girls-and nine boys-and she lost eight sons one after the other.
传统语义学有关指称的研究:the relation between expression in a text and entities in the world. Brown &Yule 的观点:The term reference refers to that function whereby speakers indicate, via the use of a linguistic expression in the entities they are talking about.
徐纠纠(2005)认为,名词回指可分为同指回指 (co-reference anaphora)和联想回指 (associative anaphora):
(1) We got some beer out of the trunk. The beer was warm. (同形回指) (2) Paul went to the theatre. They were playing Shakespeare.(异形回指) (3)这座房子相当讲究。门是楠木做的。(上下义回指) (4)最后上了一艘名叫“裕亿祥”666号的渔船,可是星 期一后渔船出海,厄运就来了。船长、大副、二副 还有(一些老)船员,动不动就暴打我们。(关联回指) )
有些确定的名词短语不做通常意义上的指称词 语。对reference的解释不仅仅是语义的,还应 该是功能的或语用的。discourse specific expressions “依赖具体的语境” Eg:a.The ham sandwich is sitting at table20. He is sitting at table 20. b.The chicken pecked the ground. The chicken with bean sauce was delicious. c.The newspaper weighs five pounds. The newspaper fired John.
二指称与语 篇表征
• 说话者构建语篇基于他对某个特定事件的 表征,听话者接受语篇时也构建一个关于 该语篇的特征,这两种表征常发生错位, 存在一种不一致或不同心理表征。听话者 至多也是构建一个相似的表征,不可能完 全重合。原因是人类总是基于自己对世界 的知识和信念与理解话语。
Mary got some picnic supplies out of the car. The beer was warm.
根据韩礼德和哈桑的观点 人称照应 指示照应 照应 比较照应 分句照应
分句照应(clausal reference)指的是某些词语的所 指对象不是词或者短语,而是分句、句子,句组 或者语篇。 a. here, it ,this(既可作前指,又可作后指) b. that, above,(前指) c. as follows, the following, thus(后指) Eg:1)Here is the news I heard from the radio: Two Japanese air force pilots… 2)She was ill, that’s why she didn’t come to school. 3)I’ll illustrate my views as follows: first…
本节内容: 一指称/照应 二指称与语篇表征 三指称形式和指称语 四话语中的代词 五 语篇回指研究Байду номын сангаас成果与不足
一、指称/照应 1. 指称 The reference between a part of an utterance and an individuals it identifies.
• 3回指
• 回指(anaphora),又称复指,复指的,复指语。是指语法描写中 回指(anaphora),又称复指,复指的,复指语。 (anaphora),又称复指 用来指一个语言单位从先前某个已表达的单位或意义 (antecedent),得出自身释义的过程或结果 许余龙(2004:3) 得出自身释义的过程或结果。 (antecedent),得出自身释义的过程或结果。许余龙(2004:3) 根据先行语的不同形态和句法特征,把回指分为八大类型: 根据先行语的不同形态和句法特征,把回指分为八大类型:
四 话语中的代词
1.Pronouns and antecedent nominals Eg:1)I’ve just had my hair curled and it looks windblown all the time. 2)My hair looks windblown all the time. 3)My hair which I’ve just had curled looks windblown all the time. “ pronominal surrogate hypothesis”代词替身假想 2. Pronouns and antecedent predicates Eg:There’s two different ladies go up to the whist and both have a wig and they’ve most natural
a名词回指 名词性 b.名词短语回指动词性 b.名词短语回指动词性 c.动词回指 c.动词回指 动词性 d.动词短语回指 d.动词短语回指 形容词性————e.形容词回指 e.形容词回指 形容词性 e. 副词性————f.副词短语回指 f.副词短语回指 副词性 f. g.小句回指 g.小句回指 句子性 h.语段回指 h.语段回指
a. My axe is too blunt. I must get a sharper one. b. John has moved to a new house. He had it built last year. c. Have they moved their furniture? They have done the desks, but that’s all so far. d. Some people like a shower after they have played tennis. Peter does for example. e. John bought a blue jacket with three pockets, and Paul bought a same one. f. John is now living in Shanghai, and his father also lives there. g. Many people believe that the international situation will deteriorate. My father thinks so, but I believe not.