



塑性成形工艺与模具设计课程设计说明书设计题目:压紧弹簧座拉深模具设计班级:机械114班姓名:程旗凯学号: 11550411指导教师:李凝2014年12月目录第1章概述 (1)1.1研究课题的目的和意义 (1)1.2国内外研究概况及发展趋势 (1)第2章冲压件工艺性分析 (4)2.1课题设计 (4)2.2工艺性分析 (5)2.3毛坯形状、尺寸和下料方式的确定 (5)2.3.1毛坯尺寸确定 (5)2.3.2搭边值选取 (6)2.3.3 排样和材料的利用 (6)2.4冲模结构的确定 (8)第3章主要设计计算 (9)3.1拉深工艺规划 (9)3.1.1拉深次数的确定 (9)3.1.2拉深尺寸计算 (10)3.1.3拉深工艺力计算 (11)3.2冲裁工艺规划 (11)3.3压力机吨位确定 (12)3.4压力中心的确定 (13)3.5凸,凹模尺寸计算 (14)第4章模具总体设计 (16)4.1模具类型的选择 (16)4.2定位方式的选择 (16)4.3卸料﹑出件方式的选择 (16)4.3.1 出件方式选择 (16)4.3.2 卸料方式选择 (16)4.4导向方式的选择 (17)4.5拉深凸模结构的设计 (17)4.6凹模结构的设计 (17)4.7凸凹模的的结构设计 (19)第5章模具装配与冲压设备校核 (21)5.1模具装配 (21)5.2冲压设备的选择 (22)5.3模具闭合高度的校核 (22)第1章概述1.1研究课题的目的和意义近年来,由于模具技术的迅速发展,模具设计与制造已成为一个行业越来越来引起人们的重视。




阀体的设计 毕业设计说明书

阀体的设计   毕业设计说明书











当来水正常用水时,将回复杆向外拔出,通过水的压力及水的浮力图1-1 设计方案一图方案二:此方案结构简单,便于操作,由阀体(1)、阀芯(2)、阀盖(3)压簧(4)、阀杆(5)、手柄(6)等零件构成。







现分述如下:第一组加工表面包括:1、Φ63㎜的外圆,Φ24.513.0+㎜的内孔,2、Φ22㎜的内孔以及Rc3/4锥孔,3、60°锥角,1×45°倒角,4、2个Φ2㎜的通孔,一个Φ5㎜,一个Φ3㎜孔图1.1 油阀座章、零件材料为ZG45,采用砂型机器铸造。








如图2.1图2.1 分型面作为粗基准的表面应平整,没有飞边、毛刺或其它表面欠缺。





图2.2 主要加工尺寸油阀座零件材料为ZG45,强度和切削性能良好,塑性、韧性较低。



1. 名称:__________
2. 型号:__________
3. 生产商:__________
1. 适用于各类液压系统
2. 控制流体的方向、压力和流量
1. 高效节能,减少能耗
2. 确保可靠性和耐用性
1. 阀体、阀芯、弹簧和密封件
2. 连接接口和控制元件
1. 工作压力:____MPa
2. 流量范围:____L/min
3. 工作温度:____℃
1. 安装在稳固的支架上
2. 确保连接管道无泄漏
1. 定期检查阀体和密封件
2. 清洁外部,保持干净
1. 操作前确保系统断电
2. 避免超压和超温运行
发布方(盖章):_______________ 日期:____年__月__日。

A-T Controls NS系列弹簧座双塞旋钮阀门安装与维护指南说明书

A-T Controls NS系列弹簧座双塞旋钮阀门安装与维护指南说明书

Contents1SCOPE (2)2INSTALLATION (2)3VALVE OPERATION (3)4DISASSEMBLY (4)5STORAGE (4)6REPAIR KITS (4)8BILL OF MATERIALS (5)9STUD & BOLT SIZING (7)1SCOPE1.1CAUTION1.1.1For your safety, read this manual before installation or servicing.1.1.2Before installing or servicing, please ensure the line pressure has been relieved and any hazardous fluids havebeen drained or purged from the system.1.1.3Ensure that all Lockout and Tagout procedures for the system have been properly implemented.1.2USE1.2.1A-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves are available in lug and wafer style designs and arecompatible with ANSI B16.5 Class 125/150 flanges. Wafer style valves are also compatible with EN1092-2 PN10/16 flanges.1.2.2Maximum results and optimum valve life can be maintained under normal service conditions and in accordancewith pressure/temperature ratings and corrosion data chart.2INSTALLATION2.1A-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves are bi-directional and can be installed with the flow in eitherdirection. The valve can be mounted in any position so that the handle, gear, or actuator has proper clearance, can be easily accessed, and the open/close indicator can be viewed. If the gear is equipped with a chain wheel, the valve shall be mounted in a way so that the chain does not come in contact with the valve or pipeline.2.2Before installation of the valves, the pipe must be flushed clean of dirt, burrs, and welding residues. Failure to do socan cause the seats and sealing surfaces to be damaged.2.3The pipe must be free from tension and in proper alignment.2.4Before installation of the valves, check to ensure that all flange seals are free from defects.IMPORTANT NOTE: Flange gaskets shall not be used with A-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated ButterflyValves. The valves have a seal around the seat so that a gasket shall not be used.2.5Before installation of the valves, check to ensure that there is proper clearance for the disc to be able to fully openand close without being obstructed. This is especially important when using sch. 80 pipe as the clearances become smaller. See the NS Series catalog for valve dimensions.2.6A-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves shall be installed in the pipeline completely assembled andopen approximately 5 degrees from the closed position. The valves shall NOT be opened so that the disc is outside of the seat. Do NOT disassemble the valves or remove any handles, gears, or actuators to install.2.7Install the valve in the pipeline and tighten the flange bolts properly per the recommended minimum flange bolttorques in the table below. The bolts shall be torqued in a uniform pattern as to evenly compress the seat forsealing (no flange gaskets shall be used).2.8DEAD-END SERVICEA-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves are rated for bi-directional dead-end service applications.The vulcanized molded seat design of these valves is what gives the valve its bi-directional dead-end servicecapability. The dead-end service rating for these valves follows the standard operating pressures and temperatures given in the catalog. The Dead-End Service White Paper on A-T Controls website can also be referenced for more information.3VALVE OPERATION3.1MANUALCAUTION: A-T Controls recommends a manual gear operator for all valves larger than 6”.3.1.1HANDLES3.1.1.110 Position HandlesTo OPEN the valve; squeeze the handle to unlock it and turn it in the counter-clockwise direction. The handle can be locked in at 10 degree increments to adjust the flow. The valve will be locked into the 90 degree marker and parallel to the pipeline when fully open.To CLOSE the valve; squeeze the handle to unlock it and turn it in the clockwise direction. The handle can belocked in at 10 degree increments to adjust the flow. The valve will be locked into the 0 degree marker andperpendicular to the pipeline when fully closed.Note: The handles contain a pin that can be used to deter unwanted operation. The pin can be removed ifunnecessary per the end user’s requirement. A padlock (not included) can also be used through this hole in the handle to lock out operation of the handle. HandlesTo OPEN the valve; loosen the lock bolt & nut to unlock it and turn the handle in the counter-clockwise direction.The handle can be set in infinite positions between fully open and fully closed to adjust the flow. Once in thedesired position, tighten the lock bolt & nut to hold the handle in place. The valve will be fully counter-clockwise and parallel to the pipeline when fully open.To CLOSE the valve; loosen the lock bolt & nut to unlock it and turn the handle in the clockwise direction. Thehandle can be set in infinite positions between fully open and fully closed to adjust the flow. Once in the desired position, tighten the lock bolt & nut to hold the handle in place. The valve will be fully clockwise and perpendicular to the pipeline when fully closed.3.1.2GEARTo OPEN the valve; turn the hand wheel counter-clockwise. The indicator will be pointing to the open position and stop rotating when fully opened. The flow can be adjusted by stopping the indicator anywhere between open and close.To CLOSE the valve; turn the hand wheel clockwise. The indicator will be pointing to the close position and thehand wheel will stop rotating when fully closed. The flow can be adjusted by stopping the indicator anywherebetween open and close.Note: The gears contain a locking device that allows handwheel operation to be locked out through the use of a padlock (not included). The locking device can be removed if unnecessary per the end user’s requirement.3.2AUTOMATEDA-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves can be mounted with quarter turn actuators. Valves with actuators shall be checked for proper valve stem alignment. Angular or linear misalignments may result in high operational torque and unnecessary wear on the valve stem. See the actuator IOM for information on operating the actuator.Note: When closing the valve, the disc will begin to seal on the seat before it is perfectly perpendicular to thepipeline/flow. In certain circumstances this may be desired to reduce the torque required to “close” the valve or when moving from the closed to open position. Gear or actuator stops can be adjusted to achieve the new “closed”position. This would only be recommended for lower pressure applications as A-T Controls only rates the valves to the full pressure differential in the fully closed position.4DISASSEMBLYA-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves are not designed to be repaired and shall be replaced witha new valve in the case of valve failure. This is due to the vulcanized molded seat design which is not able to beseparated from the body and replaced.5STORAGEA-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves should be clean and bagged sufficiently to preventcontamination and stored in a cool, dark place.6REPAIR KITSRepair kits are not available for A-T Controls NS Series Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves as they are not repairable due to the seat being molded to the body.8BILL OF MATERIALS**one bushing(7) not shown is located below lower stem flange bushing(6).# Under normal operation, the O-Ring and Bushings are not subjected to internal media & pressure.# Under normal operation, the O-Ring and Bushings are not subjected to internal media & pressure.9STUD & BOLT SIZING• Lug Stud and Bolt quantities are per side.• A-T Controls recommends using studs to ensure full engagement in tapped holes.• This table is provided by A-T Controls for reference only, it is the end user's responsibility toselect the correct material, grade, and size of fasteners for their application.A-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to https:///Downloads/A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。










4.设计加工工艺过程卡片,格式见《机械制造技术基础课程设计指南》,P 112表4-8,卡片大小为A4幅面(可打印)5.设计某工序的夹具,用A1图纸画出夹具的装备图,包括定位设计,加紧设计,辅助元件设计等三设计内容说明书:1.学院统一的课程设计封皮2.课程设计成绩评定表3.课程设计任务书4.目录5.零件图6.零件分析7.工艺路线的制定8.选择定位基准9.加工余量确定及工序尺寸计算10.切削用量与工时定额的确定11.参考书籍资料目录四课程设计考核(装订成册)1.加工工艺过程卡片2.指定工序加工工序卡片3.设计说明书4.答辩五时间进度安排(10天)目录1.零件图工艺性分析2.确定毛坯尺寸3.定位基准的选择4.表面加工方法的选择5.制定工艺路线6.选择加工设备及工艺装备7.确定工序尺寸8.切削用量与工时定额的确定9.机床夹具的设计10.参考文献11.设计总结12.加工工艺过程卡片13.指定工序加工工序卡片1. 零件图工艺性分析1.1对被加工零件进行工艺分析通过对该零件图的重新绘制,知原图样的视图正确、完整,尺寸、公差及技术要求齐全。

但 24.5的孔要要求精度高要精镗,。













关键词:拉断;液压;试验台;减振器AbstractHydraulic shock absorber, vehicle suspension damping system in the main components, the performance cars have a direct bearing on the safety and comfort. In the shock absorber piston rod which is an important component in the work of the major bear reciprocating movement from top to bottom. As car in different conditions, different piston rod to withstand high degree of movement, in order to detect rod in the workplace can withstand the work load limit was designed hydraulic shock absorber piston rod pull off test-bed. Test-bed for a four column support, and four pillars done a strength and stiffness of the check to meet the design requirements. 4 column on the support beams by light bars fixed by the beams on the implementation of hydraulic cylinders pull off experiments. Taichung and test the tanks, pumps, valves were calculated select a standard component. Because it used hydraulic oil as a power source, so they have flexibility in the use of noise and small, high performance characteristics. In addition the design of a more advanced design tools, calculated using C-language programming and graphics software with CAXA.Keywords : pull off; hydraulic; test-bed; shock absorber目录第1章绪论............................................. .. (1)1.1 液压式减振器活塞杆拉断试验台设计......................... . (1)1.1.1 概述............................................. .. .11.1.2 题目任务的内容和要求 (1)1.2试验台的功能设 (2)第2章试验台的性能计算 (3)2.1 试验台的尺寸控制图计算 (3)2.2外购件选择计算 (3)第3章试验台的结构设计 (7)3.1 活塞杆与夹具连接的螺栓强度校核 (7)3.2下底座螺栓强度校核 (7)3.3 试验台上横梁的计算 (8)第4章零件结构设计 (16)4.1 下底座的设计 (16)4.2上横梁的设计 (18)4.3 立柱的设计 (19)4.4 V型块夹具的设计 (22)第5章半轴的设计与计算 (21)5.1 半轴的设计与校核 (21)5.2 半轴的材料及热处理 (22)第6章桥壳的强度校核 (23)第7章制造工艺分析............................................. ..24 第8章轴承的寿命计算. (28)7.1 作用在主减速器主动齿轮上的力 (28)7.2 轴承载荷的计算 (29)7.3 主动齿轮轴承寿命计算 (30)7.4 从动齿轮轴承寿命计算 (30)第9章结论............................................. . (32)参考文献............................................. . (33)致谢............................................. .. (34)附录 A 程序............................................. . (35)附录 B 外文翻译及原文 (49)第1章绪论1.1液压式减振器活塞杆拉断试验台设计1.1.1 概述本设计针对的是汽车减振器活塞杆性能的测试。






通过这次设计为以后从事模具设计方面打下了很好的基础,同时为在校时了解模具行业的发展方向也时很有必要的.关键词:模具,冲压,落料,拉深HYDRAULIC VALVE SPRING SEAT DESIGN OFSTAMPING PROCESS ANALYSIS AND DIE DESIGNABSTRACTHydraulic valve spring seat of the structure and forming technology is seriously analyzed by this topic. The size of the blank dimensions and impact force was calculated. Layout drawing and the die structure size is designed. Shows the characteristics of die structure, etcComposite modulus of simplex bit suits and blanking, deep drawing process were detailed analyzed. Layout diagram and the die structure were designed. The mould on the fixed mould plate, a lower die plate is of high precision long life, that one step forming and repeated a ssembly of high precision. It can quickly locate guide plate, stripper plate mounted to the mold base.Through this design for future engaged in mold design has laid a good foundation, at the same time as the school know when the mold profession the development direction of also very be necessary.KEY WORDS: Mold, Stamping, Blanking, Deep drawing目录前言 (1)第1章零件的冲压工艺性分析 (4)1.1零件的工艺性分析 (4)1.1.1工件结构分析 (4)1.1.2确定最佳工艺方案 (4)第2章毛坯计算 (6)2.1修边余量的确定 (6)2.1.1能否一次拉深的判断 (7)2.1.2零件的排样及利用率 (9)2.1.3压力计算,压力中心及压力机的选用 (10)第3章模具结构设计及校核 (14)3.1复合模的功能结构 (14)3.1.1复合模结构设计原则 (14)3.1.2设计概要 (15)3.2工作机构设计 (16)3.2.1导料及定距机构设计 (21)3.2.2卸料机构的设计 (21)3.2.3固定机构的设计 (22)3.2.4导向机构设计 (23)3.2.5垫板的设计 (23)结论 (26)谢辞 (27)参考文献 (28)前言作为一个马上将毕业的机械系机械设计制造及其自动化的学生来说,4年专业知识的学习,为以后从事模具设相关计打下了一定的基础,在校期间了解模具行业的发展方向也时很有必要的,它有利于我把握自己的学习方向,不断的提高自己相关专业素养。



机械设计与制造专业毕业设计资料毕业设计题目:油阀座学生姓名:学生班级:学生学号:指导教师:指导教师职称:航天工业学院《机械制造工艺及机床夹具设计》毕业设计报告报告题目:“油阀座”的机械加工工艺规程及夹具设计目录摘要 (3)开题报告 (5)引言 (9)绪论 (10)第一章零件的分析 (11)1.1 零件的生产类型 (11)1.2 零件的作用 (11)1.3零件的工艺分析 (11)第二章工艺规程设计 (11)2.1 确定毛坯 (11)2.2定位基准的选择 (12)2.3加工工艺路线 (12)2.4选择加工设备及刀、夹、量具 (13)2.5机械加工余量 (13)2.6确定切削用量和基本工时 (13)第三章夹具的设计 (21)3.1 钻夹具设计 (21)3.2 铣夹具设计 (21)第四章夹具的概述 (23)4.1夹具的作用及分类 (23)4.2 夹具的组成 (24)4.3 工件夹紧的基本要求 (25)4.4 夹具的发展趋势 (25)结论 (26)致谢 (26)摘要制造业中尤其是机械制造业,在产品生产过程中按照特定工艺,不论其生产规模如何,都需要种类繁多的工艺装备,而制造业产品的质量、生产率、成本无不与工艺装备有关。














1.1 液压技术的发展历史液压传动理论和液压技术发展的历史可追溯17世纪,当时的荷兰人史蒂文斯(Strvinus)研究指出,液体静压力随液体的深度变化,与容器的形状无关。




1795年英国伦敦的约瑟夫.布拉默(Joseph Bramah 1749~1814)创造了世界上第一台水压机——棉花、羊毛液压打包机。


1936年,哈里.威克斯(Harry Vikers)提出了包括先导式溢流阀在内的些液压控制元件有力地推动了液压技术的进步。










看它的独特性能,在今后的市场上,势必将占有更大的份额!关键词:数字液压阀;步进电机;单片机控制;压力传感器反馈AbstractThe hydraulic valve is the indispensable part of function unit in the fluid drive. The fluid drive system's optimized promotion needs the hydraulic valve to enhance the performance correspondingly; On the other hand, hydraulic valve's innovation also bring new vigor to the fluid system. Now, the hydraulic valve hadenormous development in aspects volume, performance, energy consumption, intellectualized, manufacture processing craft and etc. Along with the hydraulic system, the electronic technology, the IT technology and networking's fusion, the hydraulic valve entered digital times. In the future, the hydraulic pressure digital valve will be a brand new valve which the proportioning valve, the servo valve auxiliary will contend with. It has the lower price , easier docking to the xxputer, simplerenlargement drive, moreover, the smaller volume. Its unique performance, will hold a bigger share inevitably in present's market!Keyboard:hydraulic valve;stepper motor;SCM Control;Pressure sensor feedback目录第一章绪论 11.1目的和意义--------------------------------------------------- 11.2 国内外发展现状---------------------------------------------- 31.3 毕业设计的内容---------------------------------------------- 5 第二章机械部分设计---------------------------------------------- 62.1 液压阀的选择------------------------------------------------- 72.2 步进电机的选择----------------------------------------------- 72.3 压力传感器的选择--------------------------------------------- 92.4 改造图及说明------------------------------------------------- 10 第三章控制系统硬件设计-------------------------------------------- 133.1 89C51单片机的介绍------------------------------------------- 143.1.1 引脚简要说明------------------------------------------- 143.1.2 P3口的第二功能--------------------------------------- 153.2 步进电机工作原理的介绍--------------------------------------- 153.3 硬件部分设计3.3.1 单片机电路-------------------------------------------- 163.3.2 反馈电路---------------------------------------------- 163.3.3 电路图------------------------------------------------- 17 第四章控制系统软件部分设计--------------------------------------- 194.1 环形脉冲分配------------------------------------------------ 204.2 步进电机的频率设定------------------------------------------ 214.3 89C51单片机源程序------------------------------------------ 21第五章实验------------------------------------------------------- 255.1 实际实验----------------------------------------------------- 255.2实验步骤-- 265.3 实际误差----------------------------------------------------- 305.4 实验图片----------------------------------------------------- 30 参考文献----------------------------------------------------------- 32 附录--------------------------------------------------------------- 33数字液压阀的系统设计第一章绪论1.1 目的和意义液压阀的发展应从技术与市场相结合来看,它分成三个层次和三种发展方向。



AHMA-8型液压弹簧操动机构安装说明书安装使用说明书0KB.412339.8ZF15-550型六氟化硫封闭式组合电器用液压弹簧操动机构共35页第1页1概述1.1 产品型号和名称AHMA-8型液压弹簧操动机构1.2 主要用途及特点AHMA-8型液压弹簧操动机构是碟簧储能的液压机构,目前主要用于ZF15-550断路器上。


1.3 使用环境条件a)周围空气温度:-25℃~+40℃;b) 防护等级: IP54。



2.1 总体结构(见图1,图2和图3)在图1,图2和图3中可以见到AHMA-8型液压弹簧操动机构的结构特征和主要元件。









液压方向阀门 3-way 2-position 自动操纵型弹簧式弹簧阀门说明书

液压方向阀门 3-way 2-position 自动操纵型弹簧式弹簧阀门说明书

-Slip-in cartridge valve -For cavity AC-All external parts with zinc-nickel plating according to DIN EN ISO 19598-Guided valve spool and poppet -With or without manual override-As an option, hand lever can be fitted to solenoid -De-energized closed-The slip-on coil can be rotated, and it can be replaced without opening the hydraulic envelope -High pressure wet-armature solenoids-Various plug-connector systems and voltages are availableDirectional valve 3-way/2-positionQ max = 40 l/min, p max = 315 barswitching solenoid, direct acting, poppet typeType series: W1F_B… (installation shallow)DescriptionThe 3-way/2-position solenoid-operated directional seat valves, series W1F_B… (installation shallow), are size 6, direct acting, and pressure balanced screw-in valves. They are designed on the tried and tested principle of the guided poppet, and the guide spool has a seal. This valve type has an overlapped spool. In the crossover position, all connections are thus dis-connected, i.e., there is no connection between ports 1, 2, and 3 during the valve’s switching period, with the result that only a minimal loss of the flow/pressure oc -curs. This is a very important benefit in small-volume circuits, and in accumulator- and clamping systems. This type is the "shallow" installation version, which fits into the cavity type according to the AC factory stan-dard. For the "deep" installation version, see separate data sheet. These cartridge seat valves are also avai-lable with or without manual override, and with the option of an additional hand lever. All external parts of the cartridge are zinc-nickel plated, and are thus sui-table for use in the harshest operating environments. The slip-on coils can be replaced without opening the hydraulic envelope and can be positioned at any ang-le through 360°. These valves are predominantly used in certain mobile and industrial applications where le-ak-tight shut-off functions are crucially important. Ex -amples are where loads, tensions, or clamping forces must be held without leakage. For self-assembly, plea-se refer to the section related data sheets.SymbolTechnical dataIMPORTANT!The less favorable values from the general, hy-draulic and electrical characteristics determi-ne the temperature range of the whole valve.IMPORTANT!To ensure the performance data is not com-promised, it is imperative to use coils D45/207 according to data sheet 400-P-120120. NOTE!These times are strongly influenced by fluid pressure, flow rate and viscosity, as well as by the dwell time under pressure.Performance graphsmeasured with oil viscosity 33.0 mm²/s (cSt), coil at steady-state temperature and 10 % undervoltage p = f (Q) Performance limitΔp = f (Q) Pressure drop-flow rate characteristic400-PG-0420050 (700)100 (1400)150 (2100)200 (2900)250 (3600)300 (4300)350 (5000)Q [l/min (gpm)]403020100p [bar (psi)](10)(7.5)(5)(2.5)1) = 1 →2, 2 → 1, 2 → 31)2)2) = 3 → 2010 (140)20 (285)30 (430)40 (570)Q [l/min (gpm)]p [bar (psi)]∆(10)(5)(2.5)(7.5)1) = 2 → 1; 2 → 32) = 1 → 23) = 3 → 2Dimensions and sectional viewInstallation informationATTENTION!Only qualified personnel with mechanical skills may carry out any maintenance work. Generally, the only work that should ever be undertaken is to check, and possibly replace, the seals. When changing seals, oil or grease the new seals thoroughly before fitting them.NOTE!1) When fitting the slip-in valves, use the specified tightening torque for the mounting screws. The value can be found in the chapter "Technical data".IMPORTANT!When replacing an old coil with connectionaccording to DIN 43650/ISO4400 (with otherPin setup than according to datasheet 400-P-120120), the new coil can be mounted in 180°reversed position so that the existing plug(with 180° earthingPIN) can be connected.This does not affect the performance data. Hand lever fitted on solenoid (optional)As an option, these valves are available with an addi-tional hand lever. The hand lever can be fitted on the solenoid. Two models can be supplied:“HHB” hand le-ver with detent feature, and the “HHNB” hand lever without detent feature.IMPORTANT!Hand levers can only be fitted to valves that have a manual override.Ordering codeW11 (9)A…Q Z…R D F AD I B G 1…9 (blank) M100 DT JT F(blank) +HHB +HHNB … Related data sheets****************************© 2023 by Bucher Hydraulics AG Frutigen, 3714 Frutigen, SwitzerlandAll rights reserved.Data is provided for the purpose of product description only, and must not be construed as warranted characteristics in the legal sense. The information does not relieve users from the duty of conducting their own evaluations and tests. Because the products are subject to continual improvement, we reserve the right to amend the product specifications contained in this catalogue.。



本科毕业设计说明书纯水单体液压支柱三用阀的整体设计ON THE OVERRALL DESIGN OF THREE PURE WATERHYDRAULIC VALVE学院(部):专业班级:学生姓名:指导教师:年月日纯水单体液压支柱三用阀的整体设计摘要现在的阀以油和乳化液为工作介质,此种阀容易腐蚀,使用寿命短,当把纯水作为工作介质用在阀上时,阀的使用寿命就明显增长。







关键词:纯水,三用阀,静态特性,动态特性ON THE OVERRALL DESIGN OF THREE PURE WATERHYDRAULIC VALVEABSTRACTThe valve is easy to be corroded and a short time to use,that takes oil and emulsion as service fluid now.When pure water is used in the value,the time is longer.This article is on the use of three pure water value.In this article,we studied the key to the questions in many aspects to which the pure water value faces. The working medium is pure water in the value of three using .It is used in the pit machine .The whole and sparce parts is studied in this article. Static and change characteristics analysed use Simulink of Matlab to build the pattern. When using pure water,the value has many questions in those ways which is designing sizes and structure.We can narrow error class,recluce rough classect. In this way we can answer to the question of viscosity class reclucing.KEYWARDS:pure water,three pure water value,Static characteristics, change characteristics目录摘要(中文) (Ⅰ)摘要(外文) (Ⅱ)1绪论 (1)1.1引言 (2)1.2“纯水”的定义及分类 (3)1.3 纯水液压传动所面临的技术挑战及对策 (4)1.3.1 密封与润滑问题 (6)1.3.2 耐磨损问题 (7)1.3.3 耐腐蚀问题 (9)1.3.4 抗气蚀问题 (9)1.4 国内外研究应用现状与发展趋势 (9)1.4.1 研究应用现状分析 (9)1.4.2 将来的发展趋势 (10)1.5 三用阀的防腐性能 (11)1.5.1 三用阀的工作液采用纯水 (11)1.5.2 材料全部采用不锈钢 (12)1.6 本文研究的内容 (12)2设计纯水液压阀时需要注意的问题 (13)2.1 纯水液压阀的研究现状 (13)2.2 纯水液压阀面临的关键问题 (14)2.2.1 气蚀与气蚀磨损 (14)2.2.2 拉丝侵蚀和冲蚀 (15)2.2.3 泄露与效率 (16)2.2.4 压力冲击,震动与噪音 (16)2.2.5 纯水液压元件气穴及其噪音问题 (17)2.2.5 解决阀设计中存在的问题可从几个方面考虑 (18)2.2.6 纯水液压元件减小气蚀破坏的方法 (19)3单体液压支柱结构分析 (21)3.1 概述 (21)3.2 液压支柱的适用范围及种类 (21)3.3 单体液压支柱的规格 (21)3.3.1 外注式单体液压支柱 (21)3.3.2 内注式单体液压支柱 (22)3.4 单体液压支柱的结构及技术参数 (22)3.4.1 DW06-22-300/100,DW25-250/100型外注式单体液压支柱 (22)3.4.2 DW28-250/100型外注式单体液压支柱 (22)3.4.3 内注式单体液压支柱 (23)4纯水单体液压支柱三用阀的整体设计 (24)4.1 工作原理 (24)4.2 具体的一些结构的设计比较 (25)4.2.1 三用阀密封装置的分析及其设计方案 (25)4.2.2 单体支柱工作特性的影响因素及其设计方案 (28)4.2.3 三用阀左右阀筒材料的选择 (30)4.3 三用阀材料的选择 (30)4.3.1 左右阀筒及一些关键零件的材料 (30)4.3.2 弹簧的材料 (31)4.3.3 密封件的材料 (32)4.4 三用阀尺寸设计 (33)4.4.1 三用阀的一般设计要求 (33)4.4.2 结构尺寸的设计 (33)4.5 三用阀的静态特性分析 (34)4.5.1 力平衡方程 (34)4.5.2 流量连续性方程 (35)4.5.3 静态特性分析 (36)4.6 三用阀的动态特性分析 (36)4.6.1数学模型 (36)4.6.2 仿真模型 (37)5零件设计 (40)5.1 左右阀筒(DZF-01 DZF-18) (40)5.2 注油阀体(DZF—02) (41)5.3 压紧阀套(DZF—05) (42)5.4 卸载阀垫(DZF—07) (43)5.5 连接螺杆(DZF-09) (44)5.6 阀套(DZF-10) (45)5.7 阀座(DZF-11) (46)5.8弹簧的设计 (47)5.8.1 弹簧的设计要求 (47)5.8.2 弹簧的设计与计算 (47)5.9 安全阀垫(DZF-13) (52)5.10 单向阀座(DZF-04) (53)5.11 阀中使用的钢球 (53)总结 (54)参考文献 (56)致谢 (57)1绪论1.1 引言液压传动是一项新兴技术,它被引用到工业领域只有很短的时间,单体液压支柱已广泛应用于我国煤矿井下支护,它具有初撑力大、恒阻、安全和高效等特性,是适合我国国情的一种有效的工作面支护设备。



IMPORTANT!PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS FIRST!If in doubt, please contact your local BILSTEIN dealer or our sales department before installation.When replacing other brands, BILSTEIN shock absorbers should always be installed as a set. Installation of shock absorbers, struts and cartridges requires special tools and expert knowledge. Accordingly, installation of all BILSTEIN products must be performed by a qualified suspension specialist.Always use a chassis hoist for the installation of BILSTEIN products, and make certain that the raised vehicle is securely attached to the hoist to prevent the vehicle from slipping, falling, or moving during the installation process.If you choose to install any BILSTEIN product without the necessary special tools, expertise or chassis hoist, you may subject yourself to the risk of serious bodily injury or death. If you elect not to use a chassis hoist, at least make sure the vehicle is on level ground, that all tires on the ground during installation are blocked to prevent movement, that at least two tires are on the ground at all times, and that adequately secured safety stands (jack stands) are used to support the chassis. NEVER get under the vehicle until you have checked to make sure all of these things are done.All BILSTEIN products must only be used for the specific, intended application as indicated in the application guide. Any use of any BILSTEIN product other than for its intended use may result in serious bodily injury or death.BILSTEIN suspension products are gas-filled and are highly pressurized. Never place any BILSTEIN product in a vise or use a clamp on any BILSTEIN product; never apply heat near any BILSTEIN product, and never attempt to open or repair any BILSTEIN product, in order to prevent serious bodily injury or death. Any attempt to misuse, misapply, modify, or tamper with any BILSTEIN suspension product voids any warranty and may result in serious bodily injury or death.Do not use impact tools for loosening or tightening fasteners, because this may destroy the screw threads. Self- locking nuts must only be used once!Reuse original equipment components only if they are in good condition, otherwise replace them with new components. Never remove the slight film of oil on the piston rod and seal.All mounting fasteners for shocks and struts must be securely tightened before tension is placed on the suspension system.After installing any BILSTEIN product, the suspension caster and camber must be checked and/or adjusted to comply with the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications. Also, the (load dependent) brake compensator and the anti-lock brake system must be checked and/or reset to comply with the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications. Also the headlight aim must be checked and adjusted.Be sure to properly dispose of all old parts.BILSTEIN 4600/5100 Series Shock Absorbers are designed to fit your vehicle’s original shock mounts with no modifications. The 4600/5100 Series shocks are installed in the same manner as a standard replacement shock.Shock Installation Procedure:A.Remove the existing shocks from the vehicle following all procedures in the vehicle manufacturer’sservice manual. Please note that removing inner fender wells will simplify installation.B.Slide Bilstein boot with boot adapter over stem until it’s seated securely (4600 series).ing the supplied stem mounting hardware, install the lower washer, sleeve, and bushing on theshock stem. Then install the Bilstein Shock Absorber in the original location and attach the lower mount. Please refer to Figure 1 for the proper order of installation of the stem hardware.D.Install the upper bushing, washer, and nut. If a chassis hoist has been used, be sure to lower thevehicle such that its full weight is on the suspension prior to fully tightening the fasteners.E.Tighten the lower mount fasteners to the vehicle manufacturer’s service manual torquespecification. Tighten the locknut on the stem until it bottoms out.sleevestembootLooking for dependable performance suspension parts? Rely on Bilstein for quality and long-lasting products.。

46 Series 弹簧式阀门说明书

46 Series 弹簧式阀门说明书

DM 36 VDC (5.3W)
DN 6 VDC (6W)
DP 48 VDC (5.8W)
DR 90 VDC (6.6W)
DS 110 VDC (7.3W)
DT 75 VDC (5.6W)
EA 12 VDC (6.0W)
EB 220 VDC (4.2W) ED 24 VDC (4.2W)
EE 12 VDC (4.2W)
#22 AWG x 18”, Other lengths available
Single Operator Only (Double Solenoid is not available)
Flows (Cv - Up to) Average of All Ports
Inline (Cv)
Safe Operating
Temperature Range: 0º to 120ºF (-18º to 50ºC)
Pressure Range: Vacuum to 120 PSI
General Purpose Class A, Continuous duty.
Coil Leads:
1.8w 0.20
Wattage 2.4w 0.20
5.4w 0.30
Higher flow rates available - Consult Factory
Special Applications The balanced poppet design facilitates using the same valve for many functions. A valve may be used for pressure and/or vacuum or plugged for 3 Way operation.



Free-Stand StainleSS Steel PreFerred-Cutout diSConneCtS StainleSS Steel two-Door DiSconnectStWo-door StainleSS Steel enCloSureS For FlanGe-Mounted diSConneCtS, tYPe 4XinduStrY StandardSUL 508A Listed; Type 3R, 4, 4X, 12; File No. E61997cUL Listed per CSA C22.2 No. 94; Type 3R, 4, 4X, 12; File No. E61997NEMA/EEMAC Type 3R, 4, 4X, 12CSA File No. 42186: Type 4, 4X, 12IEC 60529, IP66Meets NEMA Type 3RX requirementsSPeCiFiCationS• Manufactured from 12 gauge Type 304 stainless steel •S eams continuously welded and ground smooth •B ody stiffeners in larger enclosures for extra rigidity •B ody flange trough collar excludes liquids and contaminants •R emovable centerposts permit easy panel installation •H eavy-gauge continuous hinges •H eavy-duty lifting eyes are Type 316 stainless steel •D ata pocket is high-impact thermoplastic •15-in. floor stands are welded to enclosure •S eamless foam-in-place gasket provides oil-tight and dust-tight seal against contaminants • P anel supports•C ollar studs provided for mounting optional panels •H eavy-duty 3-point latching mechanism operated by Type 316 stainless steel POWERGLIDE padlocking handle on all doors •M aster door is right-hand door on X enclosures and left-hand door on CPX enclosures•T ype 316 stainless steel handle with defeater on master door •T ype 316 stainless steel handle (non-defeater) on slave door •M echanical interlock operated by master door prevents slave door from being opened first; doors can be closed in any order •P referred cutout on right flange provides mounting for most disconnect operators•B onding provision on doors; grounding studs on body •A ccessory mounting channel provided in enclosure top FiniSHStainless steel enclosures are unpainted. Sides and body have smooth #4 brushed finish. Optional mild steel panels are painted white. Optional conductive panels are available.aCCeSSorieSSee also Accessories.Blank Adapter Plates, Mild SteelINTERSAFE Data Interface Ports, Type 4/4X/12Operator Adapters for Universal Cutouts PANELITE Enclosure Lights OverviewPanels for Type 3R, 4, 4X, 12 and 13 Enclosures Steel and Stainless Steel Window KitsModiFiCation and CuStoMiZationHoffman excels at modifying and customizing products to yourspecifications. Contact your local Hoffman sales office or distributor for complete information.PatentSUS 5,634,357D 385,7683BULLETIN: A21S4Free-Stand StainleSS Steel PreFerred-Cutout diSConneCtS StainleSS Steel two-Door DiSconnectS Standard Product two-door with Provision for disconnect operator on right FlangeFree-Stand StainleSS Steel PreFerred-Cutout diSConneCtS StainleSS Steel two-Door DiSconnectS Standard Product two-door with Provision for disconnect operator on CenterpostFree-Stand StainleSS Steel PreFerred-Cutout diSConneCtS StainleSS Steel two-Door DiSconnectSdiSConneCt MountinG SPaCeDisconnects will occupy space on panel shown by dimensions E1, F1, G1 and K. Wiring Space W1 is available when disconnect is installed in the enclosure. See the Technical Information chapter for E1 Spacing by Enclosure Height for various disconnect switch manufacturers.Refer to National Electrical Code®, 2005 article 430-10(b) for wiring space required for line side conductors to be connected to disconnect.Verify your application to determine if wiring space is adequate.Free-Stand StainleSS Steel PreFerred-Cutout diSConneCtS StainleSS Steel two-Door DiSconnectSnotesFree-Stand S tainleSS S teel P reFerred-Cutout d iSConneCtS F ree-StanD P reFerreD-cutout S tainleSS S teel D iSconnect o verviewPreFerred-Cutout oVerVieWaPPliCationEnclosures having the preferred cutout are sized for use withup to 200A disconnect switches and up to 400A circuit breakers unless otherwise specified. The preferred cutout accepts the smaller operating handle whose mounting hole centers are 4.688 in. apart. Preferred cutouts are standard in mild steel wall-mount enclosures, modular enclosures and some select large mild steel enclosures. They are also present on all standard stainless steel offerings. 400 A (or greater) disconnect switches and 600 A (or greater) circuit breakers require the “Large” or “High Amp” cutout. This cutout accepts the larger operating handle whose mounting hole centers are 6.500-in. apart. This large cutout is only available on PROLINE-DD Disconnect Packages and Type 1 Free-Stand Enclosures.Operator adapter for preferred cutouts must be ordered separately to be used with A21S, A28S4, A4S and WS2D enclosures. Preferred cutouts are designed to house the following:allen-Bradley• B ulletin 1494V disconnect switches with flange-mount variable-depth operating mechanisms and Bulletin 1494V flange-mount variable-depth operating mechanisms for circuit breakers • B ulletin 140U flexible cable operating mechanisms for 140U molded case circuit breakers• B ulletin 140G flexible cable and variable depth flange-mount molded case circuit breakers• B ulletin 1494C cable-operated disconnect switches with flange-mount handles• B ulletin 194RC cable-operated flange-mount handles for use with the NFPA 79 compliant 194R IEC rotary disconnect switches Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1494V-R1, -R2 and -W2 operating handles and Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1494F disconnect devices or Bulletin 1494D circuit breaker operators will NOT fit these enclosures.aBB Controls flange-mount variable-depth operating mechanisms for disconnect switches and circuit breakers. Also the cable version for circuit breakers.eaton Cutler-Hammer Type C361 flange-mount variable-depth operating mechanisms with disconnect switches and Type C371 flange-mount variable-depth operating mechanisms for circuit breakers.General electric Type STDA flange handles and variable-depth operating mechanisms for disconnect switches and circuit breakers. Also SPECTRAFLEX cable operators for circuit breakers. Siemens ite MAX FLEX® flange-mount variable-depth operating handles for circuit breakers.Schneider Square d® Class 9422 disconnect switches with flange-mount variable-depth operating mechanisms or cable mechanisms and Class 9422 flange-mount variable-depth operating mechanisms or cable mechanisms for circuit breakers.These enclosures will NOT accept Square D Class 9422 bracket-mounted disconnect devices, Class 9422TG1 or TG2 devices. orderinGOrder the disconnect switch, operating handle and operating mechanism separately. See Technical Information in the Hoffman Specifier’s Guide for wire bend space available when various manufacturers’ disconnect switches are installed or Disconnect Ordering Information at for disconnect ordering guidelines and wire bend space available. Check the enclosure dimension drawings to verify the chosen disconnect switch will fit in the enclosure.。

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通过这次设计为以后从事模具设计方面打下了很好的基础,同时为在校时了解模具行业的发展方向也时很有必要的.关键词:模具,冲压,落料,拉深HYDRAULIC VALVE SPRING SEAT DESIGN OFSTAMPING PROCESS ANALYSIS AND DIE DESIGNABSTRACTHydraulic valve spring seat of the structure and forming technology is seriously analyzed by this topic. The size of the blank dimensions and impact force was calculated. Layout drawing and the die structure size is designed. Shows the characteristics of die structure, etcComposite modulus of simplex bit suits and blanking, deep drawing process were detailed analyzed. Layout diagram and the die structure were designed. The mould on the fixed mould plate, a lower die plate is of high precision long life, that one step forming and repeated a ssembly of high precision. It can quickly locate guide plate, stripper plate mounted to the mold base.Through this design for future engaged in mold design has laid a good foundation, at the same time as the school know when the mold profession the development direction of also very be necessary.KEY WORDS: Mold, Stamping, Blanking, Deep drawing目录前言 (1)第1章零件的冲压工艺性分析 (4)1.1零件的工艺性分析 (4)1.1.1工件结构分析 (4)1.1.2确定最佳工艺方案 (4)第2章毛坯计算 (6)2.1修边余量的确定 (6)2.1.1能否一次拉深的判断 (7)2.1.2零件的排样及利用率 (9)2.1.3压力计算,压力中心及压力机的选用 (10)第3章模具结构设计及校核 (14)3.1复合模的功能结构 (14)3.1.1复合模结构设计原则 (14)3.1.2设计概要 (15)3.2工作机构设计 (16)3.2.1导料及定距机构设计 (21)3.2.2卸料机构的设计 (21)3.2.3固定机构的设计 (22)3.2.4导向机构设计 (23)3.2.5垫板的设计 (23)结论 (26)谢辞 (27)参考文献 (28)前言作为一个马上将毕业的机械系机械设计制造及其自动化的学生来说,4年专业知识的学习,为以后从事模具设相关计打下了一定的基础,在校期间了解模具行业的发展方向也时很有必要的,它有利于我把握自己的学习方向,不断的提高自己相关专业素养。











































对于已经普及了的模具CAD/CAM技术的一批以家电行业为代表的企业来说,积极做好模具CAD/CAM技术的进一步应用工作,开展企业信息化工程,可以从CAPP,PDM CIMS,VR,逐步深化与提高。

第1章零件的冲压工艺性分析1.1零件的工艺性分析图1-1 液压阀弹簧座上图示为比较简单的盖型拉深冲孔件,材料是08钢,厚度为1.5mm..从设计任务当中可以看出,制件的精度要求不高.产量为大批量生产.查表08钢的机械性能如下:σs=185 MPa、σb=325Mpa、σ5/%≥33、硬度(未热处理)131HB。







