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Four Skills
Listening 1.textbook; 2.other kinds of tapes; 3.simple English songs; 4.CCTV-9; 5.Internet Speaking 1.Be active in and after class; 2.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes Reading 1.Morning-reading class; 2. Students Time; 3.Other kinds of materials, magazines Writing Write Weekly Diary using the words, phrases and Sentences that have been learned
背诵、默写: 要求背诵的内容先在四人小 组内由小组长负责背诵, 上课老师点名抽背。背不出 的全组在下节课表演英语节 目。也会以默写形式检查。
三、纠错要求: 1. 准备纠错本,每天作业 中的错误及时纠错。 2.第二天课前检查,随机抽 同学给大家讲解错题。
Change Your Attitude …
no way door
表妹 没门 色狼
走着瞧 爱谁谁
colour wolf lady-killer
We will see. go and look Love who who I don’t care. Stop! You give me stop!
搞 笑 英 语
你给我站住! 马马虎虎
“ ”
Just sohorse tiger tiger horse so.
Practice makes perfect!
一本随笔 一本字典
必做:1. 课文中划出新词和短语。 以下三选一:2. 抄写课文中新词 和短语所在的句子一遍并翻译成 汉语。3. 在课文中找出你觉得需 要记住的单词或短语,抄写一遍, 并用它们造句。4. 把尽可能多的 单词或短语串联成短文。
(3).作业:作业有“硬”作业即第二天要交的笔头作业,与“软” 作业即读、背、复述、对话及预习、自习等,不要只重视“硬” 作业,轻视“软”作业,因为语言能力需要通过这两种不同的作 业形式来积累和提高。
My hobby is…./ My hobbies are…..
...is my favorite.
I am a person who....
Hello, everyone. I’m ______and I graduated from_________. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, I’m fond of _____. In my free time, (doing sth) I spend much time in_________. In a word, I’m a person who____________.
Advice(初中到高中的过渡 )
1. You had better put most of your minds on your study. 2. As you know, attitude is everything. 3. 消除畏惧心理,积极大胆地去练习,不怕 出错,不怕别人笑话。 不要害怕,只要一试。
8. Finish homework on time
读: 9. Review lessons in time
10. Try to use English as much as you can
11. Pay attention to your handwriting
今天我背单词了吗? 今天我朗读(课文)了吗?
听写本页面中间对折,从上往下写流水 号后听写。每次听写都有积分记录。 听写以全对次数累计成绩,算作平时成 绩。听写中错误以负积分形式写在 作业本封面下方。 订正要求:错3个以内1订5消负积分。错 3个以上把整个单元单词的相应中文抄写 在听写本上,在统一时间内集体默写。 忘记订正的按此操作。
Don’t be shy, just try.
4. 巧妙安排学习时间.
"16字学习法“:化整为零,集中歼灭,见缝插针,持 之以恒。
如中午用15至20分钟背单词或读两、三篇课外文章, 晚自习按要求做作业,睡觉前用一、两分钟很快过一遍 白天刚学的单词。周末总结、复习。 每天零敲碎打,并不多占多少娱乐时间,但如果你能有 规律、有毅力地学习,必然得到回报。
realize _______ my dream here.
Something about the new term
Self-introduction Rules & Request
Comment on homework
Grammar: more complicated
1. Try ____she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open.
A. if B. when C. since D. as
2. The next thing he saw was smoke ____ from behind the house. A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen
And You Change Your Life ! ! !
Attitude is everything 态度决定一切 Success comes from good habits
Good habits for learning Senior English 高中英语学习的良好习惯
It is our first time to meet each other, so it is necessary for us to make a self – introduction.
About myself: Good morning everyone,I am glad to see you and welcome to Gengkai Middle School. Do you know our school is No.1 Middle School in Guangdong Province? Congradulations!You become the members of Gengkai Middle School. In the latter days I will be your English teacher.Now Let me tell you something about me.please look at the screen……. .
Name Age
I am .../ My name is…
I’m 17 years old. I’m a 17--- year--- old girl.
I like/love/enjoy(doing sth)...
I am fond of...
I am interested in…
I’m an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope you’ll like me and enjoy my class.Let’s work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set. I will be very happy if you tell something about yourselves to me ……
What is the difference between senior middle school and junior middle school English class?
Vocabulary: about 3500, more difficult.
E.g. 1. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to . A. disappear B . fall C. fail D. damage
5. 安排好学习的各个环节.
(1).预习:听录音,朗读课文,扫清单词发音障碍,了 解重点语法内容,阅读重点课文并回答课文后的问题。
(2).听课:认真听讲,积极参与课堂活动,记录老师所 讲的重点词语及语法知识,争取课上多有所获。如遇不 理解的问题,应课下立刻弄清楚,不要积压成堆。
开 学 了
Welcome and Nice to meet you!
What’s your first impression(印象) of Dagang High School? large in size a beautiful school with...
a place where
1.Listen more 多听课本配套录音(可从我这copy); 听: 多听英文歌曲, 多看英文电影 2. 说: Read more 充分利用早读时间, 可读单词,课文,双语报, 读: 课外英文读物 3. Write more 除作文以外,最好能坚持每周一篇 写: 英语周记, 每天英文日记更好
4. Practice more. “Practice makes perfect” 5. Willpower (毅力) No willpower no good English 6. Look up the dictionary when necessary 7. Pay attention in class and take notes 说:
make progress
realize one’s dream
My school
Dagang High School is a place ______I will where in size spend 3 years. It is large______. Besides, it has a beautiful campus(校园) _______trees with that such and flowers. It is _____a good school _____I like it a lot. I hope I can make _________and progress
今天我完成作业了吗? 今天我预习了吗? 今天我阅读了吗? 今天我听录音了吗?
微博 山寨 裸婚
Micro blog
copycat naked wedding
网 络 热 词
骨感美女 boney beauty
人肉搜索 flesh search
cousin sister watch
here I want to ask you a question Why should we study English?
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
the most widely used language in the world
know more about the world 150 marks in the NMET
(National Matriculation English Test)
of great use for you in college and even in your whole life
Including: A well-paid job Travelling to other countries without difficulty Study abroad Make you more clever …