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◎5. Factory
1. Increase employment.
2. Bring up the whole area
3. Increase tax
16. Resturant
1. Convenient
2. Places for relaxing and get together
3. Increase employment
25. Shopping center
1. Convenient
2. Bring up the whole area
3. Increase employment
30. High school/113. University
1. Bring up the whole area
2. Increase employment. eg. Cleaner. Cook
3. More access to students
79. Statue
1. Huge contribution to the area. Build factory
2. Education system
3. Characteristics. Charming
129. Business center
1. Tax
2. More people can learn how to do business
3. Bring up the whole area
1. Considerate
2. Amicable
3. Tolerant
18. Boss
1. Amicable
2. Open to new ideas
3. Considerate
46. Son or daughter
1. Love parents
2. Considerate
3. Understanding and respect
179. Good parents
1. Love
2. Considerate
3. Respectable personality
◎93. Roommates
1. Considerate
2. Amicable
3. Tolerant
22. Co-workers
1. Considerate
2. Amicable
3. Tolerant
6.52. Change in hometown
Environment 1.health mood
2. Tourists
3. Business
67. Lower salary inexperienced
1. Save money
2. New ideas
3. Accumulate experience
85. One day tour
Museum: 1. culture
2. Make friends people in them museum
3. Artifact
86. Go back to hometown childhood
1. Beautiful views
2. Friends
3. Play relax
89. Meet famous person from the past
1. Huge contribution to the area. Build factory
2. Education system
3. Characteristics. Charming
90. Entertainer/athlete
Rafael Nadal: 1. Tennis skills
2. Personality
3. Charity work
◎91. Famous person+ question
1. Huge contribution to the area. Build factory
2. Education system
3. Characteristics. Charming
98. One thing represents country
Ping Pong: 1. National sport
2. Exercise+ glory
3. Make friends
132. Invention
Machine which play games with people:
3.Make friends
141. Change in school
Increase sports exercise
1. Exercise
2. Relax
3. Make friends
156. Country you want to visit
Spain: 1.Barcelona football club
2. Culture
3. Beautiful view
176. Create a new holiday
Honor person: 1. huge contribution to the area. Build factory
2. Education system
3. Characteristics. Charming
How: do good things
149. Build a university
1. Get higher education
2. Make friends
3. Bring up the whole area
◎69. Study a subject
Sports training:
1. relax
2. exercise
3. Make friends
165. Do something to community
Teach tennis:
1. relax
2. exercise
3. Make friends
◎56. Company support arts/ protect environment
Protect environment: 1. Health
2. Attract tourist
3. Business
33. Concert/Jewelry
Concert: 1. Relax
2. Meet the musician
3. Make friends
32. Save money/ Spend money
Save money: 1. For house, car
2. Travel
3. Get sick
185. Business/ house
Business: 1. Help tax
2. Be my own boss
3. Increase employment
177. Car/ Vacation
Vacation: 1.Relax
2. Make friends
3. Learn culture
95. Outer space/ basic needs
Basic needs: 1. Starvation
2. Medical treatment
3. War
19. Roads/ transportation
Transportation: 1. Environment
2. Convenient
3. Increase employment
100. Computer technology/basic needs
Basic needs: 1. Starvation
2. Medical treatment
3. War
11. Sports/ library
Sports: 1. Relax
2. Exercise
3. Make friends
147. Put to sports activities
1. Relax
2. Exercise
3. Make friends
167. Computers/books
Computers: 1. versatile
2. Easy to keep doc
3. Practice computer skills
5. 原因问题
1. Attend university
1. Learn professional knowledge
2. Prepare for job
3. Make friends
21. Live longer
1. Health condition
2. Medical treatment
3. Psychological condition
168. Study abroad
1. Make friends
2. Learn a new language
3. Learn different ideas, get ready for job
12. Visit museums
1. Learn culture
2. Time limits
3. Precious artifacts
43. Attracted to dangerous things
1. Relax
2. Find ourselves, try different things
3. Enjoy the accomplishment
48. Work
1. Accomplishment
2. Make friends
3. Interest
53. the most important aspects of the job is money
Disagree: 1. Accomplishment
2. Make friends
3. Interest
161. People remember special gifts
1. Special meaning. E.g. friend sends card in birthday
2. Useful. E.g. History book
3. Make changes. E.g. apology cards
163. The ability of reading and writing more important
1. Find jobs E.g. high tech
2. Make friends
3. Get information
169. Music important
1. Relax
2. Regulate moods. E.g. big games
3. Make friends with same hobbies
6. 交友问题
62. Friends: intelligent/ humorous/reliable
Reliable: 1. Trust.
2. Frank
3. Help me
110. Spend time alone/ spend time with friends
Spend time with friends: 1. Make friends. Get to know them
2. Learn more things
3. More fun
111. One friend/ many friends
Many friends: 1. Make friends
2. Learn more things
3. Relax, More fun
117. Friends same/different
Same friends: 1. Understand me. Help me.
2. Same hobbies. Play together
3. in harmony
☆173. Borrow money harm friendship
Agree. 1. Not trust
2. Feel pressure about money
3. Unequal
7. 学习教育问题
4. Knowledge and experience
1. Basic knowledge
2. Cheaper
3. Save time
14. University class required/optional
Required: 1. communicate with teachers and students .Make friends
2. Ask question during classes
3. Disciplines
17. Learn by a teacher/ Learn by oneself
Teachers: 1. Ways to study
2. Experience
3. Communication. Ask question
68. Daily homework
Necessary: 1. Good for review
2. Form good habit
3. Communicate with friends
72. Grades encourage students to learn
Yes. 1. Accomplishment
2. Happy
3. Help others
75. Many subjects/ one subject
Many subject. 1. Wider choices for jobs
2. Make friends
3. Learn more things.
☆77. Boy/girls attend separate schools
NO. 1. Make more friends
2. Learn from each other. Personality
3. More different knowledge
107. University available to all/ good student
All. 1. Learn more professional knowledge
2. Make more friends
3. Team work sprite
108. Learning listening to advice/Personal
Advice: 1. Trust people
2. Avoid repeat mistake
3. Some mistake can’t be repeated
116. Learning: Doing/Reading/Listening
Reading: 1.Basic knowledge
2. Aviod mistakes
3. Cheap
123. Read books real events/people/facts
NO: 1. Relax
2. Imagination
3. Child. Learn
124. More important history.literature/science.maths NO. 1. Learn culture
2. Job
3. Relax
125. Study art and music
1. Relax
2. Find job
3. Make friends
137. Study the course that the student wants to study
1. Learn more things
2. Find jobs
3. Make more friends
157. IBT study/traditional
Traditional: 1. Make friends
2. Ask question. Discussion
3. Participate in activities
175. T eacher lecture/student talking
Student: 1. Discussion
2. Spoken language
3. Make friends
184. Study alone/ in group
Study in group: 1. Make friends
2. Discussion
3. Learn team work spirit
2. Parents are the best teachers
1. With us for a long time know us well
2. Reliable. Trust
3. Experience
20. Grow up in countryside/Big city
1. More opportunity for jobs
2. Museum
3. Make more friends.
23. Have job while student
1. Earn money
2. Learn experience
3. Make more friends
61. Parents make decisions for older children
Yes. 1. No experience, make mistakes
2. Always love children, make the best decision for them
3. Know children
66. Classmates are important influence than parents on kids
1. with us for a long time
2. Ask parents for advice. Experienced
3. Reliable
76. Learn foreign language
1. Easy to learn when kids
2. Make friends. Practice
3. Learn culture
112. Children study/play
Play: 1. Relax
2. Character
3. Learn
4. Make friends
133. Childhood years are most important years
1. Character
2. Learn things
3. Make friends
134. Help household
1. Learn responsibility
2. Help parents
3. Skills
130. Sports.
1. Relax
2. Exercise
3. Make friends
9. 个人成功问题
10. success hard work, not luck
1. Finding suitable job
2. Time
3. Someone truly understand
40. Never give up.
1. Study. Never stop trying
2. Work
3. Life. Setback
51. Success taking risk/ careful planning
Careful planning: 1. Efficient
2. Think about all the factors
3. Make sure the goals
63. Difficult experience become valuable lessons
1. Study, learn a lot of things
2. Work. Never make the same mistake
3. Life. Never give up
115. Make plans/ no plans at all
Have plans: 1. Make full use of time
2. Cheap. Plan all the things. Travel
3. Happy
166. Events make children-adult
1. Setbacks
2. Start to take responsibilities
3. Independent
131. Only people who earn a lot of money are successful
1. Develop the people’s living standard. Scientist
2. Revolutionaries, break the traditional rules. Martin Luther King
3. Help others. Charity. Mother Teresa.
42. One skill in the world to be successfu l
Computer skills: 1. Communication
2. Efficiency
3. Needed. Development in technology
13. Eat outside/ eat at home
Eat at home: 1. cheap
2. Cook better food
3. Cook with friends
31. Staying in one place/ Moving in different places
Moving: 1. Learn more about culture
2. Make friends
3. Better development
103. Most important character to success
Perseverance: 1. face setbacks
2. Stick to the end
3. Work the hardest
10. 生活习惯
9. Live in big city/small town
Big city. 1. More access to shopping malls
2. Better education
3. More friends
44. Travel with companion/ Travel alone
Companion. 1. Make friends, strengthen friendship
2. Learn more
3. Safer
27. Do things they do not enjoy
Yes. 1. Make a living. Do what they can. Jobs
2. Development. Work hard. Study
3. White lies.
50. Do things when ready/ Take risks
Take risks. 1. Make friends
2. Challenges. Learn more things
3. Discover new fortes.
45. Get up early/ Get up late
Get up early. 1. Good for health
2. Exercise in the morning
3. Work in the morning important
59. Hurry/ slower pace in life
Slower pace. 1. Relax
2. Good for health
3. Good for friendships and relationship
64. Work for someone else or own a business
Own a business. 1. Make friends
2. Learn a lot of things. Experience
3. Achievements. Challenges.
71. Money, time with friends
Lower money, more time with friends and family
1. Relax
2. Make more friends. Important
3. Friends and family are the preconditions for a good job 92. Weather change/ same
Same. 1. Beautiful views
2. Cheap, same clothes
3. Go outdoors
146. Outside/ Inside activities
Outside. 1. Beautiful views
2. Relax
3. Make friends
101. Work by hand/ Work by machines
Machines. 1. More efficient
2. Save strength
3. Bring convenience to others
◎118. New experience/ Stay the same
New experience. 1. Make new friends
2. Learn more things
3. More opportunity
140. Items made by hands/ Machines
Machines. 1. Cheap
2. Beautiful
3. Durable
144. Traditional house/ Modern apartment
Modern house. 1. House big. Light. Comfortable
2. Facilities. Swimming pool, exercise
3. Make friends
24. Like/dislike living in the town
Like: 1. culture
2. Food
3. People
Dislike: 1. environment
97. Teachers should be paid according how much their students learn
1. Can not measure accurately
2. Some students do not learn, even if the teachers are really trying
3. Give students too much pressure
99. Assign roommate/ Choose roommate
Choose roommate. 1. Hobbies
2. Character
3. Living customs
102. Students evaluate teachers
1. Know about the teacher. Direct, what is right, what is wrong?
2. Improve teachers, supervise
3. Good for competition
105. Living on campus/ Living in community
Living in campus. 1. Close to school, travel easy
2. Safe
3. Make friends
139. Most important room.
Living room. 1. Big. Comfortable
2. Relax
3. Meet friends
172. School helps new students
1. Advisor in courses
2. Hot line for help
3. Financial support
96. Way to reduce stress
Playing sports. 1. Relax
2. Exercise
3. Make friends. Team work spirit
47. Large company/ Small company
Large company. 1. Make more friends
2. More space for promotion
3. More opportunity for studying, better jobs, higher status 160. Complain in person/ in writing
1. Not to break relationship
2. Make things clear, writing think it over
3. Control temper.
11. 环境,动物,植物,土地
29. Human activity makes the earth a better place/damaged
Damage: 1. environment
2. War
3. Resource
41. Farmland, housing, industry more important than endangered animals NO. 1. Ecology
2. Biology. Animal chain
3. Environment
181. More land natural condition/ develop for housing
1. More people
2. Economic
3. Factory
182. Close relationship with pets
Good. 1. Be with us when we are lonely
2. No trouble
3. Quiet. Good listener
151. Most important animal
Dogs. 1. Friend
2. Door keeper
3. Teach kids to love animals
152. Disappearing resource
1. Environment
2. Animal habitat
3. Money to change that situation
153. A zoo has no useful purpose
1. Save the endangered animals
2. Teach kids sth about animals
3. Teach people to protect animals
154. No smoking
1. Good for people’s health
2. Passive smokers
3. Avoid fire
155. Plant important in your country
Food plant. 1. More people
2. Not enough food
3. Delicious
12. 技术。


3. Easier to prepare food make people’s lives easier
1. Save time
2. Diversity
3. Health
70. Automobile
1. Pollution
2. Traffic jam
3. Car accident
73. Computer
1. Versatile. Entertainment
2. Convenient. Carry everywhere.
3. Communication. E-mail.
84. Internet.
1. Relax
2. Study
3. Travel
36. Automobile/bicycle/airplane change people’s lives Bicycle. 1. Good for environment
2. Fast. No traffic jams
3. Exercise
37. Progress is always good
1. Technology. Environment. Car.
2. Computer. Lazy
3. Stay at home. Less contact with friends.
39. High- tech, student learn more things, more quickly
1. Internet, more resource. Ask questions online.
2. More contact. E-mail
3. No time limit
81. Technology has make the world a better place to live
1. Pollution
2. Not saving time. Traffic jams
3. Danger. Car accidents.
83. Single world culture.
1. More contact. Computers, telephone
2. Traveling easier. Students studying abroad.
3. More global events. FIFA. Olympic
87. Most beneficial invention in the last 100 years
Fossil fuels. 1. More opportunity for jobs
2. Develop industrial
3. Cheaper
178. Change 21 century will bring
Environment. 1. Good for health.
2. Attract tourist
3. Attract investments
159. One change that should be remembered in the 20th century.
Computer. 1. Easier for communication.
2. More resource.
3. Versatile
13. 广告,影视,传媒
7. Movies and televisions influence people’s behavior
1. Culture
2. News, entertainment
3. Make people go out less.
8. TV destroy communication between friends and family
1. Watch TV, movies together
2. Resources for talking
3. Learn cultures
49. Face to face communication better than other ways
1. Save time, efficient.
2. Control temper
3. Special situation
35. Attending live performance better than TV.
1. Save time.
2. Save money
3. Clearer on TV.
57. Movies think/entertainment.
Entertainment. 1. Relax
2. Watch with friends.
3. Learn things
145. Ads improve life/ no need
No need. 1. Bargain
2. Celebrity
3. Illustration
88. Tele and e-mail communication less personal
1. Save time, money
2. Wherever
3. Photo
183. Films and country
1. Culture
2. People.
180. Why movies are popular
1. Watch with friends.
2. Relax.
3. Learn about things
150. Watching TV is bad for children
1. Relax
2. Learn things
3. Make friends
127. Reading fiction is more enjoyable than movies
1. Watch with friends
2. Movies shorter. Focus
3. Picture.
14. 体育,游戏
60. Games are important for adults and children
1. Relax
2. Learn things
3. Play as a team
128. Physical exercise
1. Relax
2. Exercise
3. Make friends
4. Sports spirit
148. Playing games teaches us about life
1. Win or lose
2, Team work
3. Play with family and friends
136. Playing a game is fun only when you win.
1. Learn a lot of things
2. Relax
3. Play with friends
74. Best way to travel lead by tour guide
1. Know more things
2. Language
3. Save time
80. Custom
Climb the mountain. 1. Beautiful views
2. Exercise
3. Relax.
4. Make friends
109. Follow the custom/ Keep own custom Follow. 1. Make friends
2. Find jobs
3. Inconvenience。
