



中国五岳英文表达中国五岳是中国文化传承中一个重要的组成部分,他们分别是:泰山(Mount Tai)、华山(Mount Hua)、衡山(Mount Heng)、恒山(Mount Hengshan)和嵩山(Mount Song)。














四大佛教名山英语作文The Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains in China are Emei Mountain, Wutai Mountain, Putuo Mountain, and Jiuhua Mountain. These mountains are not only important pilgrimage sites for Buddhists, but also popular tourist destinations for people of all backgrounds.Emei Mountain, located in Sichuan Province, is known for its natural beauty and ancient temples. The mountain is home to the first Buddhist temple in China, which was built during the 1st century AD. Emei Mountain is also famous for its diverse plant and animal species, including the rare Emei golden monkey.Wutai Mountain, situated in Shanxi Province, is considered the home of Manjusri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. The mountain is known for its many temples and monasteries, some of which date back to the Tang Dynasty. Wutai Mountain is also revered for its stunning scenery, including five peaks that are said to represent the five peaks ofManjusri's crown.Putuo Mountain, located in Zhejiang Province, is dedicated to Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. The island is home to many temples and monasteries, and is a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists alike. Putuo Mountain is also known for its beautiful beaches and clear waters, making it a peaceful and serene place to visit.Jiuhua Mountain, situated in Anhui Province, is associated with Ksitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of Hell-beings. The mountain is known for its dramatic cliffs, deep ravines, and ancient temples. Jiuhua Mountain is also famous for its many ginkgo trees, some of which are over 1,000 years old.These Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains are not only important religious sites, but also valuable cultural and natural treasures. They attract millions of visitors each year, who come to admire the stunning landscapes, learn about Buddhist culture, and seek spiritual enlightenment.中国的四大佛教名山是峨眉山、五台山、普陀山和九华山。





Putuo Mountain, one of the Four Holy Buddhist Mountains, covers an area of 12.5 square kilometers. The highest peak, the Fudingshan Mountain is 300 meters high above the sea level. Temples, monasteries, nunneries are spread all over the mountain. According to the annals of Putuo Mountain, after the construction of "Unwilling-to-go" Guanyin Temple, people began to build up temples in large scales. The remained ten ancient architecture complex and historical sights were built in Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing. Putuo Mountain once had 82 temples, 128 huts, accommodating 4,000 monk and nuns at its heyday. When you walk on the paths, you probably can come across monks in kasaya. The glorious sceneries as well as the glamour concerned with Buddhism make it a sacred mountain.Puji Temple, Fayu Temple, and Huiji Temple are the three largest in the twenty temples in Putuo. Puji Temple, covering 11,000 square meters, was first built in Song Dynasty, and is the main temple devoted to the Goddess of Guanxin. Fayu Temple was first built in Ming. It sits along the mountain with different layers on it. Numerous large trees stand in the mountain, qualify the temple for a quiet and deep place. Huiji Temple is on the Foding Peak, so gets a name after that, Foding Peak Temple.Bizarre rocks and queer cliffs can be seen everywhere. The most famous twenty are Qingtuo Rock, Rock of Two Tortoises Listening to Preaching, Rock of Buddhist Heaven on Sea, etc.Along the line where the mountain connects with the sea, many spectacular caves are very attractive. Chaoyin Cave and Fanyin Cave are the two top ones.Notes:1. Putuo Mountain 普陀山。



旅游英语:用英语介绍佛教名山---峨眉山Mt.Emei is located in Emei Mount City 160 km. south west of Chengdu.It is 3099 metres above sea level. It is known as "the fairest mountain among the fair mountains in the world”for its majesty and beauty.Mt. Emei is one of China‘s four sacred Buddhist mountains.As early as the second century, Buddhists began to build temples and monasteries on the mountain. Bythe end of sixth century, it had become a noted Buddhist place. There were 151monasteries scattered all over the mountain, but more than twenty still remain today.Mt Emei is a Buddhist sanctuary for pilgrims.3Mt.Emei is an ideal place for sightseeing. It is fa mous for its“ten scenic spots”such as "Bubbling-notes under the Shuangfei Bridges”,"Autumn Breeze over the Baishui Monastery4","Auspicious Rays on the Golden Summit5”and so on.Mt. Emei is known as a natural botanical garden. About 3,000 species of plants can be found here. The variety of flowers on the mountain are numerous as well. Mt.Emei is also a paradise for biologists. Every year many biologists come here to collect specimens. There are many animals on the mountain, such as lesser pandas, withered-leaf butterflies,pianofrogs and so on. The monkeys on Mt.Emei are very lovely. They often come to beg for food from the tourists.中文翻译:峨眉山峨眉山位于成都西南160公里处的峨眉山市境内,海拔3099米,因其山势巍峨秀丽,故有“峨眉天下秀”之称。



峨眉山和乐山大佛英文介绍Emei Mountain lies seven kilometers southwest of Emeishan City and is one of the f our mountain ranges in China that Buddhists consider sacred. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1996. The mountain stretches more than 200 kilome ters from south to north. Its main peak, Wanfo Top, is 3,099 meters above sea lev el. Since ancient times Emei Mountain has been described as "Beauty Under Heaven ". Temples were built as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (25——220) and Buddhis m was introduced to the mountain during the Jin Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing d ynasties there were more than 150 temples.A legend claims that the mountain was where Samantabhadra gave lectures on Buddhism and most temples house a statue of Samantabhadra. The main scenic s pots on the mountain include the Baoguo Temple, Wannian Temple, Fohu temple, Qingyin Pavilion, Heilongjiang Tunnel, Hongchun Platform, Xianfeng Temple (Jiulao C ave), Xixiang Pond and Golden Summit. These places are at different altitudes and have different climates. Temperatures at the top of mountain are 15 degrees lower than at the foot. Emei Mountain is a well-known natural museum with more than 3, 000 specimens of plants and 2,000 types of animals including groups of monkeys th at appear on the mountain roads and fascinate the tourists.Baoguo Temple sits at the foot of the mountain at the entrance and exit of th e mountain area. The temple was built during the reign of Ming Emperor Wanli(157 3——1620). About 15 kilometers from the Baoguo Temple is Wannian Temple, one of the main temples in the mountain area. Wannian Temple, or the Temple of Sam antabhadra as it was known before the Ming Dynasty, was built during the reign of Emperor Long’an of the Eastern Jin dynasty (397——401). It has no beams and ho uses a bronze statue of Buddha Samantabhadra mounted on a six-toothed white ele phant cast in 1980, the fifth year of the Northern Song Dynasty. The statue is 7.3 meters high and weighs 62 tons. Xianfeng Temple is situated a the foot of the Jiulao Peak and the old halls were built with tin sheets and iron tiles. The intact halls were rebuilt in 1779. Fohu Temple is located one kilometer west of Baoguo Temple and at the foot of Fohu Hill. It is one of the largest temple in the mountain area. Rebuilt in 1651, it covers an area of 13,000 square meters and is accessible from the highway. At the Golden Summit, the pinnacle of the mountain area 3,065 meter s above sea level, is Puguang Hall of Temple. It was constructed during the Easter n Han Dynasty and has been rebuilt several times after being struck by lightning. T he Golden Summit is an ideal place to view the sunrise, the sea of clouds, the "Bu ddhist lights" and "Sacred lamps".The Giant Buddha on the east bank of Mingjiang River in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, rests his feet where three rivers——the Minjiang, Qingyi and Dadu——join. The Buddha faces Emei Mountain across the river and at its back is the western sl ope of Lingyun Mountain. Standing at 70.7 meters with shoulders 24 meters wide it is an impressive sight. A water drainage system reduces erosion by rain and slows weathering.The statue was begun in 713 and completed in 803. To the right of the statue a plank road with nine turns was built and it is now famous as the nine-turn plan k road; it goes from the bottom to the top.。

Buddhist Mountains of China中国佛教名山

Buddhist Mountains of China中国佛教名山

Bodhimandala /Bodhisattva
Manjusri (文殊菩萨 )
Golden Wutai
Emei Mountain in Samantabhadr Copper Emei Sichuan a (普贤菩萨 ) Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang the Goddess of Mercy Silver Putuo
Mt. Wutai
★Five Peaks: 东台 望海峰 西台 挂月峰 南台 锦绣峰 北台 叶斗峰 中台 翠岩峰 ★Five Zen Place: 【五大禅处】 显通寺(灵鷲寺) 塔院寺 菩萨顶 殊像寺 罗睺寺
★Other Famous Temples: 金阁寺 碧山寺
东台 望海峰1
东台 望海峰2
海天佛国 观音道场
Mt. Jiuhua
❤Located in Qingyang County, Anhui Province. ❤Extends for 120 kilometers, with a total area of 334 square kilometers, the highest peak reaches 1342 meters above sea level.
Mt. i
❤Lies in Emeishan City, Sichuan Province,
Covers an area of 154 square kilometers. ❤At 3,099 m, Mt. Emei is the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China. ❤The patron bodhisattva of Emei is Samantabhadra, known in Chinese as Puxian (普贤菩萨).



National Forest Park World Heritage List
Mount WuTai
• Mount WuTai landscape • The famous temple • The local products
The five peaks
East Wanghai Peak(望海峰)
Sculpture, stone carving, murals and calligraphy all over the temples, all have high artistic value.
The famous temple
South Zen Temple(南禅寺)
Foguang Temple(佛光寺)
Xiantong Temple(显通寺)
It is located in the middle of taihuห้องสมุดไป่ตู้i town, is the oldest and biggest temple in mount wutai. This temple is built in han dynasty.
• Table mushroom
• Trollflower (金莲花)
Buddha beads(佛珠)
The End Thank You
Tayuan Temple(塔院寺)
Tayuan temple is bulit by nepal artisan in yuan dynasty. There is a white tower in the temple. The white tower is the symbol of the mount wutai.
The east peak rises 2795 metres above the sea level.







EmeimountainliessevenkilometerssouthwestofEmeishancityandisoneofthe fourmountainrangesinchinathatBuddhistsconsidersacred.itwasincludedint heUnEScoworldheritagelistin1996.Themountainstretchesmorethan200kil ometersfromsouthtonorth.itsmainpeak,wanfoTop,is3,099metersaboveseal evel.SinceancienttimesEmeimountainhasbeendescribedas”BeautyUnderH eaven”.TempleswerebuiltasearlyastheEastern Handynasty(25——220)and BuddhismwasintroducedtothemountainduringtheJindynasty.inthemingand Qingdynastiesthereweremorethan150temples. alegendclaimsthatthemountainwaswhereSamantabhadragavelecturesonBu ddhismandmosttempleshouseastatueofSamantabhadra.Themainscenicspot sonthemountainincludetheBaoguoTemple,wannianTemple,Fohutemple,Qi ngyinPavilion,HeilongjiangTunnel,HongchunPlatform,XianfengTemple(J iulaocave),XixiangPondandGoldenSummit.Theseplacesareatdifferentaltit udesandhavedifferentclimates.Temperaturesatthetopofmountainare15degreeslowerthanatthefoot.Emeimountainisawell-knownnaturalmuseumwithm orethan3,000specimensofplantsand2,000typesofanimalsincludinggroupso fmonkeysthatappearonthemountainroadsandfascinatethetourists. BaoguoTemplesitsatthefootofthemountainattheentranceandexitofthemoun tainarea.ThetemplewasbuiltduringthereignofmingEmperorwanli(1573——1620).about15kilometersfromtheBaoguoTempleiswannianTemple,oneo fthemaintemplesinthemountainarea.wannianTemple,ortheTempleofSaman tabhadraasitwasknownbeforethemingdynasty,wasbuiltduringthereignofE mperorLong'anoftheEasternJindynasty(397——401).ithasnobeamsa ndhousesabronzestatueofBuddhaSamantabhadramountedonasix-toothedw hiteelephantcastin1980,thefifthyearofthenorthernSongdynasty.Thestatueis 7.3metershighandweighs62tons.XianfengTempleissituatedthefootoftheJiu laoPeakandtheoldhallswerebuiltwithtinsheetsandirontiles.Theintacthallsw ererebuiltin1779.FohuTempleislocatedonekilometerwestofBaoguoTemple andatthefootofFohuHill.itisoneofthelargesttempleinthemountainarea.Rebu iltin1651,itcoversanareaof13,000squaremetersandisaccessiblefromthehigh way.attheGoldenSummit,thepinnacleofthemountainarea3,065metersabove sealevel,isPuguangHallofTemple.itwasconstructedduringtheEasternHandynas tyandhasbeeebuiltseveraltimesafterbeingstruckbylightning.TheGoldenSu mmitisanidealplacetoviewthesuise,theseaofclouds,the”Buddhistlights”and ”Sacredlamps”.篇二:峨眉山导游词四川峨眉山导游词(川南旅游片区)各位游客大家好,欢迎您来到高出五岳、秀甲天下,山势雄伟,景色秀丽,气象万千的中国佛教文化名山—峨眉山。



• 九华山,[1-3]
位于安徽省池州市青阳县境内,西北接安庆市天柱 山风景区,南接黄山风景区,是安徽省三大名山之一(黄山、九华山、 天柱山),是上古学仙修道圣地之一。黄金旅游区的北部主入口、主 景区。九华山风景区面积120平方公里,保护范围174平方公里。是首 批国家重点风景名胜区,著名的游览避暑胜地,现为国家5A级旅游区、 全国文明风景旅游区示范点,现与山西五台山、浙江普陀山、四川峨 眉山并称为中国佛教四大名山,是“地狱未空誓不成佛,众生度尽方 证菩提”的大愿地藏王菩萨道场,被誉为国际性佛教道场。 • 九华山古称陵阳山、九子山,因有九峰形似莲花,因此而得名。于唐 天宝年间(742(壬午年)~756)改名九华山。方圆100公里内有九 十九峰,主峰十王峰海拔1342米,山体由花岗石组成,山形峭拔凌空, 素有“东南第一山”之称,至今保留着乾隆御赐笔金匾“东南第一 山”。
• 五台山(Mount Wutai)位ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้山西省忻州市五台县境内,
位列中国佛教四大名山之首。五台山位于山西省东北部, 隶属忻州市五台县,西南距省会太原市230公里,与浙江 普陀山、安徽九华山、四川峨眉山、共称“中国佛教四大 名山”。五台山与尼泊尔蓝毗尼花园、印度鹿野苑、菩提 伽耶、拘尸那迦并称为世界五大佛教圣地。 五台山所在的山西处于黄土高原,地旱树稀,视野里整整 一个是土黄色的世界,可以称为金色世界。五台山属太行 山系的北端,跨忻州市五台县、繁峙县、代县、原平市、 定襄县,周五百余里。在北纬38°50'~39°05'、东经 113°29'~113°44'之间,由一系列大山和群峰组成。其 中五座高峰,山势雄伟,连绵环抱,方圆达250公里,总 面积592.88平方公里。

中国名山英语简介Famous Mountains

中国名山英语简介Famous Mountains
Famous Mountains in China
When talking about the famous mountains in China, Chinese people usually refer to the Five Great Mountains and the Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism. Most of them boast religious significance, of either Taoism or Buddhism; some have become the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Mt. Huashan is the highest one among the Five Great Mountains (2,154.9 m), which reputed for its majestic breath-taking crags, steep paths, beautiful sceneryprecipices, deep and narrow creeks, and profound Taoist culture, as it is said to be the most precipitous mountain in the world. Situated 100 km to the east of Xian, Mt. Huanshan is known as "The Number One Precipitous Mountain under Heaven". It has 5 main peaks, the east peak, which named “Chaoyang Peak”, is one of the 9 great places of China to sensidered a sacred mountain since the Zhou Dynasty, since when, lots of legends and mythologies were recorded and left to the offsprings. Owning to its superb geographical advantage, it is also the important military fortification between remote northern plateau and fertilized middle plain of China.

中国名山英语简介Famous Mountains课件PPT

中国名山英语简介Famous Mountains课件PPT

Mt. Taishan (East Great Mountain)
Mt. Hengshan of South China (South Great Mountain)
Mt. Huashan (West Great Mountain) Mt. Hengshan of North China (North Great Mountain)



介绍句九华山的英语作文Mount Jiuhua, located in China's Anhui province, is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism. 九华山位于中国安徽省,是中国佛教四大名山之一。

The mountain is known for its beautiful landscapes, ancient temples, and rich cultural heritage. 这座山以其美丽的风景、古老的寺庙和丰富的文化遗产而闻名。

Mount Jiuhua is home to over 90 temples, many of which were built during the Tang and Song dynasties. 九华山上有90多座寺庙,其中许多是在唐宋时期建造的。

One of the most famous temples on the mountain is the Tiantai Temple, which was built during the Tang dynasty and is known for its stunning architecture and beautiful surroundings. 山上最著名的寺庙之一是天台寺,它建于唐朝,以其令人惊叹的建筑和美丽的环境而闻名。

In addition to its religious significance, Mount Jiuhua is also a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers, who are drawn to itsserene forests, clear streams, and diverse wildlife. 除了宗教意义之外,九华山也是徒步旅行者和自然爱好者的热门目的地,他们被其宁静的森林、清澈的溪流和多样的野生动植物所吸引。



The Four Great Buddhist MountainsNestled within the vast and ancient landscape of China, the Four Great Buddhist Mountains stand as sacred pillarsof faith and tranquility. These mountains, each拥抱着a unique history and cultural significance, attract millionsof pilgrims and tourists alike, seeking solace, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of Buddhist philosophy.The Northern Mountain, Mount Tai,位于山东省中部, is considered the "elder brother" among the four. It is renowned for its majestic natural beauty, with towering peaks, lush forests, and crystal-clear lakes. The mountainis also a significant religious site, as it is believed to be the place where the Heavenly Emperor resides. The ascent to the summit, marked by the Temple of Heaven, is a journey of spiritual purification and reflection.The Southern Mountain, Mount Putuo,坐落在浙江省舟山市,is renowned as the "Island of Buddha's Light". This sacred island is associated with观音菩萨, the Bodhisattva of Mercy, and is a popular pilgrimage destination for those seeking her blessings. The serene beaches, crystal-clearwaters, and lush vegetation add to the island's enchanting allure.The Eastern Mountain, Mount Wutai,位于山西省东北部, is renowned for its five peaks, each representing a different aspect of Buddhist teaching. This mountain is also famousfor its unique geological formations and rich biodiversity. The ancient temples and monasteries scattered throughoutthe mountainside offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Buddhism in China.The Western Mountain, Mount Emei,位于四川省峨眉山市境内, is known as the "Queen of the Mountains". It is revered as the home of the Buddha of Compassion and is associated with the female bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha. The mountain's lush greenery, majestic peaks, and serene temples create anideal setting for spiritual pursuits and meditative practices.Each of these mountains offers a unique experience, whether it is the serene beauty of Mount Putuo, themajestic grandeur of Mount Tai, the cultural richness of Mount Wutai, or the spiritual serenity of Mount Emei. These mountains are not just geographical landmarks but alsosymbols of faith, hope, and peace. They stand as testaments to the enduring power of Buddhism in Chinese culture and as beacons of light for seekers of truth and enlightenment.Visiting these mountains is not just a journey of discovery but also a journey of self-transformation. Each step one takes up the mountain is a step towards inner peace and tranquility. The serene landscapes, ancient temples, and powerful energy of these mountains have the ability to touch the deepest corners of one's soul and inspire a sense of awe and reverence.In conclusion, the Four Great Buddhist Mountains of China are not just natural wonders but also sacred temples of the Buddhist faith. They are destinations that offer solace, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of Buddhist philosophy. Visiting these mountains is a journey that will leave one transformed, enlightened, and forever changed.**四大佛教名山**在中国辽阔而古老的土地上,四大佛教名山如同信仰与宁静的神圣支柱,屹立不倒。





2017年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题库请将下面这段话翻译成英文:峨眉山(Mout Emei)是中国最的四大佛教名山之一,壮丽而优雅。



不过,峨眉山配有缆车(cable car),可以带你到山顶。




参考翻译:Mout Emei is one of the four most famous BuddhistMountains in China, boasting magnificenceandclegance. The lofty peaks are beautifully decoratedwith green wooded areas. Besides its beauty, it is sohuge that climbing is difficult, especially for theweak. However, the mountain is equipped with cable cars to carry you to the top of themountain. Seeing sunrise over the clouds on the top of the mountain is a wonderful experience.Mout Emei is also famous for its abundant animal and plant resources. Many rare andendangered animal and plant species can be seen there.1.峨眉山不仅美丽,而且高大,爬上山是件很困难的事,尤其是对身体不好的人来说:其中“不仅”可以理解为“除…外还有”,故可译为besides。



英语导游考试必备(免费)佛教英语佛教英语佛寺建筑基本架构山门 The Front Gate天王殿The Hall of Deva Kings / The Hall of the Heavenly Kings大雄宝殿 The Hall of Mahavira / The Main Shrine Hall藏经阁 The Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion毗卢阁 The Pilu Pavilion接引殿 The Hall of Guidance圆通殿 The Hall of Universal Understanding观音殿 The Hall of Avalokitesvara Buddhisatva罗汉堂 The Hall of Arhan祖师殿 The Hall of Patriarch伽蓝殿 The Hall of Samgha-arama方丈室: Abbot courtyard斋堂 Monastic Dinning Hall客堂 Monastic Reception天王殿 Hall of the heavenly kings弥勒佛 Maitreya --- laughing Biddha was once incarnated as a begger monk with a purse.四大天王 Four deva-kings, the protectors of Buddhism四大天王 (four Buddhist guardians){南方增长天王 (Virudhaka)、东方持国天王(Dhrtarastra)、北方多闻天王(Dharada)、西方广目天王(Virupaksa)Heaven of the Four Kings 四天王 *护国天王*白色Dhritarastra : Heavenly King upholding his Country of the eastern deva增长天王*青色Vidradhaka: Heavenly King of Increase and Growth of the southern deva广目天王 *红色Virapaksa: Heavenly King of the Broad Eyes of the western deva多闻天王 *绿色 Vaisramana: Heavenly King of Learning of the northern deva韦驮菩萨Skanda Bodhisattva Vitasoka/Vigatasoka, the protector of Buddhism杵 pestle子孙庙:十方庙:大雄宝殿: The Hall of Mahavira The Main Shrine Hall佛堂: shrine佛祖: Buddhist patriarch迦叶: Kasyapa 阿难: Anada佛像 Buddha statue三世佛 Buddhas of Three Periods/ Times燃灯佛Dīpankara Buddha of the past(非迦叶佛Kasyapa Buddha)Burning Lamp Buddha == He was the Buddha that bestowed a prediction of Buddhahood on Shakyamuni Buddha. He was the one who gave Shakyamuni a name, saying "In thefuture, you will become a Buddha named Shakyamuni."释迦牟尼佛Sakyamuni Buddha of the present /Siddhattha Gotama弥勒佛 Maitreya BuddhaMaitrya Buddha of the future三方佛 the trinity of Buddhas阿弥陀佛 Amitabha Buddha of the Western Pure Land释迦牟尼佛 Sakyamuni Buddha /Gautama Buddha of the Saha Land药师佛Bhaisajya Buddha /medicine Buddha of the eastern realm of Vaidūryanirbhāsa, or "Pure Lapis Lazuli". Bhaisajyaguru Sanskrit word, the Buddha of Medicine, who quells all diseases and lengthens life. His is the Buddha in the Pure Land of the Paradise of the East.三身佛 Triple body of Buddha毗庐舍那佛Vairocana Buddha Mahavairocana 法身(body of essence)卢舍那佛 Locana Buddha 报身(body of communal bliss)释迦牟尼佛Shakyamuni Buddha /Gautama Buddha 应身(body of transformation)菩萨 BuddhisattvaTrinity of the Buddha of Pure Land观世音菩萨 Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva ---the goddess of mercy 大势智菩萨 Mahasthamaprapta BuddhisattvaTrinity of Guatama Buddha普贤菩萨Samantabhadra --- Bodhisattva of Universal Benevolence文殊菩萨 Manjusri --- Bodhisattva of Wisdom: with sutra in his hand.地藏菩萨 Ksitigahba BuddhisattvaFour Great Bodhisattva == 四大菩萨They represent the four major characters of Bodhisattva:1.Manjusri - Universal Great Wisdom Bodhisattva2.Samantabhadra - Universal Worthy Great Conduct Bodhisattva3.Ksitigarbha - Earth Treasury King Great Vow Bodhisattva4.Avalokitesvara - Guan Shr Yin Great Compassion BodhisattvaTrinity of the Buddha of Healing日光、月光菩萨 Suryaprabha and Candraprabha.善财童子 Sudhana三摩地 samadhi罗汉 Arhan / Arhats西方三圣:Amitaba Buddha Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva Mahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva涅槃 Parinirvana or the final deathless state abandoning the earthly body达摩 Budhidharma摩腾 Kasyapa Matanga竺法兰 Gobharana/DharmaraksaAlmsgiving == 布施塔: pagoda清凉台: the cool and clear terrace中轴线: central axis泥塑: clay-molded statue汉语系佛教 Chinese Language Buddhism藏语系佛教 Tibetan Language Buddhism巴利语系佛教 Pali Language Buddhism大乘佛教 Mahayana Buddhism小乘 Hinayana上座部佛教 Theravada Buddhism金刚乘/密宗 Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism)佛经 Sutra经、律、论 Sutras, Vinaya, Sastra大藏经 Tripitaka Sutra三宝(佛、法、僧) Triratna (Buddha, Dharma,Sangha) “三宝”加被May “Triratna”bless法师 Master/Venerable长老 Thero/Venerable大长老 Mahathero/ Most Venerable方丈/主持 Abbot佛教宗派 Buddhist School佛教仪式: Buddhist Ceremony/Buddhist Service for和平祈祷法会 Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace礼佛 pay respect for Buddha颂经 Sutra Chanting香炉 Incense burner上香 To offer incense to Buddha因果 Cause and effect成道/成佛 To obtain the Buddha-hood觉悟 To get enlightenment三皈五戒 The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, go to the Dharma for refuge, go to the angha for refuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexual misconduct,no lying,no intoxicant)诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教“To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is the doctrine of all Buddhas”做功德 T o make contribution to普渡终生 To save all living beings from sufferings四谛 Four noble truths八正道 Eight noble paths善哉 Sadhu (good or excellent)佛教寺院 Monastery/Buddhist Temple四大名山: Four holy mountainsof Chinese Buddhism五台山Wutai Mountain is the Holy Place of Manjusri Buddhisattva峨嵋山Ermei Mountain is the Holy Place of Mahasthama Buddhisattva九华山Jiuhua Mountain is the holy place of Ksitigarbha Buddhisattva普陀山Putuo Mountain is the holy place of AvalokitesvaraBuddhisattvaavatamsaka sutra 华严flower adornment sutra 华严经From the perspective of the Buddhist sutras, it relates with “Saddharmapu ndarika-sutra” and belongs to the early form of the religion. 从佛教的经典上看,与《法华经》有关,属《法华经》的早期信仰形态 ;Contemplation == 观想Abstract contemplation. There are four levels through which the mind frees itself from all subjects and objective hindrances and reaches a state of absolute indifference and annihilation of thought, perception, and will. See also Meditation.佛学院 Buddhist College僧伽 Sangha僧、尼(比丘、比丘尼) monk、nun /Bhiksu, Bhiksuni方丈/主持 Abbot首座 Chief monk监院/当家 Monastic Manger侍者 Assistant中国佛教协会 The Buddhist Association of China中国佛学院 The Buddhist Academy of China会长 President副会长 Vice President秘书长 Secretary General副秘书长 Deputy Secretary General任持自性、轨生物解 retaining its own nature,such that it can be recognized正觉 enlightenment 等觉或遍觉 erfect enlightenment圆觉或无上觉 supreme or paramount enlingtenment一切众生,皆有佛性,有佛性者,皆得成佛All living beings have Buddha-nature ,everyone with the Buddha-nuture may attain Buddhahood.缘起 dependent origination八正道 the Noble Eightfold Path不变的“我”,恒常的我。



组长:杜宇飞组员:马天默,梁倩敏峨眉山Sunrise 日出Clouds sea 云海Buddhist lights 佛光Sacred lamps 圣灯enjoyable natural scenery 赏心悦目的自然风光extensive Buddhist culture 佛教文化精深abundant range of species 物种丰富unique landform 地形独特Kingdom of Plants 植物王国Geological Museum 地理博物馆Animals' Paradise 动物天堂Buddhist Celestial Mountain 佛教仙山Massive statue of Samantabhadra at the summit of Mount Emei 峨眉山顶的普贤大佛Baoguosi, a Buddhist temple 报国寺,佛寺Wanfo Top 万佛顶Wannian Temple 万年寺Fuhu temple 伏虎寺Qingyin Pavilion 清音阁Xianfeng Temple 仙峰寺Jiulao Cave 九老洞Golden Summit 金顶be included in the UNESCO world heritage list 联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Beauty Under Heaven 秀甲天下Buddhism 佛教Samantabhadra 普贤菩萨Natural museum 自然博物馆3,000 specimens of plants and 2,000 types of animalThe reign of Ming Emperor Wanli 万历统治时期bronze青铜Sunny Clouds over Loufeng Peak罗峰晴云Evening Bells at Shenji Monastery圣积晚种Clear Sound under Twin Bridges双桥清音Morning Rain at Hongchun洪椿晓雨Elephant Pond in Moonlight象池月夜Autumn Breeze over Baishui Monastery白水秋风Nine Sages’ Residence九老仙府Overhanging Greenery at Linyan Rock灵岩叠翠Snow World at Daping Monastery大坪霁雪Sunrise, Cloud Sea, Buddha's Halo, and Holy Lamps日出、云海、佛光、圣灯Golden Summit 金顶The mountain stretches out for 23km from south to north 山体从南到北长达23公里presents itself with a rich a diversity of miraculous scenes 呈现出多种多样的丰富神奇的景观sweeping cliffs, high reaching peaks, gurgling springs, towering ancient trees and sweet scented flowers 重峦叠嶂、涧深谷幽、水声潺潺、古木参天、奇花铺径峨眉山,又称“大光明山”,位于中国四川省西南部的峨眉山市境内。

旅游英语 佛教

旅游英语 佛教

9.菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物, 何处惹尘埃。
10.我不入地狱谁, 谁入地狱。 表现佛菩萨的慈悲,对地狱中受煎熬的 灵魂不离不弃,希望能帮助他们脱离苦 海。
The development and influence of Buddhism in China
On the whole, Buddhism has fully connected with Chinese traditional culture and formed Chinese Buddhism with Chinese characteristics since it was spread to China. It deeply affects Chinese culture and other fields. At the same time, Buddhism is spread overseas, especially after China started the reform and opening policies.
The spread of Buddhism
1. Northern Buddhism(北传佛教):
Ancient India
Japan Vietnam
2.Southern Buddhism(南传佛教):
Sri Lanka Burma
Ancient India
Thailand Laos Cambodia Yunnan of China
. Under the support and help from Chinese government and other countries, the development of Chinese Buddhism is prosperous. We can say Chinese Buddhism derived from the ancient India , developed in China and affected all the world.



介绍九华山的英语作文带翻译导语:九华山古称陵阳山、九子山,为“中国佛教四大名山”之一,下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!mount jiuhuait was a fine day in may. i took a bus to mount jiuhua. as the hus was passing half way through the mountain i saw a sea of green trees and bamboos. the trees were standing straight pointing upright to the sky. white louds floated in the blue air.the bus zigzagged to the cable station. i got on the cahle car and soon i was in the air. the mountains and pavillions were underneath. then we came to the foot often king peak the highest among all peaks. the short cut ia steep and more difficult to climb. only the brave few took the path. following the guide i began climbing on all fours. it was a test of physique as well as courage.our guide kept reminding ua of keeping away from looking at the scenes while climbing. the narrow steps in the mountain led ushigher and higher to the summit. stopping to take my breath i saw the candle like stones and the isolated pine against the sky above the mountain.the climbing continued and i could not but think of the labouring people who braved the trail for us to follow. what wonderful work! at last we got to the summit. the squirrels were jumping in welcome. steam was rising up from the mountain below. standing above and looking down everything was in sight beneath me. it was magnificent and enlightening.【参考译文】那是五月的一个晴天,我乘车去九华山。

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Location: At the northeast corner of Wutai County, Shanxi Province. Area: 2837 square kilometers "Roof of northern China”-----standing at 3058 meters above sea level biggest attractions:76 temples, ranking first in China “A treasure trove of art” Mount Wutai is the only Chinese mountain mentioned in Buddhist scriptures.
Which is the most worshiped sacred place? What is the Mount Emei known for?
Bye Bye
For more information please scan this
Section 2
Buddhist Temples & the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains
1 Mount Wutai
2 Mount Jiuhua
3 Mount Putuo
4 Mount Emei
Buddhist Temples
1 Pagodas(塔) 2 Temple 3 Grottos(石窟)
Known for : stiff cliffs, highrising peaks, roaring waterfalls, gurgling springs, towering ancient trees, fragrant flowers
The Four Mount Emei:
“the Golden Summit Sunrise” “Sea of Clouds” “Buddha’s Hola” “Holy Lamp”
Location: half way up the mountainTurned into a museum(more than 1,000pieces of precious historic relics)
1 Mount Wutai 2 Mount Jiuhua 3 Mount Putuo 4 Mount Emei
1 Mount Wutai 2 Mount Jiuhua 3 Mount Putuo 4 Mount Emei
A sacred place of Buddhism &
an ideal summer resort
* Location: One of the Zhoushan Islands in eastern Zhejiang Province * Area: 12.5 km²
Foguanian Buddhism”677 square meterswas
built in Tang Dynasty“four wonders in one hall”
The Big White Pagoda
the symbol
of the Wutai Mountain.
Wannian Temple,
the Sea”
1 Mount Wutai 2 Mount Jiuhua 3 Mount Putuo 4 Mount Emei
Puji Temple(the principal twmple)
Built in: Tang Dynasty(more than 200 halls)The largest of its kind in Southeast ChinaThe five-storied quadrangular: Duobao Pagoda(Yuan Dynasty)
1 Mount Wutai
2 Mount Jiuhua 3 Mount Putuo 4 Mount Emei
Nanchan Temple
houses 17 painted figurines the earliest wooden structure preserved todayouter appearance looks simpleconcise structure
* Main peak: the Peak of Buddhist Top (297m above sea level)
Historical sites & precious culture
Numerous temples and nunneries(尼
relics:Baoguo Temple, Fohu Temple, 姑庵), called a “Buddhist Kingdom on
Location: in the southwest of Emei Country, Sichuan Province
Area: more than 200 km from south to north
Its main peak, Wanfo Top (3,099m above sea level)
1 Mount Wutai 2 Mount Jiuhua 3 Mount Putuo 4 Mount Emei
T*Hhueahcihgheensgt peak: the Fifth Peak, 1431 meters above sea level Temple *Baisuigong Temple *Zhiyuan Temple *Ganlu Temple
Chinese Buddhist architecture:
Section 2
Buddhist Temples & the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains
1 Mount Wutai 3 Mount Putuo
2 Mount Jiuhua 4 Mount Emei
1 Mount Wutai 2 Mount Jiuhua 3 Mount Putuo 4 Mount Emei
Question time
Which is the only Chinese mount that metioned in Buddhism scriptures? What is the theory of buddhism? What is your own explanation of Buddhism?
Fayu Temple
Built in: Ming DynastyThe second temple on the mountain
Huiji Temple
Yueling Temple
Built in: Ming Dynasty(four halls, seven palaces, six attics)Location: on the top of Putuo MountainThe third largest on the mountain
1 Mount Wutai 2 Mount Jiuhua 3 Mount Putuo 4 Mount Emei
Location: southwest of Qingyang County in the south of An Hui Province. Area:120 square kilometers Number:There are 99 peaks and 18 scenic spots in Mount Jiuhua. “the most worshiped sacred place”and “the first mountain in Southeast China”