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Entrance English Examination for PhD Program Candidates (2014) B卷


Part 1 Use of English ( 20%)

Section A Vocabulary and Structure (10%, 每题0.5分)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that

best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on

Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. The French and the Americans have a very different relationship to money,

______ and ostentation.

A) optimum

B) opulence

C) obnoxious

D) obfuscate


【解析】句意:法国人和美国人对金钱,财富和炫耀之间的关系的看法非常不同。opulence 财富;富裕。optimum最适条件;最适度。obnoxious可憎的,讨厌的。obfuscate使暗淡;使模糊。只有opulence与money,ostentation表达同类概念,因此答案选B。

2. One of the first ______ of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the chestnut industry: smoke tends to drive out the insect that, by pollinating chestnut tree, allow chestnuts to develop.

A) casualties

B) reformers

C) critics

D) beneficiaries


【解析】句意:在亚马逊雨林中减少燃烧的第一个受益者是栗树工业:烟往往会赶走昆虫,通过给栗树授粉,可以让栗子树生长。beneficiary收益者。casualty受害者。reformer 改革者。critic批评家。根据句意可知答案选D。

3. Their minds and bodies work faster than most ______ races, making them seem restless or hyperactive.

A) clever

B) brave

C) sapient

D) smart


【解析】句意:他们的思想和身体比大多数智慧的种族都要运转得快,使他们看起来焦躁不安或极度活跃。sapient睿智的,聪慧,智人的。clever机智,机灵(临时反应)。smart 通常指小孩聪明伶俐,比较口语化。选项C更符合句意表达,因此答案选C。

4. In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that the risks of harm have in many cases been ______.

A) exaggerated

B) ignored

C) derided

D) scrutinized



5. It eliminates the complicated ______, do not have to spend time around friends, you just need to sit at home and can easily be completed.

A) appointment

B) itinerary

C) engagement

D) date




6. However, the villagers did not ______ them the best out of things to entertain us in the most sincere smile to greet the arrival of us.

A) jealous

B) stingy

C) begrudge

D) reluctant



7. Paleontologists’ assumptions about the equable nature of the climate on th e primeval island of Pangaea are ______ computer simulations indicating that the island's temperatures tended to fluctuate during the course of a year.

A) confirmed by

B) undermined by

C) bolstered by

D) challenged by


